Check out this unironically ironic reopening of Buchenwald’s gates, but “the permanent exhibition on ‘Exclusion and Violence’ is open only to those who can produce proof of being either ‘vaccinated’ or ‘recovered’ from Covid-19”:
Unfortunately it is all still the same. The only difference is the name of the Others. Italians, Irish, Jews, witches, unvaccinated. Everything changes, says Lao Tze and of course he is right. But nothing really changes either. It is all the same porridge.
No we are stupider than we were then, when you count everything we knew then and what we know now, you realize those people did better with what they knew then than what we do now with what we know.
Doesn't it, though? I keep wanting to shout to Germany and Austria, "Good Lord, aren't you embarrassed on a daily basis, playing out the Nazi stereotypes in real time?? Have you no sense of irony??? It wasn't all that long ago, Germany, and trust me, people haven't forgotten!!..."
The last 16 years have been a straight path to fascism under the guise of saving the world (migration, climate; now corona). Merkel effectively destroyed the CDU and the other parties and re introduced the block party of east Germany. All frog in pod style. I’m glad I left the country - but I feel horrible for friends and family stuck there. None of them approve of this bullshit.
Hogwash,animals kill for “fun” all over the animal kingdom,anyone who has owned a cat has seen them play with a mouse for hours until it dies and walk away without eating it.Dolphins do it with fish and smaller dolphins,weasels are notorious for killing for entertainment.Animals kill each other for resources,mating rights,territory,all the same reasons people kill each other.
I would agree since they don’t have the intellectual capacity to think beyond their present moment.Animals do all kinds of things that we don’t do like eating their young,starving smaller offspring in favor of the stronger ones and leaving injured animals in their pack to be eaten by others.My point is that the natural world is full of savagery,murder and death.To make value judgements about one being better than the other ignores the facts.Humans are just another kind of animal and the trick is to use our big brains to rise above our natural state.
I learned from biology scholars that the only animals besides humans, who kill for pleasure, are chimpanzees. Not sure, if this is true, but even if it were true, this would be only two out of millions of species. Well yes, I guee, humans are „special“.
Thank you for saying this! IT is not lost on the world, that it is EXACTLY what they are doing, and apparently, loving it. Which is even MORE disturbing...
Ok, so here's what I struggled with - whether to add the extra "y". Would the play on words have worked better if it had said "...but seems *very* Germany"?
I had the privilege of living in Deutschland for 2 years. Thank God is was in the early 1980's. I had the privilege of visiting Ireland (the land of most of my ancestors). Thank God it was in 2019. All I can say is: Wow. So incredibly sad where we are going for a "virus" with a 99.9% recovery rate for the healthy and totally survivable even for a lot of the unhealthy with rapid treatment. Please, my fellow humans, say NO to *everything* that just doesn't feel right. Be willing to suffer the consequences and be inconvenienced. We can still stop a lot of this. But the time to act is now. (In reality the time to act was 03/2020).
Let the fools spend their money in these places. I am amassing a fortune that I will happily spend in my future years in good health while the vaxxed suffer the consequences of der needle.
Every day in the news so many people dying and I keep wondering if they were jabbed. Dan Akroyd's brother just passed at 64 and a famous baseball player in his 60's. The articles did not mention if they were jabbed. Having said that, when I read that someone famous has passed and they were NOT jabbed, the article ALWAYS mentions that part. MSM covering up again to keep the heat on those not jabbed. Disgraceful behavior.
Yes agreed. This is totally anecdotal but I have known so many friends of friends or coworkers of friends who have died recently. I was just now told about a 42 year old coworker of a friend who just up and died suddenly. 100% he was jabbed because he worked at a university medical school where it was mandated for staff. So many acquaintances are telling me about deaths like this. Maybe it’s normal and I’m just more attuned to it….
I heard on the news that Dan Akroyd's brother died of sepsis due to "an untreated hernia". My BS antenna went up because I had just finished reading (in Dr. Mercola's book) about sepsis, how it happens, and the fact that it has a very strong connection to covid cases that are not treated quickly.
If he had had hernia surgery and something with the surgery wasn't right, well, I could see sepsis occurring from some sort of surgical error. But the implication is that he had not had surgery.
Celine Dion has cancelled her fall “tour” due to a “mysterious illness”. Rumour is that it’s CJD, she’s got the shakes. Why would she hide it? She could be a hero instead!
but Dan, if that is true, CJD is akin to mad cow, a prion disease. I had a close friend die of that. Your brain becomes soup, an horrendous way to pass.
People are furious about this. There are experts in the German media even saying this is bullshit. Markets are outside and outside infection isn’t a big driver.
Over 70% are vaccinated. Cases are higher than ever. Politicians abs medical ‘experts’ are liars: with such a vax rate how come half of cases and deaths in the above 60 crowd is vaxxed? Oh right boosters forever. Because. Science. Facepalm
The official numbers for Belgium estimate the vaxxed at 82% which should give Herd immunity, if that even exists of course, but the media still write 76 which is not enough. 82 percent will be almost all adults so all that is not shot are kids and some adults who refused or have recovered, the few I know from a very bad virus attack, scared to get it again from the jab. So who do they think transmits the virus? And the craze is in the US too. Especially on the west coast I think. Trouble in Seattle because of it.
Well of course because the jabs don't stop the disease. Unfortunately that is not accentuated at all. The jabs protected a bit at first, but now they don't anymore, because the virus has mutated. And several docs, scientists, virologists, warn that the now useless jabs can turn the virus into a really deadly one. What are they going to do then? Keep on jabbing? Into eternity? Ah but we will know what happened in 2076! Well, if anyone is alive still.
At the very least, surely they know that the jabs compromise the human immune system, and it looks like the more jabs you get, the more the system is disabled. Of course, that will set everyone up for an endless stream of medications from BPharma.
