You just described most of the sheeple in Canada, especially BC. Pathetic, dronelike creatures, subservient to anything their government masters say. Especially, if the sheep voted for the government. “Why would my government ever lie? The media always tells the truth, right?”
Well, the compliant just got screwed today. They got their jabs, they got their boosts, they got their vaxports. Closed the gyms, closed the pubs, closed the arenas, closed all parties until late January. They complied, they got screwed. Will they believe now, that the government is evil?
I think there's one thing that is both very sad and very dangerous at the same time. The person in the picture is an example of the portion of the population that has been made extremely scared. And we have them in Ontario, Canada too. In their minds, they're fighting for their lives. It's dangerous because when they feel backed into a corner as when they're around people who are NOT scared out of their wits of covid, they will also fight: they'll do what ever they think is legal or acceptable to you to protect themselves. These are sheep with big talons and long horns and they are dangerous to those of us not hypnotized. It is even more sad when people of faith are like this. Religious faith is supposed to make you not fear death; that's what Jesus taught us.
No. I met 2 yesterday. Triple jabbed. Looked grayish like corpses. Only watch PBS and only pay attention to alerts. Have no idea what is in the shots. Do not know about deaths or injuries. Still mouth safe and effective and I am the fool. See who survives.
Hooray for BC, so proud of the compliance.. Most want more rules. Bonnie & Dix are doing a great job of that, woo hoo.Merry Christmas. We'll be the last place to be liberated and first for the most small business closures, mental health issues and petrified school children. More people have died of drug over doses during this pandemic than C0vid.
My boss applauded the boosters and is ENCOURAGING everyone to get vaxxed all the while being a Victims Services Volunteer. I wonder which is genuine to her?
how would she possibly have natural immunity with Pfizer x3? maybe she had the vid before the Pfiz, but after the Pfiz, poof! there goes your natural immunity!
You’re wrong. Collectively we are guilty of not making enough fun of people. As a whole we have allowed our standards to slip so far as to tolerate even the most absurd. In doing so, we have given degeneracy a womb. That vile and outright stupidity has now been delivered. It has grown into an adult like the one you see in the picture.
I was wondering if this was a parody account so I looked at her Twitter account and the next tweet is about all the looks she is getting at Newark. It seems like lots of people think she is strange and not at all normal.
My sister just flew thru Newark Sunday and said it was the worst, most unorganized shit show she has ever seen and she lived in Egypt & the former Soviet union for years. She said if she didn’t have covid before she definitely has it after laying over at newark
Nothing has changed then. My mother was a stewardess. She hated flying through Newark. HATED it. Whenever one of her workmates would have to fly through there, she'd joke, "Send my love to Newark." (P.S. I hope your sister doesn't fall ill.)
She said the people were screaming at each other in line. It sounded horrible. And she’s very tolerant of crazy flying situations. I once got stuck in the Newark airport for 9 hours. Horrible.
I know, right? I was in suburban NJ today, Maskless. I've been maskless everywhere but NJ doesn't currently have a mask mandate. This tall man tried to scare me, looming over me giving me such a look...
I decided I had to follow him closely out the door.
I've read about mass formation psychosis. I think she's an example. It's both sad and frightening. I think there's an interview with Dr. Malone where he mentions this.
There is an excellent interview on you tube where Dr. Mattais Desmet discusses this in terms of what we are currently witnessing on a global scale, for anyone interested.
Out of curiousity have you read about this "mass formation" anywhere other than Desmet's interviews? I did a quick search for it after seeing his original interview and it appears to be a term that is basically never used. I wonder if maybe it's an odd translation of a different term in English.
Good question! Desmet is the first person I’ve heard that specific term from, although the concept dates back millennia, from Étienne de La Boétie to Machiavelli to Gustave Le Bon to Joost Meerloo.
I had a routine consult with a new gyn yesterday. No exam, just a initial visit. She was probably late 30s and was wearing scrubs, a head covering, gloves, an n95 mask, a surgical mask, a cloth mask and a face shield. Her first words to me were that she had to be extremely cautious because she had children and omicron was so dangerous. I had a lot of difficulty understanding anything she was saying. She also rolled the stool she sat on as far away from me as possible. I won't be seeing her again.
