“It’s the right thing to do.” That’s quite an argument. I’m sure Socrates and Aristotle would be dazzled by the blinding illumination of her logic.

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Incidentally, these mask people are mentally ill. They cling desperately to this talisman, against all evidence of efficacy, hoping somehow to ward off their largely imaginary terrors. But the evil they face is within them. A mask won’t solve their problems.

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You are absolutely right. And the thing they fear isn't infection from some trumped up pandemic disease, but losing the power to bully others and feel superior doing so. They want to be bossypants for the rest of their lives.

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They were bossypants their entire lives before the coof, too.

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Yup. Like a control freak growing up in East Germany.

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I like that analogy.

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I always carry my Magic Feather like Dumbo the Elephant. It never fails me.

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Like FEMA. Make sure you mask and social distance during nuclear activities. That. Says. It. All. We are going to need God to get us out of this. I don’t deserve to be in the middle of such evil combined with utter stupidity. What could go wrong. The Ignoranus of us is ruled by the evil among us.

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As Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, "Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed ...."

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"It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals. Although such reactions may not be strictly logical, we are all subject to fear and anxiety, especially during times of crisis. One might argue that fear and anxiety are better countered with data and education than with a marginally beneficial mask, particularly in light of the worldwide mask shortage, but it is difficult to get clinicians to hear this message in the heat of the current crisis. Expanded masking protocols’ greatest contribution may be to reduce the transmission of anxiety, over and above whatever role they may play in reducing transmission of Covid-19."


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BING - go

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All you have to do is look into her left eye to realize Diana has issues.

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Yep, well spotted and spoken. Look at the childhood wound there, the fear. She is paralysed by fear, and has spent a lifetime compensating for it. The hair. Also, the name. Zicklin. Give me a break. Yeah, yeah, I know, but still. Then there's the industrial monstrosity she has strapped to her dial in her bio pic. That mask speaks of some really harrowing times there in the early days. I'd look to the mother, possibly the father. Then multiply it by the entire population and you see what we are dealing with here. An entire nation crippled by childhood anxiety manifesting as a clinging to useless symbols of safety in their adulthood.

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The eye is the window to her soul. And is that a one-way valve on the front of that “industrial monstrosity”? Caring is sharing, right?

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Thats how narcissistic personality types operate. They see danger everywhere. They are so diluted with their own superiority, that they are unable to use any critical thought. They come to a conclusion, and run with it, all along virtue signaling their superiority. They do that because they have no ego. They are ruled by their id and their warped superego. They are truly out of touch with reality.

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I think you mean that the narcissists are *deluded* with their own superiority... As in delusions. Diluted means watered down.

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But diluted makes a good point as well. :-) Superiority always does dilute the person, just as surely as they are deluded.

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misspellings = bad cat AI

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Their ego is so diluted, that they are deluded.

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Brilliantly spoken. Also, can one be a victim without some kind of symbol of fear?

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Against all evidence of effectiveness

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She's a budding dominatrix.

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That would mean she'd be slightly naughty and fun. She looks like she's neither of those things.

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A dominatrix is not necessarily "slightly naughty and fun." Some psychologically damaged clients require sessions that can end with a client having to seek medical care. Or so I'm told ...

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I wouldn't know, to be honest. I just meant a tame version, if there is such a thing.

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The dominatrix wouldn't be the one wearing a mask.

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Au contraire. Just google images of "dominatrix wearing mask," and you'll see plenty.

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I was basing my comment on actual dommes I know.

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You know you are living in some strange-ass days when the modern-day Hippocrates is a pseudonymous, ferocious yet felicitous felonious feline hailing from Puerto Rico.

What a time to be alive.

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The Bad Cat is great. He’s been standing up for Reason and Human (and feline) Freedom from the outset. Note that the Covid hysterics, many with blue checks and seemingly impressive scientific pedigrees, largely avoided him.

