As I've said, this is proof that we could never actually have "universal basic income" in the US. It wouldn't be permitted to be truly "universal". We are watching *progressives* try to exclude people from their *own much vaunted social safety net* if they won't vaccinate. It's remarkable to watch and has a few honest old-school progressives wondering what the heck happened to everybody.

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we are watching fascist progressives.....

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These crazy far left fanatics are lunatics dressed in regular people's clothing. They are nothing but hypocrites and liars.

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I don't think anything happened. We are just seeing the reality that was there all along. Prior to the smartphone and the web we didn't know. Now we know.

I used to be a soldier. Marched hundreds of miles with hundreds of other soldiers in ranks and files. Embedded amongst them like an atom in a crystal lattice.

I had no idea what was in the hearts and minds of all those soldiers all around me.

Today, via the web and smartphones every single one of them has global broadcasting voice and a globally listening ear and the ability to form, lose and reform alliances, groups almost instantly.

And that's what's happening.

The 'soldiers' haven't changed. They just manifest differently because now they can.

We have to wake up that this is our world.

There's always been very unpleasant stuff in it that we knew about and just had to accept.

The numbers of criminals.

The numbers of corrupt politicians.

The inequality of wealth where 'we' do the work, 'they' take the benefit.

And so on. Lots of things. We are used to them.

Now here's another truth uncovered: the mass is unreasoning.

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Not for me but for those who put their faith (& fate) in our broken sick-care system, I have campaigned for M4A. Holy crap - I"m rethinking giving more power and more control to those that abuse it.

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It’s time to change adjectives. “Progressive” doesn’t fit, but “regressive” does.

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Yes. As I've said for a long time if they give something that simply means those who accept are obligated to follow the rules set down by the givers in order to maintain it. It can always be taken away on pretty arbitrary grounds. I want nothing, I'd rather do for myself thanks

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People might want to brush up on 1847 Ireland to understand the dangers of dependency.

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Remember, last year during the covid free money giveaway, the states claimed it would be illegal for them NOT to pay pensions, and therefore they needed a bailout.

“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”

― Frank Herbert

The mask is coming off of government, and it is every bit the slimy evil monster that libertarians said it was.

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As our founding fathers knew that it was.

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And we the people will restore it, we have no choice.

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Doing nothing is also a choice.

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True, and those that do nothing can move to the left for they are willing to accept what the fanatics offer. That is their choice. If they wish to surrender their freedom, have at it. But for most of us, sacrificing our freedoms and those of future generations is a non negotiable.

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This is pathetically, obviously illegal and as empty a threat as Brandon's weird, whispered bullying speech two months ago.

This isn't how retirement benefits work. They are not conditional on good behavior. They are owed money.

Just like you can't withhold medical care from insured people because you don't like their life choices.

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actually, i think the threat is mechanistically plausible.

they are threatening to call it termination for disciplinary infraction.

that would invalidate pensions and benefits.

whether they are crazy enough to go that scorched earth is an open question, but it does seems like a doable thing.

personally, i think the police are going to back zombie buckwheat down. bigly.

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Your argument is plausible, BUT:

1) Even if the police union were pro-vaxx, they're obliged by self-preservation to immediately sue for wrongful termination the moment one cop was let go this way.

2) An important detail of this is that there is a deadline, and if cops file for retirement prior to that deadline, they are not in violation of the code of discipline: you can't pre-crime someone for a mandate that is not yet in place.

3) Illinois is not a "right to work" state, but it IS an "employment-at-will" state, which means that you may quit your job AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON, and this includes public workers. It is not against the law or regs to quit your job, and you don't have to supply a reason- meaning the onus would be on the city to "prove they were quitting to protest" and not simply quitting.

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How quaint.

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TRUE. Xiden just ignores the laws, and openly admits some policies are illegal, but the legal process is slow, so that is why he is issuing orders. Democrats don't have to obey law, that's why they are eager to impose them.

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He had a great role model for that.

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The optics of this from an employee recruitment perspective, are awful. One of the reasons people get government jobs is the retirement benefits.

