This wouldn’t surprise me in the least considering this entire operation has been engineered to induce a potpourri of mental health conditions, from mass hypnosis to paranoid delusions to OCD to folie à deux to narcissistic personality disorder to psychopathy/sociopathy to learned helplessness to Stockholm Syndrome to every other kitchen-sink DSM V disorder that serves TPTB’s Mephistophelian purposes.

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If I get the yips on the golf course, I know what I'm gonna blame it on.

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I'm swooning at your use of Mephistophelian!

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Had to look up mephistophelian - nice word👍

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I decided from day 1 that " long covid" is imagination run wild. I've suffered "long covid" off & on for years thanks to hay fever, chemical sensitivities, changes in atmospheric pressure, situational depression, head colds, you name it....


Since the time I wrote this, increasing amounts of evidence supporting long covid has emerged. Eg, spikes have been found in monocyytes (white cells known as phagocytes) as long as 15 months after "recovery." Since spikes are known to cause the bulk of the disease, there is every reason to believe they would cause issues...I find it weird that this post has suddenly been resurrected 5 months from when started! Especially since I deleted it a few days ago!!

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I’ve said on a few occasions that some instances of long Covid sounds like my day to day baseline.

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Agreed. I tested positive for the antibodies. No symptoms of anything any time. No “long covid”. But hey last week my finger nails started to peel so I’m sure that is listed as a symptom of long Covid.

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OMG! Mine are, too! I've got the long coof! What to do, what to do! 🙄

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The symptoms for long covid sound the same as "mom brain" which is something I've had for ten years.

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I would say living under lockdown and then being vilified and othered, living in fear for 2 years, isolating, masking like criminals or loons, your country being run by totalitarian monsters... I am sure you can come up with more reasons. They all produce long covid. It is called being utterly depressed. It also produces people smacking their spouses around, ladies named Raptor drinking so much wine that I could build a housing project out of glass bottles... Blarg.

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To be clear: Mr. Raptor is not a smacker. He is delightful.

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Thank goodness for this study and your analysis. When the frightened Covid lockdown enthusiasts run out of arguments trying to justify the necessity of all the lockdown NPIs, Long Covid is the last remaining argument that they pull out of their ass that has, to this date, been resistant to falsifiability. I have often called it "the last refuge of the Covidian scoundrel".

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I think there's a distinction worth making. Some people had very serious bouts with COVID (including ventilation) that have left them damaged, which is different than the "long COVID" these hypochondriacs are reporting.

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Then of course there's the long covid that turns out to be metastatic melanoma in the lungs because they were so fixated on the c-Flu they didn't check for anything else until too late to do anything about it.

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OMG of course, I'm sure there are many, many cases of this happening.

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I love how they can use serology testing in studies like this to determine whether or not you've previously had covid but the FDA still insists that "it doesn't know" if having antibodies in your system proves that you're immune. Instead, it's: "Just go get the vax."


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As someone who developed two autoimmune conditions within weeks of my first and only flu, I have given the long covid claimants the benefit of the doubt. I will continue to do so.

One flaw of this study is the use of antibodies as a marker (proof) of infection. We know they drop quickly over time. Perhaps a T-cell test would have been more definitive?

No doubt there are people walking around convinced that they were infected (with or without a useless PCR or antigen test result). The specter of asymptomatic disease just adds to the mythos.

And I'm sure there are many people who were actually infected who are having a long recovery as they might from any other serious infection.

But I allow for the possibility that the infection has triggered autoimmune conditions in some that may or may not be unique to this virus.

I also allow for the probability that the viral spike protein persists in the tissue for months in some people. Since we know the spike protein is bio-active and can damage endothelial cells, can we be sure there isn't something to this?

