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"these are wild, inaccurate, dishonest claims. and yet he seems to expect to be believed."

But he made the claims on MSNBC, and it seems like a given that anyone who watches MSNBC anymore is the kind of skull full of mush who *would* believe what he said, and who does believe the nonstop crap that MSNBC is known for.

That I think gets to the root of the problem: too many stupid, lazy, or ignorant Americans who STILL think they're getting "news" from the alphabet legacy media. That number must be in the tens of millions, because something like 30% of Americans will vote Democrat in November no matter what.

Ignorant is one thing; it can be remedied with persuasive information. But stupid is forever, and people who watch MSNBC for its "news" are stupid, and stupid enough to believe the crap. I mean, how many people STILL believe the Trump/Russia collusion hoax, how many people STILL believe that masks work, that the clot shots work, that CDC/NIH/FDA et al are honest and trustworthy?

Millions. It's an epidemic of stupidity, and that's an unflattenable curve.

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They _watch_ and rarely _read_ is a big part of the problem. Not sure which is worse ... the CNN/MSNBC/NPR/NYT crowd, or the up-and-coming generation who gets their news from ... TikTok. Once again, I wish I was joking.

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Honestly, and I’m not joking- I think the TikTok ers are in the better position. At least they are not under the impression that they are “educated”.

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Are we sure of how many people will vote Democrat come November? Yes, there are polls that say so, but polls can be wrong, biased, flawed.

I don't think people who watch the regular news are stupid. I think they have been conditioned and manipulated, and lazy, but not necessarily stupid. Now this isn't to say there are stupid people who watch and believe the news because they don't know any better and never will, but for the most part, it is hard for people to believe that so many different news outlets would lie to them in tandem.

The truth is, we just don't know how many people believe these things. We think it could be millions, but how do you define belief?

If you define belief by participating in some of these things, then does that not also apply to those of us who do not believe it?

Concerning the Trump Collusion Hoax, how many of us just never spoke up about it. In so doing, did that get interpreted as belief?

On masks, how many of us have worn masks? I have sadly worn them in the last year more than the last two before it combined. I wore masks on Ubers and in doctor's offices. But I completely disagree that they work. I know it's all theater. The dangerous thing I have participated in is contributing to the idea that the virus is so serious as to wearing a mask.

The vaccine is a little tougher, as how many believe vs. how many just didn't want to lose their job? I certainly am not in favor of losing a job, but I am in the process of finding a job, and thus I can speak my mind, and reject any employer that would mandate the Covid vaccine for any reason, and I have done so. Who knows how detrimental this makes my chance of finding a job. All I know is the facts, and logic perhaps will lead them to the realization that mandating vaccines is absurd.

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Well.... regarding November, if the mules, Dominion and the MSM work as planned. there will be a Dem sweep. And people will rationalize it because they are lazy and don't want to do anything about it.

Plus... if you protest this regime, you are a political prisoner, no lawyer will touch you and your will die in prison.

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I agree with you that it is dubious that Biden won the previous election. I find it very hard to believe that Biden would surpass Obama's popularity, even keeping in mind that much of the vote for Biden may not have arisen out of a love of Biden, but rather hatred of Trump.

I also find it ironic that a group so against Trump learned to adopt his strategies of branding people and concepts he disagreed with. "The Big Lie" is one of those. You are seen as foolish and stupid if you believe that anything but a "fair and secure" election occurred in November of 2020. So wait...most other countries outlawed mail-in ballots, but somehow this seemed like a good idea in the states because, you know. Covid kills .14% of the population.

The thing is, the fix was in. And since there was collusion between the MSM and the body politic, they could keep things open, and just pretend that the election was on the up and up, because you know, they said so.

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So many people who we might think get their news from MSM don't even do that. They get their "news" from Rachel Madcow, the HuffPost, The View, NPR talk shows and Late Night Comedy Central. And a huge percentage of people do not follow any news at all. They pick stuff up on FB, Twitter and TikTok.

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I get that many people took the jabs out of necessity. I don't consider them "stupid" for doing so. I'm talking much more about anyone TODAY who still thinks the jabs work, who still say that the jabs are to prevent worse illness or hospitalization, who still think we were NEVER told that the jabs are dead-ends for the virus, who still think we were never told that you can't catch or spread the virus if you'd just get jabbed. Those people are the stupidasses among us, IMO.