Pay doesn't compare to private and except for a few exceptions, the jobs are exceedingly boring, regulatory complex and your customers (the taxpayers) hate you.

Guess it's one way to shrink government.

Can more leaders to expand this threat to all Federal employees?

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Guess you haven't been keeping up. Your description of federal bureaucrats is dated. Today they make MORE money than the private sector (any number of articles, and papers about it)

Basically there is no opposing force when they bargain, politicians want their votes and the situation has CHANGED

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No, have not, Worked 10 years as a state employee, decades ago, at that time the worker class earned less than private industry but we had great, cheap benefits.

So is this for all job levels or management and above, that salary is on parity with private sector?

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Oct 20, 2021
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I mean, you can literally always say "what if they decide to ignore legal precedent and established law" and then, yes, absolutely anything could happen, but that isn't a meaningful discussion.

Within the boundaries of existing conditions- that we have a massive wave of tyrannical, undemocratic impulses perverting but not explicitly violating their legal authority, the previous is my take.

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if these nuts continue to push, they will see scorched earth. you can only push people so far and when the straw breaks the camels back, they best take cover.

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Exactly. Let's say the threat works and a bunch of officers take the jab and remain on the force. How's having a bunch of armed, pissed-off men who were just medically raped really going to work out for Beetlejuice and the other Powers That Be in Chicago?

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Or, alternatively, they walk and Chicago ends up with a bunch of pissed-off, still armed (this is America, after all) men who are now unemployed and have had their pensions stolen. It's a lose-lose for the bad guys - they really should go back and crawl under the floorboards of Klaus Schwab's woodshed before "shit gets real".

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so true. I have to believe in the long run we are triumphant. Klaus Schwab is 83. I keep waiting for the news he is dead. He can join the hell that Epstein is in. Next is Soros, his sorry a** has got to go too.

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I’ve always called her Beetlejuice. I think zombie buckwheat fits well too.

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Please don't insult Beetlejuice, LOL!

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Along with killing recruitment, those woth only a year or 2 or 3 invested may decide to move to the private sector.

And this could be the move that brings the cops to our side.

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Really? A few well-placed, determined bureaucrats and some savvy attorneys can rewrite the rules as they see fit. Bought off fake news will defend and social media will vigorously shame anyone that opposes the emerging 'new normal.' It will take eons and mega-bucks to move through the courts and by then the new norm will have legs and state of the art weapons. Your kids will think punishing people (for not following government edicts) by taking away everything they will ever have is just the way things are.

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Well they're not all doing this because they're in the pay of big pharma, are they? It's because they really in believe in something. What? That vaccines will save their lives and unvaccinated will imperil them? Is that it? They really believe that?

Then we need a loud and very simplistic campaign we can all promote that sets them straight.

Maybe something like:

Vaccine: 99% live. (99.96 Pfizer's figures)

No Vaccine: 99% live. (99.86 Pfizer's figures)

Vaccines: still get the virus.

No Vaccines: still get the virus.

Vaccinated: spread the virus while ill.

Unvaccinated: spread the virus while ill.

Vaccinated: Overwhelming never see before numbers of vaccine side and fatal effects.

Unvaccinated: None.

Vaccinated immunity: Fades within weeks. Israelis now pumping shot number four into them.

Natural immunity: Lasts and lasts, is more complete, no shots.

Vaccine: Does not help immune system, just kick starts it.

Vit D, A, C, zinc, exercise, sunlight, wind friends, happiness: help, strengthen the immune system.

Lockdowns, masks, distancing, fear, doubt, powerlessness: weaken the immune system.

Natural life and fighting, independent, empowered attitude: strengthens immune system.

Viral 'attack' of this nature: Seen many times before in history inc. recent history.

Shutdown, abhor others, hide, vaccinate everyone, police etc.: never seen before.

USA States with strong lockdowns, masks, distancing, etc. etc. disease followed path 'A'

USA State with none of the above: disease followed the same path 'A'

MSM and Politicians change story unpredictably, have no science, promote censorship and gags.

Serious scientists of long standing universally promote same story from beginning 'target response'.

