Wow, the Canadians are going full jackboot crazy!

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Not all of us are crazy here but we need help that's for sure!

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Your Trish Wood Is Critical journo gal is a dream. I’d love for her to be my next door neighbor, for real. Oregon is not much better at the moment, so you have my sympathies. Canadians are great people. Let’s fight this insanity together, Mela.

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Where in Oregon. I was visting Winston for a spell and was in a place with no masking. No vax pass. No one gave a fuck. Is anybody outside of the big liberal cities following this nonsense? I live in red county WA and shit is old normal here. We just don't give a f$%k

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KBrown, her OHA mafia with the blessing of her yes-men in Salem is doing whatever she can to ruin the state. I live south of Portland, and cringe whenever I see young people walking alone or riding their bikes in masks. UGH!! It's hard to understand and accept the level of ignorance by so many. And this has NOTHING to do with level of formal education, either.

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Another Oregonian here too, and dismayed at what I'm seeing. Two recent events: I was pulling some weeds a week or two ago in my front yard when two neighbor girls, age 8 and 10, come over in their masks and gravely informed me that I'm going to die because I'm unmasked.

The other event happened several weeks ago when my kid, playing in the high school pep band, has to wear a mask while playing a trumpet outdoors. They can briefly pull down the mask to play notes, then immediately have to tug it back up. Most kids just leave the mask down during the duration of the song because it is impossible to keep toggling the mask up/down in between notes. This outdoor mask mandate (and indoor one) has got to stop, especially in schools. We are also looking at moving out-of-state, even though we love the climate and outdoor opportunities here.

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omg...sounds like you're in Portland or Eugene!! We're surrounded by so much ignorance. I cringe when driving my son to Canby HS and see his peers walking by themselves while wearing the damn masks. Others riding their bikes! The insanity won't stop if the young people don't get their heads out of IG, Snapchat, etc. to pay attention at the world they may be inheriting. I've also seen neighbors wearing masks while doing gardening in their property - no one around. Aaargh! We LOVE Oregon so much! Moved here in 2006. Sigh... If you live in PDX metro, would love to meet up some time.

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I'm with you there, we are united....may the sanity prevail. It's up to all of us now.

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Melamorph, you're right. It will take ALL of us together at this point. USA, Canada, Italy, Australia, ... ad nauseum! We need each other.

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Yes I agree we can turn the tide. Have to be relentless, support each other and call out the lies and corruption in so many systems of government and on so many levels. We need to unite around rights, freedoms and integrity for all humanity. I'm sure we can do it. Storms ahead, batten down the hatches we're going in.

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Jackboot? More like a clown shoe, stomping on your testicles - forever.

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It is a clown show.

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Totally absurd

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I'm not even surprised to see this coming from the canada gov (canadian here, stuck in canada for now unfortunately).

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And where can we escape? There are few if any alternatives. Panama, Mexico, Portugal, Thailand, Malaysia. For any of these places, it will cost bookoo bucks to buy your way in. At least these places have a measure of ‘freedom’, unlike the US, which is why it’s off the list. Canada is now Venezuela North

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The US is the best place to be imo. That is where the resistance is. I'm in Washington state in a red county and nobody gives a f#$k about coronavirus here. I even go to chain stores with posted mask signs and don't wear a mask. Nobody cares here. I've been to Seattle once since this started and it was like stepping into a totalitarian nightmare. I've actually become a republican supporter due to coronavirus. I used to not believe in lesser evilism but this has completely changed my mind. The left has gone full blown evil and must be opposed

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I hear ya, I’m not far away, here in BC, your area is a continuation of the Kootenays, beautiful area. Sounds like a great idea to escape to your neck of the woods, but, there’s a huge, silly problem. If I were Mexican, no problemo, just walk across the border, claim refugee status, and Welcome to the USA! But, if you are a white Canadian, even with assets, the USG doesn’t want me, they want welfare cases instead. Clown World, my friend!