They couldn’t best him in debate and they knew it. So they just pretended he wasn’t there, or reported him to @jack, hoping he would eventually be cancelled.

This was the ostrich approach to the Covid debate.

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They could not best my 15 year old in a debate. He would eat them alive on Covid, climate, foreign policy, whatever.

People like Barrent consider themselves the intelligentsia, yet they are completely incapable of anything more than superficial thinking and are utterly incapable of mounting a coherent evidence-based argument.

Apparently their entire worldview consists of nonsensical slogans and platitudes: "Build Back Better", "Social Justice", "Love is Love", "Climate Change", "Systemic Racism", etc. etc. ad nauseam.

Just in the last week or so Brandon said that Putin had invaded Russia and Kamala sternly reminded Germans that they live in Europe.

These are the people with the power to destroy the planet? Lord have mercy.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

~ H.L. Mencken, On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe

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Sounds like we've finally reached Nirvana. 'Cause there be morons in the WH.

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Bless you for raising a child with a critical and well-developed mind. We need every last one of these kiddos to save our future!

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I got him started early with Hazlitt's *Economics in One Lesson* and Rothbard's *Anatomy of the State*.

He saw it at age 12 and once seen, you cannot unsee it, rather you see it everywhere. It is both a blessing and a curse, but it is better to know than to not know.

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I've been marvelling at the judgment and sagacity of the pair who tolerate my own presence. Neither of the cats have been wearing masks, nor given mRNA shots, yet they've NEVER been hospitalized. On a happy side note, I'm glad to report that the nurse attempting to administer PSA tests, to see whether they might be asymptomatic, didn't lose too much blood, and that the flesh tears are healing nicely. Unfortunately for her, cats are much more intolerant of stupid ideas than are huumans.

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In thousands of years of human civilization, almost all information ever compiled has been provably wrong. We are truly blessed to live in the only era where the government approved experts are right about everything 100% of the time.

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Reminiscent of Barrent's fellow rocket scientist Senator Kristen Gillibrand's impenetrable logic when she said of Brett Kavanaugh's accuser:

"I believe Dr. Blasey Ford because she’s telling the truth."

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Gillibrand has always been merely a place holder, with the IQ necessary for no decision making or thinking

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She's also another IPDIT asshole politician from NY. She's a moron elected by morons.

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Yeah. I didn't vote for her

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I saw her fawning over sleepy Joe after the SOTU speech. She was like a schoolgirl excited and giddy that her grandpa showed up for her volleyball game and DIDN’T do anything to embarrass her. Sad, funny, and frightening all at the same time.

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Did big Brandon go in for the sniff?

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Probably has a 'science is real' sign displayed in her yard.

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i try to drive on those lawns especially. so much un.

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Our neighbors have one that says “in Fauci we trust”. Ugh.

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Liberals are not afraid of pi$$'g off those who don't think like they do.

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IQs like that can bring down the neighborhood

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Yep. Of course, they think the same about me, their ignorant, “anti-vax” (which I’m not, except for myself) life-threatening neighbor.

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and it's not meant to be humorous?

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No—we used to talk often until they found out we weren’t vaxxed. Haven’t talked since. They won’t even come out of the house when I walk by.

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"Is it reasonable that the life of a wise man should depend upon the judgment of fools?” is a question you asked about 450 yrs ago.

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Uh, no, ma'am, the right thing to do would have been to put it up a little higher so we didn't have to stare into your crazy eyes.

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😂. I was kinda thinking the same thing! They all have those insane eyes!

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Manic eyes.

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Yeah. Spooky.

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Ha ha, they're "smizing" at you! Showing their sincere, heartfelt, loving smiles with their [crazy] eyes.

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Dazzling insanity

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I refuse to wear one. And very business that required one lost my business forever...In the big scheme of things not monumental, but little things count.

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I'm right there with you. Even if it doesn't make much of a difference in the end, we have to be principled. And principles are in very short supply any more. Seems most of the world embraces only the principles they are told to have.

