because people are asking:

degrowth is basically utopian collectivist command and control systems to dismantle free market capitalism in the name of pursuing some hazy concept of human well being (as defined by experts and technocrats).

it's the venn intersect of "benign despotism" "happy clappy gaia worship" and "economics denial."

"Degrowth is an academic and social movement critical of the hegemony of economic growth perpetuated by capitalism, and calls for an equitable and democratically-led downscaling of production and consumption in industrialised countries as a means to achieve environmental sustainability, social justice and well-being"


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Thanks for the definition. In that case. the graduates will probably be put in cabinet level positions in most Western governments

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Too late! These will be foisted on private businesses. "Where is your degrowth manager?", "Next door to the DEI office."

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the degrowth manager will be the fattest person in the office. just like the diversity manager is the least diverse.

makes perfect sense!

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Just another wing of the HR Office.

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The ratio between supervisory and producing personnel is always highest where the intellectuals are in power. In a Communist country it takes half the population to supervise the other half.

Eric Hoffer

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Right before the door to the department of silly walks.

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Better a Department of Silly Walks than a Department of Degrowth. CEO: "I've brought in Moonflower, our VP of Degrowth to show us how we can DECREASE our bottom line by 15%!". Board of Directors: "Here, here!".

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Shareholders: Where, where???

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"It's not particularly silly, is it?

I mean, the Social Well Being Leg isn't silly at all and the Ecological Well Being Leg merely does a forward Aerial Push Back Zero Day Again alternate step."

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Aim way higher. It's the Banksters who used Covid-19 and fake emergencies in order to skirt constitutional rights to implement unfettered capitalism to destroy our economies and open them up to a Chicago School Cartel psychopathic feeding frenzy.


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LIKE! Still blocked from likes. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken

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Mencken was a genuine genius.

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I'll second the motion!

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I updated my software, finally, on ipad and could like again after that!

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Thanks! That appears to be the choice I am left with.

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pro tip: banksters use "unfettered capitalism" and "communism" to the same purpose: sheer self interest.

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sadly, Naomi Klein was a complete NPC for the "covid" psyop.

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As your (likely) socialist dream girl exclaimed (many times), a crisis too good to go to waste. You know, hilarious Hillary. Target rich environment.

And your Canuck economy seems to be imploding under the girth of Trudeau (a slogan for right minded canucks, eh hoser- take your Trudeau and go, go, go- far away to socialism done right fantasyland.

Socialism is superior to all other idiotologies, 1 billion and counting dead valued slaves, oops, citizens.

A Keynesian Heaven. Take R. reich with, please!

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Just look for the nicest corner office with the best view. 😁

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"upper management written all over them"...

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"It's not just about me and my dream of doing nothing. It's about all of us."

- Peter Gibbons

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We should be holding the current cabinet ministers accountable for their Covid-19 disaster capitalism which enabled the violent assault, permanent injury, firing and pensions theft of hundreds of thousands of Canadians using a fake emergency.

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what are you going to do; fight totalitarianism with totalitarianism?

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Is Angie an ai bot, cause she/he/it sure ain’t got no sentient intelligent.

He’s your beloved emperor Trudeau,. Don’t blame crony capitalism .Your socialist dream come to fruition. Enjoy the rotting

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And the Left calls me a right-wing, fascist Trump supporter!

Debunk Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz who admits his Artificial intelligence nanotechnology biosensors are in the Covid-19 "vaccines." Stop obfuscating.


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That is funny, your first paragraph, irony. However, Trump and 99% of his supporters - yup me proudly - abhor nazism, communism, socialism, ideologies of misery, death and destruction.

And, for your personal edification -and leftist friends-, fascism is a very left wing ideology, not true conservatism in microscope. Psychopathic political sibling of socialism and communism.

Anyhoo, if would take time to read a previous response you might calm yourself and find that I had agreed regarding Covid punctures.

