I laughed so hard there's no litter left in my box.

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The more absurd the ritual, the more likely they are to perform it.

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I would like this to be on continuous loop on CNN.

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Everything I ever learned about anthropology can be taught by Betty White in 2 minutes.


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Love Community (until Donald Glover left). We live in a world of Brittas.

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I hated how Glover got weird and political when he quit (and of course the show never recovered from the broken character dynamic). Some of his Childish Gambino stuff was interesting until he went full woke, but he should have stayed an actor.

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Please ma'am, may I have some more? (You made my day here...)

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This was freaking hilarious!! You made my day.

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Yes, R-E-S-P-I-C-T !

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Please don't insult chimpanzees. They are actually very, very smart.

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I find them fascinating but I don't like most chimps. They're monsters in the same way humans are.

I prefer gorillas. Powerful and noble and peaceful. I felt the same way about bison when I first came face to face with a rogue bull in Yellowstone.

I'd absolutely spend every morning silently drinking coffee with a Silverback lowland gorilla on a rock, just staring at each other thinking deep thoughts.

It'd be a good one-season Netflix original except they'd probably recast me as a genderqueer transracial furry or something and end up insinuating something weird and sexual with the gorilla.

God I hate this century. What were we talking about again?

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You are right!!! Chimps can be very dangerous.

I too would feel honored if I could eat some bananas and lettuce with gorillas .... very peaceful!

And as for bison, I'd like to get in a shoving match with one... I promise I won't hurt him...

Tarzan, Saint Basil complex. And yes, I howl with my Norwegian Elkhound! For sure.

Last one, I got on hands and knees to play with my dog at dog park.... BUT, I looked up, 3 dogs staring at me,, who meant business thinking what to do ...

I got up, sat at table like compliant Human muy quick

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Btw, the murderers and their lackeys are aware of NUREMBERG. EU heads think they can write it away?@? Look at fear from NSW traitors. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QtqQ1JFHfP7u/

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I am a bad boy, so falling for temptation to tell this: on fbook glory days, my picture was Silverback... I would send it, saying I was "Ruggedly handsome" AI of fbook actually came around to sending that picture as if it were me. Only one problem, the Silverback was actually MUCH better looking than me. I also told woman interviewing me, I was Ruggedly handsome

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Churchill will be spinning in his grave, roaring: "Never in the field of human leadership were so many cowed by so much stupid few".

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All alone , in the car , wearing your mask level monkeyshines

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All alone on a motorbike wearing a mask!

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Virtue signaling? I call it singing "I am a freaken moron"

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He’s make an excellent substitute bell ringer when and if the Hunchback Of Norte Dame is in Covid Quarantine

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Yet his instructor should also be wearing a WWE referee jersey while occasionally interrupting his cleaning actions with 5 Counts to warn him if he misses a spot.

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Is that a standing 5 count or 3 on the mat? Can we have Andre the Giant or el Gigante body slam him (RIP. Dudes were fun to watch back in the day LOL).

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The authentic WWE Five Count is really an multi interrupted Four Count that immediately starts over again every time the referee is conveniently distracted. Hope this helps.

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The Attenborough narration is perfection.

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Attenborough is almost certainly one of the supporters of the perpetrators.

He pulls off the earnest l, aging schoolboy bit so well.

But the entire family is inside the tent. Adjacent to power for 80 years, he’s a fan of Prince Charles, soon to replace his mum.

She’s another one.

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Hi Dr. Yeadon - unfortunately, this isn't surprising to us. I have some discomfort with criticizing another person's sovereign leadership lest I offend, but I see we are on the same page. The House of Windsor has been quite dysfunctional for a very long time and I know that even not being a royals watcher. Charles' worldview is diametrically opposed to ours and I hope if he does get to the throne, it is short-lived.

I discovered Neil Oliver a few months ago and search out his monologue each week. A man after my heart!

