I called Pfizer yesterday to ask a question about the recently completed Pfizer trial for children 5-11. Before I could even be connected to a medical officer who could answer my question, I had to listen to somebody, live, for at least ten full minutes, issuing one warning and disclaimer after another about the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. I have never experienced ANYTHING like that before in my life. You should try it: 1 (800) 879-3477. Say you are a consumer with a question. Somebody should record the whole spiel, actually, and publish it on Substack. It is really quite something.
It seems to me that Pfizer is suddenly getting very nervous that its blanket immunity deals are not going to hold up in court, and that the company eventually is going to be forced to defend this Mother of All Lemons.
"It seems to me that Pfizer is suddenly getting very nervous that its blanket immunity deals are not going to hold up in court, and that the company eventually is going to be forced to defend this Mother of All Lemons."
^I love this!! Was just realizing this the other day.
I was curious so I called. Darby is correct, it's 10+ minutes long. No exaggeration. Mine was a recording. It sounded like the fast-soft talk on a pharma ad where they tell you about the myriad of side effects. They are admitting in the disclaimer-recording all about links to myo/pericarditis, risks to pregnancy, adverse reactions to a dozen different things, etc. The actual rep gave me another 2 minutes of disclaimers and would not answer a simple question, is my 4 yo daughter eligible to be vaccinated without capturing all my personal info and transferring me to a medical specialist (I hung up before providing my info).
I have to believe this is new because otherwise someone would have surfaced this clear CYA-language by now. Prior to hearing this I have never ever not once heard anything like this from anyone other than Substack, Tucker, or Twitter once before they're banned.
Yes, the other thing that was bizarre is that I had to give them my full name and address before they would answer any questions. Never had that happen before either.
I just called them myself. I am in Canada and didn't get the warnings you describe but it's a different division of Pfizer. so interesting what you shared!
That is very interesting, indeed, that you didn't get the spiel when calling from Canada. I actually got two different spiels. The first one happened when I first got connected to a Pfizer customer service rep. Then after I asked my question and the guy realized he needed to connect me to a medical officer for the answer, he had to give me another long spiel before he could connect me. Some of it was repeating what he said the first time. Some of it was new. All of it was, in essence, "We really don't know what problems these vaccines could cause, but we are not responsible, regardless."
Criminality nullifies waivers.. breach of contract to falsify material facts.. PR only goes so far and before this is over the public will demand their pound of flesh.. gonna be a very bumpy ride from here to trials but we will get there.. no where near soon enough.
If you're in NYC Saturday 1pm No Mandates event kicks off at Pfizer HQ near Grand Central 1pm and they will hear us.
Paula acts like a skiddie wanna be 1337 hacker down in mom's basement... s/he hit me with 3 comment replies in a row here and Matthew RTE thread.. I said it looks like a honeypot for anything from ISP collectors to malware... compressed link & lame lure... link changed so it's not a bot.. this URL way better #lolwut
Guilty conscience perhaps? Projecting? A little nervous about Newsom's and Psaki's bizarre disappearances, or the sudden collapse of top athletes in front of stadiums of thousands, or the mounting casualties in the VAERS data?
I read that Newsom is back in business. He says he decided that spending time with his children over Halloween was more important than his political obligations. I think he should turn into a stay at home father and let someone else govern California.
He said on the video yesterday that he couldn't go to Glasgow because he had to take his kids trick or treating; he was squirming as he said it as if even he was embarrassed by the absurdity. Even though he had been planning the trip for a year, he said the night before the trip he got a knot in his stomach which was telling him not to go.
If you are a politician you should realize that sometimes your obligations come before your family life. If you can not cope with that, you should not be there. And as you say, the planning was going on for so long, that a sudden interruption certainly points to something else. We will see.
It was the Wedding of Ivy Getty, the great grand daughter of Gordon Getty, the wealthy San Franciscan of The Getty Clan. Miz Pelosi was one of the hosts of the event…and Governor Newscum was there because he is related to that clan! Exclusive photos by Vogue magazine! What more do we need to say?
