i mean, following that guy is like doing a deal with mephistopheles where he takes your soul but then just laughs and kicks you in the keister instead of giving you stuff...
Mengele Fauci thinks he can live out his days in peace. But he got a whole lot of boos appearing before the Seattle Mariners game. Granted, not enough but he got the message. This gaslighting too shall end.
Technically, literally, no he hasn't yet. Mengele killed millions and millions. Fauci hasn't achieved that number yet (let's not rewrite history.) That doesn't mean I don't agree with the comparison --I do, and my mother is a child survivor of the Holocaust and she'd probably agree, too. Just let's not minimize what Mengele did both in terms of numbers and in terms of choice: he directly, physically tortured people who had ZERO choice.
Please explain. Did he design the camps, logistics. how?(again, he's very evil... I just don't think Nazis had time to do experiments on millions and millions)
The NAZI's didn't. Mengela was officially a doctor at Auschwitz. According to Wikipedia citing the Holocaust Museum, 1.1M people *total* died at Auschwitz which was Mengela's post during the war.
Mengela was a psychopath who performed "experiments" on selected grouping of prisoners. Even if every death is attributed to him it's not "millions".
He performed experiments AND directed which people, as transports came in, went "left" (to the gas chambers) or "right" (to the workers' barracks and possibly life.) He was called the "angel of death", not just because of the experiments he performed, but because he is the one who directed people to their deaths. 1.1 million people who died is a significant number.
I know very well who Mengele is, and my statements stand factually correct. No need to argue about it. Just let's not exaggerate or overstate history. It just weakens your comparison.
And, I saw only you mention billions... But before this is done 25 per cent of humanity could die.... Some say, many say... If you took the vax you could die
I'm aware of the difference between millions and billions. Even trillions -- I know what that means, too. Billions have not died nor suffered injury (yet...time will tell) from the injections. I think Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity. However, he is not saying take it or I'll murder you (perhaps study what Mengele did to people who had zero choice to refuse the operations/torture/treatment/whatever), hence the second part of my comment above. No one who took the covid injections faced death by the government if they refused to take it. Mengele sent my great-grandparents to their death. I have a degree in European History. I'm not trying to argue with you; I'm just pointing out facts so we keep the comparisons accurate.
Mengela, evil as he was, never was in contact with millions and millions of people--nor did he direct *general* policy wrt all prisoners in WWII Germany. His experiments and their effect were arguably less than Fauci's--if we just look at morbidity.
Nor is it a sufficient argument to declare the effect of the Covid injections were voluntarily accepted. People were lied to and coerced. Besides, the main adverse effect we talk about are not the deaths indicated by VAERs, but of the effect of the involuntary lockdowns, which are recorded all over the world in increased "all cause" death statistics. More data piles up daily. Fauci played a significant part in all of this.
Take a breath. Your family certainly was harmed, but the world was not affected to the extent you claim by this man Mengela.
I never claimed the "world" was affected by Mengele (please reread more accurately), and you are incorrect as to how many people who died at his hands or as the result of his orders. Also, telling me to take a breath because you disagree in a comment section is ironic. Take a breath yourself and don't feel the need to respond.
"No one who took the covid injections faced death by the government if they refused to take it. "
Not yet (1) and being left without livelihood it is like a death sentence (2)...
... but I can understand your feelings and I am sorry to upset you.
Unfortunately, we will probably experience situations close to what you describe; they already have concentration camps for "unvaxxed" and they inject you with lethal substances...
To me, this looks more and more like a suicidal cult.
People losing their jobs is awful...and when people said, "oh, they had a choice", trust me...I disagreed with them. HOWEVER, please do not tell me that being fired from one job is the same as murder. I am sure that every person who died at Mengele's hands (and it wasn't just Jews; the Nazis killed 12 million people all told -- Poles, gypsies, blacks, homosexuals, war captives, etc.) if given the choice of losing a job or being murdered/subjected to his experiments would have chosen the former. Come on.
