Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

I like to make fun of politicians for sticking their head in the sand and pretending this isn’t happening, but then I always catch myself doing the exact same thing when I read articles like this because it’s so overwhelming and scares the crap out of me.

Democracies always fail and they fail when the public realizes it can vote goodies for itself. And then after the collapse comes tyranny. It’s exactly what happened in Germany and Venezuela and there’s no reason why it won’t happen here. The vast majority of people who vote have no idea how any of this works and they think all government money is free… so they vote for people who put that into practice, whether they know it themselves or not. Our politicians are either stupid or cynical, but neither will avoid the collapse.

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"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

Seems like Thomas Jefferson was on to something.

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Bring on true austerity. Like no funding for anything other than true critical need (national security and public safety). We need the Bobs from Office Space to come in and ask every government employee (politicians included) what they really do on a typical day...

I think our biggest problem has been zero accountability. When money gets appropriated, there is no inspection on how that money is spent. Every business practices this, or they fail and go bankrupt. We are refusing to allow the government to go bankrupt, which is just enabling the problem.

We allow the same circus barkers to populate our halls of governance. Then when we vote in someone new, we delude ourselves to think it will be better, but in reality it is another circus barker in a different suit. As Gato's First Law states, these hijackers of wealth will continue to come for the public kitty, until we vote in somebody who stands on true principles of freedom. But, unfortunately, our system may be too far gone for that...

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Any politician, which is about 90% of both parties, who is talking business as usual is willing to sell you out to keep their protected status in Washington D. C. You know they have their taxpayer provided safe havens stocked with the necessities, and many non-necessities, to weather the oncoming storm in style. We are spending a third more than we can afford. All of a sudden, both parties in Washington have agreed that $6 Trillion is the minimum they can get by with. If we are to avoid disaster, hard choices are going to have to be made and people will feel pain. Some suggestions: Ukraine, you are now on your own. We'll pressure Russia to help you get a decent deal, but we are a bankrupt nation and we can no longer provide aid to you to prolong your war. China: if you want to take Taiwan, just weigh this in your decision making: How much is your economy dependent on exports to the U. S? This next line needs to turn into a leaflet campaign in Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, etc. To all of the Biden "migrants". We cannot afford you. There will be no shelters, food, medicine, or schools for you. Go back home now. Head on down to the Greyhound station where you will be given a ticket to the Southern Border, or to the nearest port where you will be given a steerage class ticket to your home continent. Federal Workers: all of you will be given a 10% pay cut next year. If you work in a seemingly worthless Cabinet Department, better get ready for a 20% pay cut. If your job is based on DEI, get ready for a 100% pay cut. Congress: your pay is hereby cut in half, your retirement system has been nationalized, and you are now on Social Security and Medicare for your retirement. All Federal Departments will take at a minimum 10% across the board budget cuts from their current spending levels. All monies appropriated in prior fiscal years and not spent will be frozen. To everyone hoping to make a bundle off of the Green New Deal: that gravy train has dried up. If you had any sense, go into oil and gas exploration. If you are under 65 and receiving a government check, better plan on a 20% cut at minimum. And if you have your eyesight and all 4 limbs, be prepared to be put to work. If you are receiving any government money and are not a green card holder or a U. S. citizen, expect a 100% cut. If you are over 65 and have over a couple million in assets, expect a 25% cut in social security and a 50% increase in your Medicare premiums. If you have over $10 million in assets, expect steeper cuts. If you are just over 65, expect a 10% cut to your Social Security and no COLA's for the next 5 years. What am I leaving out?

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Good fiscal policy gets you public goods everyone can enjoy, this was people raiding the treasury before the country burned down

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I know the government is broke and playing with inflationary fire, but... this government also hates my people (straight white males), has declared its own citizens the enemy, and has essentially begun waging war against us. From the response to 9/11 to COVID, we've got decades of catastrophic criminal fraud by our own government against the American people, with zero accountability for any of it, and none of that will change as long as this regime is in control. Hyperinflation will be terrible for all, but if it bankrupts the criminal cartel occupying our government, then it's probably analogous to chemotherapy for a cancer patient: the cure is awful, but the disease is even more deadly.

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So, for thise who have any, what do we do with our life savings? Where do we stash it? I’ve been searching for answers and always come up empty as in the same hollow answers. Scary stuff.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

The precipitating crisis for the French Revolution was the problem of state finances. However, this is hardly the first time such problems have happened and there are tried and true 'solutions.' One is a forced exchange rate swap to a new currency. They'll just say everyone has to turn in all dollars for digital iBucks by a certain date at a certain exchange rate. Then they'll pay off dollar debt holders with old dollars they collected in the exchange. People will rush to do it since the value of the dollar will be falling so quickly.

One of the first paper currencies was in China under the Mongol Yuan dynasty. They told people to exchange silver for it and then absconded with all the silver. That's what is going on here. The connected elites bought up hard assets like real estate for several years. Then they pull a currency swap, leaving everyone with new trackable money while they own everything. They can implement various caps or curbs for people deemed to have too much if they like, but it won't really be necessary to worry about for the new digital currency.

The new currency will stop inflation simply by programmed purchase limits. After your egg allotment for the month, each additional egg costs 1000x more. That has always been the goal of climate change and overpopulation rhetoric: digital central planning down the the individual consumer level with all the concommitant expansion of power for governments.

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they're not kicking cans, they're executing plans.

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It is an inescapable death spiral. This is a debt-ridden, multi-cultural, dysgenic, idiocracy. The Normalcy Bias keeps us from seeing reality. The United States and its empire are cooked. We need to resist and build anew. It is time for new nations.

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Given that people don't change, I would imagine we are heading for the big crack up. All we can do is prepare as best we can.

I notice that all the most effective and motivated young entrepreneurs, or even middle-aged ones like me, are in consumer markets. The government has made it so terrifying and cost-prohibitive to make long-term capital investments that few are tempted to risk everything on production-end moonshots when it can all be destroyed or seized on a whim. Gretchen Whitmer just became the latest government to declare her state the future home of third-world income economic disparities through destroying the energy grid and blighting the landscape.

Look at our marketplace. The big money is in entertainment, medicine, and get-rich-from-home content. None of those build a future of prosperity. Two are consumption and one is damage-control.

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it astonishes me now, how well i lived in my 20s as a mere hs graduate working crappy jobs as a secretary to morons and earning in a year what i pay for two months' rent now. seven percent interest on my modest little savings account, and i ate out, went to the movies, saw zero mostel live in the theatre, and traveled to europe every summer for several years in a row. it's true i borrowed the money for that. paid it off every year before it was time for the next trip.

and i ate a lot of brie. haven't tasted that in years.

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When the money is fake, the rest of the economy is doomed to follow. Unfortunately, our looter class is busy stealing everything they can before the house of cards tumbles down and the rest of us are stuck with the bill.

This is why the founders said only gold and silver shall be money -- not to maximize GDP, but to prevent the bankers and politicians from literally printing the wealth out from under us.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Bitcoin fixes this.

Get a copy of "The Bitcoin Standard" and read it!

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Democracy has failed the test for the last 5,000 years. Supposedly it is a system tempered by majority rule. As long as there are governments, the minority will terrorize the majority.

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Y'all could have voted for Ron Paul... but ya didn't.

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