She and her ilk are not educated, they are edjumacated. That have been taught what to think, not how to think.
I learned a neat little insult from two of my Chinese students. Apparently, in China, there is a saying that translates to, “Don’t try to fool me; I haven’t been to college.”.
She and her ilk are not educated, they are edjumacated. That have been taught what to think, not how to think.
I learned a neat little insult from two of my Chinese students. Apparently, in China, there is a saying that translates to, “Don’t try to fool me; I haven’t been to college.”.
She and her ilk are not educated, they are edjumacated. That have been taught what to think, not how to think.
I learned a neat little insult from two of my Chinese students. Apparently, in China, there is a saying that translates to, “Don’t try to fool me; I haven’t been to college.”.
That's brilliant.