I feel so bad for the vendors that depend on this yearly event to make their money. This doesn't sound "fun" at all. I bet many will not attend. Do they not see the parallels here from another time? Scary stuff here.
I am from Austria and I have to disappoint you. A lot of people I know are absolutely in line with the new Apartheid rules as only the unvaccinated are to blame that vaccinated people catch Covid and have to be treated on ICUs. I am so fed up with mass propaganda at the moment…
Last week a Belgian doctor said on local TV that ALL the ICU patients were vaccinated. Of course the national press jumped up, saying they all had other conditions. But that were the people who should have been protected by the shots. It is very clear this is not about health. People are dying like flies but still line up for the killing shot. They want the clean ones dead while dying from the jabs.
Here too. Claiming that only unvaccinated people are in the hospitals and that they are spreading's unfortunately a world wide way of "thinking"- and I use that term very lightly. It's insanely maddening.
I would hope, that by this time, all of us PUREBLOODS, are aware of the need to supplement with C, D, Zinc and Quercetin/Ivermectin judiciously, as a start. If not, it’s a must, and tell everyone you know that is resisting the death shot. There’s no excuses anymore, no one wants to be a useful idiot for the media to parade around, as a repentant unvaxxed patient. And the corrupt media LOVES to do that!
The only people I know who have gotten covid have already received the shot. I do not have Ivermectin/Quercetin at my disposal, but have always taken vitamins, eaten well, and exercise daily. I am 68 and not afraid of getting this. In fact I have been trying to get it for almost 2 yrs. now by not masking (or wearing a fake one while traveling on a plane, not using santizer, relying on my natural immunities and good T-cells, and being around fund people/family that boost my spirits. So Thankful this holiday season to be NOT living in California, New York, Illinois or anywhere in Europe.
Not all of California is bad, it's mainly the big cities and also some of the wealthy enclaves, and mostly on the coast. I live in a foothills/mountain town, and a group of towns in my area are fairly close to normal. There are "masks recommended" signs on some shops but people ignore them at will. Restaurants and gyms are open, I've been going to my gym throughout the whole past 18 months. Mostly masks are required just in doctor's offices, and there are a few people here and there (mostly bay area transplants) wearing a mask while driving alone in their cars, but in general, everything seems pretty good at this point and people are doing all the usual things. I can live with it but you always have to worry about Newscum clamping down somehow. But the thing is, a lot of Californians are ornery folks, and they basically comply only as a courtesy to local business owners who worry about possibly getting shut down. When all this got going in spring 2020, a number of local restaurant owners challenged our local governments who were trying to impose various rules, and after not too long, the government officials backed down. Newscum and his henchmen haven't yet been spying around in these areas to snoop on people, thank goodness.
Love to hear this. Going to Pacfica in Jan. to see our Grandson. I probably need to dig my mask out of the bottom of my purse and wash it....or try and be the rebel I was in Az. last April, all over again
Highly paid „spin doctors“ have been directing official communication from day 1. They know how to hypnotize people. I guess, everybody who learns about NLP/hypnosis could see the patterns from the beginning… And now we have it: a new mass psychosis.
"A deadly infectious drug resistant disease is spreading. Naturally we have decided to stop feeding people who neither used the drug nor did they catch the disease as a method to stop the drug resistant disease from spreading."
"I see, so you managed to avoid endangering yourself and others by getting and spreading it in these past 24 months? That's not good. Maybe you should stop eating and that will fix it?? Maybe try getting and spreading it to unsuspecting people every six months? or even better get a jab or two and get it faster and spread the highly infectious variants that can hopefully mutate enough in the coming months to break through the innate immunity of our pediatric populations so that we can start jibby-jabbing them out of the wombs?!?"
Just read an article that the virus is now spreading in children. The sooner they get jabbed the better ! Then they will spread it even faster and several will die from it.
How on earth do you expect the infection rates to go down by penalizing people that never ever got infected and never used your infection prevention drug! They can't possibly be contributing to drug resistance or the infections!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, recognizing natural immunity is one more way to encourage people to get tested...I am no longer a big fan of this because many of us who are likely covid recovered don't want to enter the system at all and don't feel a need to. We're not worried about catching covid, and we don't believe they are, either.
They are literally encouraging people who might be at high risk from the disease (cancer patients) to catch it even if they would never catch it any other way due having decent enough innate mucosal immunity to prevent infection.
Almost certainly a huge chunk of our population is situationally immune to infections. Either due to specific current heath status, work conditions, environmental conditions, herd immunity, genetic predisposition, some other kind of innate immunity that's resisting infections at the current level.
It's not that these people can never be infected, of course, if we keep ratcheting up the virus's fitness with respect to the human host diversity, it will obviously get most who are immune today but that's not an inevitability!
Why then should these "public health" experts want to destroy the immune status of the people who are currently contributing to herd immunity!?!!!
They could be really susceptible to severe disease if infected! Spike protein has been shown to impair DNA damage repair. This is an important immune function!
I have been researching quotes from all of these monsters the last couple of days and I have been shocked how many quotes are either "fact checked" to death or scrubbed completely. I love how the "fact checkers" literally take one line out of a televised speech and completely change the meaning of it. I watched the criminal, Anthony Fauci, stand in front of God and everyone and literally say something to the effect of "I hope we don't get to herd immunity before we get the 'vaccine'." I promise, I watched very closely and heard every word and didn't take anything "out of context" Surprise! I can't find it anywhere. How anyone can still think that these devils cared about our health, immunity or any other thing "good for us" at this point is shocking.
Good point, but as many say... the only way to "find out" if a person has "natural immunity" is to submit to one of their famous tests... I will not get tested to prove I'm clean. For anything.
Absolutely no one expected them to have anything sacred including Christmas. In fact, festive holidays are the worst eneny of a repressive tyrant. I just wrote a bit about this. COVID tyrants are basically the White Witch of Narnia.
