I am a physician and practiced medicine for 25 years. Never once did I encounter any evidence that seasonal cold weather causes blood clots. This is an obvious attempt by the author of the "news" article to the obscure the incidence of vaccine-induced thrombosis (blood clotting).

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I'm glad you said seasonal... Preempting the warm weather blood clot news articles we will be seeing after the spring boosters

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I believe they've already floated the Global Warming narrative:

"Climate Crisis"

"Extreme Heat causes Heart Attacks, Miscarriages, Malnutrition, requiring Urgent steps to Curb CO2"


(Dated 15 November 2021)

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You got them!!!

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Except too many by far will believe both of these.

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Of course, otherwise we would not be in this predicament!

This is why I wondered if people continued to get "tested" if they replaced the PCR with anal probes.

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At this point I bet they would. I think if we were instructed to hop on one foot and cluck like a chicken to stop the virus that most of the world would do so. We are living in a Monty Python sketch.

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Last I looked, the body's internal temperature, where all the blood vessels tend to be, is kept at a toasty 98.6 degrees even when it's cold outside. Maybe Fauci will chime in, and we can all follow "The Science" (tm).

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You make a very good point. When it's extremely cold, your body will "sacrifice" your limbs, nose, ears and other parts of your body to protect the core (I'm a mountaineer who climbs peaks where frostbite is a real issue).

I have never heard of such nonsense, a blood clot is the least of your worries, whereas hypothermia isn't.

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Dr Mengelfauci ist die Wissenschaft.

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he's cold blooded, so might vary

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(tm). he owns it!

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he "IS" THE SCIENCE...and we are rodents...

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Or Beagles depending on how bad we have been.

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I saw this yesterday and knew the bad cat would cover it.

What's worrisome is that this article appears to have first been featured on what appears to be a partisan Republican/Conservative website:


I've never heard of Slay News before this but there seems to be a pattern of so-called "alternative media" sites that operate under a COINTELPRO-type modus operandi. There is a definite pattern of stories being floated on smaller news websites before going more mainstream.

In this vein I will suggest Spiked and Quillette (see the previous post from bad cattitude from earlier today - https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/camp-australia-the-brochure-vs-reality ) as being very dubious and I am sure there are many others. You could see this happen with The Guardian a few years ago - it was actually getting pretty based at one point (Wikileaks, Snowden), then went full on intelligence agency pamphlet (a classic honeypot really). The Intercept is another one.

These psyops are what is known in the trade as "controlled opposition".

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I did a domain search:


35 days old? All ownership redacted for privacy? 4 name changes? Yeah, this isn’t a legit site.

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Our thinking is close but as an old timer my faith is in individuals not banners. The entire MSM has been such a heavy handed psyop since 'two weeks to flatten the curve' that my take on it was more limited hangout. In either case the narrative is managed. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB222/

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I stopped paying attention to MSM in about 2003. I saw the BBC and newspapers go down the drain completely over the Iraq War and had enough.

With that said, I am not giving the alternative media a free pass either and will always call out any BS as and when I see it.

When an outlet goes from nowhere to popular in a very short space of time you can pretty much guarantee it is a psyop. When it comes to individuals, doubly so.

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I must admit I stopped reading Spiked Online a while back because of that exact perception.

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Thanks for the reply. My opinion of Spiked is that it was set up to capture Guardian readers who were pro-Brexit and anti-Woke (i.e. traditional lefties).

But you could quickly see that it had the same intelligence agency tentacles controlling it as The Guardian when it came to war in the Middle East. Very clever, but totally transparent if you are paying attention.

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Ditto. Spike is precisely that

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You were spook by Spikes...

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This Slay article seems to have been lifted from the Sun article linked by Polemis below, only the Sun article was from January 23, 11 months ago!

The Sun article refers to “studies” from Lund, Sweden, and Nice, France, but gives no links or identifying information so you can actually look at what they really said.

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I agree, but this fits into a broader pattern.

For example, the "Climate Change May Cause Increased Rates of Heart Defects in Babies" story that the bad cat posted on here a month ago or so was from 2019.


