it’s fascinating to watch the reaction of the swamp creatures and their fanbase to sunshine. so much is coming to light.
and the game is playing out in predictable fashion.
the tactics of the lizard people response to this situation are of necessity dictated by the nature of that which is being revealed because what is emerging into view is something utterly indefensible and once you really stop and look at it, it’s really quite clear what’s going on:
this is an abuser doing what abusers do when being called out on being abusive:
they accuse and blame the victim and style themselves the wronged party.
this is a near perfect encapsulation. she really nailed it.
the whole of the politico/news push is about how the elite have hurt feelings and the indignation of “how dare you go through our spending!?!”
who let you see my phone!?!
now, if you are guilty as capone and have half the morality, sure, this is of course where you go. the crybully culture-warriors want to be the victim. they want to appeal to process and the thicket of rules they made over the substance of what they did and what they stole and to overstate danger and rile up the people in fear.
they are propping up their captured agencies and money supplies while casting it as “public good” and the tired chestnut of “public safety.”
the threat to “audit the rich politicians who had no clear source of their fabulous wealth” is both right and righteous. so many got so much in such opaque fashion.
small wonder there are questions that they do not want even asked, much less answered.
small wonder it’s all fear and scare stories and hostage puppies.
the whole thing has becomes so obvious that it’s well nigh impossible to miss what’s going on. the deep-swamp is not even trying to refute the findings, they’re just endlessly trying to change the story to “how dare you look in the basement?” as though what was going on there is none of america’s business.
the tantrums seem as calculated as they are disingenuous.
i wish i could say it was astonishing that this is working on their base. but it’s not. and it is. they have quite literally managed to whip the tribal loyalties of their gang into a cheer squad for “we need to let the deep-statists keep cheating, stealing, and lying to save democracy.”
it’s a helluva thing.
it smacks of nothing so much as stockholm syndrome, and this is an easy diagnosis to make, but i think there’s more too it.
this tribal support has been selected for two things:
propensity toward fear and viewing the world as full of external threats
and a lack of agency in the face of such threats such that they demand and require protection from the tribe and/or state.
the unrelenting fear is not an accident, it’s a modus operandi.
this is the dream voter for the permanent state:
defined by always-on aversive arousal from external threats made up and changed in real time by an industrial talking point complex and ever clamorous for parental proxy by leviathan to come and fix the problem through collective coercion.
tell them an enemy is out to get them or that a crisis impends and they will rally around any flag.
the sheep cluster in fear of imaginary wolves making them easy for shepherds to fleece.
pandemics, climate change, structural everyhting-ism, white supremacy, billionaires coming to take your privacy and steal your soul, the evil right wanting to rape you and libertarians wanting to take your rights. the panoply of hobgoblins expands to constitute a full pantheon of gods and demons all seeking to menace the populace. but the stories do not even make sense.
they threaten you with a loss of that which they long since took.
they do not care about your privacy. get $601 on venmo and you need to report it. everyhting is KYC and AML. your bank account can be taken at any time. you have not had financial privacy or security for 40 years, likely more.
but they have.
they have been getting away with grand theft nation state.
if you scraped the grift and graft off the government, there would be nothing left. it’s not even swiss cheese, it’s one big hole pretending that some substance yet remains.
and the howls of “how dare this person be allowed to question us!?!” are not principle, they are privilege, private law. dirty NGO cash for me but not for thee.
this is not a partisan issue. it’s rife just about everywhere and the uniparty rising in rage is exactly what is needed.
it’s the brilliance of “turning off the money.”
the howls of the chthonian cadres of corrupt kleptocrats have become the sonar by which we may target their removal.
this is not about process.
this is reconnaissance by combat. attack, do damage, draw the fire, see who is where, force the sides to reveal themselves.
then ready the main force.
and that has not even shown itself yet. watch.
“move fast and break the deep state” is about getting things done and ending this tyranny of unelected aristocracy for good and all.
its squeals and special pleading for privacy are self-serving and vapid.
there is a full court press of “change the subject” going on. bird flu, regular flu, new covid in china, ukraine, ludicrous claims of process and needs for safety state and park ranger potty patrols. these people are literally closing ranks around the IRS as though it’s some sympathetic character in a morality play.
the desperation to prop up the longstanding way of life for what can really only be described as a criminal cartel is on vivid display.
they are turning on the messengers because they do not like the message. (and worse, they fear that you will)
and it’s just not working.
no one cares. we’re tired of terror track scare stories and histrionics.
it’s all going to come to far too fast.
trying to pass this off as unpopular with fake gallup and CNN polls will not work.
ginning up some new bugbear to demand social compliance will not work.
trying to play process in the light of so much obvious illegal behavior is not going to work.
the fact that the US government has been an invisible college of criminals for who knows how long is the issue of our time and we the people are not interested in changing the topic.
the state has no right to privacy from its citizens
and a just state has no need of such things.
this genie is out of the bottle.
too much is already out in the open and you cannot unpull the threads that have been unraveled.
and more is coming.
I wandered onto Facebook the other day and should not have. I learned who of my old friends are defending the indefensible and I would rather not know that. Man. The “orange man is Hitler” thing really broke some people. Hard.
Yes—- not a word in the captured mainstream media apparatus about the billions, nay trillions of “misplaced” funds. The numbers alone are hard to wrap one’s head around. It is like the thief robbing you blind expecting you to worship him for robbing you blind because it’s the lifestyle you’ve been used to. Truly unbelievable.