It's amazing, isn't it, that corporate doctors act like all their patients have leprosy. And, I think of the great medical heroes of the past, of the saints (Mother Teresa, for instance) that sacrificed their lives to help people, those that got us to where we are, that fought the great diseases, that cared for their people with compassion, and I despise these medical cowards.
Thank goodness...I was going to recommend the same thing. The quality of people admitted to medical school now (and as house staff) has declined so much that many in our medical school class (of several decades ago) have made a pact to take care of each other until the last one is dead instead of letting ourselves into the clutches of some of these people (like this one) who clearly lack the mental capacity to be competent doctors. Prima facie, if you were competent you would not be acting like science to a word she said. This kind of behavior is really unforgivable from someone who should know better. At least find a doctor who understands immunity, biology, and human behavior.
I went to medical school nearly 40 years ago and it was shite then. I suddenly woke up on the very first day when the Dean addressed the incoming class and said "you are the creme of society"
I had my head on a swivel and only about eight other people weren't in thrall to that statement.
Made friends with them after the talk.
Mostly good people but all lost to me now.
two or three doctors amongst them but I would not trust them any more than any other doctor who still has a license.
Wow wtf. Meanwhile she’s prolly already sacrificed her children to the injections. Why do people keep lining up for their shots if they don’t feel they work? Mass psychosis.
Unfortunately, according to my own research, this is still going to be ineffective. To quote an interview with Dr. Yulmer Bronnstein, famed clinician and respiratory researcher: "For many years now we have had conclusive, scientific evidence that a tightly wrapped plastic bag, over the human head, is by far the most effective means of excluding the entry of ALL foreign particulate matter into the human airways..."
Then he smiled, adding "So efficacious as to even exclude oxygen."
I wonder if she ever did anything meaningful to protect herself? Like exercise, fresh air, proper diet, vitamins like D, C, Zinc. I'm going to guess not so much.
Interesting. I have seen people like this in person, but I did not know they advertised it. I assumed they just went home and sat in a corner feeling ashamed.
Her pronouns are "variable." Does that mean she wakes up each day and decides what she is going to be for the day or maybe just the hour? I should say "it" wakes up.
If she is so afraid of living, she has already started dying. The truly sad part is that she is exactly the one who will applaud, perhaps even assist, the government goons who arrive at a pureblood’s door to forcibly inject or worse yet, carry off to imprison in a FEMA camp. She will be the one applauding the starvation of children when their pure blood parents are locked out of all commerce, including buying food. She’ll be saying, “Tragic, but they deserve what they got.” Tyranny depends on millions of panicked fearful sheep like her. Freedom is too good for her.
Also, she clearly doesn’t realize that with every booster she takes she is limiting the effectiveness of her natural immunity - training her immune system to produce antibodies to fight a spike protein that no longer exists in whatever is the new variant.
Or applaud the new born baby born the other day from a mother who was "fully vaccinated" and died with blood pouring out of every orifice. After all, if it saves just one life...
I know. When I read this I had to put my phone down. And I wept. Then I went looking to see if it was true. Found it. Have spent the day in an absolute rage. Biden’s speech didn’t help matters at all.
As if the attention that they knew they were guaranteed to receive in public for this absurd display wasn't enough to satisfy their fragile ego, they had to also crap a selfie onto social media so their equally unwell support system could have the opportunity to cosign their madness and blatant narcissism 😂
I thought the same thing. It makes me wonder what her life has been like to predispose her to such anxiety and mental fragility. This is surely not the look of a healthy resilient person
We must remember that folks this young have spent their entire lives staring at screens, reading and viewing crap and propaganda. In other words, not living in the actual real world. Their minds have not developed properly. Just my theory. Sad isn’t the word for it.
“Give me liberty or give me—oh wait, you mean I might catch a cold? OMG OMG OMG Omicron. Here, here, take your liberty and give me that sweet sweet suffocating safety!“
The people that perpetuated this hysteria need to look at this poor women and feel ashamed of themselves. I include the president who said: "We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm" This kind of manipulation comes from the evil authoritarians that only want more power and will use anything to get their way. People need to see who the evil ones are and push back and run them out of office and places of authority!
I keep reading the comments and then going back to her face, looking at it from different angles and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m still not convinced anyone can be THAT scared and STILL will fly without a parachute
And, I may be wrong, but just as I've mentioned about almost every single one of these lunatics that are terrified and screaming at the top of their lungs for everyone to get their "vaccine"... Overweight.
