All puns aside, is it ok here to say that I'm scared?

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You're not alone. The world's gone crazy and it's frightening to watch and what's even more frightening is trying to figure out the reason for the craziness and trying to make some rational sense out of it. But again, you're not alone and fighting the madness by refusing to submit is the best, most rational option.

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Thanks to sites like this and scientists like prof. VandenBosch, I feel a bit less crazy, although several friends and family members think I am.

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It's they that have gone crazy. Obviously, they don't know it.

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They probably have been injected and admitting it was mistake if terrifying.

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I wanted to add a comment, but I can't think of anything that helps. But, I couldn't leave it as just a 'like', because it's important what you said, "You're not alone."

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everyday one can see how many of us, doubting the official version of this mess, there are. Thankfully we have computers and internet, at least Gates did something good. Wish he had stayed with what he is good at.

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Don’t give Gates credit for computers or the Internet. Read Steven Levy’s fascinating and hilarious “Hackers,” and you’ll realize what a douchebag Gates was even back then. The original hackers were living in an intellectual utopia of constant innovation and free software, and he came along and insisted on a model of greed and perpetual enslavement to updates.

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I didn't know about the book or really the details, but from the generalities I've gathered, Gates couldn't program his way out of a wet paper sack. However, he's really damn good at "business," or at least the worst excesses of business.

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He was born with a silver spoon is all. He's not really good at anything.

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Until recently I have not paid much attention to Gates. I do remember reading him using a quote from Adam Smith’s theory of moral sentiments,”how selfish siever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him., though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.”…..and realize this man has perverted this principle to manipulate mankind for his own gain. He is a sick f$&k

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I have never followed Gates, and had no idea how he picked other's stuff. But I do remember Netscape, that was on the first computer I had way back when. Just like mentioned in another comment, Gates is just a sorry person.

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One of the joys of being old is having "seen things", and one of the things I've seen is Bill Gates build his empire. Everything Gates has, he stole. Windows interface? Stolen from Apple. Explorer? Stolen from Netscape. The list goes on and on. (He tried to steal Java from Oracle, but I can't remember if that was successful or not.)

One of his main strategies was to offer to buy out a creator and if the creator refused (i.e., Netscape) simply steal the software, get others to improve on it, then drive the creator out of business. He *almost* pulled it off with Apple: when I got my first computer I wanted an Apple OS, but Apple had restricted their OS to only work with other Apple software. Microsoft had a better business plan, and allowed their software to work with pretty much everything, so I chose MS as there was a LOT more stuff that worked with it. (Disclaimer: I'm an Apple person now. Jobs was no better than Gates, but it took him a while to figure out people wanted choices and at the time Apple didn't look like a good bet.)

To this day I dislike Gates because he hurt a lot of people while clawing his way to the top. I can't help but think that everything he says or does, good or bad, is something he stole from someone else. He knew how to build a business, but he's a horrible human being.

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Thank you for the update. I knew Gates was no good, but had no idea how bad it really was. I only got to follow a bit, when he started sending needles all over the world with awful results, like re-introducing sicknesses with live vaccines (I think in Sudan) and inoculating indeginous people in India, where lots of girls now seem to be unable to get pregnant. And I read the articles where African tribes beg him, go away. You are ruining our land, our families, our tribes. I hope they manage to stop him. Just an awful man.

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Don’t praise Gates for anything; he is an evil MF’er. The Internet is a DARPA invention - read Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine. Fascinating read and explains how mislead we are.

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just received the paperback

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You can see the Gates influence on this vaccine launch - it's just like one of his Windows launches. Make a minimum viable product and rush it to market as fast as possible. Wait for the customers to find all your bugs, and release updates when you feel like it.

Sadly the updates for the vaccine are booster shots of the same stuff that didn't work the first time.

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Gates didn't invent 'puters or the internet. His "marketing" destroyed many, many far superior op systems, puters & companies.

When DEC was strong-armed into replacing All-In-One with Outlook, I was reduced to sneakernet for months.

And don't even ask about his attempt to beat Apple's document sw with Word. I cried when that pos scroll took off & turned my just edited Buyers Guide to Raid into 50 pages of alphabet soup.

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What he is *good* at? You've got to be kidding.


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The WEF is the reason for the craziness.

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correct, the WEF and their sponsors are orchestrating all of this, the Desmet video explains how the masses have been hypnotised through fear propaganda

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a possible explanation is offered by Belgian Clinical Psychologist Prof Mattias Desmet, it makes a lot of sense to me (30 min video) https://jermwarfare.com/blog/mattias-desmet

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Thank you. I feel less lonely reading these comments.. For a while I thought it was I going mad. May be we all are, but at least I am not alone.

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I live in a town with a state university campus that's filled our neighborhoods with indoctrinated leftists, skinny, spoiled white men with BLM placards in their rear windows, sterile couples intent on filling the students' heads with Democrat drivel. I've had some ugly spats with a few of them when I challenge their orthodoxy.

It gets old. I have to limit my time here or I don't get stuff done. But I agree with you! It's nice to see comments from people who can still see what's happened. Reassuring.

