“so he walked over and knocked over my water bottle so it was pouring into my printer. when i jumped up to grab the bottle, he grabbed the sandwich and made his getaway.”

. . . so a significant segment of the population focused its ire and attention upon a Man with Orange Hair. meanwhile a Cabal of Crazies took over the kingdom.

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"we inhabit the age of the outrage mill. "

Divide and rule. Same as it ever was.

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It is like the never-ending punishment of Sisyphus. Reading the "news" is an expedition into insanity; what is true versus what is fabricated falsehood intended to deceive, divide, and destroy? Truly like rolling a boulder up the hill all day only to have it roll back down as it nears the top...it's a struggle not to just shrug it all off and pretend it's all a bad dream.

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More of us normal people have noticed how widespread their lies are. And the devastating effects of their control over our lives. Time to double down and get louder to confuse and cause chaos so we don’t have time to keep focused. I never would have noticed the extent of my own government corruption before. But now I can’t unsee it. Anywhere.

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"Everything the government says is a lie and everything it has it has stolen" -Friedrich Nietzsche

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There are those who say that the cordyceps is an emergent property of attention algorithms. There are those who say that it is a mind control plot by wayward wizards. And there are bad cats who say, why not both?

It is no accident that the social mind went sideways after Occupy Wall Street. The plutocrats could not have the peasants uniting against them, and so they gave the order: unleash the algorithms.

And what is an algorithm, but control? In the case of social media, control over what you see, and therefore over what you think is important, and therefore what you think about, and therefore what you think.

It is not only the state that controls; but it is first and most powerfully the state. A state that has chosen madness as its means of social control, however, is a state that plays a dangerous game.

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I am reminded of this government over-bloat this week when the silly mayor of silly NYC took some actions intended to make it harder, pricier or whatever to eat meat. he of course is a vegetarian so thinks everyone should be--you know, to save the planet or children or POC's or whatever. fix the friggin potholes already. get away from my lunch menu!

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Pickpockets and magicians use similar techniques, right?

Time to tend to the garden and reflect…

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I think we used to have a lot more "adults in the room" who knew what ridiculous BS was ... and called it out as such. Today's "adults in the room" are all woke, insane and/or somewhere on the psychopath spectrum. The few remaining adults in the room have been cancelled ... or scattered back to the refuge of Substack.

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El Gato, RIP MY friend.

The madness is as we all know created by these thieving paedophiles in office. They were never chosen or voted for by the people, but placed by THE PEOPLE TO SERVE THEIR AGENDA.

As soon as humanity wakes up to unite, then only will the shit be removed. The French revolution is here but this time, ITS GLOBAL


Instead, they have you devided into genders, pronouns, vaxed, UNvaxed, black and white, when actually, EVERYONE JUST WANTS TO LIVE A DECENT PEACEFULL LIFE.

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I am going with “clown world buffoonery”. Nothing else makes sense. Also......that other word, distraction. From what? From the last three years of hell.

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I always follow the David Horowitz rule: It's all on purpose and is intended to break the system. Once you put those lenses on, it all makes sense.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Since when have there not been people happy to take advantage of the diversions offered by random happenings? This has always been the case. What is different now is that there is more media (the interwebs) to babble on about the diversion-disaster-outrage du jour. Hence, it's Chicken Little 24/7-365.

As for the whole current crippling wave of obsession with 'safety' us old farts can tell you exactly when that began. Yup. September 11th. Oh it's happened before, some of us old farts even remember the Cuban Missle Crisis. Difference is, in 1962 we knew we had to meet the challenge and there was no internet. Difference is the same as that (edit) 4 Non Blondes album title: Bigger Better Faster More.

But don't mind me, I'm just a silly old boomer. And. . .

Pay no attention to those men behind the curtain.

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The problem as I see it is the lack of attention to this. Only 10-20 million people in the US follow any kind of news. Half the people got the message "Orange Man Bad", and maybe 5% have heard "Russia Hoax". The reality is that the social manipulation works very well on the left side of the IQ bell curve.

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Malevolence and Malice disguised as Ineptitude and Incompetence.

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As I've been remarking, I think it's easy for people to think this is something newly nefarious, rather than human nature doing the usual, because we've got new tools that can do it faster. The boy crying wolf has an internet connection and a smartphone and he can spread his screaming pretty far and fast.

Should it have been surprising how fast Notes has been taking on a Twitter sensibility? This is regardless of stance--the viciousness is coming from all sides.

It only takes one or a handful of really smart bad people to use rip-tide issues to pull the naive into the mess.

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