Another win for "green" energy. The complete ignorance being espoused here by most politicians actually exceeds the nonsense they were embracing during Covid.

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"sorry miss greta, i am working as fast as i can to dig the cobalt for your electric car battery"


gatito bueno

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My suburban city government has proudly announced that they're preparing to switch the police department over to an all-electric fleet of patrol cars. So that'll be fun.

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Just a relentless, unending clusterf*#k. 🙄

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Our crappy for profit privatized electrical system is garbage.

Yep, and solar and wind don't displace conventional plants.

Why not?

Well since they can drop out, there needs to be generation to pick up the load

Only dummies believe that we have storage, not even Tesla's bullshit huge battery substation in South Australia can handle a long dip.

So anyway, big power plants need to be kept idling to spin up quickly if needed, wasted fuel.

Or they use smaller peaker plants which are much less efficient than the big ones.

I'm against pollution, but solar and wind just add pollution especially if you count the chemicals and rare minerals taking a lot of energy and work...

Battery technology is not as good as they expected, remember it's similar to your cellphone batteries, but to create motion requires much much more energy than processors and screens

Gas has a much higher energy density by weight and size, which is why the huge Tesla battery pack is equal to only 10 gallons or so of gasoline lol

Ev is dumb, hybrid is a good thing (even Ferrari uses it).

Remember all of this tech is brought to you by the morons that believe in nonsense virus theory and pharma who can't cure fuck all, but you got 15 drugs for diabetes etc

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If you don’t eat the bugs and take your tenth jab, we’ll turn off the power to your overpriced pod and toy car.

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everything progressives touch turns to poo

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My battery car is going to have a windmill on it! Perpetual nonsense!

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It would be funny if it weren’t so frustratingly tragic.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

You've missed the point.

Gas cost upwards of $10/gal is a desired outcome and a designed feature of the current administration policy. Biden promised to punish users of fossil fuels, and so it is being done.

The naive and minimally informed believe this is to "save the environment" by forcing everyone into "green" practices (which in fact, if considered in total life cycle impacts, are not very friendly to the environment). This fantasy is based on so many false assumptions it is impossible to think the policy actions are simple ignorance. Nope, think it through. Mobility enables freedom. It isn't about getting you into EVs so much as to take away your ability to independent transportation decisions. The EV charging "crisis" is but one symptom.

The EV alternative is the classic in regressive politics: the wealthiest minority benefit while the middle class majority pay for it. And the lower-middle and poor are left without alternatives. In the last decade utility fees have escalated to support infrastructure build out to support EV charging (obviously not enough), so that the relatively few can feel good, while the rest pay for these costs in higher rates (that's how utility capex is recovered). Consider also which economic class has the resources to spend $100k to replace an aged but functional gasoline vehicle with an EV that has more limitations that negatively impact their lifestyle. So the "incentive" (ridiculously high fuel prices) impact the poor and middle class much more than the wealthy. The definition of "regressive"...

But here in CA, our governor bankrupted the utility providers to divert accountability for the disasters caused by his disastrous policies regarding forest mismanagement (which BTW caused thousands of deaths and 100s of billions in loses for the victims of this idiocy). That slowed build-out. So now we have people depending on the grid for basic transportation, and being told by the governor "just don't go anywhere today".

The same governor that ordered us to stay home for 2 years by edict. Hm...see a pattern here?

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Wind and solar are barely energy positive on a life cycle basis, meaning, without fossil fuel (and China's slave labor), they don't supply enough energy to replicate while supplying significant energy to the grid that they parasitize with unreliable loading. The delusion of wind and solar is essentially a baby soother pacifying the Eloi while big green maneuvers their captured politicians into making the personal automobile economically beyond the declining middle class. Once ICE vehicles are done, expect big green to "discover" that Lithium mining along with all the other inputs are environmentally unacceptable.