I used "30%" as a guesstimate as to how many people will vote Democrat no matter what, no matter how expensive gas has become because of Resident Biden, no matter how much purchasing power Biden has cost them, no matter how corrupt and dishonest the federal government and its agencies have been proved to be about the Chinese virus, no matter how effed up the supply chain has become, no matter how badly domestic air travel is performing, ad nauseam.

There are millions of Americans who will still vote Democrat in November. I'm guessing 30% is the Democrat Party's floor.

I think at this point anyone who watches MSBNC for news IS stupid. I would probably add CNN to that equation. Those two networks have so thoroughly beclowned themselves that you'd have to be stupid to believe anything they say.

Those who watch or read the other alphabet legacy media would fit my description of "stupid, lazy, or ignorant". Maybe they're more lazy and less stupid, and thus more ignorant than stupid.

But they're still an existential threat, IMO, to the survival of the republic.

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I know a bunch of Democrats aged 50+ who totally believe CNN and MSNBC. It does not even occur to them that their favorite news shows would lie.

However... Fox? That's fake news. Also... when in doubt, ask google. They're totally trustworthy as well.

It's maddening, especially regarding the CV19 injection. I want them to look at the information and realize that they could be harming themselves. If CNN doesn't endorse the information, it's not real. By the time CNN reports it, well, it might be too late for many of them.

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I have people close to me, both conservative and democrat, who still are living under the auspices that the vaccine is safe and effective. But if you walk them through it, they can't argue much against the points made such as questioning why something is mandated that only may help the person receiving the vaccine.

I think the existential threat to the survival of the republic are not people who believe all this, but rather the mechanisms of propaganda that perpetuate it. And from the people that I know personally, a lot of these beliefs are held by both conservatives and democrats. So while it may be political it is less partisan than we might think, but rather based on those, either left or right, who still have some faith in the integrity of the state.

There is no integrity of the state.

How many conservatives stood up from the beginning and spoke against Covid? How many speak out against it now? Aside from a few notable exceptions most are silent in regards to this issue.

Here is what I know, the purpose to which representatives are voted into a position is to uphold the precepts, values, and principles as stated in the Constitution of the United States. That means that you...represent the people, but more importantly what is best for people which is the ability as much as they are able to, make decisions about what it is they wish to do with their lives. First and foremost is that there has to be a very good reason to enact any law, provision, or restriction on liberty.

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"I think the existential threat to the survival of the republic are not people who believe all this, but rather the mechanisms of propaganda that perpetuate it."

Yup. I have said for years that the alphabet legacy media are the real cancer among us, that if the media were just honest and straightforward, with integrity, the Democrat Party would be at most a fringe element in American politics. Without the near-complete support of the "mechanisms of propaganda", the Dem Party would be nothing.

Wanna fix America? First, burn down the alphabet legacy media and salt the earth where they stood.

And as we've seen over the past 24 hours, yeah, "there is no integrity of the State".

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What's happened in the last 24 hours specifically that highlights this?

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Another battle line drawn. Either people are indifferent, or think it was "justified" (which to my mind means, they're pleased) or they are openly thrilled about it (half my family, I'm sorry to say, don't know for sure as we don't talk). Those folks. Then there's the rest of us, who are sickened, appalled, enraged and very, very worried. For God's sake, this November, even if you think the GOP are mostly all feckless cowards and losers, please just hold your nose and vote for them. We have to do what we can to stop these people. If they pull off another cheat and then do it again in 2024, we will be utterly lost.

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How about, the survival of life on earth. Which, of course, they claim conservatives will end.

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I’ve canceled 3 doc appointments this year bc of mask requirements & told them why.

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When I found out I didn't need a referral for some of the medical services I needed, I also asked myself why I was going through the process of masking for each visit.

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One of the best comments on here, @AndrewTheGreat, and damn, there are a LOT of great comments!

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You're too kind, Judy (and Ryan, below)...but I'll take it!

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I know of several people who DO still watch MSNBC etc., and can testify that they all have brains full of mush. No activity going on in there.

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*It's an epidemic of stupidity, and that's an unflattenable curve.*

LOL. Outstanding!

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I do take a little pride in that one!

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