I am so angry about this. They administered these death shots to people with compromised immune systems, even through they were not in any trials and had no basis to. That has never ever been done before. My best friends cancer came back witha vengeance, and now she cannot get treatment because she just tested positive for Covid. On top of that, the misinformation about the deadly ivermectin and the lies about there is no early treatment means that she won't take my ivermectin because she so believes in the lies. I think she will die before Christmas. I am heartbroken. The propoganda has killed her.

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I am very sorry about your friend. I share your intense anger. I have a primary immunodeficiency and was once a critical care nurse. I attended some online meetings for immunocompromised people and was horrified by the lies and propaganda that were presented as facts. I could sense how effective it was on some people despite quite a few of us pointing out inaccuracies. Early on i wanted to believe it was misguided clinical judgement. The bizarre lies and omission of data i have witnessed since is sadly, horrifically and clearly evidence it is intentional.

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Thank you. I am devastated. Warned her not to take the shots...knew just by blind instinct it was not a good idea for people with cancer in remission...it has just been a nightmare since the Spring....If I die, it will be becaue I will have a coronorary from my anger, not Covid.

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I don't know if this helps at all but I am certain that anger will not kill you but rather keep you alive. The all cause mortality rates and the raging cancers as Dr Cole suspected early on are already visible. In time, the people that will get sick and die from pent up emotions are the advanced degree clinicians and researchers staying silent due to fear. I am gay and was a young adult when Fauci, Collins, Birx and friends had their trial run on our community. You will be hard pressed to find a gay person who was an adult in the 80's who doesn't believe that was a coordinated attack on us. I am looking forward to reading RFK Jr's book bc I heard he covers this heinous history. As a community we were poised to act bc we had nothing to lose as we were already marginalized. We came out of the closet in droves to fight back and care for our community. This too will happen with Covid. It is a slower response bc the MD and PhD community we need to stand up and have humanities back have a great deal to lose. The younger ones have also been trained in a system designed to make them subservient to administrators. Please don't despair but keep your anger raw bc many will eventually get on the right side of history. I saw Dr Malone's group is organizing the first March on Washington and I pray anyone who is able to get there does. Not because the criminal class will change course but because their foot soldiers will if they see 200,000 people gather like we did for the AIDS quilt. I predict the Supreme Court will rubber stamp Biden's mandates and then I pray millions march on Washington. I will add your friend to my prayers and I am so very sorry for what is happening to her.

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So very well said, LL!! Like you, I am also afraid that SCOTUS will rubber stamp Biden's criminal mandates. Even now after so many companies have halted their vax mandates, I am really sad and angry for all the people who got injected against their will, in order to keep their livelihoods (my sister being one of them). Anger can be a positive force, for sure. Just like the adrenaline rush in times of fear when fight or flight are the only options. I'm spending most of my time and energy fighting for my teens (17 & 19). The oldest almost took the shots about 2 months ago. Her doctor told her that J&J was the safest of all 3 mRNAs. LOL Imagine that!!! History will prove me right. And I will use this small victory (latest articles on the dangers of the Jennsen shot) to show her why her momma KNOWS what she's talking about. ;-) Keep up the good fight and I'm glad you're on our side. God bless you.

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Thank you for the support and dose of sanity MLL. I am very glad you were able to reach your teen! I think those of us in these threads believe our contributions to fighting this are tiny but they are huge bc one life saved from chronic illness or death is enormous. My sister like you is also helping my 17 year old niece navigate this and stay firm with a no. I hope as the data that trickles beyond criminal censorship grows it will be easier for the kids to trust your knowledge. I have spent the last year in the bluest of blue states trying to educate everyone I love. It was futile at first but something is happening bc now I am reaching about 50%. The entirety of this is heart wrenching but I feel certain truth will prevail. Please keep up the good fight too and God bless you as well. Your children and with any luck some of their friends are very fortunate to have you guiding them!

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Sadly, all of their friends are vaxxed. Hence, my incredibly challenging hill, fighting their perception because their "friends got it and are doing fine". Again, this is a matter of time when other health issues will start to surface. I pray that none of those kids is harmed but suspect they will have to deal with some issues in the long-term based on the data gathered so far.

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Oh my friend, bless you. Thank you. I too was old enough to see what Fauci did to your community...I had so many friends that were lost. The Fauci expose is so spot on, and I wish the rest of us had the same spirit to push back.

You know you just gave me an idea. What if in addition to marching, we adopt the community's quilt. Everyone who has lost someone to Covid by not getting early outpatient treatment...everyone who has lost a parent in the nursing home due to infected people being put their by government orders..everyone who has lost someone to rampant cancer after the shots...or myocarditis, or death after the vaccines? If not a quilt, then what? That quilt was a stoke of genius, because when it was displayed, your breath was knocked out from the visual impact of all those deaths. Could we make a virtual quilt somewhere on the net? although I like the solid way the quilt jolted people awake to the humanity that was lost...do help me think of something! A quilt would certainly remind everyone of what Fauci did deliberately....and what he failed to do, which is being repeated right now almost to the letter. What price bactrim/Hydroxychloroquine/Ivermectin??? What price AZT/Remdesivir? Up to the testing on helpless children?