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Ah, so rich with multi syllabic terms from the thesaurus. I do not dance around subjects, I do agree with that human tagging program. I did not need to read from a hypocritical charlatan who enriched himself by prostituting his beloved unassailable “god” - my science. Very fauci like. Now he develops a pseudo conscience knowing the truth is coming out. Cry his crocodile tears to his executioner.

Don’t be so facile. One of my responses state clearly my agreement with you on this topic.

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With that definition they are mini-me Bidenbamas.

“You didn’t build that!”. But you can froth it.

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Right...because the current cabinet ministers who allowed Covid-19 did such a fantastic job under "free-market" (corporate raiders) capitalism.

The pandemic is how stupid everybody is.

The bad cat is a corporate apologist.

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"free-market" (corporate raiders) capitalism."

See, this is where I think we're talking past one another.

If it's _free-market_ then it can't also be the case that Corporations can raid it. That's precisely NOT a "free-market" economy.

It can be Free or at the whim of Corporations. But it can't be both.

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The bad cat is cheering for more shock therapy in order to establish precisely the disaster capitalism which was the Covid-19 military operation. Don't fall for it.

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I've had several employees over the years that could teach a master class in degrowing a business. Like the idiot I am, I fired them all. A couple were so upset they issued death threats. If only I had known how right they were all along!

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and people PAY TUITION for that ? well, they deserve the baristas carrier then, unless (as others noticed) they will get on permanent bureaucracy 'nomenklatura' rolls and will spend their time leeching life from productive people

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so basically the antithesis of a healthy society...purposeless on purpose.

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Covid-19 is an example of what happens under "free-markets" which are unregulated.


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Covid 19 is what happens when the management personnel, goals, and even ideology of Big Government and Big Corporations become entwined and interchangeable.

Call it what you want…crony capitalism, public/private partnerships, fascism or whatever…… what it boils down to is corruption with little accountability from anywhere.

The Covid 19 mess is the perfect example, it has it all…. Corrupt government bureaucrats who have managed to build little kingdoms for themselves and their friends, government bureaucrats and scientists who received “bonuses” (kickbacks) from the pharmaceutical companies, government bureaucrats who were helping ECOHEALTH executives to write grant proposals at taxpayer expense, government agencies providing technical expertise to the pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies buying off the media, whatever (if any) military/intelligence involvement, the merry-go-round of employment between the government “regulators” and private companies, etc.

The list of abuses and illegality goes on and on, and that’s just what we know about.…..

And it had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with “free market capitalism “.

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Thank you Mark

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"Covid 19 is what happens when the management personnel, goals, and even ideology of Big Government and Big Corporations become entwined and interchangeable."

"Ooooooo - That's a BINGO!"


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Thanks for making my argument for me. This corruption is precisely what unfettered "free-market" capitalism looks like.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.


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I checked out the site that you linked.

The Centre for Global Education:

Educating for a Just and Sustainable World.

The group appears to be a globalist, left leaning organization based in Ireland.

Of course they hate capitalism, most socialists do….

You might want to check out something a little less biased.

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How's this for "unbiased?"


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Capitalism doesn't thrive under these conditions at all. It shrivels up and dies.

And what you're talking about isn't really capitalism, or even economics at all. It's Social Engineering.


Now - if that urges people to choose poorly in the marketplace, that's not because it's Good for Capitalism. It happens because it's Good for Grifters and Influence Peddlers which, again, is not what "unfettered" means. That's precisely the opposite of what that word means.

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Naomi Klein also wrote an entire book because she was salty at being mistaken for Naomi Wolf and her conspiracy-minded audacity to question the very disaster capitalism Klein herself had written about previously.

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That's what I also believed initially. Now, it seems likely that just like the Frontline Doctors and the bad cat....Naomi Wolf is controlled opposition making sure you never find out about what the Covid-19 fraud really enabled.


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Do you know anything about capitalism?

Because what you’re describing isn’t it…..

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You'll forgive her as we haven't seen anything resembling a free market in a very, very long time, but I agree she's conflating it with what The Blob has served up in its place since.