Are you clairvoyant? This was already happening in Austria! On Saturday, two days before lockdown for everybody, during Apartheid-lockdown for unvaccinated parias, I wanted to walk through a Christmas market as I had to meet some friends who were waiting for me on the other side. I was not allowed to do so, as I am one of the terroristic parias, and had to make some extra miles in order to reach my destination. Welcome to our new normality 🙃.
"don't you dare compare eerily similar things to historically horrific examples of what happens when complacent and indifferent people do nothing while facing said things" (tbf they had horrible coms relative to today, so today is extra sadface)
Plenty of Germans think this is nuts. Especially in ex East Germany people aren’t okay with this. Of course officially they are evil right wing anti immigration nazis who kill grandmas.
I am in Germany and frantically trying to emigrate. I grew up in a communist east european country and never felt this level of discrimination and oppression. My family is also disintegrating because of the mandates. It is a complete cluster fuck. Need to fast sort out a feasible and rather safe destination. FL/TX sound really perfect but not feasible with german citizenship. any ideas are much appreciated :)
You don’t need the vax if you fly in from a non Schengen area. Fly to Mexico. Stay two weeks. Then all you need is a negative test. I know many Germans have done this to see their kids who are au pairs or students.
Need to be fully vaxxed to enter the US. Or recently recovered (90days). I guess I will need to get the real thing/virus and move fast after this if recovered :)
I encourage all those who are vaccinated or recovered to boycott events and businesses like this one. It's only a matter of time before you yourselves will be on the receiving end.
Boycotts - you think this would have been in play all the while rather than so many agreeing to vax and vax and vax.............not to mention masking as the "new normal". I never put a muzzle on a dog and I don't get how many people demand that you mask up children (or anyone)!!!
I keep thinking oh, my goodness, they aren't going to do this; but they keep doing it! I also shake my head and tell myself, people aren't going to go along with this; but, people are obeying. This behavior on both sides chills my soul.
This is more like Idiocracy version of trying to install a tyrannical government but the morons and misfits keep getting even the basics totally wrong and a season of dark comedy ensues.
And to think that our politicians, unelected public health officials & their MSM stenographers were appalled at the comparison of government & public health overreach to the Hitler and his gang in the 1930s. I guess Twain was right.
The psy-op has been so effective that even when people understand the jabs don't stop infection or transmission...and that the unvaxxed are not to blame for that...they still want to force the unvaxxed to get jabbed or be excluded. It's truly amazing.
I wish I knew. I think some of us are just impervious to this kind of passive mind control and group think. Two of my siblings are incapable of rational thought right now. Honestly, it's hard to face what I believe is happening in the world. For many, perhaps, it's just easier to stay in the snow globe. We don't live in the world they think we do...perhaps we never did.
Have you seen this interview? I can't remember now how I became aware of Jeremy. He's a South African political cartoonist who started a video blog during the pandemic. He has amazing guesst...and, like the bad cat...he has the right balance of humor and seriousness. This is his interview with Mattias Desmet, a professor of psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium. He specializes in mass formation and the psychology of groups.
This virus is darn clever- it knows when you're standing up, or not. it knows if you're on a local train or an inter-city train, it knows when your birthday is and now it knows to find if you're eating or drinking at a Christmas market- we stand no chance- but thanks to the various governments for telling us when it's most likely to attack- because it's all about our well-being.......
Don't know the full details here about "proven recovery" but to enter The Netherlands as I was going to try to do for a first job and flight since March of 2020, A blood test showing positive antibodies (2.98 out of 3) is not sufficient. To enter Amsterdam (without a 10 day quarantine, which you need if unvaccinated and a negative covid test within 24 hours) ) and attend the conference (where even after the 10 day quarantine, you must be tested daily for entrance), The Netherlands government demands proof of a positive test as a part of “proof of recovery.” I have purposely never been tested to avoid disruption for me and anyone who would have to be traced. The obvious question is, how can you have Covid 19 specific Antibodies (AB IgG) without having recovered? On The scale of 0 to 3, with anything 1 and over considered positive for the antibodies, I came in at a 2.98.
I appreciate The Netherlands replying to my inquiry but here is their response:
“This test is not accepted: a serological test is not sensitive and precise enough.
- these tests are not always sensitive enough to show the degree of immunity when used individually; and
- the result does not show when exactly the infection was. And a recovery certificate is always valid for exactly 180 days from the positive test.”
Not sensitive and precise enough?
2.98 out of 3 doesn’t show a degree of immunity? An old positive test shows a higher “degree of immunity?”
A “recovery certificate!” Meaning proof I tested positive and when.
Hail to the test!
Now imagine if this will be the way forward when the flu returns.
I have to come to the reality that I will never work again.
Ridiculous, if you have antibodies, you recovered and have natural immunity. Good Grief. Vax Passports, Recovery about adding an anal swab or stool sample Netherlands? Is that anal enough for you? Just fyi, research now shows that in feces and on the rectal wall, there are more Covid viral particles found than in the blood. Life revolves around the anus.....
I have heard only for 6 months. So 6 months after your infection you must catch it again. But, according to hundreds of studies, you will be unable to catch it!
So, since you cannot catch it, you need a vaccine!
And the vaccine is good only for 6 months as well. So.... guess what?
Anyway, now they're starting to say that well, gollygosh, maybe the vaxx is good only for 4 months. I suppose this is to distract us from the growing evidence that it isn't good at all.
It is good how everything matches numbers (3, 4, 6) that can divide 12 (months in a year). Thus, everything will be given in a regular schedule along the year.
