All these countries freely dispensing poisonous horse paste to their citizens are going to generate lots of data.
Pfizer should start suing or murdering them before results get out, otherwise people could logically make statements like "the draconian withholding of ivermectin from covid patients cost hundreds of thousands of lives."
All these countries freely dispensing poisonous horse paste to their citizens are going to generate lots of data.
Pfizer should start suing or murdering them before results get out, otherwise people could logically make statements like "the draconian withholding of ivermectin from covid patients cost hundreds of thousands of lives."
You mean they were trucked out of jail in the middle or the night while two guards slept using broken video cameras for pillows and retired to Israel after some poor stiff was murdered and left in their bunk?
All these countries freely dispensing poisonous horse paste to their citizens are going to generate lots of data.
Pfizer should start suing or murdering them before results get out, otherwise people could logically make statements like "the draconian withholding of ivermectin from covid patients cost hundreds of thousands of lives."
5 leaders have been epsteined
You mean they were trucked out of jail in the middle or the night while two guards slept using broken video cameras for pillows and retired to Israel after some poor stiff was murdered and left in their bunk?
You know more...
I know that they were leaders of 4 African countries and a Caribbean one got dead... they all bucked the NWO. Heroic
I defer to you on details....