This guy would've betrayed Jesus at a cut rate from Judas and be right there at the Golgotha leading a GoFundMe to pay for the tomb, ending up claiming full credit for the ressurrection.

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Can’t wait for St. Anthony and Uncle Joe’s celebratory presser to declare victory over COVID and announce that in order to prevent the next pandemic, they are declaring war on climate change, systemic racism and the Republican Party because after all it is all about the science.

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The issue I have with Fauci's waffling is that he doesn't say, "I was wrong because . . . " He rarely acknowledges his flips on his positions. When he does, he points out that people weren't ready to hear the truth or would be confused by mixed messages. In other words, it's our fault for being too stupid. Even mild-mannered Martin Kulldorff called him out for checking the political winds before making a statement.

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My favourite Faucism was when he was asked why Texas didn’t turn into the Night of the Living Dead, he said it was because the Texans were being “extra careful because of the loosening of restrictions.” Silly Neanderthals, those Texans. What an absolute dystopian mess western democracies have become.

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And don’t forget about how much better New York Performed than Florida.

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That very moment, when Shaman Fauci actually said it, with a straight face, is when we all should have realized, "It's over. Get the lights on your way out!"

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Agreed! Even more unbelievable than his ridiculously unscientific response to the question of how to account for the plummeting COVID numbers post lifting of mask mandate was the dumb journo’s bobbing head and toothy smile following Shaman Fauci’s response. We are being gaslit all day, everyday by the journo activists

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As you brilliantly opine, that Shaman Fauci flip-flops is not hard to understand. He is playing his cards for maximum effect, based upon prevailing political winds. Easy-peasy. What continues to baffle me, particularly among people I used to respect, is how *anyone* listens to him with anything but disgust. As a species, we are not very smart. Six millions years seems like dumb luck, the more one looks around!

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Yes we are not very smart, which is not surprising given the number of uber elites among us who spent $250,000 for a BA in feminist and queer studies. We get the governments we deserve and right now we are getting it good and hard.

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Even the "fact-checker" sites got into the act this week, ahead of Fauci... it's pretty clearly coordinated.

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They're trying to get ahead of the wave. The people do have some power left.

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not holding breath for fauci or any of the other recognizing hope-simpson......

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Which is really weird to us in the reality-based community because it's been clear since last summer that the virus was following H-S and nothing we did trumped that. Yet here we are like 10 months later pretending we don't know it AND there's no immunity after you get over the bug.

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The object of the US/EU pandemic response "experiment" has very little to do with a virus.

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Hint: replace "the US/EU" with "most of the world"; this has happened almost everywhere

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Agreed, and I can relate to that. Here where I am, rain season is starting and historically, ILIs tend to increase. As expected, covid cases are increasing; yet government is blaming us for relaxing "bio-safety" measures and threatening us with harsher restrictions and lockdowns (as if any of those things made a difference).

Sad thing is, only a few ones have connected the dots...the rest believe the government

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I said it on Twitter, and I will say it again here. Why is only "people like us" who even mention Hope-Simpson? Does no one at the CDC have a library card? We *know* Shaman Fauci *never* reads papers or reports--as evidenced by several mentions from Scott Atlas--but it is amazing that no one else realizes what is clear.

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my theory is this:

hope simpson is a natural process that cannot be stopped or controlled any more than the turning of the seasons can.

when your message is entirely about control and pretending to have it over an RTI so that you can grab it at a societal scale and you have undertaken these vast policies that have inflicted such grievous harm for no epidemiological effect, the last thing you want is a disease model that says "this was never in our control."

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Mr. Cat- have you done a long post on Hope Simpson for the layman? Two things I'm embarrassed to say I don't understand.

1. Whenever I see a chart with Hope Simpson plotted on it, I don't know what the y-axis is... I understand the importance of seasonality, but what is the actual measure being plotted?

2. I tried to read one of the early papers, and I don't quite think I understand the proposed transmission cycle (i.e. the refutation of the direct transmission from infected person).

Any help from you or other knowledgeable readers (SimulationCommander?) would be appreciated.

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The Hope-Simpson axis is the percentage breakdown of how that zone gets the flu. In the upper and lower sections, we see much more clustering around the winter seasons. Closer to the equator, the virus sort of meanders through the population slowly.

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hope-simpson is observation with no prejudged theory, a foreign principle to the consensus science crowd. obtaining to observation denies the narrative and infers that the virus is not to be controlled iaw their narrative. it is a form of sunk cost fallacy, or "say npevil" despite what the world looks like.

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It’s comical, but also a little sad, that even after Fauci has admitted lying to the public on several occasions, he and others will assail us as villains and “anti-science” if we doubt his most recent oracular pronouncements.

Recall this, concerning the “herd immunity threshold”:

“In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.””

“Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks”


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The worst mistake Trump made was elevating this man. He is nothing but a political and corporate pawn. Trump should have brought in someone like Scott Atlas.

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Dear Saint Anthony, will we need to double mask for the double mutant variants and triple mask for the triple variants? Mr. Paul wants to know. Not assigning a high probability to this outcome, but wouldn’t it be some kind of theatre to watch Messrs Fauci, Cuomo, Eric Wing-Ding, Gates et al appear before a global tribunal. I wonder how fast the grifters over at 60 Minutes, CNN and the Times would shift course to claim they were on the right side of history. Might reverses the loss of ratings and subscriptions since the bad Orange Man was defeated.

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I guarantee you the Siberians don;t want him there.

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I can't wait for him to fall in disgrace or better, go to prison.. hopefully history will credit him with the the name flip-flop faucci

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Well, looks like Fauci is more like a politician rather than a scientist. The sad thing is that many hold his words as gospel.

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