In short:

This way is the WRONG way.

The natural way is the RIGHT WAY.

I think we need something along those lines cobbled together by those who are experts in this sort of thing, copy writers? propagandists? advertising people?

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It's not about facts, obviously.

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Arthur, this is very logical and rational. I know it and you know it. But rational argument does not work with irrational people. It’s difficult to comprehend, but it’s true.

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yep. true I'm suggesting (just thought of it today) we persistently broadcast whenever we can simple, simple, incontrovertible significant truths in the hopes of kinda subliminally indoctrinating .... something like:

we need a loud and very simplistic campaign we can all promote that sets them straight.

Maybe something like:

Vaccine: 99% live. (99.96 Pfizer's figures)

No Vaccine: 99% live. (99.86 Pfizer's figures)

Vaccines: still get the virus.

No Vaccines: still get the virus.

Vaccinated: spread the virus while ill.

Unvaccinated: spread the virus while ill.

Vaccinated: Overwhelming never see before numbers of vaccine side and fatal effects.

Unvaccinated: None.

Vaccinated immunity: Fades within weeks. Israelis now pumping shot number four into them.

Natural immunity: Lasts and lasts, is more complete, no shots.

Vaccine: Does not help immune system, just kick starts it.

Vit D, A, C, zinc, exercise, sunlight, wind friends, happiness: help, strengthen the immune system.

Lockdowns, masks, distancing, fear, doubt, powerlessness: weaken the immune system.

Natural life and fighting, independent, empowered attitude: strengthens immune system.

Viral 'attack' of this nature: Seen many times before in history inc. recent history.

Shutdown, abhor others, hide, vaccinate everyone, police etc.: never seen before.

USA States with strong lockdowns, masks, distancing, etc. etc. disease followed path 'A'

USA State with none of the above: disease followed the same path 'A'

MSM and Politicians change story unpredictably, have no science, promote censorship and gags.

Serious scientists of long standing universally promote same story from beginning 'target response'.

State of Emergency tyrannical despotic powers: Can order all these things

Normal Rule of Law in Australia: These things cannot be ordered: are illegal

This way is the WRONG way.

The natural way is the RIGHT WAY.

I think we need something along those lines cobbled together by those who are experts in this sort of thing,

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Oct 21, 2021
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I think there's some good ideas there. I've tried QR codes. I collected a number of good links - mainly they were like Ivor Cummins at that time - and I QR coded the links and printed the bunch on sheets of A4 paper which I posted up around town here and there.

I dont know how well or not they went. Didn't stop the whole town wearing masks. i could still do it. Perhaps I will. The truth is I am lazy and I guess somewhat disheartened. :)

Yes I think you're right. a QR to a simple couplet like that, they'll take in as one 'eyebite' before they know what they're doing. :)

And where to put the couplets to link to them? Well I have a site with hundreds of links on it: covidhonesty.com - and I've had no probs there as yet. I could put them up there. One to a page.... Then anyone could link to them.

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true, kool aid drinkers are deaf, dumb and blind.

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Branch Covidians. ( not my term, but I like it!)

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Kool Aiders, Idiot Jeds, if the shoe fits!

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there's something else.

In Australia every state is under what's called a 'State of Emergency' declared and voted in by its State Parliament.

In that condition law is suspended effectively and all rights stripped entirely away for in that condition the authorities can do whatever they like without limit.

The people do not even know it but they are living in a despotic tyranny by declaration of their own State Parliaments! Their own leaders voted to have them stripped of everything!

And they didn't even know. Don't even know.

Voted States of Emergency in the absence of any emergency! And maintain it as that truth grows more and more and more evident. They are voted again monthly in at least some Parliaments.

Clearly there's only one 'emergency' and it is what governments are doing.

And that is the simple basic cause and Achilles heel of the whole thing, at least in Aus. Revoke those emergency powers and you draw their teeth and they sink back into the slime.

But the people seem to be entirely ignorant of the whole thing.

Hence it would seem to be a priority to make them aware and get them to tell their MP's: revoke immediately.

