Fraud is an old game. Dr. Kory said when he walked in with ivermectin he walked into a decades long war against generic, off-patent drugs. Big Pharma raison d'être is $$$$, not health.

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... and now they added eugenics to their goals...

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That goal is an old one...

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I am afraid you are correct; I thought before this plandemic that the opioid crisis was just ruthless profiteering, but now, I am more inclined to see it as genocidal.

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It’s the same reason they don’t fix the shootings in Chicago which occur every weekend, nor the homelessness/drug addiction in Seattle.

The politics of ruin is BY DESIGN. They people running this shit show don’t care, their paychecks depend on it!

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Dysgenics, not eugenics.

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'they are the cockroaches of the research world.'

What a gem!

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And yet, somehow unfair to cockroaches. As Ellen Ripley said in Aliens, "You don't see them fucking each other over for a percentage."

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"HIV=AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud"


In honor of the memories of Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis (1944-2019), researcher and gay rights activist Hank Wilson (1947-2008), writer and activist Christine Maggiore (1956-2008), journalist Terry Michael (1947-2017), journalist Liam Scheff (d. 2017), and biomedical researcher David Crowe (d. 2020) who worked ceaselessly and courageously to expose the numerous frauds of Anthony Fauci and his fellow conspirators in the HIV=AIDS industry.

This is the story they would have us believe.

A deadly new virus is discovered...there's no treatment or cure...it's highly contagious...everyone is a potential victim...the world is at risk from asymptomatic super spreaders...new clusters of cases reported daily...

Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable...positive antibody tests are called "infections" and "cases" even when the patient has no symptoms...every politician gets involved...media hysteria in high gear...activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma...

Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research...simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed......presumptive diagnoses...exaggerated death statistics...falsified death certificates...

Covid 2020?


AIDS in the 1980s.

Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.

Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won't be after you see this film.

This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story.

Share widely.

Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world.

Note: The creator of this video compilation of public domain content, protected under the Fair Use doctrine, grants free and unrestricted license to anyone who wishes to republish it. We do request that the notes below, including this message, be included in their entirety with the rebroadcast of this video.

Translation: Feel free to republish it, just please included the text notes that accompany the video.

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My wife, back when she covered his work for a bay area newspaper in the mid-90's, & I met Peter Duesberg, whose seminal book "Inventing the Aids Virus" covered the whole debacle in glorious detail. We also met Kary Mullis through him and became good friends w/Christine Maggiore during that tempestuous time not realizing that it was a trial run for what we're going through now. We thought it was just big pharma grift on a large scale, not that it would lead to the total take down of all aspects of society.

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It is interesting to see what wakes people up, and when. A lot of people think that C19 was a grand failing, as opposed to BAU. For me, I was 13 when I wondered why every dog I knew died of cancer, regardless of age. I assumed it was the food, but it made me curious and open about investigating wellbeing. This was helpful because human studies are prone to noise and co-founders absent in animal studies.

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Yep, vets always blamed food for the pet's cancers, and then started selling the "healthy" alternatives in their own office, all while reminding you to bring in your creature for their yearly jabs.

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Lol, I learned about vaccine science 15 years ago to make sure I wasn't harming my dog. Interesting that most parents don't do that...

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I stop vaccinating my pets after reading Dr. Pitcairns book many years ago but didn't make the connection to people shots. Once I had grandkids, I did the research and thankfully the youngest has none, but the oldest had his to age 4 and he has issues as a result.

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I started with Jean Dodds, DVM's concept of not overvaccinating. The more I learned, the less it looked like shots were beneficial. But I did learn about titer testing, the differences between killed and live viruses, adjuvants, quality control issue and that some companies were dodgier than others. I didn't start paying attention to human shots until the Disney Measles outbreak hit the news, and I noticed the parallels between what was happening in the vet lit, and what parents were describing from various vaccines. 🧐

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So youre saying rabies vaccines cause cancer in dogs? First I've heard of that. Do you have a good link I can go to?

