But similar packs, with Ivermectin and all, are also being distributed in Mexico, so Yuri is spot on. I'd add that we have been conducting human sacrifice, all ages. We have abandoned covid infected adults to possible unnecessary death, by making early treatment largely unavailable, when safe, effective remedies for such early therapy could have been available for all. Maybe half a million unnecessary deaths. And then there are the vaccines... So many sacrificed to some mendacious, evil plan.
What i find heartbreaking is going to the local mall. I stand by the car in the parking lot and watch. they go in and out by the hundreds. all masked.
Some masked from way across the other side of the lot. some masked from there, all the time inside, and then all the way out back to their car.
Don't know. Don't want to know. Won't be told. Won't look. Won't listen.
No matter what the future holds I'll never get the truth of that picture out of my mind. That's who they are. That's what they are. My fellow citizens.
I normally say something to mask wearers as they're the odd ones out around here these days. Today I said to a woman that she'd get Hypoxia if she kept wearing a mask (outdoors 27ºC/81ºF). Her rejoinder to me about 10 metres further up the footpath was "get fucked" which I continue to enjoy hours later.
Anyway the people that would have been called third world, are doing great, whereas all the rich countries made their rich people richer. And the poor poorer and sicker.
You gotta' wonder at the Eugenics freaks in BigPharma et al., if they are actually engaged in a plan to reduce population, they're snuffing all their obedient own. So their targeted world will be S. Americans, Africans, Chinese and Russians? And the rebellious at home?? Sounds like a weird plan to me.
I'm still skeptical that there is truly anything more evil afoot than runaway corporate greed and abuse of government powers. Still, it's a fact, so far as I know, that the mRNA "vaccines" are most heavily used in the wealthier nations, what was once called the First World. There may not be an intentional plan to kill off people, but guess who is going to suffer the brunt of vaccine related deaths and chronic injuries?
Agree…but were the Mayans in El Salvador? I’ve lived in Southern Mexico & Guatemala and have passed through El Salvador on my way down to Costa Rica. The Salvadoreños didn’t seem so
Indigenous looking as the people in Southern Mexico & Guatemala.
Yes the USA is now classed as a third world country run by utter incompetent people. A big congratulations to Joe Biden and his medical stooges, Tony and Deborah💕
They were already in their leadership positions at the CDC and NIAI before Covid hit. Fauci is the highest paid federal employee. Trump was using people appointed years to decades before he came to power.
And your point is that because they had been killing people and mismanaging those organizations for decades that it was okay for Trump not to balance the Covid Task Force with other more qualified voices? Fauci and Birx were bureaucrats that never adduced any scientific rationales for their imperious dictates. There were MANY more qualified people (Drs. Ioannidis, Kulldorff, Gupta, Bhatacharya, etc.) who argued strenuously as early as March 2020 that draconian mitigation measures like lockdowns and masking were unsupported by 100 years of public health doctrine. Trump let Fauci and Birx openly defy his preferred policy of getting America back to work while protecting the vulnerable. Instead, he let them push economy-destroying lockdowns. You really should read RFK's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and Scott Atlas' book "A Plague on Our House."
Trump delivered his fate into the perfidious hands of two uber-backstabbing bureaucrats.
The same Scott Atlas who Trump brought into balance the bureaucrats? The guy the media hammered into submission? The media sealed our fate, as instructed, hoping to be eaten last.
Trump did not bring on Atlas until late August 2020. Trump's advisors were afraid of Birx and Fauci, so they left Atlas to piss into the wind while the bureaucracy leaked and undermined him. A pathetic episode, all in all.
Lawrence, I agree with you. As a Trump supporter I would frequently scream into the TV “Fire the bastard/bitch”. It was killing’ me. Why he kept them on is unbelievable - and may be his downfall.
No, I do think he took too long to recognize how incompetent they would become. It was these bureaucrats who pushed the vaccines and molded the entire strategy for the pandemic while Trump jabbered and Tweeted his own random thoughts. It would be my hope that , if Trump had prevailed in the election, he would have replaced the old guard with people like those you mention. Trump was flying by the seat of his pants (as he usually does) and in this arena, he was failing; but, in the beginning, it would seem logical to bring on the established "experts" in government to lead the our way through the pandemic. Hindsight is great, however.