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You are spot on with everything! His/their playbook is literally the exact same one. I am definetly no expert on any of this but having lived through it once before and having worked in teaching hospitals that fell to Pharma and the likes of Fauci many years ago I think I can hazard a guess. I too believe the quilt idea or something similar is needed. You captured the impact of it really well! The world seemed to just stop overnight with calling us faggots and dykes and conspiracy theorists. So many family members that had denied they had gay family showed up to help us roll it out. By our standing up for ourselves we gave them the strength to stand with us. As horrible as that atrocity will always be this is far worse in scope and in them targeting our most vulnerable citizens. I think Dr Malone's group organizing a march is the first major step toward crumbling this narrative. I believe gathering to speak the scientific truth unapologetically is the necessary step and it will organically lead to next steps. If I am remembering correctly we marched on Washington 3 times and the quilt was an outgrowth of the first. I just agree with you wholeheartedly we need to honor the innocent people killed by this criminal crap. I think to get to that point though we need to start with something like Dr Malone's organized march.. I hope I am wrong but I am fairly certain the Supreme Court will uphold Biden's mandates. As awful as that will be it will hopefully harness the energy/commitment to fight back. We can't honor the victims of this until we come out of the shadows and the impetus for that is likely coming. I don't know....does that make any sense?

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You make a great deal of sense. I think the march by/with Dr. Malone IS an important step. Because that WILL bring a lot of us out of the shadows. Great point. Right now we are all shunned, quivering about the next step they will take to make us submit, how many health surcharges they can impose, threaten more of our liberties, our jobs, our food supply/ability to shop. We are afraid to say what we think because of censorship. Honestly, when I think of all of it, we are really living in a Soviet/China Social Credit system. I think we need to step out of the shadows. All of us.

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I am not gay nor had any gay friends in the 80’s but I worked in a clinical lab then & was interested in the aids info. Even though not into politics then I thought Fauci was a little creep when I heard him talk. Guess he hasn’t changed

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That is a perfect word for him. He is a creep of the first order.

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Agreed. It is kind of odd that they are all little creeps in speech and appearance. There is so much to be horrified by right now but I am dumbfounded that so many people cannot see that Fauci, Gates, Zuckerberg etc are blatant liars with inflated egos, Napoleon complexes and zero intelligence. That is creepy too! If you want a creepy laugh check out the exhaustive list of 'The World Economic Forums Young Leaders' over the years. If you haven't seen it and have the patience you will recognize a lot of other creepy dweebs.

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I just did the other day, and you are so spot on. The Young Leaders (aka the Hitler Jungen) are also all creeps, but they are in every country. It is frightening and creepy.

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I am halfway through RFK Jr's book on "The Real Anthony Fauci". I'm in the midst of the part about the toxic AZT drug administered during the HIV/AIDS debacle that Fauci fostered in the 80's. You'll see that Fauci is following the same deadly playbook for COVID and the "vaxxines" as he did then. The lies told by the FDA, CDC, NIH, Fauci and the government run deep.

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Rest assured, if you die of a heart attack from anger, they’ll number you among the covid deaths. So, don’t die.

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The best thing to do is take your Vit D and C, zinc and Quercetin. Some tale K2 as well. See Dr. McCullough’s protocol for prevention and or early treatment of covid.ask your GP for a blood test to measure your Vitamin D level. It is the least they can do! Since we have to educate our GPS and MPs let’s just do it guys.

Have a few friends willing to well, be your friend.

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I’d add in gargling with 1% food grade hydrogen peroxide and nasal spray the same after being around people for an extended time (or just 1-2 times a day). McCullough mentions how that also was a big assist in eliminating the virus in India and Bangladesh.

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you can't catch/eliminate a virus. it is from within.

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“Eliminate” in this context means vastly reducing the death and hospitalization rate by exceptional measures. Thereby reducing the overall risk to minimal levels (so yes, it doesn’t eliminate the virus but these measures reduce the risk extremely).

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I did. Took her all those neutraciticals plus HCQ ..she wouldn't take them. She has been brainwashed that they are poison.

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THank you I need friends! You are both kind and generous. Thank you so much!

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Same happened to a friend who passed earlier this week 😢

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My cancer clinic does not reject COVID + cancer patients. We only ask them to sit separately from other patients while they are symptomatic. She can have treatment, but I never bite my tongue. If she came to see me, I would inform her in no uncertain terms how urgently she needs ivermectin, the many successful studies of ivm vs covid, as well as ivermectin's early promising effects against cancer as well.

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Dana Farber and Brigham and Women's in Boston. Surrounded her like the plague, isolating in a room, for hours, not allowed to meet with doctor, get transfusion (like you couldn't even bring it to her?) and now no appt until she tests negative for Covid. The best hospital for cancer in Boston.

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This hospital almost killed my friend with cancer well - luckily he moved out of state and is in good shape now. I am in MA as well and this is the belly of the beast. We are in enemy territory. There are practically no physicians in MA that will treat Covid. They regularly tow the party line about vaxxes only. They are all from the “orange man bad” school of politics and this is - absolutely - political for them. I’ve seen former doctor friends of mine celebrate “anti vaxxers” dying. I’ve seen them lie about co-morbidities and age being the primarily factors in dying from the virus. I’ve witnessed first hand their posting of “overrun” hospitals after standing in the very units that were “overrun” at the same time they posted and seeing extra beds, staff milling about and actually lower bed rates than in the past. I’ve heard them laugh about coding everything covid because it means $$$$. These aren’t good and decent people.

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Thank you for telling the truth. I am next door to you.

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We had been warned about letting medicine become politicized. Now we are living with the consequences of letting it happen.

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Remind me, where your clinic is? If i ever need treatment, I'll come find you. WA state, who used to be so cutting edge for medicine, has turned nearly overnight, into nazi withholding if everything, including early treatment of covid. Youd think they would WANT to be on the forefront of these early protocols... we can't even get IVM. ive tried. And ran into deadends.

