In my church the blue cord closing every other pew is gone, there is holy water in the fonts! Masks totally up to the individual. The responses now are louder.

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There is a long and noble tradition of defiance of arbitrary and tyrannical government authority.

"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."-Thomas Jefferson

This is a sentiment expressed by Socrates, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Martin Luther King, as well.

To borrow from MLK:

“An unjust law is no law at all.”

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AND THESE AREN'T LAWS! just chickn sht, cover their arses, mandates...

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As Lord Sumption, retired Supreme Court justice from Great Britain would say, "Sometimes the most public spirited thing that you can do with despotic laws like these is to ignore them."

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I'm in Montana where the COV-idiocy is not so bad, but still we have it. However, over the weekend we went to my niece's dance recital. The auditorium (about 700 strong) was packed and I saw maybe four masks in the crowd. Young and old, tons of children, stuffed together, not staring at each other like we're all vectors of disease from behind partial medical burqas, making sure bubbles were observed, but being delightfully normal about the whole thing. I nearly cried for joy. (The only strangeness really was that the school where it was at had actual padlocks on the fountain. So the little boy we saw drank out of the bottle fill. It was hilarious. Nature will find a way.)

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Have been going everywhere without recently- restaurants, gym, Walmart (!)- and I am headed to my Ukulele group soon. We played maskless 2 weeks ago, and yes, it felt SO GOOD! (Mind you we are all over 55- and many are 80+ When they saw me without a mask in the room, they ripped theirs off. SUCCESS!!!

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if i don't break AT LEAST three covid rules a day (in quebec, we have more rules than we know what to do with), i have failed myself, my child, my family, my community...

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I'm thinking of moving to Florida. It's hot and humid. Real estate prices are skyrocketing. So, I might be living in a tent. We voted to strip the Governor of this powers and still the emergency has not been lifted.

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With mask mandates lifted I went to a grocery store and church without a mask. Felt good to be free

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Out here on Long Island, NY, I'm usually the only one around without a mask but at least no one says anything anymore.

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Call me crazy but we gave it two months last year and we were all getting depressed so we went ahead and had a grad party for my daughter. That was last June. We didn't miss a thing after that: birthdays, weddings, holidays, etc. Life's too short. And guess what? The sky didn't fall.

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Amen × 1000 gato! There is a little coffee shop around the block from my daughter's apartment in one of the bigger cities in WA state. They have been maskless for this entire ordeal. It's amazing walking in. Nobody talks about it but everyone just quietly enjoys freedom. It truly feels like a speakeasy and I am revived each time i go there. Their bravery will have my loyalty forever.

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Same with my chiropractor's office. Feels like a vacation every time.

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I hope there’s an after party. That would be a big thing.

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Just glad to hear people are living life again!

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