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Same. Our conscience is intact. I sleep better because of my resistance.

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I'm with you on the resistance front. Wish I could say I slept better . . .

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They do. Calling out youngish, otherwise healthy men for wearing them, especially outside, is a must too. At least give them a vicious stare.

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My eyes are probably the most consistently exercised part of my body, as I roll them ostentatiously as I pass the masked up covidian zombies who are everywhere in my neighborhood. I often mutter "idiot!" not quite under my breath, or "child abuse" when I pass parents with masked up little ones. I seriously doubt any of them even process any of it.

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I love it. I do the same, but only with males (I won't call these creatures men). I say a word that rhymes with smushy. Often quite loudly (although not within earshot of children or the elderly). I suppose this just reinforces the good people's view of me as a nutter who believes in . . . wait for it . . . conspiracy theories!

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I shake my head obviously and visibly

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I like to go with kind of girly-giggly suppressed grin thing. It makes them feel stupid and embarrassed without me saying a word.

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They're soyish lads. Are they interested in girls? Who knows, what with that strange thing on their faces and all?

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I make a big deal about walking into a place to shop, and then if some martinet asks "where is your mask?" I roll my eyes and say, "I'll take my money elsewhere" as I walk out.

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Are some stores still insisting on them even though the municipalities have rolled the mask mandates back?

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I live in New Zealand. Our Marxist/globalist Prime Minister "Comrade" Jacinda Ardern has this country crushed under her tyrannical heels. She was inducted in 2014 into the WEF's "Young Global Leaders" network, so she's been working hard to destroy NZ's national sovereignty and turn over the country to the globalist Davos crowd ruling elite. She's the (ostensibly) female equivalent of Justin Trudeau -- they both have the same handlers.

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I'm in Oz and we are run by authoritarian Karens. I feel like I'm living in a low key si-fi movie.

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Cheers, mate. I'm determined to throw as many monkey wrenches into the tyrannical works as possible, until I flop into my grave in exhaustion.

Then out spake brave Horatius,

The Captain of the Gate:

“To every man upon this earth

Death cometh soon or late.

And how can man die better

Than facing fearful odds,

For the ashes of his fathers,

And the temples of his gods…”

-- “Horatius,” stanza XXVII in Lays of Ancient Rome, by Thomas Babbington Macaulay

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Good for you Vincent

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welcome to karentopia. hahaha

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sheesh, you're not kidding miss monica.

that woman is like some sort of uber karen made up from the parts of lesser karens!

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She reminds me of the Borg Queen chic that captured Picard, only crazier and less personable.

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At least the borg Queen had a point.

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gatito bueno, you have identified a new species! Normal habitat of the Lessor Karen in urban areas. Frequently nests in yuppie neighbourhoods near malls or schools. Often found in bureaucratic enclaves near political centres of power.

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They creep into my local coffee shop. Masks almost covering eyes. Order coffee snd then scurry out to get away from us unmasked sitting there enjoying life and conversation. I make sure I turn around and smile big at them. They may be people I know (very small town) but I’ll be damned if I can figure out who they are.

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Au contraire....not a new species but the overpopulated 'woke' vermin that typifies modern urbanite........Gatito Bueno is only doing what cats do best.....preying on the vulnerability & stupidity of vermin that inhabit urban areas...this is why felines came to co-habit and allow the illusion of domestication .....such vermin are easy prey whether they are taken out with glee online as here or in reality (as a cat plays with mice and rats).....

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"Terminator Karen"

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i was kind of picturing something more like "voltron," mr peter.

but then, i watch a lot of cartoons...

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right! karens featured on bad cattitude are only surpassed by the alley property rhubarb ladies :P good find, gatito bueno!

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It’s very difficult for me not to hate these people. So I’ve taken to reading Proverbs to maybe re-soften my soul.

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Agreed. Harden not our hearts

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My defense at the Pearly Gates for lacking forgiveness will be, "But Lord, you have to admit they were a**holes."

