--> "This morning, I tested positive for Coward-19."

There, I fixed it.

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Are you sure it isn't the latest variant, Chickenshit-22?

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sounds like he gots the semi-flu

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And its variant - Cowered-19....

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I love all your comments!

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Dr David Samadi’s reply:

“Sometimes, having COVID makes you feel like you just got hit by a truck.”

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Sometimes, getting the VA$$INE makes you feel like you just got hit by a truck!!

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or by a WHOLE LOTTA trucks.

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Even better, a WORLD RECORD CONVOY of trucks!! ha, ha, ha. THUD!

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Maybe being hit with 75,000 trucks makes him feel like covid is appropriate...?

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That was before Omicron. Now it's like being hit by a duck (for the border).

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Because without the vaccination and booster you might get covid......like Justin did after his vaccination and booster.

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At this point all they have is it ‘lessens hospitalizations and deaths’ - waiting for that false pipe dream to burst as well.

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Yet the big blue cities (like Chicago) continue to act like it doesn't even do that -- they have a vax pass "to save the hospitals", which are running around 82% full right now.


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Chicago is the closest I have ever been to the 3rd world.

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MY GOD. I wish my 18yo daughter would listen to me when I tell her Chicago is a sh*thole. She is going there next month for a concert.

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Tell her not to go south of downtown for any reason.

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The city is nice. I like it. But i had never felt as unsafe. Same with NYC. It was a wonderful place in 2010, in 2019 another shithole.

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At least it won’t be during the spring break. I have seen the downtown full of violent “juveniles”. The police can do nothing.

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most 3rd world countries are safer though - by a lot

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Time to come to L.A.

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No, thanks. Next time I visit the US I will go to the "most redest" state. I will check results in the elections and stuff.

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Where I live, the journo-tyrants were screaming of exhausted hospital staff...with capacity at about 50% at that point. Restaurants don't want my filthy, unvaccinated money because we have to protect the hospitals.

How soon before some of those hospitals declare bankruptcy, I wonder.

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Yep! Here in WA our hospital usage has been flat this entire time, but Inslee fired the nurses who didn't want to get jabbed anyway. They are literally destroying the hospitals we had to stay home for two years to save.


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"They are literally destroying the hospitals we had to stay home for two years to save." Quote of the week. Actually, who am I kidding? The quote reflects what's been going on this entire time.

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And so did Marxist Oregon. Hmm what do the two states have in common? Oh, Marxism!

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It already has. Just look at Israel and the U.K.

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Ahh, ya beat me to it.

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Well High school classmate of mine died of Covid after being triple vaccinated and spending 2 1/2 weeks on the ventilator. Another friend’s son got Covid and spent 50+ days on the ventilator. He was fully vaccinated & in the military. Don’t know how much more that pipe dream can burst.

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You should know that your personal experience is the ONLY time in the pandemic someone was hospitalized or died of Covid.

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Yes, clearly the hospitalization rates, the "severity" of affliction and death are simply more of the same medical accounting fraud that has been foisted on the public--shamelessly--100% gaslightingly--since April 2020

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Already has, according to Israel.

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It's already burst. But no one cares.

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"Everyone knows the purpose of the vaccines is to lessen your risk of hospitalization and death, and vaccinated people are 26,734 times less likely to require hospitalization or die of COVID. How many times do we have to explain this to you people?"

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"vaccinated people are 26,734 times less likely to require hospitalization or die"

Please share a link for source data because Health Scotland seems to be recording much higher illness and death in the vaccinated which of total population is 93.5%. one dose, 89.6% two dose, 73% three doses. Using your math every unvaccinated person in Scotland would be dead by now!!



As for what "everyone knows" these jabs were pitched as the end to COVID and back to normal life, no risk of illness no need for masks.


"How many times do we have to explain this to you people?"

Unfounded claims are not explanation, it's somewhere between spam and trolling.

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More white supremacist homophobic nonsense.

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You forgot rayciss misogyniss traitor.

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Dangerous right-wing agitator.

