That is a great point. Many, including myself, are not happy at new comers not even trying to assimilate. But I too would not be assimilating into the type of society schools are teaching.
I can also speak to your point that those with vision problems can not know they have them unless told. I got my first pair of eye glasses around 20 ye…
That is a great point. Many, including myself, are not happy at new comers not even trying to assimilate. But I too would not be assimilating into the type of society schools are teaching.
I can also speak to your point that those with vision problems can not know they have them unless told. I got my first pair of eye glasses around 20 years old while in the Navy. For me, at the time it was not a problem with vision, but the muscles that control my eyes got over worked each day causing headaches. The navy eye doctor asked if I had any unusual experiences with my eyes or eye sight. I answered “No.”. , he asked several more times and finally provided examples; one of which I did experience and I then answered, “Yes.” He got angry and yelled at me. Told me that that was exactly what he meant when he first asked if I have anything unusual with my eyes. I shot back, “Not unusual we me, Doc. These are the only eyes I have ever had. This is how they they have always worked.” He was genuinely stunned by my answer. He shot up bolt straight, eyes wide opened, then his eyes started searching around and he started shaking his head slowly. He was very polite after that.
I thought it strange that a doctor would not instinctively know that those with conditions form birth or early childhood could not think them to be unusual.
That is a great point. Many, including myself, are not happy at new comers not even trying to assimilate. But I too would not be assimilating into the type of society schools are teaching.
I can also speak to your point that those with vision problems can not know they have them unless told. I got my first pair of eye glasses around 20 years old while in the Navy. For me, at the time it was not a problem with vision, but the muscles that control my eyes got over worked each day causing headaches. The navy eye doctor asked if I had any unusual experiences with my eyes or eye sight. I answered “No.”. , he asked several more times and finally provided examples; one of which I did experience and I then answered, “Yes.” He got angry and yelled at me. Told me that that was exactly what he meant when he first asked if I have anything unusual with my eyes. I shot back, “Not unusual we me, Doc. These are the only eyes I have ever had. This is how they they have always worked.” He was genuinely stunned by my answer. He shot up bolt straight, eyes wide opened, then his eyes started searching around and he started shaking his head slowly. He was very polite after that.
I thought it strange that a doctor would not instinctively know that those with conditions form birth or early childhood could not think them to be unusual.