Am I to understand that the Harris campaign is threatening (with vulgarities) elder abuse perpetrated by grandchildren upon their grandparents for failing to do what the campaign wants you to do, all narcissistically framed with the logical fallacy of a false binary between "losing democracy" and...

I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. What's the alternative that Harris is offering?

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i fear this is the alternative.

shrill scolding as governance.

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"shrill scolding as governance" gained ascendency during the Great Covid Dumpster Fire, if not before. 'Karen' was a shrill scolder, although not in a legitimate position of power. One thing politicians have mastered is using previously-successful, if crappy, strategies moving forward.

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Yeah, but it relies on decency. Start being an asshole and the problem magically goes away, I have discovered.

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Nature has a way of warning us to stay away. Take for example this plumage:


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I believe it's the haircut. 🤔

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Over the past 3-4 years she’s alienated 90+% of her staff who bailed out, which would belie the joyful candidate. Problem is, if she “wins” we can’t just quit. We will be captive to shrill scolding for 4 f’ing years

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Did not see any Kamala joy a the Fox interview, but did see something else, and it was sort of scary. Kamala is the DNC personified.

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Agreed G+F!

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Well, the question might be whether she is a bona fide Psychopath or not. They do not present in the Hollywood version, as so many people think. Can be quite different. Obama, for instance. Or LBJ.

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I can’t believe Trump didn’t call that out during the debate. He got all worked up about his rallies when all he had to say was - speaking of attendance, why has 90% of your staff walked out on you???

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And WW 3

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That’s either of them though, if anything Trump is an even bigger Jew tool than Kamal Toe.

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Um you must have been unaware during his first term

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He literally moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and has taken a 100 million dollars from Miriam Adleson.

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Every POTUS from Slick Willie on has been under legal obligation to move the embassy since the law was passed in 1995 by 1999. It seems kinda funny that Trump complying with US law enacted last century and obligating the country to act before the end of last century is somehow interpreted by you pejoratively as being a Jew tool; I would think it would make him a tool of the law of the US of A. But as likely an anti semite and certainly a TDS sufferer, I am not surprised.

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Another way in which she would not be any different from Joe. That miserable old fuck has been scolding for his entire term.

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Isn’t that what the Covid response was about?

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Ah yes, the effort to cover children's faces, thus inhibiting development, all on the threat that the teachers would bring covid back to their elderly parents and KILL THEM.

Psychological damage? What psychological damage? Nahhhh

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Those poor kids of hard-core maskers are serial killers in training.

I'm thinking we might have a resurgence of them like in the 70's serial killer heydays.

But seriously it was FUCKING disgusting what was done to children .

It will forever give me the heaviest of hearts when I think about it.


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I'll just say this from a clinical perspective and what I've seen in schools and in the office: it's not good.

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Yeah...like this?


Can't be good. All of it so obvious.


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Wow. Bookmarking for future. Thanks for that pull.

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That was a really sick ad. I mean...it was like Summer of 2020 all over again. The rioting, looting and nursing homes.

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Nick Offerman doesn't even have children, so he doesn't have to worry about what his grandchildren think of him.

I liked him much better as Ron Swanson than as himself.

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I think the message is that sitting around smoking dope may be a factor in causing psychopathic grandchildren.

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I do believe that is 'inciting violence to elders' 🤨

"Paging Merrick Garland, Mr. Garland"

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Explains the Biden presidency rather well, doesn't it?

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It's also amusing that her biggest constituency doesn't want children. So how is saying that the children and grandchildren they won't have will be mad at them going to be persuasive?

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You're such a guy, applying logic and all that. It's not fair! Stop it!

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LOL. It's one of my biggest faults. It will no doubt get me sent to the camps some day.

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You will be surrounded by like-minded people.

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Those camps will be lit AF!

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Why do you think the guards will be like-minded? I think dislike-minded.

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I didn't mean the guards.

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*leans in, lifts lapel in Pirrongerly direction*

I'm sorry - could you repeat that thing about Logic and The Camps again?

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vote for Kamala and it will be someday soon!

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That was my very first thought: Ohthe irony of an ad talking about your grandchildren... presumably the ones that actually didn't get aborted?

I couldn't watch the entire ad, it is just so awfully bad, everything about it. I felt like I needed the precious seconds of my life it would waste.