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This is just one, but I believe both pet food and shots cause cancer in animals. We don't vaccinate. My last two dogs lived very long healthy lives. My current two are thriving https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/cancer/c_dg_vaccine_sarcoma

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I imagine she has quite a few stories to tell.

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I watched the video...wow! I knew about Fauci’s AIDS debacles but not the particulars.

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Politicians love this situation and they will never fix it. "Researcher" bureaucrats whose hands are stained with their own crimes are a lot more likely to play along with whatever they think their political paymasters want them to-- no matter how heinous or damaging to public health-- in order to avoid having their own perfidy exposed. "You cover up my crimes, and I'll help carry out yours."

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They've gone too far past the event horizon. Don't be surprised if they set off a false flag nuke in the US to keep the fear narrative going.


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This actually keeps me up some nights.

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Does that explain the crazy nuclear attack TV ad they are running in NYC?

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Timing is suspect. People are bored of the virus, BLM, Ukraine, Roe v Wade, law enforcement enabled mass shootings, etc. Why not throw in a nuke for shits and giggles?

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The swamp doesn't need to be drained. It needs to be completely reclaimed as a protected wetland where no human being can ever step foot in it again.

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There is some question as to whether there are many actual humans in that swamp now!

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"you seriously cannot kill a full blooded government grift grantee. they are the cockroaches of the research world....

adding money from politicians to science just creates political science.

the federal piper winds up calling the tune for whole sectors of research and taints all it touches.

it does not create progress, it generates lysenkoist cronyism irrigated with rivers of dirty largess."

Federal funding and oversight in a nutshell!

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My favorite part, as well! Well done. I’m posting this on all my social media platforms. LET’S ALL POST THIS ARTICLE! It will at least create curiosity and perhaps drive people to read THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by RFK, jr.

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While it is important for folks to read the book so many who need it won't buy it so maybe tease them into peeking with pdf copy for free.. then they can support CHD and Health Freedom!


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Excellent idea!

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Kennedy's book, offers outstanding documentation of NIH malfeasance under Fauci but he still clings to the progressive ideal of the regulatory state. He hasn't understood how the regulatory and interventionist state inevitably begets the cronyism he decries here. I'd suggest reading Murray Rothbard: "Our Enemy The State" after Kennedy's book. https://mises.org/library/our-enemy-state-2 [ also available there as a free audiobook ]

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This is my only real complaint with El Gato. I'd love to repost his stuff, but I know many skeptics who would automatically dismiss him as unserious because of the lack of capitalization.

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It's a trick to force reader to pay more attention by reading rather than lazily scanning.

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I tend to think it is a gimmick, or possibly just he just feels it's more efficient for him to write sans conventional grammer.

Personally I find it distracting and at times hard to separate sentences and ideas. I wouldn't bother reading except his journalism, thinking and writing are so damned good! Darn that cat!

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Read carefully, not scanning, and it sinks in. The trick (or tactic) works, IMO. It's not lazy, it's a conscious choice.

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Yeah, he's a real Jedi. Silly us with our well understood conventional grammar...

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Milton Friedman called it decades ago.

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Not exactly sure what that means but never was a fan of Milton Friedman or Chicago school of economics. His Nobel Prize is worth as much as Obama's Nobel Peace Prize to me.

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Watch the original "Free to Choose" series from 1980. It's worth the 10 hours or so.

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For whatever reason, Friedman never criticized the worst government(alist) agency of all -- The Federal Reserve. Otherwise a great advocate for choice.

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Seems as if we would be much wealthier and much healthier without Public Health.

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I agree. I have no faith or trust in our health governing body, Health Canada. At this point in Canada, due to a doctor shortage, I don't have one. Perhaps that's what's keeping me alive! So many of them are quick to provide a prescription for medication rather than suggesting or exploring a healthy lifestyle. As for nutrition I believe that potential doctors while training, receive about 6 weeks regarding this subject. However that being said, I did see a surgeon last year for a broken humerus bone in my arm. He was amazing and given his advice and support I chose not to have surgery. Best decision I ever made. Fully healed and functional 6 months later.

