The way I see it (and have for a long time now) is that if ANY of this stuff worked, considering that a HUGE percentage of the population has taken part in all of this insanity (masking, sanitizing, distancing, getting shot up) there would literally be no one getting sick on the entire earth. I am still amazed that there are this many people who are dumbed down enough to still believe in any of this. Doesn't anyone just look around anymore? My goodness! The evidence of failure is all around and we literally have historical proof of protocols that actually DO work. I'll never get over this insanity for the rest of my days. Unbelievable.

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You can go a step further. If covid vaccines worked than all cause mortality and total infections would be less than they were before the injections were introduced. The opposite is true. All cause mortality is higher and cases are higher. Countries/counties with more vaccines have had more mortality and cases.

Like any ideology that has turned into a cult the ideology didn't fail it was only failed because not enough people adhered to it.

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Especially someone with a medical doctor degree . Some doctors are the worst . Are they sponsored by Pfizer ?

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They’ve been trained since med school to never question the cdc, AMA/ med organizations or Pharma. They’re trained they rx meds and surgery are always the answer. They’re brainwashed.

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But not antibiotics. Those require careful stewardship and should never be given prophylactically. The obvious harm from under treatment is nothing compared to vague notions of doing good.

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maybe, maybe not, but their med schools were

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'Stay home when sick' is too simple and inconvenient for these people. No, everyone has to inject the latest biotech.


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No one gets rich by people staying home and drinking soup broth...

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I've got kids in school and the schools here have done a great job of keeping us posted on Covid numbers in the schools. Each week the dashboard is updated with new Covid numbers. We are now under 1% with positive tests, probably because no one is bothering to get tests any more. Why would you? It only causes problems. Still, there are probably several hundred kids in the system that have had Covid this year. The article's response to this (So what?) is perfect. So what? Hundreds of kids have got sick and 10 days later if not less are back in school in every. single. case. How stupid are parts of the country that are doing ANYTHING different right now. I can tell you: They are very stupid. God bless you all.

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"masking, sanitizing, distancing, getting shot up" ... The first three are prerequisites of Satanic rituals; the last one is the quivalent of human sacrifice. So it all works, and insanity is in the eye of the beholder.

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Yes this.

It bugged me immediately because one of the first videos I saw in early 3/20 was of a sweatshop making masks and throwing them on a filthy floor where a little kid gathered them up in packages. I knew that no one had ever attempted lockdowns even during polio and Spanish flu.

So why have people lost their faculty of reason?

If you’ve never heard of Dietrich Bonhoeffer look him up. He was imprisoned and executed by the Nazis, but wrote from his prison cell on many topics, including how stupidity is more dangerous than actual malice.


I’ve seen the phenom Bonhoeffer described—my (historically) “brilliant” sister barricaded herself in her condo and never saw a living person for 17 months, even only pulling her packages thru her door in the middle of the night. This is a woman who laughed in the face of cancer 2x. When confronted with facts, she just waves her hand and says, “YOUR opinion!” Or worse, this previously religious woman ridicules concerns over people being deprived of civil liberties or even food if they refuse vaccination. This is what I find most disturbing. Americans used to generously open their wallets for starving children on other continents, but now the (previously) compassionate jeer and say “they deserve to starve if…”

We are a post-Christian nation, and Covid has taken the place of the old religion.

GK Chesterton predicted this 100 years ago when he said that those who don’t believe in something will fall for anything.

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... Parents might want to delay vaccination of their child until the FDA fully discloses the data used to approve the vaccine... in the year 2076... informed consent vs. a free slice of pizza...

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ICYMI... kid came home from school in l.a. last week with vaccine card, told his mom they gave him free slice of pizza but said not to tell his mom...

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At the School named after Barack Obama . Insane!