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Beware and woe to the Aus. govt when the people realize. The reckoning will be severe. The truth always comes out, yes it may take a long time but it will always stand in the Light.

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The bad guys already can't go anywhere in public without being seriously heckled by crowds. Good thing they exempted themselves from insider trading laws a few years back so that now they can afford all those bodyguards.

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yes, heckling today but they still better be careful. security or no security, you can always get to someone. they are cowards hiding behind bodyguards bc they know that what they are doing is wicked and morally reprehensible.

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Extremely strong points.

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Patriotic Americans.

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Power > Truth.

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I live in Chicago. I fully support all PD walking off the job for this and many other reasons. How much abuse should someone take?

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I don't live there so I can't legitimately say "me too." However, if our own mayor resorted to these tactics over and over and over again, I would definitely say "ME TOO."

May God bless and protect our Law Enforcement Personnel where ever they are and what ever roll they are filling.

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Darn tootin'

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Yep. This would be my guess too. Run off the "good ones" and fill in with submissive lackey toadies. Same thing they're doing with our hospital staff and airline pilots.

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And military. Don't forget them.

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Too true Purrl, far too true.

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Just don't call it coercion.. they're free to choose submission or starvation, very scientific!

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They are starting to lose--Chicago, Southwest Airlines, huge protests against schoolchildren mandates in Cali, Australia loosening restrictions, Florida (that Sahara of the Bozart backwards in every which way including vaccine rates) now has the third lowest per capita case rates--the grip on the skyscraper ledge is coming undone one finger at a time and then there is going to be quite a fall. Perhaps a 'fatal' fall.

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You should see Italy right now. NWO fake news hiding it but the protests are beyond massive and unrelenting.

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Particularly like this one. In-n-Out tells SF vaccine compulsion unit what they can do with their "mandate." "After closing our restaurant, local regulators informed us that our restaurant Associates must actively intervene by demanding proof of vaccination and photo identification from every Customer, then act as enforcement personnel by barring entry for any Customers without the proper documentation."

"We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government," Wensinger declared, slamming the San Francisco Department of Health's requirements as "unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe" and accusing the city of asking restaurants to "segregate Customers" based on vaccine documentation."


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Yes, the middle finger to these yahoos. Keep pissing us off, they will be very sorry. There is always a straw that breaks the camels back and when it does, the left better watch out.

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I do not think this is going to end well.

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True, but we can still hope and push for it not to end well in a way that is constructive.

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We can hope that, but I just remember when Daley took out Miegs airport overnight bc he wanted to. Chicago I hope still has its shoulders.

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only if we allow it. This shall not pass.

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that is the plan.

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Here in AotearoaNZ, individuals unwilling to comply with vaccine mandates are being encouraged not to resign but to hold out till their employers to terminate their employment so that they are able to retain access to some benefits like their retirement benefits and ability to apply for unemployment benefits without the lengthy stand downs that are associated with voluntarily leaving a job . It also requires the employer to document the reason for dismissal which could open the way for a class action legal challenge.

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Today its Chicago. Tomorrow Atlanta. The next day YOUR city. Decide today what it is you are willing to do to save your freedom. The hammer will come down when you are getting groceries, picking up the kids or about to go to bed. Some time when you are not thinking about your freedoms but just living them.

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I hope when all hell has broken loose in Chicago bc most of the PD has left, that the criminals make a beeline right to the mayors home (and I am not capitalizing it the "M"on purpose) and pillage all she has so she can see what she has wrought. And that goes for all that are causing this. Let them reap what they sow.

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Honestly no,

The gangsters are also aldermen.

They have good security.

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This is the time for all the other CPD to walk off the job and show what will not comply means

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It means they’ll be replaced by Progressive Community Policing, see Camden NJ, the model.


I should in passing mention that Camden is a cross between Mogadishu and the movie SAW, but Progress marches on.

Camden also has pretty much Universal Basic Income, now it’s usually spent pretty fast, but the spending supports the local Libertarians*, as well as the ER medical community, along with the funeral homes.

*Well perhaps I should call them Street Pharmacists.

