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During Lockdown most American Christians showed that they really didn't believe what they said they did. Not really.

They said they believed Jesus had conquered the grave, but at the prospect of a bad case of the flu with a one in 500 chance of dying, they panicked and prayed to Caesar for life and refused to assemble to worship our Lord as commanded in the Bible. They showed that they loved the praise of man on SM and TV far more than the praise of God.

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It’s interesting you mention this as that came to mind as I read this article, but in the opposite way. I was religious as a child/teen and left Christianity when my parents divorced and my brother died from cancer at 27.

I found myself coming back during Covid as I witnessed so many of the churches around me (one in particular) fighting against the madness and opening its doors to love and Christ. I still haven’t made it back to Christianity completely (and may never) but my mind and heart were opened during this time.

(I should add I moved to Iowa during this time. We have some pretty awesome churches and people around here.)

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Yes. My own church stayed open after the first fear ended. This kind of shake up was inevitable. Sorting the wheat from the chaff. Western church goers have become too complacent.

Enough churches in my state refused to obey lockdown that our governor signed it into our state constitution that emergency shutdowns cannot be enforced on religious groups. AKA churches. Indiana was the first state in the US to do that. I credit the citizens more than Holcomb. That's a big reason why we've had fewer protests.

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Unlike in Chicago where then Mayor Lightfoot threatened churchgoers that if they saw your car in a church parking lot you would be arrested. Never understood how covid affected the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion but not of assembly when people were allowed to gather to protest George Floyd and celebrate Biden's win.

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Who/whom. The old commie principle.

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That’s so wonderful to read as I had not heard that yet!!

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There was a massive split down the middle of the evangelical church. We had to leave two churches during that time because of CovidFear, Jesus+ beliefs, and ChurchOfWoke. So many of my friends became mask hall monitors and VaxBaptists. “It’s the kind thing to do” became a cult amongst parishioners and an excuse for all forms of State worship.

In the end I am glad. Now we know.

Look, I don’t have it all figured out and I am sure of one thing: I am wrong. About something at least.

But the Evangelicals failures during the Scamdemic revealed the cracks in the church.

Any church that closed deserves criticism. And for those that stayed open, especially in lockdown mandate areas, I want to GO to that church.

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Jesus+ is a good way to characterize what so many churches led by products of leftist seminaries were slowly evolving into, and COVID/other events of 2020 gave them the opportunity to be openly Leftist first and Christians second. I, too, had to leave one of those churches. But it led me to true and unapologetic Christianity of the Roman Catholic Church. At least in my diocese.

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Churches are social collectives run by socially oriented people. From my observation, when the hysteria began, many seemed eager to join the fight. "We're all in it together" resonated with them. They didn't seem motivated by fear of the virus, but a desire to protect others and do their part, along with a naive trust in public health authorities. They also felt abliged to honor human authorities even if they didn't agree. Churches are collectives first and foremost, but I'll take those collectivists over their secular counterparts any day of the week.

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Catholic as bad or worse Covidians, fyi. A Commie spy sitting in the back pew every single Sunday.

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People are people.

A young former student and I showed up maskless one week.

Something of a ruckus broke out after mass.

The next week many more faces unmasked. Within a month, 30%, two months 60%.

There is still some intelligence and courage in the Church.

Some of the LM congregations never masked.

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Yep. We left our church during that time. I was texting truth to my millennial pastor but he didn’t listen. All good, as we found a better church & Christian community. God’s plan

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This is in fact what's made it difficult for me to take religion especially seriously. The flagrant contradictions practiced by its adherents. Like the gangsters with crosses on their necks, swinging in the breeze as they dish out executions.

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When the novelist Graham Greene announced that he was converting to Catholicism, his friends regaled him with countless tales of Catholic barbarism throughout the centuries, in the hopes of making him reconsider. Greene answered that the faith is separate from those who practice it. True.

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... Which completely negates the thesis that Christianity deserves credit for the rise of Western Civilization.

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How so? Christianity was absolutely central to Western Civilization. It IS Western Civilization. I would also add that Christianity is the foundation for the idea of human rights.

WEF atheist "philosopher" Noah Harrari was absolutely correct in mocking the notion of human rights in a recent video. The idea is nonsensical if not tethered to Christianity.

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Billions of christians on Earth. You think a few thousands or tens of thousands sociopaths aren’t floating around even if they are just Christian in name only?

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That’s the wrong standard. Look to the best, not the worst -- remember the bell curve. Fealty to high ideals is difficult, but the value is in the attempt. You might be invigorated by the effort to do better. Don’t reject high ideals simply because some fail to live up to them. Doing that seems to me to be an excuse born of fear of failure.

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This is in fact what's made it difficult for me to take internet prognosticators especially seriously. Obvious logical fallacies such as guilt by association, where he neglects to mention some of the biggest mass-murderers were atheistic. The first step to redemption here is realizing all religions (and I throw atheism into this bunch) are both flawed and have flawed followers. But that's not the point, otherwise we would call them cults.

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Look inward and not outward!

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Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.

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They forgot “Be not afraid”.

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Huh? They were FORBIDDEN from going to church, by the DEI folks. Are you willing to state, here and now, that the DEI people had no right to do that, and that we should all have been free to go about our business during COVID? You can't have it both ways. Pick one.

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Yes. They had no right to do it. We should all have been free to go about our lives without government interference.

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I lived through the polio epidemic. There were images of little kids in iron lungs. Everyone was frightened. Yet they didn't shut down, schools, churches or the economy. They tried every possible cure. And even though they were desperate for vaccines, they tested them for safety. No one was fired for refusing to get vaccinated.

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I'm that old, also. I remember the panic over polio, yet we all just kept living our lives. Polio victims weren't isolated from the rest of the population.

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Surely you saw at least one of the many videos of the rich and famous partying up a storm during covid, indoors, or tens and hundreds of thousands of George Floyd protestors, many maskless, marching shoulder to shoulder. But that was accepted as just fine, no problem, not a danger to public health. Covid offered many opportunities to our rulers, and jumping at the chance to stop people from worshiping God was just too good for them to pass up.

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One such hypocrite was Rahm Emanuel, who said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." It's actually been said many times, but every time as an excuse to steal more freedom from us.

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