This is all true, but is also true of Biden and Trudeau and nearly all the other 'leaders' around the world. It seems like they've got their marching orders -- divide your people so that we(f) can take over more easily.

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why, it's almost as if they all belong to the same club or something...

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And don't try to leave the club. You can check in but you can never leave.

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This is certainly true for those who have ever accepted an invitation to the Epstein Island or some similar resort.

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Hotel Commiefornia

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They're on a dark desert highway.

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It's like the advert for the "roach motel": They will check it, but they never check out. I wish.

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Once a crucial mass is left distrusting mainstream media, violence will be the only weapon they have left. Save seeds and get to know your neighbor, and it may be a good idea to do cardio daily in case you have to run.

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I have a feeling that's why they are going more and more authoritarian. Cracking down on protest rights, censoring "misinformation". The other half of the problem is the unthinking majority (hopeful shrinking) who like Trudeau's floppy hair, or Jacinda's smile.

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It is imperative to control them means by which the people might orchestrate and execute resistance. It takes decades of preparation. key is control of education. Once that is secured a few generations and the history can be rewritten and concepts such as "liberty" redefined. History shows that control of weapons is always an early warning - disarming the people is always required "for your own good" and "for the public safety" (when it is explained). We've got now 2 generations educated to not understand the meaning behind the words and the context of history. So they believe that guns are bad except in the hands of "proper authorities" and in deed buy into compliance with the "authority" as superior to thinking. They are now teaching that uncensored free speech is dangerous, that bad words are worse than bad deeds, and liberty is of course subject to "reasonable restrictions". 2020 was a trail to see just how effective the decades of education have been. And the answer is now clear. Way to many people believe that the government is the "single source of truth".

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"Jacinda's smile " reminds me of Mr.Ed the talking horse!

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Oh man, you look up Ugly in the dictionary and there’s a picture of her.

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Hahaha 😆 funny, I looked up horse, and there was the exact same picture! Damn!

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I sure won't miss those teeth.

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It's a smile and a half, all right. Just love those beer-bottle-opener teeth.


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Very funny short video, headlining satire on the teeth.

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She could handle a 6 pack all all at once.

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Mr. Ed's teeth weren't as big and didn't stick out as much.

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Too bad people can't see past that hair. It's in the eyes...but then again people need to open their hearts before their eyes can "see"

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And that is why demonization of those who oppose, or even question, is so essential. People have to see "the other side" as less human. Hate must replace an open heart. Otherwise the divide will close and the illusion may be dispelled.

Open hearts and open minds are the enemy of totalitarianism, of dictatorships and tyrants. Open hearts and minds are also the cure for hate.

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There is an episode of the show black mirror that is becoming a scary omen of what you just said. Soldiers are out killing in war against there evil enemies. They wear all this high tech gear, and the enemy look like monsters. One soldier somehow is able to see what the enemy really looks like and it’s just a regular woman, or child. He begins to realize he’s been brainwashed and the enemy has been dehumanized, so they can be killed easier. This is the lefts move now, dehumanize there political opponents. If your opponents are subhuman animals, it’s easier to place the boot on there neck.

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stand your ground, bring an axe

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Cardio always a good thing, but I have too much Pb to lug around. Better to stay and expend a bunch prior to running from them. Transfer my weight to them a few grains at a time.

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Wasn't 1911 just a peach of a year?

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I can think of almost 4 dozen reasons why it is so!

1891 and 1947 as well for Tovarishch. Cosmoline sucks but gotta admire anything that can take a mud bath and still work as intended.

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Inflation just gave me an idea: I went to see if my usual brand of fertilizer for my garden was available for purchase. Last year it was and expensive $4.50 for a bag about 30 lbs, this year it's $5.50. That's some inflation for sheep doodoo. Maybe it's better to just buy a 'pet sheep'. That way, I get my grass cut, sheep milk and fertilizer. Plus a nice little friend! I figure the milk (and cheese and yogurt) and grass cutting services could be bartered. Sheep can run right?

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Good question- they can probably trot pretty quickly. Not over 10mph I'm willing to guess.

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Nope, they can run. Faster than a human. Thats why God invented sheep dogs.

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Indeed. It is the uniquely morbidly obese American sheep that cannot run and elect wolves posing as Aussie Shepherds to herd and shear them.

