Every time I think we have plumbed to the maximum depths of barking lunacy, another example rears its ugly-ass head. Lanyards color-coded, in response to a well-marketed flu? #GetsBumpyFromHere
I guess they read Hawthorne's "The Scarlet letter" and thought, "we should be more current, let's do that, but mix in a little bit of Orwell to be more en vogue".
The secret here is to ‘put on the green lanyard’, and then have the best day/week/year ever! The red lanyards might feel safe, but the green lanyards are out getting stuff done and enjoying it.
I'm on the market for a new planet. Any ideas?
excuse me miss sophia, but i think maybe that any planet that has humans on it is going to have these same problems.
this is exactly why we keep the location of the feline homeworld secret.
Good point. No hoomans invited to my new planet.
Any chance my pronoun could be His Royal Highness (HRH)?
if history is any guide, the trick seems to lie not in declaring oneself king, but rather in inducing others to back the claim.
"Being powerful is like being a woman. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." - Margaret Thatcher
Every time I think we have plumbed to the maximum depths of barking lunacy, another example rears its ugly-ass head. Lanyards color-coded, in response to a well-marketed flu? #GetsBumpyFromHere
I guess they read Hawthorne's "The Scarlet letter" and thought, "we should be more current, let's do that, but mix in a little bit of Orwell to be more en vogue".
The secret here is to ‘put on the green lanyard’, and then have the best day/week/year ever! The red lanyards might feel safe, but the green lanyards are out getting stuff done and enjoying it.
We're going to need a bigger boat
Chaucer: Geoffrey Chaucer's the name, writing's the game. You've never read my book... No? Well, it was allegorical.
Roland: Well, we won't hold that against you, that's for every man to decide for himself.
Perhaps, like Roland, these people are simply illiterate and desperate to hide that fact from others.
Is the real world like this or is it just twitter?
I've already seen pronouns embroidered on clothing. So far (three occasions) teens or early 20s kids in allegedly "rebel" goth/punk wear.
Well you tie a red ribbon on the tail of a horse that kicks…
Progressive liberalism is a mental illness.
Spot on. The new caste system begins!
Oh I am working on that as we speak!
Dr. Seuss was a little too prescient.