None of the above is hindsight. I read the seminal Ioannidis STAT article in late March 2020. I sent it to the White House, my senators and congressmen:
Not just that but early treatment advocates had already published data in March and April 2020. Ignorance can not be claimed by MDs either. Or the so called authorities.
I didn’t forget at all. While I am NOT a democrat, I recognize the origin of this. Some I can attribute to ignorance on DTs and Pence’s end, not all, not remotely all of it. They have a deep complicity also.
The entire first world response to the “medical farce” has been geared towards wealth extraction not health enhancement.
It is spiritually nauseating to realize our health care institutions (hospitals) have been turned into modern day liquidation factories for the elderly and infirm.
For Profit.
If you are not absolutely convinced of this horrifically obvious truth, spend 15 minutes researching the testing that was done on remdesivir years before our current plight.
Our .gov agencies, charged with protecting the health and well-being of their citizens have been captured and turned against the people.
This is an uncomfortable truth to confront, but confronted it must be. The physical evidence of this malfeasance, excess deaths, youth suicides, unexplained illnesses, and the wholesale liquidation of our elderly population cannot be unseen. Only willfully ignored.
Not “largely” the entirety of the worlds .govs have moved in absolute lockstep with these measures. It surpasses statistical probability that this is anything other than a coordinated response.
Not quite. This is anti-Western, anti-white policy, not global. Third world countries are allowed to skip the vax, take cheap meds that work and invade the West.
YYR, no disagree with your point. However, if they are not it’s because those poor third worlders have no assets to extract (see original post above). The entire global world economy is deep into the “creative destruction of capital”
With perhaps very rare exceptions, virtually all of those poor third world countries, at least those not totally hostile to the West, are bought and paid for by some combination of overt foreign aid, covert intelligence money and other resources, multinational corporate interests, "non-government organizations" that are, if truth be told, basically tax-free money laundering for the aforementioned entities. When nations began to restrict HCQ as early as January 2020 when some new virus had scarcely become known, much less a declared problem, you can assume "the fix is in."
Not just the West. Asian countries are going for much of this. Japan has not sent covid patients to nursing homes but are all in for the vaccines. Note mandated but all in none the less. Masks and all the other nonsense. I hear from friends in other Asian countries that it is much the same or worse.
No. They are studying it and at least one doctor is reported to be using it and countless individuals are trying it just as in the States, but it has NOT been approved for use against Covid. These past two weeks I have received several emails from employers about scheduling the 3rd shot, they do not even bother calling them boosters, for students and employees. Last night’s Japan Times reports that the Pfizer shot has been approved for children and they will roll out the vaccination program for kids 5 and up in March.
Today they will announce the most recent “lockdown Light (TM)” for omicron, our 5th for what is now the 6th wave of Covid. We are going out to dinner at one of our local resturants tonight as he was forced to remain closed 11 months last year and off and on again through out 2020.
Do not believe what you are hearing about Japan. I have lived here for over 20 years and have long been appalled by the inaccuracies in news coverage on Japan in overseas media.
Funny - going on vacay in the near future, and have already assembled my "health pack," which includes everything on the left (plus a couple more things) and none on the right.
Me too. I have the entire FLCCC I-MASK early treatment on hand as it's too late to try and track things down once the whole family is sick.
As to the I-word we have the paste which by coincidence I took many years ago for a case of scabies and it worked beautifully without any harm. Back then my doctor wouldn't prescribe it because it wasn't yet "approved" for scabies despite solid anecdotal evidence and a proven safety record. (Same cowardice, different day.) The promo for it says, "has an apple flavor horses love". I take it horses have deranged taste buds as that stuff really is awful.