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Safety in numbers.

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They needed 5,000 swiss shooting aces this year. Our numbers are far, far greater.

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Membership in the club is limited to those willing to totally crush those who are not members. And we get to pay their dues...wait...I've been paying dues for decades and never got invited into the club, not even for lunch...Mmmrrrooowww! Pfffftttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Did you see she went from pushing the crap shot to moonshite award with prince Willy?

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The new NZ PM can’t define what a woman is. Just like Chicago, the new boss is worse than the old boss. Biden, Trudeau, and Macron will leave some day but we must be vigilant that their successors are not worse.

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don't leave cuomo off that list.

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The transitions from Andrew Il Duce Cuomo to toddler masking Kovid Karen Kathy Hochul and Bolshevik Bill de Blasio to vax pass Eric Instagram Adams are case studies in authroitarian succession

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frying pan -> fire.

this is why kamela was such a brilliant VP pick. who would dare call joe "non compis mentis" with kammy-whammy in the wings?

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Joe is 'non compos mentis'. Kamela is simply 'non mentis'.

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Dwayna Elizonda Mountain Dew Herbertusha Camacho, 2024.

You heard it here first.

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Gato, I just don't think you are engaging in the deep non-thought required to truly comprehend The Significance of the Passage of Time™.


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Kammy-whammy...that's a good one. I'm going to remember that one.

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I like Kackala better.

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interesting insight

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Apr 5, 2023
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Don't matter who it is, the puppetmasters are running the show and maybe they have a body double for Kackala.

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Thankfully Biden won't be around as long as the others. Newsom, Trudeau, Ardern, Macron and other "young leaders" could be sticking their nose in world affairs for the next 50+ years, even if they're not "elected".

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In fairness, I doubt that any of us could. Definitions are for math, engineering, and law. Categories of organism like 'woman', 'cat', or 'sheep' are things we all recognize immediately, but are too multidimensionally protean to define.

That said, the new NZ PM does not seem to be the sharpest tack in the bulletin board. The fact that he couldn't think himself out of that paper bag showed a touching combination of conversational sincerity and philosophical shallowness. He looks to be more of a tool than a tyrant.

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Could it not be fairly put that many, if not most, of our so-called leaders are "tools"?

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I've heard that one person out of ten thousand might be "legitimately" "trans". That's 0.01% or 34,000 people in the US. They're torturing 99.99% of the population to accommodate the mental illness of a group the size of a small town. Pure evil.

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I think it's more than that. The original one-in-some-tens-of-thousands figures were estimated early on, in the 1960s, '70s, or '80s, and counted only the ones that actually got sex-changes, which were new and rare then. The rise of the internet allowed people who were transgendered to find each other anonymously, and exchange notes.

The actual number of people who are transgendered, whether or not they attempt to "transition," is probably more on the order of one in a couple of hundred, or around one tenth the number of people who are "gay" or homosexual in orientation. In any case, while they do exist and have their place in the world, the great majority of the population does not need to have its noses rubbed in their peculiar problems.

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Perfect puppet

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I have yet to see a politician who can define what a woman is.

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Kevin McCarthy is also WEF.

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But Trump owns him now.

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Since you mentioned Trump, this news just in from Canadian MSM: Stormy Daniels ordered to pay $600,000 of Trump's legal fees from her failed defamation lawsuit.

She is to be pitied: she chose a bad career, she chose a wrong man and she chose a bad lawsuit. She probably chose the wrong managers as well.


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Well she certainly chose the wrong lawyer.

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Too bad Cohen was spoken for.

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So is Maria Bartiromo, Pete Buttigieg, Peter Thiel ...

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Don't forget greasy comrade Gavin Newsollini, now invading the rest of the country blabbering about "freedom"and "rights".


Best have an empty plastic bag handy, as usual with this cur.

Just like working to create a two-tiered medical apartheid system on arguably the most beautiful island in the world (yes, Gato, tied with PR so don't claw me bro) claiming to be "inclusive", nothing demonstrates one's commitment to freedom by treating an entire state of 40 million souls as your personal prison labor camp and blatantly violating pretty much every provision of the Bill of Rights.

The hypocritical reality inversion of the left is truly something to behold.

And millions of blue bovines lined up (or rather, licked up) to reelect this vile mountebank.

