It’s only anecdotal, but, from speaking to a healthcare professional concerned ab vaxx injuries, the baseline presumption is to dismiss any connection to the point of absolute negation of consideration. At best, the docs in charge are so petrified of the disease and so wedded to the vaxx as the only salvation that they are functionally incapacitated from objectivity at any level. The emotionally-paralyzed are in charge where the rubber meets the road, and they are being fueled by the financially-interested.

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It might just be the ones I knew, but a couple of scientists of my acquaintance (physicists, mainly) considered doctors to be little more than witch doctors and certainly not "real scientists" like themselves. I used to scoff but the behavior of the medical profession during this hysteria is certainly proving my former classmates right.

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Agreed. I have my master's in physiology. I chose not to attend med school because it seemed sort of like canned learning.

Somehow even my 20 year old self knew that most (not all!) healthcare professionals are basically smart people that decided to memorize & regurgitate what they are told rather than apply their considerable intellect to critical thinking. I believe it's a combination of selecting for individuals willing to do that, and then an intensive brainwashing while in med school (and beyond).

I have incredible respect for the curious docs - for example, the Malcolm Kendricks of the world, and there are thankfully many others. But they have had to swim upstream!

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I have several MD's in my close circle of friends and acquaintances. They are intelligent people. And I really believe that they sincerely want to help their patients. They are not being at all objective where these injections are concerned, though. I don't think that it's about money. I think they are looking at the injections as vaccines in the way they have been understood in the past and discounting the risks involved in experimental therapies that have never been used in a grand scale like this.

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I think also that a lot of "smart" people just find it inconceivable that "all the other smart people" that they are trusting could be wrong. If you ever have a serious argument with the pro-vax team (hard to do) they ultimately have to fall back on trust in authorities, "How can all these people be wrong?!?!?" they say. "Are you saying there's a CONSPIRACY and they're ALL IN ON IT??"

They haven't really thought about it, that "all" of these people are just trusting the "authorities" at a higher level than themselves -- no one has done any independent research. (How could they, anyway?) They are trusting that "somebody" (not sure who) would "find out" if somebody was lying or fudging numbers. It's hard for them to believe that, literally, nobody is at the wheel, here.

All the way up the chain. Ultimately, they are trusting the Pharma researchers (they wouldn't knowingly harm people just to make money, would they?) and then they are trusting the FDA, CDC (they wouldn't let Pharma get away with murder, would they??!?) and that's it. If Pharma lies to the FDA, and the FDA (the safety net) doesn't care, then there is no safety net for the safety net.

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These are all excellent points.

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I think this is a large part of it, especially in the beginning. At first, panic drove the response. Prime Ministers Boris Johnson and Abe at first adopted nonintrusive, for lack of a better word, approaches to deal with Covid. Panicked “experts” threw out the contingency plans and convinced them to implement different degrees of self harm to stop the virus. I suspect that now many know that they made bad choices and that many others have suffered greatly because of them.

They are now in CYA mode. What they now fear more than anything else is enough people understanding the degree of their misjudgments and the degree of the damage they have done. They can never own up to what their panicked induced decisions have wrought.

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CYA mode is a very dangerous place for us citizens! I figure world leaders were told it's a lab-leak: "oopsie!" and "millions could die, but don't tell the public too much, but do scare them, but too too much," and thus began the panic, the lies, and the conflicting information.

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I have wondered that too. Given the mass toilet paper buying not sure they succeeded in not scaring too much.

The UK PM was certainly scared by something. One official in the UK said that they panicked and should never have shutdown and not again. That was a long time ago now. Think they did lock down afterward though.

So much more I want to write on this, following from your earlier remark on the smart people unquestioningly accepting what they got from their peers as accurate, but no time now.

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💯!! Well said, VeryVer.

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The following cartoon illustrates the limitations of critical inquiry. [Disclaimer: don't be alarmed by the log-in page; the cartoon linked is suitable for all ages. But you browse the rest of the web site at your own risk! 🤡]


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Lol. Yep.

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Mine too but they need to wake the fu** up and now. WE have no time for their denial, ignorance or wishy washy bobbleheadedness.

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A lot of hardware engineers I know feel the same way. I had one colleague say that he considered doctors to be technicians, whereas engineers are creators (he had a bit of an ego). But if doctors are either unwilling or unable to objectively study the data put before them, then they are not even good technicians, let alone scientists.

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The orthopedic surgeon who put my ACL back together said this about Primary Care Physicians: "oh, the short witch doctor. He's better than the tall one. The tall guy thinks the earth is flat."

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I kiss your surgeons feet!

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They’re more like drug pushers. They look for a diagnosis that justifies a prescription for the drugs that are available, the more expensive the drug, the better.

