I keep repeating it because it keeps being true -- how much better off would we have been if government had done nothing but 'mandate' an hour-long walk in the sunshine on days it was possible?

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Yeah, but they are obviously doing this on purpose

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Yes! Love this point. Contrarian that I seem to be, I lost 22 pounds during Covid using intermittent fasting. I love it (mostly 18 hour fast with six hour eating window, initially 16/8). Did NOT do Crossfit just walked my dog 20-30 minutes a day. Strength training (and other exercise) is really important for many reasons but not so much for weight loss. So now at age 62 I am back at high school weight and have been maintaining for months. Best of all? It's free! And you even save money on your food budget. Big Pharma and Big Ag (junk food) hate me. P.S. I still enjoy things like pizza, ice cream and chocolate, just in moderation.

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Congratulations! A sedentary society demands new approaches and IF is a powerful one. And unhealthy food, while short-term cheap, is long-term very expensive.

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Thank you, Wesley! I forgot to add that I eat what I want. No counting carbs, protein or fat. I LOVE butter! There are many great support groups on facebook with tons of info and help that I participated in for awhile. I also recommend Gin Stephens' book Delay, Don't Deny. Not as massive as her subsequent book. .Simple, clear, effective.

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YES!! I followed a similar path and at 57 y.o., I've manage to have lost 35 lbs so far. I still have another 20 lbs to go, but feel great and my joints are 'happy' again. For me, it's having flexibility and stamina. I'm a strong believer of food is thy medicine, and do supplements (vit. D, C, Zinc, Magnesium, Omega-3s, etc.). My kids are young (19 & 17), and I want to stay strong to see them mature and hopefully, to meet future grandchildren. It's all about quality of life for me. PS- I'm waiting for my shipment of Ivermectin to complete my prophylactic kit (per FLCCC protocols).

Here's to us, wise baby boomers!!

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Love it! Feels great, I know. We work hard on our health so why would we want a toxic jab??

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More walkies, less "talkies".

You may be old enough to know what a talkie is; for the youngsters in the audience, a talkie is a moving picture show with sound, or think of it as a Netflix/HBO/Amazon bingeseries, or a TikTok channel, where you watch somebody else do things for hours of your time.

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Yes! Walking is awesome!!!

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Congratulations. I am down 35 pounds since adding intermittent fasting to my daily yoga regime 4 months ago. Been following one meal a day program for the last two months.

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That's fantastic, Art! Well done.

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My ongoing timewasting with vax supremacists on local social media: I proposed a "fitness passport" for everyone who meets CDC-recommended weight and body fat, subject to recheck every six months. Everyone else would be prohibited from buying food, other than a small fixed ration for minimal nutrition while they lose weight.

"You have no RIGHT to enter a restaurant or store," they said about vax passports, so (a fortiori) they should be fine with this. Based on their pix, this would be a hardship for a lot of them, but I'm sure they're willing to make the sacrifice. We're all in this together, as I reminded them.

Surprisingly got zero bites (so to speak) on this proposal -- although that may be because the whole topic of vax passports didn't seem to interest people. That lack of interest may be a good sign.

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Instead of a covid test how about anyone entering a restaurant has to get weighed? You’re 20 lbs overweight? Sorry you can’t eat here. Go to the grocery store? Only fruits veg and lean meat until your weight is in line. This can be taken to ridiculous lengths which no one seems to notice. They all just want everyone vaccinated and aren’t thinking about how quickly the tables can be turned and used against them 🙄

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the donut passport gonna be a big hit.

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The lack of interest in the whole topic may be because it doesn't threaten the vaxxed and they have bought the whole charade anyway and are happy to have been jabbed. So they don't care.

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Don't forget the massive amount of money is in treating obesity and especially diabetes. The medical industrial complex is no less nefarious than the itts more widely known cousin, the military industrial complex.

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Definitely. Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, Big Military. Etc. End of empire times.

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Perhaps. But that's still a good sign. Vax Supremacists are beyond reasoning with. But normal people who don't care are at least open to seeing the downsides.

For example, normal people who don't care will still notice when their buddy at the gym disappears, or when they can't take friends to a restaurant, or when a significant percentage of their customers stop showing up. (Vax Supremacists wouldn't be associating with them in the first place.)

