To paraphrase a certain gato we know, "call me ms. cynical paws," but I'm afraid Fauci will slide out of this attempt to snare him the way he's slid out of so many before. The Devil protects his own.

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i think there's a classic DC compromise setting up here.

they bust him on "cover up" and on lying to congress and mishandling information.

this lets them be seen to have "served justice upon the malefactor" but also lets them skate out of this without ever having actually delved to the bottom of the substance of "what happened."

they get to play sheriff, but the laundry stays in the hamper.

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We can do "The Innuendo", we can dance and sing

When it's said and done, we haven't told you a thing

We all know that crap is king

Give us dirty laundry!

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Kick 'em when they're up, Kick 'em when they're down.

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Kick 'em when they're stiff, Kick 'em all around.

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Rah rah ree! Kick 'em in the knee! Rah rah rass! Kick 'em in the other knee!

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That exchange among the 4 of you made me LOL (so to speak).

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This sounds depressingly accurate.

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Exactly, this happens so often --with every scandal. An individual is offered to the masses and the real perps stay hidden.

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and insult to injury is they always try to "fix" it with more bureaucrats!

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let's make sure the DOD-was-in-charge-of it laundry comes out of the hamper and is strewn all over the room and pointed to relentlessly.



chart pg 10 demonstrates DOD is the Chief Operating Officer of Operation Warp Speed. Chart presented at an FDA advisory committee meeting October 10, 2020: https://www.fda.gov/media/143560/download

General Gustave Perna was the Chief Operating Officer of OWS.

HHS sec’y declares public health emergency exists jan 31 2020 -- the earliest suspected "covid"-related fatality was not until Feb. 6, 2020 per NY Times.

Statement: SIGNED 1 / 31 / 2020


as Sasha Latypova highlights: Why did Col Matt Hepburn of DARPA call the pharma pandemic consortium on Feb 4, 2020 to tell them covid is a national security threat? What justified that extraordinary statement when there was zero covid in the US, almost none in the world, and nobody died of it at that time (or since, really)? What justified these extraordinary militarized activities?


more related links:


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Meanwhile no real punishment is meted out and Teflon Tony keeps all his hard earned dough!

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Slight correction: OUR hard earned dough!

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I was about to post that myself.

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Slimeballs always make out like bandits.

Sometimes I wish I was a slimeball, so I could come out on top for a change.

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Well said...but I'm suspecting the hamper will have an Epstein-tamper. "Oops"...

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That includes all the mealy-mouth spineless Republican governors.

I can't decide who I loathe more!

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I have become an equal opportunity loather.

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I got enough loathe going on to float a battleship around

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Between the 2 of us we've got enough loathe for 2 battleships and a nuclear sub.

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Shhhh! Biden will want it to deliver "humanitarian aid" to Gaza!

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In my snark, I try to offend ALL groups equally!

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I don't know about that equality....some groups deserve way more snark than others.

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Don't forget to include all the mealy-mouth spineless Republican Senators and House Representatives. The next few days will reveal who speaks up and who is silent, then we'll know all about who is who.

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Eventually they all pay the piper!

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And word on the street is that the piper is coming around sooner than you think.

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And have to leave their money behind.

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Unfortunately, I agree. Mr Tony has powerful friends in very high places. Ask Bill Ghate$.

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"The Devil protects his own."

True, he is friend with mr. gates.

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Well, ms. cynical paws, you may be right. In one of the most blatant, unbelievably obvious political sham trials, DJT, our REAL president, was just found guilty on all 34 totally phony charges in a kangaroo court that made the banana republic dictators look like benign upholders of justice. This is NOT over yet, but it gives a pretty clear picture of the totally rotten and corrupt state of what used to be OUR justice system...

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They pulled out all the tricks -- including intentionally misspelling words so they wouldn't be picked up in FOIA requests. (Remember the Michigan government that "wrote" in Greek to do the same thing?) There's literally no explanation for this except "cover-up", and there's no reason to launch a cover-up unless you're guilty.

The emails ALSO show that Fauci and the gang was worried about the attacks "coming from the right", so they ran to Democrats for cover. Fauci knew the ONLY way to duck these inconvenient questions was to make them political -- and it's worked so far. Now everybody that has Fauci pillows and 5 boosters is forced to continue defending him instead of demanding a trial.

