It's like what happened to college prices once student loans became a thing.

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The Law of Supply and demand is like the Law of Gravity. If you jump off the side of the Grand Canyon, whether you understand gravity or not, you’re still going to go splat.

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Oh, come on, T.

Its The _Theory_ of Gravitation.

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You go jump off a high spot and see how your theory works out 😛

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Exactly, It’s just another shell game to pad the pockets of bankers and pols. More lobbying cash flows in from the lenders, who in turn get it back tenfold via interest on loans. The actual buyer being the loser as per usual. Nevermind the taxpayer that subsidized the entire transaction.

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Too many people forget that when you get a mortgage to buy a house, it's the bank that owns the house until the debt is paid off.

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Even after that, if you don’t pay the property taxes, the city/county will take it.

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The actual, ultimate plan is for all us deplorables to live in daub and wattle huts, caves, and for the really poor, holes in the ground. Watch and learn......

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But at least we know BigFedGov will kick in some cash for Cave Down Payments when they need our votes!

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Daub and wattle ? Luxury !

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Came here to say that! Look what happened to college costs immediately after Congress took the limit off the PLUS loans.

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You get more of what you subsidize.

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Commiefornia Commissar Kamala will fix home affordability like she fixed the border. Mark Cuban is the poster child of lucky and dumb. He sold his company to yahoo at an inflated valuation right before the dot com crash. Yahoo wrote it off a few years later. Mark bought the Mavericks with the proceeds, then played a smart person on shark tank. He is jealous of Elon and Trump because they are far more wealthy and charismatic than he is.

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Rocks are smarter

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Great analysis....

But don't forget, the democrats goal is to make property ownership as expensive and illogical as possible.

The whole point of a 25k subsidy is to further inflate home prices and make them as unaffordable as possible.

It's entrenching a caste system. The establishment owns on the property. The slaves rent.

The slaves can't own property otherwise they would have the possibility of upward mobility.

This is all by design.

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Exactly! Anyone who doesn’t understand what’s going on needs to read Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom”- that’s where we are going. Marxism is like a form of modern Feudalism. You have the party members rich living behind gates in a castle, while everyone else languishes in poverty, restricted by law from improving their lot.

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Yup. Exactly. And the $25k is just a chip the recipient will use to outbid someone else.

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What Kamala suggests is intended to get her votes. It violates federal law:

18 U.S. Code § 597 - Expenditures to influence voting.

Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and

Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

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If politicians were actually held to federal law, virtually the entire federal government (both sides) would be in prison or hanging from lamp posts.

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If truth be told, if we all got what we had coming we'd all he hanged in the morning.

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Respectfully, not sure what you mean. I control no life but my own (other than my kids’ when they were growing up). I have never made sweeping mandates & otherwise damaged or destroyed millions of lives with the stroke of a pen with bullshit that impacts a country. I’m aware that due to ridiculous & onerous “laws” on the books, every one of us is a criminal & don’t even know what laws we’ve broken. But politicians - who make the laws & violate them w/ blatant impunity - should be held to the same or higher standard. Instead, they most often exempt themselves or carve out opaque loopholes. THEY should be swinging from lamp posts for selling out the people they swear to serve & protect. Not me. Not the rest of us.

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It was a joke.

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Have you noticed how the WEF captured MSM is all about Komissar Kamala and nothing about Donald or RFKjr?

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Completely off topic, but your WEF reference capturing MSM…they are infiltrating more than media. Why would WEF be interested in weather modification in Colorado?


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To be fair, they're publishing quite a bit about Trump.

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Trade schools. One of the major constraints for home builders is skilled tradesmen; just ask any builder. If we started trade schools, on something like the model in Germany, last two years of high school…. But nope, the everyone has to go to college mentality has indebted two generations of kids, many who now have degrees in French Literature or whatever, and no job prospects. Instead of that we could unleash the next generation into a world where they build useful things, and many would eventually own their own businesses.