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Yeah, we need to all have the same definitions of words - like "unfettered" and "free" - or we can't even pretend to be having a conversation.

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Then, why did governments force the closure of hundreds of thousands of small businesses which eviscerated the livelihoods of regular citizens making it impossible for them to feed their children?

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There was absolutely NOTHING “Free Market” about big gov tyrannist response to Fauci’s lab created virus.

It was specifically engineered and strategically released in hopes of destroying free market capitalism and free will completely. All the suckers prostrating themselves to big gov almost pushed it all the way.

A virus cannot make or break policy (jeez!) it was a manufactured tool for their Marxist dream of destroying faith, hope, self-directed life and liberty.

The goal was to eradicate capitalism and coerce allegiance to Karl Marx.

Considering what imbecilic bovines our country creates, next creation might do the trick:(. Sheeple unite. Orwell warned ya.

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Pure Wall Street-CIA-DARPA-Five Eyes COINTELPRO surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and nanotechnology biosensors (Artificial Intelligence. )



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I agree on that, Angie. But, that does not correlate to capitalism any more than Bernard and fauxcahontas correlate to “equity driven social democratic (ha, is that a word, oh well) party.

Big gov, Wall Street, fda, fbi, etc are all autocratic incestuous whores who are attempting to squeeze us dry. Canada, with your imperious child leader same boat. Last I checked, y’all brag about faux moral superiority of social Marxism. Does not appear your special northern blend of “horrific inhumane system is better than free market capitalism which has brought a higher standard of living to all tha in history. Socialism loves spreadibg mass misery and murder to all - but equitably so, yeah for equality 🤫

The jab, yup garbage, that is no example of true capitalism.

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Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astrazenaca, Telus, EA, VanCity, Bayer, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, L3 Harris, the BIS, the IMF, the WEF, the WTOand the IEEE (International Standards for Electronics and Electrical Engineers), InQTel and a long list of other CORPORATE MULTINATIONALS are precisely what unfettered capitalism looks like.

The Left calls me a right-wing fascist and Trump supporter for my Covid-19 non-compliance.

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Trust me - I have a whole Haberdashery full of Shiny Hats, for every style, for every season. And I don't doubt that that conglomerate is uninterested in our well-being. I don't trust them at all.

But help us out - where does this tie into "unfettered" and "free-market" Capitalism again?

When BigGov is in bed with BigIndustry, the politics is fascist and the Economy is Socialist. People might have some choices but you're long since left Unfettered in the rear-view mirror.

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Debunk Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz who admits his Artificial Intelligence nanotechnology biosensors are in the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccines" and connect us to the Internet of Bio-Nano Things.


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If that was not so damned laughable it might be a little scary. Yeah for 1 world order. The author opines, as long as it is My Order.


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Technology like BioNanoThings isn't inherently evil.

In fact, I'd kinda like to know if all the sudden my Calcium shoots up before I go out and do yardwork so I don't have a heart attack, and seek treatment. It's a just a tool.

Consider a Hammer: If you use it to drive nails, or break rocks, then is the Hammer itself some sort of Good? Nope. It just applies the Conversation of Momentum for Inelastic Collisions and moves on to other collisions.

Or if, on the other hand, you use it to break the bedroom window of that Foursquare at the end of the cul-de-sac, or on your neighbor's head, then is the Hammer Evil? Nope.

Cain and Abel isn't a story about a rock. Rocks are decidedly neutral.

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Nanotechnology Biosensors embedded in masks, tests and jabs for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN are de facto crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

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It's much easier to summarise than that. It's the same idea that Pol Pot had for Kampuchea (Cambodia).

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because Misery loves company

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Cliff notes: “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” No?

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So, instead of people working to rise above poverty, the government will mandate poverty for everyone. Except the leaders, of course

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Well that's what wikipedia says...

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Yes. It’s sclerotic hierarchy

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I read the definition with dismay, which these loons think is the opposite of last June. Me-ouch!