This was then run in non-English speaking countries as a "new" idea a month or so ago, e.g. :


'Climate change is changing babies in the womb: they are more prone to heart disease'

So the question is, why were these stories "floated" and are now being republished as "new" news? That's my point. It seems to me that they were "successful" in terms of views or whatever metrics "they" are using, so they can be used again when politically expedient to the narrative.

Exactly as I said, a COINTELPRO-type modus operandi.

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Churnalism. Wiki helps us here.

Churnalism is a pejorative term for a form of journalism in which press releases, stories provided by news agencies, and other forms of pre-packaged material, instead of reported news, are used to create articles in newspapers and other news media. It is a portmanteau of "churn" and "journalism".[1] Its purpose is to reduce cost by reducing original news-gathering and checking sources,[2] to counter revenue lost with the rise of Internet news and decline in advertising; there was a particularly steep fall from late 2015.[3] The origin of the word has been credited to BBC journalist Waseem Zakir.

Churnalism has increased to the point that many stories found in the press are not original.[3]

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While not done the same way nor for the same reasons, possibly, that is not new in the US that the news it not original reporting. It is all from a few sources, AO, Reuters and a couple of others. New York Times, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle and every regional and smell town newspaper in between AND the nightly news and 30 minute news breaks on the radio all read from the same script, literally. Been awhile since I have lived in the States but doubt it has changed in this regard.

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And this centralized source of news makes it MUCH easier to spread a narrative by planting said narrative into a few choice centralized sources...

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And bots are writing more and more of these types of articles.

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And many many stories—especially in digital releases—are simply copies of a series of tweets with a few words of commentary, along with a title that’s overstated (i.e., click bait).

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Ain’t that the truth.

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more JM/WAVE, early 60's MiamiCuban media saturation operation

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Quillette has gone downhill since going all-in on vaccines. I stopped reading and subscribing a couple months ago. Anyone who won’t entertain discussion about vaccines can’t be trusted to be objective on other subjects.

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Woke medicine is DiFfErEnT, you bigot! Race based medicine is especially racist! All doses shall be equal from now on!

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Why not just add cyanide to the injections and just get it all over with already?

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Yeah, I’d settle for a different kinda shot- one between the eyes! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏼

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Dr Zach Bush has Amazing insight on the prevalence of cyanide in our environment, (increased by rampant wildfires, industrial pollution etc. ) as well as Cyanide’s ability to bind to certain viruses like COVID.

I strongly recommend this podcast interview:


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I'd like to keep some on hand in case they start coming for all of us. I refuse to go to some camp with lice, disease, nudity, starvation and being forced to watch friends die, much less being forced to bury/burn them.

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kinda feels that way.

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Is there someone to find the month over month historic averages? I would love to just see this “data” and compare to the claim being made.

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I completely agree.


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I looked for the article on the new york times website but couldn't find it. Gato, could you link the article or is this just a joke?

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The screen shot looks like an article from newspunch and disseminated by aggregators. Use the first phrase in quotes to find the piece, notice how the bylines are blank or have different names despite being copypasta. However, they all link to the Sun as source article:


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wow, that was fast. Thank you. In relation to the article all I can say is: Predictive programming working as intended. At least for the Scientism believers ;)

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"Winter Vagina"! So an article about marriage?

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Isn’t that the name of a former WWE Womens World Wrestling Champion?

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Looks like a joke but NYT reported the same thing five years ago

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These ‘health experts’ have officially jumped the shark. How can we believe anything they ever say again? All credibility lost.

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Even the shark made a facepalm with a fin.

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Well, for true believers it's really no problem.

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I actually think the true believers are clamouring for these types of articles. It gives them a source to cite when they tell their anti-vax relatives that there's no evidence the vaccines are causing heart attacks and blood clots.

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To be fair they mentioned something like this in 2014 in the National Post. https://nationalpost.com/health/extreme-cold-and-hot-weather-linked-to-increased-stroke-risk-blood-clots-study-suggests

But methinks it’s predictive programming and furthering the global climate change agenda…once the pandemic is over, they’ll shift to climate change, to continue their control & assault on our constitutional freedoms….

