Sources reveal that an initiative is underway to regulate the manufacture, distribution, and use of hammers.
Government spokesbeings confirm that the Ministry of Hammers is expected to be moved into their new $1,234,567,890 building by the spring of 2030. Facilities to house the newly formed 25,000 member hammer police force should be available by 2032.
Brilliant! Have they considered the added safety of mandating the hammer-part and claw-part be manufactured separately, kept stored separately in locked compartments and registered with the local PD?
Can't have people having access to assault hammers!
What about military grade hammers.... or so called "ghost" hammers. People are now 3D printing hammers!!! We should ban 3D printers as well.
I just hope one day, it will be illegal to "buy, sell, import or transfer" any type of hand hammer.
I know people use hammers for construction, especially in rural areas, but we should still require people to have hammer licenses. Safe storage as you mentioned, of hammers is also an absolute must.
I was raised on a ranch. Every piece of equipment had it's very own hammer. Tractors, balers, cultivators, hay wagons, the windmills and pumps - each with a hammer in the tool box.
And my Dad, the hired hands, my brother and I all had hammers, (and fencing tools) permanently stored in our saddle bags.
Perhaps the single most versatile tool invented by man!
I agree. The term "Monkey wrench" is problematic. The term has roots in racist, misogynistic and colonial practices. A much more inclusive term would be "simian type tool".
No! And if the Hammer Police catch you tying a rock to stick, even with traditional sinew, you're doomed to a hammerless life driving nails or tent pegs with the back of your axe.
What about kids on the playgrounds pretending that twigs and sticks are hammers? we need to do something about that! We should make any website with hammer related content screen for age and not allow anyone under the age of 21 to see hammer content.
OMG that kid over there has a "hammer time" teeshirt!
Military grade hammers? You mean like the trusty crescent hammer we used in the navy?
Crescent hammer: a crescent wrench used as a hammer because somehow, all the hammers aboard ship have gone UA. With the exception of the BFH, which as its name implies is just too faucing big to carry all the time and too big for most tasks any way.
CDC recommends that due to the crisis of SATS following novel hammer blows to the hand. Gloves should be worn to mitigate trauma to the fingers at large gatherings of hammers. Any gloves will do however, from surgical gloves to the N95 of gloves also known as boxing gloves. Also proper social distancing should be engaged to ensure proper distance between the hand and hammer.
Spokesman Anthony Fauci recommended multiple gloves for added trauma protection.
Hammers kill more people than "assault weapons". They are also useful tools in all sorts of capitalist endeavors meaning you may be doing a Nostradamus thing...
Just when you thought the hammer thread had run it's course....
Headline: "The national carpenter's union has agreed to support the DNC platform of hammer control legislation noting that if it saves even one life somehow it's worth it"
Hey all you guys: I think this and all comments below constitute hate speech (against hammers, including the claw part) and should be censored by those wonderful people employed to protect our finer sensibilities.
I was waiting for this.. It's one way to reset the hierarchy.
Take the plucky young fish'n'chip shop professional Jacinda Ardern; daughter of a cop and a lunch lady, sky-rocketing to prime minister then an honorary Harvard Law doctorate because she worked so hard to follow the set rules of the twisted game. Educated/groomed to become a traitorous psychopath.
In the case of "education" less might be more for a great swathe of people.
She and her ilk are not educated, they are edjumacated. That have been taught what to think, not how to think.
I learned a neat little insult from two of my Chinese students. Apparently, in China, there is a saying that translates to, “Don’t try to fool me; I haven’t been to college.”.
Putting the sarcasm away (just for a minute), you have to realize this never ends.
It was way too effective to be given up. Conveniently, every year we have what we used to call "flu season" - and a new flu bug. But now it's a variant of COVID-19 (because yes, many of these flu bugs are related viruses). It's "winter virus season" and not "just the flu". Yup, many counties in California are mandating masks again because it can "stop the spread" of whatever deadly winter virus pops up.
Back before 2020, we had a new flu shot every year. Docs would tell you to get it if you had risk factors for complications, like being old. Some would say "it wouldn't hurt" even to healthy young people (and same as now, most had no actual knowledge of the potential for harm). No one advocated giving a flu shot to a healthy kid. The first time someone pushed it on me I was 30.
To be fair, the risk/benefit analysis had mostly left medicine by 2020. Medicating kids with al sorts of drugs was common - kid can't sit still for 6 hours straight? Here's a pill that will fix that. The schools taught dependence at every level - dependence on government to solve all problems, dependence on drugs to behave properly, and so on. This had been building for decades. 2020 was a test - had the mass global mindset been controlled sufficiently and just how far can we go before people catch on? We now know the answer. It took decades to get to this point, to 2020 and the "hook line and sinker" point of turning hate on anyone who did not conform. and this is the real goal. No matter the size of the army you control, individuals acting independently are hard to control. But when you can get the obedient mass to hate and attack those independent individuals, the game's won.
Agreed- it's far easier to "go along to get along," though I sense that enough people have seen through some aspect of the big con and are open to questioning a bit rather than mindless conformity. Maybe I'm wrong.
And you're right, they're going to try again, but deep in my heartI feel that God wouldn't lead us all the way to the brink of victory to snatch it away. There's so many signs that the jig is up. The perps of rogue biology are in a panic. We need to keep pushing back whenever and wherever we can.
