I live in Florida. I don't care if I agree with Rubio on every issue (I don't); he just permanently lost my vote. Anyone who can make this suggestion, whether for cynical or other motives, does not care about rights and freedom, or for that matter, science.

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💯 me 2. I thought DeSantis put in protections for the entire state of Florida..

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#MeToo :)

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I live there and 100% will not vote for his seat.

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Rubio has become what he once claimed to denounce: the mainstream GOP. To The Party what matters is power. Rights and freedom are (eventually) barriers to expanding power. They must fall.

When I was a mere lad of 18 I thought one party was better than the other. By 22 I could see there was little difference if we examined actions and not speeches. Both were consistently driving to circumvent the basic human rights enumerated in the constitution. The difference then (late 70s/early 80s) was which rights they infringed (and eradicated) first. D had declared war on the right to bear arms (and in general self defense); the R was working on restricting speech, assembly and other forms of "inappropriate" expression and of course both worked together to expanded the power of the government to seize private property, cancel due process of law, circumvent the 10th amendment and of simply ignore the 9th.

That's when I knew George Washington was right about national political parties.

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O my gawd! PANIC!!! PANIC!!! Lockdown! Masks! Get to the hospital if your nose runs!!! We're ALL GONNA DIE!!! O, and BTW, only mail in ballots allowed.

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They actually do make sense if you have a truly novel and contained outbreak.

But that never happens as you are already months behind the curve by the time you identify cases outside the outbreak zone.... as was clear with the plandemic when the stopped China flights in March 2020, despite the fact that convid was already in the US and Canada in October/November 2019...

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I worked with health public policymakers for nearly two decades. In open and closed-door meeting rooms with top hospital officials, lawyers, insurers, regulators, practitioners, elected officials. When emergency powers were invoked in early 2020, including the travel ban from China in late January, I knew enough to know everything was wrong about the response. It wasn't following the script, the plans, that had been in place for many years. Decades of commissions, planning, funded by billions of dollars of research and support staff all worked countless hundreds of thousands of hours+ to produce comprehensive responses that protected both collective public safety and the safeguards on western liberal democratic freedoms, individual liberty were tossed in an instant. Elected officials and media helplessly bemoaned that "there was no plan in place, we were caught unprepared," as a political indictment of Pres. Trump, who they loathed more than any pandemic threat. The billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours spent preparing for such a health emergency were a small sacrifice to "get Trump."

But Trump was no innocent victim in this. His China travel ban was the original sin that contradicted all prior pandemic emergency plans, led to the political science response to a medical science emergency. In fact, the original pandemic plans of the WHO and other national and global health concerns explicitly warned against imposing travel bans for pandemic influenza. Stating that they are known to be ineffective, pandemic virus outbreaks are not controlled by restricting human movement. At most they can be effective at slowing the spread in a community for a week or two if detected early enough. By January, 2020 when the travel ban was enacted it was already too late, reviews of data revealed it had already been detected in many places around the world by October, 2019.

The pre-2020 pandemic plans also stated that by imposing travel bans nations are in effect blaming other nations for spreading pandemic influenza, as if it could be controlled once it becomes a part of the environment, sufficiently widespread. It cannot; it becomes a part of the atmospheric ocean of air containing microscopic microbiology and remains that we live and breath in. Familiar with those weather reports of Saharan dust clouds crossing oceans, smoke from California fires darkening the air half a continent away. And that's just the heavy particulates that are visible, the smaller microbiology in air similarly spreads everywhere. It cannot be contained. And much of it remains viable even after crossing entire oceans.

The pre-2020 pandemic plans continued by cautioning that when nation's blame other nations for invisibly causing harms that they do not control, that nation's leaders will resort to blaming their own people for invisibly causing harms that they do not control. Sh!t rolls down hill, they say. Most in power will fear being blamed for not doing anything, resulting in preventable illness and death. So they will clamp down on the behaviors and mobility of their people, resulting in police states that don't respect western liberal democratic values of freedom and individual liberty. Authoritarian regimes emerge, totalitarianism spreads.

