Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

I'm happy to report that I slapped one of those Biden "I did this" stickers on a sign in a supermarket advertising ground beef at 8.99 lb. A few days later and it's still there.

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They always eat their own. Lest we forget Kamala called joe racist and only got 1% of the primary vote.

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Yes, Democrats! Tie your wagon to Joe Biden!

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Nobody saw this coming…

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I’m with Jen here. Who could ever have predicted that when the government spends trillions of dollars and finances that spending by printing money, the result would be high inflation?

I mean, everyone thought that these policies would actually reduce inflation, right?


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The Donner Party has a nice ring to it.

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You catch her weeping over "Don't Say Gay?" Must be taking Taylor Lorenz correspondence courses on acting.

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There's so much Botox pulsing around Biden's carcass, they'll probably get lockjaw.

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And it's GMO meat.

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I don't support the Democrats, but if they have a serious commitment to fratricidal cannibalism, I'm willing to cheerlead.

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Usually the elder of the species eat their young. This is different, not natural.

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I find Psaki particularly irritating. Not that I have been ok with any of them over the years but she really irritates me. Voting will not get us out of this downward spiral of debt, debt and more debt. I realize this country now has a "new math" but I was not taught back in the dinosaur days (my sons words) that you could spend what you did not have, did not take in. Haven't other countries like Argentina taught us that? Our government are out of control with the constant spending and the....we....American taxpayers can never pay enough to get out of this. The fall will be something we Americans have never experienced before and it will be ugly....no longer will it be "something we saw on TV that other countries governments screwed up". To say we are "overdrawn" doesn't even cover it!!!!

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When being a Democrat involves lockstep fealty to the pieties of unlimited statism, post modern nihilism, CRT, gender pretense, green theocracy, foreign adventurism, constitutional vandalism, and acceptance of corrupt and demented leaders, it seems to incentivize escape from the asylum.

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The irony!

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Off topic, but what's up with Hunter Biden's face in that screen grab? It looks like there's a vertical line running right down the middle of his face from his forehead to his chin. Is that what crack does to a body?

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It's the future of food, little good cat! Doncha know?

"Swedish scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change" 🤡


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I wouldn't eat that crap if it was served on a gold platter! It's cancerous!

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Every picture I see of Hunter Biden: he needs a shave. It's not like a beard; it's like someone who didn't bother to shave when they got up today. Is that fashionable? Do you have to be clean shaven one day to look like a bum the next day, or is there a shaver for that?

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The WHO changed the definition of 'Pandemic' - it no longer has to be deadly AND vaccines no longer have to 'prevent'. The WHO has set humanity up for never ending mRNA 'Therapies'. FULL disclosure of exactly what is in the current therapy (what they are testing/tweeking on us) is withheld. Put this together with Noah Harari from the World Economic Forum(WHO) stating mRNA injections/therapy will have the ability to influence how we think(=our brains). Which takes us to the country of Chile passing of the Neurological Rights Bill. It's construct and passing strips all 'Theory' away from Conspiracy. BLOODY SCARRY? Here's some far out thoughts...... (1) CIA's declassified M-ULTRA experiments without consent of the individual. (2) the extent to depravity in Nazi experimentations. (3) our science has only mapped out 10% of the human mind, 90% remains to be discovered. THEORY: more experimentation on humanity; specifically, our brain. Bible verse: "and man shall seek death and not find it". CHILE's Neurologic Bill: https://www.jurist.org/news/2021/10/chile-becomes-first-country-to-pass-neuro-rights-law/".

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Apparently we taste like pork. A delightful tidbit.

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Is it cannibalistic to eat the carrot nose of a snowman? A pumpkin head of a scarecrow in the yard?

Personally, I wish they would just raise the rates already. Quite chicken littleling it. News flash: The sky needs to fall some.

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Wholesale price increases at this annualized rate has the constituents everywhere re-thinking their votes for folks hard over on the left. Those 'cannibals' are just trying to moon walk stage right so they can hold onto their power.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

🤣 thanks Gato. I was deep into Jessica Rose and PHE England stats (showing 3 x the deaths in those boostered , 2x the rates of infection and hospitalization was similar). All very serious.

Moved to your substack : just the title! 🤣

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nothing to do with batshit policies then?

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A crooked smile is supposed to be a sign of vaxx injury. Look at Hunter's. Maybe daddy joker wants us all vaxxed injured like his favoritist son.

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biden gave away so many javelin and stinger missiles to the azov nazis that even the military industry complex is raising prices thru the roof.

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I gave up Democrats for Lent...and I'm not even Catholic. Come to think of it, I just gave up democrats period! Seems prudent.

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People generally avoid junk food and/or rotten meat.

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As I always respond to my spouse at the suggestion we eat the cats for dinner, “Yick - too stringy!”

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I better not 😉

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Goes well with Parmesan cheese

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What a brain! Belongs right up there on the meat counter.

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Tastes like chicken.

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I hate democrats. Why do so many people buy into their shit.

I listened to a small portion on Patriot XM radio (might have to cancel that, they are raising their fees too) with Kilmead and Charles Payne, yesterday coming home from my 98 year old daddy. Charles was so spot on about how the democrats promise all kinds of crap, and really pander to the "african american" population. What has improved over the past 35 years? for anyone? except Hunter and Joe??

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Hannibal Lector - call your office.

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