Your experience in Seattle, is the same in Greater VAncouver and Victoria. Irrational Fear, irrational hate, and irrational stupidity reigns. I don’t recognize this country anymore!

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It is clown world

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Same here. Voted Democrat my whole adult life. NO MORE!! We need to stop the train wreck. I've become a single-issue voter for the time being. I'm in Oregon where Brown/OHA mafia are doing their best to ruin small businesses. I also ignore all the mask signs, even in PDX. No one has approached me. I won't make a scene but will leave the store if need be. Fortunately, Fred Meyer is very laid back and that's where I do most of my shopping now.

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I agree. I'm in a very red county in a light red state and it has been relatively sane here throughout this insanity. I like to have options available if the feds go full Stalin, though.

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I started looking for red states in case Oregonians elect another Democrat for governor. I don't think the state will survive it without becoming another Australia, to be honest. My greatest challenge is to convince my husband who has an amazing job in the energy/utility industry and is working from home. As it is, our favorite family activity (musical theater and concerts) is no longer available to us without showing V status or the pcr test. I refuse to patronize those places.

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Not sure about panama, thailand. I would avoid south asians countries in general... Authoritarian china and singapore influence is too dangerous. In portugal they still have masks i think... Mexico is quite fine, i know people there and they are mostly back to the normal.

Eastern europeans countries are more free than the west. In russia that's mostly over (besides fancy neighbourhoods in moscow). Roumania had to close their vaxx centers since nobody there want the vaccine. Albania has been mostly free from the start as i remember. And covid is over in norway, sweden, denmark and iceland. Iceland banned moderna vaccine for everyone. Wish I was from scandinavia ...

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A friend of mine has been stuck in Cambodia. He thought it would be OK but it hasn’t been so great. He is prepared to run to Laos in emergency. He thinks I should get out of California and head for Mexico.

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Just move to Texas

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Thailand has been and is a total disaster.

They are possibly worse than Victoria, Australia

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I've looked into some of the Caribbean islands. Particularly St. Lucia and Grand Cayman. From what I hear, Mexico is relatively sane now but I have not been there to confirm this.

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If Karen was a country…

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Not a fair point, most of us are beyond embarrassed by that stooge...similar to how many Americans feel about BUYden. Trudope won the enough seats to form a government with less than 33% of the vote, definitely a disadvantage of our electoral system.

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I feel your pain - ole Brandon runs the show here. Imagine how millions of us just to the south of you feel…

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It's unbelievable: two great countries being destroyed from within by idiots.

This Canadian ❤️🇺🇸.

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How in the world did he get re-elected?

I understand how he is the first PM of Color (PMoC?) in Canadian history and all:


But jeez louise...

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You think leaders still get elected? How quaint.

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I stand corrected.

I should have written "re-elected".

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Toronto and Montreal, essentially. Much like your California and New York problems. They live in theoretical bubbles, trying to shove their Liberal fantasy world down our throats

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Agree! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

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Why does the brilliance come too late?

I should have written "But jeez Lake Louise"...

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Let’s go Jolson

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Too funny

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I live in montreal, canada. Just at the corner of the street there's huge graffiti "fuck you trudeau" (and much more) written on concrete walls. They've been there for a while. No need for nickname, just fuck you trudeau is all fine i think.

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Trudope...The Groper...Justanidiot...

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I like Justanidiot. First time i see that one :)

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I think we can work with “”Fuck you Trudope” as a street chant to the same sound of the Biden chant, thus connecting the jokes together clearly. “Trudope” is a great play on Trudeau and pins the tail on the donkey nicely.

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Works for me: I say much worse --


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Yup, keep it simple and make it perfectly clear! He is a nut....

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You mean *besides* Captain Blackface? Hm, I'll need time to think something up.

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Loving it.....

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Lol. The entire glob is losing its collective mind. And it's fantastic!

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Let's go Castreau!

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The desperation is becoming palpable.

When have the oppressors and censors ever been on the right side of history?