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*Paul Ehrlich has entered the chat, has Southside handed over again and again, continues to build coalitions of rich bored shiftless useless morons*

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Free-market capitalism is unregulated, unfettered capitalism which extorts cirizens/countries that have been intentionally sabotaged, traumatized, fired, beaten, tortured, raped and starved so that the full-blown psychopaths of the Chicago School Cartel (corporate raiders) can swoop in and use extortion to dismantle price controls, strong unions, public institutions, social safety nets, regulatory agencies and public resources leaving an empty shell of misery in its wake. The Covid-19 military operation used the shock therapy of a fake pandemic (disaster capitalism) to enable the elimination of hundreds of thousands of Canadians from government payrolls, benefits and pensions. This outright pension theft and evisceration of government workers from their jobs creates a perfect solution for Amazon to buy Canada Post without the large workforce and expensive pensions.


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You do know that no one actually believes that anymore. Government is so glued to Big Business that anything one does must be approved by the other.

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That's where using the Criminal Code and laying numerous criminal charges against government directors for their crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics with nanotechnology biosensors embedded in masks, tests and jabs via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band) comes in handy.

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Who writes those criminal codes? Who enforces them? The GUBM'NT. You are asking one criminal to make sure the other criminal doesn't commit crimes ..... right.

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I testified under oath in the Provincial Court of Vancouver against my former boss, the Director of Mail Operations (Canada Post) for the City of Vancouver after laying 30+ criminal charges against her for administering the Corporation's mandatory mask, test and jab policies. This case is being heard in secret courts paid for by the taxpayers yet which refuse our access.

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It has become very clear who the psychopath is. Sorry, with the above rant, more appropriately sociopath.

Buy your Che t-shirt now before your communist heaven implodes

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No I just don't want to be connected to the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and controlled with Artificial Intelligence by corporate psychopaths in the military-industrial-pharma complex.


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what we're trying to accomplish here is get us back to what The Framers intended.

I'm just fine if your country tries to do the same thing that didn't work before.

don't wait up for us to save you

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I think The Framers is a concept not well understood even by many born on this soil.

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Never truer words

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Soooo... You're say that True Capitalism™ has never been tried?

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My guess is that there is a collectivist worm in Angie's apple. That's why she hasn't sprung it yet.

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I don't buy into to the fake 2-party paradigm which is perpetuated by the corporate media to keep us divided and conquered. The battle is the common people vs the corporations and their "free-market" predatory economic system.

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I don't buy into it either. But neither do I buy into fake two-party government vs. corporation paradigm, where we just need give power to a bunch of selfless right-thinking leaders who will protect us and look out for our best interests. You have yet to say exactly HOW you propose to bring Big Business to heel. If it's by using Big Government, then you are just substituting the grey wolf for the black wolf - you are still going to be eaten, just by a different entity.

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Actually I did state that I laid 30+ criminal charges in the Provincial Court of Vancouver against my former boss, the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver (Canada Post.) To be clear, I used the Criminal Code of Canada against the Crown Corporation, Canada Post, the Government of Canada, the Vancouver Police Department, the RCMP, CSIS, Telus, VanCity, EA, Phyton Biotech and Pfizer.

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"I don't buy into to the fake 2-party paradigm"

Same. Uniparty delenda est!

But there's a pretty fine line between Preying on your, you know - Customers - and just trying to convince them that they really would be better off if they just bought the stuff.

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To be charitable to Angie, isn't what she's trying to describe what is called corporate capitalism, rather than the free market model (the latter being the one everyone likes until they start getting big and then want to use governement to squash competitors, regulations, et cetera)?

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Yes, I think she is.

And I get what you're saying about how 'everyone likes until they start getting big' is the part that perverts the Creative Destruction. El Gato has written about this a couple times at least. Joseph Schumpter is kind of a big deal.

