What i find heartbreaking is going to the local mall. I stand by the car in the parking lot and watch. they go in and out by the hundreds. all masked.
Some masked from way across the other side of the lot. some masked from there, all the time inside, and then all the way out back to their car.
Don't know. Don't want to know. Won't be told. Won't look. Won't listen.
No matter what the future holds I'll never get the truth of that picture out of my mind. That's who they are. That's what they are. My fellow citizens.
I normally say something to mask wearers as they're the odd ones out around here these days. Today I said to a woman that she'd get Hypoxia if she kept wearing a mask (outdoors 27┬║C/81┬║F). Her rejoinder to me about 10 metres further up the footpath was "get fucked" which I continue to enjoy hours later.
It's really so heartbreaking...
What i find heartbreaking is going to the local mall. I stand by the car in the parking lot and watch. they go in and out by the hundreds. all masked.
Some masked from way across the other side of the lot. some masked from there, all the time inside, and then all the way out back to their car.
Don't know. Don't want to know. Won't be told. Won't look. Won't listen.
No matter what the future holds I'll never get the truth of that picture out of my mind. That's who they are. That's what they are. My fellow citizens.
I also notice these sheeple walk looking at their feet.
I normally say something to mask wearers as they're the odd ones out around here these days. Today I said to a woman that she'd get Hypoxia if she kept wearing a mask (outdoors 27┬║C/81┬║F). Her rejoinder to me about 10 metres further up the footpath was "get fucked" which I continue to enjoy hours later.
It's been going on for longer than 2 years. The West has been doing it since at least Jenner. It's just been ramped up recently.