“so he walked over and knocked over my water bottle so it was pouring into my printer. when i jumped up to grab the bottle, he grabbed the sandwich and made his getaway.”

. . . so a significant segment of the population focused its ire and attention upon a Man with Orange Hair. meanwhile a Cabal of Crazies took over the kingdom.

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and the man was probably set up to do right that. as all clown presidents are. we might never grasp what is really going on.

love the cat story. animals are so smart. I remember someone telling me about a new neighbor that everyone loved, except the dog. He would turn away. Later they learned the man was some kind of scoundrel... the dog knew. Everyone else fell for a pretty face

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I have known, since early childhood, that dogs are much more astute judges of character than are people. And cats, of course, treat both of those inferior species with mild contempt.

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We have to destroy America in order to save it. You'll thank us when it's done.

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It is literally what they are doing. America will be gone, but the United States will still be here.

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To quote the great Frank Zappa, "that is the crux of the biscuit. " 😎

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I prefer “I am the slime” personally. But old Frank dun moved to Cali by then.

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Don't touch that dial

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Apr 22, 2023
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I don't believe its a "heart". Looks more like an apostrophe to me. But perhaps you're using a different font. And Pi could be viewing it from a different universe.

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And I definitely knew better how that was, uh... spelled.

"The crux of the biscuit... Is the apostrophe."


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I thought it was about who the master really was?

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use your inner male and look at it again

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Excellent summary!

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Apr 23, 2023Edited
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Yeah, that’s what Chauncey Holt said.

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"we inhabit the age of the outrage mill. "

Divide and rule. Same as it ever was.

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Practically Hegelian.

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It is like the never-ending punishment of Sisyphus. Reading the "news" is an expedition into insanity; what is true versus what is fabricated falsehood intended to deceive, divide, and destroy? Truly like rolling a boulder up the hill all day only to have it roll back down as it nears the top...it's a struggle not to just shrug it all off and pretend it's all a bad dream.

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The never-ending punishment of Prometheus would better suit the narrative. Get tied to a rock and have your liver eaten every day by eagles, only to have it regenerate overnight. Free healthcare for life. I mean, Sisyphus pushing a rock uphill every day, a daily grind with no end in sight for not even minimum wage? Who wants to be a chump?

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Very astute! We will own nothing, subscribe to everything (including our physical bodies) and be happy.

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Dear Dog,

Most dogs ask if it is important before they care if it is true.

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"Do you know we are being led to slaughters by placid admirals, And that fat slow generals are getting obscene on young blood? Do you know we are ruled by TV?"

- Jim Morrison

.....people are just going through the motions in life and never really experience it - just trying to drown it out. They don't even know they're being "rolled" by those who think that they are equal to or better than the "gods".

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Exactly. Spot on.

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More of us normal people have noticed how widespread their lies are. And the devastating effects of their control over our lives. Time to double down and get louder to confuse and cause chaos so we don’t have time to keep focused. I never would have noticed the extent of my own government corruption before. But now I can’t unsee it. Anywhere.

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and it runs deep into the local levels driven by endless spending of money they do not have

so the playbook is "spend money we don't have aligning incentives which allows players who allow themselves to becoming captured into the positions of trust and authority, suck up the cents, rinse repeat"

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There is no normal.

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"Everything the government says is a lie and everything it has it has stolen" -Friedrich Nietzsche

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There are those who say that the cordyceps is an emergent property of attention algorithms. There are those who say that it is a mind control plot by wayward wizards. And there are bad cats who say, why not both?

It is no accident that the social mind went sideways after Occupy Wall Street. The plutocrats could not have the peasants uniting against them, and so they gave the order: unleash the algorithms.

And what is an algorithm, but control? In the case of social media, control over what you see, and therefore over what you think is important, and therefore what you think about, and therefore what you think.

It is not only the state that controls; but it is first and most powerfully the state. A state that has chosen madness as its means of social control, however, is a state that plays a dangerous game.