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Very good logic there. Here's one that might relate to the triggering of your auto-immune conditions. https://ggenereux.blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/PoisoningForProfits.pdf

Chapters 3-5 will give you some ideas. I've got a folder full of smoking-gun papers indicating the following is fairly well-established in the literature that liver-damage due to vaccines can cause the spillage of unbound retinoids (aka vitamin a) - see Anthony Mawson's paper on Gulf War Illness. Undue stress of all sorts, physical and mental can do the same. You can have a 10X serum retinoid-dump after trauma that immediately precedes an auto-immune condition. This bug we're dealing with seems to have the same potential to damage the liver as vaccination can, at least it did in my case. Good luck with recovery!

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Dr McCullough has mentioned on his podcast studies showing that 15 months later the body is still removing fragments of the virus from your body so it's possible that long COVID is real for some people.

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Thank you! I never got 'the jab' and have never had a 'flu shot.' In fact before Covid (or whatever is really is), I hadn't been so sick for nearly 20 years. I got Omicron in December of 2021, and it felt like the last time I had the flu. 3 days of fever & chills but no cough or anything. I had been taking 'the protocol' since 2020. Got Ivermectin & HCQ (among other things) for my sickness and continued my protocol on top of it. I started feeling better after a couple of weeks and did some walking on the treadmill. That is when "It" started with hives all over my back, breathlessness and 'malaise' like I have NEVER experienced in my whole life. I didn't really have brain fog (still don't) but when I concentrate on certain things, I begin to feel overcome with sleep. I am having some sort of inflammatory reaction, this I know. I have a natural med type doctor who has confirmed it and described it as a sort of 'mast cell activation' type thing. I have been taking antihistamines and am on a low histamine diet which has helped. But I STILL have reactions to certain food (I'm not willing to give up my coffee) and have to keep my workouts short, and at a very low impact. Next month I'm having more bloodwork done so we'll see if my inflammation is coming down. It's no fun and NOT in my head, I can assure you.

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I'm sorry. Even ordinary viruses can do all kinds of nasty things to us, and SCV2 is no ordinary virus. I've read that mast cell activation has also afflicted some of the vaxxed. My daughter had long term hives a couple years ago after a surgery. She took H1 (Loratidine/Claritin) and H2 (Famotidine/Pepcid) blockers. The H1 (Claritin) had almost no effect. The H2 (Famotidine) had a dramatic effect. She took both for nearly six weeks before they finally went away. We never found a cause, but she may have been immunosuppressed after surgery. I wish you well.

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I just got my test results back from my doctor. My inflammation has decreased, and other things they looked at are looking better as well! She expects me to recover as long as I keep doing what I have been doing and continue to take all my supplements. I am taking a Loratidine 1x a day and a histamine blocker before meals (in addition to other supplements such as quercetin (for mast cell stabilization) and turmeric. I actually feel fortunate that I found what I needed to help me recover and that I have a doctor that supports me. It's very interesting that your daughter had similar allergic type reaction after surgery! It is information like that that is another piece of the puzzle to the true reason some of us who got The Virus, ended up with extended recoveries. Thank you for sharing!

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I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. FYI, in the interest of sharing some more, I developed frozen shoulder last December. It's very painful and debilitating. I would not recommend it. The orthopedist recommended a prescription NSAID that came with a long list of side effects/risks. I decided against taking it. I had been taking the max daily dose of Advil and MegaFood Turmeric Curcumin Extra Strength by the time I saw the doctor. They helped but not much. I did a little research on curcumin and, ultimately, found a product called Omax Biocurc (now called Omax Hydrocurc).


I would have been more comfortable with a brand name that I recognized; but I was desperate to get relief from pain, so I decided to try it.

Frozen shoulder has a very long course. It can go on for years. I started to feel less painful and had significant improvement in range of motion very quickly...within weeks. The orthopedist and the PT were very excited. They'd never had anyone improve so quickly. Most people cannot tolerate PT until after the inflammatory phase has ended (which can take months or longer or forever).