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WE are holistic creatures but all we get if we are lucky is a 15 minute appointment with little to no history taking and lucky if you have a doc actually physically examine or palpate you which sometimes can produce an incidental finding. Their only interest is the one thing of concern to them and they have NO education on nutrition and supplements which is vital at any time, and especially right now. Where is Patch Adams when you need him?

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That’s been my experience lately.

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mine too until I found a functional doc. Her first exam with me was 2 hours.

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Try to tell a med professional that masks can not help against viruses outside clinical settings. THEY are DOCTORS, what could one who is certified in the use of respirators possibly know about masks and respirators? Try to provide them materials written by engineers explaining why masks can not work against viruses. “Garbage!” “I’m a medical doctor.” Not all, mind you, but far too many. Many nurses too, though it seems like there may be more in this profession willing to consider what engineers have to say on the issue of masks than doctors.

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I'm an engineer who works with toxic substances and I undergo yearly spirometry testing. Most of my colleagues, who also wear respirators and undergo the same testing, BELIEVE cloth masks are saving humanity. I feel like I've been locked inside a madhouse

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I do not doubt you are telling the truth, but how can that be? They KNOW better. Seriously, what IS going here? Is it a virus, one of those parasites that turn animals, usually insects, into zombies? Alien invasion? Not that I believe it is any of those but something is causing educated professionals to abandon their protocols, education and experience. WTFO?

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The only explanation I can think of is a strong fear of death. I personally don't fear death and think it's a bit of a waste of energy to worry about the very concept of my life ending. That's not to say that I don't have a list of ways I'd prefer NOT to go but go I must. As we all do.

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Even before reading what I provide a link to here, https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-covid-testimony-of-dr-peter-mccullough-part-4-malfeasance-and-abusing-mother-nature/ , I thought this might be a part of it but perhaps not all of it. After reading this, it seems like that may be the lions share of it. I know there is fear but of what or of whom. Perhaps it is nothing other than that they are scared to empty bowels over dying from Covid.

My question know is who benefits from medical professionals around the world being too scared to treat a treatable disease?

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Yup. Though I would assume the population of nurses who would be open to said discussion with engineers can sharply and confidently be split into "TikTok Dancing" and "non-TikTok Dancing".

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Can confirm. From a deciy non tik tok dancing RN here.

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I was suspect so.

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I suspect so. Where did the “was” come from?

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Not sure if you're replying on your phone but I am (LG K40) and occasionally my keyboard will fritz and add a word while I'm still swiping. It's annoying but luckily not a regular occurrence.

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I would trust a shaman or witch doctor now more than anyone that the AMA has to offer.

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I definitely trust shamans more.

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See my post in this thread. Absolutely rigid position by most hospital staff. They just aren’t going there. The heroes of this will be the ones who do. And heroes by definition are rare & few

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What IS going on? This is truly a worldwide problem. I live in Japan and it is much the same here. You would not believe the “Risk Management” policies in place. Not just for companies and schools but also medical staff, medical students and their teachers. At least there is a cultural element behind it here. A company CEO I know told me yesterday that he believes that many believe as I do and that the mask wearing at least is bunk. When I asked why then everyone wears them he replied, “Japanese fear being in a minority.” Okay, so that goes a long way to explain much of the mindless adherence to stupid covid countermeasures in Japan, how about elsewhere in the world?

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This is obviously much more than a Japanese phenomenon. Observe the basically high school level of clique and mob dynamics at play in the US. Lots has been written about virtue signaling, but in the end it's essentially all about conforming with the crowd--1) avoiding being singled out and 2) reinforcing their sense of superiority, moral or otherwise. Pathetic behavior for adults.

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Agree but when in the world did everyone turn Japanese? Japanese behavior in Japan does not surprise me, but so many Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Europeans etc too?

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Apparently it is a far more "human" impulse than we imagined, and it manifests itself in different ways in different cultures. I am shocked at how readily Americans adopted -- and still CHAMPION -- mask wearing when it has no benefit. It made some sense when we didn't know much about the disease, but not much even then. Now? That people are still shrill about -- and I've seen this happen -- people taking a cloth mask out of their back pockets and putting it on AS IF THAT IS USEFUL FOR ANYTHING truly amazes me.

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In college I was obsessed with what happened in Germany. Took classes, seminars on that time period. I still never really understood the mentality of the "Volk." I totally get it now. I guess it's true that if you live long enough, everything comes back around again.

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When learning about the Holocaust in Jr. High, we had to watch a movie called “The Wave” which was based upon an experiment conducted in a school in California. It showed just how easy it can be do create such a society out of even the most free. Have been watching it for real this past year and a half. Not much time left to stop this.