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Child abuse

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Yep, delay until 2076…by then the “children” will be grandparents…🤣

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A. F*c#ing. MEN. This is my number one covid pet peeve of all time and has been since April 2020. "Because of the pandemic... "Due to covid..." "The virus caused..." People are so brainwashed in this language to the point they literally hold their government and public health officials guiltless when it comes to covid policy. They think Mr. Covid Virus with his crown of spike proteins sits on high on his tiny little throne and demands masks, mass vaccinations, distancing, closing schools, quarantine of the healthy. It's the virus you see, nothing we can do about it.. And you are right - this doctor is sick and dim and I would not let someone like this within a mile of my kid. My son had a minor cough in school one day (dry throat) and was wicked away to the "isolation" room to stare at a wall until I could stop what I was doing and come to get him. How about this: give him a bottle of water and a throat lozenge and allow him to stay in class to learn. I feel sick for kids having to grow up with these ridiculous "health above all" cowards.

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What bugs me the most, is when this settles down, is all over, whatever, these dumbf*cks will never see they were wrong. It's like the idiots who burned or drowned women because they were witches, they went to their graves believing they did the right thing. Bugs me nuts!

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I agree. The same thing can be said for those that propagated the lie of WMD and used it as a reason for war. And, when those responsible for such failures never suffer any consequences for their actions, then it only fosters an environment of invincibility, recklessness and indifference, depraved at that.

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The current President voted for the Iraq War, and the 'newspaper of record' shilled for it.

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I worked with analysts who identified chemical weapons facilities in Iraq.

Once the inspectors were given the information, THEY INFORMED SADDAMS MIILTARY, that we were coming to inspect and the site would be inevitably destroyed to the ground and levelled. A new graveyard also appeared next to the site. Not at all suspicious.

EXACTLY the same was happening with the Iranian nuclear sites and Hans Blix's team. They were informed of the pending inspections and so bulldozed and removed the site within a week. It then took the UN 18 months to visit.

There are numerous photos online of dozens of Iraqi Mig aircraft buried under the desert sand which were only found by accident.

If you can hide a squadron of jet aircraft, feet away from your enemy, how easy is it to hide barrels of nerve agents or other chemical weapons?

The reasons for going to war may well have been suspect but there were verifiable reasons to consider their ownership of chemical weapons.

Remember also that Saddamn had already gassed the kurds with chemical weapons (AKA WMD's) in the first Gulf war. I know that because I went there soon after.

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Apparently, Gen Mark Milley was making phone calls way back then too!

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No doubt he had weapons at one point, however that as a justification for war it was a about as true as “safe and effective.”

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Not saying it was right in any way, but it was always going to happen at some point. After the first one where General Schwarzkopf stopped short of emasculating Saddam and then Saddams continued sabre rattling against the US government.

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The US had the most advanced tech like ground-penetrating radar and satellite monitoring and was highly motivated to find the goods. Yet we had Bush doing his shtick looking for WMDs under a table.

What does "there were verifiable reasons to consider their ownership of chemical weapons" mean?

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Ground penetrating radar is a small area tool and is all well and good if you know where to look, but if you don't even know that you should look in the first place, then it's useless.

It means that they almost certainly had chemical weapons, because of the visible evidence from satellite imagery and the information from personnel on the ground. There is also the later intel, that most of it was shipped out to Syria before the first bombs fell.

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Most of zero is still zero.

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Since they wont even contemplate being wrong they will continue making similar mistakes over and over. What are the odds that 5-10 years from now it all happens again with a new infection?

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Pretty high if Fauci keeps his job.

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I, myself, don’t know how Fauci walks the streets a free man. At a minimum he should be fired for gross incompetence. Guiltless, no. The apparatus protects all of those involved.

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Tar and feather in the town square is a lost art.

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and then drawn and quartered sounds appropriate. With a shot of adrenochrome right before.

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I work in an elementary school where only 7 of us (out of 125 staff members) are unvaxxed. The fear from the vaxxed is mind boggling. Teachers are constantly yelling at kids about their masks and it drives me nuts! Most of the teachers keep their masks on during recess duty, and sadly most kids follow suit. Not me! I encourage the kids to take their masks off and get some fresh air!

If a child complains of a sore throat or any other Covid symptom, they’re immediately sent home and cannot return until they’ve tested negative.

Now, some of the kids have picked up on it, and are starting to fake a sore throat to go home. 😂 I don’t say a damn thing. It’s all insane.

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Yep - that is what happened to us, my son had to test negative via PCR. Since it took two days for the test results to come he lost 3 school days. For a dry throat. And yes, these kids are smart and know how to game the system if they don't want to be in school. Everyone knows it's happening and yet they double down on stupid.