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Yuri Bezmenov (former soviet propaganda maker and defector to the USA) described how things worked in misinformation strategy.

Based on information from another hungarian defector which worked as a major in the disinformation bureau of the former Hungarian secret service he described something like this:

The disinformation bureau agents would come up with articles which were a mix of half-truths and blatant lies about whatever they deemed could further the communist agenda.

If it did not prove useful to whatever activities they were running at the time they then would still publish it (basically seeding it) in newspaper articles, magazines ,etc. so that maybe a few years down the line it might be useful as a reference/quote to whatever communist activity might profit from it then.

I wonder how many current "topics of interests" pushed down the population's throats are based on false evidence/references/quotes seeded throughout our past to be used just for such an occasion.

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100% ! Yuri Bezmenov has a great presentation on the 4 stages of ideological subversion…interesting stuff.

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Oooo, I watched his interview once before covid (when Pharma was going state-by-state to remove religious exemptions). I need to watch it again. Off to find the link. Thanks for the reminder.

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There is a tiny, tiny bit of truth in this.

When there is a significant amount of wet snow, and it is particularly cold, when people go out to shovel snow, there are heart attacks. Typically it is older men who are out of shape; this has been going on for decades. On the first big snowfall, the local media usually trots out a local cardiologist who talks about how to shovel snow without getting a heart attack.

So, a tiny partial truth.

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The best of lies have tiny bit of truth buried in there ;)

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Ah ha! Perhaps that is it. A few years before the current panic, two colleagues came in to the faculty lounge having a heated exchange despite agreeing with each other. They were incensed at the fact that there were people in the US who still objected to vaccines. Okay, I had seen some Obama admin official blaming the return of certain previously eradicated disease to the US on antivaxxers, but what do these two A Canadian and an American both of whom have lived outside their their native lands care one wit what goes on in the US? Why, how did this topic suddenly exploded everywhere? When the current antiantivaxxer campaign commenced I wondered if there was a connection. There very well may be.

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Yes, it was climate change's fault in that garbage article.

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I wonder if it was meant to cover a toxier than normal flu shot.

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I think they are developing a combination vaccine: Covid-19 + flu. If one of them can't kill us, maybe both of them can.

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I don’t doubt it

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I found the same kind of story in NYT from 2016. Everyone who got the double shot would have stroked out already. Maybe this is cover up for the boosters.

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They have openly said as much.

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Just take a statin

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Oh yea…those statins caused my mom’s dementia! No history of dementia in any women on that side of my family!!!

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They do. and they don't prevent heart attacks.

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And she died of congestive heart failure! Oh how did those statins protect her! Fortunately she didn’t get The Jab or last years flu shot (I saw to that) and she died cause she was 89 years old & she was ready to go on to other planes of existence! 🙏

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I had a relative get fibromyalgia, they think from statins, suffered 10 or more years and succumbed. don't take them

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Dec 4, 2021
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Oh I got into it with my mom’s doc of 30 years…he did not like me calling him out as to the statins being the cause of her dementia!

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I got into it with my mom's doctor regarding statins too. Tried to get an hysterical reaction from me when I said she doesn't need to take them "she might die otherwise! Don't you want your mother to live?!" I responded that she'll be fine and quoted (and provided the link to) a panel of doctors testifying at the EU commission (this was in 2018) about the harm statins do.