Could have very well been CGI for the sole picture of Newsom in a crowd. Pelosi flew in to marry the couple and they all have family ties so it's not impossible that they are simply covering for him.
It looks like him but it's blurred and whoever it is is wearing a mask. A known vaccine reaction is Bells Palsy. It can last from 2 weeks to 6 months; it's not usually permanent although it can flare up. 11 days is just short of 2 weeks. A mask would cover temporary facial paralysis of the lower half of the face.
Newsom completely AWOL, our mayor (in L.A. also AWOL), Psaki AWOL for weeks at a time? Something is up. I would not be surprised if they are meeting over these problems. Two well respected Substackers and RFK Jr. had what they considered to be excellent sources say that Newsom was vaccine injured. He does not actually appear to be, but the jury is still out.
Correction: skyrocketing casualties. More just in the past year than for all other vaccines *combined* in 30 years of VAERS reporting.
For those not familiar with VAERS, it is the only CDC reporting system for vaccine injuries, and doctors are required to use it for such. But most don't. Harvard has estimated < 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS.
It is very troubling no one in the media like 60 Minutes is sounding the alarm. The mandates are stupid. It’s amazing people don’t see through the profit motive, even with this Pfizer guy. We just got through a mess with Opioids. You’d think they’d wise up.
Beyond the obvious irony, I like how a certain subset of people act like we live in a world where the worst thing someone can do is say or write something they disagree with. In such a world, we must defund the actual police and activate the Twitter police. I'd hate for Bourla to meet with a REAL criminal in a back alley. (And I don't mean someone who says, "Sir, I think your vaccine may need tweaking. It appears to be neither safe nor particularly effective.")
*yes, I may have reversed "like" and "hate" in the prior paragraph.
(as a final aside, I am beginning to realize the merit of such schoolyard retorts "I know you are but what am I?" and "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me." Someone needs to school Bourla.)
Aww, thank you, libertate, and yes, I saw that! The funny thing is Lew already published that same piece last month 😆 Fortunately, his readers didn’t seem to mind as I got a bunch of new signups this morning ;-) Lew is on my mailing list and has been wonderful about publishing my work (https://www.lewrockwell.com/?s=%22margaret+anna+alice%22). I emailed Lew to see if he accidentally reposted that instead of my latest letter but haven’t heard back yet ;-)
Margaret Anna, I just found and bought a kindle book you might enjoy. It's short, almost too short, and is an easy and entertaining read. "The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion: A Fairy Story" I would encourage that author to publish more.
*lol* Thank you so much, Randy! The paperback makes a delightful gift for the awake and asleep, adults and children alike, and I hear the author is selling signed copies at bulk discounts (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/get-the-book-the-vapor-the-hot-hat) if anyone wants to check off their Christmas gift list ;-)
New annual subscribers also get the free e-book through 11/15 😁
Alas, my pockets are shallow having retired prematurely years ago. We'll see how "things" go for a bit and, there's always a maybe. Godspeed and my best to you!
Haha, no worries and glad you had the foresight to retire before the chaos descended! Your kind words mean more to me, anyway, and I’m just happy to have you as part of the very special community blossoming at my blog :-)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhvjXeYEJnU This says it all. Follow the link to see video before it gets taken down. Hopefully I have sent it correctly. I've always loved this song and can't think of a more appropriate way to say it all.
Absolutely heartbreaking!! I found myself sobbing and cursing through the entire video, thinking of all these amAzing athletes, so young, so full of life, SO HEALTHY...and everYone I know, and love, that so foolishly got jabbed, and now the chILDREN...OMG.!. It's just so horrifically sad and I almost can't bare to think about what horror lies ahead... ; (
But DAMNit, I will do and share anything and everything I can to help educate and expose the reality of it all, in hopes of changing the other side's views. Even if it is only one person, sadly, but that's one person saved from the harm of these toxic jabs, that then will do as I have done and hopefully change someone eLse's views, save a life perhaps, etc... Sigh... God help us!!