No, horse's tastebuds are not deranged. I prepare to do battle getting it into mine. Specially my morgan mare, who has lifted me off the ground, where I hung from one arm wrapped around her nose, the other hand hanging onto the syringe. 1st time I ever tried to deworm her, I ended up shooting the entire tube out the side of her mouth onto the wall! 😆
Could you spread the paste on a food shit loves and get her to take it that way? I hid a pill in peanut butter spread on an apple for my doggo's heart deworming med once.
The only food she loves more than grass is senior feed, which in her system is more like rocket fuel than food!
What I do now is put long lead over her nose, trick her into lowering her head a bit & stand on the lead. From the lowered position she can't get the leverage she needs to pick me up.
I thought that was funny too! I managed to get some of the tablet "I-word" for people. Looking at the dosing chart, it's enough to cover me and hubby both if we should come down with the C.
It's absolutely INSANE that a government like ours can come between us and our doctor, and NOBODY CARES!!!!
I have the protocol and the paste. Just got over Omicron..Was barely sick for a day and a half. I started taking some vits etc beforehand as a family member brought it home. Have the IVM paste, that's all I could get. Totally fine. Everything worked. First line of defence is colloidal silver nasal spray or bit of povidine iodine mixed with sterile water in nasal cavity and mouth wash. Spit out. Stops viral replication. I have the protocol on the only post I have on my newsletter! 😂
A sweet woman I know emailed me to share the link to order the home tests. I wrote back that I have no need for the tests nor do I want to line the pockets of some Pharma exec. I felt a little bad being rude to her but I’m done with pretenses.
I'm from El Salvador and this is true. Many of my family members got the Ro and received these packs. Also, El Salvador is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't require vax NOR a negative test to enter! Its hard to believe that this dangerous, near-dictator of a president is on the right side of things on covid. Take that first world!!!
I’m LOL because I just saw the email notification for this article and came to post a comment asking where whether this was real or sarcasm, but you’ve already answered my question! And your comment was right near the top as maybe the 2nd most recent post when I logged on. Thank you! 👍
What is your observation as to how effective the contents of these packs are in treating the Ro? Many here in the US in whom I have placed my confidence speak out very strongly on simple early treatment protocols like, well, pretty much everything in those packs! It would be great to get unfiltered feedback from someone like you who is actually right there to make first-hand observations in a country that is emphasizing this approach.
And in general, how are things going in El Salvador?
"Also, El Salvador is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't require vax NOR a negative test to enter!"
Wow, a place where leaders have two brain cells to rub together. At least on this topic. Sorry to hear of the general demeanor of your president. That’s good info to have the way things are headed here in the USA. How’s the cost of living for someone who likes to live simply? I’m not ready to book a one-way cruise there yet, but I’m not being sarcastic either.
Lastly, I understand where you are coming from with the "Take that first world!!!" statement because the general attitude of most people in ‘first world’ countries is that of arrogance and disdain toward ‘third world’ countries. Please be assured that not all people in ‘first world’ countries think that way. I, for one, do not, and there is a growing number of others like me. There’s a quote by the musical artist Sting near the entrance to the rain forest exhibit at a zoo in our region that really resonates with me. This may not be the exact quote, but it captures the idea, and is also attributed to Sting:
"If you really want to define civilization it should be a culture that doesn't destroy its environment. If you burn down the kitchen one day and expect to eat the next, it is not even intelligent, let alone civilized."
Your Covid response in El Salvador appears to be yet another example of a culture that is superior to ours in many ways.
Read mercola.com. The other side calls him the chief of all misinformation MDs. I like him even better every day. He has very thorough articles and is here on substack too.
Laura j, I’m not speaking to you until you ‘❤️‘ my inaugural comment on this Substack, in which I give you kudos in front of the whole world for pointing this way. 🙂
Laura j, thanks for the ‘❤️‘ on my comment below, but my ‘gato malo’ insists that I’m not allowed to speak to you until you ‘like’ my comment on the ‘Mass formation and Delusion’ article. I think it’s because she’s mentioned in it…🐱. So I’ll even make it easy and give you the link AGAIN: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/mass-formation-and-delusion/comments my purple-ribbon profile pic is easy to spot as you scroll down through the comments! 🙂
See, the problem with ❤️ ing your comments is that I followed you between the stacks just like a little 🐶 puppy. Silly me. I am TRYING rocketman, trying soooo hard to become an el Gato Malo , ie ungovernable. I was so conditioned by my wonderful Godly parents many decades ago to follow the rules and laws, which is biblical, but so many of the c19 rules violate what I believe God has said to me. So my inner little claws have started to emerge. Resist.