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Camden increased their police force - that was the outcome of community policing

"A prudent analysis must factor in not just the disbanding of the department, or its shift to community policing, but the increasing number of cops on the streets, the equipping of the police force with better tools, the residual effects of removing violent criminals from the streets over time"


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It's surreal. In communist Canada, and it's looking grim. I used to tell students, " You are in the driver's seat." Locus of control (internal vs external) was an indicator of success. But now, I am not in the driver's seat, and nor is my family. We worked hard. University, college, student loans, investment properties (which my hubby laboured over). I also had a failed business. We're not looking for sympathy. But now, we are up against losing both of our jobs. My beautiful, smart, good-hearted daughter (math major, with four years bachelor degree), might not be able to go through with her placement, for her Bachelor of Education next semester, due to her non-vaxxed status. I can live with what they do to me, but this breaks my heart.

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If we fold, they will take more. As hard as it is, sacrifice today will hopefully turn this around. There are more of us than them, by sheer numbers we can succeed. If this all continues, coups will ensue, I have no doubt. They may try to destroy our future, but our childrens and grandchildrens, they have no idea what they are up against. Stay strong. Many of us are making active sacrifices to save our freedoms. I will be damned if I let the likes of these ignorant leftist fanatics take it away.

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We won't fold. We've sold off what we can for now, and so we can float for a while with a barebones budget, living off of our proceeds. I know this is something to be grateful for, and we do appreciate that we had something to sell. We also have our faith. I hold some sliver of hope that my husband's religious exemption will be accepted. He is the main income. I can't request one, as I work contract to contract each semester. For my daughter, the school board was accepting rapid tests in lieu of shots. However, the university changed their mind on this (after tuition was due) and directed ALL must have shots, regardless of school board. I can't decide if they're getting paid off to boost numbers, or simply taking the path of least resistance to avoid liability with any outbreaks. She has an online placement for Fall, but come January, all bets are off. I have discussed with her, teaming up with me and doing some home schooling. I know there will be parents who will not want their little ones jabbed, once they start pushing that too. However, I'm not sure how that would work with insurance, so it is still just a thought. Thanks for your encouragement!

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Don't let them touch our kids with that gene therapy-it is repulsive. Depopulation and sterility could be behind all this since Gates, Schwab and their ilk have discussed depop openly and have ascribed to eugenics. I am furious they want to put this crap into our little ones. Hang in there, many of us in the same boat. WE have to protect the future generation from this wickedness. Keep strong and thanks for sharing!

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Our teenage and young adult kids must accept the facr that this is WAR. And all our lives will be interrupted while we fight for freedom and humanity. It's not business as usual, and it's okay to put our career goals on hold while we save ourselves and our loved ones.

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Yes, I agree with you. But until we find out the state of the people (long term) who take the vaccine, I'm willing to live with their "privations".

I think EVENTUALLY the 'chickens will come home to roost'.

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The dumbest humans on the planet are in the swamps of Blue Cities.

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She is such a master persuader that she has to resort to thug tactics to get compliance.

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Sounds like Joe.

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Power doesn't corrupt. Power reveals.

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So true.

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It does both.

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How many will sign onto the force going forward if they know Chicago will hold them hostage in this way?

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Keep voting for Democrats if you want your city, state or country destroyed.

Very few things are more deadly or expensive than Dems delusional and regressive policies; the growing list of Dems shitholes is a living testimony of that fact.

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They’re not delusional.

They’re deliberate.

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Fanatics on any side are destructive. That is the problem. You can't reason with them, compromise with them or talk to them. Today it is the fanatical left...

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It will be interesting watching case in point Seattle just finally and completely disintegrate, now that they are firing the few LEO that they have left.

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let them fall and disintegrate. next....chicago, minneapolis, la, nyc...

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I'd like to see how many of these cops voted for Democrats. Then I will tell you if I care. That liberalism would lead here has been obvious to me for over 40 years. Many people are getting what they voted for.

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I can't think of a single PD, even in the bluest of states, where a significant number vote Democrat.

