I'm happy to report that I slapped one of those Biden "I did this" stickers on a sign in a supermarket advertising ground beef at 8.99 lb. A few days later and it's still there.
Gristedes was always out of my reach. I'm a Queens-raised girl and still mourn the demise of Pathmark. (My first hint that The Rich Are Different was when I was on line at Zabar's for a saved-my-pennies treat, and the person in front of me ordered 5 lbs. of nova. I grew up asking the Daitch counterman for "a quarter lb, of belly lox and slice it thin, please.")
I know. I was a stay at home mother for 10 years then ran a business from home for quite some time. By the time I worked out of my home the kids didn't need day care. We only had one car for years. Our first new car had payments of 35 dollars a month. A two bedroom apartment was 125 dollars a month. I was born in 1950 and while wages are certainly higher than we started out with there is no way they have kept place with the cost of living. I remember my parents telling me they had it the best in spite of World War Two. And now I think the sane about my generation. I wonder how my children's and grandchildren's generation will feel.
what do you suppose is the reason behind such a drastic change in 65 years? Is it world wide? yes. Globalization?
I am sure the democrats will tell us that they made every thing equal and fair for all, look at all the people that voted for them. They are all living in huge houses with a pool and a third car.
Boots, the Costco gas station near me gets about 100 of those stickers per day. They let people put them on and then peel them off and keep them in a box. They need a sticker that has Biden saying I treat you like this. Put them on TP and garbage cans.
Oh I love that! They should do something like Biden saying: "Operation Mass Starvation in effect - no need for this anymore! Your Unwelcome!" To stick on rice cakes, slimfast bars and fat free cookies.
My husband just made me a standing planter. We had some scrap lumber to use, but we did have to buy one board, 1”x 12” x 12’. Eighty bucks, before tax.
Jaw on floor. Can you imagine trying to build a home or garden planter boxes? You want to grow zucchini? Go get a home loan. Wait... wine is aged in oak barrels. Gasp! Now I am worried.
And yet, he can plausibly say that he didn't know anything about it. He can plausibly claim that he doesn't know anything about . . anything. He's achieved jury proof ignorance.
YES!!!!! Not just for the gas pumps anymore! Charging stations for EVs would be another appropriate place as well. Perhaps the electric companies can just give you a free sticker with your monthly bills when the charges start to skyrocket. After all, they will be paying for increases in gas and coal too in order to produce those extra KWs for all these $50,000 EVs that most people can't afford. It's not going to be coming from windmills!!!!! The GREENIES don't mention that inconvenient truth nor the expensive batteries that will be polluting landfills when they no longer can hold a charge!!!!
Why should they? They think hamburger grows on hamburger trees... and no, I'm not kidding. Liberals I knew in university had no idea where meat came from. Or any of a long list of other essentials. This was in the '70s, I can't imagine what it's like now.
Silly things! How could they not know? Everybody knows it comes from the store! 😉😋 --- I've known people like that, not quite that bad, but close. I always made sure to tell them how a became b. With proof, if needed.
This was pure brilliance! You can picture yourself listening to it in a boho coffee shop. As opposed to a first-grade classroom, without the musical accompaniment.
Joe deserves to be devoured by his political "friends". So do Liz Cheney and McCarthy. It comes down to who "our own" are. You are definitely correct that the masses are fickle and have unrealistic expectations.
Bingo… I would be very happy to vote out certain Rinos… including our current governor of Alabama… Memaw Ivey… The minute she called us stupid for not getting our clot/death shot she lost my vote! Of course then I found out she was a former Democrat and voted as such… 😡🔥🔥🔥🤦🏽♀️
I’m with Jen here. Who could ever have predicted that when the government spends trillions of dollars and finances that spending by printing money, the result would be high inflation?
I mean, everyone thought that these policies would actually reduce inflation, right?
Your comment got me curious so I went and looked up some recipes in the wife's cookbooks (she's got about two meters/6½ feet of shelf space) just to see what you have with brains.
Apparently, anything from tacos to curry to fried brain sandwiches, depending on where you are.
Eating brains, truly multicultural. There's a joke in there, but I'm not smart enough to find it.