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She is in Tempe, Arizona. She is also president of the Naturopathic Cancer Society. Her book: "The Defeat of Covid"

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We are honored to help as much as we can. NatureWorksBest.com, Tempe, AZ

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They have killed her. She's not the only one. I'm angry also.

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Try as I might, I fail to understand the hysterical fear of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Both have been used safely, with minimum side effects for decades. If the virus was as deadly as we're lead to believe then the risk of death from the virus would far outweigh any imagined risk of taking a medication which is known to be safe, even if it's not known to be effective against this particular virus. What's the worst that can happen? It won't work? What does your friend think she has to lose by trying?

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I agree with you. At worst it is a sugar pill. But they have been brainwashed by listening to the fake MSM..they only know about the fake study, and will do only what their doctor says. It is bad. Very very deep brainwashing and very bad. They will not go outside of their comfort zone, won't look at anything.

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So wrong on so many levels. Is there not a sane person in the facility she needs to be in? Horrible. Hugs to you and your friend.

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Apparently not. They were all in biosuits. What she didn't realize is that after her booster, she felt awful, went and got a covid rapid test at a pharmacy, and since she took the shots, she is in a massive Databank that everyone is in, and that all hospitals etc have access to. They know she tested positive, but That she tested negative the next day does not matter, as it was at home and not in the data bank, and even if it were, they would abide by protocols. Humiliating for her...

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Exact same thing here, my aunt though, everybody is heartbroken. She says she can feel the cancer moving in her now

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Oh that is horrific. Thank you helps to know I am not the only one who is so angry and gobsmacked. Some days I am just paralyzed with anger.

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My very very dear friend in the UK is a transplant patient. We were all so grateful and overjoyed when she received a kidney a few years ago after decades of dialysis. She got her life back, began to enjoy meals again. Got very ill after her second jab. Massive internal bleeding, lost the kidney. Four months in hospital. Your last sentence above--me in spades.

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So sorry for you and your friend. I have decided to remove my "organ donor" status from my driver's license until they stop discriminating against the unvaxxed.

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When she discussed looking forward to getting her jabs, I held my tongue. She knew I wasn't going to get vaxxed, and I knew she was severely immunosuppressed and hoped this would restore freedom to her. I prayed the worst wouldn't happen but the next-worst did.

Cassandra 's curse must be the most cruel of all of them.

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There have been several perhaps many cases of organs being removed for transplant in the US against the wishes of the deceased and their survivors going years back. If ever I were to return to the States and get a DL there, I would probably NOT choose to be an organ donor on this basis alone. Adding this madness to the situation…doubt I would.

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I am so sorry. It helps I think to know we are not alone. There are such kind people here. Thank you for sharing. Glad to know I am not the only one.

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Starting to understand how those groups sharing samizdat in the Soviet era felt. The community that keeps one sane amidst the horror.

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I never thought of that. Very true

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Wow. Eye opener. Wish I could download the pdf's. Id love to know what the 80/10/10 diet is....

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My sincerest condolences for your friend and her family! I am also angry because their lies broke up our family, since many people are petrified. we stopped seeing each other and missed almost 2 years of our lives😫

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The destruction of our families has been the worst thing to take from our society. Weve lost over half our family just to them refusing to see the problems with the now nearly useless vax remedies. Politics has also destroyed the same people. They seem to have bought the lies from the left... it's all very depressing. The amt of people dying from all other things, is so disturbing I can barely wrap my mind around it. Sacrificing the many, for some VERY false overstated hysteria.

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Love your substack name. And everything you just said is spot on.

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Thank you for caring. Thank you for being righteously angry. This has broken up so many family bonds..the evil that spreads in circles from the beginning of this is enourmous. And the breaking of all bonds of family and friendship is not the least of this evil. It could be the worst poison of all.

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I teared up at this. I'm so sorry about your friend.

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Thank you so much. It means a great deal. I am tearing up too, from your kind remarks.

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@Duchess so sorry about your friend! The mass formation and brainwashing is horrible! 😢

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Thank you everyone above here for your sympathy. It means a great deal, as there is no one else I can confide in...even my sisters. Everyone I know has bought the koolaid...I cannot even mention the shot/re-currence of cancer..no one believes it. But Dr. Ryan Cole confirmed my worst suspicions, and it has been like being in a nightmare I cannot escape or wake up from.

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Oh boy. You are so not alone. Husband, kids, (most) friends, employer - all ranged against me. Confide away. These corridors are the last bastions of sanity and a refuge from the irrationality and unthink.

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Indeed. This is why I spend most of my day reading all my substack and Telegram subscriptions. It keeps me sane. Fortunately, my husband came around a few months back. We have a 17 y.o. elite athlete and a 19 y.o. very healthy daughter who would very likely be permanently harmed (if not dead) by these toxic jabs. As it is, my 19 y.o. will not engage in conversation about the dangers of these shots nor the loss of civil liberties. The woke indoctrination is strong among college students who live by social media. But at least, I've managed to keep her UNjabbed. That's my only goal for now. History will prove me right. Seek your tribe locally. I found several groups in FB (oddly enough) of freedom warriors here in Oregon. Later today, we'll meet at a mall to go en mass (last Sat 50 people showed up!) and stroll UNMASKED at the mall. We'll have lunch together and do some caroling while showing all sheeple how to reclaim our freedoms. Be strong!!

