Check out this unironically ironic reopening of Buchenwald’s gates, but “the permanent exhibition on ‘Exclusion and Violence’ is open only to those who can produce proof of being either ‘vaccinated’ or ‘recovered’ from Covid-19”: https://fackel.substack.com/p/footnote-1

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Doesn't seem very Christmasy...but seems *very* Germanyy.

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I had the privilege of living in Deutschland for 2 years. Thank God is was in the early 1980's. I had the privilege of visiting Ireland (the land of most of my ancestors). Thank God it was in 2019. All I can say is: Wow. So incredibly sad where we are going for a "virus" with a 99.9% recovery rate for the healthy and totally survivable even for a lot of the unhealthy with rapid treatment. Please, my fellow humans, say NO to *everything* that just doesn't feel right. Be willing to suffer the consequences and be inconvenienced. We can still stop a lot of this. But the time to act is now. (In reality the time to act was 03/2020).

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Let the fools spend their money in these places. I am amassing a fortune that I will happily spend in my future years in good health while the vaxxed suffer the consequences of der needle.

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People are furious about this. There are experts in the German media even saying this is bullshit. Markets are outside and outside infection isn’t a big driver.

Over 70% are vaccinated. Cases are higher than ever. Politicians abs medical ‘experts’ are liars: with such a vax rate how come half of cases and deaths in the above 60 crowd is vaxxed? Oh right boosters forever. Because. Science. Facepalm

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I feel so bad for the vendors that depend on this yearly event to make their money. This doesn't sound "fun" at all. I bet many will not attend. Do they not see the parallels here from another time? Scary stuff here.

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"A deadly infectious drug resistant disease is spreading. Naturally we have decided to stop feeding people who neither used the drug nor did they catch the disease as a method to stop the drug resistant disease from spreading."

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Can you simply wear your Yellow Star for easy and proper identification?

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At least they recognize natural immunity, that is more than we can say here in the very “science” driven USA!

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Absolutely no one expected them to have anything sacred including Christmas. In fact, festive holidays are the worst eneny of a repressive tyrant. I just wrote a bit about this. COVID tyrants are basically the White Witch of Narnia.

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Next step:

"Anyone wishing to [walk through] the Christmas market must first prove that they are fully vaccinated or recovered.

The [ability to walk through by] persons who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted."

Then comes:

The [ability to exist by] persons who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted."

"Anyone wishing to [exist] must first prove that they are fully vaccinated or recovered."

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Krampus is going to be *very* busy this Weinachten.

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I wonder if Germans can find "irony" in the dictionary?

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At least the German NAZI’s recognize natural immunity, unlike the American variant.

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I am in Germany and frantically trying to emigrate. I grew up in a communist east european country and never felt this level of discrimination and oppression. My family is also disintegrating because of the mandates. It is a complete cluster fuck. Need to fast sort out a feasible and rather safe destination. FL/TX sound really perfect but not feasible with german citizenship. any ideas are much appreciated :)

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Funny how we never hear "Unite and Conquer".

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Don't they realize that if they kill us all by starvation, they won't be able to calculate and post daily VE improvements from BOOSTER?!

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I encourage all those who are vaccinated or recovered to boycott events and businesses like this one. It's only a matter of time before you yourselves will be on the receiving end.

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All I want for Christmas is Sic Semper Tyrannis.

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After seeing a sign like that, I've lost my appetite., which is a feat in and of itself.)

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I keep thinking oh, my goodness, they aren't going to do this; but they keep doing it! I also shake my head and tell myself, people aren't going to go along with this; but, people are obeying. This behavior on both sides chills my soul.

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Germans being stupid again....I can say that, I am half German.

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Does it say Germany or is it NYC or California?

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This is more like Idiocracy version of trying to install a tyrannical government but the morons and misfits keep getting even the basics totally wrong and a season of dark comedy ensues.

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But I'm guessing you can patronize all the Berlin 'fellows clubs' with HIV, no problem.

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At least they are including people who recovered. The US won’t even recognize natural immunity. This is all such BS

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And to think that our politicians, unelected public health officials & their MSM stenographers were appalled at the comparison of government & public health overreach to the Hitler and his gang in the 1930s. I guess Twain was right.

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In Bavaria they already shut down the annual Christmas fairs. They will do the same in the rest of Germany, just like last year.

