The vaccines turn out to be not so popular among the truly "essential" workers who make cities, ports, hospitals and planes go. Their holding the line may yet save this republic.

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Hate to say it but a lot of Californians aren't going to realize the effects of these mandates until it affects them personally. When they have a fire, and there's no firefighters; when they need a paramedic and there aren't any; when their children become vaccine injured. Hospital staffing is also going to be a huge issue. The question is going to be whether these people will blame the people making the mandates or blame the unvaccinated themselves. For record, I live in So Cal, am a "covid survivor" (three weeks of misery but no hospital), and refuse to be vaccinated for many reasons, but also because my group (previous covid infection) was excluded from clinical studies used to obtain EUA/FDA approval. However, I am careful as to who I sharel my vaccination status with, if I am not prepared to be yelled at, called stupid, or as happened once, have someone jump out of the car at a stop sign upon learning my status. (lol)

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I am born/raised in So. Cali, my story is nearly identical to yours. My whole family now is recovered from "Covid" and I kept both kids home from school today (10/18/21) in participation of the California "sit out" to boycott the k-12 school vax mandates. Its absurd that we are not allowed to titter (test out) proving our durable strong complete immunity to SARS-2. People like us (recovered, NO vax) are now the safest folks to be around, we can't catch it, we can't spread it, can't die from it. Unlike the vaxxed whom cannot claim any of the three.

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Great points.

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So true. I'm in the same boat - CA, whole fam recovered. Friends won't hang out with us because we're unvaxxed but they will go to jam-packed amusement parks because proof of vax is required (no worry about diminishing efficacy). Makes sense.

They won't acknowledge natural immunity until their lords Fauci and the CDC tell them to.

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Frustrating. My unvaccinated friend definitely picked up Covid at one of those all-vaxxed/proof-of-vax events. Yes, he was unvaccinated at a proof-of-vax event, so take that as you will about “vax proof.” (He’s 29, recovered in a little over a week.)

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Californians have gone bonkers. I don't know how you can stand to live there. I got out. Where I am there are maskers but no one bothers me for not wearing one (so far).

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Bonkers, I agree. I don't know why we haven't left. I think I like a good fight. Plus, the weather is nice.....

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Yes, the fight is good here in SF, too. and I tell everyone & anyone who will listen that I'm unvaxxed. When you follow the bad cat, you have a data at your fingertips, so I can turn almost any interlude into a teaching moment.

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I am here to I lack your cojones. We are just quietly packing out stuff and getting ready to head to Utah.

I am ready to organize the bay area el gato malo meetup however.

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Just one I had in mind when I mentioned liars and thieves being re-elected, over and over; Maxine Waters Paid Daughter $74,000 in Campaign Cash This Year Alone https://resistthemainstream.org/maxine-waters-shells-out-whopping-amount-of-campaign-money-to-her-own-daughter/

And, this isn’t her first time!

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Well, it's too hard to live there in general. I was sick of the fires and high rent etc. So, the covid19 police state crap was the straw that broke the camel's back.

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True, the weather here cannot be understated. As long as you can find a pocket of least-bonkers, you're okay. Not sure how long that'll last though.

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We lived there in both northern and southern CA for forty years. Got out five years ago but miss it. A truly gifted state with wonderful people but the mass insanity was overwhelming. Now, with the revelations of totally corrupt elections I think I understand how liars, thieves, and incompetents kept getting re-elected. What a shame. At one time in history they were the envy of the country if not the world. Now, circling the toilet bowl.

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I lived in LA and San Mateo, combined 23 years... miss the ocean, don't miss the traffic, fires, stress, cost of living, and insanity.

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Some of us can’t leave. Custody agreements…

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Same reason some of us are stuck in Michigan.

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The vaccine is an IQ test. Only 40 percent of us are smart enough to say "no".

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Love this ! So true...

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Omg, this cracked me up! I live in California and Newsom's madness and utter cluelessness is destroying this state.

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I got the hell out over a year ago when I saw the writing on the wall.

