Absolutely heartbreaking!! I found myself sobbing and cursing through the entire video, thinking of all these amAzing athletes, so young, so full of life, SO HEALTHY...and everYone I know, and love, that so foolishly got jabbed, and now the chILDREN...OMG.!. It's just so horrifically sad and I almost can't bare to think about what horror…
Absolutely heartbreaking!! I found myself sobbing and cursing through the entire video, thinking of all these amAzing athletes, so young, so full of life, SO HEALTHY...and everYone I know, and love, that so foolishly got jabbed, and now the chILDREN...OMG.!. It's just so horrifically sad and I almost can't bare to think about what horror lies ahead... ; (
But DAMNit, I will do and share anything and everything I can to help educate and expose the reality of it all, in hopes of changing the other side's views. Even if it is only one person, sadly, but that's one person saved from the harm of these toxic jabs, that then will do as I have done and hopefully change someone eLse's views, save a life perhaps, etc... Sigh... God help us!!
Absolutely heartbreaking!! I found myself sobbing and cursing through the entire video, thinking of all these amAzing athletes, so young, so full of life, SO HEALTHY...and everYone I know, and love, that so foolishly got jabbed, and now the chILDREN...OMG.!. It's just so horrifically sad and I almost can't bare to think about what horror lies ahead... ; (
But DAMNit, I will do and share anything and everything I can to help educate and expose the reality of it all, in hopes of changing the other side's views. Even if it is only one person, sadly, but that's one person saved from the harm of these toxic jabs, that then will do as I have done and hopefully change someone eLse's views, save a life perhaps, etc... Sigh... God help us!!