No worries, Laura j. I couldn’t care less about ❤️‘s on comments. I just wanted you to know how grateful I was for your suggesting this Substack and I guess I did it in a silly, backwards way that sort of flopped. I certainly didn’t mean to offend you in any way. It was you that suggested boriquagato, right? 😬
Officially the United States is psychologically unable and unwilling to admit their mistakes. Even if it kills tens of thousands more people. That demonstrates how they really feel about citizens.
Are you talking about their involvement in Vietnam? Iraq? Iran? Korea? Latin America? Philippines? Indonesia? Afghanistan? Just not sure which stone you’re turning over.
Remember that the Viet Nam War, so called by Americans, was one phase of a longer term project. This latter commenced almost immediately after The Good War and was a great pincers movement against SE Asia. The victors of WW2 were going to make the region safe for the goal set forth first in Isaiah 66:22-24 by Semitic supremacists, and they partly suceeded. Comparable success was achieved in Korea, and Japan is, of course, totally in the bag thanks to a misguided rebellion against "Western" civilization.
Uttar Pradesh did, it was similar to what's here but included an antibiotic, thermometer and pulse oximite, and all for under $4 per pack. Uttar Pradesh has about the same population as the US but is very poor and crowded. The state next to them banned Ivermectin. You can guess who crushed COVID.
We are performing child sacrifice while the Aztecs are performing science, full circle.
Aztecs were Mexican... El Salvador would be the Mayans
But similar packs, with Ivermectin and all, are also being distributed in Mexico, so Yuri is spot on. I'd add that we have been conducting human sacrifice, all ages. We have abandoned covid infected adults to possible unnecessary death, by making early treatment largely unavailable, when safe, effective remedies for such early therapy could have been available for all. Maybe half a million unnecessary deaths. And then there are the vaccines... So many sacrificed to some mendacious, evil plan.
Crimes Against Humanity
Fortunately, "humanity" is just a social construct, so no one was really harmed!
It's really so heartbreaking...
What i find heartbreaking is going to the local mall. I stand by the car in the parking lot and watch. they go in and out by the hundreds. all masked.
Some masked from way across the other side of the lot. some masked from there, all the time inside, and then all the way out back to their car.
Don't know. Don't want to know. Won't be told. Won't look. Won't listen.
No matter what the future holds I'll never get the truth of that picture out of my mind. That's who they are. That's what they are. My fellow citizens.
I also notice these sheeple walk looking at their feet.
I normally say something to mask wearers as they're the odd ones out around here these days. Today I said to a woman that she'd get Hypoxia if she kept wearing a mask (outdoors 27ºC/81ºF). Her rejoinder to me about 10 metres further up the footpath was "get fucked" which I continue to enjoy hours later.
It's been going on for longer than 2 years. The West has been doing it since at least Jenner. It's just been ramped up recently.
Anyway the people that would have been called third world, are doing great, whereas all the rich countries made their rich people richer. And the poor poorer and sicker.
You gotta' wonder at the Eugenics freaks in BigPharma et al., if they are actually engaged in a plan to reduce population, they're snuffing all their obedient own. So their targeted world will be S. Americans, Africans, Chinese and Russians? And the rebellious at home?? Sounds like a weird plan to me.
I'm still skeptical that there is truly anything more evil afoot than runaway corporate greed and abuse of government powers. Still, it's a fact, so far as I know, that the mRNA "vaccines" are most heavily used in the wealthier nations, what was once called the First World. There may not be an intentional plan to kill off people, but guess who is going to suffer the brunt of vaccine related deaths and chronic injuries?
I’ve pondered this very conundrum myself. Only guess is there are plans for dealing with the rebellious types. Shrug.
but we get the idea.