Is there any possibility this satire/parody? There are some wicked parody accounts on Twitter, some of the threads are amazing - always with a few outraged responses from those who haven't yet figured it out.
it is called mysophobia (fear of germs). it is epidemic (ironic, no?) comorbid with mass formation. in the good old days it was called hysteria. Freud's favorite.
My first thought was that this was pure sarcasm, but then I saw her address '@telefeminism' and was instantly disabused of this notion. She is for real, real.
And scary, scary. This is not your everyday Karen, this is a dedicated professional.
Exactly like our mind controlled government and the so called powers that shouldn't be that fancy themselves elite want it....sick from birth to a premature death with lots of suffering in between.... Dystopian world at it's finest 😥.....
I apologize for saying this publicly, albeit in a space just chock-full of folks who probably agree. The real downside of this whole COVID-19 dumpster fire is that it is unlikely to result in winners of the Darwin Awards, despite the fact that we all wish it would!
With due apologies and salutations for replying to my own post, was beginning to think this was satire. From all indications, it is not. This young lady is nearly psychotic. Dayum!
I think she'd do the same thing in her car, minus the xanax, hopefully. Even in Houston, I regularly see people masked up alone in their cars. Sometimes with gloves on. Still.
One might be concerned about the potentially harmful effects of hypoxia-induced cognitive failure in such cases. However, upon further inspection, clear evidence of certain pre-existing conditions nullifies THOSE concerns.
If you're that scared just stay the fuck home.
But it’d be so much harder to signal the virtues by staying home!
Look at the eyes. She's crazy.
bat shit
double secret probation bat shit
And that’s on a “shitton of Xanax.”
Exactly what I was thinking. Lock yourself in a closet and don't come out till the world has come to an end !
she may as well go dig a 6 foot hole in the back yard for when she's ready to jump in...
Sadly, the CDC has already thought of that...
Household (HH) Level:
A specific room/area designated for high-risk individuals who are physically isolated from other HH members.
You just described most of the sheeple in Canada, especially BC. Pathetic, dronelike creatures, subservient to anything their government masters say. Especially, if the sheep voted for the government. “Why would my government ever lie? The media always tells the truth, right?”
Well, the compliant just got screwed today. They got their jabs, they got their boosts, they got their vaxports. Closed the gyms, closed the pubs, closed the arenas, closed all parties until late January. They complied, they got screwed. Will they believe now, that the government is evil?
They won’t wake up.
Those that are awake have to do the dirty work.
Like this Bulgarian guy said on Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs podcast
“With sticks, with stone, with knife and guns we will protect our children”
Enough said.
I think there's one thing that is both very sad and very dangerous at the same time. The person in the picture is an example of the portion of the population that has been made extremely scared. And we have them in Ontario, Canada too. In their minds, they're fighting for their lives. It's dangerous because when they feel backed into a corner as when they're around people who are NOT scared out of their wits of covid, they will also fight: they'll do what ever they think is legal or acceptable to you to protect themselves. These are sheep with big talons and long horns and they are dangerous to those of us not hypnotized. It is even more sad when people of faith are like this. Religious faith is supposed to make you not fear death; that's what Jesus taught us.
We must be neighbours
No. I met 2 yesterday. Triple jabbed. Looked grayish like corpses. Only watch PBS and only pay attention to alerts. Have no idea what is in the shots. Do not know about deaths or injuries. Still mouth safe and effective and I am the fool. See who survives.
Hooray for BC, so proud of the compliance.. Most want more rules. Bonnie & Dix are doing a great job of that, woo hoo.Merry Christmas. We'll be the last place to be liberated and first for the most small business closures, mental health issues and petrified school children. More people have died of drug over doses during this pandemic than C0vid.
My boss applauded the boosters and is ENCOURAGING everyone to get vaxxed all the while being a Victims Services Volunteer. I wonder which is genuine to her?
Hahaha, was about to write the same!
That’s what she didn’t say
The kicker: Pfizer x3, negative rapid test, natural immunity.
The presence of each of these illustrates she does not actually believe the other two work.
how would she possibly have natural immunity with Pfizer x3? maybe she had the vid before the Pfiz, but after the Pfiz, poof! there goes your natural immunity!