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Great retort

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I see we've reached the stage where covid (real or invented) is reduced to an excuse to avoid accountability for a couple weeks

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Trudeau to lab tech:

"Run my PCR test at 100 cycles."

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I fell out of my chair. Good one!!

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Perfect take.

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That’s been happening for two years. I had employees who games the public health recommendations big time and we still had to pay them. Nothing we could do. A couple of my employees had all these “exposures” but oddly enough never a positive test or full blown case.

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Yep. I know some people who get tested over and over again to try and get a positive just so they can have time off from work. They laugh about it while not realizing just how dangerous it is to be on that slippery slope.

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It isn't dangerous to them. They dream of a life as a permanent ward of the state collecting UBI.

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Hopefully they're fully jabbed and so won't be "a burden" for too much longer.

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A friend is a top level administrator of a large school district and noted how a huge percentage of the teachers have never come back to class, they just keep calling in and saying they’ve tested positive or were exposed. They’ve been running this scam constantly ever since the classrooms were re-opened and now nobody will come in and teach.

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that's awful

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Ummm....maybe cuz they're vaxxed?

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Yes, I heard of those 'exposure' tricks too, even in 2020.

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Nice to know the country will continue to be mismanaged remotely

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I think it was either the Peterbilt or MAC variant

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Long Haul COVID?

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Now that was funny! lol

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No, it was the Vulvo.

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Comrade: Low testosterone is a risk factor for COVID.

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Got his booster on January 4th - all them scientist types told me that he should be at peak protection against infection right around this time, were they wrong?

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Not wrong - the peak of a curve whose highest point is "zero," is "zero."

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LOL. Perfect!

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Nailed it! Too funny. Graph was upside down! Starts at Zero and goes to Negative 94 percent

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I think it's called the Chicken flu.... as in you're too chicken to come out and meet your opponents and citizens.

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"I took the preventative but got the disease anyway. Everyone take the preventative, it works!"

The utter idiocy of that just boggles the mind.

As does the extreme convenience of the timing of the utter failure of his "vaccine" and "booster".

Remote? Very, I'm guessing.

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Oh, you silly racist white supremacist. Everyone knows the vaccine was never intended to prevent covid infections. It was intended to dramatically reduce the risk of hospitalization and death, which it does absolutely perfectly, and any numbers to the contrary are dangerous misinformation that make you a domestic terrorist.

How many times do we have to explain this to you people?

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I know this is sarcasm but technically the pharmaceutical overlords never said it would prevent transmission in the trial results. It's the political and propoganda morons in this country that said it. The pharma overlords just neglected to correct that false assertion. Oopsie.

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Not correcting the lie was also a lie.

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Harry and Meghan said so!

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Why, those Very Important Royal Nobles of Nobility. The people with the golden blood.

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He is related to George Bush?

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Utter failure? Can you appreciate the difference 'twixt asymptomatic & dead?

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The Israelis are having a hard time appreciating the difference. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/israel/

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Hmm didn't he say last week he was quarantining for 5 days?

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Double Secret Covid?

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yes, I thought so too. What the heck is going on with this clown?

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According to the official line: he was quarantining because of exposure to covid (he actually blamed his son) but testing negative. He conveniently tested positive just today. And people fall for that nonsense.

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Hurry!! Stick some Covid up my nose!! Truckers are scary racists!

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Certainly not a macho feline!

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He has reportedly fled to the U.S.

I am reconsidering my previous advocacy for closing gitmo.

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The Canadian PM fled to the US while having Covid? I thought you can’t cross the border with Covid?

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Yesterday, apparently pre-test.

Not that it would have mattered. Those pesky rules only apply to the people paying the bills.

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He had his PCR test (run a 2 cycles) with him

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>40 cycles to increase false +s.

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Pinocchio has changed his lie 3 times now.

The entire world is laughing at him. Even Elon Musk, who donated $42,000 to the Freedom Convoy and using the url www.liar.com which links to just what you might expect :)

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Omg, everyone click on liar stat!! Made my day

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Maybe he will be diagnosed with Long Freedom and we won't have to see much of him anymore.