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The internet madness is malware deposited in the minds of people who view social or corporate media. The narrative conditions neurons to form infinite loops of outrage and nonsense that become burned into the psyche. People are rewarded for believing impossible things and in time that contradiction burns to the core of their humanity and eats away the ability to reason or care. They become unable to recognize the absurdity of their multiple simultaneous contradictory beliefs. They are good socialists who idolize billionaire oligarchs like Gates and Soros. They are the proletarian who votes for the party of big business, the peace lovers who empower war mongers, the environmental advocates who destroy the natural world, the anti-racists who hate people for their race, the child advocates who castrate and mutiliate children, and the social justice warriors who empty the jails so criminals can prey on the innocent. The madness has the appearance of randomness but so do the thoughts and actions of anyone suffering from a neurodegenerative disease.

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This makes me wish we could reNote people's comments. That was the best thing I've read all day.

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Well said

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I’ve been thinking it me who is insane.

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IMHO, Occupy Wall Street was not a rebellion against the system, it was a step towards what we have now.

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As I recall ACORN had been dissolved after being caught at something and occupy was just the morphed new version of ACORN followed by BLM, ANTIFA?

In my opinion one of the wizards behind the curtain is Obama.

2009 American Thinker - Obama Strategy of Manufactured Crisis: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2008/09/barack_obama_and_the_strategy.html

Obama Meets With BLM Activists Including Leader Of Minn Branch That Chanted ‘Pigs In A Blanket, Fry ‘Em Like Bacon’ - http://www.weaselzippers.us/283296-obama-meets-with-black-lives-matter-activists-al-sharpton-to-talk-police-relations/

"Mentally Ill People Paid to Do S***"

Robert Creamer Visited Obama's White House 340 Times - http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3482431/posts?page=6

"…45 of those meetings including President Obama."

Again! White House Dodges Details Of Robert Creamer Visits With Obama - http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/20/white-house-dodges-details-robert-creamer-visits/

Robert Creamer Says He Was on Calls With Clinton Campaign ‘Every Morning’ - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/26/robert-creamer-james-okeefe-project-veritas-says-calls-clinton-campaign-every-morning/

Hillary Clinton's 1969 Thesis on Saul Alinsky https://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2013/04/hillary-clintons-1969-thesis-on-saul.html?m=1

Saul Alinsky, The Man Who Inspired Obama

January 30, 2009


"The despair is there; now it's up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change."

Saul Alinsky

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Geez. When Obama is our “ wizard”, what have we come to?

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As long as the left controls the media, the right is left reacting to the output of Outrage Mill.

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign."

Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals (1971)

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It was, yes. Subverting OWS with the progressive stack was tjhe beginning of wokeness.

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I think Occupy Wall Street was an early part of the illusion.

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I am reminded of this government over-bloat this week when the silly mayor of silly NYC took some actions intended to make it harder, pricier or whatever to eat meat. he of course is a vegetarian so thinks everyone should be--you know, to save the planet or children or POC's or whatever. fix the friggin potholes already. get away from my lunch menu!

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The City that I once loved and lived in on the edge is not even a place I wish to visit. and that happened fast

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Pickpockets and magicians use similar techniques, right?

Time to tend to the garden and reflect…

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It is indeed hypnosis and a very long con that is far from over.

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I think we used to have a lot more "adults in the room" who knew what ridiculous BS was ... and called it out as such. Today's "adults in the room" are all woke, insane and/or somewhere on the psychopath spectrum. The few remaining adults in the room have been cancelled ... or scattered back to the refuge of Substack.

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El Gato, RIP MY friend.

The madness is as we all know created by these thieving paedophiles in office. They were never chosen or voted for by the people, but placed by THE PEOPLE TO SERVE THEIR AGENDA.

As soon as humanity wakes up to unite, then only will the shit be removed. The French revolution is here but this time, ITS GLOBAL


Instead, they have you devided into genders, pronouns, vaxed, UNvaxed, black and white, when actually, EVERYONE JUST WANTS TO LIVE A DECENT PEACEFULL LIFE.