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Matt Yglesias embodies entitled guilt and white dudes for Harris. Here’s his viral tweet: “Young men should know that if you vote for Trump you’re basically never going to get laid.”

Why does anyone take people like him seriously? He has a purple check mark along with Heather Cox Richardson and Dan Rather.

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Just because Matt and all the soy boys voting for Kamala have finally synced their ovulation doesn't mean male MAGA voters want to get laid by them.

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One can only speculate on which is the menstrual alpha...

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Lmao! I'm adding that to my repertoire

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Something something Sympathetic Resonance.

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Heh. I called Matty Ig a SoiBoi just a minute before reading your comment.

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I must live in a different world - Every woman I have talked to is pro-Trump. I honestly don't know who the pollsters are talking to, because if anecdotal evidence is any indication Trump is going to make the Reagan landslide look paltry.

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A lot of college-educated people are voting for Trump, too. The gaslighting is really wearing thin.

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I wish that, but I am not sure.... I would say that there are even more kamala ads than Trump ones in my neighborhood... and I live in Florida. I truly cannot understand how anybody could vote for her but people will certainly do. Blame the education, blame the press, blame the lack of critical thinking but it's clear they have tons of followers which are happy with these policies breaking the country, the freedoms and the middle class. Plus add the massive cheating they will do.... I hope for the best but I am getting prepared for the worse.

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Never underestimate the ability of people to "drink the coolaide". People voting against their own best interests, not taking their own side in a fight. No matter how bad their lives get somehow still believing the / "their" government will be there to save them. Never mind the $35+ trillion debt. the forever wars, the economic downturns because the person who is part of the administration for almost 4 years says this time it will be different while at the same time telling us she wouldn't change a thing. To paraphrase the Hillary campaign song and my front door mat: Don't Stop, Be Leaving!

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It actually makes the irony deeper that the beverage served in Guyana was Flav-R-Ade (a cheap knock off of Kool-Aid). Not only are they drinking what will kill them, but it is cheap sauce besides. Sums up Kamala's campaign completely.

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Maybe he was not talking about relations with women?

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Tons of gays are voting for Trump so they can get laid and have enough money for the dinner before.

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Whaaaat?......you don't think Matt's "queermones" would smell appealing?!

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"NOT that there's anything wrong with that."

- Jerry Seinfeld

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I'm not sure anyone cares about not getting laid by slobby looking people with danger hair and so many facial piercings they can't go through metal detectors without setting them off.

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The piercings give new meaning to the phrase "hook up"...

Imagine finding someone's fly collection seductive.

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I'm always anxious walking behind someone fishing, but imagine sleeping with one of these people.

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Not really the "catch" I'm interested in.

There has to be great meme in here somewhere...

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"Any fish will bite if you've got good bait!"


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So clever! One of the best.

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Definitely a catch and release scenario.

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Don't look if you're squeamish:


I know a professional piercer/tattoo-artist, and he had a full rig in his studio, for suspending clients from the roof.

Also, some people attach weights from various points on the body (yes, there too). I wonder how they'll feel about it when they're 75 or so.

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I've got an old copy of Modern Primitives somewhere. It was standard punk library material in '86. All I can say is 'Ouch'. Just looking at that made me never want anything like that in my life.

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"A number of health concerns might be associated with the practice, such as excessive bleeding, fainting, fall injuries, and infections."


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Oh yeah, biiig time. Such events are one of the few environments where mandatory masking would make sense. A tiny droplet of someone else's saliva getting in into the layer between the skin and the muscles? Hello any number of nasty stuff.

My friend is a consummate professional, and charge correspondingly and vets his customers. Some are not and do not. I've heard and seen some horror-examples that'd fit right in, in a Luigi Fulci or Dario Argento-flick.

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Perhaps a new category of the Darwin Awards is in order.


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Oh gods, now I have a bizzare visual of someone's oversized septum ring tangled with a Prince Albert or something. How awkward it must be (and I bet it happens too, LOL).

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It does, yes. Sometimes when the parties are going at it full thrust. 220lbs male with a metal ring through his glans getting said ring hooked on a rod through the clitoral hood of a 220lbs woman counter-thrusting.

Something's gonna give, and it ain't gonna be pretty.

The wonders of having shared a lunch-table with ambulance drivers, I have a special compartment in my brain for such stuff, and the ER at the hospital mom used to work at had a board (hidden from patients!) with "trophies":

Objects removed from patients. Zippers were on prominent display, men being in too much of a hurry to notice John Thomas was hanging out. As was a plethora of objects removed from inside cavities from men and women: "I just tripped and landed on my rump, and that He-Man toy must have gotten lodged up there somehow".