I got 2 warnings that content was inappropriate, but after clicking that I accept the danger (I want the red pill!) I saw the video. It shows clip after clip of news articles featuring young athletes dying or suffering severe vaccine injuries.
Last night I watched a local school board zoom meeting, (held virtually out of both Covid fear and an absurdly timid response to parental anger over masking, vaccines and CRT). The limits of virtual technology came into high relief as it appeared to take about 30-45 seconds just to bring a new speaker online and into the Brady bunch matrix. Instead of walking up to the podium in the real world, EVERY SPEAKER goes through what became a comic litany: "Can you hear me? Can you see me? I can see you, but apparently you can't hear me. Okay. Good now? Okay." This absurd waste of time, itself, seemed a metaphor for Covid hysteria. Fear beats the reason out of everything, but it also slows it to a crawl as well. No wonder we're running out of basic supplies.
But on to the content itself: "is it reasonable to consign children to a lifetime of masking and experimental vaccinations followed by an indeterminate number of booster shots to ineffectively guard them against a condition that poses virtually no threat to children themselves, but also -- without dispute now -- consigns a rare few of them to lifetime disability and perhaps death?"
The very question is so absurd, it doesn't warrant asking, much less answering.
But then, watching the opposition affirm their support in the fanatic affirmative I got to thinking: our society is divided into two halves that see each other as idiot-clowns.
This guy is very, very easy to "read..." he is basically evil personified. Anyone... religious or not... (short of Satanic devil worshipers I suppose) knows you NEVER listen to, and make every effort to KEEP YOUR DISTANCE from, evil. Evil ONLY produces evil. In its least deadly consequence it is just lies... it its most deadly consequence, it pulls you away from God and closer into hell. My recommendation... Stay Far, far away form this guy... and do not listen to anything coming over his forked tongue... and DON'T DO ANYTHING he may recommend. IN GOD WE TRUST!
We need the 'COVID-Police' now ! The focus ? C-19 misrepresentation. Arrests galore. Fill the jails and prisons with the liars, fools and corrupt denizens of the CDC, FDA, NAID, Pfizer, Moderna & J&J. Ad lets not forget 'Brandon'. The twist is that they don't inhabit regular cells. Instead they're incarcerated in a 'Zoo-like' setting... so people can visit them and throw peanuts, bananas... or other items. Note: Only OSHA approved organic items can be tossed. A real Pfizer-Modena-J&J 'Zootopia'...
this morning a friend of mine posted a picture of himself on a modified bicycle with his two children on the back, he's a keen cyclist, he was taking them both to get the 'Fauchi-Auchi' as they playfully called it, my heart sank, I would guess the oldest would be @10, such a nice guy not amazingly bright but a talented guy and a great dad, one of the hardest working guys I know, sadly he is virtue signalling his kids into potential danger or worse, I have no words for him, dads are there to protect, this is perverse. His friends were congratulating him on FB and praising Fauci as a hero! Surreal!
This is what happens when these companies have too much money and power. They are able to bribe and own our politicians, the judges and attorneys won't touch them, because the onion layers of money and power are limitless.
This company needs to be broken up, but I don't see how it's possible, even if they wind up being found liable for millions of deaths and injuries... which should happen but probably won't.
"Among COVID-19–like illness hospitalizations among adults aged ≥18 years whose previous infection or vaccination occurred 90–179 days earlier, the adjusted odds of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection were 5.49-fold higher than the odds among fully vaccinated recipients of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine who had no previous documented infection (95% confidence interval = 2.75–10.99)."
This pos actually delayed the public announcement of the vaccine until the day after the election so that he could deny President Trump the win. And now it turns out the efficacy after six months is less than 70%. And now we know Pfizer is funding the very politicians demanding mandates.