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Thank-you for the laugh!

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Point noted

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I’m trying with the lower level handmaidens of compliance but the higher rank of destruction I let my hate fly. God hates evil. Why can’t I? Yes. I will leave final justice to Him.

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Release the brakes - hate them.

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Won't she be shocked when it turns out her Chinese manufactured mask is more dangerous than the virus!!!

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Be sure not to notice the mask gap on the left side of the bridge of her snout.

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Did you notice her avatar's rubber Halloween mask?

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"I would do anything for love, but I won't do that"

~ Meat Loaf

Requiescat in pace.

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I thought it was a respirator of some sort. 🤷‍♂️

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That's her only source of oxygen!!

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If you look very close you will see wiggly things circulating within the mask. Heading for her nose and then the brain—what’s left of it.

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A guy on Twitter commented on this lady's post saying, "I don't know why you wear a mask if you're talking out of your a**."

His comment still makes me laugh.

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Stealing that.

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Hey bandit! Was it you who told me that google got into your google drive and restricted files? Because it finally happened to me. At least 20 notifications for “misleading content” (a few of them being videos that are still now up on YouTube!) and their email’s “request a review” button leads to a 404 page! It’s infuriating. None of the videos are illegal in any way, how can they legally restrict files just because they subjectively decide they contain “misleading content”? Much of which, like I said, is up on YouTube, which belongs to google. What a fucking farce we’re living through.

I need to find an alternative to google drive.

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Omigosh!! hahahaha

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She’s doing us a favor by obscuring her visage and alerting us to her tyrannical predilections.

Speaking of tyranny, is everyone here aware of the heinous revisions being proposed to the Human Rights Act in the UK? Basically they’re minimizing individual rights in favor of the “broader society” (a.k.a. the “common good,” the favorite catchphrase of dictators everywhere).

See my latest article for details:

• “Letter to the UK Government” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-uk-government)

People can send responses through tomorrow (3/8). Contact information and instructions on how to respond here:


Thanks to everyone for joining in the fight against totalitarianism!

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At least BJ is leaving a 'Human Rights Act".

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BJ, *lol*

Actually, the Human Rights Act would be getting replaced with a “Modern Bill of Rights” if this is approved 😬

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It's a few months old now, but I don't think, at the moment, you can watch this short video only once.


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its creepy and scary and true

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Haha, yep! Steve Kirsch just used that video in his call to act on the UK human rights rewrite:


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Mar 7, 2022
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The panopticon is alive and thriving 🤦‍♀️

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She needs a ball gag instead.

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Bad Blackbeard! 🤣

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Evil wears a mask.

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Schrodinger's Guidance: simultaneously to be followed and not.

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And simultaneously correct and incorrect, depending on who is observing.

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Very astute

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ha! only principle that works it seems

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WTF is that mask in her profile pic? Looks like a Turbokaren 2000 with solar-powered respirator.

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It's awesome. And look at those eyes. She'll cut you like a fish. haha!

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Interesting name, "Zicklin". Add one e, and it's "Zicklein", which is German for "female goatlet"

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How utterly apropos as her lot will mentally ingest pretty much anything.

Well, except the truth.

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and we actually call bullying ladies : Zicke :)

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Is that true? Is that German for a karen? Asking because I want to use it. Just checking with you that it is currently the vernacular?

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"Zicke" is used as a term for a woman with a tendency to disagreeableness, let's say. Prone to sudden bad mood if something doesn't go her way.

Perhaps there is some overlap with Karen, but this element of self importance and entitlement which, from what I gathered, are an important part of a "Karen", are not necessarily present in a "Zicke". Bad temper is enough!

This word may also be used somewhat affectionately when one is in a bad mood, depending on the relationship, this could lighten up the situation. Or make it worse :D

The word "Zicke" is certainly in use, I wouldn't bet on the age groups, though.