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Horrifyingly, I was unable to prevent either of mine. They've both just reached adulthood. My son got J&J and my daughter Pfizer. Willingly. Unthinkingly. Trustingly. My exhortations mattered not a jot. I was being my usual overreacting self. Kooky mum. It didn't help to have a lockstepped father who believes absolutely in the benevolence of government and its "scientist" advisors. The latent peer pressure has been strong with my kids, too. And I tried so hard to bring them up to resist it! My failure weighs heavily on my heart. Then they came for me. The work mandates. The unbearable pressure from my husband to get it to keep my job. Madness. I knew it wasn't necessary as we had both recovered from covid. I went through dark days and succumbed to one shot. By then I was simply of the mind that if it had harmed my children, then my life wasn't worth living anyway. I have since found my rage and I am collecting my courage to resist. Starting with my employer. I won't go down without a fight.

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Sending you a big hug, Ann. As a mother, we suffer our kids' pain. I pray that none in your family get vax injuries. May you find peace and strength in your resolve to fight this medical tyranny. We're on the right side of history, and time will prove it. Hang in there, dear, you're not alone.

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I love you for your fighting spirit. You are an incredibly fearless woman. You have a spine of stainless steel. Do not blame yourself for any of this. This was the most fear induced operation since the Black Death. Be proud you came through on the other side, with your critical thinking intact. Sometimes rage is all we have to keep fighting. We have your back here. You are not alone.

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Another Oregonian here. Resisting as best I can, notwithstanding a mandate coming down the pike at work, although its kind of in limbo right now - the Fed contractor mandate affecting largest private employer in Washington County, you can probably guess which that is ).

Anyway, I don't have a large social circle, but off the top of my head I can quickly count 20+ people my wife and I know who are determinedly unvaxxed. Probably more if I thought longer. We're out here, although not well connected with others. Good job on the unmasked stroll at the mall !

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Yes, we must hold the line until their house of cards collapses. And it will. Just a matter of time. BTW, the stroll was amazing

About 75 people showed up (all ages). We also inspired a few others who quickly lowered their masks as soon as they saw us walking happily. Check out the Free Oregon group on FB. They're planning more in the coming weeks!!

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Oh how wonderful and I envy you. Thank you for the pointers. I will do just that when I am in a proper frame of mind...I fear my best friend will die before Christmas or her birthday which is I on the 28th...and I just lost my Mother, father, and Aunt in less than 3 months. But I do want to find a tribe, and I am glad to hear you spend a lot of time reading substack...this is what I am doing to , to stay sane. I just got off the phone with my sister, who does not want to hear anything (she is triple jabbed) ..at least I have one nephew with natural immunity, but she didn't want to hear why he should NOT have the jab, even though he has lasting and durable immunity....sigh.

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You're awesome!

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Ann, thank you so much. I will. Because if I know there are lovely sane rational people like you out there...I can even dry my eyes and get myself into the shower (I hope). ...

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Just remember to get yourself out, as well! 😂 I have spent enough hours sobbing in the damn shower. This, too, shall pass. Strength, Duchess.

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If you have not listened to dr. Ryan Cole an American Pathologist I strongly recommend you find him online and have a good listen. He is one of the great covid heroes.

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I am so sorry about your friend. My cousin is (was?) in remission from cancer. Her doctor husband had her jabbed and boosted. If I learn the cancer came back, I will not be surprised. The only question is, will I be able to bite my tongue?

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I have been biting my tongue so long I have holes in it. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Not saying anything to anyone that could get back to her has been an ongoing struggle, but I have done it. It is killing me. You all are the only place I can say what I think. Blessing to you all.

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I'm sorry.

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Thank you. I am too sorry for all of us. I am hoping to live long enough to see the headlines"this experiement on the world never should have happened".

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Heartbreaking 💔 so sorry, must be really challenging to know you may be able to help in some way and can't. If she's on deaths door why wouldnt she try anything that may benefit? The human brain is a strange thing😔

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I think it has something to do with your own "trusted authority"..Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity did a video on this years ago...I think quite close to March 2020. I think I will look for it again. It has something to do with human nature...that we have only one or two "trusted authorities" in our lives, and tend not to take suggestion or advice from anyone else.

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Indeed, many people decide what's true by referring to a source they trust, which no doubt works for most topics most of the time, although it can fail catastrophically when the source is compromised by large flows of money from lobbyists

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That makes sense, I'll see if I can find and watch it.

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I tried but no luck so far. If you find it, would you let me know? And ditto? I'd like to watch it again.

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Sorry to hear. There is a similar situation in my circle of friends. Forced to get vaccine to get cancer treatmenta, cancer spread rapidly increase so in the 2 days between pre-surgery and surgery, it grew so much that they didn't get it all with thr surgery

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You have my heartfelt sympathy. I wish I could believe that these shots don't suppress the CD8 tumor cells but.....I do. I wonder if it was made more public, the studies that have been done already, if the fear of cancer might outweigh the fear of Covid, and might just turn the tables on this mass formation? What do you think? What will it take to snap people out of this mass psychosis?

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Thank you for sharing and for your kind words, and for making me feel like I am not crazy to see this happening in my friend...I fear it will not be long now..

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Hey Gato! the Education Dept thinks the vaccines stop the spread. Go capture this tweet from the Dept. of Education @usedgov, Dec. 13th, before it gets away: "The best way to avoid #COVID19 outbreaks in schools is to stop transmission before it happens – getting vaccinated is the best way to stop transmission & keep schools open." The BEST way!

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The dichotomy of their calling themselves educated while saying those jabs stop covid is the worst lie out there.. it's mind boggling...

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Everytime they state something as fact, I now believe the exact opposite is the Truth....try it and you will see for yourself.

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Sad state of affairs, considering medical professionals are people we've been taught to trust. Now, many don't even trust their own doctor 🥺

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The *only* reason they “state” *anything* is the pursuit of a “public relations” objective. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are enduring some kind of psychosis in which they actually live in their castles in the sky, they actually believe the edifice of lies they have built, one little deception at a time.