The exact translation is actually even more hilarious. The last sentence should say: "Sharing with people who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted" :-D
As, dare I say, Nazi as this sort of control is, small progress in least they are forced to recognize Acquired Immunity. It is a small but significant win. Sadly, the US policy makers continue to be in denial of this. Listening to NPR (National Propaganda Radio) this morning it was laughable the circular logic of the experts trying to justify the contuned push to vaccinate everyone as the data continues to indicate the vaccines are woefully underperforming in preventing infection, infection transmission, their rapidly waning efficacy etc. while the adverse events continue to accumulate.....and with it the cognitive dissonance of all those who have strong views toward mass vaccinations......that is until an adverse event strikes close to home (unless you are Governor Newsom that it).
I've asked a couple of mask-happy Super Christians I know where in the story of Jesus and the lepers did he mandate masks and tell them to stay six feet away from thee? Some angry, embarrassed mumbles ensued.
This was after I expressed my extreme concern with reports in the first few weeks of The Hysteria that some of the dying were being pointedly denied their Final Rites. Their response? "But the virus is deadly!!" 🙄 And without imparting too much info, this particular contact had a family member who received an actual, official, Diocese-approved* exorcism to which they were a witness. So you mean to tell me that you believed you were in close proximity to the devil or one of his lieutenants during an exorcism but a respiratory virus has you running scared?! WHAT?
Interesting since I had heard some German states closed the markets entirely. None of this will work, but have seen elsewhere some commentary that our supposed leaders refuse to acknowledge that adjacent counties (pretty sure it was LA county vs Orange County, CA) had vastly different policies - one locked down, one open - with no different outcome. And voters can’t or won’t take them down for locking down…
This is just sick. How short the memories of the Germans and Austrians! What is WRONG with these people? Have the vaccines injured their thinking capacity? I just want to scream: WAKE UP WAKE UP before its too late. Sorry for the rant. I just don't understand how so many people can be bamboozled by authoritarian governments. But then again, the Milgram experiment showed that 70% of people will follow orders from someone in "authority" wearing a white lab coat......
At least they are including "recovered" in the mix. It is still absolute barking lunacy to even think about such stratification of society. #WeAreSoScrewed
Check out this unironically ironic reopening of Buchenwald’s gates, but “the permanent exhibition on ‘Exclusion and Violence’ is open only to those who can produce proof of being either ‘vaccinated’ or ‘recovered’ from Covid-19”:
Or what, they get shot?
Good question! Maybe they become part of the permanent exhibition.
That would flip it back out of irony! "A living demonstration of exclusion and violence"
And the vaccinated will stand by and go on with what they are doing. Feels like the burning of the witches... wasn't that in the 1500s ?
Your mistake is in assuming we are somehow so different from people living in 1500s.
Unfortunately it is all still the same. The only difference is the name of the Others. Italians, Irish, Jews, witches, unvaccinated. Everything changes, says Lao Tze and of course he is right. But nothing really changes either. It is all the same porridge.
No we are stupider than we were then, when you count everything we knew then and what we know now, you realize those people did better with what they knew then than what we do now with what we know.
Yeah, it’ll be like the French Revolution when parents brought their kids to family-friendly beheadings!
Many parallels in history. People just learn nothing from the past.
Yeah, you know, public executions were so much more inclusionary back then.
I think we should all strive to make shaming, torture, and executions public again.
Now, where can I find an appropriately "woke" person to push for more inclusivity on these items?
*looks conspicuously sideways at self-identifying-as-left-liberal compatriots*
Sacre bleu!
We could do with bringing those back.
oof 😂🤣🤣🤣 i mean what to do but laugh, the sheep are all sheeping
The sheep are gonna sheep.
This exhibition will never go stale!
very droll.....
LOL! Touche MAA...
"shot" - was that a sly pun? :)
Lead or mRNA your choice
I actually have been on record, online and in person, that I would have take the BULLET.
Take a look at this Australian minister, he looks ready to fight anyone who is against the mandates.
Those gutless politicians don't have the game to debate people.
Let's go, Gunner!
better to get shot than tortured and gassed?
The WWII museum in New Orleans has the good sense not to be checking "papers" upon admission, unlike the rest of New Orleans.
I wonder if the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam is checking for vaccine papers???
Doesn't seem very Christmasy...but seems *very* Germanyy.
Doesn't it, though? I keep wanting to shout to Germany and Austria, "Good Lord, aren't you embarrassed on a daily basis, playing out the Nazi stereotypes in real time?? Have you no sense of irony??? It wasn't all that long ago, Germany, and trust me, people haven't forgotten!!..."
The last 16 years have been a straight path to fascism under the guise of saving the world (migration, climate; now corona). Merkel effectively destroyed the CDU and the other parties and re introduced the block party of east Germany. All frog in pod style. I’m glad I left the country - but I feel horrible for friends and family stuck there. None of them approve of this bullshit.
Nearly nobody notices what‘s happening… We never learn from our past, it seems.
Going on for thousands of years. Humans are worse than animals. Did you ever see an animal kill another for other reasons than food or self defense?
This is why I relate to what Dennis Prager says: "Humanity sucks, but there are a few good people."
Yes. That is so true, and I hope everyone knows a few good ones.
Hogwash,animals kill for “fun” all over the animal kingdom,anyone who has owned a cat has seen them play with a mouse for hours until it dies and walk away without eating it.Dolphins do it with fish and smaller dolphins,weasels are notorious for killing for entertainment.Animals kill each other for resources,mating rights,territory,all the same reasons people kill each other.
I don't know of any animal that would kill because the other worships another god
I would agree since they don’t have the intellectual capacity to think beyond their present moment.Animals do all kinds of things that we don’t do like eating their young,starving smaller offspring in favor of the stronger ones and leaving injured animals in their pack to be eaten by others.My point is that the natural world is full of savagery,murder and death.To make value judgements about one being better than the other ignores the facts.Humans are just another kind of animal and the trick is to use our big brains to rise above our natural state.
I learned from biology scholars that the only animals besides humans, who kill for pleasure, are chimpanzees. Not sure, if this is true, but even if it were true, this would be only two out of millions of species. Well yes, I guee, humans are „special“.