The French have eaten brains, glands, etc. forever. Make sure of your source so you don't risk ingesting antibiotics, hormones or mad cow/mad sheep, and make sure they are ultra-fresh (they break down with lightning speed). Americans may be about to find out what the peasants of the world have always known - the so-called offal, cheaper, less-desirable cuts of meat are actually wonderful and highly nutritious when prepared right. I discovered sweetbreads as a child and love them. Tacos made with brain or tongue are Mexican delicacies - just make sure they are fresh. Sitting at a cafe table I watched an immense ox head being cut up at a stand in Michoacan - a bit of breakfast theater I could have done without, but everyone around me was salivating. At least we knew the source. P.S. Rikard, I too was born a millennium too late. A shield maiden at heart, I will be bringing down my own venison, etc. - soon.
Agreed in full. Was brought up partly by my grandparents, so dinner was what's on the table was the attitude, not harsh just realistic: "Eat while there's food" she used to say.
There's swedish dish called pölsa, not to be confused with the danes' pölse which is sausage, most often hot dogs. Pölsa is made from ground up offal of pig, calf/cow/ox and horse, inlcuding organ meat and this is then mixed with barley and potato flour or flakes- tooks like grey goop with white globules, but tastes great. Commonly eaten with salted fried pork (canadian bacon I think you call it?), lingonberries, potatos, pickled cucumbers, and cream sauce with onions in it - a dish from the time when you were supposed to rise with the sun, work until sunset, go to bed and the do it all over again.
Unfortunately, I think pölsa is banned in the US, due to containing organs your food&health considers not human food, but it may well be an urban legend.
I think as it is with most things, it is a psychological barrier - I know I would be unable to eat dog for instance, just as greek or a turk might recoil from blood pudding or black sausage.
Speaking of dinner theatre: a swedish actor once suggested (some 25 yeas ago) that kindergarten classes should visit slaughterhouses and chicken farms, to learn where the stuff comes from. The reet-ing of soccer moms and absentee piggybank dads still echoes in my memory. So, they will happily feed their kids on hot dogs contain 35% meat by products, but seeing a pig shot with the boltgun is too much? Lily livered chicken hearted spineless scumsucking sons and daughters of such and such parents, they are.
Funny you should say that. Some bright, well-meaning person in my elementary school decided it would be great to take us second-graders on an excursion to the meat packing plant (I think there was a spouse working there or something). This was in the mid-1960s, parents just signed the forms, thought nothing of it in those days. We were in no way prepared for what we saw. The boys got to see a steer brought down with a stun gun. We girls had the kinder, gentler treat of seeing a steer hung up alive in chains, upside down, frantic with terror, its throat cut, then twenty minutes of thrashing and bleeding out while a hose was run through it. Traumatic doesn't begin to describe it. I can still see it. I can also see the little cart that stood nearby with organs and eyeballs (looking every which way) on it. It was very cold, very surreal, and smelled awful. We were all of us freaked out, most were sobbing, several of us imploring the teacher to get us out of there. And none of the teachers had the guts to say that's enough and just leave. We had to stick around and watch every step of Mr. Cow getting turned into hamburger. I heard later that one of the boys fainted. Afterwards we went to a park for lunch, which none of us could eat. Several kids declared that they would never eat meat again - I'm not sure if it took. I know farm kids see these things all the time, but it is explained to them and they are prepared, and presumably there's some kindness and humanity shown to the animal first. I never did become a vegetarian, though I probably will some day. Just not today. Your polsa sounds a great deal like the Scottish haggis, which I absolutely love and which is indeed banned in the U.S.
I find Psaki particularly irritating. Not that I have been ok with any of them over the years but she really irritates me. Voting will not get us out of this downward spiral of debt, debt and more debt. I realize this country now has a "new math" but I was not taught back in the dinosaur days (my sons words) that you could spend what you did not have, did not take in. Haven't other countries like Argentina taught us that? Our government are out of control with the constant spending and the....we....American taxpayers can never pay enough to get out of this. The fall will be something we Americans have never experienced before and it will be ugly....no longer will it be "something we saw on TV that other countries governments screwed up". To say we are "overdrawn" doesn't even cover it!!!!
I believe you are right. And this time around we have 2 generations of people who most have never known a missed meal or gone without anything they wanted... Lord have mercy.