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Repost........ The manipulation of all Americans is an issue, but dims in comparison to the facts being revealed now that show that our own Government has been planning for years to develop a deadly corona virus that was release on us and the World. Then they ran fake negative evaluation testing and passed laws to keep proven safe and effective early treatment drugs, like HCQ and Ivermectin, off the market so the FDA could pass emergency use for their spike protein injections and using us as lab rats. Then they blocked the ability of doctors, hospitals and old people homes from access to these cheap worldwide proven drugs, and in doing so probably causing the death of 85% of 800,000 that they say died from Covid19. All so they could play God and steal $billions with mRNA injections and killing nearly 700,000 Americans.

The proof is America has the highest death rate in the World, and it caused more deaths worldwide than all 20 century wars combined. That is what the headlines should be and what everyone should be pissed off about. These people need to be removed from power and the FDA, NIH, CDC need total restructuring...now. It makes little difference if it is greed, power, ineptitude , or insanity driving this genocide.

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"All so they could play God and steal $billions with mRNA injections and killing nearly 700,000 Americans."

Apologies.... may I correct your spelling of "MURDERING nearly 700,000 Americans?"

And instead of getting the death penalty they have earned, they are out walking the street as proud as punch.

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and all the hundreds of thousands in other countries ! At least some have adapted their early treatment, like India and Mexico, and have reduced the death count. Indian doctors are trying to sue the WHO for not letting them know earlier the benifits of Ivermectin. And you know that all refugees to the US get Ivermectin when they come in, while we have a hard time getting it?

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I did NOT know that refugees are "allowed" Ivermectin, while the rest of us have to go begging for it. But FYI, it IS actually available, for those who want to be prepared.

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They're claiming it's because of the high incidence of parasites in the refugees.

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Which completely blows their 'we're scared of overdosing' story out of the water. If you can give a little packet to goatherders who don't understand English on the off chance it MIGHT help, certainly we can do the same for Americans.

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Some regions in India already used it for that reason. I read that refugees can not be injected because they do not belong to a certain country. I don't know if that is true.


Here is yet another good interview with some real doctors

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Don't forget to reorganize the FBI and DOJ, they still see nothing, nothing, nothing

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I'm willing to be generous at the very front end that maybe they thought vaccines would end transmission.

But still sticking to the mandate story now and telling people they have to take the risk anyway - when it does nothing to "protect other people" is just a power play at this point. Literally, "you must do this because we say so."

No thanks.

And now what happens when we find out in a couple of years about cancer and chronic disease and other higher risks from what was initially sold to the public as "safe and effective"?

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C19 was absolutely never about health. It was not an existential threat to health until widespread uptake of the gene-therapies masquerading as vaccines. It has alway been an existential threat to our freedom. Literally every C19 countermeasure has purposefully been intended to draw this out and foment fear and anxiety. Anyone who has not discovered this is lost. This is not to say that there were not or are not some people in authority who actually think they are doing whats best for the greater good but they are very few and among the lost. And we need to help as may of them as we can to a revelation of understanding for this to end. "The whole thing ends once the people have risen." Lukas Lion 1984.


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💕🐱great YouTube Lucas lion 1985🐱💕

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not generous...don’t think it was EVER about health...it was about getting something(s) circulating in everyone... and it was always going to take multiple rounds... am shocked they got this far with the American people... our society has gone docile...

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There is a film available where Dr McMullough explains that already in 2017 a script was put together by Johns Hopkins institute, Getty, Rockefeller, etc. to set this up as a world wide vaccination. This was planned, it was exercised several times (october 2019 John Hopkins, about same time in Bhutan) but obviously the thing was planned for 2025, and then the corona virus escaped in Wuhan and they grabbed the occasion. He also gives easy ways to desinfect (nose rinse) and explains how easily it is to get rid of the virus if you have the early treatment meds. And then the government forbid them and killed thousands, no hundred thousands of people ! We have reason to be mad !

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Eventually will be millions, hundreds of millions, possibly billions murdered.

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yes, and in the meanwhile Pfizer is asking for 75 years before their pages are published, while the first 100 that are released already merit the death penalty!

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Stuck on stupid seems appropriate.

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In the U.K. we were promised it would be 15 million jabs to freedom. Over 120 million jabs later and our government is considering another lockdown after Christmas. What was the point in any of it? They sold us all a lie.

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But, of course, wait until after Christmas, no need to rile up the peasants.

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Yes - they’ll give us plebs Christmas, and we’ll be so grateful we’ll swallow whatever they chuck at us in January. It’s obscene.

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How can a judge justify a mandate in healthy people to prevent against an illness with a 99.5% survival rate using an experimental gene therapy that does nothing it is supposed to do? Aren’t judges supposed to be impartial?

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They're most definitely not impartial, being owners and co-owners of the shots.

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Judges can be 'fraidy cats, too. (Sorry, Gato, not you.)

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It all became clear when they started vaxing children. They lied… some for money, some for power, and some for this coming evil agenda. The rest are useful idiots.

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Check out slide 21:


The Pfizer trials didn't test *all* participants for covid infection. They only tested symptomatic participants at the discretion of their provider!

That means a therapeutic that reduces symptoms, but doesn't prevent or even reduce infection/transmission, would not be identified as such by the trials. It would be mistaken for a sterilizing vaccine that could help grandma.

In fact, if you look at the original FDA application for Pfizer's original jab, they plainly state that it is unknown what impact it has on asymptomatic infection or on transmission: https://www.fda.gov/media/144416/download. See starting on page 49. They also admit, outright, that effectiveness may wane over time.