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I am going with “clown world buffoonery”. Nothing else makes sense. Also......that other word, distraction. From what? From the last three years of hell.

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perhaps from grabbing control of the primary institutions of life for power and profit.

i suspect that while the footsoldiers may be sincere, the top of this "culture war" could care less and sees it merely as a magician's flourish to draw attention away from just how much state sponsored stealing they are engaging in.

what if the 3 years of hell were not the goal, they were the distraction form the plunder?

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Just like the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton types who took advantage of the truly downtrodden to grift the living shit out of the corporate world by threatening to point the “oppressor” finger if they didn’t pay up.

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Instead of standing up they bowed down. Two grifters who sold out their people!

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Every morning when the news reports the latest Inner City Death Toll, I think "Where’s Al? Where’s Jesse?"

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Interesting how when both the perp and the victim are black, Al and Jesse don't care at all. Black lives don't really matter to them.

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Not when they can’t capitalize on outrage they don’t. But that’s on them. It’s the Black Community that puzzles me. The ones living in the midst of it. I see interviews with apparently intelligent people - ministers, lawyers , law enforcement, and counselors, all African-American-college-degrees-smart people. Do they whisper about that amongst themselves?

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I don't think it's for plunder. They always think they know best. Stalin and Hitler weren't looking for profit,. Stalin/Mao didn't believe in God, so lives were meaningless, and if a few million die to make the remaining better (it didn't) so it was good. But at the end of the day the invisible hand of the free market will not be denied. And the plutocrats rarely pay the price for their idiocy, the suffering, starvation, is always dumped on the least able to deal with it.

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Hence the pivot to climate and gender. Covid was done, nothing more could be wrung out of it. These latest 2 won't let as long, so what's next?

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You don't think climate dogma is here to stay? I don't have a niece or nephew or younger cousin who doesn't think it's gospel.

Remember all the talking heads that said:

"We KNOW masks work "?

That seems to be the same sort of "presumptive sell" they use with climate.

Imo we have a very steep hill to climb in that regard.

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Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, I have faith in humanity. I think the covid scam of the last 3 years has opened the eyes and minds of a lot more people. Apparently climate skepticism is on the rise. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/04/21/climate-scepticism-on-the-rise-throughout-the-world/

I certainly hope so.

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I hope so, because climate Clampdowns will make covid look like a picnic

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I found covid as a non believer quite tough, hoping the climate circus is a bit easier. 😂

I'll deal with it as it comes. It's all I have.

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Yeah after all that acid rain, we should have learned. Who even remembers that now?

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Little itty-bitty ice age of the 70's?.... remember...we were all gonna need Inuit training.

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I do, cuz I'm old. The adirondacks were supposed to be deforested by now because of the acid rain (they're not, but the lab-engineered insects are doing a good job). I also remember the Carter-years push for the metric system that went nowhere. We had a Thruway exit sign near my house that was listed in kms instead of miles for years afterwards. It was the only sign on the thruway in the metric system. Yes government action/inaction in spades.

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Now, along the highways, we will have non-functioning charge stations (or just spaces for them)

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Ryan, This is actually the biggest threat. Covid was always going to be self limited because viruses, irrespective of what they do, are self limited. It's just biology. But you can measure, see them rise and fall in near real time, etc.

The climate grift is the ultimate grift. Every measurement is specious. Every prediction is 10 years out (the fact that the last ten such predictions have been wrong every 10 years is always conveniently forgotten) but the remediation is horrible and you will hate it but it must be done NOW...for the children or equity or something equally nonsensical.

You are right. Way too many people just blindly believe that. RFK Jr. is to the left of Al Gore and John Kerry with regard to that stuff -- will help him attract young voters. I struggle much more with how we fight back on the climate grift than I ever did fighting back against the covid grift where I have spent much of my last few years.

You are pretty smart. Any ideas?

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Let me think on that. But here's what I recently posted about this farce to a climate crazy:

"Global climate change indeed happens. Just as sure as the glaciers, that spanned the globe 12 thousand years ago receded, ushering in the 3rd major diaspora of our species.