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I think the writing has been on that wall for a long time. I left Orange County for Delaware in 2002, and things were already getting weird. AQMD was already positioning itself for a green dictatorship. The coastal shenanigans. And remember the rolling bogus summer blackouts, designed to make us all afraid and willing to do whatever they wanted (sound familiar), in this case to pay way more for electricity and go along with whatever energy conservation nonsense they came up with. Gray Davis... shudder.

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Should be testing the vaccinated as they are the ones incubating the virus and allowing the mutations to happen. Then the vaccinated shed the virus and kill other "vaccinated" people.

Natural immunity is going to be the only real solution. So if you are not in the vulnerable high risk groups you should "catch' the virus and gain the benefits of natural immunity. Feed yourself properly and ensure you get the right vitamins, etc.

I am not a doctor but have been reading what doctors have been saying for the last year plus and I am convinced the vaccine is the worst way to combat the COVID19 virus.

But hey, its your life. Do what you think you need to to survive the vaccine, gov agencies, politicians and of course, the virus.

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I completely agree with you. In fact, because of my experience in the medical field (ret. emergency med.) I hoped to get the original strain, took until just about 6 weeks ago to finally "catch covid" only because my teen son was exposed. I was actually glad, he had a mild cold for 2-3 days, I didn't show a symptom for over a week, had it for 2 weeks, kinda sucked, but worth getting the whole, complete and durable immunity. his sister and my better half, didn't get it (which shocked me). So just a week ago his sister came down with stuffy nose, no big deal.... I hope it was SARS... its so mild. I only used the Binax-NOW home test to confirm, I refuse to have any of us tested with PCR, or any tracking tests. Bottom line: The "vax" cannot confer whole complete durable immunity. SO, yeah you are totally on target _ the current vaccines and certainly the way they were deployed during mass infection event, not only are the "worst way to combat" the SARS-CoV-2 virus but they have caused far, far more harm than good and we all will bear witness to continued severe adverse events, as well as many many more deaths.

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Based on what i understand of immunology, one can successfully fight a infection without ever triggering an antibody response (it gets taken care of by tcells and macrophages etc. ). I guess in the case of sars cov2 this would be asymptomatic, for instance and most likely a lower viral load. I don't know how one would test that if antibodies aren't there. Any ideas on that scenario?

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Most important part that answers your question I think: "Proliferation capacity of memory T cells from recoveredCOVID-19 patients and close contacts. To assess the SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell memory, human peripheral blood mono-nuclear cells (PBMCs) from 90 COVID-19 patients collected between 48–86 days after disease onset were stimulated in vitro for 10 days with peptide pools designed to target the spike gly-coprotein (S), membrane glycoprotein (M), nucleocapsid (N),envelope glycoprotein (E) and ORF1ab region of RNA-dependentRNA polymerase (RdRp) of SARS-CoV-2. Our data showed that the memory CD4+and CD8+T cells of 94.44% and 83.33%,respectively, of the COVID-19 patients successfully under went expansion (Fig. 1a–c). These results clearly indicate that most of the recovered COVID-19 patients have developed effective T cell memory pools against SARS-CoV-2.Although the close contacts in our cohort were all negative in both nucleic acid test (NAT) and SARS-CoV-2 antibody screen-ing, the possible exposure of these individuals to the virus may have led to the generation of T cell immunity even in the absence of a successful infection.

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Interesting links, thanks. I'd fall under extremely "close contact" almost continually (as the virus waxes and wanes) since the start. There were many days where I had such massive exposure while wearing a simple surgical mask I would have bet large sums of money that I had contracted it. Tested for it a few times and always negative. I wondered if I had an asymptomatic case and paid for the antibody test as soon as it was on the market and it was negative. I donate blood regularly every 3 months and for a while they were testing for antibodies (sadly that has ended, suspiciously) and always negative. I recently paid for the t-detect test figuring at least that would show if the antibodies didn't. Yet again negative. I'm at a loss. That paper states that the t-cells were stimulated for 10 days to provoke a reaction to determine memory. Perhaps that's the missing ingredient as I got my negative result well before 10 days. Or not, who knows anymore.