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Why would a young American man go to trade school, when all the construction jobs will be given to illegal invaders?

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That is indeed a big problem, but to reach the journeyman level requires training and five years of ongoing education and work experience. In my experience nearly all journeyman level folks are legal. It’s the laborers and lower skilled folks that are almost all illegals and that’s been the case for decades. This is a problem that shows how much contempt our political leaders have for the working class. It’s been cutting off the lower rungs of the economic ladder and demoralizing the poor people who would like to gain skills and earn an honest living.

Most of the journeyman in the trades get their training through the trade unions, which have carried the slack for our poor quality public educational institutions, although some community colleges have excellent programs. If a young person can get into one of these two routes they have a real shot at a comfortable middle class life.

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We might not be too far from the time when just having trade school skills - which can be bartered for the goods and services as the fruit of the skills of other craftsmen - will be of real tangible value in and of themselves.

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Yes! So many college degrees today are worthless or have negative value. Meanwhile, skilled workers are in desperately short supply. And it's not like electrician, plumber, contractor are low-paying jobs.

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The 12th best plumber in a city of one million is set for life.


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Good one. My Mom always exhorted me and my sisters to marry a plumber, 12th best or not. haha

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I disagree and also disagree partly with gato's analysis. I dislike building regulations and build permits but nobody can honestly believe that abolishing these would solve the problem. Again today Internet brings knowledge to everyone. This is the reason that finding good deals on used market is non existent. Everybody knows that a vespa worth X. Everybody knows that an empty land next to the city worth huge money because a construction company will build a condo on it with 200+ apartments... Nobody will sell you a good land for peanuts anymore. (rightly so!)

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While I agree that in many cases regulations have gone too far, there is a good case to be made for building regulations and permits. As with most things, it's a fine line between just right and too much.

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My argument is: we don't need regulation but we need serious and real accountability! At the moment we have tons of regulations but even if something goes wrong nobody is responsible for anything.

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It’s obvious they don’t want to make homes more affordable, they want to make them less affordable so they have an excuse for “price controls”.

Or so they can say “Well, just let Black Rock buy all the houses and people can rent”. As in “you will own nothing…”.

The goal is always to prolong the problem as there’s big money to be made in “solving” it.

We need to keep the government the hell away from anything important like food, housing, education, energy, information, money…

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Some of the most effective twitterX posts I’ve seen on Konmunism are the step-by-step break downs of each phase of collapse or interference. This type of post (above), but bulleted with all the input costs, is eye-opening for people.

I’ve been around building trades my whole life. My dad is an architect and my husband is a timber framer. I see the incredible waste due to bogus codes and restrictions. Everything from lumber grading to door-width; it’s incredibly damaging.

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Been there myself.

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Me too

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Remember Obama's 'Cash for Clunkers'? Same thing. The $3000 subsidy became a $24,000 expense to taxpayers.

Either our politicians are really that stupid, or they really just don't care. Or, both.

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Obama was (is) a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. He understood exactly what the implications would be of all of his policies.

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Someone drew a picture and explained it to him. He is stupid.

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OBummer is just a useful idiot, soon to go the wayside of all those that really run and design all this have done with them. I kinda wish they would toss he and Killery right now! lol

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But you're making the false assumption that they are attempting to lower costs for the middle and lower classes. Rather, they are intentionally aiming to raise them.

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You will own nothing and be happy.*

* - Happy currently out of stock

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They're just buying votes.

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They only care about who is writing them a check or suitcase full of cash...or gold bars...

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The other danger in this is possible, eventual property tax cuts for low income homeowners. Ultimately, the government could jack up property tax prices so high that even those who own their homes free and clear could lose their homes if they couldn't pay their property taxes. It happened after the Civil War. Look up "carpetbaggers", though the online definition mentions nothing about the overtaxing aspect of it, which is kind of telling and disturbing. This could be an attempt to displace responsible U.S. citizens who own homes and replace them with those who are here illegally or those who have proven they're loyal to the Nanny State.