Sorry for not being directly related but ... Can someone point me to the post with the Twitter post collage of that mom (EmilyJo) who posted proud and "thankful" when her 13 yr old son was vaccinated ... only to have him end up with myocarditis. It was one picture that had a collage of many tweets in one frame going from May to Aug showing EmilyJo's transformation. It was either here or on Alex Berenson's substack that I saw the picture/story I believe. Want my wife to see that picture of the collage so I can help keep her from wanting to have our kids vaccinated ... sorry to ask here but I looked through posts for over 30 minutes and can't locate it yet. Please help if you can. Thanks. Coach T
Thanks, that is the story I was referring to exactly! Someone had put together a collage of the tweets from that story - it was all in one frame. I usually snap pictures with my cellphone of things like that as a memory (weird "scrapbook" I know :-) I also keep these photos of evidence of things and as "ammunition" to make certain points. The one picture collage of the tweets was so succinct and powerful, shareable and showable to make a point or defend oneself ... it was so much better than trying to get someone to scroll through a long thread. That was the genius and the power of the collage putting all of the tweets into one compact photo space. I thought I saw it (the condensed photo) either here, Alex Berenson or maybe at Rounding the Earth (Mathew Crawford). Back to the hunt ... and THANKS again for responding!!!
I called Pfizer yesterday to ask a question about the recently completed Pfizer trial for children 5-11. Before I could even be connected to a medical officer who could answer my question, I had to listen to somebody, live, for at least ten full minutes, issuing one warning and disclaimer after another about the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. I have never experienced ANYTHING like that before in my life. You should try it: 1 (800) 879-3477. Say you are a consumer with a question. Somebody should record the whole spiel, actually, and publish it on Substack. It is really quite something.
It seems to me that Pfizer is suddenly getting very nervous that its blanket immunity deals are not going to hold up in court, and that the company eventually is going to be forced to defend this Mother of All Lemons.
"It seems to me that Pfizer is suddenly getting very nervous that its blanket immunity deals are not going to hold up in court, and that the company eventually is going to be forced to defend this Mother of All Lemons."
^I love this!! Was just realizing this the other day.
Lol you actually called them up? Sounds like a fun troll move
I was curious so I called. Darby is correct, it's 10+ minutes long. No exaggeration. Mine was a recording. It sounded like the fast-soft talk on a pharma ad where they tell you about the myriad of side effects. They are admitting in the disclaimer-recording all about links to myo/pericarditis, risks to pregnancy, adverse reactions to a dozen different things, etc. The actual rep gave me another 2 minutes of disclaimers and would not answer a simple question, is my 4 yo daughter eligible to be vaccinated without capturing all my personal info and transferring me to a medical specialist (I hung up before providing my info).
I have to believe this is new because otherwise someone would have surfaced this clear CYA-language by now. Prior to hearing this I have never ever not once heard anything like this from anyone other than Substack, Tucker, or Twitter once before they're banned.
The sky is really falling chicken little.
Yes, the other thing that was bizarre is that I had to give them my full name and address before they would answer any questions. Never had that happen before either.
"Jane Doe"
Or Noman Dates
Lesco Brandon
It's be fun to call up Pfizer, Moderna etc, ask to speak to "the manager" and demand an explanation lol
I called them just now and got a recording like Deen did, on and on about the EUA COVID agent and Corminaty, etc.
I just called them myself. I am in Canada and didn't get the warnings you describe but it's a different division of Pfizer. so interesting what you shared!
That is very interesting, indeed, that you didn't get the spiel when calling from Canada. I actually got two different spiels. The first one happened when I first got connected to a Pfizer customer service rep. Then after I asked my question and the guy realized he needed to connect me to a medical officer for the answer, he had to give me another long spiel before he could connect me. Some of it was repeating what he said the first time. Some of it was new. All of it was, in essence, "We really don't know what problems these vaccines could cause, but we are not responsible, regardless."