Animals rock, and are so much more interesting than we are, imho.
Socialists and commies do not have a sense of humor.
Thank you for saying this! IT is not lost on the world, that it is EXACTLY what they are doing, and apparently, loving it. Which is even MORE disturbing...
It has been throughout German history, unfortunately. They just can't help themselves. Maybe they think the unvaxxed are Jewish?
Sadly, Israel has been bad too …
Ok, so here's what I struggled with - whether to add the extra "y". Would the play on words have worked better if it had said "...but seems *very* Germany"?
I agree. Germany-y?
I think the dash would've called unnecessary attention to the extra "y". I think it woulda been kinda like explaining a punch line. No?
Agreed! Having no dash was more subtle, and more effective.
...all over the world...
I had the privilege of living in Deutschland for 2 years. Thank God is was in the early 1980's. I had the privilege of visiting Ireland (the land of most of my ancestors). Thank God it was in 2019. All I can say is: Wow. So incredibly sad where we are going for a "virus" with a 99.9% recovery rate for the healthy and totally survivable even for a lot of the unhealthy with rapid treatment. Please, my fellow humans, say NO to *everything* that just doesn't feel right. Be willing to suffer the consequences and be inconvenienced. We can still stop a lot of this. But the time to act is now. (In reality the time to act was 03/2020).
Let the fools spend their money in these places. I am amassing a fortune that I will happily spend in my future years in good health while the vaxxed suffer the consequences of der needle.
Every day in the news so many people dying and I keep wondering if they were jabbed. Dan Akroyd's brother just passed at 64 and a famous baseball player in his 60's. The articles did not mention if they were jabbed. Having said that, when I read that someone famous has passed and they were NOT jabbed, the article ALWAYS mentions that part. MSM covering up again to keep the heat on those not jabbed. Disgraceful behavior.
Yes agreed. This is totally anecdotal but I have known so many friends of friends or coworkers of friends who have died recently. I was just now told about a 42 year old coworker of a friend who just up and died suddenly. 100% he was jabbed because he worked at a university medical school where it was mandated for staff. So many acquaintances are telling me about deaths like this. Maybe it’s normal and I’m just more attuned to it….
its the jab Rose, do not be fooled.
NOT normal...we don't have be scientists to see that!
I heard on the news that Dan Akroyd's brother died of sepsis due to "an untreated hernia". My BS antenna went up because I had just finished reading (in Dr. Mercola's book) about sepsis, how it happens, and the fact that it has a very strong connection to covid cases that are not treated quickly.
Nick Cordero, the Broadway star who got Covid in early 2020 and was too quickly placed on a ventilator, also eventually died of sepsis.
Wow, never heard of a hernia causing sepsis. I am in agreement with you, think there is a deeper situation here.
If he had had hernia surgery and something with the surgery wasn't right, well, I could see sepsis occurring from some sort of surgical error. But the implication is that he had not had surgery.
Celine Dion has cancelled her fall “tour” due to a “mysterious illness”. Rumour is that it’s CJD, she’s got the shakes. Why would she hide it? She could be a hero instead!
Celine has looked positively skeletal for awhile. She likes to be thin, but she hasn't looked good in recent photos over the last year or more.
but Dan, if that is true, CJD is akin to mad cow, a prion disease. I had a close friend die of that. Your brain becomes soup, an horrendous way to pass.
and i've read that the mRna vax can contribute to that...ooh boy
I have too, that is why it is freaking me out. These prion diseases are cruel.
yea, sponge brain, we may see many more before too long (brain fog on steroids)
you know our taxes are paying for all these billions to pharma companies. that alone should disgust all of us...
People are furious about this. There are experts in the German media even saying this is bullshit. Markets are outside and outside infection isn’t a big driver.
Over 70% are vaccinated. Cases are higher than ever. Politicians abs medical ‘experts’ are liars: with such a vax rate how come half of cases and deaths in the above 60 crowd is vaxxed? Oh right boosters forever. Because. Science. Facepalm
The official numbers for Belgium estimate the vaxxed at 82% which should give Herd immunity, if that even exists of course, but the media still write 76 which is not enough. 82 percent will be almost all adults so all that is not shot are kids and some adults who refused or have recovered, the few I know from a very bad virus attack, scared to get it again from the jab. So who do they think transmits the virus? And the craze is in the US too. Especially on the west coast I think. Trouble in Seattle because of it.
In the real world, the vax pass is simply blue cities strangling themselves to death while everybody else ignores it all.
As an added 'bonus', they're still dealing with just as much covid!
Well of course because the jabs don't stop the disease. Unfortunately that is not accentuated at all. The jabs protected a bit at first, but now they don't anymore, because the virus has mutated. And several docs, scientists, virologists, warn that the now useless jabs can turn the virus into a really deadly one. What are they going to do then? Keep on jabbing? Into eternity? Ah but we will know what happened in 2076! Well, if anyone is alive still.
"And several docs, scientists, virologists, warn that the now useless jabs can turn the virus into a really deadly one".
Maybe that's the entire point.
At the very least, surely they know that the jabs compromise the human immune system, and it looks like the more jabs you get, the more the system is disabled. Of course, that will set everyone up for an endless stream of medications from BPharma.
Facepalm Fauci needs to be a thing
What’s the definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over, expecting a different result!
well they have been very successful at it so far...for 65% of the population!
I feel so bad for the vendors that depend on this yearly event to make their money. This doesn't sound "fun" at all. I bet many will not attend. Do they not see the parallels here from another time? Scary stuff here.
I am from Austria and I have to disappoint you. A lot of people I know are absolutely in line with the new Apartheid rules as only the unvaccinated are to blame that vaccinated people catch Covid and have to be treated on ICUs. I am so fed up with mass propaganda at the moment…
Last week a Belgian doctor said on local TV that ALL the ICU patients were vaccinated. Of course the national press jumped up, saying they all had other conditions. But that were the people who should have been protected by the shots. It is very clear this is not about health. People are dying like flies but still line up for the killing shot. They want the clean ones dead while dying from the jabs.