And humor is a more effective weapon than most would guess. From Mark Twain:
“Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.”
I agree with all of this except I do not think this was a test. I think it was a necessary step that needed done to set up the next step. I also think they were forced to undertake this before they were ready.
It reminds me of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where Lancelot bursts into the wedding and mistakenly kills a bunch of people, then sheepishly leaves saying "sorry".. and the groom's father says something like "let's not get all worked up about who killed who"..
I keep saying about the policies we are living through and the results we are living with, make Monty Python fiction again. Life has become a Monty Python skit.
El Gato - Re: C19 response - “I think we would’ve done everything differently, All of it’s legitimate in terms of reflection. I think all of us in terms of our collective wisdom, we’ve evolved. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. We’re experts in hindsight. We’re all geniuses now.” - Political Sociopath
I agree. I lived in his hell for too long. We left. I shutter at the thought that I left my beautiful home 4 miles from the beach to live in the middle of a corn field only to to be ruled over by him again.
That's quite the transition love. Aunt married into Pelosi, groomed by Getty, product of Jesuit inculcation. Brainwashed dupe, Manchurian Candidate, and anathema of freedom in the extreme. Actually believes what he thinks and does is right, never wrong. To borrow, these are not bugs, but primary features of the product. CatManDO has written many missives describing exactly how these mindless grifters and sociopaths are created and granted agency by the public. Indeed, ignorance is bliss.
The Startling Evidence on Rain Is In. It Makes You Wet.
A new study conducted by experts at Harvard university has come up with some damming new evidence. "We ran several models and all of them were conclusive. When someone stands in the rain, they become wet." said Dr. P. Barnum (PhD, Gender Studies, Harvard). He/Him further pointed out that this can lead to their clothes becoming so saturated with water, it could take hours or even days to dry out. "Shockingly, we also discovered that holding a newspaper over your head did very little to prevent you from becoming wet.". Dr. Barnum was quick to point out however that they remain confident "newspapers work" when it comes to keeping people dry. "Further studies are required because we know, specifically from mid-2020 that newspapers, especially high quality newspapers like the Washington Post or New York Times are the most effective tool in our fight against becoming wet."
Addendum: Further research indicates that temperate zones sometimes get cold in the winter and warm in the summer. Almost every year.
Dr. Barnaum stressed that much more research is required. But, as he/him assured us, the fortuitous overlap in complex climate conditions like rain and seasonal temperature variability mean that the application of newspapers may be the solution to both problems.
In related news, Dr. Barnum's research grant has been increased by $24 million. Story on page 31.
"This is different than any other wet we have ever experienced before" said a very worried and concerned looking Dr. Arnold Hastings of Meteorology. Turns out that Heraclitus was correct in his assertion that "you can never step in the same river twice." Apparently the water molecules are different than any we had seen before.
Not only is the water molecules different, but there is almost a 100% transmission and infection rate for water. A PCR test and other wetness symptomology were used to determine the spread of SAWS or Sudden Acute Wetness Syndrome.
Not to mention possible PW or Prolonged Wetness Syndrome could lead to many long lasting and dehabilitating and continued conditions. "My fingers get pruny" one man stated who was currently wearing a translucent raft around himself to protect himself against inclement weather.
Stay Home Stay Dry
Many health officials are warning the masses to stay home so as to not overwhelm the electric grid due to excess drying.
Rumors that GOF research with seeding clouds with novel rain is a conspiracy theory.
Hey man, this isn't funny. Dihydrogen Oxide is a BSL-0 Level transmissible substance. Everyone has it. Did you know that if you are submerged in it you could reach saturation levels of moistness?
and here is the insane part: some people seek out large bodies of the stuff to jump in JUST FOR FUN! This recreational H20 use must be addressed!
I myself fell victim to this cruel and evil substance just last week: I was on a beach in Hawaii and the ocean demanded I submerse myself in the surf....I started rehab on Monday. Pray for me!
This reckless behavior needs to be addressed. That water is even worse because you are subjecting yourself to ridiculous levels of sodium chloride, as well as solar radiation. You might as well stick a fork in yourself, you are done.
Did you know that canine to human H20 transmission is a very real thing. There also have been studies done that assure that the water saturation level of a canine is in direct proportion as to how friendly he is towards you as he/she sees you as an organic towel.
They’ll learn nothing because the sheep will never change their ways. Most of the people I know who got vaccinated, wore masks, acted insane, etc., act as though the last three years never happened.
It’s a little maddening. They have no desire to hold anyone accountable because they would have to look at themselves in the mirror.
Sadly many remain blinded by their political allegiances. It is what The Party has ordained.
I still see people wearing masks. The county in which I reside has mandated masks, again, when visiting any sort of healthcare offices (including mental health treatments!).
Enacted Nov 1 2023. Yes you read the year right. Insane.
The actual science: clinical masks are ineffective, while imposing an increased risk of respiratory infection in the wearer. So why has the county reinstated this mandate? Because it's "winter virus season" (flu season)!
You see the thing about failed policies is that it is always someone else's fault and the solution is do more of what didn't work.