(the more common word for referring to the animal is Ziege)

"Zicklein" (diminuative) probably not, it sounds dated, and referring actually only to the animal. (then again, I guess someone might call someone that ad-hoc, to both, sound funny and defusing, but nonetheless do state his observation of the others' behavior)

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Nice. My sister is certainly a zieke. With a capital Z.

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Thank you so much!!!

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At least in Southern Germany and in Switzerland it is similar to a karen. I am not sure what a Karen is... a forever complaining lady who finds fault with everyone and everything? If yes, then it's a Zicke.

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My understanding from seeing a lot of use of it is that a Karen is someone who not only is a complainer but very much someone who interferes and often accuses others, causing them trouble.

The term started a few years ago about women who accused black men of things (robbing, threatening, etc.) in public places. They originally were from videos of such incidents with locations attached, for instance the Central Park Karen called the police on a black man who asked her to put her dog on a lead. Then there were the Starbuck's Karen and the Costco Karen, and other types of Karen. So now, a female who not only complains but interferes with people's lives for satisfaction is a karen.

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Mask Karen

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oh thank you, so from my understanding ‘Zicke’ would not fit this definition. I wouldn’t know an equivalent in German, sorry:)

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Oh. I'm happy. I learned a new word

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She is just now catching up? I've been "Ignoring the guidance" since 2020.

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Diana is kind of stoopit. Never ever listen to her Gatito kittenpants.

Today I did not wear a stupid mask to the store, I did not wear a stupid mask to the doctor, I did not wear a stupid mask anywhere. I am so grateful for my new Governor Youngkin.

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Bless him for doing what he said he'd do. Bless you for voting for him!

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In Australia, we would colloquially call her a 'wanker'...

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Always liked that word. I often use it here in Illinois. Sort of stealth insult.

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oooh! I thought that meant something else, like something guys do ...

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It does. That's why they use it. haha

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Yes, but it has migrated to be used as a more general term (aka twit; idiot; schmuck) :-)

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Looks like Ms. Bossypanties has founded her own non-profit, called, oh so dramatically, "Survivor Corps" to grift... er, I mean "support" the legions of hysterical hypochondriacs convinced they have "long Covid".

I wonder if she got advice from the Clintons?

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I am beginning to believe these folks should continue to wear the masks of their choice. I view it as a muzzle which should signal to us all, let's not listen to anything they have to say. I only want to hear from those people that I can see their faces, expressions, and interpretations from the heart. It's time to drop the anonymous public comments from behind a mask, in favor of actual discussions and dialog about the stuff of life that really matters. Muzzle the remainder of the Kool-Aid drinkers because they have nothing to contribute that we care about.

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Perfect! They self identify!

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The other day my neighbor asked “where’s your mask!!!”. I replied “ do you mean metaphorically? I always wear my metaphorical mask in public. How about you?”

She was completely flabbergasted. I thought it was pretty funny.

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love it 😏

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Saw one of those today.

Alone, in her car. And I think to myself, "Fine, you do you lady" but then I notice it's a car from the county nursing home office, meaning she's one of their outreach workers doing the rounds out here in the villages.

Seeing elders still living at home rather than in a home. So she wears her mask, a filter mask the kind you use when sanding down plaster joints and such. And I seriously doubt she switches masks between clients, or follows proper protocol seeing as she was wearing mittens while driving (which is an issue in itself, woolly mittens not known for their excellent gripping abilities on a steering wheel - and the roads are covered in ice).

And trying to find out who to mention this to was impossible: its Karen's all the way up, down, through and around the bend.

Alone in the car, wearing a mask. About as necessary as a condom on a eunuch.

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My name has been hijacked! I'm Karen, but I ain't no Karen, lol!

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Those filter masks that they use in construction sites are made to not impede what one breathes out but to keep dust and toxins out. So, she's breathing on all the old people

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"Ignore the guidance". I've been doing that since long before you tried to make it cool.