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I grew up in Cambridge, MA in 60s and 70s-right down the street from Harvard, MIT. Shocked at how many of my old school chums buy into the hysteria, including V mandates and passports. People with STEM degrees, Stanford grads, etc. Has convinced me this is a cult more than anything. These people are on a crusade…

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Brainwashing works best on the uber-educated (e.g. indoctrinated) as it turns out.

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Yes! My sister is a doctor, and she is all-in. She keeps begging me to get vaxxed, and I keep responding with mountains of facts & stats on why I won't. It's a religion to her; the numbers don't matter.

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Now we can see who the smart ones really are. The ones who thought they were smart, especially many in academia have bought into the propaganda.

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And these are people who came of age in the late 60s, early 70s. Depressing to witness the contempt they now have for civil liberties, freedom of expression and working people. The opposite of what we were when young!

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The real apparatchiks in this town are the teaching faculty who came of age in the 90s and 2000s. They are actually insane.

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I just escaped a California community college full of same. White male profs who show up to zoom meetings with big BLM backgrounds behind them, etc. Insufferable idiots.

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All i read here is fear of the "other"....pretty sad...no matter who spouts it.

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Disgust is not fear.

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I lived in one of those exact cities with identical experiences....last month we bought a house in a warm red led state and already feel so much better...

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My anxiety level was cut in half leaving CA for a red state. For now as everything collapses, I am hiding out in a leafy suburb. We'll see what happens next.

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Oh, you must live in Bloomington.

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I'm anticipating a long expensive ugly winter. I'm not afraid of these bastards. I still have some faith in American unruliness. Half of us are human soybeans, true, but I think the other half will enjoy fighting back.

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I am with you. The sh*t ain't over til we say it's over!

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Find your faith. Then kick some ass.

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I need a T-shirt with this slogan!

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We need to make the tyrants scared yesterday

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They're in violation of the Nürnberg Code. They need to be reminded where that will take them if they ever come to justice.

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The FDA just OKed injecting our children, who are virtually at zero risk, and that we won’t know if their reproductive systems have been compromise by this spike proteins for a decade.

“ Unknown side effects which virologists fear may emerge include existential reproductive risks, additional autoimmune conditions, and various forms of disease enhancement, i.e., the vaccines can make people more vulnerable to reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 or reactivation of latent viral infections and associated diseases such as shingles.”


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What's most alarming to me is the video circulating that appears to show an FDA rep claiming we have to give the shots to collect data to know if the shots are safe and effective long term. It's bad enough we do "pass it to see what's in it" with federal budgets and laws!

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The FDA is ignoring research. Isn’t it amazing how the board quits and Big Pharma has paid replacements within hours!

“On the “Dark Horse Podcast,” Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, said the COVID vaccine lipid nanoparticles — which tell the body to produce the spike protein — leave the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues.

On June 10, Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, joined evolutionary biologist Brett Brownstein, Ph.D., for a 3-hour conversation on the “Dark Horse Podcast” to discuss multiple safety concerns related to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

In this short outtake from the full podcast, Malone, Brownstein and tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch touch on the implications of the controversial Japanese Pfizer biodistribution study. The study was made public earlier this month by Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist.

As The Defender reported June 3, Bridle received a copy of a Japanese biodistribution study — which had been kept from the public — as a result of a freedom of information request made to the Japanese government for Pfizer data.

Prior to the study’s disclosure, the public was led to believe by regulators and vaccine developers that the spike protein produced by mRNA COVID vaccines stayed in the shoulder where it was injected and was not biologically active — even though regulators around the world had a copy of the study which showed otherwise.

The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and  — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries.

The mRNA — or messenger RNA — is what tells the body to manufacture the spike protein. The lipid nanoparticles are like the “boxes” the mRNA is shipped in, according to Malone. “If you find lipid nanoparticles in an organ or tissue, that tells you the drug got to that location,” Malone explained.

According to the data in the Japanese study, lipid nanoparticles were found in the whole blood circulating throughout the body within four hours, and then settled in large concentrations in the ovaries, bone marrow and lymph nodes.

Malone said there needed to be monitoring of vaccine recipients for leukemia and lymphomas as there were concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. But those signals often don’t show up for six months to three or nine years down the road, he said.”

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I saw that. And of course we all know this same agency smeared Ivermectin, an incredibly safe medication that had multiple trials that when put together in a meta-analysis included over 18,000 patients. Yet they insisted the evidence wasn't strong enough and that it would be irresponsible to not follow the "science" and whatever protocol they claimed to be in place. Yet with only 2000 or so kids in the Pfizer trial and ample evidence the danger isn't worth the benefit, they chuck evidence and protocol down the toilet and go with "we got to see it to believe it, dontcha know?" They don't even care that they are bald-faced contradicting themselves.

I vote quick trial followed by firing squad but am fine with hanging or crocodile pit as well.

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They are setting it up so that the "Delta Plus Varient" hits just about the time the kids start dropping from the vaccine. They will blame the unvaxxed monsters for killing children. See how it works?