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I have been telling my students here for decades that wearing masks is not going to protect them from them flu. They laugh and many get sick anyway and they still laugh at the suggestion that they do not work. Not surprised at the adoption of them here against Covid. But I too am shocked at how Americans have all become “experts” overnight in masks and demand that all wear them. Fear is powerful.

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Good question. 60 years of insidious secularist-leftist indoctrination in schools? Lots of people have drawn the parallels between Leftism and its cult-like behaviors and 'sacraments' being a quasi-religion. I don't profess to know. All I know is that many otherwise smart, well-adjusted people I know have succumbed. I cannot even talk to them anymore about anything even semi-political.

In the antiwar novel Catch-22, early in the book there is a character named Clevenger who is constantly arguing with the protagonist, Yossarian. Yossarian believes that every body is out to kill him (Germans and allies alike). Clevenger says that Yossarian is crazy. Early on, a chapter in the book begins with the line, "The basic flaw in Clevenger's argument was that he was dead." I'm tired of presenting evidence and arguing with my friends and acquaintances. I have decided that I will wait for undeniable reality to make my arguments for me. Unfortunately, many of them may be dead.

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They very well may be. We are at war. But it is war that is unrecognizable to past iterations of the process. It makes for totally clueless victims.

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Yep. So many who know better just will not even consider that other evidence could even exist. If it comes from any source other than their trusted information providers, they will discount it without reading it and you for trying to provide them with it.

As everything is now political, what can you talk about with these people?

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"Lots of people have drawn the parallels between Leftism and its cult-like behaviors and 'sacraments' being a quasi-religion. I don't profess to know."


Have a look at this:


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I had been the most disappointed with Commonwealth countries. I think their complying comes from the fact that they never had to distrust their govt. institutions, and the reason why many ex-Eastern Europeans in these countries have been the ones sounding the alarm. It's also the fact that these well developed first world nations has had its population indoctrinated in schools to "respect" these same institutions. Compare compliance in "well respected" Latin American nations like Chile, compared to Peru. Though Peru was "shut down" for officially +100 Days, the +70% informality levels made the Govt. unable to push for a second lockdown.

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They have but not in recent memory. The Aussies with the misuse of their ANZAC forces and Canadian Mounties burning barns in Quebec for imperfect examples. But still, your point is valid, especially the part on being taught to respect the is governments.

US education used to teach distrust of government, the whole reason for the US to exist was that the previous government abused the rights of its citizens. I was taught this to some degree in the 70’s and 80’s but to a far less degree than my parents were.

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Glad I live in a freer part of a red State. Around here the regulations are to the extent of the ivermectin-containing "horse dewormer" being "one per customer" at the local feed store 😛 That said, I appreciate the seriousness of the issues, especially those who have or face restrictions on their freedom if unvaxxed.

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Human beings, despite their antiauthoritarian front, wish to be part of a group and not go against the majority. Their antiauthoritarian front is part of their being part of the group, but when push comes to shove, they're the ones that would've reported Anne Frank and bragged about it on social media for likes.

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I believe and fear you are correct.

Well over a years ago when the shelves at the super market were empty, my parents mad a trip to a nearby town for produce sold by a local farmer. It being lunch time, the ordered a pizza for curbside pick up and went to the local park to eat it. Two police cars quickly arrived and told them they could not eat there as the park was closed due to Covid. How did the police know my parents where at the park. I believe that someone living near the park was watching for anyone to use the park for any reason and called the police as soon as they noticed my parents there. Not the USA I grew up in.

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During Covid lockdowns down here, we had neighbors reporting neighbors for birthday parties. The biggest case turned a police raid of a club into a stampede tragedy. 13 people lost their lives.

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I am not optimistic about the future. Where are you ?

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South America. I think the +80% informality is playing in our favor. Our govt. can't even issue new IDs for the ones that expired in 2020. They won't be able to set up any sort of new system.

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tis true, anyone I have spoken with says the gene therapy has nothing to do adverse effects, there must have been something else going on in that person. egads, how stupid can you be???

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And evil, they are bring fueled by evil. Don't forget evil.

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LOL! Not buying it! I pay a medical professional NOT to be paralyzed and petrified when there is a medical problem. I’m looking for someone that says “what area of the city has the most cases? Take me there” like the great man who solved the (Typhoid?) epidemic in London. These frozen-hearted “professionals” are failing through cowardice, primarily. They are willing to be mediocre puppets of the machine who are pulling levers delivering shocks to innocent victims in the next room in a sick Milgrom exercise. Disgusting!

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The easy way to know which "experts" to listen to is "Are they doing early treatment?". If not then they are worthless as doctors and humans. 6 weeks into this gong show we had Dr Zelenko's protocol (HCQ+) and by late July 2020 Dr Borody's protocol (IVM+). Where have all these other "doctors" been?