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Last year, my daughter was due for the meningococcal vaccine. I forgot to give her ibuprofen prior so she spiked a short-lived fever in reaction. Back then, the school had a daily, required form asking about fever, etc. I called and they said they needed either a doctor's note or negative test (rapid was acceptable.) The doctor wouldn't give us a note! Covering your ass much? Had to go get my daughter tested before she could go back to school. Only missed a day but PFFT.

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Orange juice allegedly creates a positive result on the lateral flow tests.

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Same here. I pointed this out to a Covidian last year at the beginning. I said, "Oh really? So everyone in your office was too sick to report to work due to the virus? And all the temp agencies were empty due to the temp pool all falling horribly ill?" They tried to mumble some bs response. That was one of many red flags for me as I used to work occasionally as an office temp and my busiest times were during cold/flu season and during summer months. I've reported to offices where a small department was shut down for a couple days during bad flu seasons due to everyone being sick (or a dependent family member).

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A close second is when they say "vaccination offers the best protection against XYZ". Lottery tickets could also be my best chance for getting rich. That doesn't mean I should buy them.

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“So what” is indeed the secret to puncturing the propagandists’ hot air balloons.

Hilariously, wearing a literal tin-foil hat may actually be more protective against contracting COVID than masking according to this peer-reviewed paper: “There is a substantial overlap in pathobiology between COVID-19 and WCR -5G exposure” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/).

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As you may know, La quinta columna researchers in Spain made the observation some time ago. But what really shocked me was when they captured the pulses of ionizing radiation on an old analogue Geiger counter.

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I didn’t know, actually! This is a topic I haven’t had time to research yet, and I only knew about this paper because one of my readers sent it to me.

Do you have a link/reference for that research? Sounds fascinating.

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Orwell City is the source for La quinta columna stuff in English: https://www.orwell.city/

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Dr JohnB on Telegram had some recent articles posted on the effects of radiation on life.


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Thanks for this.

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Dec 11, 2021
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Red masks matter are really a maskist organisation.

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Dr. Mattias Desment says (paraphrasing), that the Covid narrative offers a connectedness and “meaning making” to the isolation and spiritual meaninglessness of a purely secular modern life of moral relativity. The isolation and free-floating anxiety driven by the Covid lockdowns has a therapeutic in the ritual of the buying into the narrative. No matter how counterfactual and how absurd the narrative is from a practical perspective, the better it functions as a ritual—in fact the more absurd the better, the more purely the ritual becomes a sign to others that they belong to the group. The absurd Covid ritual serves as an incredibly strong bond among those otherwise lacking such meaning in their lives. Most people are actually reluctant to go back to the old normal because the Covid narrative of living for the good of the collective offers meaning making that was lacking in their lives. This is especially true of politicians who have been failing for decades to improve the plight of their constituents—and in fact have been ruining the lives of their constituents. Covid has given them multiple incentives: 1) grow their power and 2) provide for them a sense that they are actually leading and solving a problem. This is why those who question the narrative are subject to so much intolerance. Dissonant voices force the masses to confront returning to the status quo ante psychological state. For this reason, the dissonant voices incur the wrath of the cult—all the fear and loathing of their prior life is channeled at the those who challenge the narrative in which they have found meaning. They feel like they have a sacred, holy duty to be cruel and harsh in putting down dissonant voices in order to protect the collective. Perhaps the best hope of we dissidents is what Gustave Le Bon said (paraphrasing), “Everyone who would lead a mass formation had better be prepared to be killed by the masses.”


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Well put, and well done to provide the link to Dan Astin-Gregory's excellent interview of Professor Desmet (note sp). While it provides a good, in-depth examination by Desmet of the mass formation phenomenon, there is another, shorter one (29 min vs 74 min) that would make a good second choice for those who would like a briefer summary:


I like to think that if we could get everyone we know who belongs to what Desmet calls the "second group"—i.e. those who, while not being hypnotized by the narrative, still choose to go along with the flow—we would get enough of them to turn around and swim against the current.


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Duly noted correction: there is only so much that can be expected from fat fingers ;-)

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Such a good summary of what Dr. Desment said. Bravos!