This was a setup from the beginning.

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Ding ding ding! This was obvious from the very start -- they are counting 'cases' in the old way -- people have to actually be sick. Outside the trials, however, a 'case' is simply a positive result.

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Winston Smith is sitting in a cafeteria contemplating the various personality types around him. They’re different, but what they have in common is that they’re all managing to believe what is, to Winston, unbelievable. One manages to believe through sheer stupidity, another through zealotry, and a third, the most intelligent, through the mental complexities of doublethink.

And sitting in their midst is poor, hopelessly sane Winston, who knows that two plus two makes four, but who is surrounded by people who know with greater certainty that two plus two makes five. All of them living in a world where you get tortured and killed for believing—even in your most secret heart—that two plus two makes four. Believing the lie is absolutely necessary to their survival, and Winston’s fatal flaw is that he can’t do it.

Seems pretty appropriate to today…..

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And finally he did accept the lie.

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I always good at writing happy endings!

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Probably the best description of where society is heading if this is not stopped. Malone and Desmet explain via Mercola. It’s called Mass Psychosis. https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2021/December/PDF/mass-formation-psychosis-pdf.pdf

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I just read this the other day, I live in Connecticut it’s easy to see it has already afflicted many as I observe so many shopping with rubber gloves , masks, walking alone with masks , driving to this day 2 years later it’s at least 85 percent around me I feel they are too far gone.

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That is a must see as well as that film where a female reporter tells exactly how that works.

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Do you have a name or a link, or some way of finding that film?

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excellent summary.

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I have looked everywhere for the video where "Doctor" Fauci said, "I hope we don't get to herd immunity before we get a vaccine." Maybe it was scrubbed from the www. But I literally watched that monster and heard him say it. I always smelled a rat with this whole "pandemic", but when he said that, I knew that the only thing they cared about was the shots. They never cared about "public health", "keeping us safe" or, "stopping the spread." I think one of my biggest disappointments over the last 2 years has been with the corporate media. I didn't trust them of course, but I thought there would be at least more than a handful who would report the truth. The next disappointment has been with politicians. The same with them... I really thought there would be more than 2 or 3 that would tell the truth. The 3rd disappointment: "Doctors" who have played along and been unwilling to do their own research and just selfishly tow the CDC, NIH, WHO line (though the numbers of Doctors who have been willing to tell the truth have been *much* higher than the media or politicians). Will these three institutions ever regain our trust? Probably not.

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Yes, I remember Fraudci saying the same thing. Early on I heard him say something like "We don't want a treatment, we want a vaccine". Why not both? So wrong, so cruel, and so obvious to people like us what was really going on. His statement definitely made a lasting impression on me too and I haven't seen the clip replayed either. I'll look for it but if you can't find it I doubt I'll be able to-my tech skills are lacking.

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They knowingly lied.

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Of course they did. The game changer for me was and continues to be Fauci in his position. He’s a lying murdering POS Nazi War Criminal and he’s still in charge. This continues to valudate to me that this is deliberate.

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One last Observation on Dr Falsie. Have you ever heard one shred of empathy or compassion or sorrow come out of this maniac’s mouth? Just once? I find that frighteningly odd.

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Fauci is a media whore.

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The moment Fauci gets removed from his position I will consider listening to the government again. Which does not mean I will believe them

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Imagine, needing a whole lifetime to finally realize the wisdom of the Founders and the immeasurable value of states' rights. Me, finally attaining enlightenment. I've been following the back-and-forth between that fully-clawed sociopath, Claire Lehmann, and principled seekers of truth like Alexandros Marinos and Bret Weinstein. Who'd a thunk that a devotion to the scientific method and a rejection of propaganda make Jack a bad boy?

I feel such shame for all the years people like me felt such contemptuous revulsion for and superiority to those good Germans of the first iteration of Nazism who just, you know, complacently went along with evil. Took a mere two years to bring it back and install it everywhere.

Gato, your courage and persistence are very very deeply appreciated.

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Actually, Biden was making the claim that no one who is vaccinated (and "boosted") will end up hospitalized and dead as late as yesterday. That's verifiably false.

And soon you'll hear that telling us the jab stops COVID was a "noble lie" for some reason. That's the next play. They're not lies. They're "noble" lies.

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My family…. a large mix of liberals and conservatives. Vaxxed on both sides, but not me. Big group text yesterday for everyone to get the booster because Omicron is 10X more transmissible, even if you’re vaxxed. What?! I recommended we cancel the Christmas gathering because I know I’ll get the blame for any bad outcomes.

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I'd cancel so I wouldn't be around all their spike proteins.

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Already been through that at first big gathering with vaxxed in July. Obviously, no proof, but I slept for 23 hours after coming home and felt bad for days.

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I'm not surprised.

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This is not a bad idea. I just got word that my presence on Christmas for lunch would be problematic, so I bowed out. I too think better not be there when all the vaxxed get covid. Because you WILL be blamed. All you have to do is tell them you are not feeling well (I know, I can be evil at times)....

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Both of my parents had dementia at the same time. I could not reason with them. I couldn't use logic. So I learned to lie. This is no different.

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Aren’t people getting exhausted chasing all these leaping goal posts?

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You'd think, but I know people who embrace it with gusto. I honestly don't get it.

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Think of it as choosing the steak in “The Matrix.” A part of them knows it’s an illusion, but it’s a delicious and comfortable illusion that spares them the horror of the reality they live in denial of.