The developed world's prosperity is entirely dependent on fossil fuels while the rest of the planet's population depends on fossil fuels for bare existence. The only path forward that includes continued or increased prosperity that is capable of replacing fossil fuels is nuclear power. When big green is against nuclear power, it confirms the game plan of reduced prosperity for the west and reduced population everywhere else. Notice that Russia and China aren't playing along with the plan of those bankrupt, woke, welfare / warfare western nations increasingly under the thumbs of the Davos crowd.

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We are living in 'Looney Tune' Times. The left and its magical thinking are going to doom us.

A bit from: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/03/13/house-democrats-cancel-looming-embarrassment/

"How many tons of metals, minerals, ores and overburden will be required overall for wind turbines, solar panels, battery modules, transformers and transmission lines in an all-electricity Green New Deal economy? How much fossil fuel energy to do all this work? Where will the mining, processing and manufacturing take place? (Alaska, California and Colorado? Or China, Russia and Africa?)

"How much environmental destruction, and child and slave labor, will be involved? What will these materials cost, as demand surges? How much land and wildlife will be impacted by the mining, factories, and industrial wind, solar and battery installations as far as the eye can see?

"Green New Dealers don’t have a clue, and don’t care. They also figure they will be exempted from the “inconveniences.” We will be the ones paying. We ought to care. The amounts are truly mind-boggling."

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"With the price of electricity spiraling out of control, we need Flintstone technology by 2050!"

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California is a joke, wonder if the governor and his posse know how stupid they are.

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Oh just wait till the grid goes diwn all together. They will be in no better shape then us fossil fuel guzzlers!

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

Lol just a soft and fuzzy warning about times to come. No matter the manipulation, there are always the warning advertisements. Oil is freedom - electricity is handcuffs.

All part of the control agenda. They will make oil and gas unavailable and simply cut off electric as they deem necessary.

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To be fair, they need the energy to keep all the covid-shots refrigerated. They're getting ready to peddle a fourth one...

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Buy cars that depend on the grid. Which depends on fossil fuels. And which is not dependable in California—and even in Texas these days.

What a perfect way to control the public. Force them to buy electric cars, then shut down the grid.

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Gosh, gatito, I wonder where they get the power for the charging stations?

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no one asked to live in interesting times but here we are

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Hilarious. Seeing really funny stuff out of clueless Cali.

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the excuse for these things is wrong, and the solutions do not work!

technology goes to market when it meets a "need" which creates "demand" and can do so 'reliably', safely, and 'affordably'.

ev, pv and wind do not meet a broad need and are not reliable nor affordable.

it is called system science and tech that don't meet system science need propaganda and subsidy. see texas last year neither make useful products.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I know someone marooned in Quackifornia, who tells me they often get an 'alert' message on their iPhone evening/night ("peak usage hours") that recharging their phone has been scheduled for 7:00am next morning. Turn off wi-fi, locations, activate 'airplane mode' and can slip past the meter monitors.

"Everything woke turns to shit" and that is evidently true of 'public utilities' like PG&E who were intentionally bankrupted to force a new 'ownership' scheme giving kleptocrats access to the levers of control... and a three-tier rate scam that is fleecing the citizens.

San Onofre NPP offline for years and left for We The People to clean up, now Diablo Canyon NPP offline while the wokesters hold public meetings to fluff their green energy wet dreams on a completely gaslit and clueless populace....

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And last year, wind power failed Texas. Seems like someone should think these things through before bungee-jumping into the abyss.

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just another "lockdown"....

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Frantz Kafka couldn't have written it better...

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Remember when Katrina knocked out the power to NOLA hospitals and the nurses were trying to keep preemies alive by manual means?

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What?! You mean they want to force people into "green energy" when there isn't the infrastructure for such bs?! Can't believe it. It's just a clever way to shift wealth and destroy the American dream.

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Several weeks ago a guy who knows a little something about EVs said that there is not enough electrical generating capacity in the US for all gas/diesel powered vehicles become comparable electrical vehicles. Wish I could remember his name! Oh yeah: Elon Musk.