Whaddya know, all these years later and she's still kicking. Although she got those damn clot shots so...😕

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When my mom had her Annual Physical’ this past January I told her Dicbthat she wasn’t getting the Covid Jab and he tried to convince me this ‘mRNA technology was used in cancer is true to with great success’ I told him Covid was not cancer…and that I didn’t agree with him and no way was she getting the Jab! I also told him to take her off the statins, which he did. Needless to say just a few short months later in April she requested to go to the hospital because she was having trouble breathing…when she got there they discovered she had congestive heart failure, a blood clot in the lungs and fluid outside the lungs…did he even find this at his BS physical…NO! She also had just seen her cardiologist in March to check her pacemaker (which has not checked all of 2020 because of Covid) and he didn’t even examine her, the tech just attached some wires to her chest & checked her pacemaker! Both her primary care doctor & her cardiologist seriously dropped the ball regarding her health care. (As they have done with most of us!) She died in a skilled nursing facility on Mother’s Day of this year. I could not go in because of stupid Covid. I saw her an hour before she died and talked to her on the phone. Her last words to me were ‘I love you’. Prior to 2020 I had little faith in the industrial medical healthcare complex and their ability to care for any of us, now I have NONE!

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Very sorry for the loss of your mom, Frontera Lupita!

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I'm so sory for your loss and your final hours with her. They robbed you.

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So frustrating, I am so sorry your mom had to suffer. Since my 2016 cancer diagnosis, I have not trusted doctors, I was blessed with an intelligent and courageous oncologist in a clinical trial who has me cancer free with her non-pharm recommendations. Doctors follow guidelines and protocols , probably to avoid mal practice and sanctions from state/medical associations who have political agendas.

I fought with one PCP who wanted to put me on statins, said I would be full blown heart disease in 2 years, that was 2017. Through srupid Obamacare I needed a referral to see my oncologist, this doc was a random, first one available who did not know my history or even listen to me. I told him I eat low carb per clinical trial I am in for 10 years, they have all my history, he ignored me and spouted the robotic: "get exercise and eat fruits & vegetables" I had just told him I walk dogs 4-6 hours a day, 7 days a week. Called me up to put me on statins-my BMI was normal, glucose normal low triglycerides, high HDL, but since they don't test with a complete lipid panel and he refused to research normal values for someone who doesn't shove massive carbs and processed crap into their body, he pushes for the easy statin money grab.

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So sorry for you and your mother.

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This makes me want to scream. I'm so sorry. Also, very strange "coincidence" but I knew two people who died on Mother's Day this year and though I didn't know your mother she makes a third.

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So sorry for your loss and the pain it has caused.

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I saw an article somewhere that referenced a study claiming, for women over 35, taking a statin caused all cause mortality to increase significantly.

But why argue with the doctor. Just say, "Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full sir." and then substitute vitamin C or something.

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Because my mother is a blind follower of orders and authority. So long as her doctor prescribed it, she was going to take it. So I had to strong arm him despite having shown my mother the evidence beforehand; she still insisted on only "following doctor's orders".

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Ray Stevens “Doctor Doctor Have Mercy on ME” fits too.

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My mother took Baycol some years ago, ate away the muscles in her legs. Had to use a walker for the next 15 years. Statins also can cause Type 2 diabetes, and they mess with your liver.

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medicine is not health, public health is not medicine

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The CDC/Fauci/whoever defends them officially “jumped the shark” with masking ages *two and up* at day cares and school. I can not get past this. Shockingly the endless mask extremism continues on as we speak. So they lost me before the “vaccine” fiasco.

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Yep, but far too many do.

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I kept saying that the plan was to vaccinate everyone, and then blame blood clots and heart attacks (and later cancer) on "climate change". Apparently, they do not even wait until they vax everyone. ROTFLMAO

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They are getting impatient. They notice believers are dropping off, starting to notice Cat Talk and if they don't hurry with the next fable, NO one will believe them anymore.

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Cat Talk was in the NYTimes. Beware of cute "harmless" cat videos. They can spread vaccine misinformation! Don't even look at them. You know you are tempted.

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This is the best possible attention. The more they say don't look,the more people WILL look. That is just how people are.

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They are desperate to get rid of the control group. They can't have any significant percentage unvaxxed or they will be shown for the murderers that they are.

Panic is setting in as the unvaxxed are digging in their heals and winning in courts.

The FDA asking for 55 years to release documents they reviewed and approved in 108 days has really got even vaxxed people talking.

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I am afraid what they will read when they get to read it. That might cause yet another pandemia. A general panic attack from the vaxxed. If it is true what this german professor found out about the chemicals that act like razor blades, you can imagine !