I certainly HOPE it does not happen but I feel more and more uncomfortable every day. And if it does happen you are exactly right...even I at 67 have never really experienced it. We never had what we called "money" but we never went hungry, we had clothes, we had a roof over our head, lots of family time, no bombs dropping on us at any given time and we were happy for the most part, looking back...very happy.
When being a Democrat involves lockstep fealty to the pieties of unlimited statism, post modern nihilism, CRT, gender pretense, green theocracy, foreign adventurism, constitutional vandalism, and acceptance of corrupt and demented leaders, it seems to incentivize escape from the asylum.
Off topic, but what's up with Hunter Biden's face in that screen grab? It looks like there's a vertical line running right down the middle of his face from his forehead to his chin. Is that what crack does to a body?
Every time I think of Psaki I think of 4 of the 5 "leaders" in Afghanistan that she swore a few years ago were freed but were prevented from ever having power. Now they have the whole country and lots of stuff and lots of American prisoners!
The ends justify the means. That's why these totalitarians want to ban free speech, too.
“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.”
Thank you. Used to subject my colleagues and students to much punning and wordplay - the wife just throws things at me and tells "Go tell your 'dad jokes' to the chickens".
And since my father in law taught to throw a knife, well I generally find it better to chicken out than to fowl up the mood.
Rikard, I'll bet you know this - before I was locked out of Facebook forever (and proud of it) I found some really fun punster sites - Punitentiary, etc. I too enjoy puns and wordplay. You might check them out if you are one to visit the belly of that particular beast. Save your wife's pitching arm.
Every picture I see of Hunter Biden: he needs a shave. It's not like a beard; it's like someone who didn't bother to shave when they got up today. Is that fashionable? Do you have to be clean shaven one day to look like a bum the next day, or is there a shaver for that?
The WHO changed the definition of 'Pandemic' - it no longer has to be deadly AND vaccines no longer have to 'prevent'. The WHO has set humanity up for never ending mRNA 'Therapies'. FULL disclosure of exactly what is in the current therapy (what they are testing/tweeking on us) is withheld. Put this together with Noah Harari from the World Economic Forum(WHO) stating mRNA injections/therapy will have the ability to influence how we think(=our brains). Which takes us to the country of Chile passing of the Neurological Rights Bill. It's construct and passing strips all 'Theory' away from Conspiracy. BLOODY SCARRY? Here's some far out thoughts...... (1) CIA's declassified M-ULTRA experiments without consent of the individual. (2) the extent to depravity in Nazi experimentations. (3) our science has only mapped out 10% of the human mind, 90% remains to be discovered. THEORY: more experimentation on humanity; specifically, our brain. Bible verse: "and man shall seek death and not find it". CHILE's Neurologic Bill: https://www.jurist.org/news/2021/10/chile-becomes-first-country-to-pass-neuro-rights-law/".
In New Guinea the correct term is "long pig". So now I'm thinking of that (rumored) deleted scene from "Eyes Wide Shut" and Kubrick's sudden and unexpected death...hmm...
Wholesale price increases at this annualized rate has the constituents everywhere re-thinking their votes for folks hard over on the left. Those 'cannibals' are just trying to moon walk stage right so they can hold onto their power.
🤣 thanks Gato. I was deep into Jessica Rose and PHE England stats (showing 3 x the deaths in those boostered , 2x the rates of infection and hospitalization was similar). All very serious.
I hate democrats. Why do so many people buy into their shit.
I listened to a small portion on Patriot XM radio (might have to cancel that, they are raising their fees too) with Kilmead and Charles Payne, yesterday coming home from my 98 year old daddy. Charles was so spot on about how the democrats promise all kinds of crap, and really pander to the "african american" population. What has improved over the past 35 years? for anyone? except Hunter and Joe??
I'm happy to report that I slapped one of those Biden "I did this" stickers on a sign in a supermarket advertising ground beef at 8.99 lb. A few days later and it's still there.
Bravo! (A "You Are There" from ancient history: Once upon a time I was making dinner for two on a dollar. Ground chuck was 69 cents/lb.)