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And yet, despite the proven protocol--or perhaps in spite of it--a physician's assistant in Washington state just had his license suspended by the state commission for trying to prescribe ivermectin for his patients claiming that "he fell below the standard of care for prescribing the drug without evidence from clinical studies that it’s effective against COVID-19." It is difficult for me to believe that the majority of docs are so truly cowed to the point that they will submit and allow their patients to die of a treatable disease.

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Don't wait until you need it to get it. I've sourced it from India & Mexico plus I had a prescription in my home country of Canada that the "College of Pharmacies" have strong armed the pharmacists into NOT filling now.

Cowards the lot of them.

We are on our own folks.

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Now you know. Wheat from chaff. In a way, we are fortunate to live during a time where we get to see who is who and what is what. The last few decades were such an exhausting masquerade.

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I have thought this but haven't dared put it into words yet. There is a blessing even during such trying times.

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I work with an Infectious Disease Control expert. Well over a year ago I asked why HE was wearing a mask in school. His eyes widened at the question. I then explained that I have been certified in the use of respirators and face masks and know what they can and can not do and…. He cut me off by putting his hand up and stating in English, he is Japanese, “It’s political.” Reverting to his native language, he explained that everyone in his filed know that the measure we are taking are useless and even counterproductive but they can not speak out. He said that in Japan it was especially hard to speak out on this. This was hurting after a pregnant woman in Australia was arrested for attempting to organize a protest against the lock down in her country so I responded that I was not so sure that Japan was unique in that regard. He was shocked to hear about this and loudly exclaimed, “That’s China!” Yep, we are all now China. A year and a half later, it even harder to argue against that statement.

I still do not understand what doctors are so afraid of. They have done immeasurable damage to their hard earned respect and trust.

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Indeed. Exactly right. 500 plus days already. What the fuck???

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Right on! So true, today's docs have to grow a pair, even if they are female!

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I think you've pegged it quite succinctly. In fairness and as a practicing skeptic, we must allow that it is hard enough to find correlations, and much more difficult to prove causation. But yes, looking in from the outside, it does seem that no efforts are being made to determine causes of death, vaxx status and so forth. There are clear motivations to cover up potentially unfavorable evidence. If & when the deaths and injuries get too much to hide, this is going to blow up in their faces all the worse. I'm probably not alone in thinking that this whole fiasco will demolish the reputation of medicine, regulatory, pharma, etc. for many decades to come.

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You are not alone in thinking this. I have had the same docs for over 11 years but bc they will not open their eyes and are mere bobbleheads for the CDC, I do not trust them and have lost all faith in them. This needs to blow up and the dominoes need to fall one by one as those complicit in all this filth come crashing down.

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One would hope.

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A friend’s husband passed away recently- a few weeks ago. Went to minor med for sinus type symptoms, tested for cv, was negative so they suggested he get the vax “you know since you are here, we can fix you up with that now”. Within days he had multiple strokes, heart attack, kidney failure & sepsis. In his 60’s, no health issues. Hospital doctors absolutely convinced her it was unrelated. Just coincidental. I’m so sickened.

My nephew 44 had a fatal stroke just days after vax. In August. He’d been diagnosed with cancer one week before. They were still assessing treatment & testing but somehow everyone thought it was a good idea to go ahead with vax, his company was paying a $500 bonus.

Neither of these are recorded as injuries

A coworkers sister died early on this year - heart attack/stroke/sepsis/positive covid- just 2 weeks post vax. The funeral director said it was a common theme he was seeing post vax.

None of these reported, anywhere.

Just evil

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A friend of mine, healthy male in his 40s with no prior health issues, developed a stroke 11d after his first shot and ultimately died from a bleed when he needed very aggressive anticoagulation to stop the clotting issues. His father-in-law died of an MI also 11d after his first vaccine. Another friend, also in her 40s, developed a venous clot in her eye after being vaccinated. Sad situations to say the least.

But I am sure they were all coincidences b/c the vaccinations are definitely safe...

More great gato data - thanks. It is not surprising, but quite stunning as presented.

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I'm sorry to hear about your friend. ❤

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Thanks. I have had one patient die of covid and one friend die from the vaccine. Not favorable odds. Feel particularly bad for his kids who lost a father and grandfather in rapid succession from the covid pandemic - except neither was killed by the illness.

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It is evil. People shy away from the word. Spiritual dimensions are so pre-"enlightenmet."

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Moral dimensions are so pre-post-modern.

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Well, morality does tend to be too relative and subjective, wears all kinds of self serving disguises and it functions like Babbles doorman or something.

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Morality, ethics, law, values etc. ARE subjective, and yet... Nietzsche was a master arguing about these, and even this master of going beyond good and evil concedes that what is "moral" tends to produce good results, while what is "immoral" tends to produce bad results. (Paraphrased).