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And he was murdered for revealing that information!

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I don't understand why they would pick on him to kill. There are far more outspoken critics out there. If they did kill him, it's just shining a giant spotlight on the issue and essentially admitting that he was on to something. Besides, he's not the only guy with an electron microscope and spectrometer. What would they be accomplishing?

Yeah, they'd be "sending a message" to some leakers, but certainly piss off and embolden others.

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Yes because I’m sure you’ve heard of the Spanish group of researchers called La Quinta Columna who discovered the graphene oxides in some vials of the Pfizer Jab they got ahold of? They are still going…I follow them on Telegram.

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below the radar for corporate media, but big scary news in feline world

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since the CDC has never done a control group study with children's mandatory vaccines, unlikely they would do one for these.

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Yes, I agree totally

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Yes but not enough. Other countries relied heavily upon the their faith in the US CDC and FDA. I know only one person here in Japan who refuses to get the vaccine. None beside myself refusing to wear a mask.

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we're in deep doo-doo for sure :))

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Cold weather, "post pandemic stress disorder", and vaccines. But mostly vaccines.

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Don’t forget that climate change is altering babies in the womb now to cause heart problems

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You. Couldn’t. Make. This. Shit. Up.

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Dec 4, 2021
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Ha ha had THEY did! Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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I bet Pfizer could make a pill that helps with this clotting problem.

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Jardiance, Farxiga, etc. - the plethora of new cardiology drugs on the market make this cynic's eyes roll.

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Fda approved blood clotting med for kids just in time for the rollout of 5-11. 🤔

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They sure could but it would have to be taken daily.

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and the shots monthly...perfect combo

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I know. Just ban Xarelto and publish Pfizelto with a similar formula.

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Tee up: "Doctors advise wearing mittens for 6 weeks after booster dose"

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believe it or not...canada's 'top doctor' was advising the use of 'glory holes' last spring. seriously.

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WTF? remember the big condoms on Sat. Nite Live that Steve Martin wore? They'll be pushing them soon.

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Funny but not completely out of the realm of possibility! 😉😜

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It's doubly awesome the headline at the top is NYT: Cat Videos are 'White Supremacist Misinformation'.

Next level stuff, gato!

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Next thing you know NYT goes bankrupt. Who believes that poop paper anymore. Too bad to clean your butt with

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Our local free paper has gone so woke I don't even bother with the crossword. I do, however, take 5-10 copies home every week to line the floor of my parakeet aviary. So it does have some value after all.

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i'd let my cat pee on it, maybe

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Dec 4, 2021
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next to Headlines

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thank you! Unfiretruckingbelievable!

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Dec 4, 2021
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thank you!

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you are welcome tho Idk why my comment posted twice? substack has been weird last few days...

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El Gato says they may be pushing updates but I am very nervous with tinkering in my "wrong think" info sources 🤨

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I have had the problem too. Try to delete one and they both disappear.

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Good thing the earth is getting warmer 😒 #thankaprivatejetter

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But wait! Isn't the earth getting warmer the reason so many babies get heart disease? You can't win, I tell you.

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we are actually now in a solar grand minimum which is projected to last possibly 50-70 years (started in 2020), if not longer. the last time this occurred, there was a mini ice age. the planet is projected to cool 1-1.5C, with increased volcanic activity and all sorts of other fun stuff...

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The Heart Attacks and Blood Clots are being caused by people spending too much time in the freezer sections in the grocery store. I'm surprised they have not tried that one yet.

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Sush you! Don’t give them any ideas!

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Perhaps in the remake of Rocky, Sylvester Stallone drops dead while training for his fight with Apollo Creed too.

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ApolloCreed - the next variant? It'll knock you for a loop.

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If you haven't yet joined the Vaccine Control Group (https://www.vaxcontrolgroup.com/) you should probably sign up right away. If we get through this nightmare one day, the lawsuit is going to be epic. Having a few million un-vaccinated to prove claims will be very useful to the plaintiffs.

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Will we get a cut?