When I was in college (mid-70s), ground beef was 49¢ a pound. When it went on sale for 39¢, we stocked up! :)
Well, I was living in Noo Yawk then, so I guess I was paying a premium...
but I bet it was not 8.99 lb, even at Gristedes
Gristedes was always out of my reach. I'm a Queens-raised girl and still mourn the demise of Pathmark. (My first hint that The Rich Are Different was when I was on line at Zabar's for a saved-my-pennies treat, and the person in front of me ordered 5 lbs. of nova. I grew up asking the Daitch counterman for "a quarter lb, of belly lox and slice it thin, please.")
I grew up in Montauk where everything was always expensive except the sunshine and nature. it teaches a person to appreciate what they have, no?
(* Must have own meat grinder)
I remember those days. Butter was 49 cents a pound. Bread was 19 cents a loaf.
And kids with a HS diploma could raise families on one income and live in decent neighborhoods.
I know. I was a stay at home mother for 10 years then ran a business from home for quite some time. By the time I worked out of my home the kids didn't need day care. We only had one car for years. Our first new car had payments of 35 dollars a month. A two bedroom apartment was 125 dollars a month. I was born in 1950 and while wages are certainly higher than we started out with there is no way they have kept place with the cost of living. I remember my parents telling me they had it the best in spite of World War Two. And now I think the sane about my generation. I wonder how my children's and grandchildren's generation will feel.
I'm same age as you and my friend, a year younger, and we say exactly the same.
what do you suppose is the reason behind such a drastic change in 65 years? Is it world wide? yes. Globalization?
I am sure the democrats will tell us that they made every thing equal and fair for all, look at all the people that voted for them. They are all living in huge houses with a pool and a third car.
I can’t imagine.
Boots, the Costco gas station near me gets about 100 of those stickers per day. They let people put them on and then peel them off and keep them in a box. They need a sticker that has Biden saying I treat you like this. Put them on TP and garbage cans.
I agree. you'd make a fortune.
I have used the stickers at Gas Stations. They're made to come off easily. I tested.
But the supermarket hasn't removed it
they probably agree !
not when they screamed at me to put on a mask.
(like) oh they probably did not want to use people to pull the stickers, then LOL.
They're even in the lumber aisle at Home Depot!
Oh I love that! They should do something like Biden saying: "Operation Mass Starvation in effect - no need for this anymore! Your Unwelcome!" To stick on rice cakes, slimfast bars and fat free cookies.
My husband just made me a standing planter. We had some scrap lumber to use, but we did have to buy one board, 1”x 12” x 12’. Eighty bucks, before tax.
Jaw on floor. Can you imagine trying to build a home or garden planter boxes? You want to grow zucchini? Go get a home loan. Wait... wine is aged in oak barrels. Gasp! Now I am worried.
A local store is selling half whiskey barrels, oak. Ninety bucks. We used to buy them for around $30.
That's dumb, those barrels weren't 180.00 lol. That's just extortion
Yeah, lots of that going around. I feel extorted whenever I buy groceries or anything these days.
OH MY GOSH!! that is crushing
I find it ironic that most of these Biden I-did-that stickers are made in China (and shipped from China, at least on Amazon).
So the Big Guy can get a second helping of CCP kickbacks. Pure Genius
Now Jake that’s cynical . . . But very funny
And yet, he can plausibly say that he didn't know anything about it. He can plausibly claim that he doesn't know anything about . . anything. He's achieved jury proof ignorance.
Did you notice the first thing he allowed back to the whitehouse since the pandemic is the easter egg roll. Blah.
meanwhile, they are destroying birds all over the country on bird flu fears.
On command of the famine tsars more like.
yes. I couldn't find them made in US
It's probably illegal. 🙄
You are doing God's work, Boots.
YES!!!!! Not just for the gas pumps anymore! Charging stations for EVs would be another appropriate place as well. Perhaps the electric companies can just give you a free sticker with your monthly bills when the charges start to skyrocket. After all, they will be paying for increases in gas and coal too in order to produce those extra KWs for all these $50,000 EVs that most people can't afford. It's not going to be coming from windmills!!!!! The GREENIES don't mention that inconvenient truth nor the expensive batteries that will be polluting landfills when they no longer can hold a charge!!!!
Honestly, I don't think the "greenies" know where electricity comes from, i.e. how it's produced. Most don't seem real long on brains.