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Hip hip hooray! I agree with you. You voted for this shit you get what you deserve. 👍

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There's a huge difference between honest, traditional Liberalism and this new age version that has been captured and perverted by the Progressive/Authoritarian/Marxist mentality, imo. I agree that the process stated decades ago, as far back as the early 20th century.

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fascists will fascist!

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Wow, they are just begging for a cat fight!

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chicago needs an outbreak of blue flu....

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Ed, they need a royal enema and then some. I will be happy to administer free of charge.

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Is it "Chicago" or Lightfoot, who gave a pass to teachers?

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They will just say anything.

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Not only immoral but HAS to be a failure in court.

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The targeting of the "unvaccinated" is tragic. If someone like Elon Musk does not want to be vaccinated, no one can force it on him. The crazies among us are getting rid of many capable and talented people whose contributions are critical to the functioning of our economy and society. Their first target was the oil market which drove WTI crude prices from $35 a year ago to $82 today. I fear we are on track for a total breakdown in social order before next midterm election.

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just heard the current administration says we all need to lower our expectation, especially when it comes to the ships on the west coast and not getting products and deliveries on time or complaining the grocery store shelves are empty. what derelicts.

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Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. We will be experiencing ongoing shortages for months if not years. The worst is yet to come. We just lost a bunch of top nuclear scientists who we desperately need to keep our lights on. We are now the modern day Rome. I fear history will repeat itself and it is unstoppable.

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I am not there yet with the ship having sailed. I have full faith in the American people and others around the world. We can deal with shortages and will be more frugal. There are other nuclear scientists that will fill their spots. They are not the only ones. If our lights go off, we can deal with that too. We are resilient. If we weren't, this country would have never succeeded in its founding and development. If we have even 1/4 of the chutzpah our forefathers had, we got this. It is stoppable. It may take a while and appear impossible, but it is not. As a wise sage once said, "And this too shall pass." And as Steve Perry once belted out, "Don't stop believin'".

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You are way too optimistic. People are losing livelihoods and pensions over an endemic disease. 'Believin' is plain naivete. Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and many top notched builders and scientists are not replaceable. Many important products you take for granted today came from key individuals. Yes, 99% is replaceable. But without that 1% you have nothing.

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Yes I am and I have hope. Glad to be this way. I am one that has lost her livelihood so I am quite aware of the current situation as it is. No naivete here. But I will not give up and hold my head high. The world in all its turmoil is still a beautiful and wondrous place and I am grateful for it. We are all replaceable, even those you mention. Others will follow. They are not the end all be all. There have always been key individuals in history and there always will be. I will respectfully disagree with your 1% opinion.

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Imagine LA Lakers without LaBron James. Where would New England Patriots be without Tom Brady? People are literally losing their retirement savings over an endemic disease. Where is the public outrage? We are living in a very dark time. "Don't stop believin'" is surrender.

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Truth. Less than 10% of any enterprise always carry the rest of an organization.

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Yeah, "Progressive" minded, fully vaxxed, affirmative action, bought and paid for "scientists" will fill those spots.

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Perhaps...but life has a strange way of surprising you sometimes. As for me, I am continuing to stay optimistic.

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I agree that optimism is the way to go, but it can cloud things over in critical situations and when the clouds lift...

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Wait how surprised we will all be when the Democrats win in landslides all over the country (cough, cough ..Dominion, cough) again anyway!

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please bite your tongue.

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Good God...just let them go in peace.

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Take the King’s shilling, do the King’s bidding.

I don't have much sympathy for the State's praetorians when, after enforcing the plethora of immoral victimless "crimes" the rulers decreed, they find themselves on the receiving end of what they've been dishing out.

The State IS a mafia. Nothing more than a gang of thieves writ large, as Rothbard said. And as we all know, there is no honor among thieves.

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In some way, I'm glad this is all happening. It reveals the real fascists among us. When the tide turns, we will be good for 20 years...

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I hope Beetlejuice's security detail are the first to walk off the job.

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I am not for the mandate, I think they would lose in court.

But IF they won in court it could (inadvertently) be the "straw" that ends the corrupt pension system in IL. The politicians "say" the constitution protects pensions, if that is not the case ala mandate - then ALL pensions would be fair game.