Agree…but were the Mayans in El Salvador? I’ve lived in Southern Mexico & Guatemala and have passed through El Salvador on my way down to Costa Rica. The Salvadoreños didn’t seem so
Indigenous looking as the people in Southern Mexico & Guatemala.
yes, current El Salvador is generally considered part of what was the Mayan territory. See Tazumal. Nonetheless, Aztecs is way off haha
Oh yes! I have visited the Aztec sites and the Mayan sites (Yucatán) in Mexico!
Well put!
What works against Covid?
superb yuri.
Myans. The Aztecs were further north. Argument holds.
Good comment!!!!
Quite frankly, I don't want the government sending me anything.
Same. In fact, I’d rather they not even know where to find me.
" You're God damn right "
(digging a hole in the back yard with a clap door just in case)
Amen to that!
You are right. But I also know El Salvador doesn't make you take the pack nor ingest it.
this is the key and i'll bet you that this makes people want to take it more than if they were forced
while i totally agree with this, if the gvt must send me something, i'd much rather it be this than anything else, you gotta admit that
They could send me back all my fucking money and leave me alone.
i fully support this too
They should send every American citizen an ar 15, hunting rifle, handgun, combat knife, and plenty of ammunition.
That's what the "stimulus" checks were for, duh
I wouldn't stop drug cartels bringing these kits up to el Norte.
But they will be sending you some special items real soon! 😉😜
Yeah, gun collectors :(
Same. Unless it is a tax refund.
Early treatment cuts into profit margins
Early effective treatment. Ineffective treatment gets rid of the surplus population.
Yes the USA is now classed as a third world country run by utter incompetent people. A big congratulations to Joe Biden and his medical stooges, Tony and Deborah💕
Nah, our guys seem pretty good at their goal, which appears to be destroy America and pillage the public treasury before fleeing to their Masters.
Didn’t some world leader say “Once we squeeze everything we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Its name escapes me.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Really? Does Trump know Bibi said that? They were so friendly.
We'd all like to forget that it was Trump who elevated Tony and Deb to run America's Covid response into the ground--under the wing of Mike Pence.
They were already in their leadership positions at the CDC and NIAI before Covid hit. Fauci is the highest paid federal employee. Trump was using people appointed years to decades before he came to power.
And your point is that because they had been killing people and mismanaging those organizations for decades that it was okay for Trump not to balance the Covid Task Force with other more qualified voices? Fauci and Birx were bureaucrats that never adduced any scientific rationales for their imperious dictates. There were MANY more qualified people (Drs. Ioannidis, Kulldorff, Gupta, Bhatacharya, etc.) who argued strenuously as early as March 2020 that draconian mitigation measures like lockdowns and masking were unsupported by 100 years of public health doctrine. Trump let Fauci and Birx openly defy his preferred policy of getting America back to work while protecting the vulnerable. Instead, he let them push economy-destroying lockdowns. You really should read RFK's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and Scott Atlas' book "A Plague on Our House."
Trump delivered his fate into the perfidious hands of two uber-backstabbing bureaucrats.
The same Scott Atlas who Trump brought into balance the bureaucrats? The guy the media hammered into submission? The media sealed our fate, as instructed, hoping to be eaten last.
Trump did not bring on Atlas until late August 2020. Trump's advisors were afraid of Birx and Fauci, so they left Atlas to piss into the wind while the bureaucracy leaked and undermined him. A pathetic episode, all in all.
you haven't read Atlas' book have you
I can't resist the obvious pun. Did Atlas shrug? 🙂 Just a Rand-om thought there, perhaps...
I've not read the other books, but second the recommendal for "The Real Anthony Fauci."
Lawrence, I agree with you. As a Trump supporter I would frequently scream into the TV “Fire the bastard/bitch”. It was killing’ me. Why he kept them on is unbelievable - and may be his downfall.