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One -> Two -> Many weeks to flatten the curve?

Wow, this is actually a very useful counting system. Thanks Gatito!

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If there were any curve to flatten, it would be flat already. Many countries already surpass the so called treshold for 'herd immunity'. Many already realized there is no such thing. So now they are convincing people that it are the kids that spread the disease, and have to be inoculated. Should I say shot?

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Was it Malone or McCullough who said that NOT shooting up the kids was the way out of this mess? Something about virus pressure and variants....

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It's called real herd immunity

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I had a lady freak out in a pizza place last night. We were playing a bingo game and for some reason she asked if I had the vaccine. I politely said that I do not discuss my medical status with people I don't known. She lost it. I said that it was irrelevant anyway because I had already had COVID a long time ago. I finally moved. These people have lost their minds and any connection to reality has been severed.

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All these people do they have herpes? Have they had an abortion? Do they have AIDS? Etc

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Unfortunately it's easy to convince so many people that they need the constant boosters when covid fear porn has created a large swath of people completely devoid of any real idea of the actual threat to them Covid-19 poses.

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Just like many people run to the vet every six months or so to have their dogs full of boosters. America has gone needle crazy.

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Any vet I've ever had who tried to push that gave up on me. I just tell them I'm a sloppy careless dog owner and let them fume

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Hehe me too. Just cat owner. A bad one I guess. Rabies only.

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It's even worse. They are convinced that we need constant boosters to protect them, as if their own constant boosters are somehow unable.

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The cure seems to be worse than the disease. No boosters or flu shots for me ever again. My right to choose.

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Can we just admit that the vaccines don’t work and start back at square one? 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Tyrants never admit. They only double-down.

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And then they crack down...

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I think it will blow up in their face of they try.

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This. At this point, if we were to start looking at the people going into the ER and at the "excess mortality" not from COVID but from heart attacks, blood clots, etc., and discover what I suspect, that the vaccinated are mostly or statistically solely making up this group, I don't know that many of the people pushing this would survive physically, much less politically. They have pushed too many people to the edge of violence. So their only hope is to double down and try to convince people that they can't trust their eyes.

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Good writeup from the cool cat:

"addition to US ER data: cardiovascular AE's are exploding"


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I saw that. (I keep my sanity because of the cool cat and two others.) Alex Berenson has made similar connections. *Younger* people are dying in excess and of cardiovascular issues.

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And why weren't all the illegal immigrants vaxxed? Trying to replace one population with a new one via use injections?

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No kidding. Forget about the specific technology in use, mRNA, killed, weakened, whatever. Any so called vaccine that requires this many boosters, and over this short a time period, is a failed medical experiment. Although, if they can continue to sell it, a wildly successful marketing program.

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or maybe admit that NPI and almost all interventions did not work for the most part, go back to square one and protect the elderly and at risk and LET EVERYONE ELSE LIVE THEIR NORMAL LIVES .... But that would require demigods, politicians and bureaucrats to admit they were wrong.

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It would also require a number of citizens to admit they were duped. In addition, I have found that people seem to be enjoying their new-found power. You want to come in this building here? Get vaxxed! You’re not vaxxed? Get tested! Everyone wear a mask! It’s fun to tell people what to do! I don’t see this ending all that soon.

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Oh they love it.

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How in hell can this country boosterize 350 million people every six months? I think the boosters are the beginning of Caesar admitting to himself he's made some good coin, shot up half of us, the garbage didn't work, now with no loss of face, quietly toss the rabble to their own discretion.

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Has anyone else gotten a notice about the “third primary dose” (*not* the booster)? https://voxday.net/2021/10/26/the-third-jab/

Does that make it, “one, two, two-and-a-half, three,” then wash, rinse, repeat … ad infinitum?

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Might they mean, that the 'booster' is not really that, but a leftover from the main shots? Because, far as I read up, the real boosters are not available yet. They just use what they have, which is useless because the virus now does not react anymore to the first shots.

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Whatever they mean today, they’ll change it tomorrow.

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Have they actually "cooked up" a new formula, i.e. v1.1, or are they just going to keep using the old sauce on the new variants with "hoping" that it will make a difference going forward?

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As far as I know, all shots were designed against the "alpha" variant, which is now extinct in the wild. The whole point of mRNA or DNA (J&J) based immunizations was to quickly change or improve to respond to new variants/strains - so why isn't this happening?

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Maybe it wasn’t cooked up as quickly as told?

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I'm totally sure people have been getting boosters on demand for some time now. I heard a woman describing getting Moderna shot #3 at the local rite aid, just because she wanted one and this was before anyone said Moderna was ok for dose number 3. Those masked people alone in their cars? Do you suppose they aren't getting it regularly?

The woman I overheard was explaining she has Hashimoto's thyroiditis, was planning air travel, and over 60. All she needed was to show her license and vaccine card.

Funny. I've heard these garbage injections can cause Hashimoto's thyroiditis. 🤔

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Guess who published a book 100 years ago talking about this issue. Chomsky might have a hard time starving this fellow. Any guesses who?