I doubt you'd be typing on a computer about another ho-hum interglacial period, on the pale blue dot, had that not happened until 5 thousand years ago. And if our brief time on earth hadn't just happened to coincide, at virtually just the right time, with an interglacial...well then there's a chance mother nature just used us as kindling earlier than she would've otherwise. So there's that at least.

If humans are contributing at the margins; well that's just the cost of doing business when you live in a universe where evolution is the driver of survival (success of offspring).

We are just another species that will adapt and survive or denude its niche - or our progeny is not equipped for environmental changes - of ALL sorts- and goes the way of virtually every other species that's inhabited earth.

IMO if we're contributing (which is possible but not falsifiable), and face a species level event, then we'll either figure out how to stem it or be consumed by it.

I think we attribute too much importance on our species in the grand scheme. Survival is not a species birthright. You're only given the "right" to struggle."

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I Jump in here.

Dr. Richard Lindzen (dynamic meteorologist) recently spoke on the issue. See the description and Chapter Marks for a physical understanding of the atmosphere - (~1:50 hours, jan. 2023) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LVSrTZDopM - way more complex than I realized. He speaks articulately, but deliberate. Skim or 1.5 speed.

Wish we could just point them to 'rich man's trick' movie. Acceptance of new info over beliefs is a tricky balancing act. Ryan is up :)

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Jumping shit! You're gonna get me all fired up about this climate nonsense, at this late hour?! I'm not skimming a damn thing. Thank you for link. This is how I entertain myself, tonight.

Ask these people if there is a single ecosystem in the universe that's "sustainable". We're just phlegm (earth and humans) coughed up by the sun.

These so-called scientists forgot chemistry and physics....yah know because of the The First Sciency Commandment :

Thou shalt have no other gods before me, for I am the great "CONSENSUS".

I could go on forever; but just think how sneaky they are when talking about the properties of CO2 (or most gases for that matter). There may be a warming trend (so what?). The great CO2 myth has little to do with it, as each additional greenhouse gas molecule has less and less of an effect.

None of it checks out.

My favorite Climate DENIER is Ian Plimer:

"The Earth is an evolving dynamic system. Current changes in climate, sea level and ice are within variability. Atmospheric CO2 is the lowest for 500 million years.

Climate has always been driven by the Sun, the Earth’s orbit and plate tectonics and the oceans, atmosphere and life respond. Humans have made their mark on the planet, thrived in warm times and struggled in cool times.

The hypothesis that humans can actually change climate is unsupported by evidence from geology, archaeology, history and astronomy.

A new ignorance fills the yawning spiritual gap in Western society. Climate change politics is religious fundamentalism masquerading as science.

Its triumph is computer models unrelated to observations in nature. There has been no critical due diligence of the science of climate change, dogma dominates, sceptics are pilloried and 17th Century thinking promotes prophets of doom, guilt and penance.

When plate tectonics ceases and the world runs out of new rocks, there will be a tipping point and irreversible climate change. Don’t wait up.

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Nothing today?!...:(

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It's worse than you think. re: " (the fact that the last ten such predictions have been wrong every 10 years is always conveniently forgotten)". I've been seeing a 'new formula' cold water laundry detergent get clothes whiter than hot water for ..oh ... about 30 years or so, If I remember correctly. But every year the same brands have a new cold water wash soap that works great!... this time for real....no, really, try it...

The scam must work every year. They buy a lot of premium ad space pushing it, and they seem to get their ROI out of it, I would assume.

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Also, I have reached 3 separate couples about the dangers of the shots. I go as far as getting them supplements to help them recover. They can't deny i care about their health. the info drop has to be calculated, and limited at first. You know brother. keep at it.

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Work the Billionaires control the media angle. Move to, Billionaires don't actually know you or care about YOU. Mr Ryan does. That seems to reach some. I have limited success. I also grease my friends of friends circle with free drinks. It helps ;)

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My favorite with covid was;

"Hey you figured it out waaaaay sooner than most"

"Or; goodness how silly do you think these people are going to feel when they find out they're the last to know?"