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They are willing to give thousands of kids cardiac problems to maybe save 1 from a virus that is overwhelmingly not dangerous to them.

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Much, much worse, they are willing to give thousands of kids cardiac problems to save maybe one elderly person at the end of their lives the illusion of actually having the choice to not die from a particular illness.

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Hey - in my city there have been - oh 55 deaths from or with or somehow associated with Covid-19 in the last almost 2 years. There are over 100,000 people living here so that would less than a few percentage of the annual normal death rate. The kids had no school for 1.25 years - all online - for this "emergency". Of those who passed - 90% were over the age of 75. Not a single child or even any person <30 yr old has died of Covid-19 here. I really don't know what the emergency is. We never had hospitals overwhelmed here in our County - always been at least an additional 25-30% capacity of regular and ICU beds and only a small percentage of patients are Covid related. Nuts.

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But I'm constantly hearing the sirens going - since the summer. Not much Covid - so what is going on???? Injections injuries is my first thought but can't be sure without insider information.

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seems like that is the case, from connecting lots of anecdotal evidence

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Must be nice to even have that. We just came off a 10-day quarantine because someone in my kid's class came into contact with someone who had COVID over Thanksgiving. It took them three days to contact trace to this kid and they claimed they were doing us a big favor by back dating the quarantine to the exposure rather than adding an additional three days. We got negative tests to no avail. Rather than answer our questions, they cancelled the PTA meeting scheduled last week and held the school board meeting (also last week) behind closed doors. The best we got was - "well, you'll just have to put up with this until we get 100% vaxxed!"

This is/was a well-regarded private school. Can't get to a red state fast enough. I'm not from Long Island anyways, will not miss it when we leave.

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I’m ready to leave my blue state. My husband is not . Sucks

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Same issue. Sucks.

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Same here!

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You really won’t miss it. Not for a second.

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These parents would have betrayed Anne Frank.

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If anxiety and fear work so well on these tools, then give it right back. Here's what I sent the superintendent of my daughter's school in response to more incentive messaging and the vaccine conditional contract tracing nonsense:

You don't have the popular support you think you have to provide "incentives" and to push for COVID "vaccinations." I expect that both political parties are scrambling to find a way out of the trap they've been lured into by big pharma. If so, whatever perception you have that there's political support is also likely to evaporate (they are starting to see that their precious status is threatened).

Go ahead and violate the civil rights of students and parents with your obvious discriminatory "quarantine" policy. Be sure to leave a good trail for the lawyers of plaintiffs to find. I'm sure there's already quite a bit of evidence of activism that goes far beyond any legality.

I see less arrogance in your messaging as you reference other parties who are behind the vaccine clinic. I also see that you still believe that incentives will be defensible. Could they be coercion from a legal standpoint?

Also, I don't see anything about natural immunity. Not offering proof of that as an option, to avoid what can only be seen as retribution, could be an issue later. Making parents and students anxious about "compliance" with no legal (see mandate injunctions) or political (soon) support seems reckless.

Might want to start thinking about who will be offered up for blame when the pendulum swings back on all of these failed "public health" measures.

There's a silent 30-40% out there that have a nagging feeling this has all been a public health disaster, not from the disease but from the response. They are going to soon reach "acceptance."

Expect a lot of "why were we told to quarantine healthy people?" And "why did we toss out the more rational pandemic plan for this mess?"

No lawyer myself. Not claiming to be one. I have done a lot of work with them in an advisory role to leadership.

I feel a moral obligation to return any attempts to promote anxiety in kind. In time, public officials will recognize that promoting anxiety with even vague retribution was a very bad move.

Good luck. You'll need it.

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love that, I also think the tide is turning. As a long time comment reader, I suddenly feel like part of a groundswell

There's something in the air

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Even Fauci is letting off the gas on his Panic-sprayer:

“what I think is something that we need to keep our eye on [is] it could be that things turn out better than we expected.”


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I pray this same air reaches EU as well...not too late..

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Also note that no one should fear retribution from activity like this. If that happens, then it will help build a case against them later. Just keep it clean and professional. Ask a lot of questions when interacting with them. Document everything.

Of course, I craft these to imply that I fully intend to sue without saying it.