Here too. Claiming that only unvaccinated people are in the hospitals and that they are spreading's unfortunately a world wide way of "thinking"- and I use that term very lightly. It's insanely maddening.
I would hope, that by this time, all of us PUREBLOODS, are aware of the need to supplement with C, D, Zinc and Quercetin/Ivermectin judiciously, as a start. If not, it’s a must, and tell everyone you know that is resisting the death shot. There’s no excuses anymore, no one wants to be a useful idiot for the media to parade around, as a repentant unvaxxed patient. And the corrupt media LOVES to do that!
The only people I know who have gotten covid have already received the shot. I do not have Ivermectin/Quercetin at my disposal, but have always taken vitamins, eaten well, and exercise daily. I am 68 and not afraid of getting this. In fact I have been trying to get it for almost 2 yrs. now by not masking (or wearing a fake one while traveling on a plane, not using santizer, relying on my natural immunities and good T-cells, and being around fund people/family that boost my spirits. So Thankful this holiday season to be NOT living in California, New York, Illinois or anywhere in Europe.
Not all of California is bad, it's mainly the big cities and also some of the wealthy enclaves, and mostly on the coast. I live in a foothills/mountain town, and a group of towns in my area are fairly close to normal. There are "masks recommended" signs on some shops but people ignore them at will. Restaurants and gyms are open, I've been going to my gym throughout the whole past 18 months. Mostly masks are required just in doctor's offices, and there are a few people here and there (mostly bay area transplants) wearing a mask while driving alone in their cars, but in general, everything seems pretty good at this point and people are doing all the usual things. I can live with it but you always have to worry about Newscum clamping down somehow. But the thing is, a lot of Californians are ornery folks, and they basically comply only as a courtesy to local business owners who worry about possibly getting shut down. When all this got going in spring 2020, a number of local restaurant owners challenged our local governments who were trying to impose various rules, and after not too long, the government officials backed down. Newscum and his henchmen haven't yet been spying around in these areas to snoop on people, thank goodness.
Love to hear this. Going to Pacfica in Jan. to see our Grandson. I probably need to dig my mask out of the bottom of my purse and wash it....or try and be the rebel I was in Az. last April, all over again
Oh add Canada and Australia to that list of "places I would hate to be right now".
Highly paid „spin doctors“ have been directing official communication from day 1. They know how to hypnotize people. I guess, everybody who learns about NLP/hypnosis could see the patterns from the beginning… And now we have it: a new mass psychosis.
@Yakari. There is a very good video on Odysee -
Where Dan Astin-Gregory interviews Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, about this mass deception.
World wide groupthink.
They've been well brainwashed.
If they were smart they would forego the small income and all stay home. That would set a precedent.
Some of the income for these vendors is not so small.
It would be funny though, all the needle worshipers standing at an empty market.
"A deadly infectious drug resistant disease is spreading. Naturally we have decided to stop feeding people who neither used the drug nor did they catch the disease as a method to stop the drug resistant disease from spreading."
Since that makes no sense, even to these fools the true motivation is obvious: punishment and degradation.
"I see, so you managed to avoid endangering yourself and others by getting and spreading it in these past 24 months? That's not good. Maybe you should stop eating and that will fix it?? Maybe try getting and spreading it to unsuspecting people every six months? or even better get a jab or two and get it faster and spread the highly infectious variants that can hopefully mutate enough in the coming months to break through the innate immunity of our pediatric populations so that we can start jibby-jabbing them out of the wombs?!?"
Just read an article that the virus is now spreading in children. The sooner they get jabbed the better ! Then they will spread it even faster and several will die from it.
I t would be funny if it were not true. How can any sane person read this sentence and not shake their heads in disbelief
And yet they do!
How on earth do you expect the infection rates to go down by penalizing people that never ever got infected and never used your infection prevention drug! They can't possibly be contributing to drug resistance or the infections!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you simply wear your Yellow Star for easy and proper identification?
shhh! didn't you get the memo? we are NOT ALLOWED to make any comparisons!
At least they recognize natural immunity, that is more than we can say here in the very “science” driven USA!
Of course, recognizing natural immunity is one more way to encourage people to get tested...I am no longer a big fan of this because many of us who are likely covid recovered don't want to enter the system at all and don't feel a need to. We're not worried about catching covid, and we don't believe they are, either.
Well said and so very true!
Positive test only good for 6 months after infection. Because....well, because i said so.
They are literally encouraging people who might be at high risk from the disease (cancer patients) to catch it even if they would never catch it any other way due having decent enough innate mucosal immunity to prevent infection.
Which is something like at least 10% of the population, last I read any theories on this.
Almost certainly a huge chunk of our population is situationally immune to infections. Either due to specific current heath status, work conditions, environmental conditions, herd immunity, genetic predisposition, some other kind of innate immunity that's resisting infections at the current level.
It's not that these people can never be infected, of course, if we keep ratcheting up the virus's fitness with respect to the human host diversity, it will obviously get most who are immune today but that's not an inevitability!
Why then should these "public health" experts want to destroy the immune status of the people who are currently contributing to herd immunity!?!!!
They could be really susceptible to severe disease if infected! Spike protein has been shown to impair DNA damage repair. This is an important immune function!
I have been researching quotes from all of these monsters the last couple of days and I have been shocked how many quotes are either "fact checked" to death or scrubbed completely. I love how the "fact checkers" literally take one line out of a televised speech and completely change the meaning of it. I watched the criminal, Anthony Fauci, stand in front of God and everyone and literally say something to the effect of "I hope we don't get to herd immunity before we get the 'vaccine'." I promise, I watched very closely and heard every word and didn't take anything "out of context" Surprise! I can't find it anywhere. How anyone can still think that these devils cared about our health, immunity or any other thing "good for us" at this point is shocking.