As a birder (twitcher to you! 🦜), I loved Attenborough's Life of Birds series, much of which was hilarious b/c of his affected pomposity.

I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas - join Neil in his refusal that it be another covid Christmas!

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That is very funny.

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I often want to throw a banana at the screen when I'm watching my UK news and BoJo the Bozo is on there. Now I KNOW I'm even more justified in doing so.

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I don't watch TV, except when I pass wife to go outside.

I start ranting and cursing.

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That is THE valid response to catching glimpses of most of what's on tv, especially "the news".

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oh boris. you’re so wacky

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Oh! Just realized... that's freaken Boris... I didn't catch that . He won't be only moron hung at NUREMBERG 2

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His dad was fanatical depopulation expert, like Gate's dad.... But don't infer anything... that would be what one of those conspiracy theorist would say....

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Gawd Almighty...

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Someone needs to do the same thing with each media outlet all repeating the same talking point over and over again... but then as a twister at the end... show them repeating over and over just the opposite since they are total and complete, brainless, heartless, soulless, thoughtless people. Jeez, in other words, they are severely "less" people... so some talented special effects person could make their faces all look like monkey faces... but alas... that would be a major insult to monkeys.

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Very zoonotic!

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I thought we were moving along with this. I rarely wear my face diaper in the store anymore (just to make the crybabies comfy) Driving home from my daddy this afternoon, I saw not one, not two but three incidents that I found hilariously disturbing or crushingly sad, you pick.

1. A guy wearing a large black mask, preparing to walk across the four lane road. He was all by himself, outside, wearing a mask. nothing close by, and no others around.

2. this is a sad one: three teen aged boys walking together outside, completely masked

3. A girl, young adult, riding a bike alone, outside. Big old mask on.

I live in Northern Virginia 35 miles west of the swamp.

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I personally don't care if other people choose to wear masks on their faces. If you wanna wear a mask everywhere, go right ahead. People did this even before Covid-19. Where I draw the line, though, if being told that I must wear a mask or I will be punished with fines, losing my job, or denied entry into public venues. This craziness is the craziness that must be stopped.

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Humans are hilarious.

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Well I, for one, really like a clean chair. I mean the guy didn't even breathe on it! Let's give him a hand, this is what being a homo sapien is all about!

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One side-effect of studying ethology is that it's hard to take human being seriously anymore. I don't see people using words to convey substantive ideas. All I see are apes hooting and beating their chests to assert dominance and get better mating opportunities.

This turns out to have surprising explanatory and predictive power.

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too funny, gatito--thanks for starting my day off with a belly laugh!!!

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Because fomites...

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Wow, Boris really has gone off the deep end.

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They dispelled the myth that covid is transmitted on surfaces like a zillion months ago. It’s all pacifiers.

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The Internet has a winner !

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That's the best thing this month.

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OMG, that's *HILARIOUS*!! Thanks for the belly laugh in the midst of the craziness!

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What's with all those news stories showing needles in people's arms these days? A lot of people hate needles.

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Most reported U.S. Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated -CDC


Variants are only detected by gene sequencing at specially equipped labs. Results are used for research. No doctor, no patient is ever informed of the variant.


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OMG...this is amazing.

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I do love this. I think there's a deeper reference to his bafoonerism that you need to be British to understand, but this guy is a complete clown. If there really is some worldwide plot for control over the proletariat or whatever, the British government are not competent enough to be a part of it

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Is he for real?

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Humor from the "Covid Kill Shot Era" March 2020 unti...? Boy, do we need it

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I tried to post a screenshot but alas.

The meme is Lucy from Charles Schulz’s Peanuts comics. She’s about to pull the football away from Charlie Brown yet again and explains,

“Just get the shots and we’ll go back to normal.”

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It’s enough to make any self respecting chimp hurl his poop! And Boris bent over the chair presents the perfect target.

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I’ve got cat-scratch-fever . Young Lions are salivating.

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