I don't know if it is by intent or accident, but I think they wanted to pathologize normal. They want flu season to be a source of anxiety, or they may see the advantages of it. I keep pointing to pre 2020 and ask them what they did when they got sick. Most of us worked sick, didn't we? But now anytime anyone gets the sniffles...the new social contract is to Stay home/Stay Safe.
So true. The dirty looks I get form my allergy symptoms would have me reaching for my military grade battle crescent hammer to fend off the forthcoming assault if I were not in Japan.
Medical schools in Japan have not lifted their mask mandates. Last April was our fist time back in the classroom since the panic began, but only for required classes. I and just a handful of other teachers are the only ones who are unmasked and the students complain about us on this point. Elective classes are still over Zoom and we are to be masked for those too.
So, when I see “Enacted Nov 1 2023. Yes you read that right.” My reaction is, Wow, sanity is still alive enough there that it pokes it head up every now and then.
Some of us did know. And the "we" in "if only we had known" are the majority who refused to question anything they were told by the government and medical agencies. When the next time comes, many of the "we" will know yet fail to believe it can happen again.
A tad harsh with that "refused to question". Everyone that asked the questions was annihilated. Labeled deniers or worse. Threatened with loss of livelihood, license revocation and so forth. A lot of those people who "refused" had families to feed and no way to feed them if they didn't comply. I don't blame the oppressed for being oppressed.
Now we can look at the people oppressing them, endorsing the "policies" based on "the science" that had a choice, who had the opportunity to challenge as it became clear the polices were not working. Those comfortably sitting in comfy chairs in universities, in high tech offices on the top floors. The politicians who exploited fear, who created the mandates to expand their power (and really for no other reason). The judges who ignored the law, the constitution and their own powers of observation. There's quite a list.
Here I disagree. If all the oppressed just said “No!” as I have and do, this would have ended before it ever took off. Those you describe are being the good German. If everyone ignore the just stay home campaign, the two weeks to flatten the curve, the masking madness and all the rest this would have ended with little or zero impact back in early Spring 2020.
I had comfy chairs in 3 universities, two nursing schools and others besides. I no longer do. In part due to my no masking but also in part due to all schools learning that they do not need a large number of part time teachers when the full timers can make a video and send it out over zoom.
There have been no gains in math and reading over the last 20 years - just profits for corporations and money for politicians. Who really paid for that grand dais from which your local school board members hold court like a summit of Red Queens while shouting “Off with her mic!” to any who dare to speak truth. .
I guess it,'s all part of the plan to dumb down our kids. Many teachers liked the zoom classroom set-up.
Prior to the covid shutdowns, kids weren't doing great overall in school. The percentage of kids that met grade level standards in reading and math was concerning.
I am part of a Lions club team that goes into area schools to do free vision screenings and the number of kids at the middle and high school levels who literally cannot see is shocking! How did these kids ever get so far, we ask ourselves over and over. Didn't anyone catch it? Didn't anyone ask questions? And the answer I am afraid is a combination of ignorance and not caring. I know that if I came home with grades lower than a B questions would be asked. But then I grew up in an earlier time in a stable two-parent home. I can also tell you from personal experience that if you have never known what it is like to see correctly you will have no idea that anything could be different and so of course you aren't going to say anything about it.
So the kids can't see and the parents and teachers don't know, and they keep pushing them on to the next grade even though it is obvious they aren't learning anything and nine times out of ten these kids come from homes where learning isn't valued so of course the parents aren't going to demand more. School is just a hoop that has to be jumped through. In my area there are also a lot of migrant families who don't speak English and pretty much live in a bubble of their own. They aren't really interested in becoming part of the larger culture and as a result miss out on a lot of things that the rest of us take for granted. Even when information is made available in their language, it is often dismissed. Besides, some of them have reasons to want to stay under the radar, so it is very hard to reach such parents. It also does not help that certain groups are pushing agendas in the school that have NOTHING to do with learning, things that many find offensive, and in the case of the migrants, does nothing to encourage them to assimilate.
Thank you for dedicating your time to helping those children (to the extent you can). The experience you shared is very sad - imagine not being able to see clearly. Life is challenging enough for kids before the added hurdle of vision problems. I’m glad you’re doing what you can. Thank you.
Well, I think phones can't be entirely ruled out, especially as eye professionals are aware of the dangers of prolonged blue light exposure. However, I'd say that most of the things we are catching at the middle/high school level are things that the kid has had before they ever started school. When you are dealing with generational poverty and a negative attitude towards all things school to begin with, it's very hard to convince parents and students that change is needed. There was one father who got really irate at us when shown proof that his child could not see well. MY CHILD CAN SEE ALL RIGHT. HE CAN SEE BETTER THAN I CAN! Well, maybe Daddy can't see very well either. But when it's always been done that way, when you don't know any better, when bad vision, bad hearing, and bad teeth are simply the way things are, when there isn't money to cover these things, when assistance is seen as charity, then it is an uphill battle to fight for these students. And poor people are well aware that nobody really gives a damn about them. They are well aware that they live in a parallel society which is structured towards and for the better off. Their kids go to school because the law makes them but they really are not interested, because it's not for them and everyone knows it. It's a completely different world.
Interesting - when things were working correctly teachers and parents would be prompted to look to vision or hearing impairment as a potential cause of the student not learning at grade level. Now that there's to be notice taken that a student isn't 'keeping up', why bother figuring out why?