Inverse evolutionary pressure is a hell of a thing.
It's almost like we're actively refining a half-finished bioweapon project!
ugh, harsh reality
Wow look at the science 😽
Good point, but as many say... the only way to "find out" if a person has "natural immunity" is to submit to one of their famous tests... I will not get tested to prove I'm clean. For anything.
For 90 days only.
Absolutely no one expected them to have anything sacred including Christmas. In fact, festive holidays are the worst eneny of a repressive tyrant. I just wrote a bit about this. COVID tyrants are basically the White Witch of Narnia.
Aaaaand now I'm going to read your substack.
Next step:
"Anyone wishing to [walk through] the Christmas market must first prove that they are fully vaccinated or recovered.
The [ability to walk through by] persons who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted."
Then comes:
The [ability to exist by] persons who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted."
"Anyone wishing to [exist] must first prove that they are fully vaccinated or recovered."
Are you clairvoyant? This was already happening in Austria! On Saturday, two days before lockdown for everybody, during Apartheid-lockdown for unvaccinated parias, I wanted to walk through a Christmas market as I had to meet some friends who were waiting for me on the other side. I was not allowed to do so, as I am one of the terroristic parias, and had to make some extra miles in order to reach my destination. Welcome to our new normality 🙃.
I tried this once, didn't end so well for me.
"don't you dare compare eerily similar things to historically horrific examples of what happens when complacent and indifferent people do nothing while facing said things" (tbf they had horrible coms relative to today, so today is extra sadface)
Krampus is going to be *very* busy this Weinachten.
He’s Austrian but true. LOL it’ll be Knecht Ruprecht. He can get some coal still from saxony rofl
I wonder if Germans can find "irony" in the dictionary?
Well, we know from past history that they can find plenty of iron.
Plenty of Germans think this is nuts. Especially in ex East Germany people aren’t okay with this. Of course officially they are evil right wing anti immigration nazis who kill grandmas.
The wokeness/left was benign to me just a short 2 years ago. Now I see their faces. They are ugly.
At least the German NAZI’s recognize natural immunity, unlike the American variant.
I am in Germany and frantically trying to emigrate. I grew up in a communist east european country and never felt this level of discrimination and oppression. My family is also disintegrating because of the mandates. It is a complete cluster fuck. Need to fast sort out a feasible and rather safe destination. FL/TX sound really perfect but not feasible with german citizenship. any ideas are much appreciated :)
I'd think that those in eastern Germany with memories of Communism might rebel against the mandates but alas, maybe not...
As for emigration, you could always overstay your visa in Florida or Texas. Ain't nobody gonna check on you.
Good point regarding FL/TX, John! Not sure if I can enter without the vaxx but will check it out.
UK is also much more conscious about individual rights so despite all the negative noise I do not expect a general mandate there.
Regarding East Germany - yeah they have lower vaxx rates than the west.
You don’t need the vax if you fly in from a non Schengen area. Fly to Mexico. Stay two weeks. Then all you need is a negative test. I know many Germans have done this to see their kids who are au pairs or students.
Need to be fully vaxxed to enter the US. Or recently recovered (90days). I guess I will need to get the real thing/virus and move fast after this if recovered :)
You can walk across the southern border like millions are doing....
Funny how we never hear "Unite and Conquer".
Don't they realize that if they kill us all by starvation, they won't be able to calculate and post daily VE improvements from BOOSTER?!
I encourage all those who are vaccinated or recovered to boycott events and businesses like this one. It's only a matter of time before you yourselves will be on the receiving end.
Boycotts - you think this would have been in play all the while rather than so many agreeing to vax and vax and vax.............not to mention masking as the "new normal". I never put a muzzle on a dog and I don't get how many people demand that you mask up children (or anyone)!!!
All I want for Christmas is Sic Semper Tyrannis.
very droll.....
After seeing a sign like that, I've lost my appetite., which is a feat in and of itself.)
I keep thinking oh, my goodness, they aren't going to do this; but they keep doing it! I also shake my head and tell myself, people aren't going to go along with this; but, people are obeying. This behavior on both sides chills my soul.
Germans being stupid again....I can say that, I am half German.
Does it say Germany or is it NYC or California?
This is more like Idiocracy version of trying to install a tyrannical government but the morons and misfits keep getting even the basics totally wrong and a season of dark comedy ensues.
But I'm guessing you can patronize all the Berlin 'fellows clubs' with HIV, no problem.
At least they are including people who recovered. The US won’t even recognize natural immunity. This is all such BS
And to think that our politicians, unelected public health officials & their MSM stenographers were appalled at the comparison of government & public health overreach to the Hitler and his gang in the 1930s. I guess Twain was right.
In Bavaria they already shut down the annual Christmas fairs. They will do the same in the rest of Germany, just like last year.
The vaccinated will blame the unvaccinated for it this time.
The psy-op has been so effective that even when people understand the jabs don't stop infection or transmission...and that the unvaxxed are not to blame for that...they still want to force the unvaxxed to get jabbed or be excluded. It's truly amazing.
How do we break the spell?
Tell me cause my MD spouse is a lost cause….
I wish I knew. I think some of us are just impervious to this kind of passive mind control and group think. Two of my siblings are incapable of rational thought right now. Honestly, it's hard to face what I believe is happening in the world. For many, perhaps, it's just easier to stay in the snow globe. We don't live in the world they think we do...perhaps we never did.
Have you seen this interview? I can't remember now how I became aware of Jeremy. He's a South African political cartoonist who started a video blog during the pandemic. He has amazing guesst...and, like the bad cat...he has the right balance of humor and seriousness. This is his interview with Mattias Desmet, a professor of psychology at the University of Ghent in Belgium. He specializes in mass formation and the psychology of groups.