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Does she have covid? If not, she can't spread it. If so, why is she in public?

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white liberal women have lost their minds.

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They've never had it so well and they can't stop screeching about how everything sucks.

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Whew. I quit being a liberal just in time.

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We've already suffered far too much because of delusional people like this. The wave is crashing, and one more moment that we give in to these delusions, more people's lives get forever destroyed.



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The wave will come back in October...

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There’s going to be bigger problems by October. Much bigger.

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I agree, but I'm praying we're both wrong.

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I think we need to start photoshopping Steve Buscemi eyes onto these pics. Would make viewing them less traumatic.

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Marty Feldman.

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😂🤣😂🤣 I want to see that one!

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To be fair, the people that say listen to the experts are the farthest ones removed from experts due to their lack of autonomy and inability to parse complex information.

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It starts to look even more pathetic and pointless when they’re one of only a handful of people out of hundreds of unmasked individuals in an enclosed space. It’s making no difference to anyone’s risk and demonstrating only that the wearer is a rabid virtue signaller, a complete idiot, or most likely both.

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God, I wish that were the case here in NYC, especially in my brainwashed, bougie neighborhood. Masks, even and especially on little children, are still de rigueur among the zombies I see in stores, on the street, and in the elevator of my building (which still requires them). I can't get out of this city fast enough.

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and then they all come out to the Hamptons on the weekends. grrr

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Build a wall around the area, post signs "Masking mandatory inside" and don't let them out again?

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a wall around NYC? might keep the basic criminals in too. Good idea. Wasn't there a film about that? Escape to New York

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That's why they desperately want the masks on everybody. Remember last year when the CDC (for like 2 months) said you could go without a mask if you were vaxxed? The Karens HATED standing out.

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I ALWAYS ignored those signs. I’m noticeably old. I’m sure I looked jabbed.

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She and her husband are Attorneys....the legal profession has morphed into being right at all costs and winning rather than diving into the facts and nuance and coming up with a fair and equitable solution .....this creates a mindset in these people to be right and dominate in the courtroom and elsewhere rather than understand their limitations.

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I don't think facts and nuance, or fairness and equity were ever in play with this obvious shill. I doubt she would recognize any of those concepts if they came up and smacked her in the face.

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That is my point....this is what our 'Institutions of higher learning teach people like her to be" .....the ends justify the means rather than thinking more critically.

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I'm sure her education didn't help, but I suspect this woman would have turned out to be a conscienceless sociopath no matter what. Others have pointed out her crazy eyes. She probably has some sort of mental problem--whether malignant narcissism or psychopathy or whatever--that I doubt even the best education could overcome. It's true, though, that our educational system does reward people like that and reinforce their disordered thinking.

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The mindset of the proud hypocrite, who sees no problem in yelling at others for not wearing masks while going out and ignoring that, and whatever other rules they feel like ignoring:

"Anything I do is perfectly fine. Anything you do is only fine if I say it is."

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Ignoring the guidance has been the smart playbook for two years, so when the guidance gets smarter the ignorants naturally have to ignore it.

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I am not Muslim. I do not want to veil my face like she does.

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the woke hijab! haha

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Who is this person and why should I listen to them? My first impression is she is a retard.

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Retard in the sense that when one thinks he/she knows it all it only goes to show how little they know.....like I say, "The more I learn, the less I know..."

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Is there an off-ramp for the chronic maskers? Ever?

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You could almost find something positive about these venomous shots when you contemplate the maskers' survival odds.

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I have this awful feeling that that is actually happening and they will lump it in with everything as Long Covid.

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My husband was watching the "news" tonight which means in our small apartment, I had to, too. Lo and behold, the announcer was solemnly listing all the terrible long lasting consequences that people got from "covid". What do you know? They were a laundry list of the side effects of the jab. Now isn't that a coincidence! So yeah, they're already on it.