Yes, the camps in Australia (haven't seen active ones anywhere else) are horrific. However, the purpose of the camps is not (currently) to gas the inhabitants to death and then bury them in a ditch. I DO agree with you that we can use the Holocaust as a warning of how totalitarianism creeps up like the slow boiling of a frog. I have made the comparison of what's going on to the Holocaust myself*; but the accurate comparison as of now is the START of Naziism...not the death camps or Mengele (as far as magnitude and choice (which is my only point to you); otw, I, too, agree with the Mengele comparison to Fauci and have used it myself.)
It wasn't just the covid jabs; the CDC Nazis under Fauxi poisoned people with other toxic drugs, such as AZT and Remdesivir... There is a very long history of crimes against humanity connected to Fauxi.
JR. What TGW is doing is deflecting from the point he initially was called on. He's pulled numbers out of his ass, but now wants to argue with you on whether a refusal to take the vaccine was met with execution.
You can't argue with dishonest and duplicitous people.
I agree that that is a Nuremberg code violation. Your sentence was missing context, which is why I asked for the clarification. However, not all coercion is the same. Mengele directly murdered people; he didn't just commit fraud that lead to people making a decision. Many people on here were unsure about the ingredients/long-term effects of the jabs and chose not to take them. Please stop making a direct comparison between the two. Both are awful/evil, but they are not identical.
Hmmm. I like that. Next time I fire one. 2 so far. But I just ignore the “system” calls and letters. I have a functional medicine doc now. She’s not jabbed. When we discussed the jabs she told me I knew more about them than she did.
I'm actually signed up for this substack, but thanks for sharing it with others! With all the depressing garbage of the last 2+ years, we need ALL the laughs we can find! Thanks again, man!
Of course - I'm assuming you're a man / he / him person! :)
Even if reincarnation is possible, could not be so. Mengele lived until 1979, one of those legendary Nazis who successfully escaped to Argentina or elsewhere (although the idea didn't work so well for Eichmann.) Since Fauci would have been about 39 years old by then, he must be the incarnation of some other fiend.
I’m not at all sorry for not watching that globalist filth spew his anti American lies…
Wanna know why the kkk don’t have commercials? BECAUSE THEY LIE & SAY PROVOCATIVE CRAP TO TRY TO GET MEMBERS…
If we didn’t allow the anti-Americans like Fauci and all the other liars to tell provocative and perverted lies about U.S.history U.S.culture U.S.people, etc… the vast majority of people here would not be idiots so brainwashed and indoctrinated.
No one has been allowed to speak the truth since Obama ran on a destroy America campaign platform and the media I lied their faces off to promote him & his anti American campaign & anti American administration.
His pension will be untouched; his wife's pension will be untouched; his kids will inherit a nice fortune; he'll never pay for what he did to those butchered and tortured research animals.
And school systems all over are gearing up to keep the kids in masks.
He WILL be held accountable in the not too distant future, whether it’s on this earth or when he faces judgment for eternity. We may not see it in our lives, but he and all the rest will get their due and their victims will get their justice.
Civil service has been the greatest gift to mediocrity since the beginning of civilization. You think pit bulls have teeth, you should see the unions protecting bad govt. employees. We should all have such henchscum at our backs.
It's universal too. Back in the early nineties, we finally managed to get a law made requiring anyone applying for a job involving children to hand in a print-out from the penal registry, proving they had no convictions for crimes involving children. This to help weed out pedos mainly of course, but also other abusers and criminals.
The teachers' unions (we had two back then) had fought this from the mid 1960s.
Let that sink in. The teachers' unions had fought against a lawing making it possibe to hinder pedohpiles to work in schools or kindergartens.
The gay lobby and their cronies are still trying to get that law repealed. Not to mention making pedophilia, incest, necrophilia and sodomy with animals legal.
Yes for real. In writing. I could show you a clip of a member of parliament (Center-Liberal party) holding a ten minute long speech on why intercourse with animals should be legal if it doen't physically harm the animal, but since it's in swedish and not subbed you'll have to take my word for it.
That's the kind of people behind LGBTP-politics, Pride, and so on.