Because most of the students that have trouble keeping up probably come from backgrounds of poverty, and the poor seem to be invisible. Take a look around at your school sometime. Who is it geared to, what kinds of students, from what kinds of families? If you are not athletic, if you are not college-bound, if your family doesn't have the kind of money that makes participating in extracurricular activities possible, you fall through the cracks. You go unnoticed, which is very easy to do in a large school system with so many "deserving", talented, ambitious students who are able to participate. Teachers have only so much energy to go around, and they'd much rather expend that energy on the top students. The ones at the bottom simply get written off as trouble-makers, problem students. I saw that with my own father who was a teacher, how he would talk about certain students as not worth bothering with. It also does not help these students when educational standards are watered down or abandoned in the name of equity and fighting racism. In fact, I'd argue that the reason why schools are doing this is it simply makes life easier for the staff rather than an actual concern over educational disparities.
That is a great point. Many, including myself, are not happy at new comers not even trying to assimilate. But I too would not be assimilating into the type of society schools are teaching.
I can also speak to your point that those with vision problems can not know they have them unless told. I got my first pair of eye glasses around 20 years old while in the Navy. For me, at the time it was not a problem with vision, but the muscles that control my eyes got over worked each day causing headaches. The navy eye doctor asked if I had any unusual experiences with my eyes or eye sight. I answered “No.”. , he asked several more times and finally provided examples; one of which I did experience and I then answered, “Yes.” He got angry and yelled at me. Told me that that was exactly what he meant when he first asked if I have anything unusual with my eyes. I shot back, “Not unusual we me, Doc. These are the only eyes I have ever had. This is how they they have always worked.” He was genuinely stunned by my answer. He shot up bolt straight, eyes wide opened, then his eyes started searching around and he started shaking his head slowly. He was very polite after that.
I thought it strange that a doctor would not instinctively know that those with conditions form birth or early childhood could not think them to be unusual.
I'm reluctant to invoke those educational statistics in an argument against lockdowns. Doesn't that implicitly endorse the technocratic regime of the public schooling racket? Let's be consistently against *all* technocratic regimes.
If we regarded education as merely teaching how to learn, we could stop worrying about statistics on arbitrary goalposts of reading and math skill levels (and stop imposing needless school tyranny on young people).
It is hard to find reliable numbers that show educational outcomes are worse now than before 2020. That is because outcomes were pretty dismal by 2020. It is probably worse, clearly it is no better and the post 2020 era has shown us that the old saying "when you've hit bottom there's no place left to go but up" was uttered by someone without membership in a teachers union ;-).
I am seeing the results of masking with my own kids. Until May 8th this year, 2023, masks have been compulsory at schools. For a whole third of my then 9 year old’s life, they had been deprived of hearing their native language spoken without the obstruction of at least a mask when they began displaying difficulty with listening comprehension. Roughly half a year later, they began have pronunciation issues as well. The requirement to wear masks ended May 8th but those who wish to continue their use are free to do so. Thus, over half of my now 10 year old’s classmates are still masked. Same with the teachers. This says nothing of the problems of not being able to see the face of those speaking to you for young kids, especially babies. There can only be lower grades from these policies. Do not trust those who state that’s the differences are minor. It is akin to saying that fire does not burn.
I'm not saying that masks haven't been harmful to kids. I'm just saying that reliance on statistics of academic performance will tend to put us in the same technocratic mindset that inspired the mask, lockdown, and vaccine madness.
In other news, experts now believe hitting other fingers than your thumb, using a hammer, also hurts.
Sources reveal that an initiative is underway to regulate the manufacture, distribution, and use of hammers.
Government spokesbeings confirm that the Ministry of Hammers is expected to be moved into their new $1,234,567,890 building by the spring of 2030. Facilities to house the newly formed 25,000 member hammer police force should be available by 2032.
Brilliant! Have they considered the added safety of mandating the hammer-part and claw-part be manufactured separately, kept stored separately in locked compartments and registered with the local PD?
Can't have people having access to assault hammers!
What about military grade hammers.... or so called "ghost" hammers. People are now 3D printing hammers!!! We should ban 3D printers as well.
I just hope one day, it will be illegal to "buy, sell, import or transfer" any type of hand hammer.
I know people use hammers for construction, especially in rural areas, but we should still require people to have hammer licenses. Safe storage as you mentioned, of hammers is also an absolute must.
DNA-registered hammer licenses at that. A limit on the numbers of hammers a citizen may own during their life.
And what about wrenches? "Monkey wrench"? We need to get a DEI/ESG-task force set up on that one.
Who really needs more than one hammer?
I was raised on a ranch. Every piece of equipment had it's very own hammer. Tractors, balers, cultivators, hay wagons, the windmills and pumps - each with a hammer in the tool box.
And my Dad, the hired hands, my brother and I all had hammers, (and fencing tools) permanently stored in our saddle bags.
Perhaps the single most versatile tool invented by man!
I agree. The term "Monkey wrench" is problematic. The term has roots in racist, misogynistic and colonial practices. A much more inclusive term would be "simian type tool".
We could actually turn this into a real paper, maybe even a thesis statement.
"Tool names and the inherent oppression in the names of same"
I mean... screwdriver? Slide-ruler? Nut-driver? Ball Peen Hammer? Gooseneck wrecking bar?