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My dad had a blood clot after his first shot. Luckily it was in his leg and they caught it. I had already decided not the get the shots, but when that happened, my answer went from no to hayull no. He was on thinners when he got his second, and I recently told him I am very concerned if he decided to get the booster that he'd have yet another one but this time we wouldn't catch it until after the heart attack or stroke. When I tell vaxx'd people who try to push me into getting them that my dad had a blood clot, I just see their eyes go blank like they've cut off what I've just said.

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The other thing they say - if you mention myocarditis, for example - is, "does it clear up though?"

Like. WTF?

Yes, maybe, just like a COVID infection would.

They won't listen / believe you when you go on to explain that the infection has greater net benefit.

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I am sure the myocarditis was just mild. I love how they say that one as if it does not permanently damage your heart and shorten your life span.

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Most people have become speakers only, they have no microphone. Incapable of listening.

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I did not know the answer to myocarditis, and now I do...

"At five years post-diagnosis, myocardial injury, which is a clinically indistinguishable condition from myocarditis, and often discussed interchangeably and synonymously, is correlated with a 72.4% mortality rate"

I think that means that 72.4% of these diagnoses are going to be dead within 5 years.

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Speechless. Thanks. May I ask where you found this? Would like to use this in an ongoing engagement on Quora.

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Comments / discussion found under Colleen's substack article here: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/is-it-possible-to-avoid-heart-damage

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Have a good look at this, but also consider the comments below. I was so mortified when I read it and trusted the source but my confidence in its veracity is dialed back a bit now.

Regardless, heart muscle does not regenerate, and damaging it from vaccines in your teens to 30s is tantamount to a life shortening crime.


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Myocarditis does permanent damage to heart. To greater or lesser extent. Nothing trivial about it.

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One of my sisters' platelets went from a 35 year tendency to very low values to 765 after she got the JJ garbage injected. Platelets then crashed. Months later she still bruises/ hemorrhages without cause in areas like her feet. I wouldn't take any of these vaccines. Not while I'm conscious.

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"what would be incredibly useful is for health agencies to cohort the vaccinated and unvaccinated and then track both in terms of “all events” like death, hospitalization, ER, covid, etc so we could compare the two (preferably by age group and comorbidity status.)"

They used to have a word for that. Control something or other.

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anyone else a little worries that governments mistook the idea of a "control group" for being "the group in control that tells everyone what to do"?

"every study needs a control group."

"oh, ok, we'll take control!"

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I was pondering about the absolutely frenzied drive to "vaccinate" *absolutely everybody* and realised the only really logical explanation is to eliminate the control group

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Depopulation is a good fit, also.

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I’m voting for depop but there’s something else I can’t quite put my finger on. Time will tell if we survive long enough to get to it.

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Same. It's like trying to identify an ingredient leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

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I'm a largely objective, data-driven sort, but I have to say I've got a really, really bad feeling about all of this, and have for quite awhile.

The first red flag for me is when, as documented by a certain fur-bearing feline, all the governments of the formerly free world almost simultaneously threw out their plans and recommendations and did exactly what they had recommended against.

The breathless emphasis on "cases" based on unreliable PCR tests. The vast over-counting of "Covid" deaths.

And now, the desperate and almost manic drive to jab children en masse whose risk of Covid is more or less a rounding error.

Hundreds of millions of our countrymen, and billions are submitting to the largest long-term trial of an experimental drug in the history of the world, largely because they have been terrified by non-stop propaganda about an "emergency" that has been completely manufactured by the government and its media stenographers out of whole cloth.

The level of recklessness and sheer insanity of this is just incomprehensible.

Can all this possibly be just about a virus? Really?

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My line of thinking exactly. Let's just skip to the end so I know whose ass to kick.

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Thank you for this concise summary of my own concerns. This is bad, really bad. How bad? Just consider the situation if they just drop everything and said, “Okay, you can go back to your old lives now.”. Could we? I can not. Many of the businesses I used to patronize are gone. Suppliers have gone under, so many businesses trying to restart after 20 some months will have great difficulty doing so as they have to find new wholesalers. So many are terrified of normal human interaction. Others are just so out of practice that they lack the social skills needed to reintegrate. Many have been under various degrees of solitary confinement for extreme lengths of time.

That is how things are now. Only going to get worse as this continues.