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Cheers! Thanks for the link. Seems like the general conclusion from that would be to go on living like you've had it but be prepared to act as if you hadn't. In other words, be as healthy as you can be, ha ha.

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I’ve been trying to figure out how to catch it. The only people I know who have had it got it prior to March 2020 (confirmed with an antibody test later). Someone needs to set up a website to link us to the infected. : )

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I’d have been happy to share a week ago 😂 😂

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wow, who knew there were so many "stupid republicans" who work for the state of california.

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Hey now, I am a CA state worker, and a Republican. But I am not stupid and realized the “vax” couldn’t have gone through enough safety trials. While I can work remotely from home, it burns me that Governor Gruesome has vacated the requirements for the prison guards because apparently their union gave the most of the public employees’ unions. 🙄🤡🌎 Trying to hold out til the last son is fully launched…..

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Good one Timothy!!

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I don’t know how we’re still even discussing Covid… If they would just quit I don’t think we would even know it was there. At this point the impact is no different than any other viral illness. But someone is getting filthy rich off of all of this testing that is nonsensical because vaccinated people can still spread the disease… just testing the unvaccinated is stopping nothing.

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Actually, it is very different. No other viral illness has blockaded early care due to a threat to the EUA induced money train. Covid kills. It should be classified as endemic, treated aggressively to lower the risk as much as possible, and after such, we get on with our lives.

But the money and power that is spawned from the blockade will not allow that to happen.

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the insane response to a flu that kills already dying, old people is an attack on the us constitution by usurping the bill of rights for your safety....

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The national guard will enforce it. Wait, only 50% of the Army national guard is vaccinated and have until July 2022 to comply.

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This sort of thing is about to hit the fan in more than just CA. Chicago, Washington state, Airlines. If this OSHA thing really does end up happening... I saw a poll showing a huge portion of truckers would quit if required to vax. Asked some trucker friends and they said.. "yep". We're on the road to shutting everything down.. and maybe for all the harm it will do and short term pain it will cause, is what needs to happen.

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I’ve been wondering if that is part of the plan with the mandate. They know people will not comply and that helps them with the goal of bringing down the economy to bring in the reset. Any thoughts about that?

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Yes, I've wondered this myself. Plan A is to get everyone jabbed and into a total surveillance track-and-trace, SaaS (survival-as-a-service) system. Failing that, plan B is to use people's non-compliance as a catalyst to destroy the existing society, plunge us into anarchy and form a dictatorship as a response.

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I probably shouldn’t of read that just before bed. Looks like it will be a double melatonin night.

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Ha! Don't worry - you know what they say about "the plans of mice and men". Our 'betters' are in fact narcissistic, nihilistic fools and paranoid cowards. And, more importantly, the people under them who are the public faces tasked with implementing these crazed ideas are very much the same personality types as their masters.

Cowards can be very dangerous when they have the bully pulpit, but as soon as the tide breaks they will turn tail and scramble to hide under whatever rocks may be found nearby. Ultimately, they lack the courage to see through a true battle to the death. Or, I could be wrong - in which case, I'd remind everyone that we all have to die someday. Also, more good news: according to recent studies, it turns out melatonin has anti-COVID properties.

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...and part of the reset is the enormous number of people requiring long term care for the adverse effects of the vaccine. So many in the next few years that the governments will conclude that the only way to effectively address the crisis is for universal healthcare. Everyone forced to submit to global government run healthcare. Doesn't that sound just great?

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Fits into never let a crisis go to waste. 🔥

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Standing and fighting here in Oregon! Me, my 2 boys (one is severely disabled, considered high risk) and my 77 year old diabetic mom, all recovered. Early treatment works! Work on immunity and stop believing that COVID is a dealth sentence!

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This is the Jay Inslee Plan for Governing. He's going to blow up the healthcare system we had to stay home for 16 months to save. He's going to destroy the police force of Seattle, which is already hanging on by a thread.