One of the various reasons I finally stopped bothering with the absurd idea of getting a college degree was because there was nothing useful to me, personally, I could learn any further from a formal education. I had no interest in the modern intellectual thought of my time. Bullshitters writing bullshit and getting rich and famous doing it. Expanding boundaries of the acceptable, no thanks,
It's natural and sometimes desirable to push against boundaries when you're young, and again, if you live long enough to get smarter, you understand why some boundaries improve society's health and some don't.
And it really annoys me when people who want to protect children and others who can't protect themselves use foolish language in their arguments. Children aren't *innocent,* they are *immature.*
And--there are two sexes, and there's sexual attraction. Acting on one's sexual attraction within a mutually mature and consenting relationship is mostly no one else's business. All societies have certain rather arbitrary boundaries that might not please everyone, but that's life. All creatures make rules of permissible and impermissible action.
And freedom always leads to more pushing of boundaries, that is unfortunately both its blessing and its curse. The ideals of the Western Enlightenment that made the individual the center of his world were our highest point and now we're hurtling down the other side of that peak.
One always goes where the prey is, and one finds the camouflage necessary to help one get closer. Even naturally good impulses--to help and guide the young; to cure disease--attract the very very bad too.
Oh it makes me want to do more than scream, believe me.
I've done enough volunteer work as ad hoc impromptu therapist-without-a-license to argue, for real, that running the gauntlet or hanging on tree (Dool tree) should be brought back.
There are some real monsters out there, and society not killing nor permanently stopping them is society condoning their actions.
I am a very strong believer in the need to put down the rabid animal by quick, humane but permanent means. In the end it doesn't matter how he got that way, and we may feel pity that he got infected. And then quick dispatch from which there is no possibility of returning.
I’ve been out of work for 10 months for refusing the vaccine. My wife kicked out of college for refusing the vaccine. Maligned by my own family for refusing the vaccine. The fights just begun.
I wrestle with Steven being stoned for the truth… and the reality that we’re only Christian because our ancestors literally fought evil, and defeated it.
I can’t bear to listen first hand to Fauci, Kamala, Biden, Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, and so many more. Thanks for taking one for the team and reporting on the crap.
I think the only truthful thing fauci said even though completely insincerely was that people are NOT inspired to become doctors & scientist because of him.
Well, maybe they are but not for the reasons he's thinking.
If you read through some of the tweets underneath the fauci video, there's some good lines: like
1. the people who screamed 'defund the police' now suddenly trust the FBI
2. no one on Epstein's island list has had their home raided. curious cats would like to know why.
They are craving those things.....that's why they read us on Substack instead of listening to this jackass.
i mean, following that guy is like doing a deal with mephistopheles where he takes your soul but then just laughs and kicks you in the keister instead of giving you stuff...
(sorry, we just read "faust" in kittengarten)
Sign of a psychopath - manipulates for power and has zero empathy.
easier way to spot them: they rule the world
Thank you for paying attention. I can’t abide his BS. I appreciate that you can
Necromancy?...that guy would DO anything for money.
And any “air” time
Hope it all comes back to haunt him. Where it hurts so to speak.
In his soft parts?....;]
Insert Burns/Castro meme
"give what back?"
The arrogance of this asshole is truly pathological.
It's the arrogance of an asshole who has poisoned half the human race and thinks he's going to get away with it.
Comment of the day!
Mengele Fauci thinks he can live out his days in peace. But he got a whole lot of boos appearing before the Seattle Mariners game. Granted, not enough but he got the message. This gaslighting too shall end.
Rock on kitty; rock on!
That's what I call him too! 😆
I am sure that Fauci experimented on and killed orders of magnitude more people than Dr. Mengele (sorry, Fauci is NO doctor).
Technically, literally, no he hasn't yet. Mengele killed millions and millions. Fauci hasn't achieved that number yet (let's not rewrite history.) That doesn't mean I don't agree with the comparison --I do, and my mother is a child survivor of the Holocaust and she'd probably agree, too. Just let's not minimize what Mengele did both in terms of numbers and in terms of choice: he directly, physically tortured people who had ZERO choice.
Millions and millions killed by Nazis.
Mengele involved in small percentage. I go with Hubris.
Of course Mengele very evil. But lets attribute each murder to proper criminal
Mengele had a direct hand in the death of millions.
BS. Please cite your statistical sources. Millions means at least two million. Start there. I'll wait.