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I misread this as "Will we get a cat?" Thank god we have one!

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A lifetime of moral superiority and a collectible membership card, if that turns your crank.

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Expert witness fees maybe.

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I keep saying - show me the studies prior to 2020 to support all of this "science" we're suddenly hearing about.

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Oh, those have “expired”. Anything older than _______ (Whenever they say) is not considered reliable any more. Seriously, that was exactly what I was told on mask studies by a nurse. Anything older than 5 years at the time of our discussion is can not be cited accounting to her.

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But only if you also have Post Pandemic Blood Poisoning.

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Standing, sitting, walking, eating, breathing, thinking...pretty soon, everything will cause blood clots and heart attacks. Have you heard...even young children have strokes?

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A 9 year old had one, I read the article this morning. Her parents did not want to report it obviously so her uncle did.

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yes that is the one I saw. She is only 7. Sorry for the mistake.

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Very sad.

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My wife said she saw an ad on the side of a bus that said “Children have strokes too.”

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Saw that on the side of a bus.

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If people are STILL not waking up they are hibernating. This is just unbelievable. It is worse than the bad weather from the airlines ! Who is ever going to believe these people again?

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Well that's because they have THE SCIENCE (TM) now.

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It is just totally coincidence that 99.999999 percent of them are vaccinated. Totally unrelated.

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Ha, and just noticed at the top of the article, "Cat videos are 'White..." Who comes up with this stuff?

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When everything is White Supremacy, then nothing is . . .

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Maybe the heart attacks and blood clots can be blamed on this, too?

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when everyone is special, then no one is...

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If you see something in The NY Times, your base assumption should be “false until proven otherwise.”

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As an hobbyist historian, that is true for all news. Actually, I WOULD describe it a bit different. “I wonder how much of that is true?” Is the question I ask myself after any article. If important to my, I dig deeper.

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From Chicago, yes we did see heart attacks during the winter months. The usual accompaniments to the heart attacks were obesity, older age men, shovelling heavy snow in below freezing temps. The perfect recipe for an MI in Chicago winters. I don’t think I ever saw anyone shovel snow in England in my 24 years here😂😂😂😂

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Fat grandpas shoveling snow - a perfect storm.

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fat grandpas shoveling snow after a booster shot

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Gosh, I’m just an old lady and I never noticed it either. Good thing that we don’t have to worried about vaccine side effects. Smile

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I think this may be a definitive example of gaslighting.

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I remember that cartoon with a boy who had done that I wish them the same burned places!

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Wow. They think people are REALLY STOOPID.

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Unfortunately some ARE

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I am embarrassed for these people.

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I'm disgusted with these people

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They need to be prosecuted.

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Exactly this. Those so inclined can have their extended episodes of sympathetic embarrassment once they are behind bars. I think "collective guilt" is probably more like it.

Covering up premeditated murder on a massive scale. Murder of children. I can't muster any embarrassment, myself, for all the anger and disgust.

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But this cold weather is a special kind of lethal because it’s caused by climate change!

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That makes sense. It's science!

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Scienticians have found a link between eye blinking and Cancer.

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Lies cause cancer. All elites get it and can't look at you without blinking.

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scienticians! love it

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How disheartening! Any attempt at humor is is half-hearted and in vein.

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Haha. Vein!

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Next up- Climate Change Can Cause Blood Clots.

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Avoiding climate change will lower your cholesterol.

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Oh this is old news. That's why nobody in Sweden lives past the age of 40. This is why the traditional Inuit had such elevated rates of CVD and all died.

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In Europe, playing football (soccer) seems to cause thrombosis in the athletes.

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This is insane. Like wjax said... we have practiced medicine for decades. Never anyone suggested about any association between cold weather and blood clots. They are making this shit up.

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I'd have to agree. I laughed a long time over the White House doctor diagnosing Biden with a "frog in his throat" yesterday.

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Judging by the amount of phlegm, more like a frog in heat.

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what?!! Are they ALL sticking to "sciency"

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Frog In his brain!

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he seemed kind of drugged/slow too...anyone else notice that?