I'm sure these tools don't understand their liability and think that the org's lawyers would lift a finger to defend them. So when the org tells them this stuff is OK, they should be incredibly cautious and follow that instruction to the letter. I doubt that many are.

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Well said. I hope you are right in your sense that the tide might be turning.

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Best part of this thread...noting your post from 8 months ago with 29 comments and realizing that by the time I'm done typing you'll probably hit that mark (at 6:20 AM PST). Some trends of this pandemic are moving in the right direction.

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well said

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Let me tell you, I was lucky and escaped NYC in the summer of 2019. Was happy to see it in the rear-view mirror thinking the city (and State) was very much headed the wrong way. Little did I know…

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I remained far too long bc I was rubbernecking the crimes against humanity unfolding all around us...but you know what they say about curiosity and cats?

As a NYC lifer I held out too much hope, but upon reassessing that our tony hood was mostly wall st douchebags, trust fund kids, and affluent leftists all mindlessly and willfully heading into the execution chamber as they virtue signalled and reprimanded those that could not comply with the depopulation mind control power grab, it was worse than untenable to allow ourselves to be anywhere near that level of suicide ideation and brownshirt snitchery.

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So, FL? TX? For family reasons I stopped in rural VA, although at some level wish I had kept going and bought property in FL.

VA as a whole is only nominally (and recently) red, although where I am, far from the DC (and Richmond) metastasis, it’s much better.

Masks here have become something of a joke. You still get the occasional (presumably government employee) driving alone in their car with double masks, but relatively few others (doctors being the sadly unsurprising exception). I have noticed that retail employees are starting to flip their employers’ mask mandates the bird by wearing their masks in a way that’s, shall we say, a doubly-flagrant violation.

One thing about country people: they tend to recognize the smell of bullshit.

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Excellent observation!

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Forceful post ! Thank you !

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Best decision you could make. Get out of the madhouse

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I got THE phone call from my elementary school principal last Sunday. I was in close contact (I guess I passed the 15 minute rule, cause you know, Covid spreads after 14 minutes and 59 seconds and not a second sooner!) with a fellow “unvaxxed” teacher who had tested positive for Covid, and now I had to be quarantined, even if I tested negative, because I am also “unvaxxed”.

Another teacher who was also considered in close contact and IS vaxxed did not have to quarantine...because he’s vaxxed. Even if he had tested positive, he wouldn’t have had to quarantine, because, you know...”science”.

I return to work on Monday. While I was gone (just this week), a total of 6 classes were quarantined because of students testing positive. Gee... I wonder if this could be because of the jab rollout for 5-11 year olds. Hmmm...

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So when you look at the WHO and CDC guidelines prior to Covid.… They literally go through all these NPI’s and say they’re ineffective but mechanistically we think they should work. With school closures they actually talk about the morality of it since it tends to affect lower socioeconomic status folks worse. So here is my take. We literally tried all of it and we have proven that they did nothing to mitigate disease. All the way up to a rushed vaccine. Hopefully people will look at the actual data over the next few years and we will not do this again. Right now I feel like we’re at the point of no one wanting to admit they were wrong.

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yeah, the only problem with your theory is that we have done it before, and didn't learn anything except how to psych-op more effectively with less material.

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I kept (and keep) using the phrase "totally unnecessary" for the last almost two years- everything. Masks, distancing, wiping down your groceries (yipes), using poison on your shopping cart and hands every time you enter a store or a gym (BIG NO!)shower curtains hung between tables in restaurants (wtf) and now vaccines. ALL. TOTALLY. UNNECESSARY. (except for those who made money and increased their power base because of some virus). I am waiting for that "you were right all along"- but those people just got their booster shots, so it's probably never coming my way.

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I asked my manager at work why we are getting plexiglass.. sure it stops spit but the virus is airborne. All theater!!

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Can we get bumper stickers

and Tshirts made?

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Totally on point. Mental illness it is. Mass societal psychosis, and more disturbing is the glee with which, otherwise intelligent people, comply with it ... Not begrudgingly, but with a perverse enjoyment.

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We need a searchable data base of these branch covidian cultists who happen to be doctors, why? So that we can ensure they don’t come within a light year of us if we need medical care.

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Also to hold them accountable at some point.....

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Most of them sadly.

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