Mark Zuckerberg just realized he is standing on the deck of the Titanic after it struck the iceberg. He has put on a dress and running for a lifeboat pushing aside women and children. Quite shameless actually.

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Better late than never. Each act of courage inspires courage. Truth emerges slowly. Be patient.

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MZ’s admission is not out of courage but a cya move.

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Probably BOTH. It takes courage to admit mistakes, to speak truth to power, and to risk alienation from one's tribe. I hope that MZ follows up with a huge release of the FB Files.

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I am watching that story, and wondering what is actually going on.....

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Could just be he knows which way the wind is blowing & is preparing for a regimen change that may not be so tolerant if those that participate in censorship. Maybe the RFK jr. move to endorse Trump + his success so far in his censorship suit has got MZ ‘s attention. Hard to say how the woke mind works as truth is not one of their values.

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Aug 28Edited

I still do not trust MZ, so he must see that it is to his own benefit, before a new regime, to change his stripes. At least outwardly.

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he is a shitty guy

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That may be true, but if telling the truth is now an act of cya, that's cause for optimism.

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Well, if you're gonna bring calm & reason into it how can we have ANY fun??? 😉

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Like George Costanza during a kitchen fire.

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"Jimmy likes that analogy." "Jimmy wishes he said it."

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Shameless, but not surprising. It's what geeks do.

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He's an insult to geeks everywhere. Along with Gates.

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The spineless are held up by others. His support structure is wavering

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But in the moments of righteous 'told you so' vindication, NEVER forget that rats, when cornered, can be extremely dangerous, and these are the biggest rats I've ever seen.

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The regime (worldwide) learned a lot from their CV19 psych experiments. If a few n-weapons are loosed, and the leash of food supplies is jerked hard enough, the populace will collectively run straight for the waiting dungeons and accept any deprivations to obtain a promise of safety and security. Monetary swap, mystery jabbs, social credit scores and dissent campgrounds, "you will own nothing and be happy" contracts... I don't think the PTB are so stupid that they would have opened that noxious door c2021 without planning to try to walk through it in full military camo during a planned future crisis. Thousands of Zelenskyy wannabes with full autos slung.

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That is the perfect characterization of the biggest pussy in the tech world. I hope his lifeboat sinks.

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Mark Zuckerberg running in a dress.

Thanks for the image.

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I offer a slight adjustment to your great analogy, Zuck was the boats designer, and then dressed in women's clothing and pushed his way onto a lifeboat. Facebook/Meta have been corrupt from the beginning and today is no different, no matter what mea culpa letter he writes.

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What an image! SO good!

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Stupendous metaphor!

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MZ is an actor in a piece of theatre.

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I was bitchslapped repeatedly by FB, as well as FB friends, for giving my opinion on the Covid virus and shots and Biden's dementia. I was correct on everything.

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A friend and myself were also ( he's a crit care nurse). We were FB jailed so many times that we started sporting memes with How Many Jails medals we each had.

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@Integrity: Heh. I have so many FB medal memes. Also, my brother has a MSN and called me an irresponsible killer because I refused the shots. So kudos to your friend for thinking for himself.

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Want me to cuff him around for ya? Better if he has a wife and shevwinders what this lady came up and busted him for 😂

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only jailed?

My account was suspended for ???

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I have similar issues posting at the WSJ and I've been a paid subscriber for 30+ years.

Any post that remotely questions the efficacy or testing of the covid shots gets disappeared. And if they get tired of disappearing my posts, they suspend my posting privileges without notice...

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This happens on X too I believe. Shadow banning for accounts that question vaccines or the pharma industry in general.

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I have tried to 'like' a number of posts on X which display the label - "This post has been deleted" ----- I thought Elon did away w such things. And, if it's been deleted why is it still up?

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@Rosemary- 30 day stints at a time. Zuck and I are on a first name basis. They've actually been giving me warnings now instead of immediate jail time so that's good.

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I have been completely shut down. for two years. I do not know what I said on FB?? I am never on FB.

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You are probably guilty of pre-crime based on things you said on other platforms.

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Maybe based on things you thought?

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pre crime. yep

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I'll try harder!!

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yes!! please do!!

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That is exactly why we can't let ANYONE decide what is "misinformation".