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So glad you are healed. Sounds like you found a great doctor. I have always been selective about my doctors, but I will be even more so post-Covid. I plan to put much more emphasis on just living a healthy life, so I can avoid the medical establishment as much as possible.

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Thankyou Cr. The funny thing is that I wasn't supposed to get him. After my injury I went by ambulance to emergency and was assigned a surgeon from the hospital. He told me I absolutely had to have surgery and looked at me as if I was crazy to suggest otherwise. He then told me unfortunately he couldn't do the surgery since he was going away for 2 weeks. He found me the wonderful surgeon in another hospital. I dodged a bullet that time.

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You definitely dodged a bullet!

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That applies - in principle - to every state-run bureau. Why? Because none of their decisions are subject to cost-benefit analysis. It's all doctrine and dogma, mixed with rent-seeking from private interests wanting a cut of the tax money or some protectionist intervention.

It's a lot of fun to learn about, at https://mises.org

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This post is Lit!

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hey guys, here's a hopeful essay about how The Great reset is failing if you need to regird your loins!


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I am convinced they will fail, but I fear that they, being nihilists, might pull the Samson Option and bring the arena down on all of us. None will walk happily into prison. In any event, it will be a long, painful slog reclaiming our rights and society from these creatures. What other choice is there, though? So through this filth we must go.

They are evil, soulless individuals lacking even a rudimentary moral compass, as revealed by Gato's essay.

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Yes, JHH, DDS, as each day passes I realize more deeply these truly are evil, soulless individuals who have (sadly) destroyed their consciences. They were all born with consciences, but each foray into greater deception (personal, professional, societal) is cumulative, breeding foray unto foray, until one day the conscience gasps its last.

Interesting that the reading today in the Greek Catholic Liturgy is Matthew 8 which tells of the region of Gadarene and two demon-possessed men so violent no one could pass by. They call out to Jesus who responds simply, "Go," and the demons leave the two men and go into a herd of swine.

So, all is not lost. Dead consciences could be returned to tip-top shape (even Birx/Brix, Fauci and Redfield) but the task is great for those who care. What is needed is committed deep prayer (pray over passages of the Gospels - Catholics, add praying daily rosary, b/c you know every Hail Mary is a bomb going off in hell), and genuine fasting (bread and water one or two days a week). Beg the Triune God to have mercy on us. This is our layman's "Go" in this spiritual battle between good and evil. Oh, and priests and preachers, we desperately need you to step up to the plate.

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Good comment. This is indeed a spiritual battle.

Sadly, as a Catholic, it seems that the Church hierarchy is echoing the anti-human agenda of the globalists. Vatican twitter was silent on Roe's reversal, only snidely remarking that to be pro-life means to be anti-gun . Outrageously, Pelosi was invited to receive Communion after Archbishop Cordileone forbade SF diocesan priests from distributing the Eucharist to her. Just today, I heard that the Pope is encouraging people to cut down on meat consumption...unreal.

Well, my faith is in God, not the grifters who rose to the top levels of the Church.

Hang in there, Donna Ruth. Keep praying!

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Thanks, JHH. Yes, this has been deeply distressing for faithful Catholics watching all this unfold during the past decades, in particular for many the papal reaction to Pelosi at the Vatican. It is unconscionable. The Church has weathered bad popes before and carries on like the Eveready Bunny. It is the deposit of faith, coupled with the faith of the laity who seek to love and serve Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful thing. Hope is a virtue, and though we cannot see it yet, in the mysterious designs of God's providence, God can draw a greater good from evil. As Julian of Norwich reminds us c1400: "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well."

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There's still hope in the Catholic Church. Archbishop Vigano, for one. Pray ceaselessly... for him and all of the truly faithful.