It evolves into Regulatory Capture where the corporations can wield significant influence over the rules, which taints the objectivity of regulators and legislators, aka Public Choice Theory. #TeamSnoutsInTrough

I'd assert that the greatest perversion of markets is the exploitation of the loopholes or the creation of Black Markets to bypass those restrictions. Then Pricing fails to recognize actual Supply-Demand signals, next thing you know Dogs and Cats are Sleeping Together and the economy is pretty much on the downslide.

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One thing all economic theories have in common is that they assume to achive a steady state (even capitalist schools of economy does this), in a chaotic system (life, the universe and everything).

We therefore invent (f.e.) tax-funded state-run infrastructure (power production/distribution) under one theory (Wigfors school of economy) which works perfectly in one nation (Sweden) but not well at all in another one (USSR).

Then technology changes. Also, ideology. We therefore sell the state-run system to private operators who act as proxies for the state (neoliberalism, what used to be called tax-farming).

We then play the ideological blame-game.

To the state, it makes sense to sell. Now, the cost of operation is on the corporations but the state doesn't haver to lower taxes (these are instead reinvested in "green alternatives").

To the capitalist corporation, it makes sense too. They get to run something they never would have risked investing hundreds of billions in, with a pay-off window of decades, in in the first place, and at 1/100 the cost of building it.

But to the citizen-customer?

Some things are best run privately, some not. Some times, which is which changes. Both back and forth.

Fun thought-exercise: imagine if the US scrapped its national military, instead handing that off to the states: each state get to maintain its own military force, which only act in concert if some foreign power invades (as if...).

Would that be capitalist or communist, ideologically speaking? I think neither. Just wanted to ramble a bit to argue the point that ideologies aren't very clear-cut, or static, or even above and beyond the culture what implements an idea.

Perhaps the thunderstorm is affecting my thinking?

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"Would that be capitalist or communist, ideologically speaking? I think neither.'

Not all things fall into those categories.

So, if the US disbands the Military at the Federal level, and leaves that to The States... remind me again how that's not still the Government deciding how the $ gets spent?

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If you would like to debate or discuss something, make a real reply instead.

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Go ahead and deconstruct the teachings of Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz whose patents for nanotechnology biosensors in Covid-19 "vaccines" were frozen by the CIA for 7 years.

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This is not a response to my comment.

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Yes, regulated capitalism using the Keynesian compromise established under the New Deal put in place by FDR.

Also, subsidized education, free health care, strong unions, public utilities/resources in combination with lots of mom and pop small businesses.

No monopolies/lawless multinational corporations.

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Free, Free, FREE! subsidize, Subsidize, SUBSIDIZE! More big, Big, BIG, government! The Keynesian compromise is what brought us to this point in the first place. You ultimately serve the master that PAYS YOU, and that will be the uber-powerful government.

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See, _this_ part

"Also, subsidized education, free health care, strong unions, public utilities/resources"

Is just the sort of thing that absolutely kills this part

"lots of mom and pop small businesses."

That is, the "in combination with" part cannot survive if they have to prop up The State. In that case, Small Mom and Pop Shops essentially are the government.

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'Keynesian Compromise' doesn't sound like the sort of unfettered, free market economy The Founders envisioned.

What sorts of Regulations do you deem necessary?

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Thanks for the enlightening explanation.

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I like to buy my clothes from charity shops (in the UK - I believe you call them thrift shops in the US). This has simply been a personal preference, mainly because I personally resent forking out good money for bad quality clothing, and I can find much more natural fabrics (pure cotton, linen, wool, silk) in this older unfashionable clothing, since most modern stuff appears to be poly-something…. As I said, personal preference, no moral high ground implied. However, lately I keep coming across multiple exhortations to buy second hand to “save the planet”. Oh dear. If everyone did this, I would have stiff competition for my predeliction for natural fabrics ;) And more to the point, if everyone buys second hand, where is the supply of stuff going to come from? “Degrowth” would mean a finite supply of ever decreasing stuff.

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I love my degree in "nothingness"...it costs nothing, is worth nothing, means nothing and it fits right in with 95% of the regular degrees that are passed out.

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What the F is degrowth? Shrinkage?