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Until recent years, the word "misinformation" was not used. It was simply a different opinion being stated.

You can see the leftwing building the vocabulary they want us to use. Because words prompt your thinking.

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EXACTLY. The label implies that it is wrong information that is harmful. They use that to justify trying to take away free speech; anything that goes against their narrative no matter how wrong their narrative may be. Idiots will think "Yes, that's a good idea, we need to stop misinformation. It is dangerous since it is "misinformation". Who wouldn't want to stop that?" But you don't see them trying to stop Kamala's political ads which are almost all full of untruths or part-truths at best.

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We used to call that shit "lies".

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But now truth is misinformation, but lies are OK.

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The world is now upside-down.

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Ah... the good old days. 🤔

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I've posted this before, but it's just too good to lay fallow in my Notes:

"Orwell was sure that the decline of a language had political and economic causes. Although he had no solid proof, he presumed that the languages of countries under dictatorships, such as the Soviet Union or Germany, had deteriorated under their respective regimes.

"When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer," Orwell writes in his essay, "Politics and the English Language."

"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought," he continues.

"Here is the very concept behind the invention of Newspeak. To illustrate this idea that language can corrupt thought and that totalitarian systems use language to restrict, rather than broaden, ideas, Orwell created Newspeak, the official language of Oceania. Without a word for freedom, for example, the concept of freedom cannot exist." 9Apologies that I did not save the source of this quote)

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Thank you, Jul. Control of speech is a mind-control tactic. Orwell wrote about it, as did several others. If you do not have a word for a concept, you are less likely to think of that concept.. or wish for it. In many ways, our language reflects our level of awareness.

The rest of that is:

"Newspeak not only eliminates 'unnecessary' words, but it also promotes a narrowing of thought and, therefore, awareness. The idea behind Newspeak is that, as language must become less expressive, the mind is more easily controlled. Through his creation and explanation of Newspeak, Orwell warns the reader that a government that creates the language and mandates how it is used can control the minds of its citizens."

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And that’s why government should have nothing to do with education.

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The way they have so quickly weaponized hate speech makes it crystal clear what they will do with " mis dis malinformation. They are seeking to criminalize all speech that does not serve power.

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What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth in the 21st century? 6 months...

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You could fix it all by getting of off FRAUDBOOK.

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yes of course

I was on Instagram I did not know they were connected.

I am bummed about my instagram acccount

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Several years ago I commented on FB that letting unvetted Muslims enter the country and expecting said "diversity" to be our "strength" was akin to adding excrement to ice cream and expecting said ice cream to taste better. Immediate upside head slap of course, and I haven't posted on FaKebook since. How's that diversity working out for ya, Zuck?

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I had to quit early on. I may have resorted to violence

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Same. The political crap that a few of my “friends” were bloviating about circa 2016-19 made me no longer want them in my life. Another friend advised me to block them like she did to her sister (😂😂😂) but I found it just too….depressing. Haven’t been back there except as my dog’s account in order to sell/buy a few large items on the local fb marketplace. Sold a car and bought a killer old school wood burning fireplace insert that probably saved me $1,000 in heating bills last year so broke even. They can have/sell all the biometric info on my dog they can possibly mine from these transactions.

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Now, here is a THINKING individual!!

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I consider it a badge of honor to have been remanded FB Jail multiple times. Also discovered a reliable means of culling the brainless among my "friends"--they self-culled by un-friend-ing me when I posted quality satire and facts.

That being said...I was extremely disturbed by the actions of my fellow humans circa March 2020-present. I severely underestimated the deep level of sheepage in the world and my outlook on humanity is forever darkened.

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I was fact checked as well...not to mention unfollowed and blocked.

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Yes and what was so frustrating, is that even those opposed to totalitarianism are the ones who needed to be bitch slapped.

Even some of the folks on Substack when it first started.

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"i was not that political pre covid. i was vaguely interested, but not active. i had a tidy life of building a career and building things and the world was, even if going to hell in a handbasket, obviously favorable to me and i was just nose down in what i was doing and too busy for these fools.

covid response showed me the real danger, the real fear. the mask came off the monster of both the state and the populace. "

So true for myself and I'm sure many others.

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I have repeatedly drawn the analogy that the COVID response was like that "one big fight" in a relationship, after which the couple can never go back to the way things were, and it is only a matter of time before the divorce is final. We may still have to live together for a time, but the relationship has soured beyond repair.