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

On a similar note: "Gavin Newsom Thankful As Fleeing Californians Can No Longer Afford To Fill Up Their U-Hauls"


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You vil own an electric vehicle and you will be unable to go anywhere, and you vil be happy.

This also reminds me of my housemate from University who used to cheat at Twenty Questions. For example, he a whale is a mode of transport. In the same vein, an EV is also a handy form of housing I would assume.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, eh don't matter when you work for the corporate state - it's not your money being squandered.

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EVs are a catfishing operation. They will never be cheap enough for the majority of people, and if they did ever become so, there will be no energy to charge them.

Demand management is the future, and in this world there is no place for ICEs that people can just use at will without control from above.

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The idea that green energy will cool the planet comes from the same origin as the idea that masks will contain covid.

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Recall that, according to the “greens”, banning nuclear power is a good way to address climate change.

Note that nuclear power doesn’t emit carbon, and that climate change is really a minor and manageable problem.

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If they really want to switch to EVs, somebody better get to work developing a new generation of nuclear plants pdq. In the meantime the best bet is natural gas.

Driving your car by day and recharging overnight using solar energy doesn't work very well.

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maybe it's to get public support for the new "Lithium Valley" mining projects...


Just okay this here mining projects, peeps, and we'll loosen the choke chain....

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I doubt they ever considered it to be an issue of EVs for everyone.

My suggestion is that we remove cars, petrol, diesel, electric, everything, from the planet. Totally away from the petrol or battery issues they're insane resource hogs. 2 tonnes on average of metal, rubber, plastic, tech. Huge footprint on planet.

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You’re funnier than Sylvester

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Yet another problem: While the problem of thieves robbing construction sites, stripping and sometimes even destroying buildings for the metal scrap (pipes, wiring, etc). has been a problem for decades, now charge stations are a target. Record-high commodity prices and lax legal system exacerbate the problem. Already in short supply, it's kind of tough to recharge your shiny Tesla if there's no cable to connect to your car. And replacement parts are delayed because they come from China, perhaps with raw materials from Russia.

Nearly sixty years ago, Bob Dylan ("Subterranean Homesick Blues") almost forecast this exact problem: "The pump don't work cause the vandal took the handle."

This is an excellent example of a systemic problem: Most, if not all, of our culture and even civilization was based on being "high-trust." As the level of trust wanes in a society, lots of amenities go away. I'm old enough to recall when newspaper stands had "honor boxes," although they were well on the way out by the 1960s. Yes boys and girls, there actually was a time when most people would put in the dime or whatever for the daily paper on the honor system. If that hadn't been true, then the newspaper dealer would not have been able to remain in business.

This all is just a sad commentary on where our world is headed. I'm not sure what the final stop is, but it won't be a very nice neighborhood.

As the saying goes, "This is why we can't have nice things."

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Well, that narrative is falling apart quicker than "safe and effective"

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The point still stands, but the news story is actually from last June.

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you can't tell buttigieg and kerry anything. not much makes sense anymore. It's all run on emotion, and it's as if just saying something makes it true because you want it to. there is no thought to unintended consequences. i'm trying to figure out a rocket stove steam engine generator. anyone know of one of those? i've gotten hints from the internet, but can't quite put it all together.

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🤪. I mean here in San Francisco we routinely have rolling blackouts when it’s hot and time for wild fires. The grid can barely handle the AC units. Let alone everyone driving an EV and charging it.

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Wonder why we keep lighting all the empty business buildings and streets in all of the cities of the world all night long? This must use a massive amount of energy coming from somewhere and it is not solar or wind. I am sure there are other ways to create safety.

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First the gov't promotes and subsidizes it; then they tax it; then they tax and regulate it out of use.

Gas and oil are at the final stage, while electric vehicles are about to begin Stage 2.

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hubbs and I watch very little tv. But there is Roku

The programs that have commercials are nearly intolerable.

We are being barraged with EV commercials

Who is going to buy an all electric vehicle? Democrats are so so so stupid.

Or maybe, "electric for thee, gas for me" because important people need that gas more than you do.

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