You tell me how many you think he killed and you cite your sources.
No! Not how an argument works!
Please explain. Did he design the camps, logistics. how?(again, he's very evil... I just don't think Nazis had time to do experiments on millions and millions)
The NAZI's didn't. Mengela was officially a doctor at Auschwitz. According to Wikipedia citing the Holocaust Museum, 1.1M people *total* died at Auschwitz which was Mengela's post during the war.
Mengela was a psychopath who performed "experiments" on selected grouping of prisoners. Even if every death is attributed to him it's not "millions".
He doesn't get credit for all, unless its explained how...
Again he's very evil. But throwing out wild, illogical statements doesn't help our cause.
This happens too much.
He performed experiments AND directed which people, as transports came in, went "left" (to the gas chambers) or "right" (to the workers' barracks and possibly life.) He was called the "angel of death", not just because of the experiments he performed, but because he is the one who directed people to their deaths. 1.1 million people who died is a significant number.
"Mengele killed millions and millions. "
Whaaat? We are talking about Mengele here, not Hitler, nor Mao, nor Stalin, nor Pol-pot.
I know very well who Mengele is, and my statements stand factually correct. No need to argue about it. Just let's not exaggerate or overstate history. It just weakens your comparison.
You're the one I believe is overstating.
And, I saw only you mention billions... But before this is done 25 per cent of humanity could die.... Some say, many say... If you took the vax you could die
On what evidence?
Even so, the cr@p that Fauci is pushing is being injected in billions (with a "b")...
(that is bigger than a million with an "m" :P).
I'm aware of the difference between millions and billions. Even trillions -- I know what that means, too. Billions have not died nor suffered injury (yet...time will tell) from the injections. I think Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity. However, he is not saying take it or I'll murder you (perhaps study what Mengele did to people who had zero choice to refuse the operations/torture/treatment/whatever), hence the second part of my comment above. No one who took the covid injections faced death by the government if they refused to take it. Mengele sent my great-grandparents to their death. I have a degree in European History. I'm not trying to argue with you; I'm just pointing out facts so we keep the comparisons accurate.
Mengela, evil as he was, never was in contact with millions and millions of people--nor did he direct *general* policy wrt all prisoners in WWII Germany. His experiments and their effect were arguably less than Fauci's--if we just look at morbidity.
Nor is it a sufficient argument to declare the effect of the Covid injections were voluntarily accepted. People were lied to and coerced. Besides, the main adverse effect we talk about are not the deaths indicated by VAERs, but of the effect of the involuntary lockdowns, which are recorded all over the world in increased "all cause" death statistics. More data piles up daily. Fauci played a significant part in all of this.
Take a breath. Your family certainly was harmed, but the world was not affected to the extent you claim by this man Mengela.
CONvid has also been GLOBAL. Nearly every country in the World has been affected.
I agree with everything. Compsci, you said it better than me
I never claimed the "world" was affected by Mengele (please reread more accurately), and you are incorrect as to how many people who died at his hands or as the result of his orders. Also, telling me to take a breath because you disagree in a comment section is ironic. Take a breath yourself and don't feel the need to respond.
I asked you to cite references to your posted nonsense numbers. I have shown your purported numbers to be nonsensical with a citation easily reviwed.
You exaggerate and when called on it, double down. If you have contrary data, post it. Otherwise go away before you embarrass yourself further.
1.1 or 2 million, are you serious in making a distinction over 900K? Get real.
"No one who took the covid injections faced death by the government if they refused to take it. "
Not yet (1) and being left without livelihood it is like a death sentence (2)...
... but I can understand your feelings and I am sorry to upset you.
Unfortunately, we will probably experience situations close to what you describe; they already have concentration camps for "unvaxxed" and they inject you with lethal substances...
To me, this looks more and more like a suicidal cult.
This is why horse thieves were hung. Stealing a man’s horse prevented him from making a livelihood. This was VERY serious! Thus, the death penalty.