Yep, I've got a morbid fascination for the sordid.

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"danger hair"

Mrs. Pi loves watching ID (if she kills me, it's going to be epic) and there's a whole lot of Danger Hair going on up in there.

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It's so funny. In my lifetime Manic Panic has gone from esoteric to boring.

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“Young men should know that if you vote for Trump you’re basically never going to get laid.”

SoiBoi Incel says What?

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Yes, cos if 🐫ah gets in, we’re all getting fcuked…just without lube.

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We are living in very bizarre times, my friend.

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Never get laid by a “karen” ? Doesn’t seem too bad?

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He's just never heard the wisdom: "Don't stick your dick in cray-cray".

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...get laid...by guys like me."

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I haven't checked with any of my liberal college buddies, but I'm willing to bet good money they disagree that her message is backfiring. (Hell, I bet my wife would disagree, TBH.) American Politics is a sewer with infinite clumps of corn-laced feces floating all about. Some of them are red and some of them are blue. No one really knows how many of each there are. Spoiler Alert: Kamala Harris, a horribly unqualified candidate, can win. If she loses, it will be close. Deny that at your peril.

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American politics is a sewer ONLY because the Fourth Estate is the de facto propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. If the alphabet legacy corporate media lied about Mary Poppins like they've been lying about Trump for NINE YEARS, millions of Americans would have MPDS.

The MEDIA are the cancer among us. The Democrat Party would be at most a fringe player in national politics if the media just reported news honestly and fairly. The MEDIA are why we are so divided - division based on lies, lies, and more lies.

The MEDIA need to be destroyed if America is to have any chance to survive.

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Public education seems to be a huge problem too and one that has been preparing the grounds for this for a long time. Students are punished for critical thinking and just taught to follow orders and trust leaders. Sooner or later this takes a toll.

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The public schools are the source of the malignancy, it metastasised to the media.

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The Transnational captured MSM is the main problem.

They want the perfect sock puppet to be elected and will do ANYTHING for that to happen. Anything.....

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frighteningly true.

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If Harris wins by a "close" margin, the Vote Counterz will have provided that margin. Might take a few days (throw in a couple injunctions and a court fight - two weeks, max) and a half-doz recounts in various key areas, but yeah...no sweat, it's always worked in the past. Ask Dino Rossi...

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"I did my part."

I find "Just doing my part!" to be one of the most evil and/or stupid things a person can say.

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Right there beside. "I was just following orders".

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what about these gems - "save the world" "save democracy" "being on the right side of history" . The Dems love to replace real thought with these sophistries

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All worthy of note.

Honorable Mention: "Giving back to the Community!"

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"I did my part": the song&dance-routine of a group assignment, where the students in question hasn't done what they should, and are blaming each other.

Which is why I rarely allowed group assignments, and if so, did it with a stern "All of you will be graded on the group's performance, so all of you must know all of the subject handed to you - no 'That's Martin's bit, and he's called in sick today' crapola!" Including finger-wagging and slamming my palm on the desk.

Completely unrelated, the teacher's desk is called "kateder" in Swedish (from Greek kathédra; "bishop's pulpit/chair"). The number of times automated spell-checking has changed it to "kateter" (catheter) instead, causing much confusion and hilarity, are plenty.

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The expectation that everyone would do their part led directly to the failure of Mao's Cultural Revolution, where everyone was assigned to a commune and a five-year plan with an unrealistic production goal.

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Shit..I heard this the other day. “I use my washer in the morning, saves energy, doing my part.” … part of a list of “just doing my part,” “took the shot,” “bought cheesecakes from the Ukrainian bakery,” “use paper straws,” all under the pressure of the greater good.

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I just realized that could be a good put down: "I'll bet you use paper straws, don't you?"

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Who lets their kids take part as actors in something that has them pretending to kick and stomp on old people? No amount of money. No cause is worth that.

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*ponders, realizes that Greta Thunberg has entered the chat*

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Little doubt the same sort that take their children to drag-queen story hour with a wad of ones to stuff in the g-string.

Generational insanity.

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True believers. The end justifies the means.

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Seriously, though, that's the best thing I've seen come out of the Demorat camp this campaign. I thought they had no sense of humour but that was actually a very funny parody of themselves!