"The original theory was that a single vaccination would suffice to keep a man [Pg 106] immune from this disease for life; but, when it was found that even vaccinated persons were attacked by the disease, a new theory came into being that the vaccination should be renewed after a certain period, and to-day it has become the rule for all persons—whether already vaccinated or not—to get themselves vaccinated whenever small-pox rages as an epidemic in any locality, so that it is no uncommon thing to come across people who have been vaccinated five or six times, or even more.

Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world. Its supporters are not content with its adoption by those who have no objection to it, but seek to impose it with the aid of penal laws and rigorous punishments on all people alike. " -- A Guide to Health by __ ___

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"The practice of vaccination is not very old, dating as it does only from 1798 A.D. But, during this comparatively short period that has elapsed, millions have fallen a prey to the delusion that those who get themselves vaccinated are safe from the attack of small-pox. No one can say that small-pox will necessarily attack those who have not been vaccinated; for many cases have been observed of unvaccinated people being free from its attack. From the fact that some people who are not vaccinated do get the [Pg 107] disease, we cannot, of course, conclude that they would have been immune if only they had got themselves vaccinated.

Moreover, vaccination is a very dirty process, for the serum which is introduced into the human body includes not only that of the cow, but also of the actual small-pox patient. An average man would even vomit at the mere sight of this stuff. If the hand happens to touch it, it is always washed with soap. The mere suggestion of tasting it fills us with indignation and disgust. But how few of those who get themselves vaccinated realise that they are in effect eating this filthy stuff! Most people know that, in several diseases, medicines and liquid food are injected into the blood, and that they are assimilated into the system more rapidly than if they were taken through the mouth. The only difference, in fact, between injection and the ordinary process of eating through the mouth is that the assimilation in the former case is instantaneous, while that in the latter is slow. And yet we do not shrink from getting ourselves vaccinated! As has been well said, cowards die a living death, and our craze for vaccination is solely due to the fear of death or disfigurement by small-pox.

I cannot also help feeling that vaccination is a violation of the dictates of religion and morality. [Pg 108] The drinking of the blood of even dead animals is looked upon with horror even by habitual meat-eaters. Yet, what is vaccination but the taking in of the poisoned blood of an innocent living animal? Better far were it for God-fearing men that they should a thousand times become the victims of small-pox and even die a terrible death than that they should be guilty of such an act of sacrilege.

Several of the most thoughtful men in England have laboriously investigated the manifold evils of vaccination, and an Anti-Vaccination Society has also been formed there. The members of this society have declared open war against vaccination, and many have even gone to gaol for this cause. Their objections to vaccination are briefly as follows:

(1) The preparation of the vaccine from the udder of cows or calves entails untold suffering on thousands of innocent creatures, and this cannot possibly be justified by any gains resulting from vaccination.

(2) Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being.

(3) The vaccine that is prepared from the blood of a small-pox patient is likely to contain and [Pg 109] transmit the germs of all the several diseases that he may be suffering from.

(4) There is no guarantee that small-pox will not attack the vaccinated. Dr. Jenner, the inventor of vaccination, originally supposed that perfect immunity could be secured by a single injection on a single arm; but when it was found to fail, it was asserted that vaccination on both the arms would serve the purpose; and when even this proved ineffectual, it came to be held that both the arms should be vaccinated at more than one place, and that it should also be renewed once in seven years. Finally, the period of immunity has further been reduced to three years! All this clearly shows that doctors themselves have no definite views on the matter. The truth is, as we have already said, that there is no saying that small-pox will not attack the vaccinated, or that all cases of immunity must needs be due to vaccination.

(5) The vaccine is a filthy substance, and it is foolish to expect that one kind of filth can be removed by another.

By these and similar arguments, this society has already produced a large volume of public opinion against vaccination. In a certain town, for instance, a large proportion of the people refuse to be vaccinated, and yet statistics prove that they are singularly free from disease. The fact of the [Pg 110] matter is that it is only the self-interest of doctors that stands in the way of the abolition of this inhuman practice, for the fear of losing the large incomes that they at present derive from this source blinds them to the countless evils which it brings. There are, however, a few doctors who recognise these evils, and who are determined opponents of vaccination.

Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction. Those who object to it merely on the grounds of health should acquire a complete mastery of the subject, and should be able to convince others of the correctness of their views, and convert them into adopting those views in practice. But those who have neither definite views on the subject nor courage enough to stand up for their convictions should no doubt obey the laws of the state, and shape their conduct in deference to the opinions and practices of the world around them.

Those who object to vaccination should observe all the more strictly the laws of health already explained; for the strict observance of these laws ensures in the system those vital forces which counteract all disease germs, and is, therefore, the [Pg 111] best protection against small-pox as well as other diseases. If, while objecting to the introduction of the poisonous vaccine into the system, they surrendered themselves to the still more fatal poison of sensuality, they would undoubtedly forfeit their right to ask the world to accept their views on the matter."

Scanned: https://ia600201.us.archive.org/13/items/guidetohealth00gandrich/guidetohealth00gandrich.pdf

and Digitized. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/40373/40373-h/40373-h.htm

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Answer: Mahatma Gandhi.