No, I do think he took too long to recognize how incompetent they would become. It was these bureaucrats who pushed the vaccines and molded the entire strategy for the pandemic while Trump jabbered and Tweeted his own random thoughts. It would be my hope that , if Trump had prevailed in the election, he would have replaced the old guard with people like those you mention. Trump was flying by the seat of his pants (as he usually does) and in this arena, he was failing; but, in the beginning, it would seem logical to bring on the established "experts" in government to lead the our way through the pandemic. Hindsight is great, however.
None of the above is hindsight. I read the seminal Ioannidis STAT article in late March 2020. I sent it to the White House, my senators and congressmen:
It was all knowable early on. We let Fauci, Birx, and the idiot media stampede the masses:
Not just that but early treatment advocates had already published data in March and April 2020. Ignorance can not be claimed by MDs either. Or the so called authorities.
How stupid everyone was to ignore your input.
Wow that was early! Ioannidis was asking all the right questions.
I didn’t forget at all. While I am NOT a democrat, I recognize the origin of this. Some I can attribute to ignorance on DTs and Pence’s end, not all, not remotely all of it. They have a deep complicity also.
All of whom should have been imprisoned FOR LIFE a long time ago.
Don’t forget Rachel!
The entire first world response to the “medical farce” has been geared towards wealth extraction not health enhancement.
It is spiritually nauseating to realize our health care institutions (hospitals) have been turned into modern day liquidation factories for the elderly and infirm.
For Profit.
If you are not absolutely convinced of this horrifically obvious truth, spend 15 minutes researching the testing that was done on remdesivir years before our current plight.
Our .gov agencies, charged with protecting the health and well-being of their citizens have been captured and turned against the people.
This is an uncomfortable truth to confront, but confronted it must be. The physical evidence of this malfeasance, excess deaths, youth suicides, unexplained illnesses, and the wholesale liquidation of our elderly population cannot be unseen. Only willfully ignored.
Well, there’s been an effort towards health extraction too, if you think about it.
AND, it is largely, a worldwide problem.
Not “largely” the entirety of the worlds .govs have moved in absolute lockstep with these measures. It surpasses statistical probability that this is anything other than a coordinated response.
Not quite. This is anti-Western, anti-white policy, not global. Third world countries are allowed to skip the vax, take cheap meds that work and invade the West.
YYR, no disagree with your point. However, if they are not it’s because those poor third worlders have no assets to extract (see original post above). The entire global world economy is deep into the “creative destruction of capital”
With perhaps very rare exceptions, virtually all of those poor third world countries, at least those not totally hostile to the West, are bought and paid for by some combination of overt foreign aid, covert intelligence money and other resources, multinational corporate interests, "non-government organizations" that are, if truth be told, basically tax-free money laundering for the aforementioned entities. When nations began to restrict HCQ as early as January 2020 when some new virus had scarcely become known, much less a declared problem, you can assume "the fix is in."
A lot of Asian countries are doing much the same as the West is.
The ungovernable cultures aren't good genetic fodder for the 500 million.
Not just the West. Asian countries are going for much of this. Japan has not sent covid patients to nursing homes but are all in for the vaccines. Note mandated but all in none the less. Masks and all the other nonsense. I hear from friends in other Asian countries that it is much the same or worse.
Hasn't Japan approved and utilized ivermectin?
No. They are studying it and at least one doctor is reported to be using it and countless individuals are trying it just as in the States, but it has NOT been approved for use against Covid. These past two weeks I have received several emails from employers about scheduling the 3rd shot, they do not even bother calling them boosters, for students and employees. Last night’s Japan Times reports that the Pfizer shot has been approved for children and they will roll out the vaccination program for kids 5 and up in March.
Today they will announce the most recent “lockdown Light (TM)” for omicron, our 5th for what is now the 6th wave of Covid. We are going out to dinner at one of our local resturants tonight as he was forced to remain closed 11 months last year and off and on again through out 2020.
Do not believe what you are hearing about Japan. I have lived here for over 20 years and have long been appalled by the inaccuracies in news coverage on Japan in overseas media.
Another thing the 3rd World Countries have going for themselves!
A couple of countries did not go all in to this nonsense, otherwise, yes, you are correct. And yes, a coordinated response.