People losing their jobs is awful...and when people said, "oh, they had a choice", trust me...I disagreed with them. HOWEVER, please do not tell me that being fired from one job is the same as murder. I am sure that every person who died at Mengele's hands (and it wasn't just Jews; the Nazis killed 12 million people all told -- Poles, gypsies, blacks, homosexuals, war captives, etc.) if given the choice of losing a job or being murdered/subjected to his experiments would have chosen the former. Come on.
Yes, the camps in Australia (haven't seen active ones anywhere else) are horrific. However, the purpose of the camps is not (currently) to gas the inhabitants to death and then bury them in a ditch. I DO agree with you that we can use the Holocaust as a warning of how totalitarianism creeps up like the slow boiling of a frog. I have made the comparison of what's going on to the Holocaust myself*; but the accurate comparison as of now is the START of Naziism...not the death camps or Mengele (as far as magnitude and choice (which is my only point to you); otw, I, too, agree with the Mengele comparison to Fauci and have used it myself.)
To paraphrase you:
It wasn't just the covid jabs; the CDC Nazis under Fauxi poisoned people with other toxic drugs, such as AZT and Remdesivir... There is a very long history of crimes against humanity connected to Fauxi.
As Bobby Kennedy said, Fauxi is a desk killer.
I know... that's actually part of why I said above Fauci needs to be tried for crimes against humanity. He is an awful person.
How much coercion is another argument.
Sufficient coercion used in 2021 to warrant death penalty.
I'm done here... Provide evidence or reasoning... You haven't up to now.. You can't (great awakening)
"Sufficient coercion used in 2021 to warrant death penalty"
100% agreed!
Go to misinformation kills substack... Yesterday.
Quite a dustup. I ruffled some feathers
How many people got the death penalty for not taking the jab? Provide your evidence or reasoning.
You read it wrong.
If a boss says take jab or you're fired, he has committed Nuremberg code violation, sentence of of death warranted.
You're booking around
JR. What TGW is doing is deflecting from the point he initially was called on. He's pulled numbers out of his ass, but now wants to argue with you on whether a refusal to take the vaccine was met with execution.
You can't argue with dishonest and duplicitous people.
I agree that that is a Nuremberg code violation. Your sentence was missing context, which is why I asked for the clarification. However, not all coercion is the same. Mengele directly murdered people; he didn't just commit fraud that lead to people making a decision. Many people on here were unsure about the ingredients/long-term effects of the jabs and chose not to take them. Please stop making a direct comparison between the two. Both are awful/evil, but they are not identical.
Fauci is a planetary level genocidal maniac...
Fauxi has killed millions globally in his 50 years of medical death experiments. The NY orphans had no choice from opting out of his drug tortures.
God bless you. Thank you for repeating this. Those orphans have a right to a small measure of justice
DAMN. I've Beenn begging people to call himMr. Fauci
I called 2 of my ex Doctors.. Mr. And Ms. 3x in a long goodbye phone message. Stressing it
Hmmm. I like that. Next time I fire one. 2 so far. But I just ignore the “system” calls and letters. I have a functional medicine doc now. She’s not jabbed. When we discussed the jabs she told me I knew more about them than she did.
I have a feeling most of us on substack do(know more about the shots)!
You give her a big damn NY bear hug from me... She Loves the truth
😀. Will do!!!
That's funny! Good one!
My gift John: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covid-logic-variant-memes-aug-14-2022
I'm actually signed up for this substack, but thanks for sharing it with others! With all the depressing garbage of the last 2+ years, we need ALL the laughs we can find! Thanks again, man!
Of course - I'm assuming you're a man / he / him person! :)
My pronouns are: Spartacus/Silverback/ DiMaggio/Owens/Thorpe...
So on Tues, Fri, my reality which I am having local Silverbsck respect is: I transfer to Gorilla. But yes, a male one.
He's put me in hospital3x, 1 coma... Peta, llqptg refuses to back me and my reality...
Love the pronouns! I've decided to go with: God / Emperor, if pushed. LOL!
You can keep making them up....
My name is Msximus, father to a murdered son....
But most commies don't watch this stuff
Fauci is Mengele reincarnated. He had to return to try to finish what he started.