The pre-2020 pandemic plans said this. Said exactly this. And our shared lived experience tells us the pre-2020 pandemic plans were right to warn of what would result from issuing travel bans to control pandemic influenza. Trump was wrong. His original sin. That, sadly, he and many others still claim saved millions of lives, even his political opponents now say that's one thing he got right. Wrongly. The right lessons of the pandemic response have not yet been learned.

This is because once those in power got used to their emergency powers they liked the ability to govern by edict, bypassing the democratic processes they found cumbersome, inefficient, obstructionist. They became and many remain drunk on their power. And, sadly, tragically, large percentages of the population like it, too. They feel safer knowing (believing) that a strong hand is acting to protect us from dangers. Including the danger of wrongspeak and wrongthink.

I think you and readers will find it interesting to learn that in early 2020 following Trump's imposition of a travel ban from China that official Chinese CCP-controlled media published many editorials and op-eds pushing back on the travel bans for the same reasons contained in the pre-2020 pandemic emergency plans. That they don't work. That the world should be coming together to deal with the public health emergency together, find solutions, without disrupting normal day-to-day life. China Daily, Global Times, etc, published a steady stream of articles pressing the US to lift the travel ban, resume a cooperative posture instead of blaming them. Many of Trump's political opponents agreed at the time, politicians like Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown in CA and NY for large events to show solidarity with them, "xenophobia" was shouted at Trump for the bans.

The reasoning in the Chinese publications echoed the WHO's and other pre-2020 pandemic plan warnings about the risk to stated western liberal democratic values of individual liberty. They added that if Washington (Trump) persisted with the travel ban and making the pandemic response political that the world would get to see a comparison of the competing systems, collective authoritarianism, vs. individual liberty responses to emergencies. Betting that a collective authoritarian response would prove to have better results than an individual liberty response. And the CCP-approved editorials and op-eds continued by saying that both systems have pluses and minuses, and that while individual liberty societies are more innovative and creative in ordinary times, that in times of emergencies the people will prefer the "firm hand" of strong leadership to guide and protect them.

And wouldn't you know it, they were right. Not only did the Chinese news sources share that accurate understanding of human psychology and governance, they also said that while they believe their collectivist authoritarian system to be superior to the west's individual liberty-centric system, that the time to change systems isn't in the middle of a crisis, even if a collectivist authoritarian system is found to be preferable that those changes to a governing system are best made over time, in a non-emergency situation. By changing systems in an emergency unnecessary harms are inflicted, division and strife results, worsening a crisis. Basically giving us counsel to "Dance with the one who brung ya" until the emergency passes. They told us the truth. Sometimes adversaries will tell you more uncomfortable truths than friends. Uncomfortable truths that you need to hear. But too few listened.

I've shared many of the Chinese editorials and op-eds on prior Substack discussions, have available if anyone is interested. You can also find them by going through the China Daily and Global Times archives from early 2020 searching keywords like ban, pandemic, authoritarian, covid, etc. And even though China resorted to restricting citizen movement and other measures we consider extreme, going against their own early advice not to, those were still political moves, asserting the authority of the state in an authoritarian society, not medically effective.

Thing is, with all of this information I share being known to officials, both in the US and western liberal democratic nations, and in China, the pandemic response that flew in the face of known epidemiological, virological, sociological and political science could only have been intentional. Which is why the notion of a "plandemic" continues to thrive, with more and more people believing it was all planned every day. Because they knew! And did it anyways.

Collectivist authoritarianism was/is their goal. Western liberal democratic values of freedom and individual liberty are being discarded across the western world. It's no accident or coincidence. And we had better wake up to that unpleasant reality. And address it, counter it, fight to protect our God-given rights that we were all endowed with by our creator.

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Nice defense of CCP!!!

CCP is developing bio-weapons & had a chance to test one even if it was accidental.

Geniuses like you didn’t implement the fine plan to save America.

Don’t throw Trump under bus for that.

Our health experts like you gave him terrific advice . . . Not!!!

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At first I wrote a reply that got into nuance, higher reasoning. Then I realized I'm dealing with a very simple mind. And will keep it simple instead.