"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars: the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth."

~ H.L. Mencken

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Macron springs to mind.

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Yep! I should have put him on there for sure.

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I think we should except that this thing - the illiberal left - has been percolating for decades. Today, right now, your children are being marinated in it: school. They captured the means of cultural production long ago.

Please, undoing this is a fantasy; the bad cat calling attention to it is whistling past the graveyard; the illiberal left takes us wither we not know.

Let us hope I am wrong, but, IMO, this pathway suggests kinetic action is possible.

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Reality always wins in the end. We face either a long, slow decay into irrelevance or conquest from outside. The Washington Mafia can't keep a gun to every head forever.

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Well said I hope you are right but fear you are wrong - they can.

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But Jacinda was a specialist in doing the "caring" version. In the beginning of the lockdowns in 2020, I watched her give a speech, and thought: "That's how it ought to be done!"

...as compared with our Aussie PM Scomo who was patronising & clearly a blithering idiot just following orders from the get go. It didn't take long for Jacinda to show her true colours - but even at the end, I had to admire the sheer brazenness of standing up at the podium and saying in that kind, caring, gentle voice: "It's all for your own good, and if you don't do what I say we will punish you."

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WEF young global leaders (ok, not Biden), but Macron, Sanchez in Spain, Boris, Rutte, etc,

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McKenna is a Canadian laughing stock, whose disastrous time in Parliament saw her utter the following vomitous words in 2019, "...if you actually say it louder, we’ve learned in the House of Commons, if you repeat it, if you say it louder, if that is your talking point, people will totally believe it.” She's a Liberal nitwit and exhibit "A" of what is wrong with this world!!

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Climate Barbie.

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Damn. That's what I came here to say! LOL.

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I think Joseph Goebbels said something like that once...

“if you tell a lie big enough...”

Typical Canadian politician🤬

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"The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

Joseph Goebbels, in his article "Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik". The originator of the concept of the Big Lie is Adolf Hitler himself, in 'Mein Kampf'.

Sad thing is, it's true. "Safe & effective" anyone?

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I believe Hitler was describing the Big Lie as a tool of his enemies, not something that he himself was advocating. The persistent insinuation that Hitler was bragging about his own tactics is likely one of those English leadership lies.

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Nailed it!

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The scary part is these "Liberal nitwit " zombies eating our kids brains keep multiplying!

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"Laughing"? Only if you like gallows humor.

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I find people that are so horrendously out of touch and self-righteous to be a laughable disgrace. Dangerous, yes, but also laughable.

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Next post please Gato: “Top 10 tips to become ‘ungovernable’” 👍

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that's a great essay by clif high.

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I love Clif!

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Substack's founders just sent me an email on a new feature they are going to introduce (allowing shorter posts). That didn't bother me. But one Reader Comment did. That Substacker wanted to know what Substack is going to do for "moderation" of these posts. I asked her if she was talking about "content moderation" like Facebook's army of "content moderators" use. She said, yep, and cited a Mark Twain quote about how fast lies can spread.

She was just one of 300 commenters, but I say we have to nip this claptrap in the Budd.

Substack is "safe" enough. I've been reading it for a year and producing my own site for six months and I haven't been mentally scarred yet. In fact, I now know a lot more about crazy prime ministers than I did 12 months ago.

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The pro content-moderating commenter is the real threat. Perhaps advocates of content moderating fit into the only category of people that might need to be banned from use.

(In my opinion, and based on anecdotal observations and without benefit of a scientific study, I suspect that those who clamor for moderation are usually sick or troubled, conflicted women who are in need of a proxy for a super-daddy protector, precisely because their real daddy was unreliable, a drunkard or forced sex on them. These women like to form mobs of women--shielded behind bureaucratic or technological fortresses--that they believe can, by numbers and force of law/police, act like powerful, individual men. Ironically, they will frequently resort to male leaders, directors, public figures or controlled sympathetic/pandering male thugs to control the healthy men they fear. This doubles the irony: they hate healthy men, but seek out more sickos just like their disappointing fathers---probably because they are only comfortable and skilled at wallowing in their misery and their obsessively-repeated, self-fulfilling tropes about "bad men everywhere.")