It worked well.

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What were they going to say?...and where do they go after that?

From that point on, for my closer friends, it became about how "smart" they were...then they had license to laugh at the nonsense.

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No food. Geoengineering, plus killing of bees, chickens, destruction of food producing plants, unaffordable farming, farms bought out by gov’ts, dimming of the sun, weather manipulated flooding, droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. starvation coming our way.

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Climate and gender were issues long before Covid. I think they're pivoting because they're now losing on the Covid front. The woke footsoldiers are desperate for another issue, in which they can reclaim their damaged status of moral and intellectual superiority.

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would explain why they make things like the war game planning for a corona virus infection so public.

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Apr 22, 2023Edited
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Yes. It adds to the chaos and confusion when some of the honest guys & gals are allowed to live and speak. It asks "are they lying? otherwise wouldn't they have disappeared if they were telling the truth?"

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Or, are they a hangout?

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Acquiring a Mosaic Force – Issues, Options, and Trade-Offs

Published by the RAND Corporation Copyright 2021

"Finally, when players were prompted to explore the feasibility

of accelerating the many acquisition functions in the context of the

vignettes, they acknowledged DoD’s long-established rapid-fielding

and -prototype programs, the more recent but as yet unproven Middle

Tier of Acquisition pathway, and the practice of deferring operational

T&E (OT&E) by accepting the risk of testing in the field or using

Other Transaction Authority (OTA)–type contracting mechanisms,

among others." p.33


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The situation is catastrophic...but not serious

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just like the people creating it...

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Idk, I have a sneaking suspicion that the amoral few, the grifters, the technocratic totalitarians just might be true believers too. Or I at least wouldn't dismiss that scenario out of hand.

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i think the two are more challenging to sift than many suspect because the grifters that create these systems tend to be overrun by the rubes they have created.

but this does not stop the grift. if anything, it likely both enables it and makes it more urgent as the rubes are the ones who well and truly will make the wheels come off. so time becomes of the essence and "smash and grab" the playbook.


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Apr 22, 2023Edited
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Kissinger is waiting for his brain to be uploaded into the transhumanist cloud. Seriously, that is his goal in living forever.

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Apr 22, 2023
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The Constrained vs the Unconstrained vision of the world, as per the great Thomas Sowell.

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can one truly say that those who are psycopaths "believe" this?

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Apr 23, 2023
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My feeling is these people are just bureaucrats of the infobahn. They serve the state by proxy.

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The distraction game is much older than the plandemic. That itself was a distraction from decades of looting.

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Way back to the Roman Empire even;)

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt"


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Naomi Wolf has an interesting piece suggesting Old Testament evil has resurrected.

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Christians believe that it never left. Satan is a lion, seeking whom he may devour. The real malo gato.

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I always follow the David Horowitz rule: It's all on purpose and is intended to break the system. Once you put those lenses on, it all makes sense.

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The problem as I see it is the lack of attention to this. Only 10-20 million people in the US follow any kind of news. Half the people got the message "Orange Man Bad", and maybe 5% have heard "Russia Hoax". The reality is that the social manipulation works very well on the left side of the IQ bell curve.

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Malevolence and Malice disguised as Ineptitude and Incompetence.

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As I've been remarking, I think it's easy for people to think this is something newly nefarious, rather than human nature doing the usual, because we've got new tools that can do it faster. The boy crying wolf has an internet connection and a smartphone and he can spread his screaming pretty far and fast.

Should it have been surprising how fast Notes has been taking on a Twitter sensibility? This is regardless of stance--the viciousness is coming from all sides.

It only takes one or a handful of really smart bad people to use rip-tide issues to pull the naive into the mess.

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It’s not “human nature” - it’s socialization techniques used by those who have the power to infiltrate and manipulate minds of those who are easily influenced.

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Apr 22, 2023
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I'm not safe around those sorts of tools. But I admire the craft greatly.

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The people have become no different than a dog that’s easily distracted by squirrels.

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