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Yes. Putin is suffering looooooong covid! lol

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For about 30 years

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In my karenstan, a week after mask/vax mandates were lifted, people are still going around outdoors in N95s. So ... I'd say No.

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In mine too. Near a university, by any chance? What utter ladies these males out here are. And they don't even identify as women.

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Yep, you got it! A very large and prestigious Midwestern university. And here's the connection as I see it: The more "intellectual" you are, the harder you fell for the bullsh*t.

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Hyde Park or Evanston?

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Evanston. Almost as bad as Hyde Park.

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I was afraid you were going to say Evanston! 😂 Even pre-Covid, it was Karentopia. Lovely place, though. I'm in the south suburbs (South Holland). People out here are mask happy but non-confrontational. I went to Sam's Club yesterday and it was about 30% unmasked but in seeing a lot more masks under noses and as chin guards. Just take 'em off, folks!

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Week before Feb 28 in Illinois Walmart was handing out N95 masks. But by magic the mask police were gone and the signs down on the 28 . Maybe there was overstock.

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I used to be tolerant and respectful to those wearing masks. Now I just think they are idiots.

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Those bat crap crazy eyes 👀.

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You can tell she thinks it’s one of her attractive features. They scream “unhinged” to me.

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Ignore the mask crazies. It’s the right thing to do.

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I don't think I could hate this person more if I tried. The worst kind of Karen.

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Wow! The face of our dystopian future. A face that only a mother might recognize. What gesture hides behind the veil; a smile, a pout, or perhaps the permanence of resting bitch face.

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Dystopian present, you mean.

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Indoors. Wear a red nose. And clown shoes. It's the right thing to do. If you're a clown.

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She also seems to be a lying liar. Lying that all the clot shot side effects are Long Covid. I wonder if Pfizer pays her.

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Yeah, cause she's so obviously an expert, er I mean lobbyist. I see from her profile she's involved with something called Covid Survival Corps, which sounds very much like one of those bogus "foundations" for disease sufferers set up by Big Pharma. And the clincher in case I had even a shred of an idea she might be a real human being with a functioning brain, she gives her pronouns. 🤢🤮

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In the UK, we refer to people like this as "A FUCKING BELLEND"

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By far one of my most favorite (sorry, favourite) British insults.

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Obviously you are not from the UK. "Bellend" refers to the bell shaped end of the phallus 🇬🇧😁. I like it, because it doesn't qualify as a swear word, but if prefixed with a swear word, makes a wonderful insult. You could too easily use the word "cunt" but it's too heavily loaded with hate and these cretins are not worthy of the investiture that hate requires.

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Lol! So, bellend = dickhead?

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Twitter is a mistake for humanity. Who is this woman and why should anyone care what she has to say?

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Nobody and no reason whatsoever.

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I know someone that I guess is passive aggressive mask wearer around me. Showing her disapproval of my unvaxxed status.

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She’s shedding on you. Use a lint roller often when around her. Tit for tat.

At least you’re the one who looks normal.

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No gatito, she doesn't know. Some hairless apes really lack self-awareness.

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Her Kingfa mask was manufactured in China. Strike Three.

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And what happened to forever masking? So she's not just stupid, ignorant, and overbearing; she's a major-league hypocrite! Who would have ever guessed?

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It gets worse. She is posing with coworkers and thinks is is ok to be so close because she is outside. This is a moron.

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In her bio, she calls herself "Warrior Princess" and "Covid Disruptor".

Crazy town.

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Wow. Is she a 14yr old girl?

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She's a leftist, almost all of them are.

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I love that she got a lot of pushback from her own kind

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Yep! Bullies will look for any opening to bully, and are no respecters of person or relationship. It's also a glimpse of the final phase of all totalitarian regimes, when they start turning on one another, and then the truly gruesome slaughter begins. Let's hope it doesn't come to that--not for their sake, but for ours.

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They will eat their own when the basis of their thinking is not reality.

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Maybe she should take the plastic bag challenge instead.

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That was deliciously scary

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