Oh it makes me want to do more than scream, believe me.
I've done enough volunteer work as ad hoc impromptu therapist-without-a-license to argue, for real, that running the gauntlet or hanging on tree (Dool tree) should be brought back.
There are some real monsters out there, and society not killing nor permanently stopping them is society condoning their actions.
Oh it makes me want to do more than scream, believe me.
I've done enough volunteer work as ad hoc impromptu therapist-without-a-license to argue, for real, that running the gauntlet or hanging on tree (Dool tree) should be brought back.
There are some real monsters out there, and society not killing nor permanently stopping them is society condoning their actions.
I am a very strong believer in the need to put down the rabid animal by quick, humane but permanent means. In the end it doesn't matter how he got that way, and we may feel pity that he got infected. And then quick dispatch from which there is no possibility of returning.
Oh it makes me want to do more than scream, believe me.
I've done enough volunteer work as ad hoc impromptu therapist-without-a-license to argue, for real, that running the gauntlet or hanging on tree (Dool tree) should be brought back.
There are some real monsters out there, and society not killing nor permanently stopping them is society condoning their actions.
I am a very strong believer in the need to put down the rabid animal by quick, humane but permanent means. In the end it doesn't matter how he got that way, and we may feel pity that he got infected. And then quick dispatch from which there is no possibility of returning.