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What do you think it is? Biden claimed it's because he kissed his grandson.

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"...because he kissed his grandson"

Yeah, at the very least.

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Yeah, couldn't help thinking of the old joke about Miss Piggy and Kermit the frog.

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I just found out that air can cause Heart Attacks. We are so screwed lol

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Yes injecting an air bubble into the heart might kill. But we don't need that. We already have vaccines that have no liability and no one will ever prosecute us.

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ha! aieee!

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In fairness, this is not new news. Here's one example from 2010. A google search turns up others since that through 2019. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/aug/10/heart-attacks-linked-cold-weather

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I wonder if there was any attempt at all to rule out things like vitamin D deficiency. It's freaking dark in winter time.

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If the government concedes to a certain treatment, they can no longer authorize the jabs. But the jabs are such a good milking cow. Why would they give it up before it is dead?

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maybe but I'm betting a REALLY large increase is what they are going to try to explain away!

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Seems the people in Siberia, Alaska, Canada, should be dropping over by the thousands?

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Actually we do. Usually overweight slightly over middle age suburban men who shovel the first wet heavy snow of the season and get a "jammer." In normal years we get a warning to be careful at the start of the shovelling season. Possibly not thousands, we don't get hysterical reporting and a "DashBoard" to promote the panic. And still fewer than flu/pneumonia deaths.

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But is the cold even considered a factor? Isn't the physical work of shovelling heavy snow?

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Yes, it is the work. However, I don't recall similar clusters of MI's at the start of gardening season or at potato-digging time.

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I wish there was an edit. I mean isn't the physical work of shovelling heavy snow considered the cause of the heart attack? I have never linked the heart attack to the temperature but rather to the activity but maybe I am missing something.

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No--it is just that embolisms statistically happen more often in cold weather because blood is thicker then.

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Will the excuses never end? lol. I've lived in extreme cold climates almost my entire life (along with many of you I'm sure) and the only time we hear of a heart attack from "the cold" is when someone exerts themselves shoveling snow like crazy when they aren't used to that type of physical activity. I guess Florida and other Southern states can expect an even greater influx of terrified people now? Scary virus, scary lockdown, scary (fill in the blank) and now, brought to you by some of our tyrannical, agenda driven "researchers", SCARY COLD!!! Brrrrrrrr!

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but crank up the heat even though it will cost triple this winter!

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Well, living in Maine & winter is incoming, so I guess I'll say goodbye now before I keel ov.....

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I'm reading now "A State of Fear," by Laura Dodsworth documenting how governments manipulate us by exaggerating the dangers of Covid and minimizing the dangers of vaccines, lockdowns, masks, etc. She cites this reference: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022103120304248

The title is "Moralization of Covid-19 health response: Asymmetry in tolerance for human costs." Many people describe the response of vaccinated people and journalists championing the vaccines as similar to a religion. This article describes our human community as similar to a religious group. Disagree or dissent, and you get excommunicated. Fear of immorality makes people unable to embrace dissent. A great paper which I only just now started to read.

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When you realize that a Non-patented ivermectin tablet cost $.07 to make the following let’s you know just how crooked a government we now have. They have become just another BLM gang of thieves stealing as much as they can before the next election……who are they? Click on my stack.

“A new generation of Covid-19 treatments will soon be available, and they matter more than many people realize.

Biden administration bows to the pharmaceutical companies and has agreed to buy 10 million of the treatments, known as Paxlovid, at an unnegotiated cost of about $530 each and then tells citizens he is working to lower the cost of drugs.

They have the potential to substantially reduce hospitalization and death. And they are likely to be effective against the Omicron variant, many scientists believe, even if Omicron makes the Covid vaccines weaker at preventing infections. As Dr. Monica Gandhi of the University of California, San Francisco, told me, the treatments are “a huge deal.”

In the simplest terms, they can help turn Covid into a more ordinary respiratory disease, similar to the common cold or flu, rather than one that’s killing about 1,000 Americans a day and dominating daily life for millions.