I don't know how we break the spell. I wish I did.
This virus is darn clever- it knows when you're standing up, or not. it knows if you're on a local train or an inter-city train, it knows when your birthday is and now it knows to find if you're eating or drinking at a Christmas market- we stand no chance- but thanks to the various governments for telling us when it's most likely to attack- because it's all about our well-being.......
Don't know the full details here about "proven recovery" but to enter The Netherlands as I was going to try to do for a first job and flight since March of 2020, A blood test showing positive antibodies (2.98 out of 3) is not sufficient. To enter Amsterdam (without a 10 day quarantine, which you need if unvaccinated and a negative covid test within 24 hours) ) and attend the conference (where even after the 10 day quarantine, you must be tested daily for entrance), The Netherlands government demands proof of a positive test as a part of “proof of recovery.” I have purposely never been tested to avoid disruption for me and anyone who would have to be traced. The obvious question is, how can you have Covid 19 specific Antibodies (AB IgG) without having recovered? On The scale of 0 to 3, with anything 1 and over considered positive for the antibodies, I came in at a 2.98.
I appreciate The Netherlands replying to my inquiry but here is their response:
“This test is not accepted: a serological test is not sensitive and precise enough.
- these tests are not always sensitive enough to show the degree of immunity when used individually; and
- the result does not show when exactly the infection was. And a recovery certificate is always valid for exactly 180 days from the positive test.”
Not sensitive and precise enough?
2.98 out of 3 doesn’t show a degree of immunity? An old positive test shows a higher “degree of immunity?”
A “recovery certificate!” Meaning proof I tested positive and when.
Hail to the test!
Now imagine if this will be the way forward when the flu returns.
I have to come to the reality that I will never work again.
Ridiculous, if you have antibodies, you recovered and have natural immunity. Good Grief. Vax Passports, Recovery about adding an anal swab or stool sample Netherlands? Is that anal enough for you? Just fyi, research now shows that in feces and on the rectal wall, there are more Covid viral particles found than in the blood. Life revolves around the anus.....
Ah the spirit of giving (orders)!
I’m sure Jesus would approve…
Jesus is appalled. By the official churches too. They all sold out.
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
bah humbug
If Austria does it, Germany has no other choice than obey and do the same! :-)
Ironic that again Germany follows a guy from Austria 🙈.
Do they recognize natural immunity? Interesting..
I have heard only for 6 months. So 6 months after your infection you must catch it again. But, according to hundreds of studies, you will be unable to catch it!
So, since you cannot catch it, you need a vaccine!
And the vaccine is good only for 6 months as well. So.... guess what?
Anyway, now they're starting to say that well, gollygosh, maybe the vaxx is good only for 4 months. I suppose this is to distract us from the growing evidence that it isn't good at all.
It is good how everything matches numbers (3, 4, 6) that can divide 12 (months in a year). Thus, everything will be given in a regular schedule along the year.
"Vee haff vays off maekink you VANT to taek ze magick science juice...."
The exact translation is actually even more hilarious. The last sentence should say: "Sharing with people who are neither vaccinated nor recovered is not permitted" :-D
Nazism runs deep.
No, Im not sorry tI said that.
As, dare I say, Nazi as this sort of control is, small progress in least they are forced to recognize Acquired Immunity. It is a small but significant win. Sadly, the US policy makers continue to be in denial of this. Listening to NPR (National Propaganda Radio) this morning it was laughable the circular logic of the experts trying to justify the contuned push to vaccinate everyone as the data continues to indicate the vaccines are woefully underperforming in preventing infection, infection transmission, their rapidly waning efficacy etc. while the adverse events continue to accumulate.....and with it the cognitive dissonance of all those who have strong views toward mass vaccinations......that is until an adverse event strikes close to home (unless you are Governor Newsom that it).
What's next? Trains to transport the unvaccinated?
And Jesus said, bring me the lepers so that I may heal them... but keep those filthy anti-vaxxers far away!
I've asked a couple of mask-happy Super Christians I know where in the story of Jesus and the lepers did he mandate masks and tell them to stay six feet away from thee? Some angry, embarrassed mumbles ensued.
This was after I expressed my extreme concern with reports in the first few weeks of The Hysteria that some of the dying were being pointedly denied their Final Rites. Their response? "But the virus is deadly!!" 🙄 And without imparting too much info, this particular contact had a family member who received an actual, official, Diocese-approved* exorcism to which they were a witness. So you mean to tell me that you believed you were in close proximity to the devil or one of his lieutenants during an exorcism but a respiratory virus has you running scared?! WHAT?
*yes, this was decades ago.
Being skinny is actually a better thing against corona. Yes, the government seems to do the exact opposite of that which is wise.
Interesting since I had heard some German states closed the markets entirely. None of this will work, but have seen elsewhere some commentary that our supposed leaders refuse to acknowledge that adjacent counties (pretty sure it was LA county vs Orange County, CA) had vastly different policies - one locked down, one open - with no different outcome. And voters can’t or won’t take them down for locking down…
saxony and bavaria have banned them. other might still, but haven't yet.
Poor Bodo in Thüringen is scared the unvaccinated from saxony might go shopping in Thüringen and wants the same bans…
This is just sick. How short the memories of the Germans and Austrians! What is WRONG with these people? Have the vaccines injured their thinking capacity? I just want to scream: WAKE UP WAKE UP before its too late. Sorry for the rant. I just don't understand how so many people can be bamboozled by authoritarian governments. But then again, the Milgram experiment showed that 70% of people will follow orders from someone in "authority" wearing a white lab coat......
At least they are including "recovered" in the mix. It is still absolute barking lunacy to even think about such stratification of society. #WeAreSoScrewed
Hate to say it, but at least they count the recovered. In the USA it's vaccine or nothing. Needless to say neither policy follows any science.
Has anyone mentioned the war ?