Not vouching for his views, but he sure did survive the flu pandemic and died at the age of 79 after being shot point blank. So, anecdotal stuff, but yeah, he took care of himself and wrote a book about it.

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Ghandi was a socialist sex pervert. Not a big fan.

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He let his wife die of pneumonia. But then even Stalin had a good line now and then.

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As long as it wasn't Covid pneumonia, we don't have to report it in the trial data was what he was thinking I bet.

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😆 I wonder if I'm one of those. Weirdos tend to make stuff happen though, often not nice stuff too.

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Add to that injecting proteins from cells derived from pieces of the bodies of dead human children torn apart before birth (JJ vax) or tested using such. Quite an ugly picture of a thoroughly rotten scientific establishment.

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Stunning, how applicable this is to today! Thank you for posting this.

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how many boosters and vaccine-related deaths into this madness before the communists send in the army to forcibly vaccinate the control group? i put the over/under at 6 which is ~18 months from now.

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I don't see the US Army doing that. I think the boosters are the beginning of the end for the CDC totalitarian program designed to enrich pharma/Fauci. I can say with surety that I'll die before I'll take any shot from Pfizer/Moderna/JJ/AZ . If a round up comes I have a .22 rifle and a partial box of rounds and I'm not afraid to use it😂

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Absolutely. "Ordinary Men" is required reading along with Milton Mayer's "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45," both of which I cited extensively in my last piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-scientifically-minded).

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Oct 28, 2021
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it's not designed to end well. the cruelty and destruction is intentional. a free prosperous people do not peacefully accept communism.

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Oct 28, 2021
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It's actually fascism.

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I choose d) all of the above.

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to me, those are purely academic distinctions. the rulers know what's best and believe in their own moral righteousness.

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"Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction. Those who object to it merely on the grounds of health should acquire a complete mastery of the subject, and should be able to convince others of the correctness of their views, and convert them into adopting those views in practice. But those who have neither definite views on the subject nor courage enough to stand up for their convictions should no doubt obey the laws of the state, and shape their conduct in deference to the opinions and practices of the world around them."

I just read a passage from Mahatma Gandhi's book "A Guide to Health" written in 1921 and I saw your comment and it reminded me we have to do whatever we can truthfully and sincerely but it will mean it will come at great personal cost. Hopefully, many of us will have made the right choice. We'll see.

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Oct 28, 2021
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I agree. You’ve made excellent observation that we are in for some real pain in the future. I’m still hopeful that cold hard reasoning and finding common ground can lead us out of this mess, because unlike others, I don’t know or feel overly confident that Covid-19 or SARS-COV-2 is going to be over if we stop thinking about it. Of couse, I wish it were that it becomes just a Flu, but we have no idea if it’s like Flu or HIV. It terrifies me that after two years, we aren’t really thinking about the worst possible outcomes (however small) and living in the present. Let’s assume we are fine in a few months and it was better than just the Flu, it was like SARS classic which just disappeared. This is the best outcome and it still feels sickening because we know that once the threat is gone, there will be no real scientific or rational reckoning. People who were driven by fear and lust for subjugation will justify their actions as necessary to suppress a greater evil. The callous might not even admit that bullying people into submission was wrong. @zeynep A UNC professor wrote an editorial in NYC citing the compliance with vaccine after mandate as proof that people just needed “face saving” reason, a way out. The mandate just provided people the excuse to do something that they wanted afterall she said, they just were embarrassed to do it out of shame, so we had to threaten them to the point of losing their existence to make the choice. Makes sense right /s?

It know it’s difficult to empathize with someone who has been able to somehow rationalize inflicting increasing levels of pain and threats of cruelty on others is best thing they must do themselves, so it must be right . You already know that you are dealing with a psychopathic train of thought. The mere recognition that someone is increasingly unconscious about their level of misguidedness and depravity is enough to make me worry how the rest of us would be able to resist the pressure to mirror that behavior as a means of self defense. But we must. We cannot give into injustice but we can’t lose sight of the future even if they don’t see us being in it. I’m a believer that perhaps all of us could become psychopathic, and we depend on others to help us snap out or at least try to protect others from psychopathic streak. Right now, collectively, we just have to trust that we will come together before we destroy any semblance of trust in society. I’m convinced that even those psychopaths who are using the heightened state of fears of basically decent people to achieve short term goals will come to the table and negotiate with those of us who are still willing to find a solution. If we start to mirror their tactics then it will just lead to an impasse where there is no chance of restoring faith and certainty that we live a world worth living in.

I saw a post by a young man who was so broken and sad that they forced him into submission. He expressed his sadness about his recognition that he was powerless. He said, he wished he had the courage, but he doesn’t.[1]

That in itself, the feeling that one is not courageous zaps out our viral energies from us. Do people realize what kind of world we are breeding where we make our fellow humans either lead lives of Leper or completely give up all autonomy. There is nothing worse for the human psyche more than the learned helplessness and feelings of guilt and inadequacy about being willing but unable to resist the forces that decided one’s fate. This disempowerment that these TV dictators seek will not serve them well, even in the best case scenario where SARS2 dissappears suddenly and the vaccines are safe. A fundamentally depressed section of society that will increasingly feel unhappy that they were subjugated. How can a person have self-confidence, belief, conviction and trust in oneself and others if we surgically removed from people, the best feeling about being alive: a sense that whatever lies ahead is worth living for, and whatever the challenges, one will be gather the resources to face it, often together, sometimes all alone but not instantly fold without giving oneself a fighting chance.