Two treatments are on the way — one from Pfizer and one from Merck — and they will have both medical and psychological benefits. Not only can they reduce serious Covid illness, but they can also reduce Covid fears and help society move back to normalcy, lessening the pandemic’s huge social and economic side effects.

Pfizer has projected that it will produce enough doses to treat 20 million people in the first half of next year and another 60 million in the second half. The Biden administration has agreed to buy 10 million of the treatments, known as Paxlovid, at an unnegotiated cost of about $530 each and then tells citizens he is working to lower the costs of drugs.”

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Mulnupiravir works by causing the spike protein to rapidly evolve until it becomes ineffective. What could go wrong with triggering rapid DNA mutation?

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ALL governments do. Only a handful have even tried other meds. I know India and Mexico still use it. Slovakia tried it in one hospital I read, and then stopped. But when people are hospitalized it is too late, you have to start early. The whole world is going nuts. We have no idea who all is getting bribes but they must be enormous if all these governments are going along. And 3 presidents got killed because they did not.

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I'm reading "The Real Anthony Fauci" He claims Remdesivir is highly lethal and Fauci rammed it through by claiming it was so effective they have to stop the trials, unblind the participants and start making it the standard of care to kill (Whoops I mean save) as many lives as possible.

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It cannot be good. If it were considered a treatment for the illness, the jabs have to be withdrawn. They can't even state that it is effective. And I read it damages the kidneys. Hehe. Yep try and kill as many as possible !

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Snow shoveling has killed a few people over the years, but actually, I would think that cold weather overall would DECREASE heart attacks because of lower blood pressure in the cold weather and less heat stress for heavier people. Ah, I am a stupid layperson, so I must be wrong.

What will they say this summer, that heat causes.....

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If you make a Google search that only shows the articles before 31 December 2019, you will see that this is not the first time said that blood clots and heart attack correlated with cold weather. However there is something else I would like to point out. Looking 1 January to 31 December 2019 the mentions are mostly in medical-related websites, however in 2021 they are likely to appear in news articles as well.

Query 1: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22cold+weather%22+%22blood+clots%22&sxsrf=AOaemvLo9KDoqKRDiV2pNON0Ao_zapEOxw%3A1638643144901&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A1%2F1%2F2019%2Ccd_max%3A12%2F31%2F2019&tbm=

Query 2: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22cold+weather%22+%22blood+clots%22&sxsrf=AOaemvINq_q9cgCvdOtbjYBtpbQdirFFiQ%3A1638643161599&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A1%2F1%2F2021%2Ccd_max%3A12%2F31%2F2021&tbm=

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Yeah but wasn't it always about shovelling snow, before? And holiday stress?

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I think I've been misunderstood. It is really suspicious that something has been mostly the topic of medical websites also appears in mainstream news, more common than before.

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There's a deep reservoir of 'predictive' propaganda that can be drawn from.

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Computer models.

Experts/scientists say.

The Science.


Related to.


Once you hear any of those trigger words, you know The Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (Team Propaganda) is on manoeuvres in support of ‘The Narrative’ and not a word of their output is to be credited.

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🎶 Well I’m clot-blooded,

Check it and see,

I got troponin of a hundred and three,

Come on Fauci, I need one more jab,

I’m clot-blooded, clot-blooded 🎶

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that's just not right...

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Never had "Winter Vagina" but I think I might be wearing more layers more often with the price of heating this Winter...

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Santa Claus is clotting to town!

Brought to you by Pfauci

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we live in a sick world...lol

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Never ever stop laughing, Ivy. That's part of your immune system fighting the sick world around you

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I really hope you are right because it's getting very ugly, very fast

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I have seen this kind of media prep in the UK media as well. They are preparing the ground for the cover up.

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I'm 58 YO. I'm a skier and never shy away from a cold day in the mountains.

No clots for me or people on the hill.

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Thank goodness for global warming.

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What a time to be alive. I wonder how this movie ends.

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We need the Cats to write a better script !

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So global warming is protective against blood clots and heart attacks. Does this mean that I should stop planting trees and instead invest in a couple of cows?

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