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As a woman, I agree with your comment. Since I’m much older, I only think you should clarify your description of women to the 40 and under age, although there are older ‘Karens’ too. To not discriminate, many younger males are wimpy and fall under this same umbrella. To be even more inclusive, throw in the LGBTQ+ who always need protection from their imagined threats.

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Agreed, Ruth. There are many damaged females and, of course, damaged males that have emerged out of the disaster of the modern era, with intensification and generational amplification in post-war America and Europe. Whether I am making a critical thrust at males, females or both, I am being intentionally polemical and provocative in order to shame and, thus, discourage the post-modern penchant for ruining everything for everybody based upon what would have simply been accounted for and ignored in the past as insignificant outlier problems. In this sense, I deliberately cast a wide net. I figure that put-together people, like yourself, do not take it as an insult since they are not in the criticized class. I am also implicitly enlisting--if they so agree and so chose, of course--others to adopt the same critical pitchforks to be wielded in their encounters.

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👏👏well said, especially “to adopt the same critical pitchforks to be wielded in their encounters.” We all need to stand up, speak out, and fight back.

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During covid, females were far more committed to resistance than males.

I only saw a handful of guys that did anything meaningful to speak out or resist

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Apr 5, 2023
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Yes, you are correct about these young men. Perhaps these men have been feminized by the system and (1) its institutional and bureaucratic mechanisms of behavioral control, indoctrination and social selection; endocrine disruptors; and (3) actual artificial, biological selection.

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All jabbed into submission. (All the jabs. Not only the latest scam.)

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She should go back meta fakebook or Instatrash if she is afraid of words. Go on Twatter if you want your ideas spoonfed to you, and pointless, idiotic non debate. The forums in substack are the most reasonable, open comments on the web that I know of. I’ve read many healthy debates about issues on many of them, unlike twatter which is a left wing troll farm full of screeching banshees that offer nothing to any curious persons intellect.

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One of the awesome things about Substack is that each Stacker wants a spam and troll free comment section, so moderation is decentralized.

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Call them out. That's what I started doing recently

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Excellent comment, Bill! Thanks for pointing this out. As usual, very well articulated.

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Agree and glad you allow comments. I noticed Robert Malone does not...unless you pay.

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i like comments.

that's how you build a community.

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"I noticed [writer] does not...unless you pay."

I will note, in defense of anyone who does this, is that it *does* form a first line of defense against spammers and trolls.

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But with a single viewpoint.

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Huh? That's certainly not a necessary feature--all you need to get regular-level access to commenting at Malone's is pay your monthly subscription.

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Sorry - I see that you're saying paid subscribers limit the spammers.

Got it. Didn't read carefully first time through.

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In defense of paying for a subscription (I subscribe to many but some for free and a few I've paid): the company/people that owns/runs substack have been affected by the banking crisis. I'm not a financial expert but I'll explain it as best as I can. The banks in trouble right now lend money that most young companies need to companies like substack. As these banks are now in trouble, they are lending less so it's harder for young companies to access capital.

Any one out there who can shed further light? Here's an article that better explains it:


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People like Robert Malone, who has been incessantly attacked, and high-profile people, have to protect themselves to some degree, so I can't blame him. When I was subscribed to Scott Adams on Locals, you had to be at the $25/month level to send him a message. I get it. They have to have some gatekeeping or the whole thing becomes unmanageable and toxic.

Back in 2015 when the New Horizons probe flew by Pluto, Brian May - the Queen guitarist who also has a PhD in Astrophysics - did some work with the science team. He would pal around with the scientists, but when he left the room he was surrounded by his rockstar bodyguards and just walked by anyone who wanted to ask a question. It might seem rude, but it's a practical necessity.

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McCullough too!

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Yes. I've noticed the same with Malone, who is probably already quite rich and doesn't need the money. Why would he make the ability of average folks to respond to him, conditional on their willingness to pony up in a pay to play scheme. Is it to set up a silencing wall directed at those who have not demonstrated allegiance to his opinions by putting out cash?

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I know Catherine McKenna all too well though thankfully not personally. She was born and raised in the same town as I live in although she grew up in the more uppity area and I grew up in working class neighborhoods, my parents being immigrants.

She was Canada's climate change minister and then minister of infrastructure and communities; no one could ever figure out what the latter was supposed to be but the effects of the former are with us in the form of many taxes. I didn't know she went to the UN. That's Trudeau's goal as well.