Maybe. I'm trying to be optimistic, here.

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I hope you are right. There is definitely resistance! May it be strong and continue!!! Hit them where it hurts - economics. Boycott when possible. Lawsuits. Sharing in ways that we can the info and the banned scientific inquiry and concern. We need all of it.

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I suspect that multivariate analysis that includes age, race, and population density variables along with excess death and Obesity may actually eliminate some of the noise and give really clear signals. Interesting analysis, thanks.

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Age would be the next biggest mortality predictor so just obesity (78% of hospitalization were overweight or obese - https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/08/covid-cdc-study-finds-roughly-78percent-of-people-hospitalized-were-overweight-or-obese.html) PLUS age would probably be enough to draw hard conclusions from.

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It'd be nice if we some way to check vitamin D levels so we could plot that against excess mortality.

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If vitamin D is so important, why are there big summer waves of COVID?

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likely because those waves are concentrated in the south and subtropics. in places like FL and TX, summer is "hide indoors" season. it's too hot. so you get the same issue you get in the north during winter: clustered inside breathing recycled air.

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Have to look at regions. In AZ, the summer is when we're all hiding out inside. Plus, the stay at home push was mistaken as a "stay inside and avoid the sun" order. This could have an effect as well. Overall, though, it is not as easy of an answer as it sounds.

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Only in places where it gets so hot that people spend their time inside instead of out.

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there is also an argument that vaccines are actually vastly increasing covid spread. many high vax places are having out of season spikes.

theory is that a "leaky" vaccine like these stops symptoms but not infection. so those that get vaxxed and get covid become asymptomatic superspreading vectors.

many of the most vaxxed places are seeing the worst spikes and many are weirdly out of season.

i'm still working through it, but this may be a bit of a smoking gun there:


study from oxford, lancet preprint.

"On Feb. 11, the World Health Organization indicated the AZD1222 vaccine efficacy of 63.09% against the development of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The conclusions of the Chau paper support the warnings by leading medical experts that the partial, non-sterilizing immunity from the three notoriously “leaky” COVID-19 vaccines allow carriage of 251 times the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 as compared to samples from the pre-vaccination era in 2020.

Thus, we have a key piece to the puzzle explaining why the Delta outbreak is so formidable — fully vaccinated are participating as COVID-19 patients and acting as powerful Typhoid Mary-style super-spreaders of the infection."

this kind of viral load amplification (if this proves out and i'd like to see some replication/verification here) would swamp even seasonal signal.

running that kind of VL would make you a veritable covid cropduster

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It IS very strange that the 7 states with the highest percentage of "fully vaxxed" are ALL experiencing a spike, when only FL/CA did last summer.


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Hmm, the study blames the factor 251 increase on the Delta strain (not the vax). "Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020."

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"Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people."

Viral loads peaked at around 2-3 days before and after the development of clinical symptoms.

this is a real recipe for spread, esp at such crazily high loads.

the issue seems to be that the vaccinated can and do carry high VL and that they tend to peak just before or around symptom onset.

this is a big switch. asypt carriers were minor spreaders previously.

would be curious to see how this VL value compares to unvaxxed cases and how the timing of peak relates to symptom onset.

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Would suspect ADE from high vaccination rates and the vaxx'ed shedding virus to the unvaxxed.

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One possible explanation is that low D is merely a proxy measure for poor metabolic health.

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That's a really good question. In my (amateur) opinion, the epidemic in the Northern Hemisphere seemed to follow that seasonal pattern (more sunlight => more vit D, high UV => less virus), but 2021 seems to have confounded the hypothesis. What changed between 2020 and 2021?

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Maybe there is a "reversion to the mean" effect. Places that did well like Oregon and Iceland are getting hit hard now.

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The 7 most vaxxed states are all experiencing spikes right now. Only 2 of them "should" have summer waves. (FL/CA)

Oregon did well initially because the virus was here long before we had testing. Bloodwork from donations showed 2.1% of donations from OR/WA had antibodies -- in mid-December 2019. That's four months before we did anything at all to slow the spread, and in the middle of the holiday travel season AND flu season. Yet we didn't even notice the virus until it got into nursing homes.

