Like a jab that prevents Covid...OOPS

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

global warming is a fiction to tax us, co2 is at a 600 million year low

the Antarctic just had its coldest winter in recorded history

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I have completely stopped reading all so-called mainstream publications. This is just getting beyond ridiculous🤡🤡

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Start a nuclear war to save the environment, just sacrifice a few unimportant lives along the way.

Why do so many talking heads these days remind me of Thanos?

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Surprise Biden Move Widely Applauded

In a surprise move this morning, President Biden fulfilled his campaign promise to seat a black woman on the Supreme Court by appointing Black Lives Matters founder Patrisse Cullors directly to the SCOTUS. The appointment was announced by President Biden at the swearing-in ceremony during which he also signed an Executive Order allowing him to bypass Congress in making the appointment.

Joining the President at the swearing-in of Supreme Court Justice Cullors were Senator Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi smiling broadly in a manner that signified their approval. Both received pens the President used to sign the Executive Order.

In a unanimous show of approval, every member of the Congressional Black Caucus and every U.S. Teachers Union applauded President Bidens action and agreed that this is Socially Justiciable and indeed, a blow to yet another of the Systemic Patriarchal White Supremacist Structural Barriers that Create Real-Life Privileged Marginalization and to the White Heteropatriarchy that make it necessary to implement Trauma Informed Pedagogies and Social Emotional Learning Syllabi, starting in Kindergarten, in the ongoing effort to eliminate Race Based Traumatic Stress and induce a little Prosocial Behavior among those who so desperately need it.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau again donned blackface in support of Bidens action and said, “President Bidens action is absolutely the correct thing to do, and it reinforces my opinion that the little people should just shut up and let their betters do the thinking.” He added that his only regret is that he and his Uncle Raul didn’t think of it first.

When Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy asked President Biden if Justice Cullors had any legal qualifications to be on the Supreme Court, Biden said “Hey! C’mon Man! She’s the most article 3 represented and qualified black matters..umm…up here! She is eminently supposed to do so when in the event of a course of human events and over….you know, the Thing!”

In other news, yesterday, Hunter Biden was overheard at a crack party loudly denouncing any attempt to locate the missing $60+ million that the Black Lives Matter founders scammed out of a gullible American public. He is reported to have said that he didn’t know anything about the missing Black Lives Matter money and that neither he nor his dad nor his Uncle even KNEW Patrisse Cullors and even if he DID know her, the Secret Service will not release the name of the bank.

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If the global warming hucksters are so sure man is what is bringing about the destruction of the earth, wouldn't the most noble thing to do on their part be to commit suicide to help save the earth? Seems like they're just half-assing it by staying alive.

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Yikes. By that logic it would be climate denial not to use them. This is a far cry from mutual assured destruction: my weapon protects you, your weapon protects me.

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I'm sorry but there is just no way to argue against the point that the last two years has exposed the leftist in this country and around the world as verifiably insane. They've completely removed it from the realm of opinion and put it squarely in the the realm of demonstrable reality.

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Are these people trolling, or are they actually crazy? Or are they knowingly trying to bring this crazy stuff into existence??

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Example #423,653 that we live in a clown world…

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Wow, I may still get to have my throne of skulls on the bed of a 4x4 after all.

Would anyone like to be part of my shirtless leather-clad honor guard? The job may not have longevity but it'll be oodles of fun and lots of good exercise outdoors.

The shirtless thing is non-negotiable.

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"So much of left wing thought is a kind of playing with fire, by people who don't know that fire is hot."

~ George Orwell

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You know how bad things are getting when you can't tell what's parody vs real anymore.

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Clearly the 'nuclear' option (pun intended!) is now on the table in order to save Mother Gaia from us evil humans. Let's hope the only red button the Huff Post has access to is on their noses!!!

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Just when you think you've reached the apogee of batshit crazy.

The only way this Praetorius (oh, the irony...) idiot could Save the Planet™ via nuclear explosion is if he and the rest of his vast herd of fellow imbeciles had a big party at ground zero and were vaporized in the planet-healing fire.