Full disclosure, I take a lot more than the recommended dose; but I've been doing it for about five months with no ill effect. The initial improvement was dramatic and fast. I still have some minor discomfort and ROM limitations (I can't scratch my mid-to-upper back with my right arm), but they are slowly resolving. When I no longer have pain (which I consider a marker for inflammation), I'll dial back the dose...but I intend to take it for the rest of my life.

At my last appointment with the orthopedist in June, I told her what I was doing...since she and the PT were so effusive about my recovery rate. Her first response was, "I can't prescribe that.". I told her that I knew she couldn't, but I wanted her to know what I was doing since my recovery was unprecedented.

High doses of curcumin can increase the risk of kidney stones in susceptible individuals, but the doctor was concerned about potential contaminants. She isn't wrong. It had occurred to me; but, as I said, I was desperate.

As she was speaking, I thought, "you've probably taken three injections of an experimental gene therapy that doesn't stop infection or transmission and has a very high adverse event profile." She's very nice, and she means well...but she's a product of her training. Diagnose a test result and throw a drug at it. The human body was designed to heal, and Ayurvedic medicine has been around for thousands of years.

Anyway, my $0.02. I was nervous to try the Omax Biocurc/Hydrocurc, but I was in terrible pain with no hope of real relief any time soon. I thought it worth a try, since the alternatives (prescription NSAIDS, oral steroid, and steroid injections) also had high side effect/risk profiles. Some of the people in the PT were taking opioids for similar problems. I wanted no part of that.

I'm glad you're feeling better.

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I don't doubt that some people are suffering lasting damage from the virus. I also believe that the vast majority of "long covid" cases could be cured by taking a sledgehammer to your TV and throwing your smartphone in a lake.

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Coincidentally, we see the same thing with "Havanna syndrome." I don't know if you could legitimately call it mass psychosis, but it's coming close. Human minds are powerful things.

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Eh, human minds are powerful, but so is pulsed-frequency microwave radiation. Found that one out the hard way, after moving into a condo with three "smart meters" mounted outside, while living with a titanium plate in my chest from a mountain biking accident. Within the first few days, I had insomnia, memory loss, whole-body internal vibrations, pressure headaches, nausea, panic attacks, etc. Total shit show. The whole story is much longer, but suffice to say, I completely believe that other countries have developed directed microwave energy weapons. I mean, the CIA has had intelligence about that for decades (and frankly, we're dummies if we haven't created the same kind of technology).

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El Gato had an article on it, but Substack is hard to search, but this was reported in both conservative and liberal media: https://www.businessinsider.com/secret-2018-state-dept-report-havana-syndrome-noise-crickets-2021-10

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So somehow on THAT issue you think the media is trustworthy?

I don't know what noise those folks were hearing—or not. What I do know is my own lived experience with microwave radiation, and a lot of it matches what the "Havana Syndrome" folks later reported feeling.

I like data. And wanted to make sure I wasn't imagining certain symptoms. So I actually went to a US Air Force-funded, temperature-controlled research lab the day before having my metal plate surgically removed. By that point, even being around someone with a smartphone made my chest heat up and my right arm go numb. Sure enough, they measured my skin temperature increasing above the plate (but nowhere else) once I turned on my iphone and made a call.

The article you cite quotes a retired chemist as saying "...if a microwave weapon had been used, there would be physical marks of the attack." Bullshit. Plenty of research has demonstrated otherwise.

The FCC (who sets the standards for "safe" levels of radiofrequency radiation) is just as captured and corrupt as the rest of the alphabet agencies. Play the same "follow the money" game as you do with vaccine propaganda, and you can imagine why industries don't particularly want people questioning the safety of wireless radiation.

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It's not that the media is trustworthy, but both sides were making the same claim and that claim, in the mainstream media, went against what benefited them (Russia being a "bad guy" with tricky little weapons). If you find other articles, the suggestion is that these people's symptoms were part of the Russia, Russia, Russia hysteria, starting around the time that the media concluded that Trump was a Putin spy. The people had made themselves sick thinking that they had been attacked (shades of "long COVID). I'm talking about a specific subject.