This is sad. She is unwell. Psychiatrically unwell. We must not make fun of her.
Yes we must. She would do it to you. She would take everything from you.
Yes. She would scream and throw rocks at you as the public health goons are hauling you unvaxxed away to the concentration camps.
OMG look at this Trump lady getting her ass best, it's a new day you guys!
You’re wrong. Collectively we are guilty of not making enough fun of people. As a whole we have allowed our standards to slip so far as to tolerate even the most absurd. In doing so, we have given degeneracy a womb. That vile and outright stupidity has now been delivered. It has grown into an adult like the one you see in the picture.
People like her are destroying the country. We have a moral obligation to make fun of her.
She’s doing it for attention. MAJOR virtue-signaling points here.
Naturally, her mask says "vote"
now I'm even more sad that she votes.
I vote, too. And my voting pattern, established and consistent over 30 years, has… changed because of this insanity:
Who cares, voting doesn’t matter worth a shit. Oh no, here come the comments 😱
So THATS what it says!
I wonder how she would react to somebody saying they would vote 'incorrectly.'
Doesn't matter, if she's doing the counting
Perhaps. But we also should not condone (accept as normal) such behavior.
I was wondering if this was a parody account so I looked at her Twitter account and the next tweet is about all the looks she is getting at Newark. It seems like lots of people think she is strange and not at all normal.
At least that means there's hope for Newark.
My sister just flew thru Newark Sunday and said it was the worst, most unorganized shit show she has ever seen and she lived in Egypt & the former Soviet union for years. She said if she didn’t have covid before she definitely has it after laying over at newark
Nothing has changed then. My mother was a stewardess. She hated flying through Newark. HATED it. Whenever one of her workmates would have to fly through there, she'd joke, "Send my love to Newark." (P.S. I hope your sister doesn't fall ill.)
She said the people were screaming at each other in line. It sounded horrible. And she’s very tolerant of crazy flying situations. I once got stuck in the Newark airport for 9 hours. Horrible.
When I first saw this my initial thought was ‘she must live in NY’.
They are deep into it there.
So sad really….this amount of irrational fear.
I know, right? I was in suburban NJ today, Maskless. I've been maskless everywhere but NJ doesn't currently have a mask mandate. This tall man tried to scare me, looming over me giving me such a look...
I decided I had to follow him closely out the door.
Who's intimidated now?
And that's definitely sayin' something at Newark! lol
very, very, VERY strange!
Inadvertent, unconscious parody accounts are the very best
Imagine that
Could be satire :)
(I have no interest in diving into her twitter feed to find out.)
No. Like she thinks the unvaxxed deserve what they get, she deserves all the ridicule and mocking she gets.
I make fun of bullies. It’s necessary.
Just because the alternative is often a felony.
Only if you get caught.
I say go Full on Mock: if this is real, she needs shock therapy. So do any other Coronamaniacs.
Even sadder: she is only one of the 30% or so of the population that are! The psychiatrists will be very busy in the years ahead.
The psychiatrists are the ones who caused this……
Sarcasm and ridicule, plus a General Patton-like slap across the face, are the only things that might work here.
No, it’s self I flicked, we must make fun of her to ensure this is rock bottom.
Or maybe we could all chip in for a fake hazmat suite she won’t be able to tell from a real one 😂
One of those white, plastic painters suits should do the trick, for appearances sake.
I think we need to make it yellow....... these people are obsessed with color and what they see in movies.
She is half the country.
and I thought my needle happy friends were mad for getting an expired bottle of something from which the 2 first proved not working....
I've read about mass formation psychosis. I think she's an example. It's both sad and frightening. I think there's an interview with Dr. Malone where he mentions this.
There is an excellent interview on you tube where Dr. Mattais Desmet discusses this in terms of what we are currently witnessing on a global scale, for anyone interested.
He’s done so many great interviews, but I included a good one in my “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (
Thanks. I have seen many of his but will be sure to check it out too.
Here you go:
Out of curiousity have you read about this "mass formation" anywhere other than Desmet's interviews? I did a quick search for it after seeing his original interview and it appears to be a term that is basically never used. I wonder if maybe it's an odd translation of a different term in English.
Sounds the same as mass hysteria:
Actually, the abstract pretty much describes exactly what is happening.
Wow, phenomenal find, Vanda!