Prior to COVID, it was possible to at least pretend that the majority of people were *somewhat* sane. We now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the majority are mindless, bleating sheep, and that a subset of them are spiteful, petty tyrants. Similarly, we could pretend that, while odious, the factions that govern us were simply misguided in their ministrations. We now know that they are nothing less than evil, genocidal psychopaths.

So, here we are ... Now what?

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Yeah. Divorce isn't easy for intermingled populations.

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I would say that's a fairly good summary. In life in general, many things are able to coast, unless and until they are put to the test.

This time, things were put to the test, bigtime.

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I had no illusions regarding the state. COVID woke me up to the populace in the most rude way, including my professional colleagues. In the early days, observing what was going on in places like Italy, my thought was "I'd like to see you try and lock down Americans!" My bad. And you still can't get credentialed at a certain hospital in Tim Walz's Minnesota where I used to work without being fully vaxxed, no exceptions or exemptions.

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Sadly, that hospital thing is pretty widespread. It's hard everywhere - even in states that have a whole bunch more sanity like TX or FL. :(

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Yeah, me too. I was totally disillusioned with my fellow-citizens.

To the point of shock that at least 10% didn't stand up.

Silly me.

Just shocked.

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I had pretty strong opinions that it was only a show for election purposes, that it would disappear on November 4, 2020. I was sure proved wrong there -- never had I expected such a lust for and abuse of power.

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Or cowardness. I will never forget all the cowards in our country.

Truly despicable.

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Yes this was my experience as well. Wide awake, sort of. Had some idea of how corrupt my own industry (health care) was but no idea how even I was so blinded until covid. Glad I didn’t participate and spoke out but it has cost me some respect from and for my fellow health care denizens. Wish I had known how corrupt even research has become. I knew some but not all. I’m sure that’s still true today but I certainly know a lot more!

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Yes! The sea change in the populous was what has shocked me greatly. What happened? This new group mentality shares non of the values attributable to a liberal democracy.

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Hospitals tend to be administered in a pretty authoritarian fashion, because of all the legal and liability issues that are forefront in their interactions with the public. And physicians really do have a self-concept of objective, scientific thinking despite the erosion of their world by pharma money and the regulatory capture realities. I have a high school friend who is a nursing administrator in a hospital system. She was in total denial that there were any serious side effects, I had to stop trying to show her the evidence to preserve any thread of connection.

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I was purposely ignorant for decades. Until they came for my DNA and paycheck

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Hi “someone” bot with no profile. Thanks for liking all my comments.. :)

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Exactly, “sleeping” is not an option now.

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Something worth thinking about is how very similar Justin Troodo of Canada and Kamala Harris are to one another. As if their behaviours had been planned. No, I am not kidding -- it can be done.

Even Harris' "Joy Policy" that she is suddenly dumping everywhere, appropriate or not, is much the same as the "Sunny Ways" slogan that Troodo used for years. They both resort to word salad in order not to answer questions, and usually do not answer press questions at all. They are both adept at doing nothing about illegal immigration. They are both malignant Pied Pipers. Both vacuous and empty.

They are both Communist, they both had Communist fathers, they are both low-intelligence, low competence, no career accomplishments to speak of prior to high political office, and on and on.

You don't think this is a type that was "arranged"?

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How do you think Obama got where he is?

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Aug 28Edited

Susan, you and I think alike. I just looked up your book on Amazon and bought it ("The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama"). I think I will probably see some of my own thought processes staring back at me.

You mentioned your husband's second family. Along the way, I have known several persons with second families like this, and they all turned out to have Cluster-B disorders. Make of that what you will.

Obama? A Communist no doubt, and slippery as an eel. There have been rumours for years that his biological father was not the Kenyan who died in a car crash, but his "mentor" Frank Marshall Davis......another prominent Communist; a 2008 British article says Frank was a self-proclaimed pedophile too.

I never take anything at face value these days. Yes, I do think that Obama was also an "arranged type" .

Best wishes.

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Thank you for buying the book. I do not believe you will be disappointed. I, too, believe that Communist pedophile Frank Marshall Davis was the real father and because Obama spent a great deal of his childhood with him it is no wonder how rotten he turned out.