But the hysteria has clouded people’s judgement. Even kind decent people are discovering their inner psychopaths as they are increasingly susceptible to whatever will give them a sense of hope or promise of normalcy even if it’s clearly not based off of anything. Chomski would literally starve Gandhi today and people would cheer it as “Good, be a little tough on the unvaccinated”.

But this is not the worst possible world in my view, however likely it might be. I fear the worst possible world, however unlikely to unfold, is much much worse than this and that’s what creeps me out.

I’d negotiate a deal for a health mandate that would result in brutal torture for me & only me was performed in public for all to see if it satiated their sacrificial lust and demonstration of dominance, if in return I could engineer a circumstance which absolutely stopped them from taking uncalculated generationally consequential actions that could wipe out young, old, poor, rich, aristocrat, creator alike.

Just as the “vaccinate everyone at all costs first think later“ group are hell bent on operationalizing things without examining the implications if it was failing and if it failed, the others expressing certainty that merely making the tyrants give up their aims to subjugate would be sufficient to protect us from a future dystopia, are fundamentally responding to the same force: the immediacy of experience. It’s too taxing for someone who feels their loved ones are about to die or someone who is being fired from the job, not allowed on the train, refused organ transplant, to care about anything remote.

This is where the Leana Wen’s of this world should take pause and think about this rationally. Most of us who have grave concerns are not self-serving psychopaths, but if you brand any thinking person that isn’t merely mirroring the pressures they are struggling to keep alive in, you are creating the perfect condition for eliminating those people who you will need most if indeed this situation is just a preview of something really quite terrible on the scale of Black Death which unfolded over a period of 7 years. Purely from a self-serving psychopathic mindset, they should be convinced that keeping at least SOME of us alive minimally and in unvaccinated state might be useful to them, even if they cut our vocal cords like dogs to keep us from expressing ourselves.

If they kill or vaccinate 100% of us. How will they ever know what options they have if we have 100% vaccine failure? Will everyone who is sick have robots to nurse them? Will immune people magically appear? Will the people you subjugated want to participate in another experiment or will they sabotage it? What if you needed people who were able to tell you the truth as they see it because it was the most efficacious way to construct a view of reality that can at-least lend itself minimally to engineering. What we have today is hopeless. Nothing is predictive, not a single model works. Nobody knows with any conclusive empirical data what we could do to construct methods to bring down the threat. Worse, those who express concern that we are not in control at all, and scientists are hiding and obscuring data, and punishing the public for wanting to know what’s the basis for arbitrary decisions, any plans to stop and think and examine. Instead of consulting the public and trying to figure this out quickly so we can avoid the worst, we are hellbent on denying that we are stumbing quickly into the unknown and whether we get out in one piece will be pure luck.

If they eliminate the control group, they could need something simple like blood without specific antibodies if in the future we discover enhanced acquisition. What if the virus turn out to be like Chicken pox or HIV that goes and sits deep in organs and can re-activate randomly in the future. We would never be able to detect that kind of thing with a RCT-PCR test. What if the vaccinal antibodies enhance acquisition of the virus.

They seem to be completely unaware that simply putting people in a chokehold and getting those who you might terribly need as partners in the future are all dead, exterminated, or completely non-compliant because they now have the power that you misused.

I’ve never have I seen something so nakedly sadistic as that Jacinda Ardern smirk when describing her justification for why certain people who consented to be governed will be treated as an underclass simply because a special class of people want to feel safe about their investment (a free choice), and merely this act of choosing made their sense of safety worth protecting. Even if their sense of safety is linked to taking away the free choice of others. Next Jacinda Ardern might decide applying this same theory that people who haven’t yet got the HIV MRNA vaccine must get circumcized because other people got the HIV vaccine and cannot tolerate using the same bathroom that a person who isn’t Circumcized is using as well.[2] They made a decision to feel safe based on the best science they know, and you must now make sure their investment in feeling of safety is paid off. Next, someone will suggest, we cannot use digital currencies except state issued one because they invested in 10 year treasury bonds and want to make sure they feel safe about their investment.

[1] Someone’s parents forced to Vaccinate https://twitter.com/vishal_klc/status/1452970607029620737?s=20

[2] Context: https://www.treatmentactiongroup.org/publication/adenovirus-vaccine-vectors-and-hiv-acquisition-risk-the-view-from-the-summit/

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What should ww2 Jews or Rwandan Tutsi people have done if they knew their future plight ahead of time?

If you knew people were going to murder you ahead of time what would you do?

Especially if you knew their addresses?