Fauci. Baric. They and other US officials, acting as top US health officials loaded with millions of US dollars and hordes of US research created Wuhan. You can't indict China without indicting the US. The world would be right to say a pox on both our houses if we get into the blame game. No causus belie supports retribution. The US is just as guilty under international law.

TexasBrand, I know your heart and values are in the right place. And we'd find alignment on many important issues. But I seek truth. Even unpleasant ones. If those truths implicate my 'team' then so be it. My loyalty is to truth. Not a team. Not a man. Not even someone who ordinarily allies like you thinks is the Second Coming of Christ. So bless your little heart, Sugar.

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Anyone with half a brain knew not to trust the "health experts." Trump is either a con or he got completely rolled. Either scenario is not good.

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Travel bans just shift and prolong the problem - See New Zealand and Australia during Covid. Just allow it to spread and get it done and over with would be the most natural solution.....but hang on...

the modellers will come in and say: The hopitals will be overwhelmed.

Pharma will come in and say: We need time to develop medicine/vaccines.

Scientists will come in and say: We need to understand it first....

Greedy people will come in and say: We need more time and fear to exploit it.....and so on.

A critical mass of people still don't get pissed off enough and will comply, shrugging theri shoulsers. I doubt it will ever change gradually. It will build up more and more and one day it all will explode with terrible consequences for everyone. People are weak and stupid. Evolution will take care of that.

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travel bans would make sense if humans were omniscient and omnipotent. and since politicians think the State is god, well, it's no wonder they think such bans make sense.

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WHO flopped as well. They were in sync and for a while whatever Trump said seemed to be driving their position (i.e. the opposite of Trump). When Trump's admin expressed concern (Oct 2019) WHO and CDC said "nothing to worry about".

What changed was the 2020 US presidential election. 2017 through 2019 had been very good years for both US and European economies. Most of Asia too. US as a supplier of energy products to the world broke the OPEC+Russia lock on oil. It also cut seriously into their revenue. Especially Russia. No coincidence Putin's "reunification" of Eastern Europe ground to a standstill - he lost both revenue and leverage over W. Europe when US took over as the main supplier. OPEC too saw significant drops, which (along with the Trump admins reaction to genocide in Syria) helped "calm" many bloody conflicts.

Sounds good? Not when you're the power machine and an outsider has crimpled your game. Trump had to go and no means were to drastic. It wasn't just domestic interests - follow the money - Russia and OPEC had a lot to gain by getting rid of the Trump admin's energy and defense policies. The NATO countries that have, for decades, paid little to nothing were being pressured to start pulling some of the weight financially. Same message was sent o the UN - which had relied on the US as the "enforcement" of it's security policies since it's creation - costs covered by the generous US taxpayers. The message under the Trump banner was "pay up suckers" and not popular. And of course, China wasn't too happy with the status quo in 2019 either (despite the massive economic benefit the strong economy in the US was driving for China, incentives to invest in US capacity was looking to threaten their dominance in the future).

Peace and prosperity are not good if you're trying to defeat the incumbent. If you looked at things at the start of 2020, Trump was a lock. Not a chance to unseat The Outsider. US voters don't vote against a strong economy. Not gonna happen, wouldn't be prudent. What to do? Well....

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Same in Canada early in 2020. Gee, you think there was a coordinated plan?

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He also said it takes years to develop a vaccine, and then poof here it was!

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Yes, on that topic Fauchi was speaking the truth, then he wasn’t! 🤪

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That’s how he earn the name Flip-flop Fauci

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Oh, that and let's see, masks don't work -- oh my, yes masks do work -- lockdowns, social distancing, blah blah blah.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Sometimes the most difficult decisions to make are the ones that require the exhaustive effort, in an acute crisis (under the pressure of time and scrutiny) with a lot of unknowns, to identify and feel certain that "doing nothing" is the ONLY solution....and to be confident you can "sell" it as the only solution not in search of the problem of unintended consequences

Instead he did NOTHING but sell unintended consequences as solutions, because just doing "something" doesn't require the hard work of analyzing options individually and against each other for unintended consequences.