I am well aware of the effect of EMF and do not discount it and am unhappy about the amount of EMF in the air. I think we would be a lot saner without it and feel better when I am away from it.

But I am talking about one specific instance referred to as Havanna syndrome that has, in its manifestation, psychosomatic symptoms much like "long COVID."

If I were you, I'd try being less reactionary. You'll get further with people. In discounting "Havanna syndrome," I did not say that there were no effects from intense amounts of EMF. Some people can't stand EMF at all and end up moving to "dead zones." I can hold two thoughts in my head: that Havana syndrome and long COVID have a common foundation in people making themselves sick or misattributing idiopathic illness AND our air being "polluted" with EMF, which does affect some people. Maybe you should try holding two thoughts in your head: I am particularly affected by EMF but that doesn't mean that Havana syndrome was caused by evil Russians with a targeted microwave weapon.

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I spent a lot of time with Jim West's thesis regarding Covid-symptoms and the original "hot-spots" being near facilities burning and refining fracked-fuels. He posed a Hydrogen Cyanide connection, which chemical toxicity has identical symptoms placed side-by-side with those of "Covid". He's presently experimenting with something called "Utility Earth Radiation" and its effect on sleep, muscles and nerves.

You might find his early April 2020 Covid post interesting. Here's a snip from just above a detailed chart: "Thirty-four epicenters are listed, sorted by death incidence. The table reveals that COVID-19 death incidence is proportional to the presence of fracking exhaust and poisoned earth. The major epicenters are at the top: The Tri-State Region (NY/NJ/CT), Louisiana, etc."

Jim's books on the dangers of pre-natal Ultrasound are an eye-opener, as is his book on the DDT-Polio connection. He's a very clear thinker and is quoted extensively in Virus Mania by Engelbrecht and Kohnlein. The title-page of that one says: Avian Flu (H5N1), Cervical Cancer (HPV), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio - How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense. (published in 2007)

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have you read The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life?

it's quite interesting


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I have! My experience with EMFs sent me down quite a rabbit hole, trying to understand what was happening. Super interesting stuff.

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For some it is real though. I have an aunt who was hospitalized for 10 days and almost died from covid. It is now more than 6 months ago but she is constantly tired and out of breath. They suspect the long tissue damaged by the virus (and waiting too long to go to the doctor, which gave her pneumonia) will not repair anymore.

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No one is saying that Covid causes NO long-term problems, that I'm aware of. Specific long-term problems caused by observable damage are not the same as undefined catch-all "disorders."

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I don't doubt that, in some cases, covid causes longer term damage and problems. That's a known issue with viruses. What I'm skeptical about - and what I suspect a lot of people are skeptical about - is the idea that covid does this way more often than other viruses.

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A CT will show the lung damage and Covid has a signature. Unlike many other lung injuries, some healing seems to happen.

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I know several such cases. Post-covid is real and the best sign that we will see of it is the number of deaths that will follow in people who were infected and didn't know it. Signs are already there in the UK that they are finding dead-bodies in homes as opposed to hospitals. They don't include those deaths in the AY.4.2 variant yet but they will have to. Soon when they start piling up.

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No, the greatest mass of excess home deaths are not from covid19

The most likely cause is covid19 vaccination. That and suicide. Possibly deprivation of healthcare. But not covid19.

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Could you explain if these jabs being given are all at the same dose, or at different doses 10μg, 20μg, 30μg and placebo, as in ongoing trials here: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04368728 and here: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04516746 due to finish phase three at end of 2022 and beginning 2023?

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I have no idea.

I expect the dose to be as shown on the documents for which emergency use authorisation was granted.

I might have missed your point!

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Firstly, if people are receiving placebos they would not br eligible for any type of pass.