At this point we know that vax mandates are about control - the only people left working in these systems will be those who do what they are told unquestioningly. I wonder what the next immoral thing to come down from the 'leaders' will be.

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Quarantine camps will be the new concentration camps.

The plan is to kill 80% of global population to avoid pension payouts they can’t afford, control everyone, being back slavery and feudalism since we’re running out of “free energy slaves” (fossil fuels)

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Serious question: For the past 10 months, people across the globe have participated in the largest clinical trial of experimental “vaccines” the world has ever seen. If the “vaccines” had performed this poorly in the original trials, could they have received even an EUA?

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Yes, this is one of the problems that develop when you defund the police.

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Smaller government FTW

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Well, I'm definitely dreaming about that too, but not exactly holding my breath.

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The Sacramento Bee < The Babylon Bee

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Hi gatito bueno and/or el gato malo - your video from earlier today appears to have been pulled down. I asked two questions in them that, IF you have the information handy AND the inclination, I'd like your input regarding an updated a list of official exemptions that have been made for the viper-bite mandates.

1. White House

2. Congress

3. USPS (I think. If not all, then most??)

what other groups currently merit an exemption from the viper (at least in the USA).

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it was not pulled down.

i took it down because i became convinced the video was not as described.

the police in it were not wearing masks and there were numerous other signs that it was not current/genuine.

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Thanks. I appreciate keeping things honest and above board! I'm not that familiar with Australia and would have missed all that. Keep up the great work.

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I don't know if substack allows edits, but it would be helpful/transparent to post that it was intentionally removed. This is esp. true since it still lives on in the email that went out.

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I thought the post conveyed a political truth, even if the film was from a different event. Many underprivileged people are refusing the vaccine and being coerced into it. And their reason for refusing is a fundamental lack of trust based on long experience, rather than specific scientific or medical understanding.

I wonder where the film is really from? It must be another interesting story, and probably an interrelated one.

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According to AP that's only partly true but we know Congress shirk the rules for the masses as do most politically powerful people. Almost more interesting Pfizer and Moderna offer a testing option for those who opt out of vaccines.


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oops got my links switched but Reuters and AP have the same content.. quelle surprise! https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-493365311101

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Thanks Pamela!

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Logic ceased to apply long ago in this crazy state.

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I just got a notice ffrom the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood NJ where I am on staff that they will require vaccination proof for ALL VISITORS to the hospital.

Here is the test of the notice I received:

"As of November 1, 2021, The Valley Hospital will require all visitors to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination and ID upon arrival.

Acceptable forms of proof:

Vaccination card

Docket app

Excelsior app

NYC COVID Safe app

As a reminder, all guests are required to wear a mask and practice social distancing while at The Valley Hospital. Eating is strictly prohibited inside the hospital. Drinking is allowed, but masks must remain in place except when taking a sip.

Unvaccinated visitors are not permitted, with limited exceptions for end-of-life, Labor & Delivery, Pediatrics, disability, and for family meetings or a change in patient status."

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The low vaccination rate of state employees is probably because employees are not required to get the vaccine, they still have a choice of vaccine or testing. Sadly, if people are forced to choose between their job or the jab, I suspect they will choose the jab.

From the anchorage daily news: "The Newsom administration’s shot-or-test rules for state workers are less stringent than those the governor imposed on health care workers, who must get vaccinated unless claiming a religious or medical exemption."

In addition, many state employees are still working from home but some of this will end in the weeks ahead.

The government has a lot of power to coerce people, the main one being employment or lack of employment.

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The government workers will be sent home with pay. You know it, I know it, and they know it.

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Bahahaha. Brilliant

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hi .. I think it has been deleted, but just in case .. the post on Australian Aboriginals did not show Australian Aboriginals .. somewhere in Africa, me'thinks

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Dumb tyrant Newsom

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A meeting of the FDA Committee is to be held on Oct. 26th, 2021 to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for administration of their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age: https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-october-26-2021-meeting-announcement



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