Doing nothing is the easy way out in a situation where doing "nothing" is hard for people to accept as the best solution. It's much easier to make people do "hard" things when they're scared and know "nothing"

The people knew "nothing" because their leaders did not want doing nothing as an option. Its easier to keep them scared vs. having them question if you did the hard work of making sure doing nothing was the benchmark for measuring all other options.

This was the easiest decision all time, and yet they chose to make it incredibly hard, because they will never understand that doing nothing rarely has unintended consequences, but most "solutions" do when unintended consequences are not part of the analysis.

Makes you think the plandemic was the "solution" looking for problems. Maybe unintended consequences were the only solutions worth analyzing after all?

There's nothing to learn folks. THE SCIENCE has all the answers to intentionally create unintended consequences as "solutions" for any "problem" we feel you need. When in doubt of a problem, please consult THE ALMIGHTY CONSENSUS.

Easy call. Hard times ahead.

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“they are, at best, fools, and at worst, sociopaths.”

Why not both?

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Two things at once!

-signed Travis Kelce

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I would rephrase as:

"they are, at best, fools, but actually sociopaths".

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Because seasoned sociopaths are not fools.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

I've met a LOT of politicians in the US and across Europe. The are not fools (with a few notable exceptions)

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Didn’t last time, won’t this time either!

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I forgive the people in my life. But I will NEVER forgive anyone in the public eye. Not politicians, pundits, loudmouths of the semi-private persuasion. None. Well, I will forgive them. But I wish seven curses upon them that they lose all power and prestige and confront the consequences of their actions in personal ramifications, multi-fold, for every intentional act of deceit or cowardice.

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And painful cases of all the current scare mongered stuff plus monkey pox, leprosy, terminal piles, body wide eczema, shingles in their eyes, throat and other slightly smallish protruding “parts”. Plus an uncomfortable bladder infection. Oh, I forgot kidney stones along with that. All at the same time. Cruel? They asked for it.

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"Oh, come on! We did the best we could. Time to forgive and forget."

💥💥 BOOM!

Only after Nurnberg 2 maybe.

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Everything here is right on point -- and this is why they never admitted they were wrong....they want to do it all over again.

Slightly off topic here, but I'm trying to get a group of 'Stackers together to informally run a recurring segment where a bunch of us answer the same question at the same time -- the first being "How do we move forward from covid"? When I asked who should be involved, my subscribers were very adamant about the bad cat. What do you say? More info here: https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/dont-believe-the-gdp-hype

This would be something pretty short (600-700 words) and wouldn't be 'due' for a week or so.

Interested, kitty?

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Question two: How do we move forward from the economic collapse / Take down of the economy?

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Also a big part of the problem!

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pretty short. Well I was gonna jump in till I read that....:-)

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Well, we're trying to get maybe 8-10 people answering, so we're still talking a lot of content on the subject, just spread around to many different viewpoints.

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I tend to struggle with "short" when I'm thinking about this kind of stuff.

So many things that need to be said :-)

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I’ve read somewhere in the last few days on substack, that the ‘new’ infection is Mycoplasma Pneumoniae which is known as ‘walking pneumonia’. Apparently it’s a commensal bacteria in our lungs anyway and comes out to play when there’s immunosuppression, like after a covid lockdown or after a covid vaccine.

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Yeah, the “mystery pneumonia” as it’s being called has been around forever, just like corona viruses have. But all the hygiene freaks that jabbed up themselves and there kids and stayed in a bubble for years are now getting sick due to there suppressed immune systems, and having worse bouts with colds. To bad there dumb to realize there actions are the cause, not the solution. So they’ll isolate, triple mask, take whatever shots they can and shower in hand sanitizer. The upside is eventually these low iq scaredy cats will kill themselves off.

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The downside is that they want to take us with them.

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Or: the alarum over the mystery disease is intended as just cause for restricted/banned travel, initially from China but quickly ramped up to serve as an excuse for border control. Maybe by getting the networks to show clips of chinese entering the US illegally?

"Look! The possibly infected chinese infiltrators are hiding among refugees trying to enter the US! Shame! Now we have to shut the border thanks to those dastardly chinese!".