I think it's his term. I think he invented it
Good question! Desmet is the first person I’ve heard that specific term from, although the concept dates back millennia, from Étienne de La Boétie to Machiavelli to Gustave Le Bon to Joost Meerloo.
I point and laugh at all covid death culters as well as the leaders they follow.
Would have been so much cheaper just to tie a plastic bag around her head.
She literally smothered herself. I honestly don't know how she survived it.
I had a routine consult with a new gyn yesterday. No exam, just a initial visit. She was probably late 30s and was wearing scrubs, a head covering, gloves, an n95 mask, a surgical mask, a cloth mask and a face shield. Her first words to me were that she had to be extremely cautious because she had children and omicron was so dangerous. I had a lot of difficulty understanding anything she was saying. She also rolled the stool she sat on as far away from me as possible. I won't be seeing her again.
It's amazing, isn't it, that corporate doctors act like all their patients have leprosy. And, I think of the great medical heroes of the past, of the saints (Mother Teresa, for instance) that sacrificed their lives to help people, those that got us to where we are, that fought the great diseases, that cared for their people with compassion, and I despise these medical cowards.
Thank goodness...I was going to recommend the same thing. The quality of people admitted to medical school now (and as house staff) has declined so much that many in our medical school class (of several decades ago) have made a pact to take care of each other until the last one is dead instead of letting ourselves into the clutches of some of these people (like this one) who clearly lack the mental capacity to be competent doctors. Prima facie, if you were competent you would not be acting like science to a word she said. This kind of behavior is really unforgivable from someone who should know better. At least find a doctor who understands immunity, biology, and human behavior.
I went to medical school nearly 40 years ago and it was shite then. I suddenly woke up on the very first day when the Dean addressed the incoming class and said "you are the creme of society"
I had my head on a swivel and only about eight other people weren't in thrall to that statement.
Made friends with them after the talk.
Mostly good people but all lost to me now.
two or three doctors amongst them but I would not trust them any more than any other doctor who still has a license.
Wow wtf. Meanwhile she’s prolly already sacrificed her children to the injections. Why do people keep lining up for their shots if they don’t feel they work? Mass psychosis.
I would have laughed and walked out.
Please tell me you verbalized to this person how crazy you think she is. They need to hear it. They need to feel push-back.
What's really terrifying is this doc will get her kids jabbed. No grandchildren for her ...
That may be a good thing...
Yep. Some genes don't belong in the pool.
yes, my respect for the medical and the veterinary professions has sunk to new lows.
One of the vets I used to go to has a sign on the door saying wearing a mask protects us all.
I went in mask-less to argue the point and she was agreeing with me, from behind her mask.
I basically argued that our compliance was dooming us all.
But there was (of course) no change in behaviour.
Now I am sure she feels justified as the .gov has now made a masks everywhere at all times mandate again.
Yes, even outdoors alone again.
Thank goodness my vet (so far) & staff even though masked don't say anything to me for not being. I refuse.
needless to say I won't comply as I didn't the first time. I hate having to even carry one around so as to avoid being fined. Can't afford the fines.
I'm glad you won't be seeing her. She clearly doesn't know much.
That's terrifying.
humans are gullible, unlike cats. that's why cats enjoy nine lives while most humans can't enjoy one.
"....while most humans can't enjoy one." Very droll....
great comment
Unfortunately, according to my own research, this is still going to be ineffective. To quote an interview with Dr. Yulmer Bronnstein, famed clinician and respiratory researcher: "For many years now we have had conclusive, scientific evidence that a tightly wrapped plastic bag, over the human head, is by far the most effective means of excluding the entry of ALL foreign particulate matter into the human airways..."
Then he smiled, adding "So efficacious as to even exclude oxygen."
I wonder if she ever did anything meaningful to protect herself? Like exercise, fresh air, proper diet, vitamins like D, C, Zinc. I'm going to guess not so much.
Stop spreading misinformation! /s
Clearly already acquiesced her health to the Gods of Pharma.
This has got to be satire
The reason that it's not satire
"🗳(she/her)" is in her profile.
But that's part of the play, no?
No, I read enough of her tweets. I also thought (hoped) it was satire but it doesn't appear to be.
Agreed. Horrific.
It could be. She (if it is a she) does have 'Resist' in their header.
Honestly how can you tell these days?