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While I don't want to believe it, it could be a combo of depopulation and testing for something else that's planned down the road. The DoD publicly said flat out that they're monitoring everybody who got the shots for 2 years. So there's some reason for that. They aren't even trying to hide it:

During an interview with the Wall Street Journal published last Friday, the “captain” of Operation Warp Speed, career Big Pharma executive Moncef Slaoui, confirmed that the millions of Americans who are set to receive the project’s Covid-19 vaccine will be monitored via “incredibly precise . . . tracking systems” that will “ensure that patients each get two doses of the same vaccine and to monitor them for adverse health effects.” https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/10/reports/google-oracle-to-monitor-americans-who-get-warp-speeds-covid-19-vaccine-for-up-to-two-years/

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That article was written a year ago. Currently I see no curiosity on the part of any of these transfection pushers as to the effects of the shots, adverse in particular. No. Liabiity. They. Don’t. Care. Furthermore, the more recent trend is mix and match jabs, manufacturer unimportant. Just stick it to ‘em!

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Maybe there are a few of those sinister types here and there but I'm convinced that the vast majority are just stuck in their own rationalisations. The vaccine HAS to be the right choice for everyone otherwise it would mean that the virus isn't as terrible as they've believed for a year and half and that would mean that all the societal restrictions and all the sacrifices and all the fear and stress in their personal life was never necessary.

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And, I'm not exaggerating when I say the mere fact of calling these 'vaccines' has convinced a lot of people I know that their safety and efficacy profile is comparable to other vaccines.

Fauci, the little rat, was asked in an interview how he could be sure of the long term safety data of these injections. His answer was that adverse events from "vaccines" typically manifest in 45-60 after the injection. It's incredible he gets away with this kind of bait and switch.

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Of course this counts even more for any type of decision-maker who bears responsibility for things that were done in the name of battling the pandemic.

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I think we need to also look at previous covid infection as there seems to be longer term cardiac and neurological sequelae from infection that may result in acute events months later, so it would be helpful to have that data to really suds out what is the vaccine, what is the infection, and what may be something else.

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hard to imagine it would drive a rise that sharp and sudden when it has not done so in any past surges. we did not see this after the big 2020 covid surges.

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El gato there could be an acute big spike after dose 2, but then a slow trickle as people gradually succumb to a low level heart injury. This time period would be based on their overall heart health and generally how robust their cardiac function is so that they can compensate for longer.

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I'm with Erin. There could be cardiac arrest months later at lower levels but caused by vax injury heart damage.

These could drive all cause mortality up over time, but be incredible difficult to ever connect with the vax, even if honest scientists were looking for it.

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Does there, though? If so, where is it being noted and studied? This sort of vague statement (not from you, I mean in newspaper articles etc., where one expects proof to be demonstrated) just cloud the issue. Like alarming anecdotes about "long Covid," there seems to be little information available despite this being a world-wide pandemic with many millions of cases.

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Death Jab is doing exactly what it was designed to: maiming and murdering.

ADE Season is almost upon us.

Do NOT comply.

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My father-in-law got GBS about 10 days after his second Moderna shot. Went to the ER, so would be a neurological visit for such a chart. Once the test for stroke came back negative, they tested for GBS because (as far as I understand the story -- of course only one family member was allowed in the hospital with him, so everything we know is second- or third-hand) he'd recently had that shot and it was a known trigger. Is this listed anywhere an "official" reaction to the shot? Even we don't know. He had not been sick previously (a recent virus is the most usual cause of GBS). We've had people say "well, other shots can cause GBS too," which is true but -- so what? This is the one he HAD. He is in his 80s but was in very vigorous good heath. Weeks of hospital and rehab. Now, months later, he is still frail and underweight. THat shot may have taken years of active life from him -- this is a man who was still digging out bushes and cutting down trees! No one cares. "He didn't die of Covid, did he????" is the only thing that matters.

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so sad. medical care doesn't seem to care about quality of life or all cause mortality any more. if they ever did. they have a single-minded focus on "fixing" just one thing at a time-- to our ultimate detriment. I hope your FIL improves.

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Thank you, I appreciate it. For me, the hardest part to accept is how little anyone seems to care. Covid is all that matters.

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I know -- doctors just burn out on caring for people and you feel like just a number to them. I mean, how could they really care? They'd be heart broken every day. It's not a job I could do. They've been told that COVID is so bad that all the collateral damage is worth it. Mentally, it will be crushing if they realize it wasn't worth it, that the cure was worse than the disease.

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It’s late 1937 folks, if not early 1938, if you know what I mean. Except it’s global this time, and Uncle Sam isn’t coming to anyone’s rescue.

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This is a fantastic article. I am shocked it hasn't been censored.

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Only published 10/21, give it a few days. Download a copy for reference.

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That's the kind of reporting we are all starving for right now.

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The problem is that there are no names. There was a very long letter sent to Medical Officer of Health in BC, Bonnie Henri, by healthcare workers this month, as she didn't respond to their first. It was similar. But they also didn't sign their letter. I understand - I'm trying to not cross any lines and lose my teaching licence. But, unless those in the "know," come out in mass-numbers, those in charge of this s*%t show, will keep pushing onward.