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If you read about this mass psychosis it says usually those who succumb have underlying anxiety and use this “plandemic” to shift all their focus of worry and panic so that they do not have to focus on their own real problems.

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Yes, exactly, free-floating anxiety is one of the ingredients to the totalitarian concoction, and of course the MSM/Big Tech have been cultivating free-floating anxiety for years.

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I noticed that cultivation at the time on social media and refused to feed my (now former) friends pantomime. Anxiety/depression being positioned as "cutesy" or trendy or a convenient excuse to dodge responsibility pisses me off. I hesitate even talking about my experiences with those disorders, not that I would that much anyway because I don't over-share.

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You are one smart cookie :-) And yes, the elevation of victimization paired with the denigration of responsibility as a core value has been gradually eroding people’s sense of independence, driving the attention-seekers toward self-imposed victimhood and ever-increasing dependency. All part of the strategy to subsume the individual into the collective.

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I never knew there were so many useless crazy people around!

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It looks like the Jones disaster there in south America, x times millions

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Yeah, I remember being a kid and hearing about the "poison kool-aid" on TV. I was already a suspicious child-- but that did me in. Come to think of it, when I was kid, there was all sorts of terrifying, mysterious threats: kidnappers in vans, grifting tele-evangelists, serial killers, Tylenol poisoners, Manson cult members, Halloween candy tamperers, day care center satanists, molesting priests... no wonder Gen-X is so skeptical!

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I always think about that, but it appears the cognitive dissonance is stronger. It's maddening the will of some people to turn a blind eye to the most obvious dishonesty and acts of corruption...

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Agreed. The magnetic power of hypnosis combined with the will to self-deceive are evidently stronger than their desire for truth, freedom, and love.

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What if it's not just a comfortable illusion, or cognitive dissonance, or self deception, or mass hysteria? What if they don't even believe the lie or even care to think about it? What if it's just simply that they want to belong with the cool kids, the clean ones, and the thought of us as dirty, or vermin, or vermin carriers fills them with disgust?

What if the thought of touching us, or getting too close, or allowing their children to play with us or be near us is just revolting to them?

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I suspect that too, something akin to aporophobia. People have a sense of where power comes from and we are perceived as unsophisticated, low class, low status, the losing side. It's an strong instinct to embrace a lie if that secures them a good position in the hierarchy, even though they don't acknowledge it.

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I can relate to that. Even as a poor kid growing up, there was always someone a little poorer, a little dirtier. I hate that I was that person.

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What if we are Aqualung to them?

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Great questions, Dana, and I think it’s a bit of all of the above in different combinations for different people.

As far as the revulsion goes, that’s entirely propaganda-implanted and is precisely what occurred with the propagandizing about the disease-spreading Jews (https://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/themes/defining-the-enemy/). All part of the strategy to divide and conquer.

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True, true. Many ways to divide and conquer, all types of psychological manipulations available to the socio/psychopaths. My concern is that exterminations begin when there are vermin to be found.

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Frustrated that most seem to have very short memories.

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probably another side effect of the jabs ! Pfizer has only 7 pages of these, and I have not read all of them

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Oh great and powerful kitten, please explain how it can be that even when the curtain is pulled back to reveal the hamster at the controls, people continue to cower before and worship at the foot of the snorting, raging, fire breathing, malevolent mirage before them.

At some point one would imagine that when every single claim made about vaccines turns out to be false, people would eventually catch on. It prevents infection: nope. It prevents transmission: nope. It prevents hospitalization and death: nope. Those heart issues, clotting concerns and other side effects are nothing serious: nope. The risk of long term immunological problems from OAS is of no concern: nope. When EVERY SINGLE development or data point on the path to greater understanding of the vaccines ALL point in a less favorable direction than originally claimed, at some point one might conclude that something is rotten in the State of Denmark. Just by chance you might think something would turn out better or at least as well as expected. But nope. What’s that they say about doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? If the hole just keeps getting deeper, one might consider putting a stop to the digging rather than shoveling ever faster and harder.

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People get their "news and information" largely from mainstream media and it doesn't matter whether its Fox News or CNN or NPR, et al. So people are going with what their favorite/trusted news source is. So if that information source is pushing the propaganda one way that's what they believe. I think we forget that those of us who found blogs and substacks like this are the minority.

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The Sec of Education was just tweeting about how the vaccines stop transmission....

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??? What?

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My bad-- it was actually the Dept. of Education, @usedgov, Dec. 13: "The best way to avoid #COVID19 outbreaks in schools is to stop transmission before it happens – getting vaccinated is the best way to stop transmission & keep schools open."

It's the best way!

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Yet we have 900 infected, vaxxed students at Cornell in Ithaca….smh

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Lol-- I know. Well, in all "fairness" to them, they didn't say it was an "effective" way-- just the "best" way (to do the thing that doesn't work but gets them a lot of virtue points and Pfizer stock goes up...."

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I thought they sent Betsy de vos home ?

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It's like there was a huge group of people that was just dreaming of the day that could just flat out lie to everyone and they finally got their wish.

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Reject the lullabies, reject the siren chants.

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Quite obvious what they are doing.

Meanwhile in the UK more lies exposed:


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...all of it to string the population along until they can force complete compliance.

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I wonder if the tide is turning? I am standing in a crowded chocolate shop near Boston, the only one unmasked. Nobody dared say anything or shoot me a dirty look. I was totally comfortable not submitting to the humiliation of a rag on my face.

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The vaccines are garbage. Will "the experts" ever admit this? Not before the drug manufacturers can shift as much money as they can from taxpayer's wallets into their own wallets.