Even if reincarnation is possible, could not be so. Mengele lived until 1979, one of those legendary Nazis who successfully escaped to Argentina or elsewhere (although the idea didn't work so well for Eichmann.) Since Fauci would have been about 39 years old by then, he must be the incarnation of some other fiend.
Fouch's career in public health started before the Tuskegee experiment ended.
I’m sorry. But I can’t even bring myself to watch it. I don’t want to throw up the delicious dinner I just ate.
I’m not at all sorry for not watching that globalist filth spew his anti American lies…
Wanna know why the kkk don’t have commercials? BECAUSE THEY LIE & SAY PROVOCATIVE CRAP TO TRY TO GET MEMBERS…
If we didn’t allow the anti-Americans like Fauci and all the other liars to tell provocative and perverted lies about U.S.history U.S.culture U.S.people, etc… the vast majority of people here would not be idiots so brainwashed and indoctrinated.
No one has been allowed to speak the truth since Obama ran on a destroy America campaign platform and the media I lied their faces off to promote him & his anti American campaign & anti American administration.
Well said
You didn't miss much. He just pats himself on the back for lying to everyone and (in his mind) getting away with it.
"I look into eyes, shake their hand, pat their back ,and wish them luck, but i am thinking, i'm going to bury you."
- Seve Ballesteros
Sorry; I like golf.
I say we bury him with his lies and pat him on the back as he tucks his tail between his legs.
I'm sorry, but I just can't help but ask, did you have the cricket pate' or the grasshopper sushi? 😝😅
I was thinking the same
Except really, he won.
His pension will be untouched; his wife's pension will be untouched; his kids will inherit a nice fortune; he'll never pay for what he did to those butchered and tortured research animals.
And school systems all over are gearing up to keep the kids in masks.
While I'm appalled by the so-called "research" he did on the animals he tortured, I think the experiments he did on foster kids is even worse.
He WILL be held accountable in the not too distant future, whether it’s on this earth or when he faces judgment for eternity. We may not see it in our lives, but he and all the rest will get their due and their victims will get their justice.
I agree. I can sleep at night knowing in my heart that God will sort it all out and make this mother f*cker pay. In hell.
The reason why everything just keeps getting worse IS BECAUSE THE GD GUILTY TREASONOUS PEDOPHILES ARE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH every single crime
Now including world wide genocide…🙄🙃😒
Why are the pensions untouchable? I have been wondering about that
Civil service has been the greatest gift to mediocrity since the beginning of civilization. You think pit bulls have teeth, you should see the unions protecting bad govt. employees. We should all have such henchscum at our backs.
Should be something we could do to cancel the pension of someone convicted of crimes against humanity.
First get to the convicting part.
It's universal too. Back in the early nineties, we finally managed to get a law made requiring anyone applying for a job involving children to hand in a print-out from the penal registry, proving they had no convictions for crimes involving children. This to help weed out pedos mainly of course, but also other abusers and criminals.
The teachers' unions (we had two back then) had fought this from the mid 1960s.
Let that sink in. The teachers' unions had fought against a lawing making it possibe to hinder pedohpiles to work in schools or kindergartens.
The gay lobby and their cronies are still trying to get that law repealed. Not to mention making pedophilia, incest, necrophilia and sodomy with animals legal.
Yes for real. In writing. I could show you a clip of a member of parliament (Center-Liberal party) holding a ten minute long speech on why intercourse with animals should be legal if it doen't physically harm the animal, but since it's in swedish and not subbed you'll have to take my word for it.
That's the kind of people behind LGBTP-politics, Pride, and so on.
One of the various reasons I finally stopped bothering with the absurd idea of getting a college degree was because there was nothing useful to me, personally, I could learn any further from a formal education. I had no interest in the modern intellectual thought of my time. Bullshitters writing bullshit and getting rich and famous doing it. Expanding boundaries of the acceptable, no thanks,
It's natural and sometimes desirable to push against boundaries when you're young, and again, if you live long enough to get smarter, you understand why some boundaries improve society's health and some don't.
And it really annoys me when people who want to protect children and others who can't protect themselves use foolish language in their arguments. Children aren't *innocent,* they are *immature.*
And--there are two sexes, and there's sexual attraction. Acting on one's sexual attraction within a mutually mature and consenting relationship is mostly no one else's business. All societies have certain rather arbitrary boundaries that might not please everyone, but that's life. All creatures make rules of permissible and impermissible action.