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I have an acquaintance (friend of a friend, really) who was in times past active in the "civilian" space industry (like there is any real demarcation between civilian and military in the MIC world). He was so paranoid about spooks looking over his shoulder that when he went to a conference or meeting he took notes using the Cyrillic alphabet to write down English words phonetically.

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Brilliant! I have no need of that, but wish I could do that, too.

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theatrical performance to legitimize the system

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Yes of course the system is legit. They love us so much they sterilized the needles for the lethal injections.

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And they swabbed your arm with alcohol for the needle. Safe and effective.

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They do that on death row executions, too. Force of habit?

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May 30·edited May 30

You wouldn't want them to die of an infection would you?

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Yes, and it will be a mealy-mouthed, vague, memory-compromised miasma of nothing drawn out for years.

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I think you have that right.

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"I'm an old man, I get confused."

Tony practicing.

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Too confused to be trialed or convicted; compos mentis enough not to be sectioned.

Seems familiar, somehow.

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New syndrome. Bidenitis. Fatal to those around you.

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"Real Science™️ is to know the extent of one's ignorance."


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He copied that from The Dummy in the black house.

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That's the defense Trump should've used. He was just convicted on all 34 counts.

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I expect Fauci will re-use the "Senator Paul, you don't know what you're talking about" defense again.

This guy caused the pandemic, hid it, then reaped the rewards of "finding" the clot shots...that didn't work.

He is a liar and his soul should burn in hell.

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There was no pandemic. Fauci was just a useful idiot that was well paid to be the spokesperson of the psyop. Now he is about to learn what it means to be a fall guy .

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Could be, seeing how colds and flu were ~zero~ during that period. Just repackaged normal stuff, then killing people who had a PCR+ test with vents and remdesivir to run up the numbers.

To this day, the CDC and INS require coof vaxxxxes for legal immigration.

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Maybe they should just come in with the illegals. What would a few that really want to be here matter?

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My wife of 20 years wants to become a legal permanent resident, and both of refuse the clot shot. I am an American, so no biggie for me. She has a Tourist Visa. She can travel to the states without a jab, but not apply for legal residency.

We live in the DR but want to move back to the states.

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You might want to wait until January to see if there is a country worth coming back to.

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💯 and let's keep pointing to the puppeteers.

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You don’t think he was smart enough to have stashed away some documentation of the shady secret projects he has been complicit in over his career as an insurance policy against being a fall guy? Or maybe he didn’t have to because the fix will always in for him regardless of any hearings or prosecutions. I hope he gets what he deserves but he hasn’t so far

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He may have some sort of insurance policy. That definitely would make sense.

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I hope!

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Before his soul burns in hell, i would like to see his body fed in to a wood chipper. Feet

first, one inch at a time. Paybacks are a bitch.

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Beagles gnawing at that gnomes face while he's being fed into the chipper feet first would be a nice touch

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🙌 YES!!! He deserves that and so much more! Beagles are such sweet dogs! Oooooo! Maybe we could debark him and torture him with experimental drugs. You know, horrendously dangerous, painful drugs. 🥳🤗🥳

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I lost my beagle 2 years ago. Still hurts

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I understand your feelings very well. Beagles and Beagle mixes are the best! I want to go when my 18 year old mix (? Maybe) goes. When the 10 year old went 19 years ago, I thought I would die of grief. He was my baby, but I found an almost exact copy. So much joy, in such little bodies.

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I can't "like" but I love.

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Love it!!! but i think we should let them eat his face first. Than the wood chipper😃

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just feed him to the dogs, no wood chipper needed, makes too much of a mess. Let the dogs maul him to death.

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Feed them Birx, too.

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We're going to need a bigger wood chipper.

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Where do I send a check?

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WOOD CHIPPER DEPOT P O BOX 420 Rocky mountain colorado . pay to john denver.

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Industrial! Like the electric company uses when they cut down trees for running lines.

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"Outer darkness" is running neck and neck...

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In Jesus' name, Amen and amen.