They are losing control of the narrative in the biggest gambit for a socialist takeover ever. Never before have we had the distributed information systems allowing all of us to both be aware of each other and to gather around folks like our illustrious feline.

This is their last chance and they are going for the brass ring - a centrally-planned, top-down economy that yokes the productive for the benefit of the parasite ruling elite.

Our numbers are multitudinous. If enough of us hold the line, sooner or later they will lose control of *us*. The word "sabotage" is derived from peasants throwing their wooden shoes called "sabot" into the machinery, bringing it to a grinding halt. SWA pilots and ATC's recently threw theirs in.

Throw down. Hold the line. Do not comply if you are able. Speak your mind regardless.

This is the fight of our lives. If we lose, we are in for perhaps the worst horror show in history. These socialist bastards slaughtered well over 100 million souls in the last century. Imagine how many will perish should they successfully subjugate the formerly free world.

They must not be allowed to prevail.

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Reality is shoving its way to the discussion table, and the more the 'leaders' ignore it the worse they look.

We have Psaki telling us this inflation is GOOD because this means people are buying lots of stuff! OK, if that's the case, why the hell do you want to spend $3.5T to stimulate demand? Nothing makes sense because nothing is grounded in reality. It's pure fantasy until the façade can no longer hold. Like Kabul.

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Since the election of the Orange Man Bad™ in 2016, the left in general, and the Dems in particular, have become so divorced from reality as to qualify as a different species.

Five short years later, they have become completely unhinged.

This, of course, was not too much of a departure from the previous trajectory. After all, they had their school children singing hymns to Chocolate Jesus back in 2008:


Imagine the level of credulity and cultish predisposition required to cajole one's children into *this*. As astounding and disturbing as that was then, they have taken the crazy to a whole new level.

I've come to the conclusion that these people are utterly anti-reason, in that the less something is consistent and makes sense, the more likely they are to accept it.

A sort of opposite Occam's Razor, if you will.

How else could Babylon Barbie make this and so many other such ludicrous assertions with impunity?

But as you say, eventually reality will assert itself and the façade will crumble.

Let's hope sooner rather than later, but I'm reminded of the likely apocryphal saying in the investment realm:

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."

I am stocking up accordingly.

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The loony left denies the existence of objective reality or that which is provably true. The entire 2+2 bollocks is about this, precisely.

Once nothing is real, everything is real and can be defended or imposed.

We are lost and the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train

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The playbook never really changes.

What has changed is the number of rubes who don't know they are being played.

"In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."

~ Theodore Dalrymple

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Aye, leftist strike me as varelse, also.

In my youth I considered myself as quite far-left, but as the 'center' shifted, I began examining myself and my presumptions.

How sad I did not use my productive years more productivelt.

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libertate • You nailed it: I would up-vote your comment a million times if it were possible!!!

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This 👍🏻

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“They” (political power conglomerate) seem so petty they can’t take a joke. But also if they are openly mocked it will be a slippery slope to people being more openly defiant and on a quicker time table. This is not only a battle worth fighting for them it is one they would prefer not happen at all.

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We must learn to treat the demagogue and aspirant dictators in our midst. . .with the weapon of ridicule. The demagogue himself is almost incapable of humor of any sort, and if we treat him with humor, he will begin to collapse.” Carl Jung

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Mind your own business Canada! What a bunch of nazis

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We have an asshat for prime minister.

And Canadians are acting like a bunch of Nazis. A sad state of affairs indeed…

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And his asshat voters in Cheranna and Moan Reeyall are the core that support his corrupt party of juvenile virtue signallers. The rest of the country is held hostage thanks to those 2 corrupt inner city metrosexual occupants

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Hey, not everyone in the big city voted for Trudeau.

That said, a lot of people I know did, despite my best efforts. I want out.

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Excusez-moi?! Fuck you, Trudeau is also a catchy rhyme and to the same tune.

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that's exactly right, since they don't want anything with a double meaning!!! ;>)

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Hey there Darling Sneauxflayke

("Randy R")

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??? Are you implying I'm Randy R as well? I'm super confused and I haven't even opened my wine yet...

