Agree…but were the Mayans in El Salvador? I’ve lived in Southern Mexico & Guatemala and have passed through El Salvador on my way down to Costa Rica. The Salvadoreños didn’t seem so
Indigenous looking as the people in Southern Mexico & Guatemala.
Agree…but were the Mayans in El Salvador? I’ve lived in Southern Mexico & Guatemala and have passed through El Salvador on my way down to Costa Rica. The Salvadoreños didn’t seem so
Indigenous looking as the people in Southern Mexico & Guatemala.
Agree…but were the Mayans in El Salvador? I’ve lived in Southern Mexico & Guatemala and have passed through El Salvador on my way down to Costa Rica. The Salvadoreños didn’t seem so
Indigenous looking as the people in Southern Mexico & Guatemala.
yes, current El Salvador is generally considered part of what was the Mayan territory. See Tazumal. Nonetheless, Aztecs is way off haha
Oh yes! I have visited the Aztec sites and the Mayan sites (Yucatán) in Mexico!