A sweet woman I know emailed me to share the link to order the home tests. I wrote back that I have no need for the tests nor do I want to line the pockets of some Pharma exec. I felt a little bad being rude to her but I’m done with pretenses.
A sweet woman I know emailed me to share the link to order the home tests. I wrote back that I have no need for the tests nor do I want to line the pockets of some Pharma exec. I felt a little bad being rude to her but I’m done with pretenses.
A sweet woman I know emailed me to share the link to order the home tests. I wrote back that I have no need for the tests nor do I want to line the pockets of some Pharma exec. I felt a little bad being rude to her but I’m done with pretenses.
If I get tests, I'm gonna break them in public...yes, I'm drama KING
Burn them and post the video.
I dig your style. Youtube gave me death penalty long ago... but maybe daughter would let me put on hers??
(She's a sheep, sad to say)
Join Rumble!
I'll do it!
Not dramatic. It’s CALLED for and time.
I told the person who sent me the link I plan to sell on Ebay to buy gas for my car! LOL In commiefornia, gas is about $4.79/gal. LGB!
My primary care doc just sent out an email that we can now get free in home tests! 😉😜
How sweet of them, /sarc