Get ChatGPT or some other ChatBot to write it up and submit it to some feminist-woke-whatever magazine, I'll bet you they'd publish it.
What about 3D Printed ghost hammers? Can I still make those?
No! And if the Hammer Police catch you tying a rock to stick, even with traditional sinew, you're doomed to a hammerless life driving nails or tent pegs with the back of your axe.
What about kids on the playgrounds pretending that twigs and sticks are hammers? we need to do something about that! We should make any website with hammer related content screen for age and not allow anyone under the age of 21 to see hammer content.
OMG that kid over there has a "hammer time" teeshirt!
Military grade hammers? You mean like the trusty crescent hammer we used in the navy?
Crescent hammer: a crescent wrench used as a hammer because somehow, all the hammers aboard ship have gone UA. With the exception of the BFH, which as its name implies is just too faucing big to carry all the time and too big for most tasks any way.
How prescient of you! A task force is being formed to address that very issue!
CDC recommends that due to the crisis of SATS following novel hammer blows to the hand. Gloves should be worn to mitigate trauma to the fingers at large gatherings of hammers. Any gloves will do however, from surgical gloves to the N95 of gloves also known as boxing gloves. Also proper social distancing should be engaged to ensure proper distance between the hand and hammer.
Spokesman Anthony Fauci recommended multiple gloves for added trauma protection.
Hammers kill more people than "assault weapons". They are also useful tools in all sorts of capitalist endeavors meaning you may be doing a Nostradamus thing...
That's right! The hammer is the tool of the imperialist capitalist pigs!
Down with hammers!
(oh boy my side hurts)
Just when you thought the hammer thread had run it's course....
Headline: "The national carpenter's union has agreed to support the DNC platform of hammer control legislation noting that if it saves even one life somehow it's worth it"
Hey all you guys: I think this and all comments below constitute hate speech (against hammers, including the claw part) and should be censored by those wonderful people employed to protect our finer sensibilities.
it's only hate speech if it promotes the individual right to keep and bear hammers.
Caring people know that no one really needs a hammer. Except the government sanctioned trained professionals who will do all the hammering necessary.
The hell you say
"You'll learn nothing and be happy!"
I was waiting for this.. It's one way to reset the hierarchy.
Take the plucky young fish'n'chip shop professional Jacinda Ardern; daughter of a cop and a lunch lady, sky-rocketing to prime minister then an honorary Harvard Law doctorate because she worked so hard to follow the set rules of the twisted game. Educated/groomed to become a traitorous psychopath.
In the case of "education" less might be more for a great swathe of people.
She and her ilk are not educated, they are edjumacated. That have been taught what to think, not how to think.
I learned a neat little insult from two of my Chinese students. Apparently, in China, there is a saying that translates to, “Don’t try to fool me; I haven’t been to college.”.
That's brilliant.
"Ignorance is bliss."
"but to know is divine"
Who could’ve predicted that? Don’t worry, they’ll learn nothing at all and blithely and confidently move on to their next disaster.
You'll learn nothing and they'll still promote you to the next grade.
I think it’s worse- it’s like crippling your company and then getting a big bonus.
Obedience and loyalty to The Party is what's important. Go along and bet rewarded; ask questions and get punished. That's what is being taught.
Anyone asking questions is "a stooge of the right". Skepticism is labeled "denier".
Mao said control education and you control the people in 2 generations.
Seems to been proven true.
That's the name of the game in Portland, Oregon.
Precisely, after all it was many miles down the road before we noticed something was amiss!
>They tossed out the bait of two weeks to flatten out the curve
But it's been 3 long years playing this game, man, they got some nerve
When we started out with that first bite, we never guessed this is how we'd feel
We swallowed the hook, the line, and the sinker now we're choking on the rod and reel
>It began with a little nibble, then caution to the wind we took a big bite
Did you ever go to the used car lot and get taken for a ride?
It's like driving down the highway and you suddenly end up in a ditch
Right now what we're experiencing is a plandemic bait and switch
I was hoping you'd use the word bitch.
Good idea, I need to work on that!
Putting the sarcasm away (just for a minute), you have to realize this never ends.
It was way too effective to be given up. Conveniently, every year we have what we used to call "flu season" - and a new flu bug. But now it's a variant of COVID-19 (because yes, many of these flu bugs are related viruses). It's "winter virus season" and not "just the flu". Yup, many counties in California are mandating masks again because it can "stop the spread" of whatever deadly winter virus pops up.
Back before 2020, we had a new flu shot every year. Docs would tell you to get it if you had risk factors for complications, like being old. Some would say "it wouldn't hurt" even to healthy young people (and same as now, most had no actual knowledge of the potential for harm). No one advocated giving a flu shot to a healthy kid. The first time someone pushed it on me I was 30.
To be fair, the risk/benefit analysis had mostly left medicine by 2020. Medicating kids with al sorts of drugs was common - kid can't sit still for 6 hours straight? Here's a pill that will fix that. The schools taught dependence at every level - dependence on government to solve all problems, dependence on drugs to behave properly, and so on. This had been building for decades. 2020 was a test - had the mass global mindset been controlled sufficiently and just how far can we go before people catch on? We now know the answer. It took decades to get to this point, to 2020 and the "hook line and sinker" point of turning hate on anyone who did not conform. and this is the real goal. No matter the size of the army you control, individuals acting independently are hard to control. But when you can get the obedient mass to hate and attack those independent individuals, the game's won.