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unwitting self parody can be more revelatory than any candid self-disclosure

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All just for show! As 2020 proved, when all is said and done it is as Uncle Joe said: It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes.

Joseph Stalin

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Oh yeah...

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I listened to Gaffigan ONLY because you said to, but he's dead to me now.

I used to LOVE his humor (and I probably still would, IF I'd listen to him), but he shit bigly on those of us who chose NOT to get jabbed into us an untested, experimental, dangerous gene therapy, and from that moment on he's been persona non grata to me.

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I didn't realize that ~ disappointing to say the least.

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I am now oscillating between a desperate "God let it end" and a maniacal fascination with "how cringe can it get?".

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Exactly how i felt until I realized it wouldn't be so fascinating to be ruled by ¡Que Mala! The Scold.

At this point i just want the Bluebonic Plague to end.

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Hell, I almost wish the real Bubonic Plague would stand up! At least then people would have something real to worry about...

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Both spread by rats. Previously by the oriental variety Rattus rattus, but now by a new sub-species, the occidental Rattus demorat*.

Given its aversion to breeding, there is hope that extinction is in the near future.

* H/T Joel Smalley, above.

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"Bluebonic Plague"

I love you man.

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Looks like it's time to go long on Big Redenbacher.

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Elder abuse is so funny, right Democrats?

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Ask Andrew Cuomo.

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Good lord. For the first time maybe ever (except for Bitcoin but that doesn't count) I wonder if we were in alternative universes. Not about that Children of the Corn video--those were some ferally festering grandkids--but Trump at the Al Smith Dinner. I thought he had only one good line--and it was good--but for the rest he showed what I have always felt was his absence of a true sense of humor.

And I sure wish Kamala is truly toast but I ain't so optimistic as you are.

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This whole election makes me suspect I've fallen through the proverbial wormhole into some kind of "alternate universe".

One of the candidates for the most powerful leader of the free world has somehow become one of two choices with out ever having receiving a vote, without enunciating a platform, without addressing ANY of the crisis level problems facing the nation.

And there is a chance that this totally unqualified, completely inexperienced bimbo could get enough votes to get within "the margin of cheating".


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Welcome to Clownworld.

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*reaches out and honks Kertch's red nose, shoots him with water from his Daisy Boutonniere*

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The Transnationals will do anything to get Kammy elected. ANYTHING.. !

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Unfortunately, true.

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There will be plenty of voters like myself who are going to the polls in an act of negation rather than affirmation, and there are plenty of Republicans who want things to go back to the bad old uniparty way with no upstarts ruining military contracts keeping the heartland warm, etc.

And there's no shortage of people who don't care what kind of moron is in the Oval Office so long as the bureaucracy grinds on in its relentless way. They recognize perfectly well that Kamala herself is unimportant to the larger goal.

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Harris’ public persona including this ridiculous chronic waving is so rehearsed…. She’s running for President not Miss America!! It’s nauseating!! And I’m guessing her private persona is a dizzying 180 from this award winning charade….

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I still can not believe Virginia is Blue. .... Thanks Fairfax, Arlington and now, Loudoun County. It is just really just shitty

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They are the beneficiaries of your endless supply of tax dollars which fund their direct or contractor federal “jobs”. Of course they won’t vote against their economic interests. The counties around D.C. have some of the highest median household incomes in the nation. And nothing would be more satisfying than having Elon being in charge of Team Afuera!

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Tragically I awoke today to proof that KH’s video for the Al Smith dinner succeeded in hitting one target…highly educated, suburban white women. My old Catholic high school lunch table crowd was frighteningly singing its praises via text (Awesome! Superstar! Fabulous! She nailed it!). One common denominator among them (but not me) is multiple degrees. Beyond that, it mystifies me that we actually sprouted from the same place but have ended up so far apart. I just don’t get it.

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Time for you to consider either having lunch by yourself or coming up with a few critical-thinking lunch companions.

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Has this grandpa abuse ad been posted to Youtube? I´d like to post it elsewhere but can´t find it. Just unbelievable. Anyway, thanks!

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Same here. I can't find it. I really wish videos came with a link.

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Instagram ka ma la man

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Yeah i was hoping to find it as well

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3 mins ago·edited 2 mins ago

I found this, oldy but goody:

I think my dogs a democrat. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H3VLqLLWxbQ

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