She never updated her header, it still means "resist Trump"...
I figured as much after reading a few more of her tweets.
Yes they still have Trump on the brain.
I actually believe this is a satire account, but it is easy for people to mistake the difference since it closely aligns with real life
I read a number of tweets. I'm convinced it's real. But I concede the difficulty. Poe's Law os ruling the day.
If she's a Poe, she's the most brilliant one I've run across.
She limits who can respond, a sign she's serious.... satirists want more attention if they go out of their way to do this stuff.
Interesting. I have seen people like this in person, but I did not know they advertised it. I assumed they just went home and sat in a corner feeling ashamed.
Me too.
I really hope so.
It's not. It's the real thing. would be a close fit
Her pronouns are "variable." Does that mean she wakes up each day and decides what she is going to be for the day or maybe just the hour? I should say "it" wakes up.
i am considering referring to myself as a shee/it...hehe.
what the sweet F is an 'ecosexual?' i think i need to introduce her to a grizzly bear, up close and personal!
Titiana is a man in real life. But as Donald said, one of the better satirists of woke around.
I thought the same
If she is so afraid of living, she has already started dying. The truly sad part is that she is exactly the one who will applaud, perhaps even assist, the government goons who arrive at a pureblood’s door to forcibly inject or worse yet, carry off to imprison in a FEMA camp. She will be the one applauding the starvation of children when their pure blood parents are locked out of all commerce, including buying food. She’ll be saying, “Tragic, but they deserve what they got.” Tyranny depends on millions of panicked fearful sheep like her. Freedom is too good for her.
Also, she clearly doesn’t realize that with every booster she takes she is limiting the effectiveness of her natural immunity - training her immune system to produce antibodies to fight a spike protein that no longer exists in whatever is the new variant.
Yep. Your enemy can be pitiful, but they are still your enemy.
A malnourished 8-year old with an AK can and will still shoot you in the face.
In media vita morte sumus - In the middle of life we dead - medieval hymn
Or applaud the new born baby born the other day from a mother who was "fully vaccinated" and died with blood pouring out of every orifice. After all, if it saves just one life...
what?! The mother bled to death. Please don't say it was the baby? Please tell me this isn't real?
I know. When I read this I had to put my phone down. And I wept. Then I went looking to see if it was true. Found it. Have spent the day in an absolute rage. Biden’s speech didn’t help matters at all.
I'm with you. So many people (tyrants and the non-thinkers) to be mad at but I feel sorry for them. I don't know where to put these feelings.
Coulda just gone with the Xanax and some Whiskey and you woulda been covered.
As if the attention that they knew they were guaranteed to receive in public for this absurd display wasn't enough to satisfy their fragile ego, they had to also crap a selfie onto social media so their equally unwell support system could have the opportunity to cosign their madness and blatant narcissism 😂
Look into the abyss of absolute insanity in those eyes. This person should be in an asylum not walking around in public.
Yes. Serious cray cray. You see eyes like that - you run.
One sees that in horses that have gone loco.
Also note this person has apparently already had covid and is still this terrified of catching a milder variant?!
Wow. This country has a real mental health crisis. 🥺
A fabricated, deviously engineered mental health crisis. And it didn't start two years ago.....
I think the Battle of Dunkirk was fought with less equipment! 🤣
This is the perfect picture to describe the last 2 years.
If she had just started w the “shitton of Xanax”, she would’ve skipped all that other bullshit, and rightfully so!
Yes. Efficiency.
No, this person is not ok. And while it's easy to make fun of her, this is actually sad.
Think about how enthusiastic this person would be for legislation that marches us all off to quarantine camps. Are you still sad?
Yes indeed I am. I believe in God's judgement and if people you describe persist like that it will not go well for them.
From your mouth, to God's ear...
I thought the same thing. It makes me wonder what her life has been like to predispose her to such anxiety and mental fragility. This is surely not the look of a healthy resilient person
We must remember that folks this young have spent their entire lives staring at screens, reading and viewing crap and propaganda. In other words, not living in the actual real world. Their minds have not developed properly. Just my theory. Sad isn’t the word for it.
Excellent observation/theory!
Not just easy, but necessary.
To her credit, she makes sure the reader doesn't confuse her with the X-Files agent named Dana, i.e. the rational one who relies on scientific data.
