The hardest part about 10 days to flatten the curve is the first 20 months.

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I'm getting real tired of this "circuit breaker" analogy. First off, it's bullshit. You don't shut down and restart an entire country like flipping a switch. Second, I'm an electrician and I can tell you one does not simply shut off a circuit without very careful consideration of what impact it will have.

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Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us 126 times…never mind.

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At what point do we all understand that getting Covid, even the original version not the lightweight version Omicron, does not have people dropping dead in the street?

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"sheer numbers will outweigh severity". That's academic logic for you. "This illness doesn't make you sick but it infects so many people that we need to lock down!" Not only is that moronic on its face, but it actually prevents natural immunization. How dumb do you have to be to buy this crap?

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These guys are insane.

Logistically, how would this work? Everything stops? Everything? No food deliveries can be done, no babies can be born, no work of any kind can be done outside the home, no one can go to the store to buy food, no one at SAGE can go hump their mistresses?

If these screaming Mimis want to stay home and starve themselves of food and human interactions, do it. The rest of us are going to live our lives.

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Hey Cats - In native south Asian languages “Pagel” actually means “Mad” as in mentally deranged so this Prof Stupid is certainly living up to her name

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I need to invent an internet button that skips anything that starts with “Professor”

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"cats are literally going to go teach racoons how to open tuna cans for us"


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Mmm hmm. Is it my imagination or is she saying "If you are good little boys and girls, we will allow you to have Christmas"?

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Obviously no greater threat than the incredibly mild Omicron variant infecting us all and developing population wide, long lasting, robust immunity. That will flatten the curve for booster jabs and who can live with that tragic outcome?

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anyone that uses the term "circuit breaker" ( dec 2021) is not a serious person.

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You mean this is new? Again 10 days to flatten the curve? I thought that was 20 months ago? LOL how many times are they going to flatten the curve? And from what? A sickness no one knows they got? A common cold? An asymptomatic sickness? A chimera?

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If the demand for hospital beds is going to rise, how about arranging for the supply of hospital beds to increase? Of course, that would mean that you couldn’t fire medical staff for refusing the jab. But, maybe you shouldn’t do that anyway. Just sayin’.

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For non-UK readers: “Independent SAGE” is a self-appointed agitation group that indulges in out-doing the zaniness of the government. With the Rotund Albino Charlatan in charge, that is no small task.

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C'mon its only a 10 day circuit breaker. Its not like we've tried anything like this before.

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The language is so reminiscent of scam artistry, even apart from the pseudoscientific foundations. The use of jargon that is ridiculous and unnecessary ("circuit-breaker" as opposed to what other kind of lockdown? they've always sold it this way), the combination of firm promises that appeal to shared values (just 10 days, it's to protect Christmas, it's to protect the NHS) ... but not without with huge asterisks (reassess at Christmas), reflecting the belief of the scammer (a well-founded one!) that they are going to piss people off when they reveal the swindle. "I TOLD you in the fine print that I was scamming you".

BTW, why are they so obsessed with doing it now? Is there really some kind of ultra-precise model that gives us such an exact prediction? No. Measurement error, problems with model specification, endless ways to correct for heteroskedasticity and non-linearity that produce different results, etc. -- and to say nothing of the fact that throughout the world there were huge death spikes in the midst of harsh lockdowns, such as in Canada, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and the UK for that matter. (I am a PhD candidate finishing my diss. in, let's say to protect my identity, applied social statistics; no one takes this kind of Potemkin Village science seriously. Yes, we all see it in journals, but everyone knows that it is bogus).

So, why? Because if there's no disaster and there's no restrictions, they likely lose their last shred of credibility.

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Here's a question: if there had never been variants Alpha through whatever came before OMyGodCron -- if this version were the initial novel virus -- would anyone have even noticed that there *was* a novel virus circulating? A virus that causes serious disease in virtually no one? Why would we have even been looking? We wouldn't. Yet because it appears after two years of neurotic panic attacks, it's going to destroy civilization as we know it.

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when does the tarring and feathering begin? these people need to be made examples of

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This is quite a curve, or perhaps we should call it a plateau as it's been pretty constant since inception by the High Priest guru of all gurus, Neil Ferguson. And he has gotten everything right so far (am I right?) with the amateur model he obviously created on his kitchen table after a bottle of red in the company of his lover (who complied with all travel restrictions in perambulating her self across London to elope). Like the poisoned dwarf, Fauci, why does anyone with 2 brain cells or more, bother with these people? It's equivalent question is "What is the meaning of life....?"

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This is happening now in CA! The “Karen’s” are out telling people to put on their masks while vaccine-injured Newsom is on vacation (after declaring an emergency)....I’m going to go crazy! I have to get out of CA!

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The only thing that got flattened is the human spirit.