Why should they? They think hamburger grows on hamburger trees... and no, I'm not kidding. Liberals I knew in university had no idea where meat came from. Or any of a long list of other essentials. This was in the '70s, I can't imagine what it's like now.
Silly things! How could they not know? Everybody knows it comes from the store! 😉😋 --- I've known people like that, not quite that bad, but close. I always made sure to tell them how a became b. With proof, if needed.
Good for you! 👍👏
Your my hero!
Not all heroes wear capes! LMAO
💕 but naughty girls do have stickers
@Boots- I expect nothing less. Keep it up!
And you weren't arrested?
I used to laugh at comments like this. Then J6 happened and suddenly trodding on grass equaled more jail time than murder.
I try very hard not to get caught. so far, lucky.
@Susan- you spelled 'not caught' wrong
‘ A few days later and it's still there.’
But already out of date.
Where can we find them?
I, sadly, bought them from Amazon (china)
They always eat their own. Lest we forget Kamala called joe racist and only got 1% of the primary vote.
Kamala "I Believe Joe Biden's Accusers" Harris
"It...was....a...debaaaate. cackle cackle cackle"
Has anyone seen the bit on Gutfeld! where they put her latest space speech to beat poetry bongos?
(at 1:12)
This was pure brilliance! You can picture yourself listening to it in a boho coffee shop. As opposed to a first-grade classroom, without the musical accompaniment.
just reading ^^that made me laugh out loud, I don’t even need to watch it
@Boots- this NYer really appreciated the Cuomo/Seniors remark!
I know, right?
Saw it last night - too funny! Wasn't it Tyrus' idea to add music?
totally. Love Tyrus! He is so smart!
Fan girl here.
OMG! Gotta find that!!
Just found it. attached to my original bongo comment
Cool, Daddy-o! I can dig it, thanks!
We sometimes eat our own too. 😢
Joe deserves to be devoured by his political "friends". So do Liz Cheney and McCarthy. It comes down to who "our own" are. You are definitely correct that the masses are fickle and have unrealistic expectations.
Bingo… I would be very happy to vote out certain Rinos… including our current governor of Alabama… Memaw Ivey… The minute she called us stupid for not getting our clot/death shot she lost my vote! Of course then I found out she was a former Democrat and voted as such… 😡🔥🔥🔥🤦🏽♀️
sheep in tiger's clothing
I’m so sorry…🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️ It’s hard to know Who to vote for since they all lie like a rug… 🔥😡
"Their own" are supposed to be their constituents, not their party.
The RINOs need to be chewed on a little more than they are
Yes! I can't believe the lack of OUTRAGE!!! Just keep ignoring the people and see what happens!
@Laura- anyone who has had children understand that
That was the only true thing to ever come out of that mouth.
Yes, Democrats! Tie your wagon to Joe Biden!
please oh please. I hope.
And tie the wagon to Jan 6 as well. It's all they have. Oh and, of course, bring back mask mandates. Lol
Nobody saw this coming…
I see what you did there Rose...
Angelo Mozilo CEO Countrywide Mortgage.. 2009 "Nobody saw this coming"
You get me! 😃
except all of us here
I’m with Jen here. Who could ever have predicted that when the government spends trillions of dollars and finances that spending by printing money, the result would be high inflation?
I mean, everyone thought that these policies would actually reduce inflation, right?
I think Brandon, Harris and Psaki are PROOF that the Vax causes brain damage... Oh, and Nancy too!
The Donner Party has a nice ring to it.
Coming soon to your neighborhood - McDonnor's, serving Americans since 1846. Check out their new finger food menu!
Tastes like chicken.
I'll take your word for it, as clearly I lack your culinary expertise.
This brings to mind the Twilight Zone episode…”To Serve Humanity”. Anyone recall that one? 😳
"To Serve Man". One of my favorites!
Based on a story by Damon Knight
I LOVE his stories.
Thank-you, for beating me to the correction!
"It's a cookbook!"
YEssss! The brilliance of Rod Serling!
What's the prize in the Happy Meal, the ring that was on the finger you just ate?
You guys are killing me!! Oh my, wrong choice of words, perhaps 😹
You gotta laugh at our (p)resident, otherwise you'll cry yourself to death.
At least we're avoiding the Dahmer-Nose pizza jokes. Oops. My bad.