“Give me liberty or give me—oh wait, you mean I might catch a cold? OMG OMG OMG Omicron. Here, here, take your liberty and give me that sweet sweet suffocating safety!“
The people that perpetuated this hysteria need to look at this poor women and feel ashamed of themselves. I include the president who said: "We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm" This kind of manipulation comes from the evil authoritarians that only want more power and will use anything to get their way. People need to see who the evil ones are and push back and run them out of office and places of authority!
I keep reading the comments and then going back to her face, looking at it from different angles and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m still not convinced anyone can be THAT scared and STILL will fly without a parachute
I’m gonna laugh if this person gets Covid anyway.
Yeah, but she looks young. She'll be fine. And then she will go on and on about the vaccines that saved her.
The "vaccines" will not save her. The damage is cumulative, and she's already had three (and counting).
She's already had it and (presumably) survived.
Nice safety gear! Now, what if the plane crashes?
I regularly see masked, helmet-free New Orleans bicyclists blowing through red lights. Safety first!
No, gatito. The humans are not OK.
Even the humans that are the exact opposite of this, like yours truly, are not OK.
She’s a feminist!
Of course, look at how strong and brave she is
And, I may be wrong, but just as I've mentioned about almost every single one of these lunatics that are terrified and screaming at the top of their lungs for everyone to get their "vaccine"... Overweight.
The mascot of poor mental health.
Is there any possibility this satire/parody? There are some wicked parody accounts on Twitter, some of the threads are amazing - always with a few outraged responses from those who haven't yet figured it out.
OMG, she's serious.
This is what Menticide looks like folks.
it is called mysophobia (fear of germs). it is epidemic (ironic, no?) comorbid with mass formation. in the good old days it was called hysteria. Freud's favorite.
Wasn't it Howard Hughes who isolated himself through a fear of germs? Or was it Jack Nicholson in that movie with Helen Hunt As good as it gets?
I thought for sure this was a parody account so I went to see on Twatter. Nope. She's this crazy. And all her other tweets are, too.
My first thought was that this was pure sarcasm, but then I saw her address '@telefeminism' and was instantly disabused of this notion. She is for real, real.
And scary, scary. This is not your everyday Karen, this is a dedicated professional.
Indeed. Recruitment is at an all-time high.
“Secondary mask for displaying opinions” says it all: smug, intolerant, condescending, and not the least bit self-aware.
you've literally described 95% of Australians in one caption
Gatito, you must report this to the appropriate authorities: who is looking after her cats while she's away spreading crazy?
Good lord. Somebody please rescue her cats, if that's the case. She has probably given them boosters already, against their will.
This is pathological
Exactly like our mind controlled government and the so called powers that shouldn't be that fancy themselves elite want it....sick from birth to a premature death with lots of suffering in between.... Dystopian world at it's finest 😥.....
You said it
Would be interesting to see her rxn to an oxygen mask drop.
I apologize for saying this publicly, albeit in a space just chock-full of folks who probably agree. The real downside of this whole COVID-19 dumpster fire is that it is unlikely to result in winners of the Darwin Awards, despite the fact that we all wish it would!
With due apologies and salutations for replying to my own post, was beginning to think this was satire. From all indications, it is not. This young lady is nearly psychotic. Dayum!
No way this is real! And if it is, no way she is married. To a man, at least.
Read what it says under her name beside the small cameo picture. 'telefeminism'.
She is really dedicated then as she has tweeted a lot about her mental health.
(x) Pronouns in bio
She should just drive.
I think she'd do the same thing in her car, minus the xanax, hopefully. Even in Houston, I regularly see people masked up alone in their cars. Sometimes with gloves on. Still.
Can't drive on Xanax...
Her mother was not very kind to her. Obviously.
Apparently, with good reason!
CNN much?
My money is on her being from the PNW. Probably Seattle. Probably Fremont neighborhood. Although she looks clean so maybe Capitol Hill S.
Thought she was a nimrod right up until the shitton of xanex. Laughed. Then really had a good laugh over the pic. Another low oxygen voter.
This reads like satire.
It's satire.....right?
To quote John McEnroe "You cannot be serious".
One might be concerned about the potentially harmful effects of hypoxia-induced cognitive failure in such cases. However, upon further inspection, clear evidence of certain pre-existing conditions nullifies THOSE concerns.