Secondly, how can they be giving different doses and publicly be saying they all have same effectivity, and thirdly, all jabbed are forming part of trial.. .Please, if you can, clarify. Thank you

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I sense we’re at cross purposes here, so I won’t waste any of your valuable times

Best wishes,


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I definitely got Long Flu following that horrible 2017-18 flu season. I'd never been that sick outside of foods poisoning. I coughed for about 3 months after my January 2018 flu illness. The world didn't shut down nor did I expect it to. I limited my interactions with others mainly because coughing all the time everywhere is annoying and awkward. I hated every minute of it.

What gets me about the Long Covidians is how they're bragging about it. Like, what? What weirdo brags about being sick?!

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Ah yes, memories of old. Gradually the coughing decreased until one day you noticed you weren't coughing. Clearly healing can take some time. Stay well.

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This whole thing has been a giant mental health crisis initiated by people with severe hypochondria.

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And all the shot their telling our kids in school is turning them into hypochondriacs too. Just this morning one of my kids was afraid of PE class. “What if I feel bad when I run?” He loves running and PE class.

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I’ve enjoyed your blog, even when I didn’t entirely agree, but find I’m among strangers on this one. Having gotten Covid on 3/6/20 and having spent the past 20 months seeing people gaslighted by the medical industry, which — in between ignoring and feigning ignorance over the condition — has been diagnosing these patients, some of whom have been severely disabled by the sequelae of Long Covid, as suffering from “anxiety,” I have nothing left to suffer fools.

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Dexter, I believe you. And I remember Dr. Robert Malone also saying he has had Long Covid too. In fact, there were two reasons he gave for getting the vaccine: 1. For travel 2. We’d been told that getting the vaccine might “help Long Covid.” Instead, the vaccine made Dr. Malone worse. Anyway, I know post viral syndromes are a real thing and I hope you feel better before not too much longer. Don’t let anyone gaslight you. Thank you for speaking up. Cheers and may better days be ahead.

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What is your explanation for the results of the study? The French have stronger imaginations?

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The numbers in the data table are unconvincing. That serology test had 87% sensitivity, so all of the serology-/belief+ people can be explained as false negatives (i.e. they actually did have COVID). Besides that, it's trivially true that all members of belief+ experienced symptoms. Why else would they believe they had COVID?

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keep reading

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We have incentivized chronic disease in this society judging by the number of people that are on or are attempting to go on disability. If you shop long enough you will be find a doctor who will classify you as disabled. So we should not be surprised.

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Sorry, gato. The French sent you off on a wild goose chase. This brilliant paper describes how Dr. Bruce Patterson found a unique immunological signal that distinguishes long covid from mild and moderate covid: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.700782/full

Conclusion: It's biological! Stop hurting people with "It's all in your head" medicine.

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The hypotheses are not mutually exclusive.

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There now is a quality immunoassay that can reliably distinguish long covid. The patients so identified are not imagining trendy symptoms.

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I agree 100%. It’s really just unconscionable to insist “it’s all in your head.” Post-viral syndromes can be disabling conditions. Bruce Patterson is one of our Covid warrior heroes.

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Years ago I suffered a nasty bout of pneumonia. Although I was only 41 and in decent shape it knocked me around badly, and it took about 6 months before I felt fully recovered. I guess I had long pneumonia!

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I think there's a distinction between an illness one had at one time that damaged them badly (requiring a lengthy recovery) and an ongoing illness as "long COVID" is purported to be. I am not surprised when someone who was hospitalized and ventilated for COVID and recovered has a lot of issues in subsequent months. COVID and the treatments kicked the crap out of them. That's different than these cranks claiming to have "Long COVID".

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Add to that, those recovering from all this have to return to their homes turned jail cell for who knows how many weeks or months. Staying at home this long is bad for health, can’t image that it would help recovery. Staying home longer than one would pre panic, that is. I know that rest at home after hospitalization is needed, but without being able to get back outdoors or back to your preillness life is not the same.

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