Agreed- it's far easier to "go along to get along," though I sense that enough people have seen through some aspect of the big con and are open to questioning a bit rather than mindless conformity. Maybe I'm wrong.
And you're right, they're going to try again, but deep in my heartI feel that God wouldn't lead us all the way to the brink of victory to snatch it away. There's so many signs that the jig is up. The perps of rogue biology are in a panic. We need to keep pushing back whenever and wherever we can.
And humor is a more effective weapon than most would guess. From Mark Twain:
“Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.”
I agree with all of this except I do not think this was a test. I think it was a necessary step that needed done to set up the next step. I also think they were forced to undertake this before they were ready.
Well, there it is in a nutshell! Nailed it, JB!
..or we could be so bold as to hope they are a casualty of their next disaster. Poof.
It reminds me of the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where Lancelot bursts into the wedding and mistakenly kills a bunch of people, then sheepishly leaves saying "sorry".. and the groom's father says something like "let's not get all worked up about who killed who"..
"this is an 'appy occasion..."
But in the movie, the slaughter stopped.
This is where art and reality diverge....:-(
I keep saying about the policies we are living through and the results we are living with, make Monty Python fiction again. Life has become a Monty Python skit.
Oh... "The evidence is NOW in...", says the article. Glad to know... I would never had thought that was possible.
Easiest call all time
Whodathunkit? 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
The peeps will resheep
El Gato - Re: C19 response - “I think we would’ve done everything differently, All of it’s legitimate in terms of reflection. I think all of us in terms of our collective wisdom, we’ve evolved. We didn’t know what we didn’t know. We’re experts in hindsight. We’re all geniuses now.” - Political Sociopath
And he’s going to be our next president…
God help us if that sociopath ever gains higher office.
I agree. I lived in his hell for too long. We left. I shutter at the thought that I left my beautiful home 4 miles from the beach to live in the middle of a corn field only to to be ruled over by him again.
That's quite the transition love. Aunt married into Pelosi, groomed by Getty, product of Jesuit inculcation. Brainwashed dupe, Manchurian Candidate, and anathema of freedom in the extreme. Actually believes what he thinks and does is right, never wrong. To borrow, these are not bugs, but primary features of the product. CatManDO has written many missives describing exactly how these mindless grifters and sociopaths are created and granted agency by the public. Indeed, ignorance is bliss.
The Startling Evidence on Rain Is In. It Makes You Wet.
A new study conducted by experts at Harvard university has come up with some damming new evidence. "We ran several models and all of them were conclusive. When someone stands in the rain, they become wet." said Dr. P. Barnum (PhD, Gender Studies, Harvard). He/Him further pointed out that this can lead to their clothes becoming so saturated with water, it could take hours or even days to dry out. "Shockingly, we also discovered that holding a newspaper over your head did very little to prevent you from becoming wet.". Dr. Barnum was quick to point out however that they remain confident "newspapers work" when it comes to keeping people dry. "Further studies are required because we know, specifically from mid-2020 that newspapers, especially high quality newspapers like the Washington Post or New York Times are the most effective tool in our fight against becoming wet."
Addendum: Further research indicates that temperate zones sometimes get cold in the winter and warm in the summer. Almost every year.
Dr. Barnaum stressed that much more research is required. But, as he/him assured us, the fortuitous overlap in complex climate conditions like rain and seasonal temperature variability mean that the application of newspapers may be the solution to both problems.
In related news, Dr. Barnum's research grant has been increased by $24 million. Story on page 31.
"This is different than any other wet we have ever experienced before" said a very worried and concerned looking Dr. Arnold Hastings of Meteorology. Turns out that Heraclitus was correct in his assertion that "you can never step in the same river twice." Apparently the water molecules are different than any we had seen before.
Not only is the water molecules different, but there is almost a 100% transmission and infection rate for water. A PCR test and other wetness symptomology were used to determine the spread of SAWS or Sudden Acute Wetness Syndrome.
Not to mention possible PW or Prolonged Wetness Syndrome could lead to many long lasting and dehabilitating and continued conditions. "My fingers get pruny" one man stated who was currently wearing a translucent raft around himself to protect himself against inclement weather.
Stay Home Stay Dry
Many health officials are warning the masses to stay home so as to not overwhelm the electric grid due to excess drying.
Rumors that GOF research with seeding clouds with novel rain is a conspiracy theory.
SAWS....killing me..can't breath..laughing too hard....
Hey man, this isn't funny. Dihydrogen Oxide is a BSL-0 Level transmissible substance. Everyone has it. Did you know that if you are submerged in it you could reach saturation levels of moistness?
and here is the insane part: some people seek out large bodies of the stuff to jump in JUST FOR FUN! This recreational H20 use must be addressed!
I myself fell victim to this cruel and evil substance just last week: I was on a beach in Hawaii and the ocean demanded I submerse myself in the surf....I started rehab on Monday. Pray for me!
This reckless behavior needs to be addressed. That water is even worse because you are subjecting yourself to ridiculous levels of sodium chloride, as well as solar radiation. You might as well stick a fork in yourself, you are done.