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But it wasn't a Fauci conspiracy. This was a long-planned, strategized operation that ran through the DoD and was orchestrated by people we have never heard of. Fauci is just the face of this and this always happens. They sacrifice a low-level puppet (Fauci, Epstein, SBFriedman, etc.) so that everyone's satisfied justice has been done and move on to the next murderous grift.

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Winning 1 million dollars in the lottery isn’t as good as winning $100 million, but it’s enough to put a big smile on my face nonetheless.

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unless we don't let them :)

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Gato, I think the Teflon Don is done. Catherine Austin Fitts calls people like him, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc., "chew toys."

Someone for the public to see and to blame, but higher ups who's names you have never heard are pulling these marionette's strings.

Those are the ones we need to expose!

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Exactly right, these people have served a purpose. If they no longer do so, or become an embarrassment, they will be discarded. Fauci is a "tool" - in every sense of the word. "Tools" don't get to decide their own fates ... because they are just "tools".

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My 100lb black lab rips "chew toys" to threads, even as he is dreaming of me dropping the Ribeye on the floor.

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We will never know who they really are--that is why this is so successful. Everyone else is dispensable--PMs, Presidents, anyone in government or private industry. But you can never pull back the curtain.

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Actually, some intrepid researchers have pulled the curtains back quite nicely...

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Well...that was suitably vague.

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One take on the problem. I'm going to send you another but the initial rant is worth ignoring, imo, while the deeper body of work is very interesting!

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Trying to decide whether I should read it now, begore I forgot but whole I'm peeved at the Trump jury, or read it later. 🤔

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Lol! There is a lot in the second one as you dig down into the International Players.

Very interesting, would take a lifetime to hunt out all the facts, & whether or not it's true, but a lot of the work at least feels plausible to me....

Really, having Satanists running much of the world would make a lot of otherwise inexplicable stuff total reasonable!

Happy hunting.

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I recommend ignoring this until over the first rant but the deeper information is very interesting...


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absolutely. chew toys 🎯

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The lesson is:

Always pick octogenarians as your fall guy. Have them place the payments and assets they receive for being "goalie" for your criminal enterprise beyond the ability of the law to recoup.

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I see a whole new direction to go in. The heck with making $20,000 a week selling bogus products on Facebook.

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And yet the vast majority still don't understand what the Covid-19 military operation enabled.


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more and more every day though. there's hope.

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A day late and a dollar short…but better late than never!

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Theatrics is US

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one big Muppet show, all over the world, truly

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Now THIS is a "Fauci Ouchie" I could get behind 100%.

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if only Rand Paul had spoken up when the time was there. If only he had had the rest of the party on even some Dems standing by him. I remember reading a long time ago, probably more than 2 years, that there was paperwork to convict Fauci, that Paul had it, but put it down and did nothing. Words. Very little action.

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rand actually stood tall during covid and was grilling tony and accusing him of lying all the way back.

he just had zero support. seems like that may be changing.

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May 30·edited May 30

He is not Ron Paul, but I believe he is a good Senator.

That’s an oxymoron these days.

The Progressive Era. Ugh.

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True, but now they finally really need their Judas Goat.

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I remain mostly convinced the sole reason Democrats retained the Senate is so Paul wouldn't have any real power in committees.

Yes, I am saying they cheated in the 2022 midterms. (And did it to secure the 2024 steal -- look at who 'won' in the swing states.)

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No way were they letting Mastriano win in PA, he was the loudest proponent of auditing the results in the Commonwealth.

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Same with Lake in AZ.

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the cabal love fucking with us.

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And Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley. Three good senators stuck in minority.

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limited hangouts are always useful. now we have the "Fauci did it all" clue game to relieve the building pressure and direct traffic into the corral far away from the Pentagon. and its masters. it won't succeed.

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he has been paid very well for taking the fall - but indeed he should not take the fall alone.

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Get a rope already.

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So what. Nothing is going to happen to fauchi. Nothing. The destruction has already happened and there will be no punishment or recourse. 🙏🏻🇺🇸

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Can we, the taxpayers, stop paying for security for a retired civil servant with a plus $600,000 annual pension and a net worth in excess of $10 million?

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Conspiracy? What conspiracy? It was just a few meetings of the sociopaths support group.

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