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No No No. I was trying to tell that *I'm* Randy R under a different name pn this channel! Oh, my. Words sometimes get screwed up big time! Big time apologies!

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Oh okay! 😆 Digital media always makes something lost in translation. Cheers, Randy!

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Well, it's pretty darned obvious that I haven't wrestled Digital Media to the ground just yet! Arrgh. It's a mighty slippery little (little? No: BIG!!) beastie.

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Maybe this is how we keep them busy and stop them from taking away freedom. Let them busy themselves acting as word police.

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I grew up with a very common sentence: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Seems a lot of little snowflakes need to learn that one.

No offense to Darling Sneauxflayke who is one of my favorite commentors and is NOT an easily melted snowflake!

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Now it goes:

Sticks and stones may be dodged when thrown,

But words cut all the way through me.

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When do we open the box and Uncle Joe Brandon and Benito Turdaeu (h/t dkarmeli1@mac.com) are, um, no longer with us?

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😂😂😂 No offense taken at all! ❤

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Fidel, hijo

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Brandon Manitoba did nothing wrong

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Lets go Turdo

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I like “Let’s go Turdeau”. No F bomb in there (although we all want to direct that at him) but we know it implies it. And it perfectly describes that arrogant SOB.

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Spendy McBlackface.

Little Potato, thanks to Xi.

Fidel Jr

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Oct 18, 2021
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Pretty Boy has been BAKED for a long time!

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Fuck Justin Trudeau.

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A small step away from banning Winnie the Pooh drawings.......

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They're definitely focused on the big issues at hand. lol

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Yep that's where all our tax dollars are going

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Let's grab Petit Gateau!

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Let’s go Brandon!

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Yes prob justin is jealous of how much the public adores papa joe.

Lets go Justin

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I've spent a lot of time in Canada over the decades. Ian and Gordon are very common names. Quick search suggests Ethan, Liam, or Logan. Theses sound about right. "Let's Go Liam!" 🖕🏼🇨🇦

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Allons-y Trandon!

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This makes me very happy 😂

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To Whom it May Concern,

Were I a Canadian "public servant" I would definitely adhere to the new policy.


Purrl Fuzzybutt, RN, BS, MSA, LGB

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Imagine banning not just given words themselves but a euphemism of those words that may, in multiple contexts, have a legitimate independent meaning. Desperate much? When does the whole rotten shithole collapse?

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When the FED really starts "tapering" and the interest rates start rising.

Historically, interest rates average about 5%. If the FedGov had to pay that rate, and they will when they destroy the dollar's reserve currency status, they would be starting down over a cool trillion per annum in interest debt service alone.

The only alternative is to print baby print, Zimbabwe style.

Get the popcorn, we are just in the previews.

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My buddy Brandon has several T-Shirts with various versions.

Let's Go Brandon!

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Would Let Go Justin clear the censors? Or, how about an anagram made from the letters in Let's Go Brandon?

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Let’s go Pluto

I’m not the creative type.

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Wow, just wow!!

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this seems fine, as part of normal gov correspondence. Considering 'Brandon' saying fuck you to the leader of another 5 eyes country.

Where it spills over is when someone, in their own name, but not as a gov employee, (re)tweets a Brandon containing post ... and are sacked for it

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el gato -

** are there any tests for Covid that ARE reasonably trustworthy?

** Same question for Covid antibodies?

** "Reasonably" means that I understand that NO test is 100% perfect. So ... any input or suggestions?

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Let's Go Justin seems fine.

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From what I’m told probably fake

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Thanks to China giving him a nickname, and him giving China everything ; call his


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The one N of the border: Spudling.

S of same border: Muddling

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Him, Forking Alto Smell

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buck u trudoo

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Everyone who gets this letter should respond: OK Brandon. Let's Go!!!

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Great idea! Let’s Go Blah Blah Blah.

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Justin Trouduc.

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I'm intrigued. What, pray tell, prompted this notification?

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