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Aug 28Edited

You sound so much like me, it is eery. I too was left with a very difficult situation and had to self-differentiate my way out of it. Because there was zero wiggle-room remaining.

I had been a questioner since I was very young, but I formalized the credentials to question, and I was off! I see patterns where few others do. And then I work to learn what those patterns mean.

I have long wondered why so few people ask about Frank Marshall Davis in relation to Obama. It is a goldmine of telling connections! Pedophilia is a subset of Psychopathy....sometimes appearing in the next generation.

I am looking forward to reading your story, Susan. I hope that other commenters here read a copy too.

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Thank you.

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That "joy" thing is disturbing. There's something uncanny about it. I watched a clip yesterday that was a compilation of Leftists talking about "joy." Gave me the creeps big-time.

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Aug 28Edited

It is being used as a "trigger word" for mental conditioning, as Pavlov discovered could be done, many years ago in the Soviet Union.

In Canada, the trigger-word under Troodo to shut off the critical thinking of his gullible fans was "sunny ways".

These words sound good - upbeat and cheerful Who would guess?

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This makes a lot of sense, and explains why the compilation of people saying it comes off as so disturbing.

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Aug 28Edited

Pass this around the internet. When anyone hears that "Joy" trigger by Kamala or her followers, they need to stop and mentally refute it. As in saying to themselves, "No...not falling for that". Deflates its power.

The Dems would need to put on another mass event in order to re-install any different trigger now, because the truth of the matter is getting out on their original trigger. Another mass event is not likely to happen before the election.

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Being an old punk, When I hear 'Joy' in such a context, I either think of the N*zi 'Strength through Joy' slogan or am reminded of Joy Division (both the band and the other, real meaning). Nothing like 'Atrocity Exihibition' cueing up on the mental turntable to dash any sentimentality about these people...

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Yeah I refuse to let them have the word “joy.” … Because, currently, in the context of the DNC, it makes me feel downright nauseous.

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I thought it was the only way to make her inappropriate laughter seem normal. "Oh, she's just so full of joy!" Not completely incompetent.

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In her case, when they say "full of joy" what they mean is "full of Chardonnay"

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Because it was mandated, forced, a talking point. True joy bubbles up from within.

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Do you have a link to that? I’d like to watch it. Not to get the creeps (which I’m sure I will) but to pass it around so maybe others will see how creepy Dems are.

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It’s here. I actually haven’t watched the whole video yet (I am more of a reader than a watcher), but my boyfriend showed me the compilation part which starts around the 40 sec mark:


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They took our rainbow of promise for their perversion. They can’t have our joy for their craziness.

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Trudeau is too dim and stupid to actually have a coherent philosophy that can be described as "communist". Those around him pulling the strings, like Gerald Butts, are the true believers.

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You knew that Pierre Troodo was Communist, and raised his sons/stepson that way?

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Troodo is an unintelligent person, I agree. He was raised Communist, though....indoctrinated from his earliest days by Pierre. He doesn't really need to think about it -- his two fathers had done all the thinking. With JT, it is firmly embedded internally and he just reacts to that.

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Yes, but they really are Delusional. They really are Narcissists. They really are Criminals.

I know dumba$$e$ and non-critical-thinkers that aren't any of the above.

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The categories don't always overlap.

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Yes, we all here get it, have so for years. The question that needs answering and perhaps the answer is just the obvious simple one, but why do so many humans fall for this obvious bull crap, really badly done lying, narcissistic central planing gaslighting, impossible to believe complete nonsense? it is not as if the truth is being hidden from everyone! Most of this is just common sense. Just plain stupid or something nefarious and complex? Outer space alien mind abduction for kicks? Something in the air we are immune to? Reverse evolution? Absence of a survival instinct gene?

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Sadly, the answer is more likely "because we want to". Nobody wants to believe they're on the side of the evil empire. They have to jump through all sorts of mental hoops to keep placing themselves on the "right side of history", but will do that because to do otherwise means to question a whole bunch of things they've believed all their lives. They're also in a societal echo chamber where all they see are people who agree with them and anyone who disagrees is evil.