I think the entire bloodlines of all the perpetrators need to be exterminated

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Same with if you were living in Cambodia in the 1970s, Russia and Ukraine in the 1910s…

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I fear you are right, but still, I hope that it may yet end well.

@AlmostWrong points out "Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction."

That's the only way it ends well. It may take a long time.

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For me, this (free in epub version) explains the why: https://in-this-together.com/pnnt/ If you decide to look at it, be sure to click on the links. I did. It sounds so crazy that I needed some “proof” that it was really happening.

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Subscription based immunity! Great business model. Move over MSFT and ADBE as your products are not necessary for CONtinued survival.

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How many boosters can take at once. I wanna be fully boosted.

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We'll call you Turbo. ;-)

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😂 please let us know when you find out!

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I already had the appendectomy, so I'm chilling with the boosters. Keep em coming. I often travel out of country to get double benefit of being unregistered in the immunization programs of countries that don't recognize the vaccines of other countries. I'm doing this because heterologous boosts are better than homologous. Science isn't keeping up, but can't stop chugging. My latest is the DNA vax patch by zydus cadilla. No jabs, just epidermal poison transfer and shedding. Low toxicity for now. I'm looking into natural boosting too, oral herpes virus is a problem though.

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Lysine is the solution for oral herpes virus.

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I'd bet you a lot that somewhere out there, someone is going that route. You know, the solitary masked alone in cars or out in the woods or on the beaches, the ones who have a supply of "Romance for One" Trojans in their bathroom cabinet. Wonder when Oprah will start showcasing one of them.

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😄 that was funny.

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I have yet to figure out how the vaccines can apparently protect against severe COVID yet do not prevent infection, transmission, and high viral load. Can any gatopal shed any light on this conundrum?

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I've thought about this too and this is my guess. Since vaccines induce antibodies in the bloodstream,they are really only effective if the virus gets that far. In most cases, however, the virus is fended off by marcrophages, tcells etc. at the respiratory interface (lungs, nose) whether vaxxed or unvaxxed. The vaccine has little use here because the antibodies are cruising around elsewhere. This is why people still get mild/moderate cases( and there is a distinct possibility that the vaccine interferes with a good tcell response.)

However, if the case progresses past the lungs and into the blood then the hoard of vaccine antibodies are there to limit the severity. In an unvaccinated person, this would be worse because they don't have masses of antibodies floating around their bloodstream (no that you'd want that anyway..that can cause a host of other problems) and the antibody response takes more time.

I have no idea if this is truly the mechanism for reduction in severe cases or how it would hold true even as vax-induced immunity dwindles (and thus lower antibody levels) but I'd be interested in hearing others takes on this! I think that's why a robust immune system and early treatment seem to be the best measures so that it never gets that far rather than hoping the vaccines are enough to save you at that point and given the other problems that come from them.

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Yes, of course, now you mention it, that lack of primary protection in the respiratory tract epithelium must easily allow for infection to occur. Then, once entry into the body has been achieved, the circulating antibodies generated by the vaccines are enough to reduce microclot symptoms due to spike protein binding but not able to prevent cell entry and subsequent viral replication, leading to that high viral load and perhaps evolutionary pressure on the spike protein. Thanks!

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Lucy and her football are running this scam, and we are Charlie Brown just hoping to kick that football.

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Charlie Brown and the football have crossed my mind SO many times of late

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The Illinois house just passed an amendment to the Illinois right of conscience act that will take away the legal right to refuse the vaccine. It is before the senate. If you live here and want to write your Senator to vote no, please do. (50,000 witness slips were sent and they were ignored. Chicago police, bless them, have protested being forced to take it.) I know this is a bit off topic…

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Well the Senate passed it, so the right to conscience with regards to health won’t apply to Pritzker’s mandate to get the jab.

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I know a few who eventually succumbed and got the J&J. Their thoughts being “one and done”. I wonder what their thinking now…

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This is so depressing. They misused the trust people put in them. I'm more depressed that it's a slow unfolding tragedy but it's picking up pace. It's 5-11 year olds right now because we want to protect their parents in the 40s. But we all know it the moment they are vaccinated, the 0-4 cohort and 20-35s will start getting diseased. Then what?! If we double boost people in this age group, they will almost certainly shed only superviruses. Who's going to save the parents who are over 60?

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my neighbor is a JJ "one and done" recipient. he was "relieved" after getting the shot. now he's bitter at the unjabbed b/c his jab doesn't offer protection against the variants. he is truly lost to the information operation.

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Same goes here. In my mothers nursing home they had 20 new cases in the past 2 days. (all clear for months before). But somehow my brother is blaming an unvaxed worker (Trump lover!), who doesn't even have Covid for the 20 new infections of which likely 90% had the vax.

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Lost indeed. A co-worker of mine just told me of a “double shot” friend of his lamenting his recent COVID infection was due to the “unvaxxed” at a party he attended. It’s like they don’t even know what they’re saying.

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Vaccinate yourself into oblivion, rubes

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Infinity boosters will have the same effect as Thanos’s infinity stones and gauntlet.

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Infinity War and Beyond....eerily that plays through my head too.

Thanos : Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.