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Imagine being in America and saying: avoid your family through Christmas to save the NIH and/or CDC, and about 35% of the country will gleefully sign-on. U.K. is just several paces further down the socialist path where nothing short of a full civil collapse will rock them hard enough to extract themselves from collective ruin. The Anglosphere looking pretty pathetic right now. The Chinese are enjoying this spectacle. #NotOneShot

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There are a few people I like as individuals, but I don't like humans as a species. Mostly primitive barbaric psychopaths in suits followed by dimwitted multitudes. I am a good and reliable tuna can opener and wisely ask my cats for their opinions to avoid making dumb mistakes in life.

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Have any of you read "The Real Anthony Fauci" yet?

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I am so grateful that we've had so many Phd's, Professors and people "smarter than us" to tell us what we needed to do over the last 2 years. Just imagine how much worse it would have been without them... ;-)

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A couple more months and "just two weeks" will have morphed into "just two years." :)

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I posted a few covid math memes the other day... The absolute best one imo is where anon proves covid travels at 99.7% the speed of light due to time dilation. What is 10 days in our time to something that travels so fast?

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I'm joining the fray. I was just Deeply Concerned on the sidelines but now I'm 'this little authoritarian'. It must be the meow mix, or the toxoplasmosis..

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But she is a professor and proven to be booksmart! Class let’s assume that there is a crisis and a wonderful opportunity for virtue signaling and career advancement.

What then would be the best course of action?

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I want to see the forest, but there are so many trees in the way.

The democratic West is being eviscerated to the advantage of tyrants. Lock down our societies over a disease that South African health workers affirm to be mild?

If this professor were a lighthouse, she would be a beacon announcing “here is the land of suicidal delusion and murderous mendacity.”

And the wrecks pile up on the rocks nonetheless.

People still go there.

They won’t stop until they have reduced the west to impotence and irrelevancy. Then what will stop the new power lords?

The worst part of sinking is the slow pace of the disaster.

People on the Titanic would have envied those who died in a sudden train wreck.

Pick your lifeboat.

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Yesterday's moron was a PhD. Today's moron is a professor. I can hardly *wait* to see who outdoes them tomorrow!

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Well, it is only 10 days and not 14 days like the original flatten the curve so instead of (14*10) days it should only be (10*10) days to circuit break. Phew, I was worried this might last > 100 days.

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I'm just pissing my pants over Omicron

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Nothing short of tribunals for people like this or we faith will never be restored for Public Health talking heads.

That or we're past that point and we're headed for actual totalitarianism and it doesn't matter anymore anyway.

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Truth: Humans be the staff to most little gatos. That might explainerize a few things.

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i'm calling for an indefinite end to egoflation that has proven beyond transitory for team "ignore reality" everyone enjoy your Holidays

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"I'm so excited... that I just can't hide it.. we're are all gonna die of omicron and they will like it. Yeah. Yeah." - New Anthony Fauci song.

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My vote for Person of the Year is Anders Tegnell.

“Tegnell’s underlying argument is that Covid-19 isn’t going away any time soon, meaning sudden, severe lockdowns will ultimately prove ineffective in addressing the longer-term threat.”

It was clear from the outset to anyone rational that this virus would be with us for a long time and that any efforts to address it would need to be sustainable.

But lockdowns and school closures aren’t sustainable. They are so destructive that that they could only ever be very short-term measures which, for this virus, are useless and ephemeral.

Tragically, catastrophically and heroically, Tegnell was almost alone in defending Reason against the global tidal wave of irrational Covid hysteria.

As he observed, early on:

‘The world went mad with lockdowns’.

Let’s hope the world does not go mad again.


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Trouble is, there is absolutely NOTHING that is "independent" about "Independent Sage"

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Oh right is that why every GP surgery in the country will be closed for five days over Christmas. They must not be too worried anyone will get ill over Christmas. Oh wait, hang on, Chrissie is saying we are all going to die soon despite the fact deaths from covid are dropping like a stone. But let’s not let the facts get in the way. Let’s continue to use scaremongering tactics to what? God only knows. My step son and his scared wife have just cancelled our outing Christmas Eve. It was just to pizza express. They are scared. Of what, I have no idea. And there begins the end of every hospitality venue in the UK. Well done Boris, SAGE, Chrissie you have decimated small businesses and the hospitality industry. There won’t be a lot left by the time your done. Have a great Christmas Chrissie.

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Prof. Christina Pagel is an intellectual idiot.

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I've lost a lot of respect for humans during this (and it was thin enough to begin with). If today I was magically given the choice between having to be part of this species or be a cat and have to lick my rear end daily, well...

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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

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Pagel needs to exit stage left....enough already....

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'10 day Circuit Breaker' ? Completely stupid. One word for Prof. Pagel: 'SWEDEN' !!!!!

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"How about 'no' you crazy dutch bastard." (British Bitch)

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Stupid people love to show off on Twitter?

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I love the "teaching raccoons to open tuna cans"!! Do they have raccoons in the UK? Because if they don't, they better find a substitute quick.

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