That makes me wonder if they are feeling less in legal peril in Canada than in the US
Could be. Canadians seem to be more compliant than Americans. However there have been some large protests that the press completely ignores.
Melbourne Australia protest was huge
Same, also in Canada and didn't get the experience, #disappointed!
Sorry to hear it. Maybe I will try to get a recording of it and put it on my Substack.
Great info. I hope it is recorded and published here and on Twitter to slowly but surely expose this elaborate shakedown.
Criminality nullifies waivers.. breach of contract to falsify material facts.. PR only goes so far and before this is over the public will demand their pound of flesh.. gonna be a very bumpy ride from here to trials but we will get there.. no where near soon enough.
If you're in NYC Saturday 1pm No Mandates event kicks off at Pfizer HQ near Grand Central 1pm and they will hear us.
Get it on tape and publish it.
I'm sure they realize the Biden administration will throw under the bus if even a handful of the virus failure issues become common knowledge.
* throw them under the bus
Paula, Put your clothes on and go read a book.
Great advice. It seems Paula is appearing on other substacks as well.
Paula is actually Hillary Clinton
be careful where you click everybody
Paula acts like a skiddie wanna be 1337 hacker down in mom's basement... s/he hit me with 3 comment replies in a row here and Matthew RTE thread.. I said it looks like a honeypot for anything from ISP collectors to malware... compressed link & lame lure... link changed so it's not a bot.. this URL way better #lolwut
I rate them 0/10
Go away.
Paula, what are your thoughts on the vaccine?
What a wonderful skill! The world is a better place because of you, my 24 year old nude model.
Paula, you're hideous.
Guilty conscience perhaps? Projecting? A little nervous about Newsom's and Psaki's bizarre disappearances, or the sudden collapse of top athletes in front of stadiums of thousands, or the mounting casualties in the VAERS data?
I read that Newsom is back in business. He says he decided that spending time with his children over Halloween was more important than his political obligations. I think he should turn into a stay at home father and let someone else govern California.
He said on the video yesterday that he couldn't go to Glasgow because he had to take his kids trick or treating; he was squirming as he said it as if even he was embarrassed by the absurdity. Even though he had been planning the trip for a year, he said the night before the trip he got a knot in his stomach which was telling him not to go.
Liar, liar, pants on fire
If you are a politician you should realize that sometimes your obligations come before your family life. If you can not cope with that, you should not be there. And as you say, the planning was going on for so long, that a sudden interruption certainly points to something else. We will see.
I wondered on Twitter did he not know he had kids *before* he made plans to go?
Chrohn's Disease sudden onset
Ingrid - he made time to go to a big fancy wedding apparently too
oh I thought that was Pelosi. But he might have been there too. I read it was a billionaire so I am sure they could not be missed there.
It was the Wedding of Ivy Getty, the great grand daughter of Gordon Getty, the wealthy San Franciscan of The Getty Clan. Miz Pelosi was one of the hosts of the event…and Governor Newscum was there because he is related to that clan! Exclusive photos by Vogue magazine! What more do we need to say?
Could have very well been CGI for the sole picture of Newsom in a crowd. Pelosi flew in to marry the couple and they all have family ties so it's not impossible that they are simply covering for him.
It looks like him but it's blurred and whoever it is is wearing a mask. A known vaccine reaction is Bells Palsy. It can last from 2 weeks to 6 months; it's not usually permanent although it can flare up. 11 days is just short of 2 weeks. A mask would cover temporary facial paralysis of the lower half of the face.
They all need him as much as he needs them, to stay in power, so I agree, they would all cover for him.
Getty oil billionaires. They continue to finance newscum. He had to pay homage.
"Tax the Rich" It's an acceptable progressive remark since it is basically toothless.
Anybody know what’s going on with Psaki? Seems like she’s been gone awhile.