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Dear Mr Trudeau “Get Stuffed”

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They probably ran his PCR test at a ct of 3000.

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hahahaha! yeah

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I hope he gets that vote of no-confidence REAL SOON.

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Yes, "please get vaccinated and get boosted" and YOU, TOO, can test positive for the CCP virus!

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"Get boosted so I do not feel so stupid"

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Get boosted, I dont want to die alone!

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That's exactly what's going on.

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If you believe Justin Trudeau has coincidently contracted Covid-19 at the very same time Canadian citizens are protesting mandates on his front lawn…. I have a vaccine 💉 I’d like to sell you 😏

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How many times is he going to announce he tested positive is my question. I’d hate to play golf with this clown. He’d probably take 3 Mulligans off the very first tee. 😂😂

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He's lying. How convenient he can isolate for 5 days to avoid the truckers. Just like CA Gov. Newsome lied about his vaccine reaction and Guillain Barre

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Yes, because vaccinations and boosting worked so well for you, along with your mask mandates.

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Truck off, Trudeau.

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“And my doctors tell me that this case will last approximately however long there are a lot of people in Ottawa who don’t like me anymore”.

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He's triple-jabbed and C19 positive (yeah, sure he is), but he wants everyone to run out and get the stuff that didn't work for him. It's science!

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What a great advertisement for his vaccines that he wants to force on all Canadians till the end of time!

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I'm thinking he plans on waiting out his visitors.

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Good luck to him...they've said they're prepared to wait out months.

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These people and their followers can't see the forest for the trees. He claims he's vaccinated and boosted but has Omicron (none of which I'm convinced are true) while simultaneously doing a 'get vaccinated and boosted' commercial, like a Lada owner shilling for his jalopy from the back of the ambulance. Meanwhile, the forest is aflame with inconvenient truths and of course the unvaccinated are the arsonists. Fortunately, poor Angus Reid had to reveal today that 54% of woke Canada is getting whiffs of the bear scat on the bottom of their Birkenstocks. I'm just not sure which I hope spreads faster- this growing number or Trudeau's virus particles.

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The three sentences say it all .

1. I tested positive for COVID-19.

2. Get vaccinated and get boosted.

Huh?? Shouldn't a vaccine prevent illness? Guess not

3. I feel fine + will work remotely + follow health guidelines.

Huh? Translation - You will be fine if you just listen to me and I then will let you work for home.

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"The vaccine was never intended to prevent transmission or infection. Everyone knows that and always knew that. Get vaccinated and boosted. Overwhelmed hospitals, overwhelmed hospitals, overwhelmed hospitals, overwhelmed hospitals."

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Yer wasting your breath. Can't fix stooopid, not even w/duct tape. Darwinism at work. Personal choice to be a voluntary petri dish, lab rat, for futher, more resistant variants.

BUT IF you get it, stay the ph*ck away from medical facilities & health care workers! They're busy trying to help people who take THEIR wellbeing seriously and you have NO right to put them at risk! Crawl back under yer rock, drink some bleach, stick a lightbulb up yer ass, take yer horse dewormer & gut it out! it won't be too bad. It's all overblown isn't it?

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Isn't this an exact copy of a tweet from last week?

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I continue to watch in amazement as the vaccine fails, while vaccine proponents simultaneously ignore that data, and push test subjects to take the vaccine and booster that already failed. Only thing more amazing than these losers' moxie is the weak-mindedness it takes to do what they say, despite the obvious data to the contrary. [ETA: I submit that it is *entirely* likely that some people still have faith in the public health authorities, and, as a result, have no reason to not "get boosted" if that is the mainstream advice. I should not assume that everyone has been swimming around in the COVID rabbit hole like so many of us around here have!]

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Convenient, he's arranged to evade, somewhere, for the whole week!

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I heard he's here in the States.

Maybe he's shacked up with Brandon and eating "Dr." Jill's chickenshit soup.

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Dr. Mr. Trudeau might I suggest the AstraZeneca vaccine for your ailments? Highly safe and effective by current regulators standards.