Dr. Stephen Strange : Genocide.

Thanos : At random. Dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a mad man. And what I predicted came to pass.

Dr. Stephen Strange : Congratulations, you're a prophet.

Thanos : I'm a survivor.

Dr. Stephen Strange : Who wants to murder trillions!

Thanos : With all the six "shots", I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.

Dr. Stephen Strange : And then what?

Thanos : I finally rest, and watch the sunrise on an grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

Dr. Stephen Strange : I think you'll find our will equal to yours.

Thanos : Our?

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You have to hand it to Eugenics Gates, he came up with a winner to reduce and control world population.

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That grotesque old gargoyle! He's going to go down with a boom. I can't wait. Already the news stories about his creepiness with females not his wife are erupting. In this country you can kill nursing home patients by the thousands, but pinch some woman's butt and you're finished.

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Dr. Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia, explains the difference between a "third dose" and a "booster dose" of the same shot: a third dose is necessary when #1&#2 do not work at all while the booster is necessary when #1$#2 do not work anymore. I'm sure everybody is grateful to have this conundrum finally resolved !!


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This is the most comprehensive articles I have read explaining the Who, What’s, and Why’s

The Vaccine Holocaust Is Well Underway—The War Against Humanity


The conclusion reached is exactly what people are doing on sub stack…educate and fight back.

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thats a very fascinating string of words regarding immunocompromised considering that by the 2nd dose you are literally THAT. after 3rd... well.... it sure adds new meaning to "acquired" immune deficiency syndrome.

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Whoa. Your last line just blew my mind. Oh...oh dear...

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Thanks for posting this.

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When do the guillotines come out? I was promised guillotines.

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I highly recommend this piece by @annbauerwriter. The parallels are striking.


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A good read, thanks.

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Right now, we are at the second phase of child sacrifice. I wonder when these cultists will get around to infants?

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They actually started with infants. The drugs were developed using stem cells from aborted infants' organs -- and by now we know that the marketers of these organs take pains (pardon the grim pun) to prolong the infants' painful deaths in order to preserve the saleable organs.

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To be fair, immunocompromised people were already used to receiving an annual influenza shot if they desired. But we all know where this is going. Soon it will be the whole population who "may receive" which will then become "have to receive".

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Didn’t we all know it would be at least every six months? Based on the latest crappy efficacy studies probably every three months? Subscription service anyone?

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Richard Nikolay has been writing in the alternative health/diet sphere for many years. If foul language is not your thing, probably would recommend not reading.

But in this public post he lays out a few "interesting coincidences" beyond what various writers on Substack have been uncovering, via one of his subscribers. (I am not a paid subscriber so have not read the post/comment to which this article is based.)


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I mean, regular working people must have zero confidence in our healthcare leaders.....

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Funeral director speaks out https://youtu.be/LIWul_nbMu8

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I just listened to this tonight! Potent stuff.

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The CDC is basically stealing Buzz Lightyear's saying, "To infinity and beyond!"

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I just read that in Belgium, next year everyone will get a booster shot. The country already bought a fourth dose, so it seems like they are counting too. This morning, they published that the fourth wave of the virus is caused by the unvaccinated. The country is about 80 percent vaccinated and more than half of the hospitalized are vaccinated. Then they make an intricate calculation, substracting the children (not yet allowed to be inoculated) and come to the conclusion that percentwise, the unvaccinated are more prone to hospitalization. They are also younger than the vaccinated, mostly 60+ and many 75+. But was this vaccine not supposed to protect the elderly and the frail? They don't say a word on that.

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they count jab1, jab2, booster1, booster2, booster3... all the way to the bank.

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COVID 19 is little more than than our seasonal flu…the number of cases means nothing. But the poison injections may be the real pandemic. But this is all a distraction. The problem is a deadly Snake. It may be multi headed, but the one that boldly stands out is Soros. He openly told us he intended to destroy America on 60 Minutes. He doesn’t even try very hard to hide it. He has had Obama and Hillary in his pocket for years.He was a major funder to develop a deadly gain of function virus…..all to cause lockdown, chaos and fear. He and his Buddy Gates are making billions off of Big Pharma injections. He is the money behind buying Biden the Presidency and illegal voting. He is behind the open borders. He is behind BLM and ANTIFA. This is a Soros/Obama cabal telling a senile old man in the Whitehouse what to do, and are smiling as he mumbles and forgets. If the Marxist Democratic Congress spend us into self destructive debt….Soros is set to make hundreds of billions shorting the dollar….as he did the British Pound…..all so he can buy more crooked mindless politicians …..until we are dust. This is no conspiracy theory ….you are watching it happen real time. If America doesn’t wake up soon…we won’t make it to 2024.

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They will always and forever be compromised since their immune system will always be mis-reacting to viruses. Changing the way cells function (mRNA) has its consequences.

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the cdc/pharma cabal shot is a 5 month "fix", it does what dapra wanted in 2013. temporary protection against a know and typed pathogen.

turn them off protect your iimmune system.

there is nothing from this 100's of million person experiment that scream the "vaxxes are safe"!

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