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At some point even propaganda has to deliver results... Lots of people will refuse the boosters as the vaccines are nearly completely worthless

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Pfizer never said it would stop (fake) transmission. They only said it would reduce the symptoms(of the common cold) by up to 95%, a completely subjective and unprovable claim. Others may have started the lie and let it spread like a...

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The mass psychosis has been a sight to behold; civilians have gone from telling me that “take the vaccine so we can get back to normal” to “vaccines were never supposed to stop transmission they only reduce the severity of the symptoms so our hospitals don’t get overwhelmed you selfish conspiracy theorist!!”

Everyday people on the street or BTL comments are justifying Pfizer/Moderna/Azs bull crap and bemoaning why Christmas is almost cancelled!! They’re queuing up to get tested like it’s 2020 and complaining about the number of “cases”!! You mention death rates vs cases surely = negligible deadliness of the Moronic and you’re told “but it would be worse and our hospitals would be overwhelmed”

In 2020 I was aghast because every “leader” around the world was parroting the same nonsense like a perfect Chinese whisper; now I’m terrified because my neighbour/friend/postie/shopkeeper is doing the same.

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Keeping this. Even when people see this video, they don't comprehend that they have been told a series of misinformation....but your words hit the nail on the head...if they were wrong they are not fit, if they lied, they are not fit. FULL STOP. THEY NEED TO BE GONE. Every last one of them.

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Show this to a Branch Covidian and they’ll tell you it’s doctored video. Show them the data and they’ll say it’s manipulated data. This is the hallmark of mass hysteria.

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Wow. I've been lamenting the fact that social media never allows people to forget about that stupid thing you once did or said, but used properly (to expose adults in power, rather than shame someone for acting like a dumb kid when they were a dumb kid)-- a FORCE. Great compilation.

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Then why are still pushing the boosters?

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All of these feeble-minded idiots are stuck at the "It helps! It helps!" stage. Like stopping flood waters with a spoon. "It helps!"

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Being gaslit isn't fun. I'd like it to stop now.

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Does anybody know where I can find the study that says the vaccianted carries the same viral load as unvaccinated and can still transmit. Covid. Many thanks🙏

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I know one NSTEMI, one heart attack and one temporary brain clot case, thanks to the jabs! On top of that, my parents most likely also sick because of the jabs. Mother feeling quite weak and father has to have a biopsy taken soon. Both twice mr-na-ed. I warned them not to take the third one if offered in the future.

Stephen King named the virus Captain Trips in his "The Stand" novel...the third Covid jab will set you free! What a nightmare.

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It's anecodotal, of course, but a friend of my father's died "suddenly in her sleep" shortly after getting the NHS "booster". Some boost . . .

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Your closing statement (that they were wrong OR they lied) seemingly implies that these are mutually exclusive issues when they actually are not.

Can you please bury them all in your litter box??

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Great tweet, i'm sharing it everywhere they haven't banned me *yet

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I’m glad I found your Substack. You are spot on and it’s refreshing to get such clear eyed rational takes on this cluster F.

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All you have to do is look at the Pfizer press release from December 11, 2020. Headline: "Pfizer and BioNTech Celebrate Historic First Authorization in the U.S. of Vaccine to Prevent COVID-19"

They said "PREVENT COVID-19" and they even put it in capital letters.


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Amazing, because their EUA blatantly stated they had no idea whether it reduced asymptomatic infection or transmission (page 49), under the section "Unknown Benefits and Data Gaps": https://www.fda.gov/media/144416/download

This is malfeasance.

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Actually, it is true that “the vaccines were never supposed to stop the spread.” For the pharmaceutical companies, the vaccines were supposed to provide reliable profits. For the government and health officials, the vaccines were supposed to show that they were doing something to combat the virus.

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When does coercion = force?....mass coercion is a potent force. Only luck and my dislike of making myself do things I hate, like getting a jab, kept me from likely being injured; my relatives are clotters and I am a low weight female, so in all liklihood I would have suffered injury....my partner and her son (both unrelated by blood to me) are both somewhat injured, vision issues and headband headache, balance issues. Her son was also injured by the HPV vaccine (it gave him HPV elsewhere in the body at 16 yrs old). The level of the poisoning of the USA from these injections (50 years) is now becoming glaringly obvious; Big Pharma was a big mistake for humanity. A single plant can have thousands of constituents, a drug might have 20 with random poisons mixed in. Plants are the key for humans. Stephen Buhners' Herbal Antivirals and Herbal Antibiotics are great books-look for the latest editions, he added info on Covid.

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pfizers new money maker is a mixed drug assimilated orally: a protease inhibitor (all kinds of nasty) and a aids virus killer.

i did not see clots and myocarditis on the long list of untested threats to you.....

it will be approved but not replace mandated shots......

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So it turns out The Spectator, one of the more conservative political publications in the UK, has been tracking SAGE's modelling vs actual.

As you may imagine, SAGE have been hopelessly incorrect and wildly pessimistic from the start, but Gov continues to take their efforts seriously.


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I didn't have my hand in the cookie jar! I don't see any crumbs around my mouth. Still 30% of the public still believes?

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The original "Twilight Zone" was perhaps the most prescient show ever made. No surprise many of its scripts were written by the titans of sci fi. Grim to be living it, all these years after...

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I fly there couple times a year, that's good to know.

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Rejection of nuance is a sure sign you're dealing with a human construct, not Reality. Nuance involves digging into the details, from numerous angles, and weighing the trade-offs, a cost-benefit analysis. Only reality is complicated enough to support this. Human constructs are predictably simple. Try digging into it, and it's revealed for what it is. The result is anger and threats. There's no other defense.

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