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Can you fail out of a degrowth program by being too productive?

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The study of cold water shrinkage 🧐

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It's significant.

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"Tell 'em Jerry!"

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like when you get in cold water mr. Swabbie?!....:)

shrinkage happens

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Ya, but i usually get in hot water. Particularly with my wife.

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That pesky turtling effect in cold weather. Makes it hard (sic) to get a grasp on things out in the deep woods when you have to micturate.

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Whatever the definition, it's something the Left majors in.

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Farts, bovine farts, to degreen the world

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*shakes steak knife in The Willster's direction, mutttters with mouth full of sirloin in clearly enthusiastic manner*

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Yes...it's the opposite of government.

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If it was about shrinking governments I would be be for it.

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That's a good point. Does "degrowth" also apply to governments?

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you know the answer.

you ever seen the government ever come in under budget and actually accomplish anything?

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Yes, political campaigns, but that's because the candidate who loses or drops out gets to keep any unspent funds.

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They are conditions which enable corporate raiders to swoop in and further gut our living standards via "free-market" capitalism which requires fake emergencies like Covid-19 to suspend the constitutional rights and ram through destabilizing Chicago School Cartel economic policies.


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Again - if you have "fake emergencies like Covid-19 that "suspend the constitutional rights" of people then you don't have "free-market" anything.

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Lolol. How much time would guess you went around with this nonsense?

I'd rather be mowing the grass, with tweezers, one blade at a time...

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She seems sincere so I guess I was hoping she could make that last step.

She doesn't trust government. That's a good start. But she's angry right now. I hope we see her here again down the road. I think she's close.

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Oh good.

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funny that you would need to go to University to study that

Is there a course required in underwater basket weaving? or is that too strenuous?

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They had to drop it. To many students drown.

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swimming and weaving is soooooo hard.

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The only thing which grows under Leftwing despotism is the number of intellectuals needed to explain how great it is.

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The great economist Schumpeter predicted the decline of capitalism would be due to enemies whose very existence depended on the productivity of the capitalist system. Specifically, poor societies cannot afford an intelligentsia--only the bounties of capitalism can. Indeed, the more the productive the system, the larger the intelligentsia it can support. Yet this very class created by capitalism is its mortal enemy.

Hence the irony of the intelligentsia flogging "degrowth"--Degrowth will kill academia and the intelligentsia. But unfortunately, they will have succeeded in killing capitalism. Like a parasite killing the host on which it lives.

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A large part of this ideology is articulated by, if not derived from, Neal Stephenson's novel Anathem. It is not so obscure in the corporate upper crust - it is the inspiration/incitement for Jeff Bezos' funding the project known as the "Clock of the Long Now."

The setting is that industrial society undergoes a controlled demolition, with only governments and scientist-monks retaining any access to complex technology. The scientist-monks sequester themselves away to let the common man live in the decaying refuse of a grander civilization. Then there's some stuff about dimension travel. Honestly The Diamond Age is better.

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To use one of my Dad’s favorites , that’s hoisting yourself on your own petard!

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did you mean "degrownup" degree?

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*golf clap*

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It's awful. Shun me!...:)

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*directs Shun in general Ryanly direction*

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The De-Growth major would be really popular any work place he goes, right? “Hi gang. Say Hi to Todd. He is our new de-growth manager. He will be working night and day alongside everyone figuring out ways to get you all fired.” “Hi Todd” says no one collectively.

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De-growth, de-population, de-industrialization, de-prosperity, de-life. What a concept.

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time to detonate

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At first, I thought it was another term for depopulation. OR rather "fun sizing the world."

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These kids. Someone please tell them that before we had the Industrial Revolution, we had trazillions of little guys with stalls in bazaars from time immemorial, trying to buy up the stalls on every side of them to make superstores in the bazaars, though on somewhat of a growth-hopeful scale.

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thanks for the warning ! Spain is now on the bottom, or very close, to countries I want to go to

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wtf is degrowth ?

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First lesson to all these miserabes: degrowth starts at home.

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