This article was depressingly accurate.

I'm a woman but I will say this: there are/have been too many women in positions of authority in Canada or perhaps I should say that the many women in positions of authority in Canada are giving the rest of us a very bad name.

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How many people with either strong right-wing identities or left-wing identities really want people to be allowed to think for themselves?

For every point of view in life there is a dogma--written or very clearly communicated--and if you don't accept *all* of it you are made outcast. It's truly hilarious how "do not comply" Substackistan is inhabited by some of the most rigid religous zealots one can find anywhere. This is of course equal in hilarity to the bell/book/candle incantations and holy doctrines of the progressive left. The level of fury one finds on comments threads for disagreeing with any sort of received wisdom really speaks loudly against any general moral superiority of "our side."

People loathe it when other people think and question and want pronouncements on anything to be supported by comon sense and evidence. Our little Jacinta merely exchanged one cult for another as she found her little wings.

Greta maybe we should not rag on so much. She is an extremely fucked-up now over-aged kid exploited and promoted by her wretched parents and her shelf life is waning. There's always a new cute kid to take the world's imagination by storm and push the old one to, so to speak, splatter on the sidewalk.

But getting back to our little Jacinta--I was a little startled and disappointed that she's now and for the foreseeable best besties with the Prince and Princess of Wales. Anyone hoping the rot had maybe not permeated to the core of the future of the monarchy and its influences and reach in global alliances can give up now. William's gonna be as bad as Pa. I enjoy pageantry and the value of some durable traditions as much as any peasant reasonably can, but I guess we ain't never gonna see the like of Victoria and Albert again. in terms of gumption and vision. Too bad.

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There IS no future of the monarchy. Not after the brief reign of King Chuck.

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Destroying one's cultural heritage is fatal for any nation.

Elizabeth II always seemed like a nice lady, but producing idiot sons like that somewhat dims her luster in my regard. Men do very poorly without real jobs. I find myself very surprised, feeling Camilla is actually a decent person, since I cried for a week after Diana died and I have unrelenting contempt for Charles in agreeing to a marriage, in the 20th century, that he absolutely did not want, but if the monarchy disappears so does Great Britain and everything meaningful its culture brought to the world.

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SCA – I knew that the political and cultural entity that Britain once used to be had already disappeared into history when I witnessed (on YouTube) how nearly all the members of the House of Commons – both Government and Opposition - scurried out of the parliamentary chamber when Andrew Brigden MP rose to give a speech about the injuries caused by the mRNA injectables. These unworthy people were like rats fleeing from a sinking ship. Brigden ended up talking to an empty chamber. This happened not once, but twice.

The three Government members who had to remain in the chamber to satisfy the parliamentary rule for a quorum busied themselves by pointedly chatting to each other, clearly to convey to Brigden the insult that they considered the plight of the ‘vaccine’-injured irrelevant.

These events were historically symbolic. It should now be very clear that Britain has rotted from within, and its monarchy along with it. The early warning signs of this were the circus act created by Prince Harry and the Californian woman that he chose to marry.

If Charles III were not such an ideologically enfeebled individual, he would have castigated the parliamentarians for their walk-out on such a critically important subject - after all it is ‘his’ parliament – or so the political fiction asserts. But he did not, thus demonstrating his unfitness to be the titular head of the fictitious enterprise known as the ‘Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland’.

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I understand that the monarch must not interfere in the business of Parliament.

This disgrace is entirely on the government and a nation busy arresting its citizens for thought crimes, while claiming to be a constitutional monarchy upholding the values of democracy--well, I've always had a certain admiration for the idea of a hara kiri room in the basement.

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Quoting: “I understand that the monarch must not interfere in the business of Parliament.”

Yes - that is technically correct, but for a political entity without a written constitution, I believe that the time was ripe for a monarch to change ‘accepted custom’ and give those parliamentary arseholes a Right Royal Bollicking! He could have done that in many different ways without being too public about it. Temporarily closing down the racket for the award of knighthoods to any of the guilty parties, for example - that is fully within his purview.

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Never discount what an absolute gormless idiot Charles is. He has neither imagination nor grace.

It does make one wonder what would have happened if he'd been allowed to marry Camilla from the start (and apparently he was so vaccillating about their relationship before Diana was chosen that Camilla just got on with things and married her own wretched first husband).