Stop it, I’m dying here!! 😂
Slaying me, too.
I'm so happy now that I never had a Happy Meal
bwahahahaa! eww
You catch her weeping over "Don't Say Gay?" Must be taking Taylor Lorenz correspondence courses on acting.
She'll use those fake tears on her MSNBC show. Just practicing on the taxpayers dime.
There's so much Botox pulsing around Biden's carcass, they'll probably get lockjaw.
HAHA!!! <3
And it's GMO meat.
With the human equivalent of mad cow disease...
CJD is the human version of BSE. ( Useless trivia alert)
Tough, stringy GMO meat.
Genetically Mummified Organism
As is all mRNA injected meatstuffs. I wonder if we will be prized for our organic, unadulterated flesh.
Yikes, what a thought
They had better stop upsetting us. Makes the meat tough.
Yeah, if it's vaxxed it most certainly is.
I don't support the Democrats, but if they have a serious commitment to fratricidal cannibalism, I'm willing to cheerlead.
I'm sure their not into RED MEET so most here are safe
Lol 😂
Usually the elder of the species eat their young. This is different, not natural.
Well, yes, since various toxins and what not builds up during life. Imagine the liver of a septuagenarian congress critter.
'Course cervelle de veau or tête de veau, á la politruk should be a delicacy since the organ in question ought to be in a virgin state.
With fava beans and a nice Chianti.
Your comment got me curious so I went and looked up some recipes in the wife's cookbooks (she's got about two meters/6½ feet of shelf space) just to see what you have with brains.
Apparently, anything from tacos to curry to fried brain sandwiches, depending on where you are.
Eating brains, truly multicultural. There's a joke in there, but I'm not smart enough to find it.
The French have eaten brains, glands, etc. forever. Make sure of your source so you don't risk ingesting antibiotics, hormones or mad cow/mad sheep, and make sure they are ultra-fresh (they break down with lightning speed). Americans may be about to find out what the peasants of the world have always known - the so-called offal, cheaper, less-desirable cuts of meat are actually wonderful and highly nutritious when prepared right. I discovered sweetbreads as a child and love them. Tacos made with brain or tongue are Mexican delicacies - just make sure they are fresh. Sitting at a cafe table I watched an immense ox head being cut up at a stand in Michoacan - a bit of breakfast theater I could have done without, but everyone around me was salivating. At least we knew the source. P.S. Rikard, I too was born a millennium too late. A shield maiden at heart, I will be bringing down my own venison, etc. - soon.
Agreed in full. Was brought up partly by my grandparents, so dinner was what's on the table was the attitude, not harsh just realistic: "Eat while there's food" she used to say.
There's swedish dish called pölsa, not to be confused with the danes' pölse which is sausage, most often hot dogs. Pölsa is made from ground up offal of pig, calf/cow/ox and horse, inlcuding organ meat and this is then mixed with barley and potato flour or flakes- tooks like grey goop with white globules, but tastes great. Commonly eaten with salted fried pork (canadian bacon I think you call it?), lingonberries, potatos, pickled cucumbers, and cream sauce with onions in it - a dish from the time when you were supposed to rise with the sun, work until sunset, go to bed and the do it all over again.
Unfortunately, I think pölsa is banned in the US, due to containing organs your food&health considers not human food, but it may well be an urban legend.
I think as it is with most things, it is a psychological barrier - I know I would be unable to eat dog for instance, just as greek or a turk might recoil from blood pudding or black sausage.
Speaking of dinner theatre: a swedish actor once suggested (some 25 yeas ago) that kindergarten classes should visit slaughterhouses and chicken farms, to learn where the stuff comes from. The reet-ing of soccer moms and absentee piggybank dads still echoes in my memory. So, they will happily feed their kids on hot dogs contain 35% meat by products, but seeing a pig shot with the boltgun is too much? Lily livered chicken hearted spineless scumsucking sons and daughters of such and such parents, they are.