The vaccinated will blame the unvaccinated for it this time.

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The psy-op has been so effective that even when people understand the jabs don't stop infection or transmission...and that the unvaxxed are not to blame for that...they still want to force the unvaxxed to get jabbed or be excluded. It's truly amazing.

How do we break the spell?

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This virus is darn clever- it knows when you're standing up, or not. it knows if you're on a local train or an inter-city train, it knows when your birthday is and now it knows to find if you're eating or drinking at a Christmas market- we stand no chance- but thanks to the various governments for telling us when it's most likely to attack- because it's all about our well-being.......

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Don't know the full details here about "proven recovery" but to enter The Netherlands as I was going to try to do for a first job and flight since March of 2020, A blood test showing positive antibodies (2.98 out of 3) is not sufficient. To enter Amsterdam (without a 10 day quarantine, which you need if unvaccinated and a negative covid test within 24 hours) ) and attend the conference (where even after the 10 day quarantine, you must be tested daily for entrance), The Netherlands government demands proof of a positive test as a part of “proof of recovery.” I have purposely never been tested to avoid disruption for me and anyone who would have to be traced. The obvious question is, how can you have Covid 19 specific Antibodies (AB IgG) without having recovered? On The scale of 0 to 3, with anything 1 and over considered positive for the antibodies, I came in at a 2.98.

I appreciate The Netherlands replying to my inquiry but here is their response:

“This test is not accepted: a serological test is not sensitive and precise enough.

- these tests are not always sensitive enough to show the degree of immunity when used individually; and

- the result does not show when exactly the infection was. And a recovery certificate is always valid for exactly 180 days from the positive test.”

Not sensitive and precise enough?

2.98 out of 3 doesn’t show a degree of immunity? An old positive test shows a higher “degree of immunity?”

A “recovery certificate!” Meaning proof I tested positive and when.

Hail to the test!

Now imagine if this will be the way forward when the flu returns.

I have to come to the reality that I will never work again.

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Ah the spirit of giving (orders)!

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I’m sure Jesus would approve…

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plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

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bah humbug

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If Austria does it, Germany has no other choice than obey and do the same! :-)

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Do they recognize natural immunity? Interesting..

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"Vee haff vays off maekink you VANT to taek ze magick science juice...."

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The exact translation is actually even more hilarious. The last sentence should say: "Sharing with people who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted" :-D

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Nazism runs deep.

No, Im not sorry tI said that.

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As, dare I say, Nazi as this sort of control is, small progress in Germany.....at least they are forced to recognize Acquired Immunity. It is a small but significant win. Sadly, the US policy makers continue to be in denial of this. Listening to NPR (National Propaganda Radio) this morning it was laughable the circular logic of the experts trying to justify the contuned push to vaccinate everyone as the data continues to indicate the vaccines are woefully underperforming in preventing infection, infection transmission, their rapidly waning efficacy etc. while the adverse events continue to accumulate.....and with it the cognitive dissonance of all those who have strong views toward mass vaccinations......that is until an adverse event strikes close to home (unless you are Governor Newsom that it).

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What's next? Trains to transport the unvaccinated?

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And Jesus said, bring me the lepers so that I may heal them... but keep those filthy anti-vaxxers far away!

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Being skinny is actually a better thing against corona. Yes, the government seems to do the exact opposite of that which is wise.

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Interesting since I had heard some German states closed the markets entirely. None of this will work, but have seen elsewhere some commentary that our supposed leaders refuse to acknowledge that adjacent counties (pretty sure it was LA county vs Orange County, CA) had vastly different policies - one locked down, one open - with no different outcome. And voters can’t or won’t take them down for locking down…

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This is just sick. How short the memories of the Germans and Austrians! What is WRONG with these people? Have the vaccines injured their thinking capacity? I just want to scream: WAKE UP WAKE UP before its too late. Sorry for the rant. I just don't understand how so many people can be bamboozled by authoritarian governments. But then again, the Milgram experiment showed that 70% of people will follow orders from someone in "authority" wearing a white lab coat......

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At least they are including "recovered" in the mix. It is still absolute barking lunacy to even think about such stratification of society. #WeAreSoScrewed

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Hate to say it, but at least they count the recovered. In the USA it's vaccine or nothing. Needless to say neither policy follows any science.

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Has anyone mentioned the war ?

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