enjoy a great walk about. keep your claws as sharp as your wit! ♯

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Have a good rest, but don't stay gone too long. The world needs your wit and humor.

Gotta follow my own advice and share this where I can (I hope you do not mind).

Here is an impassioned blistering plea about democrat compassion from a legal immigrant:

Not long after I came to America, I was exposed to the narrative that the Democrat Party was the party of the little guy and the only party with genuine care and compassion for the average American. Fortunately, because I grew up under a dictatorship, I could not be easily fooled by socioeconomic shackles masquerading as compassionate public policy. The truth is there is no compassion like Democrat compassion. It is the kind of compassion that lets people shoot illicit drugs into their body with the government's assistance. It is the kind of compassion that sees assisted suicide as a moral virtue. Democrat compassion is the kind of compassion that lets you rob the innocent in hardworking businesses in your neighborhood and walk out with impunity with no fear of prosecution.

Democrat compassion is the kind of compassion that tells vulnerable women it is their right to abort and sacrifice their unborn children on the perverted altar of female empowerment and convenience. Democrat compassion is the kind of compassion that tells children they were born in the wrong body and encourages and subsidizes their mutilation. Democrat compassion is the kind of compassion that lets boys unfairly compete against girls and take their records, their opportunities, and their scholarships, and invade their private spaces turning back decades of hard-fought gains.

Video and full transcript here (worth your time): https://tritorch.substack.com/p/left-wing-liberal-compassion-is-the <---- Share that far and wide!

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Yeah, right! But who keeps voting for them and helps put them back in power over and over again; it's not just the unending political corruption (including Republicans) but the "collective stupidity" of the masses which would rather live with lies and deception and government control than take personal responsibility for themselves or make any effort to save their country.

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You are preaching to the choir with your last sentence. Give this a read if you can spare 10 minutes: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

"Everyone's looking for a savior instead of looking in the mirror" -a lunatic

Regarding the "collective stupidity" of the masses:

TV, "journalism", media, it's ALL programming and it works *exceedingly* well. The problem is that the democrats have been deeply brainwashed and as a result are trapped in a circus mirror hall of cognitive dissonance—unable to see things as they are because doing so would shatter their sense of self-worth. Being wrong is incredibly painful - it literally hurts the brain. So they cannot face being wrong. Mark Twain said it best:

"It's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled."

The insightful legal alien in my initial post does a surgeons job of making it crystal clear just how BADLY they've been fooled.

Imagine trying to cope with that much egg on your face—It's practically impossible to deal with. And so they will continue doubling down until everything is destroyed. This is human nature at its worst. And if we don't overcome this fatal exploit, we're, well, in bad shape.

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How’d you get so astutely wise and intelligent. Bless you, and thank you. may you continue to inspire and awaken more.

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"It's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled."

Con men (confidence men) have known the truth of this for millennia. Many have observed that the smarter and educated they are the more likely they are to be swindled and the less likely they are to acknowledge that they have been had.

I came to believe decades ago that the slow but constant influx of new Americans was the only thing that kept the country from being destroyed culturally and economically by the apparently inherent laziness of those to whom wealth and power and the comfort that created for them came without any contribution on their part: You legal immigrants know why you are here but the native born don’t. The current influx of people constitutes an invasion and is an occupation in fact in service of the traitorous American born and/or enriched oligarchs who badly want the now former US to become the economic trash heap with them sitting on top that most of the world already is.

That, “Everyone's looking for a savior instead of looking in the mirror,” is, unfortunately, quite true.

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the voting machines !

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"Spoons made me fat!"

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I think it was George Will who said Americans speak like Jeffersonians but vote like Hamiltonians.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

I'm more of a _what I actually mean_ Calvinist:


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(But Silent Cal is my favorite president. What - you don't have a favorite president?)

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Happy wanderings, Gato!

But don't go to France, please.

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Really, don’t go to france!!

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or the UK. Or Minnesota, or Chicago...

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*sigh* Minnesota used to be such a fine little town.

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lol, like

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"Why else do you think I have this outRAGeous accent, you silly Cat?!"


"I don't envy you the headache you'll have when you return and find what we've done with the place. And dream of large mice "

Enjoy the walkabout.

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"And all your daffy kaa-nigguts!"

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What stuff do cats go and do when the humans cannot find them?

Take well deserved and undisturbed cat naps. Push stuff off the edges. terrorize the mice (and dogs). Howl in the moonlight on a hot summer night.

Wild stray cat, you're a real gone guy. I wish I could be as carefree and wild. You got cat class and you got cat style.

Have a great prowl about!

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slink down alleys, looking for a fight, howling to the moonlight on a hot summer's night, what else?

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Singin' the blues while the lady cats cry

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Just try catraipsing around for once!

Aimless walks...are not necessarily needless.

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Here's your theme song. Get a boombox on your shoulder and strut about:


Sorry this doesn't have David Lee Roth strutting about in his bottom-less chaps....but still a good song.

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I dig me some Van Hagar.

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They had a few good ones...including this one.

But I'll take the old band any day

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Of course!

I remember the day some neighborhood kids were sitting and lying about in our buddy Steve's driveway and Jamie's Crying came on the radio and we were, like, "Whoa - what is this!" Stopped us as we were going by.


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Well it was either that or Duran Duran...or Def Leopard...before they sold out.

I still have a soft spot for stadium rock. The 80's were the best. Pinnacle of America. Nothing but fond memories.

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"You got cat class and you got cat style."

The Thomas O'Malley Orchestra: https://youtu.be/4rrXR6n0RTY?si=kBvXrfKbMlbDWgbV

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They don't make 'em like that any more!

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You're a bad cat! Leaving us in dark while you go play. Really though you are deserving. A well rested cat is much sharper.

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I think this might be an exercise in taking what has been shared here and applying it on our own.

We might be sharper, too.

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Well deserved rest, gato, and you’ll be missed - enjoy!

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I hope you enjoy your time off as much as we enjoy your writings. My tomcat used to bring us a present (like a dead bird or even a rabbit one time) after he would go walkabout. Can’t wait to see what we get!

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I am a tingling with anticipation.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

If he doesn’t eat it before we find it, which mine does. At least partially. When he’s not picking fights with raccoons. Thug life. Enjoy it!

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How about a dei administrator?

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Enjoy your walkies! I'll make do somehow during your absence; you are on my very short list of daily high points. Memes avidly anticipated.

BTW, I don't think Frank Herbert will mind at all. He's been dead since 1986.

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Frank Herbert would approve.

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Better than TGIF - Any day of the week!

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What do cats do when they go walkabout (Down under?)?

No, please don´t tell me...! ;-)


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Don't risk too many of your 9 lives?

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You are one bad cat…I expect some feline nefariousness!!

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See if you can find your CaPiTaLiZaTiOn while you're chilling. ¯\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )_/¯

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I think he will refuse to CaPiTuLatE.

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That’s CATipulate.

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must. have. gato. memes! Enjoy your break.

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