She has the 'rona, and she's been quarantined. I shouldn't laugh, but...LOLOLOL
But how sick is she? These vaxxes are supposed to prevent serious illness…
Newsom completely AWOL, our mayor (in L.A. also AWOL), Psaki AWOL for weeks at a time? Something is up. I would not be surprised if they are meeting over these problems. Two well respected Substackers and RFK Jr. had what they considered to be excellent sources say that Newsom was vaccine injured. He does not actually appear to be, but the jury is still out.
Correction: skyrocketing casualties. More just in the past year than for all other vaccines *combined* in 30 years of VAERS reporting.
For those not familiar with VAERS, it is the only CDC reporting system for vaccine injuries, and doctors are required to use it for such. But most don't. Harvard has estimated < 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS.
It is very troubling no one in the media like 60 Minutes is sounding the alarm. The mandates are stupid. It’s amazing people don’t see through the profit motive, even with this Pfizer guy. We just got through a mess with Opioids. You’d think they’d wise up.
Is this a confession?
Hehe Kendal ! Just about to write, he finally confesses, but you beat me to it !
Pfizer CEO Bourla is simply one white cat and a monocle away from being a Bond villain.
The monocle is in his pocket and the cat is waiting for him in the car.
The car protests and wants to not be associated with such scum 😂
"I don't know him." -The cat, probably. Definitely.
Beyond the obvious irony, I like how a certain subset of people act like we live in a world where the worst thing someone can do is say or write something they disagree with. In such a world, we must defund the actual police and activate the Twitter police. I'd hate for Bourla to meet with a REAL criminal in a back alley. (And I don't mean someone who says, "Sir, I think your vaccine may need tweaking. It appears to be neither safe nor particularly effective.")
*yes, I may have reversed "like" and "hate" in the prior paragraph.
(as a final aside, I am beginning to realize the merit of such schoolyard retorts "I know you are but what am I?" and "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me." Someone needs to school Bourla.)
-a criminal
Meanwhile, go to Google and type in "died suddenly," go to News and set it for the past month. Then start scrolling. And scrolling. And scrolling.
Wow! That is terrifying! The number of healthy people dropping dead from heart attacks is astonishing.
I know WHO else should join him ...
Hey, you are on LRC!
Good on you!
Aww, thank you, libertate, and yes, I saw that! The funny thing is Lew already published that same piece last month 😆 Fortunately, his readers didn’t seem to mind as I got a bunch of new signups this morning ;-) Lew is on my mailing list and has been wonderful about publishing my work (https://www.lewrockwell.com/?s=%22margaret+anna+alice%22). I emailed Lew to see if he accidentally reposted that instead of my latest letter but haven’t heard back yet ;-)
Margaret Anna, I just found and bought a kindle book you might enjoy. It's short, almost too short, and is an easy and entertaining read. "The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion: A Fairy Story" I would encourage that author to publish more.
Thank you for that!
*lol* Thank you so much, Randy! The paperback makes a delightful gift for the awake and asleep, adults and children alike, and I hear the author is selling signed copies at bulk discounts (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/get-the-book-the-vapor-the-hot-hat) if anyone wants to check off their Christmas gift list ;-)
New annual subscribers also get the free e-book through 11/15 😁
I think it would indeed.
Alas, my pockets are shallow having retired prematurely years ago. We'll see how "things" go for a bit and, there's always a maybe. Godspeed and my best to you!
Haha, no worries and glad you had the foresight to retire before the chaos descended! Your kind words mean more to me, anyway, and I’m just happy to have you as part of the very special community blossoming at my blog :-)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhvjXeYEJnU This says it all. Follow the link to see video before it gets taken down. Hopefully I have sent it correctly. I've always loved this song and can't think of a more appropriate way to say it all.
Absolutely heartbreaking!! I found myself sobbing and cursing through the entire video, thinking of all these amAzing athletes, so young, so full of life, SO HEALTHY...and everYone I know, and love, that so foolishly got jabbed, and now the chILDREN...OMG.!. It's just so horrifically sad and I almost can't bare to think about what horror lies ahead... ; (
But DAMNit, I will do and share anything and everything I can to help educate and expose the reality of it all, in hopes of changing the other side's views. Even if it is only one person, sadly, but that's one person saved from the harm of these toxic jabs, that then will do as I have done and hopefully change someone eLse's views, save a life perhaps, etc... Sigh... God help us!!