And freedom always leads to more pushing of boundaries, that is unfortunately both its blessing and its curse. The ideals of the Western Enlightenment that made the individual the center of his world were our highest point and now we're hurtling down the other side of that peak.
One always goes where the prey is, and one finds the camouflage necessary to help one get closer. Even naturally good impulses--to help and guide the young; to cure disease--attract the very very bad too.
Makes one want to scream, don't it?
Oh it makes me want to do more than scream, believe me.
I've done enough volunteer work as ad hoc impromptu therapist-without-a-license to argue, for real, that running the gauntlet or hanging on tree (Dool tree) should be brought back.
There are some real monsters out there, and society not killing nor permanently stopping them is society condoning their actions.
I am a very strong believer in the need to put down the rabid animal by quick, humane but permanent means. In the end it doesn't matter how he got that way, and we may feel pity that he got infected. And then quick dispatch from which there is no possibility of returning.
I wish it weren’t the case, but if McCabe’s was, they all are.
Fauci will pay the ultimate price for his sociological behavior....hell lasts for eternity!
Not very helpful for us now.
So far......
I’ve been out of work for 10 months for refusing the vaccine. My wife kicked out of college for refusing the vaccine. Maligned by my own family for refusing the vaccine. The fights just begun.
If it's any consolation, our future will only exist because of people like you and your wife.
For what it's worth, there's a lot of us pulling for you! Sadly, your story is not a one off.
Respect to you! Thank you for standing strong. You are smart and courageous, doing the right thing. May many rewards come your way.
We are the control group
And we should never forget
Ditto. i just stopped talking about it to try to persevere the relationship.
As Stephen (book of Acts) was stoned for standing firm on the truth, we may face real persecution.
I wrestle with Steven being stoned for the truth… and the reality that we’re only Christian because our ancestors literally fought evil, and defeated it.
But you're still alive and have your soul.
now thats a personality disorder i would love to study - in a lab, with some tics
Perfect! Maybe add leeches
and jabs
Honey and fire ants. Check his insulin resistance and cortisol levels.
Hope I'm not in trouble for laughing at that one...
Worlds shortest joke and biggest liar!
Hi Ryan I haven't seen you for a while.
Have you ever heard about the very short psychic who escaped from jail?
He's a small medium at large.
Lol! Where have you been?!
Oh how I wish that Kary Mullis was still alive.
no coincidence the only audience he can find are those still mask'd
Fauci is a narcissistic little Communist Garden Gnome. Nothing more.
Add to that a mendacious motherfucker and it pretty much covers it ‘mendacious motherfucking narcissistic little Communist garden gnome’
I would add "self impeaching" after mendacious!
He's perfectly possessed. He knows what he is saying is 180 degrees away from the truth. He is rubbing our faces in his shit.
He enjoys rubbing it in our faces because it makes him feel powerful. He’s a perfect example of Little Man Syndrome.
lol lol!
That is one narcissistic SOB. He needs to be laughed at and mercilessly mocked (but I did almost throw up in my mouth watching him).
Think beagles in a cage, being devoured by fleas & vocal chords cut—- I hope Fauxchi has nightmares about us returning the favor. Terrible but true.
Flip flop Fauci using the word consistency. Ooookay then.
I can’t even look at this murdering POS much less listen to him. I hope he winds up as a reenactment of Ricardo Montalban’s character in Naked Gun.
I hope he ends up like that guy in Fargo. Roll the machine up mates.
Steve Buscemi 😝
I can’t bear to listen first hand to Fauci, Kamala, Biden, Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, and so many more. Thanks for taking one for the team and reporting on the crap.
I think the only truthful thing fauci said even though completely insincerely was that people are NOT inspired to become doctors & scientist because of him.
Well, maybe they are but not for the reasons he's thinking.
If you read through some of the tweets underneath the fauci video, there's some good lines: like
1. the people who screamed 'defund the police' now suddenly trust the FBI
2. no one on Epstein's island list has had their home raided. curious cats would like to know why.