Funny - going on vacay in the near future, and have already assembled my "health pack," which includes everything on the left (plus a couple more things) and none on the right.
Me too. I have the entire FLCCC I-MASK early treatment on hand as it's too late to try and track things down once the whole family is sick.
As to the I-word we have the paste which by coincidence I took many years ago for a case of scabies and it worked beautifully without any harm. Back then my doctor wouldn't prescribe it because it wasn't yet "approved" for scabies despite solid anecdotal evidence and a proven safety record. (Same cowardice, different day.) The promo for it says, "has an apple flavor horses love". I take it horses have deranged taste buds as that stuff really is awful.
No, horse's tastebuds are not deranged. I prepare to do battle getting it into mine. Specially my morgan mare, who has lifted me off the ground, where I hung from one arm wrapped around her nose, the other hand hanging onto the syringe. 1st time I ever tried to deworm her, I ended up shooting the entire tube out the side of her mouth onto the wall! 😆
😂 Guess the company needs to work on a better flavor!
Oh Mary thank you for this. The image in my head had me cracking up! Plus, I adore horses.
Could you spread the paste on a food shit loves and get her to take it that way? I hid a pill in peanut butter spread on an apple for my doggo's heart deworming med once.
The only food she loves more than grass is senior feed, which in her system is more like rocket fuel than food!
What I do now is put long lead over her nose, trick her into lowering her head a bit & stand on the lead. From the lowered position she can't get the leverage she needs to pick me up.
Ahh okay. I feel like being a pet owner ups your creativity level, surpassed only by (involved) parenthood.
😂😂 about horse taste buds!
I thought that was funny too! I managed to get some of the tablet "I-word" for people. Looking at the dosing chart, it's enough to cover me and hubby both if we should come down with the C.
It's absolutely INSANE that a government like ours can come between us and our doctor, and NOBODY CARES!!!!
I have the protocol and the paste. Just got over Omicron..Was barely sick for a day and a half. I started taking some vits etc beforehand as a family member brought it home. Have the IVM paste, that's all I could get. Totally fine. Everything worked. First line of defence is colloidal silver nasal spray or bit of povidine iodine mixed with sterile water in nasal cavity and mouth wash. Spit out. Stops viral replication. I have the protocol on the only post I have on my newsletter! 😂
A sweet woman I know emailed me to share the link to order the home tests. I wrote back that I have no need for the tests nor do I want to line the pockets of some Pharma exec. I felt a little bad being rude to her but I’m done with pretenses.
If I get tests, I'm gonna break them in public...yes, I'm drama KING
Burn them and post the video.
I dig your style. Youtube gave me death penalty long ago... but maybe daughter would let me put on hers??
(She's a sheep, sad to say)
Join Rumble!
I'll do it!
Not dramatic. It’s CALLED for and time.
I told the person who sent me the link I plan to sell on Ebay to buy gas for my car! LOL In commiefornia, gas is about $4.79/gal. LGB!
My primary care doc just sent out an email that we can now get free in home tests! 😉😜
How sweet of them, /sarc
I'm from El Salvador and this is true. Many of my family members got the Ro and received these packs. Also, El Salvador is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't require vax NOR a negative test to enter! Its hard to believe that this dangerous, near-dictator of a president is on the right side of things on covid. Take that first world!!!
I’m LOL because I just saw the email notification for this article and came to post a comment asking where whether this was real or sarcasm, but you’ve already answered my question! And your comment was right near the top as maybe the 2nd most recent post when I logged on. Thank you! 👍
What is your observation as to how effective the contents of these packs are in treating the Ro? Many here in the US in whom I have placed my confidence speak out very strongly on simple early treatment protocols like, well, pretty much everything in those packs! It would be great to get unfiltered feedback from someone like you who is actually right there to make first-hand observations in a country that is emphasizing this approach.
And in general, how are things going in El Salvador?
"Also, El Salvador is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't require vax NOR a negative test to enter!"
Wow, a place where leaders have two brain cells to rub together. At least on this topic. Sorry to hear of the general demeanor of your president. That’s good info to have the way things are headed here in the USA. How’s the cost of living for someone who likes to live simply? I’m not ready to book a one-way cruise there yet, but I’m not being sarcastic either.