This is what happens when people give in to appearances and social proprieties instead of what they're really inclined to, and everyone pays ever after.

Totally side irrelevancy: I may have had my own struggles with taste and style in my younger years but if I had that sort of money I do believe I'd manage to wear actually lovely and elegant clothes and jewelry. How people can make diamonds and sapphires hideous is one of them cosmic mystery thingies.

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Oh my, you seem to have been seriously anglicized. Seems you've missed the reports of the adrenochrome-drinking reptilian queen. Great Britain's culture will persist, and improve, without the monarchy. I agree with you about men, or women, who lack real jobs.

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So is it an Anglican thing, this love for the Queen and her ilk? That would help me to understand why I went to an Anglican church after she died and so much was dedicated to her in the sermon. I felt sick. I remember thinking... are these people under a spell? Do they not recognise the tree for the fruit? I would think Charles's association with Jimmy, and Andrew's with Epstein would have been enough.

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Absolutely under a spell, just like so many of us here, across the pond.

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Americans seem desperate for a monarch too. Why else this fuss about getting "our man" in the White House? The executive branch was never supposed to be so powerful. Our federal government should not hold so much centralized power. Far more should reside at the state and local level. Instead of pointing out how bad it us to have all these "lords and ladies" in certain wealthy families getting elected and reelected constantly and reigning over us from afar we look for the "best candidate" from among that circle.

Those who regulate and restrict instead of working real jobs and talking to normal citizens.

We have an oligarchy. A parasite class of untitled aristocrats reigning over us. They get elected and reelected through rigging or media psy opps known as "campaigning." Neither a democracy nor a republic.

Corporations are allowed to bribe them with lobbying slush funds. Big Pharma is the worst.

But instead of decrying the situation itself, most on the right just talk about how we need to win more elections. Maybe instead of wearing Sauron's ring of power we should just chuck the thing into the fires of Mt Doom where it belongs. Chalk it up to thirst for power. The plebes can never become bigwigs themselves but they can enjoy vicarious power trips through the likes of globalists posing as average Joes. (Such as Trump and Musk.)

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I owe my life's treasure to a handful of Brits.

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King Charles thinks he will regain some royal powers of the past--I suspect. What the useful idiot doesn't realize is that he and the other royals are the cultural past of Britain's history that the technocrats want to eradicate. After the Reset they'll go the way of the national landmarks.

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Awesome, Gato. And the memetics are in clear view -- one way information transformation. And you better like it.

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it's going to be so fun watching these people sit in the wreckage of their own power pulling the same dumb levers over and over because they know no other tricks.

they have crossed the rubicon to self destruction because they cannot see that everyone can see through them.

they will loudly and proudly discredit themselves until they have burned to the waterline.

and i, for one, will not miss them when they're gone...

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Unfortunately I don’t think you’re right. I thought everyone would be able to see through them 2 years ago, I’m still waiting.

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I'm afraid I think the same way. All these things that should have happened two years ago, still haven't happened. Which leads me to conclude that three years from now things will be pretty much the same (worse actually). Still, hope lives, I guess. It will take a real leader to harpoon one key false narrative. That might get other dominoes falling.

I know this: There's lots of truths people aren't going to be able to handle. So most people don't want to confront the first lie.

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I've been waiting on the doominoes to fall too!

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Too many support them. We need to build a life apart from them as well as the Davos controlled systems. Cancel Big Tech accounts for starters.

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They'll fall eventually but it will be a painful few years until then.

There's a great video where George Gammon and Chris MacIntosh discuss macro economics including with respect to geopolitics. It's about 75 minutes long, worth the watch, the first 10-15 minutes are noteworthy although depressing.

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Ditto. And, don’t talk about it.

Edit: if anyone I know has had any enlightenment they are not saying.

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Apr 5, 2023
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I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. But, I understand what you’re saying.

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I wasn’t thinking of an uprising, More a return to common sense. I think it will have to happen in the US first, any large scale change from the status quo by any other country just won’t be allowed.

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It might take a little while gato, look what happened in Chicago....

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I live in NZ and concur that she is a vile authoritarian piece of shit. But boy she has pulled the wool over the eyes of many thick people out there.

