in the same week where the ONS repudiated its own vaccines data, here’s an interesting companion find from the daily skeptic: (article HERE)
here is the phrase that pays:
(provided as always seems to be the case under FOI demands)
All the Covid vaccines and therapeutics authorisation decisions were taken by the Licensing Minister and were not delegated.
The MHRA does not hold a document describing the flow of delegation from the Secretary of State to posts/people in MHRA who can authorise medicines for public use.
now, this seems to set up a bit of an interesting he said/she said.
on the one hand, one might well ask:
how do you sign off on the most rushed large scale vaxx program in world history using never before approved in humans drug modalities and fail to mention the fact that the minister and not the agency made this call and that you have no paper trail about how the sec state for health (in this case matt hancock) pushed this through?
on the other, many seem to be claiming that “it’s always supposed to be like this and it’s always the minister who signs off!”
but here is where it starts to get a bit sticky.
the right hon hancock was certainly a big vaccine booster.
but his claims about approval seem to fail to align with the results of this FOIA.
back in dec 2020, he’s claiming the “fiercely independent” regulator has clinically authorized the vaccine.
this sounds very different from:
“All the Covid vaccines and therapeutics authorisation decisions were taken by the Licensing Minister and were not delegated.”
someone would seem to be telling porkie pies here.
lay your bets…
the lack of paper trail is quite telling and certainly of a piece with the positive epidemic of “dogs eating homework” going on around the goings on covidienne.
ursula cannot find the texts she used to sidestep EU procurement while signing the richest vaccine deal in euro-history. who knows what the israeli health ministry knows these days…
if any more data disappears, i just don’t know.
the dogs must have some badly upset tunnies by now…
nick denim (himself a former UK civil servant) goes on
What makes this so interesting is the wider context. Under the Human Medicines Regulations, the Licensing Authority is the Secretary of State for Health. He or she delegates to MHRA all the work associated with that – licensing of medicines, pharmacovigilance, inspection of manufacturers, enforcement and so on.
But for the Covid vaccines, MHRA is saying that the Secretary of State personally took all the decisions.
I read that as the blame game having started.
this seems an apt assessment to me and that means that it’s all about to get fun. once the finger pointing and desperate search for “they who shall be left holding the bag” begins in earnest, well, everything seems to come out in a hurry.
one might go so far as to wonder if this is the new sunak admin starting to push agencies in this direction to break from past misdeeds and try to clean their own hands (possibly while sullying some rivals).
and whoo doggie has sec state health been a bit of a hot potato posting lately…
if indeed he rank and file of the institution responsible for assessing drug efficacy and safety and who should have been able to (as so many of us did) take one look at the trial structures here and say "um, you're kidding, right?" are looking to disavow the decisions made, then this may represent a significant and perhaps dispositive escalation toward "this is now too big to hide so who is gonna be left holding the bomb when it goes off?"
quite understandably, no one wants to own THIS:
and so the bagholder bonanza has begun…
care to wager that a year from now, you’ll struggle to find anyone on the sceptered isles who claims to have been in favor of approving the covid vaxx?
such strivings may also be coming to american shores where public tides are turning rapidly.
rasmussen ran this poll:

which, if accurate, leads to some very interesting definitional dodgeball.
longtime gatopal™ kbirb explains.

this is just leaking out everywhere now as trickles become torrents. the CDC keeps getting busted as not only asleep at the switch, but having unhooked all the warning lights from the dashboard to prevent them being seen.
and the public is awake and aware now.
and won’t THAT be fun.

it is the nature of public opinion and government to move slowly to correct past errors and misdeeds, but once this supertanker turns, the momentum becomes inexorable.
the time has come for a reckoning.
and none too soon.
They cancelled people for being sceptical; simple, thoughtful disagreement became a scarlet letter. Assholes. 
From the nurse in the docs office to the radio announcers to the talking bobble heads in the health ministers and Prime Ministers and Presidents of the world, they should ALL, each and every one be tried and convicted by the Nuremberg code/court