I'd say most of us reading this can understand that the average person isn't "the enemy", even if they don't have the same political bent. (and if you can't see that - you probably need to step back a bit) But too many others just follow along, trusting "the experts" and "the news" because they were never wrong. I have family like this - having to read/watch "the news" and not realizing how crazy biased it is. I realized that back in the 90's when I took a better look at what was being said or buried and resorted to my main use for "the news" being to read the comics section. :)

But there are definitely very intelligent people who are crazily just going along with the narrative from the MSM and the DNC (but I repeat myself). They loudly defended Biden and are now just as loudly defending Harris. The pivot was done without a blink.

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NONE of them seem to care that they had NO say in choosing a candidate. Amazing

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Just threw away 14million votes but muh..democracy. Will Nanzi be charged with interfering in an election? Jack Smith? What a tool bag.

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Obama himself interfered in the last Canadian federal election, for his friend Troodo. Many normal Canadians complained, but it was quickly swept under the rug, as if election interference is all in a day's work for Obama.

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The CCP interfered as well, but the corrupt Tampon Trudy Marxist neoLiberal government is doing their best to cover it up for their comrades.

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Aug 28Edited

The CCP has been infiltrating Canada for some time. In many ways. Canada has become their laundromat, for instance.

I think they took over David Johnston too. He was like a babbling 14 yr. old in first love... with Beijing.

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Some people are immune, able to fight off the psychological pressures, and others do not have that ability.

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I recommend the classic book (1895) by French scholar Gustave Le Bon, "The Crowd". He discusses what is now called Mass Psychosis or Shared Psychosis or Mob Effect. Groups and groupthink gone bad.

Le Bon talked about the fact that even highly educated professionals can take a nosedive in this way. All you have to do is to recall all of the medical professionals who supported COVID Mania, or who still support gender mutilation of children, and you know that Le Bon was seeing clearly.

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Well said. Plus a chuckle, thanks

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It is, and has been, the scourge that is Mainstream Media every day for decades now, shaping our attitudes.

I don’t watch any news, except a few carefully selected Fox shows (The Five, Laura, Jesse, occasionally Gutfeld), so I’ve not permitted myself to be exposed to the daily relentless brainwashing that is TDS. When I got a major upgrade to my PC, a newly appearing bottom icon gave me access to Microsoft News. I was flabbergasted to see intermingled amongst sport stories, recipes and health tips that all political stories about DJT were negative and filled with exaggerations and lies, while Joe and Kamala stories were unfailingly positive. It struck me that even if you only checked Microsoft News daily you would absorb their message of disdain and hate for DJT.

A friend receives frequent phone calls from her brother who lives three provinces away. He, like many, hates DJT with fiery passion, and berates his sister loudly for liking DJT - and not liking KH. She asks him why he hates the former president so intensely, and his best argument is because he “just does; he is loathsome and awful.”

Her brother is accomplished and well-educated, but it struck me that these crazed, disturbing rants he offers are reminiscent of the results of Orwell’s “1984” daily “Two Minutes Hate” on the “telescreens.” Citizens are daily told who and what to hate, and are whipped into a frenzy. The MSM has been fulfilling that role. Tucker recently shared the news anchors and commentators are controlled on Fox (even though some shows seem to have more latitude) and how relieved he is to be free of it. And Fox is alleged to be conservative.

Everyone … everyone needs to read or re-read “1984!” And “Animal Farm” while they are at it.

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Interesting, because the few Lefties I know with more than half a brain, blame MAGA and all of our social problems on Fox News. They assume that we are stupid sheep and they are all enlightened individuals.

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Fox News, for the most part, is tired mushy middle RINO conservatism except for the few lights like The Five, Laura, Jesse. Greg Gutfeld gets bolder as time goes on. One wonders if his days are numbered.

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I expect Greg to be Tuckered

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And it may end up as well for him as it has been for Tucker. Completely unfettered with an ever growing platform.

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I hear that often if I say anything that goes against the narrative- “stop watching Fox.”

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Yes, I find it a giggle.

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George Orwell's works have been mentioned regularly in the past several years. He was fictionalizing the accounts he was receiving of life in Communist Eastern Europe of the day. Post WWII. It was not crystal-ball material....it was actually happening in ways which were symbolized in Orwell's books.

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Stoking hatred is very important because a chronic strong negative emotion like hatred (or fear or anger) assists in de-activating the critical thinking ability of the human brain.