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Exactly right. I deeply appreciate the courage of men like Vigano, Cordileone, and Strickland.

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Look up "perfectly possessed." This is what we are contending with with these people.

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IMO due diligence requires study of scripture and learning when it has been mistranslated and subverted since Apostolic Christianity. There is a path to revelation that does not conflict with what we find in history and the natural sciences.

The understanding of scripture can't begin until you have made a lot of progress unlearning the lies of secular history and culture.

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Well said, Doc. They may not walk happily into prison -- but who does? So long as their power to wreak havoc on society is forever destroyed, whatever that takes, so be it.

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“ they cling to the public purse like herpes, sometimes in remission but always ready to flare up again.” That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!

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I would trade this government for the Mafia any day of the week.

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at least the mafia took pride in its neighborhoods.

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And the cannoli!

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And braciole... and saltimbocca... and...

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And they pledged to leave the children alone.

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The Bidens make the Sopranos look like the Cleavers.

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"The State is the mafia pretending to be a human rights organization."

~ Dave Smith

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Same with big pharma and drug dealers

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Anything that big pharma can't make profit off of, they either destroy or buy. Same with the people they need to control.

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Nice pick up.. old time Washington quip about intel folks having only for strategies applies broadly now.. delay, deny, destroy & buy.. often used in combination but that's all folks! :~)

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It is likely we have the cops 'n robbers show view of blackmail: greed for money / threat to self or family, but the subtle, cunning, serpentine mind of pure evil takes blackmail to depths we cannot begin to imagine. Most anyone - even the most powerful - can be blackmailed with the right formula.

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Such a cogent analysis. Truly frightening. And , I agree. It's all just broken. The two party system that guarantees crony capitalism and abuse of grant funds and favoritism and dishonesty....the social welfare and mental health systems equally broken and corrupt that have vested interest in keeping people sick and disadvantaged....big PhArMA that steers medicine and wants to keep people physically ill because repeat customers.... GAH!

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Two-party system? Really? It is more of a uniparty today, has been for a while. Oh sure, there are some holdouts giving us hope, but so long as snakes like Lindsay Graham, Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell continue to populate the Swamp, it will be business as usual. The snakes will from time to time try to throw us off with a rational-sounding comment, but rest assured nothing will actually change until the entire Swamp is drained and reclaimed, as Rob D says above.

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Michael Senger's recent piece https://brownstone.org/articles/deborah-birxs-guide-to-destroying-a-country-from-within/ details Birx's just published tell-all where she still uses the long-discredited videos of people dropping dead on the street and the report of the rapidly built emergency hospital in Wuhan (it was an apartment building project) as the inspiration for her mission to lock down the U.S. China style. These people obviously don't care about science, and never have.

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The jab IS the virus. Who woulda thunk it?

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For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brawndo stuff!

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What do you suggest? Water? You mean like outta da toilet?

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Brawndo has electrolytes.

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Camacho 2024.

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Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. A true man of the people!

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The bravado (brawando?) of Trump and the intelligence of Biden.

It's a win-win!

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Ryan, I feel like you and I ought to be sitting around, eating popcorn, and watching Ow My Balls.

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Tom Clancy wrote this very plot in 1997 in Rainbow Six.

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Finally found a copy of that book and will start reading this week.

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It takes a while for the plot to fully unfold. Be patient

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None of this would be possible without the oceans of counterfeit money created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve.

End the Fed.

Or it will end us.

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It appears they are working on ending themselves. When the dollar world reserve ends so that they can no longer run massive deficits with minimal inflation, and have the dollars recycled to pump up financial assets...then the money printing free lunch will be over.

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It is ending before our eyes.

It has been happening for a long time, since Nixon destroyed the last vestige of the gold standard.

The Bidenistas, through stupidity, design, or both, are hell bent on accelerating the process, and are succeeding.

Build Back Bolshevik™, don't you know.

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