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Baby steps

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I know, I know, but as the late, great, Tom Petty sang, "The waiting is the hardest part..."

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Well, we won't back down and we'll stand our ground!

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You can stand him up at the gates of Hell and he won't back down 😀

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very powerful article. when our docs have drank the kool aid and are now irrational, who do we turn to when we are sick? when we are forced into the hospital? This is beyond the pale...

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I have never been so distrustful of the practice of medicine in my life. Awful place to be!

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Terrifying, isn't it? Considering pinning a note to my clothes every time I leave the house that says, "no hospital; please leave me in a ditch". I'd rather be eaten by raccoons.

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LOL - funny, but not. My husband and I made a pact - no hospital should either of us get C19. We have ourselves well-armed for early treatment. If that doesn't work, remdisivir and a vent certainly won't! I'd rather pass over to the other side, from home, than from a hospital room.

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LOL! That is pretty much where I’m at also.

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One of the ways the medical staff can help, is to carefully and accurately document their findings but to make sure to NOT use terminology that can be viewed as casting blame. Possibly use a free-form note field as they are often missed by standard report queries, so comment such as 5/1 Moderna #1; 5/18 Moderna #2.

Not familiar with the documentation rules for medical staff in EMR systems but if they mirror the financial side, once it is "submitted," it's a permanent part of the record. (kinda' like here, once I hit post, all spelling errors are there for all to see.)

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The system has figured out to replicate and profit off of Dr. HODAD (hands-of-death-and-destruction) get the regulatory bodies to dictate treatment standards.

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Wow, that's a great article.

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Micro clotting. Depends on how damaged an individual's endothelium already is. Lots of prior build up from lifestyle choices and/or unfortunate genetic sequences-they go first. The rest will need to wait on the build up relative to the state of their own endothelium. The unapproved experimental jab turned the $cience faithful into speeded up ticking time bombs. But hey, no one forced them to do it, ami right?

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i regret accepting the lies and receiving the jab.

but when i did, my system was primed from months of the zelenko protocol w/ quercetin sub'ed for hcq.

also there is some observation that 81 mg asa per day is helpful to c19 recovery, may be the clotting is treated for the vaxxed with low dose asa?

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I suspect anyone that comes up with a successful (or even unsuccessful) protocol for treating the vaxxed damage will have a thriving business.

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a friend more in to herbals than i suggests chaga mushroom tea as a cleanser....

i may try it.

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unless the powers that be try to destroy them too.

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It's a given, I think. We are going to have quite the multi-faceted "underground" movement, it's already taking shape.

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Yes it is!

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zelenko rocks

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Thanks for mentioning Zelenko Protocol.

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I have a question. I'm just curious.. as a person who did vaxx, at what point you realized the bamboozle?

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somewhere around the time when the politicians began taking cdc's shaky approvals and determining to mandate the vaxx. i realized everything we knew about age and co morbidty driving bad outcomes was true and ignored since mar 2020. the killer was the rise in deaths in tx and fl, being blamed on non comliance with useless npis, when the vaxx if it were any good would have not allowed all cause deaths to rise in aug 2021.

we have been had, the response to a flu outbreajk is designed to remake society along totalitarian lines.

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Most people call it "aspirin." Not everybody knows acetylsalicylic acid 😁

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Are you being facetious? No one is being "coerced" in the sense of being kidnapped and dosed by force, or at gunpoint. But in quite a few instances, people have the "voluntary" choice to take the jab(s) or risk losing a career of many decades, or (pending) being discharged less than honorably from the military, or being refused employment, school attendance, or even to enter stores and various public spaces. In an earlier time these would have been called blatant violations of civil rights; here the only thing that has changed is that a citizen has chosen not to receive a certain type of medical treatment. In most cases, the right to accept -- or reject -- medical care is recognized as a right. Why not now?

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auschwitz guards had the same choice running the gas chambers as people offered the vax, they both could opt out and lose their jobs......

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The point is that the government is giving themselves an out for when the shit inevitably hits the fan. The goal is to get this crap into as many people as possible, come hell or high water. They know they will hit a wall eventually and they have prepared their alibi in advance. 'They never forced anyone. It was always a choice.' If you're somewhat unfamiliar on how gaslighting actually works in practice..now's your chance. Unfortunately, it often functions as an initial, integral part of a successful long term strategy. With enough time, enough attorneys, enough taxpayer dollars, enough pay-offs, etc... that alibi will be sanitized and highlighted in future history books as mercy, kindness and true justice for all people. We are getting a real look at how it's done.

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liberal totalitarian progressives....

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The lack of good data coming from the CDC especially doesn't so much seem "astonishing" to me as much as premeditated and criminal.

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The CDC lost me SOOOOO long ago. We must remember they are not a medical entity, they are a governmental bureaucracy! Then, you get it.