Then the brainwashers can shovel in whatever destructive indoctrination they want, and it sticks.

Sounds like your friend's brother is excellent material for indoctrination.

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This is the classic "cult" strategy. At first the beliefs seem pretty reasonable, even inspiring, but as you progress, the investment in time, money, and self-image grow. Then they begin to introduce less reasonable ideas and actions. Finally, they will tell you outright whoppers and act in complete opposition to their original "beliefs". Along the way your investment in the cult has grown to the point where your biggest fear is losing it all. So, rather than accept the idea that you were duped, you practice cognitive dissonance instead.

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This would explain supposedly "sane" peoples support of child sex changes right here.

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You could say this about a lot of things in life that people get themselves caught in. But cults are a good analogy because cults are totalitarian, just like Communism is.

They use incrementalism to hook minds. They do it in stages. Get you to feel comfortable about the easier beliefs, before they spring the whoppers on you. Frog in the pot of boiling water. Some people then feel they are in too far to back out. But it only gets worse if you don't go at the first opportunity.

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I think you may have described it better than I did. With upper middle-class professionals, imagine how much they have to lose by rejecting Wokeness and other Pseudo-Marxist cults. Career, friends, family, relationships, social circle, etc.

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I know. I have been there. There came a point I either had to live a lie, or make the leap. Actually, I never subscribed to WOKE. Eventually, I was forced to pay a price. I knew which way I would go. And I understood the cost. But there was also a cost in supporting falsehoods and destruction. I do have to live with myself.

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I agree. They cannot, don't want to, actually understand the true consequences of their actions. Misery, penury. and slow death for everyone under communism including the psychologically damaged, physically mutilated offspring of these incurable woke cultists.

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Most are afraid to stand separate from the group. Simple as that. Pioneers get arrows in their backs.

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Aug 28Edited

The truth is that unless you are able to stand separate from the group, you will not grow as an individual. Will not self-differentiate. Which Evolution insists upon.

You do not have to be a loner. You can be self-differentiated in a community. But you make your own decisions ultimately.

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Human nature. It will always be the same.

The most profound and enigmatic lesson in history is that people forget it.

Now our betters are doing there best to eliminate history through indoctrination of the young; to the point they will no longer have the words to understand or believe there was a historical reference to their cultures history.

Always the same. So they can try the same shit that didn't work before.

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I think it is because it is not just one thing. It's everything. Everything is a lie, it is so big that you have to come to terms with everything you think is wrong. That is just too much for many. It means they are on there own, have to figure it out themselves. They don't think they can do it. So they play along with nonnonsense and hope everything will be okay.

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Sometimes called "lack of consciousness". Awareness counts for a lot. Not everyone has it.

Also keep in mind that mass groupthink accounts for a great deal, and that there are methods to get people into that situation.

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The answer is a myriad of numeous answers, too many to count. It reminds me of a large ball of rubberbands that would take eons to unravel and each one is a part of the overall answer.

At this point it doesn't matter because we can never go back and we will never be able to fix all that's been broken.

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Reading Gato, getting Gato-info-clarity; I can’t decide whether the superb content or the extraordinary word smithing is most compelling here. But these ARE words I wish could come right out of my mouth. Bravo!

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Share them, please! Toxoplasmosis spreads too slowly by itself 😉

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I'm still gagging at Emhoff as a "sex symbol." He is so fruity.

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I think of him more as Chuck Schumery

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Chuck and Emhoff in Speedos . . . please, ladies, take your pick.

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I pick neither!

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The LOL comment FTW :D

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Douglas Craig Emhoff, his full name, anagrams to 'muff gigolo charades '. Nearest I could get to sex symbol at the moment.

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Now that is just plain funny!

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Isn't it just. There are quite a few amusing anagrams I have unearthed. I am trying to do a post on Kamala Harris which will refer to him, but I reckon one could do a post on him alone.

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He's so beta, it turns my stomach!

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It’s gonna look awfully strange seeing those 95 million votes for 🐫-ah when they finish tallying all the votes sometime in December.

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Likely a good thing the vote tally giving KH the fraud nod extends for weeks or months; it will likely hold off a civil war.