Did you know that canine to human H20 transmission is a very real thing. There also have been studies done that assure that the water saturation level of a canine is in direct proportion as to how friendly he is towards you as he/she sees you as an organic towel.
Oh, bravo! Particularly appreciated the pruny fingers.
They’ll learn nothing because the sheep will never change their ways. Most of the people I know who got vaccinated, wore masks, acted insane, etc., act as though the last three years never happened.
It’s a little maddening. They have no desire to hold anyone accountable because they would have to look at themselves in the mirror.
Sadly many remain blinded by their political allegiances. It is what The Party has ordained.
I still see people wearing masks. The county in which I reside has mandated masks, again, when visiting any sort of healthcare offices (including mental health treatments!).
Enacted Nov 1 2023. Yes you read the year right. Insane.
The actual science: clinical masks are ineffective, while imposing an increased risk of respiratory infection in the wearer. So why has the county reinstated this mandate? Because it's "winter virus season" (flu season)!
You see the thing about failed policies is that it is always someone else's fault and the solution is do more of what didn't work.
I don't know if it is by intent or accident, but I think they wanted to pathologize normal. They want flu season to be a source of anxiety, or they may see the advantages of it. I keep pointing to pre 2020 and ask them what they did when they got sick. Most of us worked sick, didn't we? But now anytime anyone gets the sniffles...the new social contract is to Stay home/Stay Safe.
It is intentional.
So true. The dirty looks I get form my allergy symptoms would have me reaching for my military grade battle crescent hammer to fend off the forthcoming assault if I were not in Japan.
Medical schools in Japan have not lifted their mask mandates. Last April was our fist time back in the classroom since the panic began, but only for required classes. I and just a handful of other teachers are the only ones who are unmasked and the students complain about us on this point. Elective classes are still over Zoom and we are to be masked for those too.
So, when I see “Enacted Nov 1 2023. Yes you read that right.” My reaction is, Wow, sanity is still alive enough there that it pokes it head up every now and then.
Degrowth is WEF for "oligarchs living in splendor" while the rest of humanity lives in a technocratic neofeudal surveillance state hellhole.
Ding ding ding ding ding! SCORE!!!!!
Some of us did know. And the "we" in "if only we had known" are the majority who refused to question anything they were told by the government and medical agencies. When the next time comes, many of the "we" will know yet fail to believe it can happen again.
A tad harsh with that "refused to question". Everyone that asked the questions was annihilated. Labeled deniers or worse. Threatened with loss of livelihood, license revocation and so forth. A lot of those people who "refused" had families to feed and no way to feed them if they didn't comply. I don't blame the oppressed for being oppressed.
Now we can look at the people oppressing them, endorsing the "policies" based on "the science" that had a choice, who had the opportunity to challenge as it became clear the polices were not working. Those comfortably sitting in comfy chairs in universities, in high tech offices on the top floors. The politicians who exploited fear, who created the mandates to expand their power (and really for no other reason). The judges who ignored the law, the constitution and their own powers of observation. There's quite a list.
Here I disagree. If all the oppressed just said “No!” as I have and do, this would have ended before it ever took off. Those you describe are being the good German. If everyone ignore the just stay home campaign, the two weeks to flatten the curve, the masking madness and all the rest this would have ended with little or zero impact back in early Spring 2020.
I had comfy chairs in 3 universities, two nursing schools and others besides. I no longer do. In part due to my no masking but also in part due to all schools learning that they do not need a large number of part time teachers when the full timers can make a video and send it out over zoom.
«Researchers made model that measures Covid deaths for different policies»
Those modelers, they aren't running out of garbage anytime soon, are they?
There have been no gains in math and reading over the last 20 years - just profits for corporations and money for politicians. Who really paid for that grand dais from which your local school board members hold court like a summit of Red Queens while shouting “Off with her mic!” to any who dare to speak truth. .
“Researchers made a model…” I think we’d all be better off if you just stopped doing that and left us alone.
I guess it,'s all part of the plan to dumb down our kids. Many teachers liked the zoom classroom set-up.
Prior to the covid shutdowns, kids weren't doing great overall in school. The percentage of kids that met grade level standards in reading and math was concerning.
I am part of a Lions club team that goes into area schools to do free vision screenings and the number of kids at the middle and high school levels who literally cannot see is shocking! How did these kids ever get so far, we ask ourselves over and over. Didn't anyone catch it? Didn't anyone ask questions? And the answer I am afraid is a combination of ignorance and not caring. I know that if I came home with grades lower than a B questions would be asked. But then I grew up in an earlier time in a stable two-parent home. I can also tell you from personal experience that if you have never known what it is like to see correctly you will have no idea that anything could be different and so of course you aren't going to say anything about it.
So the kids can't see and the parents and teachers don't know, and they keep pushing them on to the next grade even though it is obvious they aren't learning anything and nine times out of ten these kids come from homes where learning isn't valued so of course the parents aren't going to demand more. School is just a hoop that has to be jumped through. In my area there are also a lot of migrant families who don't speak English and pretty much live in a bubble of their own. They aren't really interested in becoming part of the larger culture and as a result miss out on a lot of things that the rest of us take for granted. Even when information is made available in their language, it is often dismissed. Besides, some of them have reasons to want to stay under the radar, so it is very hard to reach such parents. It also does not help that certain groups are pushing agendas in the school that have NOTHING to do with learning, things that many find offensive, and in the case of the migrants, does nothing to encourage them to assimilate.