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Will look at your Dept of health site as I am curious as to how your cases/hosp/deaths compare now vs last summer. thanks!

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I found your articles about a week ago and subscribed immediately. What a breath of fresh air to see honest analysis that include questions for anyone to chime in. As a boriqua momma, your efforts make me proud. Especially in light of the tyrannical vax efforts going on in the Island. Keep up the great work!! Pa'lante!!

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I do diabetic education at our community health center…very frustrating. But tried to get our state senators and reps to make SNAP dollars for only healthy foods more like the WIC program and they essentially ignore the idea. Finally sent an email to our liberal Govenor and she literally said I needed to go through our senators and reps. She can shut our state down for covid but somehow has no control over SNAP dollars.🙄

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Have been shouting this (to deaf ears) over 18 months to friends and family. We never locked down- we continued with our runs/walks, swims (lake was open, fancy that!), and mountain bike/road bike rides. We made a non-air-conditioned gym in the garage (sweat lodge!) and we continued to shop for ourselves, eating lean meats and lots of fruits and veggies. We are in our mid/late 60s. Those I know who locked down, wore their masks outside,and had food delivered gained weight and aren't in a good place mentally. Listen to your intuition and find the truth-glad I found this awesome cat awhile ago!

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Amen, Cheryl. Well said

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Thanks Ms./Mr. Architect! :-)

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If you look at how nutrition "science" has been mythologized and credentialized in the past few decades, the official approaches to COVID should come as no surprise. That and extreme body positivity movements make all this more difficult than it should be.

Cultural comorbidities, if you will.

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P.P.S. Daughter stood her ground at work regarding vaccine, and put in paperwork for waivers and since she an important part of their workforce, they granted it! Whoot!

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I've told a couple friends to tell their employer they either grant a waiver or sign something stating the company is liable for an adverse reaction. They got waivers.

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P.S. Get all the "mask nazis" who don't have anything to do anymore (in my state at least) to monitor the grocery store isles-specifically the soda, chip and candy isle! If you have a roll around the middle..."NO SODA FOR YOU...1 year!"

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this looks like solid stats. Pretty good scatter plot analysis for a kitty

Would like to have a fair and balanced person who's for lockdowns challenge this. I cannot, but would like someone to steelman the lockdowns/masks position

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this is where i miss twitter.

did a lot of battle over that for months using google data etc and it really sharpens and strengthens your takes and shows you where you messed up.

twitter for all its myriad faults is just an amazing form of peer review.

taking ideas and models out for a spin there is the real deal.

remember surgisphere?


they did that HCO study. passed peer review at lancet and some other major journal.

was revealed as a complete fraud with fabricated data in about 2 days on twitter.

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FWIW, I had generate similar all-cause mortality plots from CDC data (but not the scatter plot). I'm still amazed by CA being worse than FL and much worse than MA for all-cause mortality while beating both in official COVID deaths. Yet this is not picked up in the MSM, or even by "Recall Newsom" advocates.

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A- they are not looking for anything to derail the narrative

B - outside of Koe’s favorite ice cream flavor and Russian pee tapes, is there any investigative journalism happening?

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can we see it ?

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My baseline is a little different, but the ranking is similar.

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You can see the data here too if you choose "Excess % (Pandemic Start ..." for type. Hover the mouse over states to get numbers.


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Did you get a new Twitter account? I saw they suspended you.....

From the chicken vaccine paper you recommended:

“Even if this evolution happens, you don’t want to be an unvaccinated chicken,”

Is this what current events are likely to all be about?

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It would be interesting to see the relationship between excess mortality and obesity rates (by state) for previous years. Is this just a COVID thing, or is it pretty standard?

And, for that matter, do we know anything about correlation between influenza mortality and obesity rates?

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Reason why the Native American population got hit so hard? Hint: it wasn't because of lack of cleaning supplies and running water as we were led to believe. Check out Az. on this list...we are close to the top because of unhealthy people living here!

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“Obesity is a major risk for essential hypertension, diabetes and other morbidity” from NIH library https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5038894/

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Would love to see the % excess deaths charted vs the Covid deaths reported by state. Great work on this - thanks.

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