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Until 2025 anyway. 🥴

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I wonder if the arrest of Pavel Durov has not “affected” Mr. Zuckerberg in some measure. He, too, is by no means safe from these thoroughly untrustworthy powers that seek to control him. He is very much a target, should he ever fail to comply with their demands and he’s got to know that.

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Guys who fuck the nanny and get her pregnant are hot now? Geez. Trump only had a non-productive quickie with a lesser porn star and they turned that into a criminal conviction.

What a world.

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Have you read Microsoft’s terms of agreement? Here’s what it says about questionable content: iv. Don’t publicly display or use the Services to generate or share inappropriate content or material (involving, for example, nudity, bestiality, pornography, offensive language, graphic violence, self-harm, or criminal activity).

Here’s the link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/servicesagreement/upcoming

As a creative writer this troubles me because who defines these things? What about romance or horror fiction writers? Or someone writing about an abusive childhood? I think they say they will take your content. Seems this silences us at the point of creation.

Or am I being too jumpy?

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I don't disagree with your comments (or most of your other posts on similar subjects). What is really frustrating is that some (maybe many) saw where this was all going a long time ago - for me at least as far back as 2010, if not further back. Anyone that had read Atlas Shrugged saw much of it playing out in living color during Obama's first term in office, with it only becoming more "IRL" in the subsequent 12 years since the 2012 election. And my fear is that the schism is now too great, what could have been a "course correction" if addressed soon enough will now require a very ugly and very messy period in order to remove the mind virus that has taken hold in our culture and society. I hope I am wrong (for my children's sake). On the other hand, I worry that I may be underestimating how bad it is going to get.

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Agree. And Ayn Rand said it best nearly 70 years ago about our current predicament:

"When you see that in order to produce you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice-You may know that your society is doomed." ~

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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Tucker offered commentary during Kamala’s speech. He was joined by a guest (can’t recall name) who wisely pointed to the stark demographics of the number of abortions in the US. There have been more than 50 million. This then means roughly 50 million females, 50 million fathers, not to mention sympathetic, protective family members and friends.

A human life has been brutally snuffed out within the woman’s body; one cannot help but be affected and forever changed. Guilt is deeply suppressed but omnipresent.

Tucker’s fellow commentator went on to suggest that a person who was involved with abortion would not like reminders and would naturally gravitate towards the political “abortion party” that affirms their choice (of course realizing that there were those who had felt at the time they had no support or choice - but, alas, they, too, cannot shed guilt).

Bottom line: Have we passed the tipping point where hundreds of millions of Americans have been directly involved in abortion - and cannot face the deed, thus shifting voting patterns?

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Post 9-11 ironically-named "Patriot" Act was when the scales fell from my eyes.

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It's good to read a positive take amongst all the doom and gloom being served up.

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Perfectly perfect example of good bad-luck.. if not for the terrible event the wonderful experience the detour caused would not be possible.. el gato has been a gem covidian madness wrought! <3

"i was not that political pre covid. i was vaguely interested, but not active. i had a tidy life of building a career and building things and the world was, even if going to hell in a handbasket, obviously favorable to me and i was just nose down in what i was doing and too busy for these fools.

covid response showed me the real danger, the real fear. the mask came off the monster of both the state and the populace.

i am now wary of both in a way i was not before.

and there is no going back to sleep.

i am now active. we are now active.

they woke up the lions. and none of us are going back to sleep."

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Pride, a completely different Pride

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Has anyone yet to suggest an el gato malo Meme Squad?

If not ,hear me out:

We have psychologists etc in our pride of lions who can tell us How to effectively open minds. We have cats who are apt at creating memes.

We have kits who are on several social media outlets.

Arm the volunteer kits with the best designed meme arrows and warhammers,and send them prowling into enemy territory. Let lose the kits or wahrrrr!! Let us campaign in ways that make fur fly! Let us then have our nuturers biscuit those who dare to leave the head-trauma space.

Let us be feline, and do battle with Memes as Murder Mittens!!


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Yes! I have pics of my cats and could make some. What say el Gato? Where can we send them? No need for credit. I would just love it if you used one of my memes.

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Any reader of this stack is likely a capable memecenary. Just give us some tips on tools. Even we who are dogs and puppies will stand with the cats and kittens in our shared existential fight. The sage Bill Murray said it best.


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That is frikkin brilliant...


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