PS - I moved out of IL 6 yrs ago, in part to the taxes and corruption in government. Winters were horrible as well.

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Your money or your life!

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Who in hell has the right to do this? WTF? Good luck ever getting people to sign up to become officers...but maybe this is the plan. Right?

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Great excuse for Leviathan to finally bring in the UN armed forces.

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Scary sh*t huh?

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So that's it. Where the Hell does the Illinois government think that they are granted this option ? Just like where the Hell does the wack-job Governor of NY State believe that she has the option to fire doctors and nurses and deny them unemployment. There are truly INSANE people elected, or appointed to, high offices in our Government. The sad truth is that these officials believe the lies and mistruths that are pushed by Big Pharma, Big Government and more. The sad facts are that these so called 'vaccines'... which aren't actually vaccines, as they're patented as 'gene therapies'... do not work and are harming the health of millions. But our CDC, FDA & NIH... agencies that are supposed to protect us from ill advised medicines... are now 'captured agencies'. So they distort the truth to help the narrative of Big Pharma. They, Joe Brandon, and many others are a total disgrace.

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Democrats, propped up and egged on by the Progs are truly drunk with power.

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This behavior has happened before.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Sound familiar?

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Cannot believe this would ever hold up in court. I heard a lawyer who was giving advice for suits…He said to ask where in their original work contract it says that they would have to take any mandatory emergency use authorization vaccination.

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I hope Lori Lightfoot tries, then after those honorable police officers win their law suit, their benefits will be even higher!! ;-)

As Forest Gump once said: "Stupid is as stupid does"

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I think that they are going to force a lot of people to take illegal actions to preserve their country

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Leftists want to defund the police? You don't say...

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The biggest lawsuit in the history of lawsuits....maybe ever.

The Retirement is sacrosanct, even O.J. got to keep his. *popcorn*

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Again, Covid plays into the hands of the Diktats. The state is so broke they would use any excuse to withhold public pensions.

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Somebody should be arrested?

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and that somebody should be the mayor

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This is is informed consent?

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Do you want them to form their own gang?

Because this is how you get them to form their own gang.

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Actually the mafia learned from the many governments in Italy how to oppress people (and get money)

The government made all the advances in oppression, the mafia is just a wannabe.

"Progressives are always on the cutting edge of oppression" (in the name of the people)

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Retirement benefits are part of the employment package, earned as you go along… so they are going to retroactively remove a benefit that has already been earned? Where are the lawyers?

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A meeting of the FDA Committee is to be held on Oct. 26th, 2021 to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for administration of their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age: https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-october-26-2021-meeting-announcement



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How dare they leave their jobs voluntarily after the city decided to defund them and force policies on them they don't agree with!

Incase anyone still thought this was about public health, this is proof positive that it's about control down to the last drop

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Very interesting, I daresay.

This cannot go on for much longer, as yesterday's post about Italy suggests.

Thus, let’s briefly think about what might happen next.

I think that once one gov’t falls (here’s looking at you, Mario Draghi), it appears rather unlikely that the French won’t join in. Austria just announced—despite no basis in law (yet)—that the ‘Green Pass’ will apply from 1 November 2021 onwards. Honestly, Latvia just announced another hard ‘lockdown’, with some gov’t ministers calling for ‘martial law’ (I’m not making this up, check out the Latvian media report here).

I think it’s not so much going to be a ‘Dark Winter’. Don’t get me wrong, we’ll see significantly elevated mortality events (excess deaths are up in the U.K. and Germany as well as in a number of other European countries for 1-2 months now), but my point is: at some point, reality will trump ‘reality’ as understood by the globalist sympathisers masquerading as national gov’ts.

And then the question turns into: will the fallout look like March or October 1848?

(See my more elaborate take on this here: https://fackel.substack.com/p/forget-about-dark-winter-its-actually, if you're interested.)

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It'd be a shame if one of these armed cops is about to lose everything he worked for and having nothing else to lose get like really passed off in a crazy sort of way... real shame.

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*passed off

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