I got 2 warnings that content was inappropriate, but after clicking that I accept the danger (I want the red pill!) I saw the video. It shows clip after clip of news articles featuring young athletes dying or suffering severe vaccine injuries.
I just tried to watch it and it has a warning "identified as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences". I'd like to decide for myself....
I originally found this video on the Globalresearch.ca It's a good website which I have been reading for years. It was posted today on their website.
Click "I understand and wish to proceed" and it will play. It worked for me anyway.
You just keep going and it will come up after a few warnings.
I went around in the circle several times - no luck. I found it on the Odysee account.
Glad you were able to get it another way.
So sad. What a heartbreak.
I agree.
Wow! That video takes my breath away. It is shocking that those were the healthiest people in the world!
I was almost in tears watching it. Pretty powerful.
But how to know if the heart problems with the athletes are from the injection or from the virus?
Last night I watched a local school board zoom meeting, (held virtually out of both Covid fear and an absurdly timid response to parental anger over masking, vaccines and CRT). The limits of virtual technology came into high relief as it appeared to take about 30-45 seconds just to bring a new speaker online and into the Brady bunch matrix. Instead of walking up to the podium in the real world, EVERY SPEAKER goes through what became a comic litany: "Can you hear me? Can you see me? I can see you, but apparently you can't hear me. Okay. Good now? Okay." This absurd waste of time, itself, seemed a metaphor for Covid hysteria. Fear beats the reason out of everything, but it also slows it to a crawl as well. No wonder we're running out of basic supplies.
But on to the content itself: "is it reasonable to consign children to a lifetime of masking and experimental vaccinations followed by an indeterminate number of booster shots to ineffectively guard them against a condition that poses virtually no threat to children themselves, but also -- without dispute now -- consigns a rare few of them to lifetime disability and perhaps death?"
The very question is so absurd, it doesn't warrant asking, much less answering.
But then, watching the opposition affirm their support in the fanatic affirmative I got to thinking: our society is divided into two halves that see each other as idiot-clowns.
This will end in either war, or a good laugh.
It's already a war. Laughter is both a shield and a weapon.
It takes one to know one. That's what my mom always told me.
Bourla would look great doing a perp walk in a nice orange jumpsuit.
Just when you think the level of projection and hypocrisy has achieved apogee, you see that there are heights beyond your imagination.
Bleedin' Christ.
These kind of people typically aren't self-aware enough to realize that their comments give them away.
Or they are and this is an attempt at diversion through projection.
This guy is very, very easy to "read..." he is basically evil personified. Anyone... religious or not... (short of Satanic devil worshipers I suppose) knows you NEVER listen to, and make every effort to KEEP YOUR DISTANCE from, evil. Evil ONLY produces evil. In its least deadly consequence it is just lies... it its most deadly consequence, it pulls you away from God and closer into hell. My recommendation... Stay Far, far away form this guy... and do not listen to anything coming over his forked tongue... and DON'T DO ANYTHING he may recommend. IN GOD WE TRUST!
Hey Bourla! Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you!!
"I know you are but what am I?" :)
We need the 'COVID-Police' now ! The focus ? C-19 misrepresentation. Arrests galore. Fill the jails and prisons with the liars, fools and corrupt denizens of the CDC, FDA, NAID, Pfizer, Moderna & J&J. Ad lets not forget 'Brandon'. The twist is that they don't inhabit regular cells. Instead they're incarcerated in a 'Zoo-like' setting... so people can visit them and throw peanuts, bananas... or other items. Note: Only OSHA approved organic items can be tossed. A real Pfizer-Modena-J&J 'Zootopia'...