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It's even worse, really. The "agency" is effectively a privately owned front group for the pharma industry. They co-own a whole bunch of very profictable patents, and hand out "public private partnerships" with impunity. Started as a Rockefeller project!

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The apparently deliberately bad data collection is one of the most annoying (and frightening) things about this vaccine roll out.

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Because data has become just as politicized as science.

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After all this time, nothing astonishes me about how the health authorities are not tracking useful information. Indeed, as you have observed, assiduously avoiding gathering (certain) useful information.

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The "Übersicht aller Altersgruppen" (admission by age) chart is also telling. It's youths who appear to be driving higher admissions (presumably reflected in the cardio graph, at least).

Autoimmune etiology for cardiovascular damage is possible, but is a reach-around from the obvious toxicity of the spike protein itself. My theory is that teen males have more myocardial circulation as a portion of overall circulation (even though it's still a small portion) compared to younger and older groups, and thus are more likely to have the spike script taken up by myocardial vascular epithelial cells.

As far as neuro, there's dozens of routes to harm, certainly including autoimmune.

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The advice from Belgium to "take it easy for a week" post jab was given to youth on cycling teams instead of the decidedly more intelligent "don't get the unnecessary jab".

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How does fear of what is not happening cause doctors to ignore what is happening? This is truly madness.

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I wonder if there would be this much medical subterfuge if Trump were still POTUS?

You can bet 100% if vaccine injuries become undeniable it'll pivot back to being "Trump's vaccine". I haven't seen for a while but it was a mistake for him to try use them their speedy creation for political capital. The leftoids were never going to give him any credit regardless.

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Maybe Trump was part of the art of the kneel

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If he hadn't done so, we would be Australia right now and he knew it.

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Pretty early on, I remember there was a moment when he was being asked something about a covid treatment response by the press, who were, as usual, totally trying to hang him. But besides trying to hang him they were also leaning on him to make a comment that pushed the vaccine as the only possible treatment, and he didn’t. I think that was the time he brought up Hydroxychlorequine. When he did, it was like he was putting a stick in their bicycle spokes. I enjoyed it as a classic Trump trolling move. He paid though, as they were on him like a pack of hyenas in subsequent days, accusing him of recommending bleach ingestion, etc. After that I felt he chickened out. It was more like, “ya want ventilators? I’ll get you ventilators. Ya want jabs? Hey, I’ll get jabs faster than ever before! He didn’t take a stand as the President of the United States for the true scientific enquiry with discrimination, he collapsed into the bullshit narrative of Big Pharma. I was so disappointed. I felt he had performed such great service against Fake Nuze TM but now he was taking a dive. Not sure he “saved us” from being Australia. They disarmed themselves, not sure we are that lacking in options.How to you figure?

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We like to forget that this shit show started under Trumps watch.

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I have often questioned how many AEs are NOT reported. There must be tens of thousands. How many people just chalk it up to “well, they say the second shot’s a doozy!” That’s where it gets scary and the big picture is being hidden. That isn’t “informed consent” now, is it?

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The only time "the second shot's a doozy!" is okay is if we're talking about grain alcohol. You know, the type that could, to quote Ron Swanson, "melt the shell off a tortoise."

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😂 That punch has PUNCH!

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I've heard a few doctors lamenting the difficult, time consuming task which is VAERS reporting. At least 20 minutes not counting the data collection required for a complete report. I don't know about the Harvard study saying it. only captures 1% of the events... seems too bearish, but who knows at this point.

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Even as a layman, I can imagine: it's all downside for the medical professional. Already mentioned is the time required to gather records and enter data. These guys' time is rather valuable and should be spent on other duties. There are additional potential headaches: if an agency investigates, he will have to answer additional questions, taking more of his time. There are no doubt various professional risks and repercussions that I can't really guess at. Not the least would be giving his bosses, his hospital and the Vaxx, holy of holies, a bad name. As far as I can tell, this is a case of all downside, no upside, sort of like an MP deciding how best to handle the Post Commander who's shitfaced drunk, driving home rather erratically after the Officer's Club has closed for the night.

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Tens of millions

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my 40 yr old SIL had 2 months of migraines following the vax, then a stroke and a brain bleed. No previous history of these issues. Sadly she is fully on team vax and doesn't think the 2 are related.

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wow. I'm curious what she thinks DID cause a 40 year old to have a stroke?

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she thought it was the roller coaster she went on a week prior. Wish I was joking.

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snort. I'm sorry, that is sort of funny. I guess anything is possible. I hope she's not going out to any retro clubs and planning to start slam-dancing. Now I'm wondering about the sort of person who doesn't let a migraine stop them from jumping on a roller-coaster! I'm guessing she is a risk-taking sort of a gal.

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