Not only that but she is utterly incompetent and has destroyed NZ in only 5 years. We are now divided massively by race as well as vax status. Poverty has escalated. Crime has more than doubled. House prices doubled. Can’t get public health care. Everything she touched has turned to shit.

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Sounds like the US

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And, Canada…

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Unfortunately, bloodshed is historically the only effective off-ramp from these pathways. Just like controlling the masses usually requires setting an example or thousand, removal of the tyrants usually requires someone to have their brain bucket separated from its mobility section to make the point to the rest of the rats that this one sided joyride is over. I apologize if discussion of violence offends. Life is not pretty and liberty is not without its cost.

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Ah yes. Refreshing the liberty tree and all that.

I'm confessing up front that I'll be lifting the "brain bucket/mobility section" line for future use.

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You’re very welcome to it!

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I also have the receipts. 3000 of them. In Sep 2021 Jacinda made a post on her face book page. She told us she had a small reaction to the jab, but don't worry, it's all normal. Within 24 hrs there was 13000 comments, which were being deleted as fast as they were going up. I spent my Sunday afternoon taking screenshots. The messages were heart breaking.

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Andrea, this is very important work you have done. Of course getting the screenshots onto a memory stick is good but I hope you will also print these out on paper, make several copies, and make a proper archive (by which I mean, put them into a labeled folder, or set of folders). If you haven't thought about it already, I hope you will consider eventually donating the copies to some institutional archives, such as a state historical association, university libraries, etc. In time-- in time-- I have no doubt your archive of printed-out screenshots will be very welcome in many different archives, whether state, national, university, or private. Also, if you don't manage to place the archive before you go to your reward, leave a note for your heirs, make sure it doesn't get thown out.

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Re Fr. John Naugle - the surprise for non-religious me in this whole plandemonium was the Traditional Catholic priests like Abp. Carlo Vigano etc. who saw right through all the lies early on, like Spring 2020. Not pushing religion, but sometimes it's nice to know there are unexpected friends...

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As a Canadian, I'm sick and tired of seeing Canadians feature prominently celebrating authoritarian cockwombles. It seems it not a day goes by when they don't embrace an authoritarian person, idea, or ideal. That goes for the province of Quebec too. It claims to be such a 'distinct society' but in the end, it has descended into the same hell-hole as the rest of the country.

Re McKenna. This is the same dogmatic climate dullard who was caught on tape telling friends in a bar that if you keep repeating a lie, people will believe it. She's a student from the School of George Costanza. Except she's not funny. It's like they live in their own little dimension revelling in their mental illness clinking glasses of sparkling wine.

Above all, what bothers and irritates me most about all these people from Jacinda to McKenna to Justin to Harris to Joe and the numerous parasitical and untalented characters that float about our bureaucracy holding important positions and posts is that they're simply not, well, intelligent.

They're useless. And arrogant about it. They play out the Peter Principle in real time except we need a new principle to describe this level of incompetence and corruption.

And they are NOT nice people. They have little respect or regard for the citizens they serve.

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They are compliant, that’s why they are selected for their positions.

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I knew Jacinda was a bad one when her government declared it was illegal for anyone in New Zealand to possess or read the Christchurch shooter's manifesto. This was astonishing in Anglo-Saxon nation. And the non-reaction from the world's media was even more shocking.

So no degree of Covid fascism from her could surprise me after that.

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Wednesday night marks the start of Passover—the holiday of freedom, the commemoration of the Israelites’ liberation from captivity in Egypt.

The obligation of anyone celebrating Passover is as simple as it is emotionally difficult: Each of us must feel as though we ourselves are being freed from bondage.

OK here goes…Lee Harvey Oswald did NOT act alone, Covid-19 was just a bad flu season, Western leaders have become Tyrants, Trump won, and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Whew! I feel freer already! ☺️😇


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As a Kiwi I am thrilled to see you comment on our departing mini-Mussolini.

It might be interesting for others to hear that our local state-sponsored media and government attempts to depict Jacinda's departure and people's hatred towards her as the result of "misogyny" rather than a consequence of her tyrannical style of government.

On that note, despite strongly supporting the "misogyny" hoax, our new PM, Chris Hipkins, is unable to define a "woman" when being asked about it at a presser. However, MSM were quick to game the Twitter algorithm to get that pesky journalist asking such inconvenient questions banned from the platform: https://twitter.com/SeanPlunket

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