A tranq gun, only filled with the Holy Vaxx, to be shot at the inhabitants when they start protesting their innocence or overall "too mouthy".
this morning a friend of mine posted a picture of himself on a modified bicycle with his two children on the back, he's a keen cyclist, he was taking them both to get the 'Fauchi-Auchi' as they playfully called it, my heart sank, I would guess the oldest would be @10, such a nice guy not amazingly bright but a talented guy and a great dad, one of the hardest working guys I know, sadly he is virtue signalling his kids into potential danger or worse, I have no words for him, dads are there to protect, this is perverse. His friends were congratulating him on FB and praising Fauci as a hero! Surreal!
that is so very sad. 'Fauchi-Auchi' makes me sick!!!
me too, it trivialises and infantilises what could be a disaster for this family
I think the word he needed to use was heretic, as it stands it concerns a belief system.
Burning at the stake.. is the next step
This is what happens when these companies have too much money and power. They are able to bribe and own our politicians, the judges and attorneys won't touch them, because the onion layers of money and power are limitless.
This company needs to be broken up, but I don't see how it's possible, even if they wind up being found liable for millions of deaths and injuries... which should happen but probably won't.
They've committed outright fraud in their clinical trials and no one seems to care. https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635
You mean misinformation like this:
"Among COVID-19–like illness hospitalizations among adults aged ≥18 years whose previous infection or vaccination occurred 90–179 days earlier, the adjusted odds of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection were 5.49-fold higher than the odds among fully vaccinated recipients of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine who had no previous documented infection (95% confidence interval = 2.75–10.99)."
"when do you think he’ll turn himself in?"
It's funny because it's true.
He won't. The truth will come out, but by then this whole episode will only have historical value.
I fear you're right.
El Gato… Have you seen any information on people with type II diabetes having much worse control after taking the Pfizer vaccine?
Pfizer is the second most inefficient jab of the three and he’s calling folks who don’t want to be jabbed criminals?
This pos actually delayed the public announcement of the vaccine until the day after the election so that he could deny President Trump the win. And now it turns out the efficacy after six months is less than 70%. And now we know Pfizer is funding the very politicians demanding mandates.
Phuck him.
Sorry for not being directly related but ... Can someone point me to the post with the Twitter post collage of that mom (EmilyJo) who posted proud and "thankful" when her 13 yr old son was vaccinated ... only to have him end up with myocarditis. It was one picture that had a collage of many tweets in one frame going from May to Aug showing EmilyJo's transformation. It was either here or on Alex Berenson's substack that I saw the picture/story I believe. Want my wife to see that picture of the collage so I can help keep her from wanting to have our kids vaccinated ... sorry to ask here but I looked through posts for over 30 minutes and can't locate it yet. Please help if you can. Thanks. Coach T
The collage was in S. Kirsch's recent presentation.
Thank you.
Here's a link. I DDG'd her Twitter handle https://www.newswars.com/moms-twitter-timeline-shows-transformation-from-pro-vax-to-pro-informed-consent-following-teen-sons-vaccine-injury/
Thanks, that is the story I was referring to exactly! Someone had put together a collage of the tweets from that story - it was all in one frame. I usually snap pictures with my cellphone of things like that as a memory (weird "scrapbook" I know :-) I also keep these photos of evidence of things and as "ammunition" to make certain points. The one picture collage of the tweets was so succinct and powerful, shareable and showable to make a point or defend oneself ... it was so much better than trying to get someone to scroll through a long thread. That was the genius and the power of the collage putting all of the tweets into one compact photo space. I thought I saw it (the condensed photo) either here, Alex Berenson or maybe at Rounding the Earth (Mathew Crawford). Back to the hunt ... and THANKS again for responding!!!
It would be nice if he specified what he is talking about. The word misinformation by itself is meaningless.
Cool. You get to decide who criminals are. That makes sense.
Let's get down to brass tacks. What would you like to do to me? Please let me know who you're sending to do it, and when.