Lastly, I understand where you are coming from with the "Take that first world!!!" statement because the general attitude of most people in ‘first world’ countries is that of arrogance and disdain toward ‘third world’ countries. Please be assured that not all people in ‘first world’ countries think that way. I, for one, do not, and there is a growing number of others like me. There’s a quote by the musical artist Sting near the entrance to the rain forest exhibit at a zoo in our region that really resonates with me. This may not be the exact quote, but it captures the idea, and is also attributed to Sting:
"If you really want to define civilization it should be a culture that doesn't destroy its environment. If you burn down the kitchen one day and expect to eat the next, it is not even intelligent, let alone civilized."
Your Covid response in El Salvador appears to be yet another example of a culture that is superior to ours in many ways.
Read mercola.com. The other side calls him the chief of all misinformation MDs. I like him even better every day. He has very thorough articles and is here on substack too.
Laura j, I’m not speaking to you until you ‘❤️‘ my inaugural comment on this Substack, in which I give you kudos in front of the whole world for pointing this way. 🙂
Laura j, thanks for the ‘❤️‘ on my comment below, but my ‘gato malo’ insists that I’m not allowed to speak to you until you ‘like’ my comment on the ‘Mass formation and Delusion’ article. I think it’s because she’s mentioned in it…🐱. So I’ll even make it easy and give you the link AGAIN: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/mass-formation-and-delusion/comments my purple-ribbon profile pic is easy to spot as you scroll down through the comments! 🙂
FYI, for those who may not know, the purple ribbon signifies opposition to vaccine mandates. So if there happens to be anyone else here who opposes vaccine mandates (long shot, I know 🙂), you can see the deets at https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/top-israeli-immunologist-criticizes/comment/4435919
See, the problem with ❤️ ing your comments is that I followed you between the stacks just like a little 🐶 puppy. Silly me. I am TRYING rocketman, trying soooo hard to become an el Gato Malo , ie ungovernable. I was so conditioned by my wonderful Godly parents many decades ago to follow the rules and laws, which is biblical, but so many of the c19 rules violate what I believe God has said to me. So my inner little claws have started to emerge. Resist.
No worries, Laura j. I couldn’t care less about ❤️‘s on comments. I just wanted you to know how grateful I was for your suggesting this Substack and I guess I did it in a silly, backwards way that sort of flopped. I certainly didn’t mean to offend you in any way. It was you that suggested boriquagato, right? 😬
And I want to be sure I’m understanding you. By c19 rules, do you mean thou shalt get vaxxed, thou shalt get tested, etc?
Packet B appears to come from a Third World country.
That's about what we've descended into, sadly. Freakin' joker town over here.
Officially the United States is psychologically unable and unwilling to admit their mistakes. Even if it kills tens of thousands more people. That demonstrates how they really feel about citizens.
Are you talking about their involvement in Vietnam? Iraq? Iran? Korea? Latin America? Philippines? Indonesia? Afghanistan? Just not sure which stone you’re turning over.
Remember that the Viet Nam War, so called by Americans, was one phase of a longer term project. This latter commenced almost immediately after The Good War and was a great pincers movement against SE Asia. The victors of WW2 were going to make the region safe for the goal set forth first in Isaiah 66:22-24 by Semitic supremacists, and they partly suceeded. Comparable success was achieved in Korea, and Japan is, of course, totally in the bag thanks to a misguided rebellion against "Western" civilization.
The difference between a country that wants to TAKE CARE of it’s people and one that wants to MUFFLE AND SCARE.
India provides these packs as well.
Uttar Pradesh did, it was similar to what's here but included an antibiotic, thermometer and pulse oximite, and all for under $4 per pack. Uttar Pradesh has about the same population as the US but is very poor and crowded. The state next to them banned Ivermectin. You can guess who crushed COVID.
Everyone I talk to has or wants what’s on the left, except they’re unable to get the ivermectin. Big Pharma profits over safety.
I've used All Day Chemist for over a decade without issue.