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Could a small nuclear war stop COVID? Could a small nuclear war prevent hard water stains in my toilet? The possibilities are endless.

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Of course! In the age where major problems are now minor. Like, "just a little heart attack after the shot" and "just a mild case of myocarditis, but they were so brave"...

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If serious, the musings of a madman. If the elites want to initiate a second Little Ice Age and a global famine to reduce the surplus population I can think of nothing better than to emulate volcanic activity with a “small” nuclear war. The sun is already poised to do its part (reduced sunspot activity). Then our madman can write a follow up exhorting those who survive to burn more fossil fuel to reverse the war’s cooling effect because, after all, warm temperatures, longer growing seasons and high CO2 is great for agriculture.

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Just the Huffy Poser doing its job to obfuscate and distract and misinform.

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WTF is going on at HuffPost? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that if the bomb was dropped in Manhattan, these blue check bozos would have a slightly different opinion on nuking people.

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The smell of desperation in the air seems to be increasing daily. Mondays are the worst--they announce the creepiest stuff on Mondays to make sure people are paying attention.

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Oh shit. Here we go the climate change borg is going to pivot to nuclear war is good. Population reduction, nuclear winter and dictatorship due to an emergency what’s not to like?

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New variants due to radioactive mutations could be a problem.

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Forget Kerry… Wait til Bill “Now that I’ve got this whole vaccine thing figured out” Gates gets hold of this.

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WTF!!! Perhaps it’s time to teach history again?

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“Models suggest that though the world is currently in a warming trend, small-scale war could lower global temperatures…” Models have been GIGO since this mess began. They have no shame. And no brains.

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“Fission’s gonna fission”.

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In case you thought the press didn't have contempt for you

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Insanity spreads like bush fire..

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Let’s give it a try. We need to stop Global Warming now, before we reach the tipping point or bad things might happen. What’s the harm in a dash of nuclear Winter?

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i saw the john kerry on tv saying the ukraine/russia debacle is taking people's attention away from climate change--f'ing whiner!!!!! why are people still listening to him?

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Real question:

"Could a small nuclear war depopulate the west better than C0VID vaxxines?"

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That headline might be the ultimate oxymoron…and the writer probably is a moron. Good God.

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We really are entering a strange new world. Has the SR90 levels in grass gone down too much? Animals need a boost of this mineral?

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I'd say something, but this leaves me speechless......

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Just when you thought you''ve seen/heard it all here comes this little tidbit. The stupidity is rising exponentially. Place your seat backs and tray tables in their upright and locked position. Up next nuclear jabs coming to a town near you. Need just one jab I swear, no seriously this time.

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Yes, it’s called a “Nuclear Winter”. Fact Check = TRUE

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When they’re trying to normalize nuclear war, you kinda know you’re in very deep kimchee.

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thermonuclear war is a LGBT+ rights issue.

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Call the President


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Visitor's Office: 202-456-2121

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Idiots! Nuclear war is the last thing the world needs now. Especially since the raw data from the US NOAA Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) shows that temperatures in the US have been going down - not up. Tony Heller has been analyzing the data for years and posting it on his website: https://realclimatescience.com/

You can download his source code to analyze the data from: https://realclimatescience.com/unhiding-the-decline-for-windows/

You can also download the raw data directly from the NOAA using FTP: ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov

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Not sure about the environment , but it would offer a substantial excuse for an experimental medical products that happens to invade DNA and cause a bunch of cancer in a large portion of the population

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“We need to blow up the world to save it from humans.”

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Gato, don't give them any ideas. You have to appreciate that the article cited two authoritative sources, National Geographic and Time magazine. Doesn't that call for trotting out the June 2021 Time sunglasses-wearing President cover?

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That was 11 years ago; maybe the The Science changed.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022

The same crowd offolks who not only fund the research at MIT, but also the project to start the preparations to eject particles into the stratosphere to block the sun. You know...the giver of Life?

* bangs head against wall*

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and a *really* big nuclear war would do even more to fix global warming!

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These people are insane!!!!!

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The temperature change to end all temperature change

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