Thank you for dedicating your time to helping those children (to the extent you can). The experience you shared is very sad - imagine not being able to see clearly. Life is challenging enough for kids before the added hurdle of vision problems. I’m glad you’re doing what you can. Thank you.
Great comment. I wonder if the kids not being able to see has anything to do with obsessive attention paid to smart phones? Is this a new development?
Or, has the near-sightedness been exacerbated by their heads in the phones all the time?
Well, I think phones can't be entirely ruled out, especially as eye professionals are aware of the dangers of prolonged blue light exposure. However, I'd say that most of the things we are catching at the middle/high school level are things that the kid has had before they ever started school. When you are dealing with generational poverty and a negative attitude towards all things school to begin with, it's very hard to convince parents and students that change is needed. There was one father who got really irate at us when shown proof that his child could not see well. MY CHILD CAN SEE ALL RIGHT. HE CAN SEE BETTER THAN I CAN! Well, maybe Daddy can't see very well either. But when it's always been done that way, when you don't know any better, when bad vision, bad hearing, and bad teeth are simply the way things are, when there isn't money to cover these things, when assistance is seen as charity, then it is an uphill battle to fight for these students. And poor people are well aware that nobody really gives a damn about them. They are well aware that they live in a parallel society which is structured towards and for the better off. Their kids go to school because the law makes them but they really are not interested, because it's not for them and everyone knows it. It's a completely different world.
I think my phone has made my eyesight worse.
Interesting - when things were working correctly teachers and parents would be prompted to look to vision or hearing impairment as a potential cause of the student not learning at grade level. Now that there's to be notice taken that a student isn't 'keeping up', why bother figuring out why?
Because most of the students that have trouble keeping up probably come from backgrounds of poverty, and the poor seem to be invisible. Take a look around at your school sometime. Who is it geared to, what kinds of students, from what kinds of families? If you are not athletic, if you are not college-bound, if your family doesn't have the kind of money that makes participating in extracurricular activities possible, you fall through the cracks. You go unnoticed, which is very easy to do in a large school system with so many "deserving", talented, ambitious students who are able to participate. Teachers have only so much energy to go around, and they'd much rather expend that energy on the top students. The ones at the bottom simply get written off as trouble-makers, problem students. I saw that with my own father who was a teacher, how he would talk about certain students as not worth bothering with. It also does not help these students when educational standards are watered down or abandoned in the name of equity and fighting racism. In fact, I'd argue that the reason why schools are doing this is it simply makes life easier for the staff rather than an actual concern over educational disparities.
That is a great point. Many, including myself, are not happy at new comers not even trying to assimilate. But I too would not be assimilating into the type of society schools are teaching.
I can also speak to your point that those with vision problems can not know they have them unless told. I got my first pair of eye glasses around 20 years old while in the Navy. For me, at the time it was not a problem with vision, but the muscles that control my eyes got over worked each day causing headaches. The navy eye doctor asked if I had any unusual experiences with my eyes or eye sight. I answered “No.”. , he asked several more times and finally provided examples; one of which I did experience and I then answered, “Yes.” He got angry and yelled at me. Told me that that was exactly what he meant when he first asked if I have anything unusual with my eyes. I shot back, “Not unusual we me, Doc. These are the only eyes I have ever had. This is how they they have always worked.” He was genuinely stunned by my answer. He shot up bolt straight, eyes wide opened, then his eyes started searching around and he started shaking his head slowly. He was very polite after that.
I thought it strange that a doctor would not instinctively know that those with conditions form birth or early childhood could not think them to be unusual.
I'm reluctant to invoke those educational statistics in an argument against lockdowns. Doesn't that implicitly endorse the technocratic regime of the public schooling racket? Let's be consistently against *all* technocratic regimes.
If we regarded education as merely teaching how to learn, we could stop worrying about statistics on arbitrary goalposts of reading and math skill levels (and stop imposing needless school tyranny on young people).
It is hard to find reliable numbers that show educational outcomes are worse now than before 2020. That is because outcomes were pretty dismal by 2020. It is probably worse, clearly it is no better and the post 2020 era has shown us that the old saying "when you've hit bottom there's no place left to go but up" was uttered by someone without membership in a teachers union ;-).
I am seeing the results of masking with my own kids. Until May 8th this year, 2023, masks have been compulsory at schools. For a whole third of my then 9 year old’s life, they had been deprived of hearing their native language spoken without the obstruction of at least a mask when they began displaying difficulty with listening comprehension. Roughly half a year later, they began have pronunciation issues as well. The requirement to wear masks ended May 8th but those who wish to continue their use are free to do so. Thus, over half of my now 10 year old’s classmates are still masked. Same with the teachers. This says nothing of the problems of not being able to see the face of those speaking to you for young kids, especially babies. There can only be lower grades from these policies. Do not trust those who state that’s the differences are minor. It is akin to saying that fire does not burn.
I'm not saying that masks haven't been harmful to kids. I'm just saying that reliance on statistics of academic performance will tend to put us in the same technocratic mindset that inspired the mask, lockdown, and vaccine madness.
That is something we need to guard against, however, that is the only language these mad maskers understand.