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The web page liar.com has been redirected to Trudeau’s Wikipedia page. There is a rumour that Elon Musk owns that domain.

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Yep, kids, don't forget to get vaccinated and boosted! It's very effective. Without it, it would have been much worse! ;-)

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Either the tests are faulty or boosters don't protect from infection and transmission. Pick one Mr. Prime Minister. Checkmate.

End all mandates. Go Truckers! Freedom now.

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"Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted so you can get COVID-19 too!!!!"

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He tested positive for cowardice!

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I thought he tested negative but is quarantining which isn't necessary according to the Covid rules?

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Reports I saw said positive. I believe he even said after two shots and a booster so??????

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He tested negative but then he said he had to quarantine for five days - turns out that if you are vaccinated and test negative you don't have to quarantine for five days - https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/i-see-we-have-reached-the-id-better/

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So, an excuse to hide.

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didn't he test positive a few weeks ago? I thought this was an old tweet, at first.

Jeez this guy is so full of .... well, himself!

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Where ever JT is, he is nowhere. Miraculous, really.

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yea i tested a banana, it came back positive too but it is still useful unlike you Liedeau

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He certainly doesn’t have the balls his father Fidel had.

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Hey, gato. What's a good response to the newest impenetrable pro-vax argument?

Currently the narrative goes something like this:

Me: Why should I get vaccinated? The data is clear that they do nothing to prevent spread.

Cultist: They were never intended to stop the spread of the virus. They were intended to lessen symptoms so hospitals don't become overwhelmed. This was always the case and any statements to the contrary are racist misinformation. Get vaccinated.

Me: How can you prove they lessen symptoms in the absence of a negative? Isn't this akin to saying a banana in your ear stops elephant attacks?

Cultist: Overwhelmed hospitals. Get vaccinated. Overwhelmed hospitals. Get vaccinated.

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300,000 bariatric surgeries done in the US every year. Sounds we are battling Little Debbie more than a virus.

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I just heard about the rally happening tomorrow, February 1st at the Capitol Mall in Salem, Oregon. I plan to be there with a sign protesting the newly permanent mask mandate. Any one else who can show up, even for a few minutes, will help show the Oregon leaders that the citizens want these mandates to stop! A legislative session is scheduled to begin tomorrow so some of them may also have the "freedom flu." I wonder if we'll have truckers showing up for support?

Go to the Children's Health Defense site for more info on speakers, including Steve Kirsch. I'll try to post the link here: https://or.childrenshealthdefense.org/ca-events/join-oregonians-at-the-capitol-february-1-to-unite-for-medical-freedom/

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PERMANENT mask mandate? Holy fucking shit.

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Yes, permanent. The supreme leader said they'd revisit it when covid cases go down, yada, yada, bull, bull... yeah, right. They won't repeal it. I've stopped wearing my mask indoors months ago. We're 3rd and 4th generation Oregonians and fighting this!

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I read about that a few months ago on zerohedge. Oregon supposedly made it permanent because they could only extend 'temporary' so many times. They claim permanent can be cancelled any time. Right. I'm Canadian so I apologize if I got any details wrong but I think you get the drift.

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God help them.

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I never before considered that those studies citing the possibility that those who received mRNA vaccines might be at risk of catching covid repeatedly for the rest of their lives might be seized on by our gutless leaders to justify permanent retreat to their fortresses...

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A customer of Acme Security Solutions: This morning, my house was burgled. Thankfully only

a few items were stolen. Everyone, please get Acme Security Solutions.

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Ah! but they would have burgled MUCH more if you hadn't had ASS in place! (sorry)

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Always a positive, If someone declares war on Canada, Just say we have a lot of "Covid", that will scare the hell out of them and have them running away with fear.

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Bieber's namesake misspelled 'weak', as in "... and I'll continue to work remotely this weak while following public health guidlines."

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He could still work over zoom like the rest of the pajama class did, right?

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Do we care Mr. Trudeau? No. Do your job!!

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We really don't want him to do anything at all, except resign.

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Hmmm...good point. My bad. Just come to work & say I need to leave due to family reasons as can't say the truth.

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