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A tax on unrealized gains would do that as well. Inflate the price of housing and tax the "gains" as the nominal value goes up.

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BBS, the very fact that the govt can take your house for failure to pay property taxes is proof that nobody owns their home free and clear. You might be clear of the bank, but Big Daddy is always ready and willing to slap the padlock on your door.

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Gone with the Wind: "Those Yankee carpet baggers done raised the taxes sky high on Tara!"

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These people have clearly never seen what happens to used car prices during tax return season.

Wanna fix the housing crisis?

1) Close the borders.

2) Ban ownership of US property by foreign nationals.

3) Ban or severely restrict ownership of residential property by investment companies.

4) End ALL government grants, loan backing, and financial assistance for homebuyers.

5) Enforce existing law (from the 70s?) requiring monetary policy to aim for currency stability.

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I have yet to hear from anyone what the PURPOSE of a "down payment" is: to ensure a buyer has skin in the game in the form of hard-earned and saved down payment, and thus will not allow the mortgage to go into default, lest he lose his game skin.

Just giving some rando $25k for a "down payment" has the opposite effect of the original purpose of the DP.

Nobody ever really appreciates free cheese.

I would look at someone who needed gubmint cheese DP to buy a house the same way I look at an obvious DEI hire: Didn't Earn It.

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the banks do.

it's still security for them and will be a boon to mortgage origination.

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When you default, the bank gets the house back, plus they collect mortgage insurance that was paid for out of your monthly mortgage payments. They essentially "dubble dip". The banks are the only entities that get an insurance payout and still get to keep the asset. If you total your car and get a check for it, the insurance company takes your car and sells it to a salvage yard. You dont get to keep it. Banks get to keep the assets because they own the insurance companies that insure them. They are essentially self insured, but the mortgage holder is paying for it. This is why banks sat on foreclosed homes or would not lower prices after the 2008 crash. They didn't need to liquidate because they had already been paid.

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Very interesting & good point.

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Wow, excellent comment

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True, but ultimately it's not their money. They may originate the loan, but will sell it to a suck...err...investment group and make fees and a slim margin for their trouble.

Still no consumer skin in the game.

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And no bank skin either. What's their incentive for due diligence in granting a mortgage, if they're just going to sell it on anyway?

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It's also a boondoggle for GCs. They'll take the $25k and give $40k (but only cost them $5-$10k) in upgrades so they don't have to lower sale listing. But that doesn't change the real market value. A lot can go wrong there for entry level and slightly higher because the $25k is a larger percentage of the sale price. The very people they say they're going to help will be hurt....especially in a prolonged bear market.

That's just one scam of several others the players in that industry will dream up.

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I can see the scams coming now.

Son or daughter initiates the purchase only to be flipped to parent or fellow con man. Just like the mortgage scams that cropped up the last time the government tried to make homes affordable . That boondoggle caused the mortgage crisis..

Best way to lower prices is to let them rise until no buyers want the homes. People who have to move or must sell will start to lower their home price and the market will cascade downward as fast as it rose

But, much of the high cost of new construction today is due to Bidenflation. Just go to Lowes and look what material costs these days.

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'Just go to Lowes and look what material costs these days.'

During Covid, I'm sure partly due to supply chain issues, lumber tripled in price around here. It's come back down a little but not back to where it was.

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I'm getting estimates for a roof replacement on a 2000-sq ft house. So far I've been quoted $14K, $28K, and $23K. These quotes include replacing 3 19-year old skylights and the gazebo roof.

In 2005, my last roof cost $3800, including the 3 skylights.

I should mention there is a 50-year guarantee on the shingles and workmanship.

But still. Yikes.

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I too noticed the price of a new roof going sky high.

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Just had one replaced-over 12K

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I should add the house is about 20 miles east of DC. Wondering if it's even more $$$ in other areas?