Then you can ramp it up to tight customs checks on all imports from China, focused quality and compliance checks of the goods themselves, and overall making life difficult for China.

But since so many of Biden's owners and most of the share-owners of the presidency are also heavily invested in the genocidal, racist communist dictatorship that is China*, this all seems like pure tin-foil origami.

*Remember boys and girls, moving industry to China will lead to democracy there in a few years, they promised in the early 1990s, 'cause the capitalists just won't accept co-operating with a communist dictatorship.

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Thank you Henry Kissinger!

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Waiting for the masked sheeple to line up for the trifecta flu/RSV/Covid jab.

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The pharmacy companies are pushing the RSV thing as if it's a novel virus. It's been around since my kids, in their 40s, have been around. The thing is, the populace, especially the elderly, is embracing it. The RSV shot has been studied just as well as the Covid shot and look at what happened with THAT.

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Come out to California, masks starting to pop up like flowers after the rain.

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Come to Florida, forever maskers are dug in down here no broward county. People here never stopped wearing them.

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Sounds like my idiot brother. Who I watched drive away from my grandmother's house in September wearing a mask in his car, alone.

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Yup. Mandates coming back. A doc told me that flu shots and "boosters" will become mandatory for hospital admissions soon (speculation).

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Boosters? What happens if I didn't get the first 2 shots and then the booster, do I have to take 4 shots in the emergency waiting room to have an appendectomy?

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I have heard that FLUZONE QUADRAVALENT is egg based vaccine. FLUBLOK QUADRAVALENT is man made mRNA vaccine. Do your own research before the jab.

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Just don’t jab! I wouldn’t trust them to tell the truth about ANY vaccine, and I’m not alone!

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All are useless and dangerous.

Best part? All jabs are being converted to an mRNA platform.

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Why not? It's cheaper and quicker than the 'old' way. And as we've seen unlike most of the things you buy, you'll never know if it actually works... or not... or worse.

No warranty for fitness of purpose, no liability in case of adverse outcome. Why exactly is it we need these monsters, again?

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That is the best part. Takes the last shred of trust I had in vaccines off the table.

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No need to wait, just come to California. Already in full swing!

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A senior friend has a case of RSV. Asking for prayers because she has a fever. Because.........?

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Just in time for the next election! Whaddya think? Coincidence?

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I am way ahead of these bozos. I am air-bnbing one of those hochul huts in NY so that I can spend my lockdown in pampered luxury.

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I'm in NY. I'll join you!

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do not forget both political parties are equally and fully culpable and there ain't a nano-flake of daylight between them. they are entirely composed of vicious morons.

except for george santos who is a merely nice old-fashioned conman and in my view the least harmful to the health of the republic than any one of the rest of them.

take power from the ground up, and don't be over-admiring of grassroots groups that ain't. make common cause with people you'd otherwise loathe except for their valuing of liberty.

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See see. This is the quality of republicans.? I was redpilled in 2021 and see NO reason why we won’t be in the same shitty position if we give these clowns any more power. I despair. By the votes of my GOP rep (who just voted to bloat the FBI even more) I turn away from him as well. We dance with the same 2 faced devil as always--they just take turns “leading”. A pox on both their houses. A real dandy painful POX.

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It’s pains me to say I think you hit the nail right on the head. It also pains me because I’m a conservative first and then a Republican. I’ll still support the Republicans because I believe the Democrats have turned into an Evil Authoritarian and very corrupt organization masquerading as a political party. I think they hate the Constitution and I think they hate Christians. Christians in general have fought against abortion since Roe versus Wade. Abortion along with Gun Control are key tenets in their party plank. I believe Joe Biden is the most corrupt person to ever hold the Presidency plus he’s not competent to hold that office or any other.

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Do not comply! No matter what side of the political aisle you’re on, you’re being played by both sides. No one has our best interests at heart and no one is coming to save us. If anything, they’re coming for us

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My Senator, Rubio, is completely untrustworthy. Every move he makes is for his next Presidential run.

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The People That Are Wearing Masks

And Still Taking Booster Shots

Have Started To Identify

With Their Captors.


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