Funny you should say that. Some bright, well-meaning person in my elementary school decided it would be great to take us second-graders on an excursion to the meat packing plant (I think there was a spouse working there or something). This was in the mid-1960s, parents just signed the forms, thought nothing of it in those days. We were in no way prepared for what we saw. The boys got to see a steer brought down with a stun gun. We girls had the kinder, gentler treat of seeing a steer hung up alive in chains, upside down, frantic with terror, its throat cut, then twenty minutes of thrashing and bleeding out while a hose was run through it. Traumatic doesn't begin to describe it. I can still see it. I can also see the little cart that stood nearby with organs and eyeballs (looking every which way) on it. It was very cold, very surreal, and smelled awful. We were all of us freaked out, most were sobbing, several of us imploring the teacher to get us out of there. And none of the teachers had the guts to say that's enough and just leave. We had to stick around and watch every step of Mr. Cow getting turned into hamburger. I heard later that one of the boys fainted. Afterwards we went to a park for lunch, which none of us could eat. Several kids declared that they would never eat meat again - I'm not sure if it took. I know farm kids see these things all the time, but it is explained to them and they are prepared, and presumably there's some kindness and humanity shown to the animal first. I never did become a vegetarian, though I probably will some day. Just not today. Your polsa sounds a great deal like the Scottish haggis, which I absolutely love and which is indeed banned in the U.S.
I find Psaki particularly irritating. Not that I have been ok with any of them over the years but she really irritates me. Voting will not get us out of this downward spiral of debt, debt and more debt. I realize this country now has a "new math" but I was not taught back in the dinosaur days (my sons words) that you could spend what you did not have, did not take in. Haven't other countries like Argentina taught us that? Our government are out of control with the constant spending and the....we....American taxpayers can never pay enough to get out of this. The fall will be something we Americans have never experienced before and it will be ugly....no longer will it be "something we saw on TV that other countries governments screwed up". To say we are "overdrawn" doesn't even cover it!!!!
I believe you are right. And this time around we have 2 generations of people who most have never known a missed meal or gone without anything they wanted... Lord have mercy.
I certainly HOPE it does not happen but I feel more and more uncomfortable every day. And if it does happen you are exactly right...even I at 67 have never really experienced it. We never had what we called "money" but we never went hungry, we had clothes, we had a roof over our head, lots of family time, no bombs dropping on us at any given time and we were happy for the most part, looking back...very happy.
When being a Democrat involves lockstep fealty to the pieties of unlimited statism, post modern nihilism, CRT, gender pretense, green theocracy, foreign adventurism, constitutional vandalism, and acceptance of corrupt and demented leaders, it seems to incentivize escape from the asylum.
THAT should be a poster. may I quote you?
By all means
Wow that’s a mouthful… 😇
Yes... So where do you go from here?
The irony!
Off topic, but what's up with Hunter Biden's face in that screen grab? It looks like there's a vertical line running right down the middle of his face from his forehead to his chin. Is that what crack does to a body?
Why do you think they call it crack?
😂 actually laughed out loud at this one.
Me too, scared the dogs
Biden genes. Or maybe he's been replaced by something made in China?
Since it's cracked, shouldn't that be made /of/ china?
Every time I think of Psaki I think of 4 of the 5 "leaders" in Afghanistan that she swore a few years ago were freed but were prevented from ever having power. Now they have the whole country and lots of stuff and lots of American prisoners!
Not much to like about her
It's the future of food, little good cat! Doncha know?
"Swedish scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change" 🤡
Wait, didn't "Soylent Green" take place in 2022?
I’ve been thinking about that movie a lot.
I love how them scientist blames the "necessity" on climate change. Oh my word.
The ends justify the means. That's why these totalitarians want to ban free speech, too.
“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.”
- Dr Strangelove
It was even worse than BigThink reported. I looked him up and found some real gems he spouted during the conference ("Gastro Summit").
According to Söderlund, the biggest obstacle to eating human flesh would be that it must come from a /dead/ human.
Let that happy thought stew for a while, hm?
Oh, I dunno - I say they need to think outside the coffin, er, box. Surely there are enough cannibal movies out there to inspire us?
"stew" you have a way with words. 😯
Thank you. Used to subject my colleagues and students to much punning and wordplay - the wife just throws things at me and tells "Go tell your 'dad jokes' to the chickens".
And since my father in law taught to throw a knife, well I generally find it better to chicken out than to fowl up the mood.
Well that's something to crow about!