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Yeah we rebuilt our screened in porch ourselves during 2021. The cost of the lumber was astronomical. We were trying to save money by doing it ourselves but the materials cost made our final out of pocket almost equal to having paid someone to do it pre-Covid. Still, my husband did a fabulous job and it looks better than the professionals that built it when the house was built. And in the end we did save on not paying labor in 2021. The costs haven’t come down very much by us yet.

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My husband and I were just talking about the scam potential here too! It'll be staggering! Think of all the covid subsidy scanning that went on!

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This!! You are so right!!

"Best way to lower prices is to let them rise until no buyers want the homes. People who have to move or must sell will start to lower their home price and the market will cascade downward as fast as it rose."

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The most affordable homes in California are shanties assembled with stolen goods on the sidewalk in front of struggling businesses. No building permits are required and building code officials will be focused on making sure the contractor working on the duplex down the street isn't displaying any offensive American flags on any of his equipment, so your dream shanty will remain largely unmolested.

Just watch out for the occasional visiting foreign dignitary as that will precipitate the destruction of your dream home. If that happens, just rent a VRBO from an old lady trying to supplement her Social Security income with her guest house and refuse to leave when the check bounces. If she calls the police turn her in for code violations in the plumbing system. Sure, that was created by your search for a gremlin in the main waste line while on a meth fueled self care adventure, but it means you have to poop in bags now, and that's only acceptable if you live on the sidewalk. Of course, the property is unsafe to live in but nobody will come and remove you because that would be wrong as everybody has the right to shelter They will fine the old lady for having a guest house that is not up to code and you can refuse to let any plumbers in to fix it so that any legal procedures the old bag tries will be immediately tossed by a compassionate judge who will flat out refuse to hear her complaints about you, the victim in this whole matter. Eventually, the old women will lose the home and it will be bought for pennies on the dollar by Blackrock, who has lawyers on retainer that can file the proper paperwork to have you removed in less than 24 hrs. Just grab whatever building materials you can rip out of that guest house and head back to the sidewalk to build your next home free of red tape and pesky inspectors.

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I do t get it, how is mark a billionaire? He must be the most unethical backstabber in the world on his deals … I do not understand how he made his start.

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he got very lucky. he put "radio on the internet" at broadcast.com, a massive money pit of a failing biz. it got acquired by yahoo for $5bn in 1999 right before the dotcom bubble burst and so mark got out rich and handed the bag to someone else.

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Three cheers for Yahoo buying a bag of magic beans without looking in the bag I guess ….dude is an absolute moron

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His real last name is (((Chabenisky))).

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He started out selling things door to door as a kid. No one handed him anything. He worked hard and made a lot of money but, as in such cases, he now thinks he knows everything. He does not.

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I run my own small business in new construction in the midwest. In the 90s we did about 30 homes a year. I worked for a modestly upscale builder who was building really nice homes, not cookie cutters, in the 200-300k range, and they were purchased by modestly upper middle class people. We had a new start just about every week. Now this same builder builds only giant homes in the most exclusive neighborhoods and builds two or three homes a year. The one we just finished cost 11 million and my contract alone was worth $160k. I still see apartments and condos going up, and mansions for the rich, but there are very few middle class homes being built.

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I will get this out of the way first... "Mark Cuban is an idiot..."

Affordability is tied up in Supply right now and there just isn't enough to cover demand. Couple that with inflation, dollar devaluation and more and more supply being bought by "investors" and you can see why we are here... And no solution should include just printing/borrowing more money to chase a non-existent supply... People who want to sell will just set off the bidding war on their properties by holding out for that newly minted $25K in the pockets of first-timers...

The government (and Mark Cuban) may not think people won't raise prices, but they will, and they will quickly...

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Plenty of inventory sitting out there.


The prices are too damn high.

Sellers will learn the hard way just like in 2007-2010.

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