Rikard, I'll bet you know this - before I was locked out of Facebook forever (and proud of it) I found some really fun punster sites - Punitentiary, etc. I too enjoy puns and wordplay. You might check them out if you are one to visit the belly of that particular beast. Save your wife's pitching arm.
It's a modest proposal. But not swift. .
And you thought "Soylent Green" was just a B list 70s movie, or a modern frankenfood product...
I rewatched "Soylent Green" last year and it's really a pretty good movie.
Soylent Green.
Soylent green. Or cloud atlas I guess. Gross.
I wouldn't eat that crap if it was served on a gold platter! It's cancerous!
Every picture I see of Hunter Biden: he needs a shave. It's not like a beard; it's like someone who didn't bother to shave when they got up today. Is that fashionable? Do you have to be clean shaven one day to look like a bum the next day, or is there a shaver for that?
The WHO changed the definition of 'Pandemic' - it no longer has to be deadly AND vaccines no longer have to 'prevent'. The WHO has set humanity up for never ending mRNA 'Therapies'. FULL disclosure of exactly what is in the current therapy (what they are testing/tweeking on us) is withheld. Put this together with Noah Harari from the World Economic Forum(WHO) stating mRNA injections/therapy will have the ability to influence how we think(=our brains). Which takes us to the country of Chile passing of the Neurological Rights Bill. It's construct and passing strips all 'Theory' away from Conspiracy. BLOODY SCARRY? Here's some far out thoughts...... (1) CIA's declassified M-ULTRA experiments without consent of the individual. (2) the extent to depravity in Nazi experimentations. (3) our science has only mapped out 10% of the human mind, 90% remains to be discovered. THEORY: more experimentation on humanity; specifically, our brain. Bible verse: "and man shall seek death and not find it". CHILE's Neurologic Bill: https://www.jurist.org/news/2021/10/chile-becomes-first-country-to-pass-neuro-rights-law/".
Apparently we taste like pork. A delightful tidbit.
In New Guinea the correct term is "long pig". So now I'm thinking of that (rumored) deleted scene from "Eyes Wide Shut" and Kubrick's sudden and unexpected death...hmm...
I thought it was chicken… hmmm 🤨
Is it cannibalistic to eat the carrot nose of a snowman? A pumpkin head of a scarecrow in the yard?
Personally, I wish they would just raise the rates already. Quite chicken littleling it. News flash: The sky needs to fall some.
Wholesale price increases at this annualized rate has the constituents everywhere re-thinking their votes for folks hard over on the left. Those 'cannibals' are just trying to moon walk stage right so they can hold onto their power.
🤣 thanks Gato. I was deep into Jessica Rose and PHE England stats (showing 3 x the deaths in those boostered , 2x the rates of infection and hospitalization was similar). All very serious.
Moved to your substack : just the title! 🤣
nothing to do with batshit policies then?
A crooked smile is supposed to be a sign of vaxx injury. Look at Hunter's. Maybe daddy joker wants us all vaxxed injured like his favoritist son.
biden gave away so many javelin and stinger missiles to the azov nazis that even the military industry complex is raising prices thru the roof.
I gave up Democrats for Lent...and I'm not even Catholic. Come to think of it, I just gave up democrats period! Seems prudent.
People generally avoid junk food and/or rotten meat.
As I always respond to my spouse at the suggestion we eat the cats for dinner, “Yick - too stringy!”
Yep, cats are overrated. The neighbor's pug, on the other hand, is looking quite succulent these days. And I do have some great Filipino recipes...
Dog sinagong? 😝
Adobo. I actually had friends with a black dog that they had named Adobo. Inside joke, for sure, but in Hawai'i everyone understood it.
The Russians would apparently trade house cats so that they didn’t need to eat their own.
I better not 😉
Goes well with Parmesan cheese
What a brain! Belongs right up there on the meat counter.
Tastes like chicken.
I hate democrats. Why do so many people buy into their shit.
I listened to a small portion on Patriot XM radio (might have to cancel that, they are raising their fees too) with Kilmead and Charles Payne, yesterday coming home from my 98 year old daddy. Charles was so spot on about how the democrats promise all kinds of crap, and really pander to the "african american" population. What has improved over the past 35 years? for anyone? except Hunter and Joe??
Hannibal Lector - call your office.